Shofar // Dec 2021 - Jan 2022

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Shaarey Zedek Celebrating Community and Culture t 57 heva v-S Kisle

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This is


– Chanukah Edition Thu, Dec 2, 7 PM In-Person!


Ariel Brawerman, Event Chair & Co-Host

Dr Rena Secter Elbaze

Event Co-Host // SZ Engagement & Education Director, & Lay Clergy

KIDS Festive Loot Bag • Glitter Tattoos • Treats • Crafts • and More!

Families & Friends

Rabbi Anibal Mass

Concert Dec 5

Leslie Emery Cantorial Soloist

Chanukah Sun,

Keyboard & Vocals

, 3:30 PM

$5 per Family In-Person!


Jay Stoller


Staying Home? The concert portion of this event streams LIVE online at 4 PM CST!

Register by Dec 3

Carolina Nagy Violin

Happy Chanukah!

Messages from Gary Hyman, President......................4 Ran Ukashi, Executive Director...........7 Rabbi Aníbal Mass...........................10 Leslie Emery, Cantorial Soloist........... 14

Discover the Difference Wishing you a Happy Chanukah from the team at Shaftesbury Park and The Boulevard! To book a tour at your convenience, please call:


905 Shaftesbury Blvd., Winnipeg, MB Where Caring is Our Number One Concern™



Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director....16 Sisterhood........................................... 18

Campaign and Renovation Update............................13

Sections Mazel Tov...........................................8 Services............................................11 B'nai Mitzvah...................................15

Happy Chanukah!

Sisterhood Gift Shop.........................18 Tributes.............................................20 One More Candle.............................23 Holiday List.......................................25 In Memoriam....................................26


200 – 900 LORIMER BOULEVARD WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3P 2V4 TEL: (204) 284-7060 FAX: (204) 284-7105

Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6 t 204 452 3711 f 204 474 1184

A Message From

Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro Photography

Gary Hyman,

President It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since I began the role of President of Congregation Shaarey Zedek. It has certainly been a whirlwind of activity, and I am excited about what the next year will bring. In October, we had a very well-attended Town Hall meeting, where some 130 people were able to see the draft renovation plans for the building and provide feedback. Since then, we have been collating the feedback and presenting it to Number TEN Architectural Group, who have been meeting with staff regularly to revise the renovation plans to reflect the needs of the staff, synagogue members, and the community at large. The ball is certainly rolling and I couldn’t be happier to see that serious progress is being made in moving forward with the project. While we have had Bar and Bat Mitzvahs taking place at the synagogue for a while, since October, the synagogue has also reopened for Shabbat services as well as twicedaily minyan—both online and in-person. I have to congratulate Rabbi Mass, Leslie Emery, Bill Weissmann, Tali Milo, and Rena Secter Elbaze for their incredible leadership. The liveliness and meaningful nature of their services are incredibly inspiring, and I encourage everyone to attend our services to experience this for yourselves.

for his years of inspiring music and service to the synagogue. I know that his schedule and personal musical pursuits have grown tremendously over the years, and wish him much success as he takes on new and varied challenges. In other news, while our wonderful Administrative Assistant Inna Liss Haim goes on mat leave, we are excited for her and wish her all the best in the coming year with her child! While away with her newborn, we are happy to welcome back Clare Whiteman to the halls of the synagogue, whose experience and expertise we are greatly appreciative of. Finally, as you may already know, the synagogue’s Annual General Meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, December 15th at 7:00 p.m. I welcome and encourage all members to register for the AGM by visiting to attend. Chag Sameach to you and your family,

I am also sad to say that Justin Odwak has resigned as the Choir Director of the Shaarey Zedek Quartet, but wish to thank him sincerely


Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

Crash Course in the History of Israel 2-Part Series and TUESDAYS, Zionism Register

DEC 7 & 14 Noon CST



Happy Chanukah!

h! a k u n a h C y Happ

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Shaarey Zedek Celebrating Community and Culture

133rd Annual General Meeting Wednesday, December 15 at 7:00 PM Register today!

Summer 2022 Occupancy



Winnipeg’s Most Walkable Rental Community


1120 Taylor Avenue


Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

A Message From

Ran Ukashi,

Executive Director Celebrating Chanukah has traditionally been associated with—despite our better judgment— consuming very, VERY oily, but delicious, foods, with the family favourites of course being potato latkes and jelly-filled sufganiyot dusted with inappropriate amounts of sugar. Personally, there is no other Holiday I look forward to more every year than Chanukah precisely for this reason.

those who disobeyed, among a host of other horrors. Thousands of Jews were put to death for refusing to forsake their faith. Moreover, the Greeks did not act alone—many Jews at the time sided with the Greeks after having become enamoured with the Greek way of life and religion, and encouraged their fellow Jews to become Greeks and to abandon the ways of the Jewish People.

But why the oily foods? The traditional answer we often hear is that the copious use of oil, both in food and in lighting the Chanukiah, is that its use commemorates the miracle whereby following the ransacking and desecration of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem by the Greeks, only a single day’s worth of untainted oil was discovered that could be used to light the Temple’s Menorah. As we all know, the oil was lit, and what was to be only a day’s worth of oil became eight day’s worth—the miracle which leads us to celebrate Chanukah all the way to this very day!

