Shaarey Zedek
Celebrating Community and Culture
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13 ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES for FALL 2017! Check out the inside back cover for course information
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Mazel Tov
Rabbi Alan Green, Senior Rabbi.........3 Lorne Weiss, President........................4 Rabbi Matthew Leibl...........................7 Rabbi Anibal Mass.............................8 Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director.................11 Sisterhood.........................................12 Visual Culture at Shaarey Zedek......13 Amy Karlinsky
Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6
Mazel Tov...........................................2 B’nai Mitzvah.....................................6 Sisterhood Gift Shop.........................12 Tributes.............................................14 In Memoriam....................................19 Programs/Services...................... 20-24 Photo Gallery 5, 9, 10
t 204 452 3711 f 204 474 1184 www.szwinnipeg.ca hello@szwinnipeg.ca CANADA POST PUBLICATION #40019561
So, in preparing for the High Holy Day season of 5778, let us deeply appreciate the gift of our lives. Let us redouble our efforts to feel deeply, to think clearly, and to perceive compassionately; to be good, to do good, and to speak from a place of love and empathy; to do our part to relieve those who are oppressed, and to engage in the work of Tikun Olam. On the eve of Rosh Hashanah 1831, Rabbi Nathan of Breslau wrote the following to his son: “May the Almighty strengthen your heart, and move you on the great and fearful day which is approaching. Make it your purpose to renew yourself each day for good. Do not lose a day without a period of solitary meditation to contemplate your ultimate purpose. Snatch from each day as much study of Torah, prayer, and good deeds as you can from this passing shadow, this vanishing cloud, this vanity of vanities. Remember well: all our days are nothing. Yet on some level, everyone can snatch from them a piece of eternity.” Life is so much more than a competition to accumulate the most ornate possessions. So, let’s not wait until the universe has to remind us. The time to wake up, is right now. Wishing you and your families a beautiful New Year of Life,
Erev Rosh Hashanah (29 Elul) Rosh Hashanah (1-2 Tishrei) Fast of Gedalyah (4 Tishrei) Kol Nidre (9 Tishrei) Yom Kippur (Yizkor) (10 Tishrei) Erev Sukkot (14 Tishrei) Sukkot (14-15 Tishrei) Sukkot C”M (16-21 Tishrei) Thanksgiving Hashanah Rabah (21 Tishrei) Sh’mini Atzeret (Yizkor) (22 Tishrei) Simchat Torah (23 Tishrei)
Wed, Sep 20 Thu, Sep 21 - Fri, Sep 22 Sun, Sep 24 Fri, Sep 29 Sat, Sep 30 Wed, Oct 4 Thu, Oct 5 Fri, Oct 6 Sat, Oct 7 Tue, Oct 10 Mon, Oct 9 Wed, Oct 11 Thu, Oct 12 Fri, Oct 13
Certainly, there are early warning signals. The ninth day of the month of Av signals the onset of the seven Sabbaths of Consolation that lead up to Rosh Hashanah. The preceding month of Elul – the month of “I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine”– also gives its warning to examine our relationships to God, to self, and others since the quality of our lives is a direct reflection of the quality of these relationships. Also, during the month of Elul and on Rosh Hashanah itself, there is the supreme warning signal: the sound of the Shofar – the ancient police siren of the Creator which says, without uttering a single word, “Time to wake up!” As the medieval philosopher-physician-rabbi Maimonides puts it (Laws of Repentance, 3:4), “Despite the fact that the blowing of the ram’s horn is an explicit decree in Scripture, it is also an allusion, as if to say: Awake, you sleepers! Awake from your sleep! Search your deeds, and turn in Teshuvah. Remember your Creator, O you who forget Truth in the fads of time, and go astray after folly that can neither profit nor save. Look to your souls. Better your ways and actions. Let everyone abandon their evil way and wicked thought, which are not good.” Sooner or later, we all wake up to the fact that we live a kind of dream reality, in a kind of sleep consciousness. Ideally, we’re able to rouse ourselves from this dream – the dream that our social status, or buying power, or where we live, or who we know, can provide lasting fulfillment. However, if we can’t wake up from our side, inevitably the universe will intervene. It’s usually a rude awakening, hastened by the onset of danger, illness, or even death. I’ve often said that we are like fish in the ocean – oblivious to the fact that we swim, breathe, and live in that ocean. Only when a fish gets caught, does it begin to grasp the reality of the ocean. Similarly, we human beings. We’re oblivious to the fact that we move, breath, and live in an ocean of Divinity. Only when we’re caught up in trying circumstances, do we awaken to a deeper life orientation – when we’ll say without even thinking about it: “Oh God!” There are no atheists in fox holes. In this vein, Rebbe Nachman of Breslau taught: “Let everyone cry out to God, and lift up their heart to Him, as if they were hanging by a hair, and a tempest were raging to the very heart of heaven, so that they know not what to do, and they had no more time to cry out... One should do this at all times, for a person is in great danger in this world.” It’s an uncomfortable thought, but a supremely realistic one. We’re far from being the masters of destiny we often feel ourselves to be. The truth is, a Sword of Damocles hangs above every head, and that sword can fall at any moment. A fish in the ocean can be caught at any time, and so can we human beings.
Photo credit: Elaine Halpert
It’s often said that the High Holy Days sometimes come early, and sometimes come late. But in actual point of fact the High Holy Days always come on time, all the time. The question is: Are we ready for the High Holy Days when they arrive?
LORNE WEISS PRESIDENT How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? - Dr. Seuss I’m sure that many of us are having these same thoughts, although, perhaps not in the same words as Dr. Seuss, as we see the High Holy Days rapidly approaching. In the past year the time has certainly ‘flewn’ at the Shaarey Zedek. In the few short months since my term as president began last December, I have witnessed the steady growth in attendance at our Shabbat services. Our new format and an engaging clergy team have resulted in more inquiries and bookings for B’nai Mitzvah. We listened to Ron Wolfson, our Scholarin-Residence this past spring, talk about making our shul welcoming and engaging and we learned that it isn’t a major single change but a number of small ones that have the lasting and desired effect. We have begun that process now and hopefully it will never end as we strive to create that culture of accessibility and welcoming.
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From what I can see, 5778 promises to provide the same excitement as 5777. The first weekend of November we will celebrate the installation of Rabbi Aníbal Mass and Rabbi Matthew Leibl with a Shabbat dinner Friday night and a special service on Shabbat morning. We are pleased to announce that our Scholar-in-Residence for that weekend will be Rabbi Steven Blane of the Jewish Spiritual Leadership Institute. The third weekend in April 2018 is the date when we will honour Rabbi Alan Green on the occasion of his retirement and for his service and leadership to Congregation Shaarey Zedek and the Winnipeg Jewish community. I know that all three of these special individuals have touched the lives of many of you or your loved ones in meaningful ways. A sponsorship of a part of either of these special weekends could be a meaningful way to say Yasher Koach and Todah Rabah. One of the comments we hear frequently from families wanting to celebrate simchot at the shul is that they enjoy our service and find it meaningful; they love our food but…. not so much the auditorium. We’ve recognized that it needs a bit of redecorating to make it a more inviting venue. Our House and Building Committee will be reviewing concept proposals from three design groups at the end of August to choose the final design and cost for Board approval. We anticipate that the remodeling will take place in December/January and available for life cycle events and Rabbi Green’s retirement dinner thereafter. This is also a wonderful opportunity to step forward in a sponsorship role reflecting your family’s connection to the Shaarey Zedek or the memory of a loved one. If any of these sponsorship opportunities are of interest to you, please contact either Ian Staniloff at the synagogue office at 204-975-3482, ian@szwinnipeg.ca, or me directly at president@szwinnipeg.ca. On behalf of the Weiss family, we wish you and your loved ones a 5778 of Peace, Health & Fulfillment. Shanah Tovah Umetukah, G’mar Hatima Tova,
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Sunday, June 4, 2017 Photos by Anton Shvets Our friends at the RadyJCC, Anakhnu and Chofshi Groups, welcomed Shaarey Zedek to ride on their float at Winnipeg’s 30th Annual Pride Festival Parade! Yasher Koach and Thank you!
