Shaarey Zedek
77 r 57 - Iya Nisa n
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Celebrating Community and Culture
Relational Judaism:
Building a culture of
Dr. Ron Wolfson April 28-30
See Inside Back Cover
Messages from
Rabbi Alan Green...............................5 Lorne Weiss, President........................6 Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Education and Engagement Director................7 Message from Sisterhood...................8
B’nai Mitzvah.....................................4 Sisterhood Gift Shop...........................8 Tributes.............................................10 In Memoriam....................................13 Programs/Services................... 9,16-20 Photo Gallery 3, 14 Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6 t 204 452 3711 f 204 474 1184 CANADA POST PUBLICATION #40019561
Passover Assistance Ma’ot Chitim “Let all who are hungry, come and eat.” (HAGGADAH) Help everyone enjoy Passover. To donate contact JCFS Office at
or go to our website
Medieval Purim Party
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Photos by Elaine Halpert
Sponsored by Congregation Shaarey Zedek, and Canadian Friends of Hebrew University - Manitoba Chapter
Check out all the photos at
B’Nai Mitzvah Annie Shindleman
May 6, 2017 9:00 AM Shabbat morning Daughter of Sandy and Diane Shindleman
Benjamin Rossen
May 20, 2017 10:00 AM Shabbat morning Son of Michael and Michelle Rossen
Sarah Rossen
May 20, 2017 10:00 AM Shabbat morning Daughter of Michael and Michelle Rossen
Abbie Shenkarow
Happy Pesach
May 27, 2017 10:00 AM Shabbat morning Daughter of Morris and Rana Shenkarow
GoSafe Mobile Help Pendant SZWinnipeg ShaareyZedekWinnipeg
The freedom to go where you want, when you want. Call to find out more! (204) 956-6777
Sign up for Updates by Email 4
PESACH: A CONFLICT FOR THE AGES MESSAGE FROM RABBI ALAN GREEN The gods of Egypt were varied and numerous—about 2,000 altogether—with different degrees of power. Of these 2,000, ten were worshipped as major deities. Those ten were the gods confronted and defeated by a series of plagues that were anything but arbitrary. As chief of all the deities of Egypt, Pharaoh could not have failed to recognize that each of the Ten Plagues was intended to discredit and humiliate each of the top ten major Egyptian gods. God makes this explicit in Exodus 12:12: “For I will pass through the land of Egypt…and against the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgment…” So let’s take a few moments to match plagues with Egyptian deities. This should present a clear picture of the full extent of the victory of God and Moses over Pharaoh and the Egyptian pantheon: 1. Blood – The Egyptian god Hopi was the spirit of the Nile River. The Nile itself was worshipped by the Egyptians, as it watered their crops, fertilized their soil, and provided nourishment through fishing. Thus the first plague: “The fish in the river died, the river stank, and the Egyptians couldn’t drink its water. So there was blood throughout the land of Egypt” (Exodus 7:21). 2. Frogs – Frogs were the symbol of Heket—goddess of fertility—and it was strictly forbidden for Egyptians to kill them. The plague of frogs was a case of fertility run wild. The Egyptians gathered the dead frogs together in heaps. This time, it was the land that stank (Exodus 8:14). 3. Gnats – Geb was the god who blessed the soil, and its power to produce good crops. Moses initiated this plague by striking the ground with his staff. Each grain of soil was transformed into a stinging gnat, crawling into the eyes and noses of the Egyptians and their animals. The soil became a curse, rather than a blessing (Exodus 8:16-18). 4. Flies – the god Khepfi was charged with the control of insects. But he was powerless to control the swarms of flies that covered the land and the people of Egypt in this fourth plague (Exodus 8: 21-24). 5. Cattle Disease – Apis was the god who protected the cattle of Egypt—which were considered sacred—but he was unable to save them, as the Egyptian livestock died by the thousands (Exodus 9:3-6). 6. Boils – Sehkmet was the goddess of health, but she was worthless in the fight against the boils that broke out en masse among the Egyptian population (Exodus 9:9-11).