The ultimately successful Maccabean revolt against Greek tyranny then, is the true reason why we celebrate Chanukah today. Were it not for that victory—with God’s providence—it is unlikely that I would be writing these words and that you would be reading them! Our religion and peoplehood would have ceased then and there.

Or is it? Indeed, while the miracle of the oil lasting for eight days is worth of celebrating, the Holiday of Chanukah, in reality, has less to do with the amount of days the Menorah’s light lasted than the events leading up to that precipitous moment. The ruthless Greek occupiers of the Land of Israel had outlawed the practice of Judaism and forbade the study of Torah and the performance of its mitzvot under pain of death. They forced Jews to worship foreign gods, and otherwise terrorized, enslaved, and imprisoned

204 452 3711


The other reason we celebrate is that the Holiday of Chanukah reminds us that God is always present in our lives, even in the bleakest of moments. God is there in our greatest despair, and in our greatest triumphs. All too often when we think we are on the brink of disaster, we are actually on the cusp of an unforeseen blessing! If we keep that mindset, it becomes harder to ever despair—and that’s something worth celebrating. On behalf of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, I want to wish you all a Chag Sameach, full of holiness, joy, and fulfillment. 204 975 3482 /SZWinnipeg


Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'maza Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey anu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'maz tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'sim lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, Mazel tov toy'hey our lanu, y'hey lanu, Mazel Tov to Laurie Shapiro Dr v'siman tov u'mazal u'mazal tov, siman tovRebbetzin, u'mazal tov tov,Rick siman tovtheu'mazal tov v'siman tov u and Lee on birth Adrienne (Ashira) of their granddaughter, Pearl Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey, who lanu,wasu'l'khol y'hey lanu, lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Sima Meyers recently Yis'ra'iel, Lennon Lee-Burt, on February 15, acknowledged with thetov, y'hey lanu. tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal Y'hey lanu, lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'ie 2021, in Toronto. Shey'hey is adored Creativity, Innovation and by her big sistertov Sadie and her tov, siman tov u'maz y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazalparents, tov v'siman u'mazal Service Delivery Award Amy Lee and Matt Burt. for Yis'ra'iel, 2021 by the Public nu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey la The other proud grandparents Health Agency of Canada for her leadership are Nina tov, Keogh and David of Toronto. tov with u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal siman tov Burt u'mazal tov v'sima the Northern, Remote, and Isolated Proud great-grandmother is Anne Burt of Toronto. khol Yis'ra'iel, lanu,Thisy'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra Communitiesy'hey Initiative. ongoing project to provide point-of-care diagnostic tov, aims siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh devices that empower communities to perform Mazel tov to Chutch y'hey their lanu,owny'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. tests for infectious diseases — this in Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, sim and Ev Bernstein on turn allows for rapid implementation ofu'l'khol life- Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, the engagement of their saving public health measures to prevent and daughter, Lexie Bernstein, u'mazal tov v'siman tov such u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman reduce outbreaks for viruses as COVIDto Cole Grossinger of Dr. Meyers her siman team aretov committed v'siman19.tov u'mazalandtov, u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'heyMazel lanu. lanu Toronto. tov Y'hey to to this work in a dedicated spirit of truth and Bernstein u'l'kholreconciliation Yis'ra'iel,to help y'heyreduce lanu,health y'heyinequities lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman Clara tov u'mazal tov, v'siman t grandmother to Lexie. by Indigenous Nationsy'hey acrosslanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh u'mazalhistorically tov, y'heyfaced lanu. Y'hey lanu, Cole is the son of Howie Canada. Dr. Meyers is the Associate Director and Sari Grossinger, and Siman tov u'mazal tovforv'siman of the National Laboratory Sexuallytov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'maza grandson of Larry and Pearl Bell, and Moshe and Transmitted the Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y Yis'ra'iel, y'heyBlood-Borne lanu, y'heyInfections lanu, and u'l'khol Linda Grossinger, all of Toronto. The couple will be Division for Underserved Population Health at in May tov of 2023. tov u'mazal v'siman u'mazal tov, siman married tov u'mazal v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey the Public tov Health Agency tov of Canada. anu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'maz Mazel tov to Miriam Corne tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, lanu, Mazel y'hey Tov on the birthu'l'khol of JadenYis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu and Gary Hyman on the Yusim on April 23 2021.tov u'mazal tov v'sim u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tovAceu'mazal tov, siman birth of their 10th grandchild, Proud parents are Rachael Lotte Vrěcar y'hey Corne, born on y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, lanu, and Daniel Yusim. Proud October 6 in Winnipeg to and tov v'siman tov u grandparents are Rietta u'mazal tov, siman tovparents u'mazal v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal Jonahtov Corne and Jerry Floom. Other proud Monica Vrěcar. Other proud Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol grandparents are Debby and grandparents are Hart and Norm Yusim of Winnipeg. simanYonni tov Corne u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal of Winnipeg, and Brigita and Bojan tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yi Slovenia. lanu, Vrěcar y'hey oflanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman to Y'hey 8lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, Wish them 'Mazely'hey Tov'lanu, with a Tribute Card at 204-452-3711 visit v'siman tov Contact u'mazal the tov, shul siman tov u'mazal tovorv'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov

Mazel Tov!

al tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, sim Mazel tov to our lanu. Y'hey lanu, lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'h Administrative y'hey Assistant, Inna Liss , and tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'maz zal tov v'siman tovHaim u'mazal to her husband Erez, on u, y'heythelanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lan birth of their daughter, Friday,tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'h man tov u'mazalAbigail tov, on siman November 26. Proud big u'l'kholbrother Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman Ariel is excited to u'mazal tov, y'hey Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh have lanu. a little sister! an tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, sim el, y'hey lanu, y'hey Todah lanu, rabah u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lan to Justin Odwak for his service Congregation zal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, tosiman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'h Shaarey Zedek as Choir Director anu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu,Zedek y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'sim of the Shaarey Quartet. We wish him, and his wife Sarah, an tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lan many years of health, happiness, a'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'maz and new journeys. – From the Board, Clergy, and Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra' hol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey Members, lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Staff of Congregation Shaarey Zedek. man tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'h l, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman Mazel Tov tov'siman Bob and n tov u'mazal tov Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal Shirley Freedman, u, y'hey lanu, Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lan and to u'l'khol Bill Gall and the latetov, Tobysiman Gall , on tov u'mazal tovtheu'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman engagement of their hol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra' children, Pam Freedman Ron Gall. al tov, simanCohen tov and u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, sim to Beth andYis'ra'iel, Bobby y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'h lanu. Y'hey lanu, Mazel y'hey tov lanu, u'l'khol Goldberg the marriage of zal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov,onsiman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'maz their son, Zach, to Karlene Lucha, u, y'hey lanu, u'l'kholonYis'ra'iel, y'heyKarlene lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lan October 8, 2021. is the daughter of Cheryl and man tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'h Brian Lucha of Oakbank. Proud THERESiman IS STILL LEFT! u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, are y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. tov TIME u'mazal tov2021. v'siman grandparents Phyllis Make your year-end gifts to receive tax receipts for Goldberg, Sidney Ritter, Contact the JFM office at 204.477.7520 or toll-free u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh and Myrna Loewen. from the US/Canada at 1.855.284.1918 or visit . Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal t to give today. is'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'h ov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lan , y'hey204 lanu,452 u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu,/SZWinnipeg u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal 3711 /ShaareyZedekWinnipeg 9 v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'h Z"L

Worshiping the Menorah A Message From Rabbi Aníbal Mass

Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro Photography

Technology is an amazing tool. It’s incredible how much humanity has benefited from technological innovation. But we should never forget that at the end of the day, technology is just that - a tool and not a goal of its own. This principle is something that we take very seriously here at the Shaarey Zedek. If you participated in any of our services for the last two years, you have probably experienced in one way or another, the benefits that technology has brought to the Synagogue world: connecting with clergy and other congregants in real time via chat; Zoom Aliyot, Torah cam to follow the Torah readings from home, etc. We feel that we can still enhance the experience even further by adding more technology to the worship and community experience. This has made me reflect about the importance of being careful never lose sight of the “why we do it”. As I said, technology is great to enhance the worship experience but at the same time, we are at risk of worshipping technology. We think that this is a modern problem, but the truth is that it’s present even in the Torah! When the Israelites were hit with a plague of poisonous snakes, Moses designed an ingenious piece of technology: a copper serpent that healed anybody looking at it. But according to the Second Book of Kings 18:4, King Hezekiah had to destroy the serpent because it was being worshiped.

Let me say it right away: Chanukah is not about the Menorah, dreidels, latkes and gelt. It’s about Jewish Survival and Faith. Menorah, dreidels, latkes and gelt should be there to remind us of why we need to celebrate Chanukah. Unfortunately, the holiday has changed into a type of “Christmas for Jews,” emulating the message of peace on earth and gift giving with a celebration revolving around the Menorah, dreidels, latkes and gelt. By doing so, the holiday’s message has been diluted to a point that it cannot be recognized anymore. While a universalist message during Chanukah does a lot of good for children’s morale, ignoring the historical basis does a great disservice to the Jewish past and present and future. In a time where antisemitism is once again on the rise, Chanukah and its symbols provide a great tool, a technology, so to speak, to remind us that united we are strong. The Maccabees remind us that we should not live in fear. This is why the original custom was to light the Menorah outside the front door of the house, or at least in a window facing the street, to publicize the miracle. Chanukah should remind us that no matter the threats, we must always be proud to be Jewish and share this pride with others. Chanukah, the Menorah, dreidels, latkes and gelt are beautiful and fun, but only if we remember the “why” and get inspired by them. Ashira, Ronen and I wish you all a Chag Chanukah Sameach.

Something that was created to improve their lifestyle was now being worshiped. Sound familiar? The remedy to this common problem for humanity is to always find ways to remember why it is that we do things the way we do. Chanukah presents the same challenge … a risk of suffering the same fate with many other tools that became objects of worship.

