Habitat Builder Newsletter - June 2009

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A publication of San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity

June/July 2009

photo by Randy Schenk

photo by Linda Hammes

photo by Randy Schenk

A Very Special Need Having a place to truly call “home� is something most of us take for granted. These families can take nothing for granted. They have had to worry about safety for their handicapped sons in substandard living conditions, and they have constantly faced the possibility of having to move into another rental where caring for their special needs sons would be even more difficult. We are honored to be able to support these families through homeownership and adequate accommodations for accessibility to their homes--but we need your help to build the unanticipated, but essential, lifts as well as bathroom accommodations for wheelchairs. You can help these families and their special needs sons by designating your next SGV Habitat for Humanity gift for the Kenwood accommodations.

Donations can be made in any of these convenient ways: On-line at www.sgvhabitat.org By phone call to Sayaka Ota, Accountant, at 626-387-6899 x14. In the return envelope in this newsletter issue Thank you for your generous response to this urgent need.

photo by Chris Bertrand

For the first time in San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity’s 19-year history, we have the opportunity to build homes with and for two families who have profoundly handicapped sons. By coincidence, both of these boys, one age fourteen and the other age three, have hydrocephalus. Both are unable to walk and need constant care. As these children are in wheelchairs, they require a lift to get them to the second story of their new homes where the bedrooms are, as well as a lift to get them from the garage to the ground level. These families will live side-by-side so they can share both lifts. To help these families with access to their homes for their sons, we are making necessary modifications to the two units they will soon call home. The total cost for the needed accommodations is $61, 261.

See Volunteer Thank You .....page 4 1

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