204 452 3711
7. Hail – Nut, the goddess of good weather, was humiliated as giant hailstones pelted the land of Egypt, destroying animals and crops in the process (Exodus 9:23-25). 8. Locusts – Seth, the god of good crops, was silent as millions of locusts descended on the land, destroying whatever vegetation might have been left over from the previous devastations (Exodus 10:12-15). 9. Darkness – The three-day plague of darkness was a dramatic defeat for Egypt’s second most powerful god, Ra— the sun god—who the Egyptians believed to be infallible and indestructible, but who was proved to be both fallible and destructible in this ninth plague. 10. Death of the First-Born – The final plague was a direct attack on Pharaoh – the god of gods – through his own firstborn son. Like the other plagues, the death of the first-born devastated all of Egypt. But it was a blow most keenly felt by Pharaoh, as his first-born son was expected to step into the role of supreme god after Pharaoh moved on to the Afterlife. Clearly, this wasn’t something that was supposed to happen to a supreme deity or to his children. The Passover story remains fresh and alive, even thousands of years after the events it describes. This is because Egypt, the Israelite slaves, Moses, Pharaoh, and the plagues are much more than dry historical facts. The conflict of the ages goes on. Each of us must deal with these realities, every day of our lives. Every day, we’re forced to confront our inner Pharaoh, who sets up obstacles to progress. Every day, we must connect with our inner Moses, providing we wish to move forward. Some days, we’re forced to deal with plagues, as we sometimes unwittingly step into the role of being a Pharaoh. And every day, ideally, we take another step out of Egypt, and move a little closer to the goal of all life: the Promised Land of our dreams. Wishing you a Chag Sameach V’Kasher,
Photo credit: Elaine Halpert
Properly understood, the story of the Ten Plagues is as exciting as any boxing, wrestling, or mixed martial arts match. Who are the antagonists? On one level, it’s Moses and Aaron vs. Pharaoh. On another, it’s a cosmic battle between the God of Israel and the gods of Egypt. We already know Who wins in the end. But the story of how we got there tells a remarkable tale a conflict for the ages.
LORNE WEISS PRESIDENT A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of sitting on the bimah during our Sisterhood Shabbat. Having this opportunity to sit where all “the action” was taking place, I was consistently impressed with the skill and commitment of those who participated, which I am sure reflected the many hours that went into learning and preparation. During that time, I had an opportunity to reflect on the impact of a couragous decision taken some 50 years ago by our leaders and our congregants for Shaarey Zedek to become an egalitarian congregation; a bold move for a Conservative congregation of that era. I wondered where we would be today if we hadn’t. I can’t imagine our shul today without the important participation that we enjoy on a daily basis from the female members of our community. That decision, and the many that have followed over the years, reflected a consistent theme of ensuring that our Shaarey Zedek had the flexibility to be sensitive to the changing needs of our community and the courage to act on them. I am confident that our current team of clergy, administration, and volunteer leaders has the talent and vision to continue
the process of ensuring that the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue is Relevant, Engaging and Flexible, allowing us to grow with our community. On that note, stay tuned for further announcements that will ensure that Shaarey Zedek continues to be relevant to the needs of our members and the Winnipeg Jewish Community. Sincerely,
Weekly Wisdom Video Messages Every Thursday in your Inbox and on Never miss it - sign up today!
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It seems that the frenzied countdown to Passover has begun! In fact, the day after Purim, my mind was already preparing for the “spring-cleaning” that usually precedes the Seder night. As much as Rosh Hashanah is a time to take stock, Passover forces us to confront our to-do list. Although many people dread Passover cleaning, it forces us to deal with the things that pile up in our interior space and hold us back from entering into the new season and a new chapter in our lives. I have found that in years when I have taken the time to get rid of the chametz and to literally shed the things that clutter my life, I am actually able to focus on the opportunity for renewal that Passover offers us. Many how-to books deal with the trendy topic of decluttering but let us not forget that our tradition has been encouraging us to do this since the day we left the land of Egypt! We left behind us the slavery of building the Pyramids for the Pharaohs, and found freedom in constructing a land and aspirations of our own. This Passover season and our exciting Scholar-in-Residence weekend will enable us to continue on the exciting journey that we have undertaken together to build our own destiny as a congregation! Here are some of the inspiring programs to watch for this spring: I invite you to come out to our Passover Lunch and Learn featuring, Rabbi Green and Steven Moscovitch on Freeing Your Inner Pharaoh: Decluttering Your Mind and Environment. This program will offer participants the opportunity to enjoy a delicious buffet lunch and partake in a discussion about how the mental and physical Passover preparation empowers us to take control of the things that weigh us down and prevent us from achieving our aspirations. Our upcoming Scholar-in-Residence weekend, featuring Dr. Ron Wolfson, will further guide us to focus on the things that really count in our quest to build a bright future for our congregation and community. Dr. Wolfson will facilitate a process to shift our focus from the synagogue model based solely on the goods and services it provides to a synagogue community built on relationships, belonging, and mutual support. As he writes in his book on Relational Judaism: “The Goal of Jewish Institutions is not self-preservation; it is to engage Jews with Judaism. It’s not about gaining more members; it’s gaining more Jews. It’s about people not programs. It’s about deep relationships not fee-forservice transactions.”