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Engaging, relaxed, and interactive twice-daily services, enjoyed in-person and from the comfort of your own home! Proof of Vaccination and Photo ID required to attend in-person (Exception: Children Under Age 12 -

In-Person & Online

Shabbat Morning

With Keyboard

10:00 AM CST

Check-in starting at 9:45 AM until 10:15 AM

Walk-ins welcome Dec 11, 18, 25, Jan 1, 8, 22, 29 B’nai Mitzvah & Guests, and Aliyot only Dec 4, Jan 15

In-Person & Online


Mondays to Thursdays Fridays 7:30 AM CST • 6:00 PM CST 7:30 AM CST Saturdays Sundays and 6:00 PM CST Canadian Holidays 9:00 AM CST • 6:00 PM CST Check-in between 15-minutes before & after the the service has begun

In-Person & Online

Kabbalat Shabbat

Rabbi Aníbal Mass, Spiritual Leader Leslie Emery, Cantorial Soloist With Keyboard Bill Weissmann, Lay Clergy (Shammes) Tali Millo, Lay Clergy Fridays 5:30 PM CST Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Lay Clergy Check-in begins at 5:15 PM and ends at 5:45 PM

Watch on V I D E/ShaareyZedekWinnipeg O OR Watch and /SZWinnipeg Chat on 204 452 3711 STREAM Facebook and YouTube!


Torah L’Chayim:


Inspiration from our Tradition.... Studying the Weekly Parasha With Rabbi Aníbal Mass

Thursdays at Noon CST


Concert for the Simkin Centre & the Community Thu, Dec

16, 2:00p CST

Rabbi Aníbal Mass


Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

Campaign and Renovation Update We hope this finds you well now that the snow has found us. To keep you informed, we wanted to provide you with a brief update regarding the building project and related capital campaign. We are working to establish a separate, campaign- and project-specific website which will be online soon. On it we will post some of the plans presented by Number TEN Architectural Group at the October 13th Town Hall meeting, along with comments and questions raised by members. As was expressed that night, these plans are not yet cast in stone! Feedback is still very much welcome and encouraged. Please submit comments and questions to anytime. We are processing campaign-related material, which will be mailed out in December. Finally, we expect to have information to share with you soon regarding the temporary alternative synagogue space that is required once construction begins, slated for Spring 2022. If you have any questions regarding the above, please direct them to our project and campaign team: Bob Freedman, Campaign Consultant 204-510-9782 Jodi Novak, Campaign Manager 204-452-3711 Thank you for your continued interest and support during this exciting time!

Ran Ukashi Executive Director

Gary Hyman President

A Project of

204 452 3711




Shaarey Zedek Celebrating Community and Culture




Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro Photography

Chanukah – A Message of Light, Love and Hope

A Message From Leslie Emery, Cantorial Soloist This time of year in Winnipeg we miss the brightness of sunlight as the night sky takes over more and more hours of the day. On my early morning drive to the Minyan, I watch the shift week-after-week, until I am greeted by twinkling stars first thing in the morning and searching for a glimpse of the moon. I often imagine the world before electricity, before the streetlights shed light on the streets in the darkness, or you could drive anywhere in a cozy heated vehicle. I imagine the Chanukah my Great Great Grandparents experienced growing up and I attempt to imagine the significance of light in their context. The value of candles in a world where light was not readily available in the darkness. The value of candles in a world where you likely made candles yourself. As I illuminate the darkness more and more as each day of Chanukah turns to night, I like to turn off the lights and watch the warm flames dance in defiance of the darkness. The story of Chanukah itself speaks to the human spirit. We were few, we won the war. We were told to surrender our history and teachings, we held strong. We were persecuted, we persevered. We were all out of oil, we did not give up the search. With hope in our hearts, we lit the menorah anyways, even though there was only enough oil to burn for one day. The oil lasted for eight days. We light our candles in a special way, using a shamash candle, a helper candle. There are so many beautiful teachings woven into this tradition. A shamash gives light, without diminishing its own. A shamash can light many candles, illuminating the dark spaces and adding light to the world. We all have the power to give light to


one another, to add warmth to the world. When we celebrate the holiday of Chanukah with friends and family, giving gifts, sharing treats, latkes and love we illuminate one another. We are living through difficult times. Despite our modern conveniences, our world is filled with complexities. I ask you in this message to please not lose hope, in the world or in each other. Like those whose footsteps we follow in, let us be a source of light, a shammash, illuminating the dark places with kindness and generosity, adding warmth, light and lovingkindness - chesed to the world. We all have the power to be a source of light to others. A phone call, a kind word, a thoughtful action, a shared smile, can shift someone’s entire day. If you have been struggling, I hope you find the strength to reach out. We all need help sometimes. You would be amazed at how many sources of light, happy and willing to share, that you can find at Shul, both online and in person. We are not solitary people. We are fortunate in our community and in each other. This Chanukah I hope your days are filled with light and love, peace and hopeful thoughts. Wishing you and those you love a Chag Chanukah Sameach! 204 287 5134

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Keren Karabelnicoff

Saturday, November 6, 2021 Child of Gabriela and Ariel Karabelnicoff

Miriam Estein

Saturday, March 12, 2022 Child of Michelle Glass and Roni Estein

Felipe Skilnik-Wilk

Naomi Hochman

Saturday, December 4, 2021 Child of Lilian Skilnik and Marcelo Wilk

Sam Kraut

Saturday, January 15, 2022 Child of Uri and Jane Kraut

Chag Sameach!

Saturday, March 19, 2022 Child of Marisa and David Hochman

Abby Zentner

Saturday, March 26, 2022 Child of Fanny Levy and Gustavo Zentner

Wish them 'Mazel Tov' with a Tribute Card Contact the shul at 204-452-3711 or visit Engagement • Wedding • Children and Family Maternity • Babies • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Graduation Photowall and Photobooth

204.918.3799 Chanukiah in front of Shaarey Zedek designed by Lloyd Secter

204 452 3711

/ShaareyZedekWinnipeg Your story told through my eyes



Chanukah: There’s Nothing Really Minor About It!