Congregation Shaarey Zedek is an affirming synagogue
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B’Nai Mitzvah
Teddy Rubenstein
September 2, 2017 Shabbat morning 10:00 AM Son of Marla Billinghurst and Steven Rubenstein
Melanie Szpigiel
September 2, 2017 Saturday afternoon Daughter of Erica Dorfman and Guillermo Szpigiel
Klara Elbaze
September 9, 2017 Saturday afternoon Daughter of Daniel and Rena Elbaze
Madeline Tapper
October 7, 2017 Saturday afternoon Daughter of Dr. Jason Tapper and Susie Freedman Tapper
Jewish Educational Grant Pilot Project
To qualify, your project must: • have a strong Jewish educational component; • be innovative, creative, new, bold and exciting; • have a lasting impact on the Jewish and/or general community in Manitoba; and • have never been attempted due to the unavailability of funding for such a venture.
Rachel Kraut
October 14, 2017 Saturday afternoon Daughter of Uri and Jane Kraut
Anna Koplovich
October 21, 2017 Saturday afternoon Daughter of Jeff and Heather Koplovich
Benjamin Szwajcer
October 28, 2017 Saturday afternoon Son of David and Andrea Szwajcer
Sydney Kay
November 18, 2017 Shabbat morning 10:00 AM Daughter of Benjamin and Alisa Kay
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Up to $35,000 If you are submitting a proposal, you must declare your intent by January 15, 2018.
February 15, 2018
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The funny thing – the catch – is that as familiar as most people are with Jonah and the Whale, they are just as unfamiliar with the part of the story that happens after the whale. And that’s actually the best part of the story. Jonah is always on my mind this time of year as we make our way into the fall and slowly get reeled in by Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur because we’ll be reading his whole book – all four chapters – on the afternoon of Yom Kippur as the Haftarah at Minchah. The Talmud specifically prescribes Jonah to be the Haftarah for the afternoon of Yom Kippur, but it doesn’t say why. Some folks say it’s because the people of Nineveh, who repent and turn away from their evil ways after Jonah warns them, are the perfect model for our own t’shuvah and kavanah on the Day of Atonement. Others say because it’s a story of divine forgiveness from sin and just the right dose of encouragement in the late hours of the fast on Yom Kippur. But those people would be wrong! Well, not wrong, but not totally right. The answer has to do with that part of the Jonah story no one really knows as well. The part after the whale. Jonah gives up trying to run from God and goes to Nineveh. He makes this big announcement that the city is doomed for destruction in forty days and all the people freak out. They put on sackcloth, sit in ashes, and immediately start praying to God for forgiveness. And, wouldn’t you know it, God forgives them and spares the city from destruction. But Jonah is not happy. In fact, he’s the opposite of happy. He walks to the outskirts of town and throws a tantrum, complaining to God that he’s lost all credibility as a prophet because Nineveh is still standing. So, God creates a kikayon (a “ricinus plant,” or “gourd,” depending on the translation) that grows over Jonah’s head and gives him shade. Jonah becomes totally relaxed and calm in the shade of the kikayon until the next day when God sends a worm to attack and kill the kikayon. After that, Jonah gets so depressed he begs to die. Here’s where God delivers the ultimate mic drop. God scolds Jonah and ends his book with a profound and sharply worded question that Jonah doesn’t even get to attempt to answer. (Sorry, but you have to come to shul or at least crack open a Tanakh if you want to find the actual speech.) Not only does the light bulb go off for Jonah at that moment (we can only assume), it also goes off for us. We don’t read this story on Yom Kippur because we need to emulate the people of Nineveh. We read it because we are Jonah.
204 452 3711
The guy who ran from his problems. Who only cared about himself and just wanted to be right, no matter what the cost. Whose priorities were so far out of whack he cared more about a stupid plant than the fate of thousands of people. A guy in desperate need of some perspective. We read about Jonah in the waning hours of Yom Kippur because it’s our last chance to check ourselves before we… well…wreck ourselves. In the past year have we been a little too much like Jonah than we’d like to admit? Jonah and the Kikayon. It just doesn’t have the same ring as Jonah and the Whale. But it’s the part of the story really worth remembering.
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Photo credit: Elaine Halpert
You would probably say whale, right? Most people would. They just go together. Peanut butter and…jam. Shampoo and…conditioner. Jonah and… the whale. It’s pretty cool how familiar so many people are with that part of Jonah’s story. It’s practically common knowledge that Jonah gets swallowed by a whale. (Important point: In the book, Jonah is actually swallowed by a dag gadol – a big fish – but whether it’s a big fish or a whale doesn’t really matter to us here so we can overlook it.)
Photo credit: Elaine Halpert
A Rabbi waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him. Finally, the attendant motioned the Rabbi toward a vacant pump. “I’m so sorry about the delay”, said the young man. “It seems as if everyone waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip.” The Rabbi giggled, “I know what you mean. It’s the same in my business.” We are a few weeks away from the High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur), and although the spirit of this holiday starts to manifest during the month of Elul (last month of the Jewish year), this is the time when hundreds of families start planning what kind of service they want to experience. Meanwhile, at Congregation Shaarey Zedek, we are working hard to be sure that these High Holy Days will offer an unforgettable experience - reflecting our vision to provide a service that is vibrant, fun, exciting and full of life. When I grew up in Argentina (and from what I was told, the same thing happened here in Winnipeg), High Holy Day services were a time of year where people would pack the synagogues only to find themselves blamed for not coming the rest of the year, to be censored for not being able to guarantee the continuity of the Jewish people, to be rebuked for not giving their children a proper Jewish education, etc.
Shanah Tovah New!
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A “good Rabbi” was the one who was able to make people feel guilty. You could see people coming in with a smile on their faces and going home without that same smile. I assure you, we are not going to do that! We believe most people are already stressed, discouraged by life challenges and feeling guilty enough - they don’t need to come to a place to be judged and criticized. We want you to come to Shaarey Zedek to listen to a message that will simply motivate you to keep moving forward, to find encouragement in Jewish teachings to inspire you, to lift you up. We want to help you recognize that the 5778 could be a new beginning in your life, where you can let go of the old and get ready for a new year with new opportunities to grow and improve. This year’s service will take you to a whole new level of positivity. As you might have heard, over the last couple of years we have made some important changes. For starters, you will find exciting liturgy enhanced by the Shaarey Zedek Quartet conducted by Justin Odwak and stimulating messages from Rabbi Green, Rabbi Leibl and myself. The services now run for no more than two and a half hours. We designed and produced new Machzorim (prayer books) with transliterations for every prayer, together with a modern English translation and insights, explanations and meditations to expand your prayer experience. The Torah Service now includes a “play-by-play” commentary by Rabbi Leibl so you can understand and relate to what is read from the Bimah (raised platform in the synagogue) instead of being a passive listener. We are presenting once again a Family Service oriented to families with young children, conducted by Leslie Emery. Interestingly, we are not really “changing” the services, but simply adapting the way to communicate a millenary message in a modern, more exciting and meaningful way. As one might say, we are changing the outside of the package, not the contents. I’m looking forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you and your family and hope to have the opportunity to wish you a “Happy New Year” in person. Shanah Tovah!
Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices. www.szwinnipeg.ca
23rd Annual Commemoration
Tuesday, July 18, 2017, Berney Theatre
Brought to you by the Argentinean Manitoban Association, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, B’nai Brith Canada, League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada, and Congregation Shaarey Zedek Photos by Jorge Szpajzer and Euguenia Druyet
20-30s Havdallah and Bonfire
Saturday, June 24, 2017 Photos by Daniel Elbaze
10 Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices. www.szwinnipeg.ca
Some organizations wind down after Shavuot as they move into the lazy hazy days of summer but at Congregation Shaarey Zedek, the late spring and summer season has been anything but slow! Aside from the very intense preparation and promotion of the High Holy Days, we have been actively building our “Sacred Community” as our spring ScholarIn-Residence, Dr. Ron Wolfson, coins it. This is a community based on relationships and small “affinity” groups with common interests or demographics. Although excellence in programming and customer service are key to our success as a congregation, relationships are what will transform us into a Kehillah or “Sacred Community”. To that end, we have been building a group for young adults. Our goal is to empower them to experience Judaism and Jewish community in a meaningful way, their way. This year, we hosted a 20’s-30’s Chanukah Party, an 18+ Megillah Reading & Medieval Purim, two Havdallah & Bonfire gatherings over the course of the summer, along with a Barbecue and Pool Party at the home of Rabbi Mass. The group has 20+ active members who come out to meetings, monthly Shabbat services and other programs including our Erev Tisha B’Av program. An SZ 20-30’s Facebook page facilitates communication between the 60+ online members. This fall young adults will be able to gather every Thursday evening for Hamishi @ the Zedek. The program is a three part series of workshops and social activities that connects modern dilemmas, pop culture and professional life to ancient Jewish wisdom and provides a meeting place for this cohort on a weekly basis. We are also developing another group for networking and support for parents of B’nai Mitzvah kids. Over the course of the year, there will be a series of workshops and networking events called “The Wonder Years” to prepare for the opportunities and dynamism of the tweens’ first steps into the world of grown-ups. Both of these programs, designed to help foster relationships, are included in the Shaarey Zedek Adult Education Program starting this fall. Courses will be offered with a variety of demographic and interest groups in mind. THE SUNDAY MORNING SERIES will offer two options for learners. The first is the “Choosing Judaism” course running September to May, geared to those who are new to the Jewish faith and for Jews who wish to refresh their knowledge or learn something new. The second option offers a series of 3-6 week sessions including “The Reb Zalman Series” and “Walking the Bible” (Rabbi Green), and “Jewish History” (Arielle Branitsky). THE WEEKNIGHT SERIES will include interactive sessions and guest lecturers. Experience the mystery of “Kabbalah” this fall with our own Rabbi Green or engage in real case studies representing ethical dilemmas with Rabbi Mass’ “You Be the Judge”. Steven Moscovitch, an experienced therapist and certified International Focusing Institute practitioner, will introduce participants to the compassionate step by step process of deep inner listening called “Focusing” in his course “Lech Lecha: Go To Yourself”. Another exciting course offering, geared to community professionals, is “It’s All About
THE LUNCH AND LEARN SERIES will offer in-house learning sessions featuring Executive Chef, Joel Lafond’s gourmet lunches and off-site learning down Main Street at the Asper Campus with Rabbi Mass’ “Weapons of Mass Construction: Jewish Wisdom for a Modern World”. Rabbi Leibl will be offering custom sessions including delicious Shaarey Zedek catering in businesses and private venues by appointment. Contact me at synagogue office to find out more about hosting a learning session in your office or home 204-975-3488 or rena@szwinnipeg.ca. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS will focus on engaged or newlywed couples through a three part series “Now We Are One” while “The Real Women of Jewish Winnipeg” will offer women an opportunity to meet over a glass of wine and appetizers to discuss strategies for surviving and thriving within the challenges of modern living, inspired by Jewish wisdom. “The Wonder Years” which was referenced earlier in this article, is geared to the parents of adolescents. Plans for teen activities and seniors’ programming are also being discussed as we build our “Sacred Community”. As Tishrei, the first month in our Hebrew New Year, approaches, I wish you all a happy, sweet and successful new year and invite you to explore all of the exciting opportunities that the synagogue has to offer. Visit our 20-30’s and Adult Education Facebook pages and see what’s in it for you. Shanah Tovah!
Relationships” led by instructor Arielle Branitsky, Hillel Director and Outreach Consultant at Jewish Federation of Winnipeg. 1
wedding photography by Samanta Katz
Hamishi for the Hebrew Yom Hamishi, which means Thursday.
204 452 3711
SISTERHOOD all. WLCJ and our Sisterhoods are for women but not for the women of 50 years ago. We have so much more to learn and to offer Jewish women of all ages. In the upcoming year, Sisterhood will continue to put on the programs that have always existed but they may take on totally new looks. We owe it to the younger generation of our community to offer our expertise in programming and Some of our Sisterhood members, like Gloria Cantor, have organization. We hope to attract new members to become become so committed that they have taken a course at Willow enlightened and educated and, most of all, to have FUN!! Place to help the women and children who may spend a few The Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood has been part of Women’s days to weeks in their interim housing. League for Conservative Judaism for almost 90 years, and we It was thrilling to help Marcie load all the summer “goodies” are continuing to change with the times! into her car for the children to use when they played outside – At the Jewels in the Crown Luncheon at Convention on July everything from summer hats, to sidewalk chalk to children’s bug 25th, Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood was presented with a Jewel spray. The women who attended this event donated so much, in the Crown Award for its programming efforts over the past and it felt so VERY good! 3 years. Sandy Polanski and I wore our crowns proudly as we If this is something that interests you, leave a message for Gloria received the award. We were thrilled with the programs we either at the SZ office or at sisterhood@szwinnipeg.mb.ca. No presented that won this award, but we are looking ahead, and special skills necessary - only a desire to help! want our future programs to reflect what our woman want. We need to know what you want! A new beginning started in Arlington, VA on July 23, 2017. Sandy Polanski and I attended the Women’s League for Watch your inbox for a questionnaire – what are your Conservative Judaism’s Convention. This marked WLCJ’s strengths, what are your interests, where do you see yourself 100th Anniversary and Torah Fund’s 75th Anniversary! It was as an involved person, a member of Shaarey Zedek exhilarating to be with over 440 Jewish women from across Sisterhood 2017-2018? Also, watch for Laurie Shapiro’s North America to study, learn and celebrate. membership letter. Membership is still only $36, but larger amounts would be accepted graciously! We all agreed that Women’s League and the Sisterhoods affiliated with Women’s League have come a long way. We On behalf of Sandy Polanski, Thelma Sures and myself, Louise no longer discuss recipes nor do we focus on issues inside our Raber, I wish you all a wonderful and sweet New Year! Shanah homes. We welcomed numerous speakers, mostly women who Tovah Umetukah! discussed education, religion, and social justice that affects us
A Note from the Gift Shop
Ongoing, year round, the Gift Shop is always there to provide your needs. We try to cover all necessities, but if you have any ideas or requests please let us know. Also, we are always looking for new volunteers and would love to have you join us. It doesn’t have to be on a regular schedule, a few hours every so often would be greatly appreciated. Please leave a message at 204-975-3487or email sisterhood@szwinnipeg.ca.