Don’t wait to sign up for these meaningful opportunities to engage and grow! We are always looking for volunteers to contribute their energy and expertise and welcome your contribution. Please feel free to contact me at 204-975-3489 or for more information about how you can get involved. Happy Passover to you all!
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204 452 3711
Torah Fund
By now you should have received your invitation to the Sisterhood’s annual TEA-LESS TEA.
The Tea-Less tea money goes to Torah Fund in support of the five Seminaries around the world.
P’RI YADEHAH which means “the fruit of her hands” and is a phrase from Eishet Chayill
This year the campaign is in the Book of Proverbs (31.31)
To commemorate the 100th year of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and the 75th year of the Torah Fund Campaign, we celebrate women’s achievements through creativity - the fruit of her hands- in the family, workplace, home synagogue and community. Women dedicate their lives as volunteers, as leaders in the Jewish and secular worlds, as scholars, scientists, artists, business leaders and more. The wheat branch featured in the 2017 pin/pendant signifies the sustenance we wish for all our family and friends, and the olive branch represents our prayers for peace. The Torah Fund campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism helps strengthen Conservative/Masorti Judaism through its integral support of five Conservative/Masorti seminaries around the world.
Ways to donate: Sisterhood Torah Fund Cards – Purchase cards to send to family and friends on a
Receive the 5777 pin as our gift to you in recognition of your generous support
simcha, holiday or in memoriam. Available at the synagogue office in a variety of styles at a cost of $5 each or $20 for 5.
Synagogue Tribute – Contact the synagogue office at 204-452-3711 to send a tribute card for $18. Please note that a portion of this money is withheld for synagogue administration costs.
Torah Fund Pin – Receive the Torah Fund pin for 5777 as our gift to you in recognition of your generous support of a minimum donation of $180. Please fill out the form that was mailed to you in March and send using the self-addressed envelope or contact us at or leave a message at the synagogue office by calling 204-452-3711.
Our Torah Fund campaign runs until May 15, 2017 We sincerely appreciate your donations.
A Note from the Gift Shop
Ongoing, year round, the Gift Shop is always there to provide your needs. We try to cover all necessities, but if you have any ideas or requests please let us know. Also, we are always looking for new volunteers and would love to have you join us. It doesn’t have to be on a regular schedule, a few hours every so often would be greatly appreciated. Please leave a message at 204-975-3487or email Hope to hear from you!
10 AM - 1 PM
Cash • Cheques
Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices.
About Professor Schafer Professor Schafer is Founding Director of the Centre for Professional & Applied Ethics, at the University of Manitoba. From 1985 – 2015 he was the Centre’s Director. Arthur Schafer is also a Full Professor in the Department of Philosophy & an Ethics Consultant for the Department of Child Health at the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. For ten years he was Head of the Section of BioMedical Ethics in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Manitoba. He has served as Visiting Scholar Green College, Oxford. Professor Schafer has received a number of awards & honours. He is a Canadian Commonwealth Scholar, Honorary Woodrow Wilson Scholar, a Canada Council Fellow. At the University of Manitoba he has received the Stanton Teaching Excellence Award, the Campbell Award for University Outreach, & the University Teaching Service Award for Teaching Excellence. Arthur Schafer has published widely in the fields of moral, social, & political philosophy. He is author of The Buck Stops Here: Reflections on moral responsibility, democratic accountability & military values, & co-editor of Ethics & Animal Experimentation. His curriculum vitae lists more than 80 scholarly articles & book chapters, covering a wide range of topics, with a special focus on issues in professional & bio-medical ethics, business & environmental ethics. He has made several hundred conference presentations in Canada & abroad, & has written dozens of newspaper articles for The Globe & Mail, The Toronto Star, The Medical Post, & The Sunday Times (London). Arthur Schafer has been a frequent guest on CBC radio & television, including many appearances on CBC radio’s The Current, Morningside & This Morning, As It Happens, Sunday Morning, Ideas, & Cross Country Check Up; & CBC television’s The National, The Journal, The National Magazine, & Newsworld. He has also appeared frequently on The Discovery Network’s “”, discussing ethical & value aspects of medicine, science & technology; & on the CTV, WTN, Global & Baton television networks.