A Message From Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze,

Engagement and Education Director Chanukah has always been considered a minor holiday on the Jewish calendar, only gaining importance in Western society because it happens to coincide with Christmas and gives us something to do while everybody else is celebrating. The Chanukah story, however, is much more relevant to our times than most people realize! Our connection with the holiday should be much deeper than eating delicious fried foods and playing spin the dreidel. Let’s take a moment to reflect on what Chanukah commemorates and why it is a pivotal moment in our history that merits our attention. The Chanukah story contrasts with other moments in Jewish history and takes on a powerful symbolism that will provide the Jewish people with inspiration and hope that would span 2000 years of history. It is a celebration of the human spirit and our ability to retain our identity and values in the face of temptation. Many of our holidays are commemorations such as Passover or Purim that recall our overcoming a physical threat. Chanukah on the other hand, tells a story about an attack on our identity as a people. Indeed, the Chanukah story takes place at a time when the Jewish people were living under the ancient Greeks. Around the year 167 BCE , Antiochus, the Syrian Greek King decided to Invade Israel because of a power struggle between the northern and southern empires. To keep order in his kingdom, he demanded that the Jews become loyal Greek citizens and adopt the Greek culture and language. By offering positive reinforcement to those who embraced Greek culture, he encouraged idol worship and a rejection of Jewish values such


as circumcision for Jewish males and the practice of Shabbat. The Holy Temple in Jerusalem became a centre for idol worship and the people were encouraged to forsake their values and forget their covenant with God so they would blend in with the other subjects of the Greek Empire. The greatest danger to the Jewish people at that time was not a physical danger, as they were free to live and assimilate into Greek culture. The danger was cultural genocide and the loss of their identity. The challenge of our ancestors is very relevant to us today. The appeal of blending in and the comfort of emancipation come with the challenge of keeping our identity and values. We can be an integral part of society and contribute to its improvement not by assimilating, but by using our values as a resource. We can be proud of what we have contributed to society by means of social justice and environmental awareness. Our unique identity has allowed us to contribute in so many ways without having to forget who we are and where we came from. Under the leadership of Judah Maccabee and his brothers from a family of priests, a small portion of the Jewish population found the courage to remember where they came from and their covenant with God. Under Judah’s leadership, they overthrew the Greek empire and reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, asserting their independence and values. The Maccabees succeeded in restoring the Jewish Monarchy and winning back Jewish independence for the next 200 years. Since the Hasmonean Dynasty of Judah Maccabee, there has not been an

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independent Jewish State until the creation of Modern Day Israel in 1948. The Chanukah story is inspiring because it shows us that we can and should be proud of our heritage and that it is possible for us to take control of our destinies as individuals and as a community to defend our values while contributing to the societies in which we live. If you would like to know more or get involved, please feel free to be in touch. Happy Chanukah to you and yours! 204 975 3489

In-Person! Thu, Dec 16 7:00 PM CST


OF JEWISH WINNIPEG | SEASON 1 WithLearning Dr. Rena|Secter Elbaze | Networking Discussion Topic:

Networking: caught between a digital world

and a craving for physical connection



Sandy Polanski and Louise Raber Sisterhood Co-Presidents Snow has fallen, Chanukah is here and God willing, Covid-19 is going. But Sisterhood has gathered in a socially distant manner and many plans for programs are underway. Chanukah and the Mitzvah group has a presence at The Simkin Centre this year. Sisterhood has sponsored special baked treats for the residents who, due to Covid restrictions, can only gather on their units. We can’t bring entertainment in either, but Cindy Greenly, Alissa Minaker, and the Recreational Therapy Department, are working with Sisterhood volunteers to bring Chanukah to the residents. All the volunteers are doubly vaccinated and attended a mandatory volunteer orientation. This opportunity is a true mitzvah!


Tali Millo, Shaarey Zedek’s new Program Director, and member of the Clergy Team, has asked Sisterhood to participate in the Synagogue Chanukah Concert. We are thrilled to offer financial support and provide volunteers. Watching the children’s faces light up is such a delight! As yet, a date for the Sisterhood Shabbat is undecided. Alice Weissmann and Bonnie Robinson are Co-Chairs. If you would like to participate in Hebrew, English, or a “non-speaking” part, leave a message with Clare at the office for them at 204452-3711 or email Donations to Willow Place are on-going. They are unable to take and store used clothing at this time (you can put those in the B’nai Brith blue box outside the shul's lounge doors).