10 AM - 1 PM
Cash • Cheques
Photo credit: Gloria Cantor
One year ends and a new one begins. On June 6, 2017, Sisterhood welcomed Marcie Wood, the Executive Director of Willow Place, to speak at our Wind-Up dinner. This tiny, soft spoken, young woman has dedicated years to an organization that helps women and their children leave abusive situations. This allows them to enter a safe haven at Willow Place where they are protected until they can move to a new home and re-enter the work force. Marcie spoke for almost an hour to a very quiet room filled with caring women. She spoke of her organization and how we as a group or as individuals could help.
As well as having an architecturally modern building, designed by Green Blankstein Russell (GBR), there have also been interior and exterior enhancements - beautiful etched glass, needleworks of the 12 Tribes, a large scaled Menorah to celebrate the festival of lights, and a stunning wall of objects which speaks to Jewish culture, history and more! Spirituality, art and good design go hand-in-hand and Hamsah can strengthen the harmony and unity in a building. Some of my personal favourites are the illuminated and colourful calligraphic documents outlining some of Shaarey Zedek’s early origins, and the wonderful needlepoints lovingly designed and crafted by the SZ Sisterhood that are currently installed in the upper lounge. In the past few years, House and Building has developed a collections policy. While many people who are down-sizing hope to find a new home for their cherished objects, not all works are appropriate for acceptance – given our lack of staff, specific mandate and limited storage. While we love art, we know our space is limited, and once works are accepted, they must be properly maintained, stored, exhibited and conserved. The role of visual culture at SZ is to enhance the collective mandate of the synagogue. The three areas of collections are: 1. Judaica, which are the contemporary and historic ritual objects for display and for use in the synagogue; 2. Contemporary works by professional artists relevant to Jewish life and which enhance contemporary synagogue experience; 3. Objects for use in programming by the education and outreach programs of the shul.
Sisterhood Book Club
905 Shaftesbury Blvd., Winnipeg
Call to arrange your personal tour.
Explore and discuss a new book at each meeting led by Toni Berenhaut and Margaret Kellerman McCulloch.
Tuesday, October 10, 7 PM The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem by Sarit Yishai Levi
The Shaarey Zedek is not explicitly an art collecting or exhibiting institution. Yet over the years, these gifts of beauty have enhanced our communal and individual experience. If you think you have a work or an object relevant to the SZ, please contact the office for more information. If you have seen the new Keith Levitt installation of photographs of the Jewish Toledo, or the contemporary mixed media work by Professor Leesa Streifler, then you probably already know about the Art at the Zedek program initiative. These two recent donations were part of earlier shows. Art at the Zedek exhibitions have utilized the wall space to feature artists whose work related to Jewish themes, values or ideas. Look for the work of Elena El and Candance Propp at two separate Art at the Zedek openings this fall!
The staff of Shaftesbury Park Retirement Residence wishes everyone a happy, healthy and sweet New Year. www.allseniorscare.com Proudly
Please register
Photo credit: Elaine Halpert
Over the years, the House and Building Committee, the Sisterhood, the Board, and individual members and philanthropists, have contributed to a rich collection of Jewish ritual objects such as Sefer Torahs, Torah mantles, Jewish educational items for use in programming, and visual art and archeological objects that reflect Jewish history, liturgy, ideas and values.
Tributes May 1 - Jul 31 ALIYAH CONTRIBUTIONS
Larry and Evelyn Hecht in honour of their special anniversary Gerry and Penny Kalef HAVE BEEN in honour of their special RECEIVED FROM anniversary and Gerry’s Lorne Bellan and Bonnie Cham birthday in honour of Bonnie’s birthday Richard and Shelley Ross Bernie and Bev Binder in honour of the birth of their in honour of Bernie’s special grandson, Shay Eddie Ross birthday Brent Schacter and Sora Ludwig Michael Eleff and Chana Thau in honour of Brent’s birthday in honour of their special Ray Singer and Barb Findlay anniversary in honour of Barb’s graduation Earl and Suzanne Golden with an MA in Theology in honour of their special anniversary Daniel and Ellen Hamburg in honour of their special anniversary
Shanah Tovah!
A % of our commission from the sale or purchase of your home will gladly be donated to the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue in your name
TODAH RABAH CONTRIBUTIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM Harold and June Black Sandra Gordon Jerry and Penny Kalef Lewis and Debra Stern Bonnie Talbot
HAVE BEEN SENT TO Lois Ackerman on her special birthday Mariette Bayer Max and Phyllis Brown Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw Ron and Ellie Rosenblat and Family Toby Sawyer Gnessie Vickar and Family Richard and Jackie Akman on the birth of their granddaughter Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Norman Bager on his special birthday Robert, Allison, Gavin and Steven Axelrod Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman on Josh’s marriage Saul and Brenda Greenberg Morley Bernstein on his recent bar mitzvah Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Bernie Binder on his special birthday Ed and Dianne Winters Pamela Brooker on her special birthday Phyllis Laveman Martin and Mira Buchwald on their special anniversary Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw
Judy Charach on her special birthday Mariette Bayer Bruce and Faith Cristall on their special anniversary Gerald and Susan Rosenby Neil Duboff on his special birthday Neil and Judy Charach Fay-Lynn Katz and Family Barb Findlay on graduating with an MA in Theology Carla Kehler Laurie and Lesley Goldberg on Rachel’s graduation from Dentistry Michael, Marilyn, Aviya, Eytan and Sheila Perl Ian and Elaine Goldstine on their special anniversary Arnold and Rose Popeski Rabbi Alan Green on being the honouree at the JNF Negev Gala Neil and Maxine Benditt Dee Buchwald Neil and Carol Duboff and Family Hartley and Rishona Hyman and Family Ellie Kives and Family Rose Muchnik Karen Vickar David Greenberg on his special birthday Maxine Cristall Saul and Brenda Greenberg on Jenna’s marriage Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman Tess Grosh on her special birthday Helen Roseman Halprin Family on the marriage of their granddaughter Dick and Minnie Bell David and Marisa Hochman on Lev becoming bar mitzvah Phyllis Laveman