204 452 3711
55th Annual Sisterhood Interfaith Luncheon
Has Canada Become a Nation of Cheats? Featuring Guest Speaker
Founding Director of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of Manitoba
Tue, May 16, Noon Menu: Vegetable Quiche with Strawberry, Mandarin, Dried Blueberry and Candied Pecan Salad with Raspberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette, Lemon Coconut Slice with Three Berry Sauce, Refreshments
$27 | Reserve by Wednesday, May 10 204 452 3711 Committee: Louise Raber (Chair), Susan Lipnowski and Shelley Ross
Jan 16 - Mar 15
Mina Engel and Rosie Engel Gordon in honour of their birthdays Sam and Shirley Kleiman in honour of Sam’s 90th birthday Sheldon Zamick in honour of his birthday
Rochelle Rubinstein Lillian Zentner
Happy Pesach!
HAVE BEEN SENT TO David and Lillian Friedman on Abby’s marriage Gary and Pamela Brooker Michael Gobuty on his induction into the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame Lorne and Louise Raber Art Maister and Kayla Gordon in honour of the birth of their granddaughter Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Edith Minuk in honour of her birthday Sam and Shirley Kleiman Brenda Odwak in honour of her birthday Hillel and Marlaina Sommer Bonnie Robinson in honour of her birthday Karen Vickar and Family Rob Swan on his special birthday Barb Neaman Denise Waldman in honour of her birthday Gary and Pamela Brooker Adrienne Katz Lorne and Louise Raber Eva Wiseman on her special birthday Zelda Elkin
HAVE BEEN SENT TO Rabbi Alan Green Debbie Pollock and Darrell and Benny Kreel Chazzan Aníbal Mass Debbie Pollock and Darrell and Benny Kreel Bill Weissmann Debbie Pollock and Darrell and Benny Kreel
500 - FIVE DONALD STREET WINNIPEG MANITOBA R3L 2T4 TEL: (204) 284-7060 FAX: (204) 284-7105
HAVE BEEN SENT TO Bill Weissmann Lorne Bellan and Bonnie Cham Abe and Toni Berenhaut Arthur Blank and Patti Cohen Lou and Marcia Cogan David and Nessie Greenberg Terry and Carole Gutkin Ken and Elyse Halprin Sam and Shirley Kleiman Bryan Klein and Susan Halprin Lorraine Reiner
Preston and Miriam Segal Berdina Shorten and Teddy Shorten Hillel and Marlaina Sommer and Family Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Steven Tritt and Sharon Goszer-Tritt Karen Vickar and Family
IN MEMORY OF Ettie Bebchuk Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Phillip Bell Debbie Pollock, Misha and Lynn Pollock and Benny Kreel Morris Berenhaut Abe and Toni Berenhaut Sarah Berkal Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman Beatrice Berman Larry and Rhoda Kussin Bernice Birnbach Morris and Eleanor Burke Lena Blankstein Marjorie Blankstein Albert Boxer Irene Boxer Meyrowitz and Family Thelma Bronstein Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Estelle Bubis Larry and Evelyn Hecht Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro Rose Muchnik and Family Maurene Cohen Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Harold and Elaine Charlat Martin and Linda Fingold Larry and Rhoda Kussin Joan Lloyd Kenny Cooperman Lorne and Louise Raber Sarah Cossoy Greg and Susan Clark Solomon Cossoy Greg and Susan Clark Bessie Craven Shelley Chochinov, and Paul, Harriet and Ellen Zaidman Charles Duboff Lillian Duboff Eva Duboff Lillian Duboff Nathan Duboff Lillian Duboff