Cash or Cheque Only



OPEN: TUE, NOV 30 ● THU, DEC 2 ● SUN, DEC 5 10 AM to 1 PM

Dec 6 to Jan 8: By Appointment Only - 204-975-3487 Jan-Mar: Open the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month 10 AM to 1 PM 18

What they do need is winter jackets and coats, sweaters, toothbrushes and toothpaste, toiletries and household supplies. The box for these is under the table in the back hall. Gloria Cantor chairs this wonderful program. If you are unable to bring your donation(s) to the synagogue, leave a message for Gloria at the office and she will arrange to have them picked up. Torah Fund, chaired by Sandy Polanski will have a fundraiser in early 2022. The last Interfaith Luncheon in 2019 was our 57th annual. We cancelled 2020 and 2021 due to Covid restrictions. Hopefully the program planned for 2020 will take place in the spring of 2022. Not sure if we should call it our 60th or our 58th!? Louise Raber and Marisa Hochman will co-chair it no matter what we call it. It’s all planned, we just need a date and the “go ahead” from Public Health. Carole Jeffries deserves a special thank you for maintaining the Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop for 1-on-1 shopping by appointment during the lockdown period. The shop is currently open for walk-in shopping for Chanukah on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10 AM to 1 PM — check out the new Chanukah inventory! After December 5, we return to appointments only, then reopen in January on the 2nd and 4th Sunday from 10 AM to 1 PM through to the end of March. Hariett Lyons and Carol Levi have reached out to weavers who had classes cancelled and also those with upcoming classes. As soon as it it safe to work in “close quarters” they will resume teaching. If you wish to sign up for future classes do so by emailing sisterhood, or calling the shul office and leave them a message. Stay safe and be well everyone, may we all be able to meet in person in the near future! 204-452-3711

Sisterhood Book Club Facilitator: Rhonda Youell

Wed, Jan

26, 2:00p CDT

Join us for the first book club meeting of 2022 with our facilitator, Rhonda Youell - Retired Administrator, West Kildonan Collegiate.

Book Selection for January: The #1 International Best Seller,

The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem is a dazzling novel of

mothers and daughters, stories told and untold, and the ties that bind four generations of women.

Learn where to buy the book and register by visiting Note: This event is open to Sisterhood Members exclusively. If you are not a member, we’d love to welcome you to join Sisterhood – email for information.



Aug 16 to Nov 15, 2021 TODAH RABAH AND GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM Ariel Brawerman Shane Lasker Evie Maher Barbara Neaman Melanie Richters Al Shell Phyllis Solsberg Rhonda Spivak Danny and Ellen Hamburg in honour of Ellen’s birthday


Hannon Bell in honour of his birthday Claire Breslaw and Paul Granovsky in honour of their wedding anniversary Roberta Cantor in honour of her birthday Rochelle Pincovich in honour of her birthday


Marvin and Sandy Polanski in honour of their birthdays Arnold and Beverly Zatser in honour of Beverly’s birthday

Miriam Corne on her Allan Hochman on special birthday his special birthday Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz Harry and Rhonda Youell Ali and Louisa Raizman Gary Hyman and Leslie Emery on Miriam Corne on the becoming a birth of their Cantorial soloist granddaughter Sarah Buchweitz Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz

Marilyn Falus on her special birthday MAZEL TOVS HAVE BEEN SENT TO Isser Held Michael Averbach on his 75th birthday Jay and Linny Averbach Hannon Bell on his birthday Leesa Streifler

Robert and Shirley Freedman on the engagement of Pamela to Ron Lillian Zentner

Norman and Marilyn Goldberg Kenneth Bell and On their 50th wedding Leesa Streifler on their anniversary 40th wedding anniversary Zelda Elkin Cindy Vine-Streifler, Allan and Sondra Riley, Bev, Jesse, Hochman Seth and Marc Streifler Phyllis Goldberg Louis and Ruth Billinkoff on the marriage on their 70th wedding of her grandson anniversary Sandra Rosen Arnold and Beverly Zatser Beth Goldenberg Gloria Cantor on her on her 75th birthday special birthday Bert and Elaine Schaffer Rochelle Pincovich Jeremy and Maureen Sandra Caplan on her Gordon on their grandson’s Bar Mitzvah grandson’s Bar Mitzvah Dick and Minnie Bell David and Nessie Greenberg

Sandy Hyman on her 75th birthday Arthur and Denise Waldman Elliot and Linda Katz on their grandson’s Bar Mitzvah Marty and Roz Greenfeld Monte Kowall on his 93rd birthday Gordon Pollock Rabbi Anibal Mass and Ashira Meyers on the birth of their grandson Lillian Zentner Ronen Mass on his 8th birthday Dick and Minnie Bell Tzivie Meyers on her 80th birthday Dick and Minnie Bell Lillian Zentner Tali Millo on joining the Shaarey Zedek clergy team Belle Jarniewski

Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

Charles and Ruth Narvey CARDS OF on their grandson’s APPRECIATION Bar Mitzvah HAVE BEEN SENT TO Maxine Cristall The Clergy Team Rochelle Pincovich Jacquie Seipp on her 75th birthday and Todd Boyer AC, Marc Dolgin and Mara and Zanna Family Bert and Seipp-Katz Elaine Schaffer Gerald, Susan and Stephen Rosenby Lorne Raber on his birthday Barbara Neaman

Leslie Emery Harry and Barbara Kaplan

Sidney Ritter on his special birthday Elliot and Linda Katz

Rabbi Leibl Maxine Cristall Ira Ripstein and Elske Hildes-Ripstein

David Salita on his 50th birthday Abe and Toni Berenhaut Toby Sawyer on her 90th birthday Dick and Minnie Bell Michael, Devyn and Reegan McCheyne Sari Rosenberg, Brian, Karlee and Josh Eve Vickar and Family Jeffrey and Esther Spiegel on their birthdays Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer Ian Staniloff on his retirement Maxine Cristall

Rabbi Mass Elyse Halprin and Family Richard Pollock and Sarah Mckinnon Brenlee and David Selchen Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer

Happy Chanukah!