Lev Hochman on becoming bar mitzvah Ed and Carol Portnoy Lorrie Kirshenbaum and Dianne Popeski on their marriage Dmitry and Linda Bugas and Family Rabbi Matthew Leibl on receiving S’michah Jay and Linni Averbach Robert, Allison, Gavin and Steven Axelrod Dick and Minnie Bell Dee Buchwald Morris and Eleanor Burke and Family Shelley Chochinov Neil and Carol Duboff and Family Eric Ellis and Ruth Lehmann Saul and Brenda Greenberg Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Frank and Sue Hechter and Family Isser Held and Family Esther Katz Ted and Harriet Lyons Tzivie Meyers Irv and Susan Micflikier Rose Muchnik Beverly Nord Rochelle Pincovich Sos Plattner Hart Poskar and Lara London Lorne and Louise Raber Lorraine Reiner Gerald, Susan and Stephen Rosenby Brent Schacter and Sora Ludwig Carol Woodward and Family Richard Yaffe and John Statham Harry and Rhonda Youell Lillian Zentner Stewart and Ellen Leibl on Matthew’s ordination Brent Schacter and Sora Ludwig Richard Yaffe and John Statham Clifford and Carol Levi on Jeremy’s graduation from Medical School Lorne and Louise Raber Jeremy Levi on his graduation from Medical School Belle Burke and Family Ted and Harriet Lyons on their special anniversary Sheldon and Louise Claman Neil and Carol Duboff and Family Scott and Riva McWilliam Arnold and Rose Popeski Perry and Sylvia Schulman Marvin and Faith Slutchuk Edith Zipursky
Art Maister on his special birthday Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Lexi Malkin on her special birthday Doug Skoog and Lillian Neaman Jerry Marcus on his special birthday Doug Skoog and Lillian Neaman Rabbi Aníbal Mass on receiving S’michah Jay and Linni Averbach Dick and Minnie Bell Dee Buchwald Morris and Eleanor Burke and Family Shelley Chochinov Neil and Carol Duboff and Family Eric Ellis and Ruth Lehmann Saul and Brenda Greenberg Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Frank and Sue Hechter and Family Isser Held and Family Ted and Harriet Lyons Irv and Susan Micflikier Rose Muchnik Beverly Nord Rochelle Pincovich Sos Plattner Hart Poskar and Lara London Lorraine Reiner Gerald, Susan and Stephen Rosenby Lorne and Louise Raber Brent Schacter and Sora Ludwig Richard Yaffe and John Statham Harry and Rhonda Youell Lillian Zentner Rabbi Aníbal Mass and Ashira Meyers Mass on their special anniversary Dick and Minnie Bell Lillian Zentner Jo-Anne Neaman on her special birthday Jerry and Dale Marcus Monte and Myrna Raber on their special anniversary Leah Weinberg Shelley Ross on her retirement Lillian Zentner Bernie and Sheila Rubenstein on Charlie becoming bat mitzvah Marty and Roz Greenfeld Toby Sawyer on her grandson’s marriage Dick and Minnie Bell
Sandy Tapper on Jody’s marriage Maureen Marsch Al and Bernice Walder on their special anniversary Lou and Ruth Billinkoff Audrey Weidman on her special birthday Buddy and Maxine Brownstone Barry and Sharon Weinstein on Courtney’s call to the Bar Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater
Lorne Weiss Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Phyllis Laveman Tzivie Meyers
William “Billy” Abrams Allan and Gloria Cantor Samuel and Goldie Ashkin Naomi Nurgitz and the CARDS OF Norman Direnfeld Testamentary Trust APPRECIATION HAVE BEEN SENT TO Ruth “Babs” Asper Gail Asper, Michael, Stephen Rabbi Alan Green and Jonathan Paterson Jay and Linni Averbach Rhona Bass Sandra Caplan and Family David and Marisa Hochman Erenberg Family Marty, Lisa and Jeremy Morantz and Family Shindleman Family Samson Bay Standil Family Avis Bay Antel and Francie A. Smith Chef Joel Lafond and Staff Shindleman Family Morley Bell Andrea Bell Rabbi Matthew Leibl Sandra Caplan and Family Manicha Berenhaut Marty and Roz Greenfeld Abe and Toni Berenhaut Shindleman Family Arthur Blankstein-Ure Rabbi Aníbal Mass Simone Cohen Scott Sandra Caplan and Family Cecil Blankstein Shindleman Family Marjorie Blankstein Ian Staniloff Ken Blankstein-Ure Marty and Roz Greenfeld Claire Blankstein Alice Weissmann Ken Blankstein-Ure Shindleman Family Evelyn Blankstein Ken Blankstein-Ure Bill Weissmann Sandra Caplan and Family Ida Blankstein Beverly Nord Ken Blankstein-Ure Daniel and Ellen Hamburg GET WELL Morley Blankstein WISHES Dan Blankstein and Sara Israels HAVE BEEN SENT TO Leo and Mary Blankstein and Family Robert Corne Marjorie Blankstein Maureen Marsch Max Blankstein Ken Blankstein-Ure Myra Frieman Barry and Carol McArton Gnessie Vickar Ben Blum Belva London Shelley Blum Maureen Marsch Joseph Brodsky Norman Odwak Greg and Sylvia Brodsky Jay and Linni Averbach Lorraine Reiner Matt Burke Alex and Elaine Sommer Morris and Eleanor Burke Marcia Secter Louis Cantin Martin and Linda Fingold Harvey Cantin Maureen Marsch ... continued on next page
... continued from CONTRIBUTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE IN MEMORY OF Section Barry Caplan Lorne and Jill Brandes Gary and Pamela Brooker and Family Miriam Brown Allan and Gloria Cantor Pat Charad Dan, Barbara and Tamar Cohen Simone Cohen Scott Earl and Suzanne Golden David and Barbara Goldenberg Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw Erwin and Arlis Grossman Frank Lavitt and Ahava Halpern Murray and Nancy Hollenberg Hartley and Rishona Hyman Gerry and Penny Kalef Esther Katz Reisa Libling Sam and Sandi Malamud Beverley Manishen and Family Dave Moskovic and Ruth Calof Syd and Gwen Nelko Rochelle Pincovich Donna Robbins Fred and Maureen Robinson Morley Rypp Marcia Schnoor Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Eric and Susan Vickar and Family Eve Vickar Patricia Cherniack Steven Schipper and Terri Cherniack
Florence Chochinov Earl and Ethel Chochinov Jack Chochinov Shelley Chochinov Rose Chochinov Shelley Chochinov Joseph Chula Larry and Glory Fleisher Sam Cohen Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Judith Dyck Myles and Joyce Rothman Faige Engel Mina Engel and Family Miriam Erenberg Jeffrey and Rayner Conway Florence Fages Mel and Arlene Fages Dorothy Fields Marilyn Fields Joyce Fingerote Harry and Rhonda Youell Brian Fleishman Janet Fleishman Elizabeth Fleishman Agnes Hechter Harold Fleishman Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Rochelle Blumenthal Gary and Pamela Brooker and Family Allan and Gloria Cantor Janet Fleishman Irv and Shirley Garfinkel Sandra Gelfant