Meyer Engel Mina Engel and Family Joseph Erlih Velmir and Branka Kon Rose Erlih-Zokich Velmir and Branka Kon Alexander Fages Mel and Arlene Fages Harry Fainstein Saul and Brenda Greenberg Pauline Fainstein Saul and Brenda Greenberg Benjamin Frankel Tillie Frankel Morris Gardner Sid and Harriet Rosenbaum Jerry Goldenberg Beth Goldenberg and Family Ronald Gutnik Bunny Gutnik Samuel Hochman Marcy Schwartz Irving Hyman Robert and Barbara Hyman Jocelyn Katz Lois Ackerman and Family Gary and Pamela Brooker Eric Bresler and Judy Klarman Martin and Pat Brody Max and Phyllis Brown Pat Charad Chuck and Joy Feldman Ruben and Phyllis Hatskin Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro Sam and Sandi Malamud Maureen Marsch Barb Neaman Perry Rose and Marlene Reiss Helen Roseman Preston and Miriam Segal Sydney Shore Jackie Stillwater Lawrence and Eddy Werier Philip Katz Esther Katz Fay-Lynn Katz Hilary Kaufman Lerner Barbara Kaufman Louise and Frances Keenberg Frank and Gail Spivak Mendel and Sabina Kimelman Sam and Edith Kimelman Sheldon Kohn Don and Sheila Katz, Steven, Michelle, Seth and Lev Kohn, Andrea and Solomon Kohn Max Koretz Brenlee Kemp
Alvin Kravetsky Daniel and Audrey Kravetsky Chayim Kravetsky Patti Morris Tammy Kravetsky Patti Morris Ken Kronson Arnie Cooper Maxine Cristall Martin and Linda Fingold Rick Shatsky Nathan Labman Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman Donald Levi Greg and Susan Clark Ida Levi Greg and Susan Clark Irving Levi Greg and Susan Clark Iser and Mary Levi Greg and Susan Clark Pinny Levi Greg and Susan Clark Shirley Lipkin Shelley Oman Rose Maister Art Maister and Kayla Gordon Abraham Malamud Mel and Arlene Fages Phyllis Malamud Mel and Arlene Fages Gerald Mandell Sheila Breen Neta Mann Tatiana Mann Brian Margolis Jill Atnikov and Family Fanny Merkel Shelley Chochinov Freda Merkel Shelley Chochinov Morris Merkel Shelley Chochinov Myer Mitchell Faith Cristall Irv Morris Rona Morris Luba Neaman Barb Neaman David Nepon Gertie Nepon Annie Newhouse Laura Richman Fred Ornstein Don and Sheila Katz, Steven, Michelle, Seth and Lev Kohn, Andrea and Solomon Kohn
Thora Ornstein Don and Sheila Katz, Steven, Michelle, Seth and Lev Kohn, Andrea and Solomon Kohn Pearl Palay Mark Bernstein Martin and Linda Fingold Sos Plattner Ethel Pierce David and Sheila Brodovsky Molly Pitsch Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Mimi Pollock Neil and Maxine Benditt Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Larry and Evelyn Hecht Phyllis Laveman Pearl Morantz Sos Plattner Gordon Pollock Lorne and Louise Raber Lorraine Reiner Morley Rypp Toby Sawyer Alex and Elaine Sommer Leon Stein and Edith Diner, Zach, Mickey and Lexie Jackie Stillwater Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Lewis and Freya Wasel Lorne and Paulette Weiss Lew Polsky Alvin Wire
Pessie Portnoy Lillian Duboff Ben Raber Sharon Allentuck Marilyn Raber Eva Ravvin Larry and Rhoda Kussin Max Reich Arthur and Evelyn Arkin Martin and Linda Fingold Morley Rypp Julius Wise David Richman David Eisenstat and Janice Richman-Eisenstat Morley Rosenbloom Gary and Pamela Brooker Lorne and Louise Raber Harry and Fay Rosenby Gerald and Susan Rosenby Malca Ross Joan Shnier Abraham and Lucy Rothstein Gerald and Susan Rosenby Lily Rubenstein Arnold and Beverly Zatser Sunny Schachter Marty and Roz Greenfeld Sam and Sandi Malamud Doug Skoog and Lillian Neaman ... continued on next page
ON E MOR E CANDLE Brings Light to Darkness Each Shoah (Holocaust) victim has a name. Some names have not been said out loud or said Kaddish for in over 75 years. One More Candle gives you the opportunity to adopt a memory so that a child murdered in the Shoah has someone to remember that they lived, giving light to the darkness by saying his or her name out loud, saying Kaddish, or by simply lighting just One More Candle every year. To adopt a memory, visit There is no charge. Donations made to OMC or Congregation Shaarey Zedek Yahrzeit Fund (204-452-3711) are greatly appreciated.