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Rabbi Louis Berkal Z”L Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman

Rena Secter Elbaze Susan Harrison

Marianna Aalsvel Z”L  Jacquie Seipp

Bertha Blumenthal Z”L Sidney Schwartzman

Bill Weissmann Faygee Hecht Barbara Hyman Robert and Sandy Shindleman

Mitchell Abrams Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber

Chana Braker Z”L Janet Fleishman

Sheppy Adler Z”L Hy Kraitberg


Shelley Breslaw-Wynne

Claire Breslaw and Paul Mathilde Andriesse Z”L  Granovsky Steven Schipper and GET WELL Irving Bricker Z”L Terri Cherniack WISHES Jory and Jacqueline Martin and Debra Bricker HAVE BEEN SENT TO Israel Asper Z”L Stillwater on their Michael and Marilyn Perl Gail Asper OC OD LLD 40th wedding anniversary Mordechai Ben Lea and Family and Michael Paterson Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz Howard Haimovitch Patricia Brody Z”L Z”L Freda Bay Harry Youell Sally Shuckett th Dick and Minnie Bell on his 75 birthday Brian Brooker Z”L Adrienne Katz Z”L Mindle Baizen Gary and Pamela Brooker Engel Family Charles Weiner In Memory Of on his birthday Z”L Anne Becker continued on next page ... Rochelle Pincovich Allan and Lynne Becker

... In Memory Of continued from last page

Dave Ferdman Z”L Roberta Cantor

Abraham Buchszreiber Z”L Meira Buchszreiber Max Cham Z”L Bonnie Cham

Lou Fingerote Z”L Harry and Rhonda Youell Max Fleisher Z”L Larry and Glory Fleisher

James Maurice Cantor Allan and Gloria Cantor

Jack Harold Flom Z”L Thelma Flom Z”L Martin Flom

Issie Charad Z”L Patricia Charad

Tillie Frankel Z”L Frank and Sue Hechter


Saul Cherniack Chaja Frydman  Steven Schipper and Terri Hannon Bell Cherniack Myer and Mavis GalpernZ”L Z”L Alexander Chochinov Barbara Izen Z”L Benjamin Chochinov Z”L Moishe Aaron ChochinovZ”L Mary Gelfand Terri Kushner Shelley Chochinov Z”L


Meyer Gindin Z”L Edwin Cohen Z”L Lawrence and Dolly Cohen Raya Gindin Solomon Ginsberg Z”L John Craft Z”L Eleanor Burke Sidney Ritter Harvey and Elaine Gamer Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber Reuben Cristall Maxine Cristall Arlene Gladstone Z”L Z”L Graham Dixon David Meyrowitz Faye Dixon Adrienne Gobuty Z”L Fanny Dorfman Z”L Martin and Gail Corne Frank and Gail Spivak Lorne and Louise Raber Morley Rypp Benjamin Dubnicoff Z”L Frank and Gail Spivak Hy and Esther Dashevsky Sally Globerman Z”L Faige Leah Engel Z”L Evelyn Hecht Engel Family Arnold Goldstein Z”L Michael Elkin Z”L Jack and Debbie Lipkin Zelda Elkin Sam and Ruth Gordon Z”L Z”L Sonja Faintuch Zvi Gordon Helen Kesten Gerald Gray Z”L Jacob Feingold Z”L Sara Gray Janet Fleishman

David Greenberg Z”L Saul and Brenda Greenberg Corinne Greenberg Z”L Shane Greenberg Z”L Sandra Gordon Milton and Brenda Tenenbein Daniel and Dorothy GutkinZ”L Earl and Cheryl Barish Jack Gutkin Z”L Donald and Belva Gutkin Terry and Carole Gutkin Ruth Gutkin Tracey Ellen Halprin Z”L Elyse Halprin Minnie Handler Neil and Maxine Benditt Z”L

Sandra Kaufman Z”L Barry and Marcy Schwartz Katalin Kenedi Z”L Ann Weiszmann Sam Kimelman Z”L Edith Kimelman Sam Klapman Z”L Ruth Klapman and Family Albert and Ida Koffman Z”L Janice Levine Stuart Kohm Z”L Shirley Wasserman Charles Kraitberg Z”L Hy Kraitberg and Terri Slotnick Fred and Sara KravetskyZ”L Daniel and Audrey Kravetsky

Phyllis (Kluner) Hatskin Z”L Martin and Debra Bricker and Family Michael and Marilyn Perl Sally Shuckett

Myrna Kreel Z”L Harry Kreel

Bertha Higgins Z”L Aileen Higgins Cooper

James Manishen Z”L Melvin Manishen Z”L Beverley Manishen

Narvey Hollenberg Z”L Andrea Hollenberg Archibald Honigman Z”L Hy Kraitberg and Terri Slotnick

Goldie Loffman Z”L Jerome Phomin

Nancy Manusow Z”L David Manusow Hannon Bell Hymie Margolis Z”L Sheldon Permack

Robert Hyman Z”L Robert and Allison Axelrod Harry Maslovsky Z”L Murray and Sharon Knazan Ted Jacob Z”L Fraida Sarah Toots Rita Shapera Jacob MesburZ”L Z”L Minnie Karlinsky Donald and Belva Gutkin Dick and Minnie Bell Gary and Pamela Brooker Louis Mindell Z”L Frank and Sue Hechter Margo Cates and Family Susn Palmer Eleanor Kives Bonnie Robinson


Max and Estelle Minuck Z”L Marty and Mavis Minuck

Brings Light to Darkness

Myrna Mitchell Z”L Bruce and Faith Cristall

Adopt the memory of a child murdered in the Shoah.