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Brian and Ilene Gilbert Percy Goldberg Evelyn Gurvey Phyllis Hatskin Irving and Florence Katz Doug Skoog and Lillian Neaman Frank and Susanne Hechter Sos Plattner Ellen Roseman, Kenny and Lynn Morley Rypp Janie Shnier Morris and Dorys Silver Alex and Elaine Sommer Gerald and Sheila Stern Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Lawrence and Eddy Werier Earl and Anita Winestock Jacob Fleishman Toby Sawyer Mordechai Fox Mina Engel and Family Joseph Freiden Edith Landy Saul Garfinkel Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Percy Gess Lorraine Reiner and Family Sarah Ginsberg Morris and Eleanor Burke Lorne and Louise Raber and Harvey and Elaine Gamer Barbara Mae Gitlin Joel and Penny Shefrin Fanny Glass Matthew and Dianne Glass Jen Goldman Dick and Minnie Bell Morris and Dorys Silver Ike Greenfield Lorne and Louise Raber Gerald and Susan Rosenby Fanny Guttman Saul and Lolly Guttman William Halparin Lawrence Halparin and Family Cyril Hamwee Barbara Kaufman Bobby Handler Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Ruben “Rube” Hatskin Lillian Burke Kathy Gromer Naomi Mendelson Sos Plattner Toby Sawyer Rita Shapera Jacob Morris and Dorys Silver Irving Hechter Frank and Sue Hechter and Family Lenore Hechter
Gail Hyman Donald and Belva Gutkin Itzik and Anne Joudan Mindel Kagna Terri Kushner Philip Katz Hart Poskar and Lara London Lorraine Reiner Eric and Susan Vickar Richard Katz Gary and Pamela Brooker and Family David Kaufman Nora Kaufman Shannon Kemp Brenlee Kemp Max and Sara Kirshner Zena Minuk Louis Kliman Estelle Kliman Charles Klurfine Joan Little Betty Koretz Brenlee Kemp Myra Kravetsky Patti Morris Ben Kushner Michael Kushner and Monica Hirsch Gladys Kushner Michael Kushner and Monica Hirsch Lebovitch Family Toby Gutwilik Manuel Lecker Dick and Joanne Rothberg Arthur Lerner Michele Lerner Elizabeth Levant Sylvia Bronstein Celia Lipkin Jack and Debbie Lipkin Myra Lofchick Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Jacob Manishen Beverley Manishen Pearl Manishen Beverley Manishen Florence Manusow Manusow Family Sally Maslovsky Murray and Sharon Knazan George Meyers Barbara Meyers
Cecile Meyrowitz Janet Fleishman Bonnie Robinson Gerald, Susan and Stephen Rosenby Rachel Mindell Frank and Sue Hechter and Family Lenore Hechter James Mock Irv and Sandra Shore Marion Mozart Evelyn Gurvey Sylvia Nairn Norman and Elaine Silverberg Sally Nelko Hartley and Rishona Hyman Frances Nemy Nemy Family Morton Nemy Nemy Family Alexander Newhouse Laura Richman Michael Oman Harvey and Shelley Oman Pearl Palay Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Sydney Parks Paula Parks Trevor Paul Robert and Elaine Paul Sheila Perlmutter David Meyrowitz and Irene Boxer-Meyrowitz and Family Lorne and Louise Raber Shayneh Permack David and Shirley Permack Max Philozoph Bernie and Bev Binder Maurice “Mo� Pierce David and Sheila Brodovsky Harry Plattner Sos Plattner Irvin Plosker Morley Rypp Morris and Dorys Silver Harold Pollock Stewart and Ellen Leibl Arnice Pollock Norman Pollock Arnice Pollock Taub Portigal Frank and Gail Spivak Blumie Portnoy Dick and Minnie Bell Lorne and Jill Brandes Maxine Cristall
Percy Goldberg Hartley and Rishona Hyman Maureen Marsch Ethel Posen Lois Ackerman Rose Raber Lorne and Louise Raber and Harvey and Elaine Gamer Rose Rady Marjorie Blankstein Clara Rajesky Irwin and Hope Rajesky Frank Ratner Clare Whiteman Pearl Ratson Earl and Ethel Chochinov Sam Reich Lorraine Reiner and Family Sam Reiner Lorraine Reiner and Family Jennie Rich David and Mona Rich Earl Robinson Ettie and Bonnie Robinson Kerry Roitenberg Feiga Stern and Family Harry Rosenbaum Morley Rypp Charles Rosner David Rosner Irving Rossman Dale Rossman Marvin Rothstein Gerald and Susan Rosenby Rose Rypp Morley Rypp Enid Salita David and Hava Salita Martha Saper James Saper Leah Schechter Hinda Meltzer Talma Schachter Carole Medd Samuel and Fay Schicher Leo and Selma Shearer Betty Schwartz Abe and Toni Berenhaut Ruth Schwartz Ed and Linda Calnitsky Oscar and Malca Casiro Leon Serfaty Meir Serfaty James Shaen Florence Shaen Barry Shefrin Joel and Penny Shefrin
Bernard Shibou Earl and Carla Shibou Sophie Shibou Earl and Carla Shibou Sarah Shindleman Jack Shindleman Sophie Shindleman Goldstein Jack Shindleman Clara Shindleman Greenberg Jack Shindleman Abraham Silver Morris and Dorys Silver Harry Silverberg Nora Kaufman Hyman Oscar Singer Ray Singer and Barb Findlay Fanny Sisskind Stanley and Marcia Yaren Barney Sneiderman Carla Shapiro David Spivak Frank and Gail Spivak Malick Spivak Frank and Gail Spivak Sidney Spivak Frank and Gail Spivak Sam Steel David Gisser and Freda Steel Ruth Steen Barry and Clara Roy Mary Stein Beverley Manishen Edythe Steinberg Simone Cohen Scott Allan Stern Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Rochelle Blumenthal Miriam Brown Pat Charad Irving and Florence Katz Peter and Karen Leipsic Sam and Sandi Malamud Beverly Nord Rochelle Pincovich Sos Plattner Helen Roseman Morley Rypp Toby Sawyer Joel and Penny Shefrin Lewis and Freya Wasel Lawrence and Eddy Werier Sam Stern John Michaels and Karen Stern Susan Stern Donni Stern and Marlene Stern Harry Stitz Neil Stitz
Mendel Szternfeld Jack and Debbie Lipkin Barry and Eileen Tessler Karen Tessler Chasia Thompson Arnold and Myra Frieman Sherry Thompson Morris and Eleanor Burke Lillian Titleman Neil and Elaine Margolis Florence Vickar Sladen and Susan Adleman Gary and Pamela Brooker and Family Allan and Gloria Cantor Simone Cohen Scott Brian and Ilene Gilbert Saul and Brenda Greenberg Peter and Karen Leipsic Glen and Val Lemmerick Ted and Harriet Lyons Beverly Nord Sos Plattner Joel and Penny Shefrin Alex and Elaine Sommer Lillian Zentner Joe Vickar Gnessie Vickar and Family Samuel and Gertrude Vickar Gnessie Vickar and Family Reesa Waisman Clare Whiteman Elsa Wall Ettie Robinson Julius Wassermann Sigi and Jackie Wassermann Sheila Waterman Brent, Brenlee, Skyler and Sierra Trepel Morris Whiteman Clare Whiteman Edward and Gert Winestock Lois Ackerman Teddy Wire Alvin Wire Ronald Wolfe Allan and Gloria Cantor Beverly Nord Eve Wolinsky Joyce Rothman Sophie Wolk Sharron Lerner Abe Yakir Phil and Brenda Yakir and Family Renee Yaren Stanley and Marcia Yaren ... continued on next page.