Honour a special simcha or memorialize a loved one with a personalized leaf or stone on the Tree of Life. Our new Tree is a signed, original work of art, carved bas-relief and cast in solid bronze. It has: • 4 Benefactor Root Stones (which are sold out) • 10 Major Contributor Stones ($1800 each) • 300 Alder Leaves ($200 each)
Lenore Hechter on her Special Birthday Frank and Sue Hechter and Family Laurie Shapiro on her Special Birthday from her loving friends Denise Waldman on her Special Birthday with love from her friends Arnold and Beverly Zatser on their 50th Wedding Anniversary Annette and Sherwin Shapiro
Donations start at $18 and can be gifted to a variety of funds.
204 452 3711 ... In Memory Of continued from last page Herb Schwartzman Sidney Schwartzman Ruth Shell David and Marli Lerner and Family Sydney Shnier Janie Shnier Harriet Shore Lorne and Paulette Weiss Victor Shore Esther Katz Rose Silverman Peter and Karen Leipsic Henry Smith Megan Halprin Julie Solomon Pearl Morantz Jackie Stillwater Edythe Steinberg Eric Ellis and Ruth Lehmann Helen Kahane Esther Stern John Michaels and Karen Stern Hilda Stern Terry and Carole Gutkin Richard Stillwater Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater
Norman Swedko Sid Ritter Gertrude Tessler Gloria Kohm Rubin Thau Michael Eleff and Chana Thau Samuel Trachtenberg Jerry and Rietta Floom Alec Vine Rita Vine Joseph Waisman Clare Whiteman Sylvia Wolfe Irene Boxer Meyrowitz and Family Joseph Zamick Sheldon and Florence Zamick Eva Zatser Arnold and Beverly Zatser
Mina Engel and Rosie Engel Gordon in celebration of their birthdays Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro in celebration of Laurie’s birthday Bonnie Robinson in celebration of her birthday Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood in celebration of 87 years of membership in Women’s League for Conservative Judaism Charles and Fanny Shore in memory of Max and Mollie Shore Bill and Alice Weissmann in celebration of their 43rd anniversary, Alice’s birthday, and Bill’s return to good health
Happy Pesach!
A % of our commission from the sale or purchase of your home will gladly be donated to the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue in your name
In Memoriam Renee Guindi
Beloved wife of Amado Levy and father of Silvia Levy (Adrian Lescano), Gustavo Levy (Adriana Spodek) and Sergio Levy (Adriana Vegh)
Pearl Palay
Beloved mother of Linda (Norman) Gold, Murray Palay (Ivy Kopstein), Michael (Kathy) Palay and Andrea (Noel) Solomon and a sister of Clarice Rayter and Sheila (Issie) Moscovitch
Allan Yamron
Beloved husband of Frances Held and a son of Israel Yamron and a brother of Barbara (Eric) Levi and Carol Yamron (Al Crocker) and son-in-law of Isser Held
Receive Funeral Notifications by Email Sign up: 204 975 3484
If you would like to send a
Condolence Card to the family,
please call 204-452-3711 or visit and click on the ‘donate’ button to fill out our online form.
Memorializing Your Loved Ones Memorials help us immortalize our loved ones and serve as a reminder to us, our community and to future generations. We have a number of memorial products that help perpetuate the legacy of your loved one. Contact us for more information about:
Memorial Plaque in the Chapel Interactive Yahrzeit Memorial Board Cemetery Park Bench Project Annual Yizkor Book Capital Donations and Dedications Enhanching a Kiddush for a Yahrzeit Yahrzeit Notifications and Donations For more information contact Estelle Raber 204 975 3484
Purim Carnival and Musical Puppet Show! Sunday, March 12, 2017
Sponsored by Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, and PJ Library
Photos by Robyn Shapiro
Check out all the photos at
Mon, Apr 10
Yom HaZikaron (5 Iyar)
Mon, May 1
Pesach Days 1 & 2 (15-16 Nisan)
Tue, Apr 11 Wed, Apr 12
Yom Haatzma’ut (6 Iyar)
Tue, May 2
Pesach C”M Days 3-6 (17-16 Nisan)
Thu, Apr 13 Sun, Apr 16
Lag B’Omer (18 Iyar)
Sun, May 14
Pesach Days 7 & 8 (21-22 Nisan)
Mon, Apr 17 Tue, Apr 18
Mother’s Day
Sun, May 14
YIZKOR Recited
Tue, Apr 18
Victoria Day
Mon, May 22
Good Friday
Fri, Apr 14
Yom Yerushalayim (28 Iyar)
Wed, May 24
Easter Sunday
Sun, Apr 16
Shavuot Day 1 (6 Sivan)
Wed, May 31
Yom Hashoah (28 Nisan)
Mon, Apr 24
Shavuot Day 2 (7 Sivan)
Thu, Jun 1
Erev Pesach (15 Nisan)
16 Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices.
Service with Keyboard 10 AM Kiddush: Noon, Torah L’Chayim: 12:45 PM
Minyan Services
Monday to Thursday 7:30 AM and 6:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM Saturday AM 10:00 AM Saturday PM 6:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM Canadian Holidays 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM
B’nai Nevi’im: Children of Prophets Chavurah
8 PM on Wednesday Apr 5, 26, May 24 Free | Walk-ins Welcome
Shabbat Family Service Led by Leslie Emery with
Chazzan Aníbal Mass on Keyboard
Instruments Stories • Puppets Interactive Kiddush
10:30 AM on
Apr 8 with PJ Library, Apr 22, May 6, 20
Bubbies, Zaidies & Bubbelehs
With Leslie Emery Ages 18mths to 3yrs
Wednesdays 9:30 AM
Ages 3+
Thursdays 1:00 PM
Crafts • Stories • Play • Learn • Fee
Sisterhood Book Club
Volunteer Night
6:30 PM on Apr 13 Package food for people in need
Led by Toni Berenhaut and Margaret Kellerman McCulloch
Tue, Apr 25, 7 PM 204 452 3711 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6
Relational Judaism:
welcom Building a culture of
April 28-30, 2017 @ Shaarey Zedek Shabbat Evening Apr 28
Sponsored by Sandor Guttmann 5:30 PM Kabbalat
Shabbat Alive Led by
Chazzan Aníbal Mass & Chazzan Sheini Matthew Leibl
6:30 PM Shabbat Dinner Chaired by Sisterhood
Adults $36, Members $30, University Students $18, Teens $18, Ages 2 to 12 $10, Under Age 2 Free. Menu:
Register for Friday & Saturday Night, & pay $36 for Saturday versus $50.
7:30 PM Children’s Program During Keynote 8:15 PM Dr
Wolfson Keynote Speech Envisioning the Relational Synagogue of the 21st Century Not Coming for Dinner? Join us at no cost for the keynote (Please register).
Register by Monday, April 24 204 452 3711
Shabbat Morning Apr 29
Sponsored by Gail Asper 10 AM Service led by
Rabbi Alan Green, Chazzan Aníbal Mass, & Chazzan Sheini Matthew Leibl on Keyboard.
D’Var Torah Dr. Wolfson 10 AM Crafts with Sveta Jewelry making with Sveta Tchernov plus games, & hang out with friends All ages. Registration encouraged.
10 AM Shabbat & Play Free Play Fun with Leslie Emery Fab Toys, Music, Puppet Show, & More Adult Accompaniment Required. All Ages. Registration encouraged.
Noon Enhanced
Kiddush 12:30 PM Torah L’Chayim Seven Questions You Get Asked in Heaven Dr. Wolfson
Dr. Ron Wolfson Scholar-in-Residence
Dr. Ron Wolfson is a visionary educator, inspirational speaker, & author of two seminal works: Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community and The Spirituality of Welcoming: How to Transform Your Congregation into a Sacred Community. He is also a professor at the Graduate Center for Jewish Education Sponsored in part by the at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles. Ron, has spent nearly three decades working towards bringing Rabbi Green Spiritual synagogues into the 21st Century. As the co-founder of Revitalization Fund Synagogue 3000 in 1995 along with Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman, he travelled coast to coast listening to congregants & clergy about what is most needed to help the modern Synagogue survive. Ron will share what he has learned 7:30 PM about engagement on his visit to Winnipeg as he guides us along our Plus Open Bar, Appetizers & Schmoozing to 8:30 PM journey to achieve our vision for a dynamic, thriving centre of Jewish life. 8:30 PM The Scholar-in-Residence program with Dr. Wolfson will feature five major events impacting 1,000+ people over 9:30 PM with Chazzan Anibal Mass the course of the weekend. There will be opportunities for professional & with Chazzan Sheini Matthew Leibl lay leader development, community and Kibbutz-style Singalong, Open Bar & Appetizers learning, & experiencing Shabbat & community through creative & Adults $50, University Students $18 | Register by Mon, Apr 24 engaging activities & events. This will include outreach to the Jewish DISCOUNT Register for Friday & Saturday Night, & pay community through a learning session $36 for Saturday versus $50. at the Gray Academy of Jewish Education & a Sunday leadership workshop for Communal organizations on Relational Engagement, Quality Service & Welcoming.