Honour a special simcha or memorialize a loved one with a personalized leaf or stone on the Tree of Life. Our new Tree is a signed, original work of art, carved bas-relief and cast in solid bronze. It has: • 4 Benefactor Root Stones (Sold Out) • 10 Major Contributor Stones (Sold Out) • 300 Alder Leaves ($200 each)
... continued from CONTRIBUTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE IN MEMORY OF Section Benjamin Zaidman Ellen Zaidman Louis Zatser Arnold and Beverly Zatser Annie Zelickson Lorne and Louise Raber and Harvey and Elaine Gamer Marilyn Zimberg Lorne and Louise Raber Leo Zimmer Jeanette Zimmer Samuel Zinman Bill and Elaine Bebchuk
Lois Ackerman on her special birthday Corinne, Harvey, Roslyn, Ian and Family Arthur Arkin on his special birthday Arnie, Lenore and Patrice In loving memory of Jack Brownstone Susan Brownstone Brock Allan Finkleman on his retirement Adrienne Katz
O N E M O RE C A N D LE Brings Light to Darkness Each Shoah (Holocaust) victim has a name. Some names have not been said out loud by a person in over 75 years. One More Candle gives you the opportunity to adopt a memory so that a murdered child has someone to remember that they lived, giving light to the darkness by saying his or her name out loud or by simply lighting just One More Candle every year. To adopt a memory, visit
onemorecandle.org There is no charge. Donations made to OMC or Congregation Shaarey Zedek Yahrzeit Fund (204-452-3711) are greatly appreciated.
TRIBUTE CARDS FOR ANY OCCASION Donations start at $18 and can be gifted to a variety of funds.
204 452 3711 hello@szwinnipeg.ca Debbie and Jack Lipkin on their 40th wedding anniversary Caren, Laurie, Rick, Susan and Bryan Harriet and Ted Lyons on their 50th wedding anniversary Lesley Jacob Beth, Jon, Kiva and Shale Hart and Jackie Sean and Christie Harriet and Ted Lyons on their 50th wedding anniversary Jill and Lorne Brandes Linda and Martin Fingold Joanne and Dick Rothberg Marcy and Lloyd Secter Harriet and Ted Lyons on their 50th wedding anniversary Ellen and Howard, Jon, Jamie and Ollie Amy, Stacey and Hannah Rabbi Aníbal Mass and Rabbi Matthew Leibl on receiving S’michah David and Barbara Goldenberg Marshall and Judy Pollock on their 45th wedding anniversary Barry and Rena and Family
Lois Ackerman and Judy Charach in celebration of their special birthdays Dick and Minnie Bell in memory of Morley Bell Marjorie Blankstein in memory of Morley Blankstein Gary and Pamela Brooker in celebration of Pamela’s special birthday Darrell Kreel in celebration of Harry and Myrna Kreel’s 67th anniversary Darrell Kreel in celebration of Lynn Pollock’s birthday Rabbi Aníbal Mass and Ashira Meyers Mass in celebration of their 10th anniversary David Meyrowitz and Irene Boxer-Meyrowitz in celebration of Irene and Jesse’s birthdays Norm and Elaine Silverberg in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary Ray Singer and Barb Findlay in celebration of Barb receiving her MA in Theology with a focus on Jewish Spirituality Barry Stronger in honour of Annie Shindleman becoming bat mitzvah
In Memoriam John Berkowitz
Philip Katz
Beloved husband of Sharon Berkowitz and father of Mark (Sharon) Berkowitz, Chaia Berkowitz (Jonathan) Rajsky and Mindy Berkowitz-Abramson (Jeffrey Abramson)
Beloved husband of Evelyn Katz and father of Laurence Katz (Zoe Kogan), Jennifer Katz and Aviva Katz (Alan Feldman)
Sylvia Bricker
Beloved mother of David Meyrowitz (Irene BoxerMeyrowitz), Arlene (Len) Gladstone, sister of Bernice Burko and sister-in-law of Cookie Rutman
Barry Caplan
Beloved mother of Phyllis Portnoy (Rory Egan), Susanna Portnoy (John Bluether) and Sallie Portnoy and sister of Ronald Polinsky
Beloved mother of George (Bonnie) Bricker, Ronnie (Barry) Tessler, Richard (Laura) Bricker and Janet (Martin) Braverman Beloved husband of Sandra Caplan, father of Susan (Errol) Billinkoff, Bruce Caplan (Sheri Winters) and David Caplan (Cindy Switzer), a brother of Gail (Earl) Bender, Sandra (Ray) Ciarrocchi and brother-in-law of Marcia Glazerman and Philipa Caplan
Joseph Erenberg
Beloved father of Marlene Shore, Barry Erenberg and Shari Erenberg and brother of Musi (Sam) Singer
Miriam Erenberg
Beloved mother of Yale (Ellen) Erenberg, Galla Erenberg (Allan) Horenfeldt, David (Ronda) Erenberg, Reuven Erenberg (Elaine Pelley), Noah Erenberg (Cheryl Cohan) and sister of Ruth Sher
Harold Fleishman
Beloved husband of Brownie Fleishman, father of Mira (Neil) Zeveiben, Ellen Fleishman and Deborah Fleishman, brother of Toby Sawyer and brother-in-law of Gertie Nepon and Barbara Pierce
Cecile Meyrowitz
Blumie Portnoy
Mayer Rabkin
Beloved husband of Mavis Rabkin, father of Tamara Rabkin, Jack (Linda) Rabkin and Debbie (Robert) Witzke and brother of Sarah Miller
Evelyn Rayman
Beloved sister of Ed (Rose) Shell and mother of Marty (Lori) Rayman and Karla (Eugene) Marks
Allan Stern
Beloved husband of Donni Stern, father of Marlene Stern (Peter Rae) and brother of Walter Stern and Gerald Stern
Florence Vickar
Beloved mother of Larry (Tova) Vickar, Reva (Allan) Micflikier and Faye Vickar Lazer (Joel Lazer) and sister-in-law of Gnessie Vickar, Ann Vickar and Eve Vickar
Ronald Wolfe
Beloved husband of Carole Wolfe and father of Sherry Wolfe Elazar (Patrick Elazar), Randy Wolfe (Bev Werbuk) and Brent Wolfe (Sheryl Bergman)
Receive Funeral Notifications by Email
Sign up: 204 975 3484 estelle@szwinnipeg.ca If you would like to send a
Condolence Card to the family,
please call 204-452-3711 or visit www.szwinnipeg.ca and click on the ‘donate’ button to fill out our online form.
Shorter Services • Engaging • Keyboard Interactive • New Quartet Choir • Energetic www.szwinnipeg.ca • Tickets 204 975 3481 lara@szwinnipeg.ca Sanctuary Services!
Family Service!
50% OFF
For first-time Shaarey Zedek attendees and those who haven’t attended in 3+ years
Yizkor Yom Kippur Sat, Sep 30
If you would like to attend Yizkor, please call 204-975-3481 for a complimentary ticket to this portion of the service.
Additional Recitation Sat, Oct 7 Service begins at 10:00 AM Yizkor is recited at 11:30 AM
Sh’mini Atzeret Thu, Oct 12
Service begins at 7:30 AM Yizkor is recited at 9:00 AM 20 Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices. www.szwinnipeg.ca
Shabbat Morning Service
10:00 AM Following the service, join us for Kiddush and Torah L’Chayim Join us for a shortened, engaging, relaxed and interactive Shabbat morning experience! This service is on most Shabbat mornings and includes instrumental accompaniment.
Minyan Services Monday to Thursday 7:30 AM and 6:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM Saturday 10:00 AM, 6:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM Canadian Holidays 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Can We Talk About . . .