Saturday Evening Apr 29 Wine Tasting with Kenaston Wine Market
Dr Wolfson Keynote Best Boy in America Havdallah & Israeli Folk Music
Community Leadership Apr 30
10 AM Brunch & Workshop with Dr. Wolfson For Community Leaders, Lay Leaders, & Volunteers Exploring Relational Engagement & Quality Service Adults: $50, University & High School $18 Register by Mon, Apr 24
Committee Sharon Allentuck,
Patrick Elazar, Rena Secter Elbaze, Chuck Golfman, Uri Kraut, Susn Palmer, Judge Rocky Pollack, Sharon Segal, Cindy Singer, Rob Trachtenberg, Chris Yaren
10 Annual Yom Hashoah Commemorative Service est.1889
Shaarey Zedek
Celebrating Community and Culture
In Partnership With
Sun, Apr 23 at 7:00 PM Reading of the Megillat Hashoah,
to Commemorate the Six Million Jews Who Perished, Guest Readers: Mr. Artur Wilczynski, Head of Canada’s Delegation to Canada’s Delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and Ambassador of Canada to Norway Dr. Jody Perrun, Professor, University of Winnipeg: Antisemitism and the Holocaust Roberta Malam, Director of the Coast-to-Coast March of the Living Program
Sister Bernadette O’Reilly, Bat Kol TriDiocesan Committee
Lutheran Bishop Susan Johnson National Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Niigaanwewidam Sinclair, Department Head, Native Studies, University of Manitoba Ray Dirks,Curator, Mennonite Heritage Centre Gallery
Stanislao Carbone, Director of
Programs and Exhibits for the Jewish Heritage Centre and Vice-Consul of Italy for Manitoba Antonio (Tony) Tavares, Consultant, Diversity Education and International Languages Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment Branch MB Education and Training Sumera Sahar, Founder and Executive Member, Canadian Council of Muslim Women, Winnipeg
Amer Parwana, Sikh community, Juvenile Corrections, Manitoba Justice Jessica Senehi, Associate professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Manitoba, and Coordinator of the Dr. Philip Weiss Award for Storytelling for Peace and Human Rights Major Ray Harris, Salvation Army and Secretary of Manitoba Multifaith Council
Lighting of a 7th candle in memory of the Roma and Sinti singled out for genocide and the countless other victims of the Nazis and their collaborators, among them:
Buffet Pesach Lunch Thu, Apr 13, Noon
Noon – Buffet Lunch Meat and Vegetarian Options 12:45 PM Optional Learning Session Freeing Your Inner Pharaoh:
Decluttering Your Spiritual and Physical World with Rabbi Alan Green and Steven Moscovitch
the disabled, gay men, Soviet POWs, political opponents, Jehovah’s witnesses, some members of the Christian clergy and others with whom the Nazis found fault for various reasons.
Pesach Day 8 Tue, Apr 18 Minyan at 7:30 AM Yizkor is recited 9 AM
Alternate Recitation Sat, Apr 15 Minyan at 10:00 AM Yizkor recited 11:30 AM
$20 (Members $18), Children Ages 10 & Under $12 ($10 Members)
Reserve by Wednesday, April 5 Menu:
Congregational Second Seder with a N E W H A G G A D A H ! Tue, Apr 11, 5:30 PM Presenting our Annual Congregational Pesach Seder with Chazzan Anibal Mass and Rabbi Alan Green with keyboard accompaniment by Matthew Leibl, and participation by Dor Chadash Youth Choir. Gourmet Food and Kosher Wine Served. Adults and Teens: $50/M, $55/NM, Children: Ages 9-12: $25/M, $28/NM, Ages 6-8: $18/M, $21/NM, Ages 3-5: $12, $15/NM, Ages 2 and Under: Free
Reserve by Tuesday, April 4 | Vegetarian and Children’s Meal Options Available
Sell Your Chametz
204 452 3711 204 452 3711 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6