Jewish Child and Family Service Presents Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Michelle Warren
Volunteer Night
6:30 PM on the following Thursdays:
Strategies for Coping Across the Lifespan Thursday, November 2, 2017 | 7:30 pm Shaarey Zedek Synagogue 561 Wellington Crescent $20 adults $10 students and seniors For tickets 204.477.7430 | jcfs@jcfswinnipeg.org est.1889
September 14, October 19, November 9, Decenber 14 1085 Winnipeg Avenue Register: 204 452 3711 hello@szwinnipeg.ca
Understanding Anxiety:
204 452 3711
Shaarey Zedek
Celebrating Community and Culture
A disciple of the late Reb Zalman Schachter – Shalomi, Rabbi Alan Green will introduce you to the world of the revolutionary Chasidic rabbi who spent nearly two decades in the city of Winnipeg where he sparked what would later become the Jewish Renewal movement.
Sun, Oct 22, Nov 5, 19 10:30 AM - Noon
$21 (Members and Students: $15) Drop-in $10/Class
With Rabbi Alan Green
Based on Bruce Feiler’s bestselling book, this class explores the Torah through an uplifting photographic journey across three continents from the slopes of Mount Ararat to Har Sinai where Moses received the 10 Commandments.
Sun, Nov 26, Dec 3, 10 10:30 AM - Noon
$21 (Members and Students: $15) Drop-in $10/Class
CHOOSING JUDAISM A course for both Jews, exploring their faith, and Non-Jews wanting to learn about or convert to Judaism With Rabbi Anibal Mass
A comprehensive program that is suitable for both those who are new to the Jewish faith and for Jews who wish to learn something new about Judaism. The curriculum covers the Jewish Lifecycle, the Jewish calendar with in-depth explanations of the meaning, rituals and history of the Jewish holidays and Shabbat. The course delves into important topics such as Jewish values, Kashrut, the place of sexuality and ritual purity, Zionism and the Jewish State, the Holocaust, Jewish Spirituality and Mysticism.
Sundays, Sep 17 to May 13, 2018 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM $300/Person, $500/Couple
ADULT SHABBAT WEEKNIGHTS LECH LECHA: GO TO YOURSELF: An Experiential Focusing Approach With Steve Moscovitch
This five-week workshop, will bring the commended journey of Lech Lecha “go to ourselves” through a gentle, compassionate step by step process of deep inner listening called “Focusing”. Articulated by Dr. Eugene Gendlin z”l philosopher/ psychologist, it connects us with our innate capacity to hear ourselves and come into what might be called:”The Inner Land of our own True Self”.
Wed, Oct 25, Nov 8, 22, Dec 6, 20 7:30-9:30 PM $125 (Members and Students: $75
With Rabbi Alan Green
Learn how to unlock the spiritual power within you through this insightful journey into the secret world of Kabbalah. Learn to create inner peace through meditative practices, breathing techniques and chants to inspire introspection and personal growth.
Tue, Nov 7, 21, Dec 5, 19 7:30-9:00 PM
$28 (Members and Students: $18)
Children of Prophets Chavurah
Lively discussion revolving around a selection of Jewish philosophical texts led by congregants.
On Select Shabbat Mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 AM To Be Announced
TORAH L’CHAYIM With Rabbi Anibal Mass
Join us for a discussion of the weekly Torah portion and insight into Jewish holidays as they relate to modern day life.
Every Shabbat from 1:00 to 2:30 PM
PRIVATE GROUPS 21st CENTURY PARSHA This dynamic course connects the weekly Torah portions to 21st Century life through lively presentations and discussions filled with intrigue, suspense, tension and excitement.
Call to arrange! Individual lunch-hour sessions can be booked in businesses or other off-site locations. Catering included.
With Rabbi Alan Green
This course offers a fascinating glimpse into the early history of Israel, and the complex and harrowing history through which we were guided by both Prophet and King, dozens of centuries before our own complex era up until the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE.
Wed, Oct 18, Nov 1, 15, 29, Dec 13, 2018: Jan 10, 24, Feb 7, 21, Mar 7 8:00 - 9:30 PM No Cost
Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director 204 975 3488 or rena@szwinnipeg.ca
Jewish Wisdom For A Modern World With Rabbi Anibal Mass
Judaism provides a blueprint for navigating and succeeding in the modern world. This course addresses the key challenges of our times and provides a framework for dealing with relationships, stress management, grief and motivation.
Schmoozers on Main Street, Asper Campus Thu, Oct 26, Nov 9, 23, Dec 7, 2018: Jan 11, 25 Noon - 1:00 PM Course is Free, Lunch can be purchased at the venue
CHAMISHI (Thursdays)
@ THE ZEDEK: Professional Development for Young Adults YOUNG PROFESSIONALS MEET ANCIENT WISDOM With Dr Rena Secter Elbaze
The course explores modern professional development informed by ancient Jewish wisdom. Topics include Leadership, Motivation, Branding and Communications Informal social networking will take place in the second hour.
Thu, Oct 19, 26, 9, 16, 30 7:30 to 9:30 PM
$42 (Members and Students $25) Drop-in: $10/Class
NOW WE ARE ONE With Dr Rena Secter Elbaze
This course will engage young couples in Jewish life and living as they embark on their journey as a couple. Sessions will cover topics connected to setting up a Jewish home, relationship building, and raising a family through problem solving and addressing life’s challenges as seen through a Jewish lens.
Tue, Oct 17, Nov 20, Dec 12, 7:30-9:30 PM $45 per Couple
THE REAL WOMEN OF JEWISH WINNIPEG: Women’s Networking Group With Dr Rena Secter Elbaze
This group offers women an opportunity to meet over a glass of wine and appetizers to discuss strategies for surviving and thriving within the challenges of modern living, inspired by Jewish wisdom.
Mon, Nov 6, Jan 30, Apr 24 7:30 - 9:30 PM
$15 Per Class or $35 For All Three
Bios: www.szwinnipeg.ca Rabbi Alan Green
Rabbi Matthew Leibl
Rabbi Anibal Mass
Dr Rena Secter Elbaze
With Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze
Join other Bar Mitzvah parents for this series of meetings, workshops and schmoozing events as you prepare for the opportunities and dynamism of your children’s first steps into the world of grown-ups.
Mon, Nov 13, Jan 22, Mar 19 7:30 - 9:30 PM
Steve Moscovitch
$45 per Person
Register today! 204 452 3711 hello@szwinnipeg.ca
Kirtan Selichot
Pray. Chant. Move. Repeat.
East Indian Dinner,
Havdallah and Kirtan-Style Selichot Service Saturday, September 16, 6:30p Register by Sep 11 Info: www.szwinnipeg.ca
Bubbies & Buddies With Leslie Emery Ages 18mths to 3yrs
Wednesdays 9:30 AM Starting October 11
Ages 3+
Thursdays 1:00 PM Starting October 12
Crafts • Stories • Play • Learn info: www.szwinnipeg.ca it ”
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Simchat Torah
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Elena El fall//2017
Thursday, October 12, 7:00 PM
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Exhibit Sep 7 to Oct 19
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Shabbat Family
Sukkot Service For All Families! Family Event With Leslie Emery & Rabbi Mass Games • Activities Refreshments
Sunday, October 8
Location TBA
info: www.szwinnipeg.ca Congregation Etz Chayim, Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, PJ Library, Rady JCC
Instruments • Stories • Puppets 10:30 AM on Oct 14, 28, Nov 11, 25 info: www.szwinnipeg.ca