Benjamin Muryn Neil and Elaine Margolis Z”L

Adopt a memory so that a murdered child has someone to remember that they lived, giving light to the darkness by saying his or her name out loud, saying kaddish, and by simply lighting just One More Candle every year.

Toots Mesbur Nitikman Z”L Itzik and Anne Joudan

We are a registered charity. There is no charge to adopt a memory.

Israel Nitikman Arthur and Naomi Nitikman Z”L

Donations may be made to One More Candle at 295 Elm Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 3N6 , or donate to the Congregation Shaarey Zedek Yahrzeit Fund (204-452-3711).

Malick and Rose Peikoff Z”L Bonnie Robinson

Fanny Permack Z”L Menachem Mendel Permack Z”L Sheldon Permack Sabin Pildas Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber Zelda Pincovich Z”L Rochelle Pincovich Leon Pincovich Marion Posen Z”L Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer Norman and Ethel Prober Z”L Beverley Tobe Sadie Raber Sharon Allentuck Ian and Elaine Goldstine, Daniel, Lainie Jason and Genevieve Marilyn Raber Z”L

Solomon Rady Z”L Marjorie Blankstein Jack Ritter Z”L Sidney Ritter Evelyn Robinson Z”L Bob Robinson

in partnership with B'nai Brith Canada

Myles Robinson Z”L Richard and Brenlee Robinson

Ezriel Sakinofsky Z”L Sarah Sakinofsky Z”L Zelda Elkin

Ettie Robinson Z”L Esther Robinson Z”L Sydney Robinson Z”L Bonnie Robinson

Belle Sawyer Z”L Toby Sawyer

Melissa Rodriquez Z”L Arthur and Denise Waldman Patricia Ruth Rogers Z”L Susan Rogers Joseph Rosenberg Z”L David and Mona Rich Leah Rosenberg Z”L Marty and Mavis Minuck Lottie Rosenstock Z”L Sheldon and Lynda Rosenstock Joseph Rypp Z”L Morley Rypp

Harold Schachter Carole Medd


Harvey Schwartz Z”L Toby Schwartz Hyman and Ella Schwartz Z”L Barry and Marcy Schwartz Louis Schwartzman Z”L Sidney Schwartzman Judith Seipp Z”L Darcy Barish Minnie Goldie Seipp Z”L Jacquie Seipp Buirt Segal Z”L Fanny Segal Z”L Morley Rypp

Mary Segal Z”L Saul and Lolly Guttman Frances Settler Z”L Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz Lawrence Singer Z”L Cindy Singer Monty G. Shapera Z”L Rita Shapera Jacob Machelle Shapira Z”L Allan and Gail Shapira Jacob Shapiro Z”L Allan and Gloria Cantor Myer Shapiro Z”L Tillie Shapiro Z”L Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro Rosalie Shapiro Z”L Carla Shapiro

In Memory Of continued on next page ...

... In Memory Of continued from last page

Coleman Silverman Z”L Karen Leipsic

Rose Tokar Z”L Phyllis Laveman

David Cyril Silverman Z”L Benjamin Thompson Z”L Peter and Karen Leipsic Myra Frieman

Leo Shearer Shirley Wasserman Z”L

Albert (Maimie) ZaidmanZ”L Sonya Zaidman Z”L Shelley Chochinov Ellen Zaidman Harriet Zaidman Paul Zaidman

Etta Skelater Z”L Steven Schipper and Terri Cherniack

Arthur and Betty VinskyZ”L Marvin and Merle Nellie Merkel Zaidman Z”L Garfinkel Shelley Chochinov

Lena Shore Z”L Irvin and Sandra Shore

Harold Smordin Z”L Ron and Jill Stier and grandchildren: Carly, Tara and Adam Stier

Frank Shiffman Z”L Lisa Odwak

Anne Sprecher Z”L Larry and Glory Fleisher

Louis Waterman Z”L Morley Zatser Z”L Brenlee Carrington Trepel, Arnold and Beverly Zatser Brent, Skyler and Louis Zelickson Z”L Sierra Trepel Harvey and Elaine Gamer Erwin Weiszmann Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber Elisabeth Weiszmann Z”L Ann Weiszmann and Daniel Brodsky LEAVES ON THE

Samuel Sheps Z”L Philip Sheps Miriam Shefrin Z”L Joel and Penny Shefrin

Samuel Shragge Z”L Jack Ernest Stein Z”L Lawrence and Dolly Cohen Beverley Manishen Harold Shukster Z”L Steven Schipper and Terri Cherniack

Anne Steingarten Z”L Leonard Steingarten

Jeno Weiszmann Z”L Ann Weiszmann Israel Wise Z”L Marion Wise

Bessie Stern Z”L Marvin and Sandy Polanski David Wiseman Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Philip Sweiden Z”L Jackie Sweiden Sidney Wolchock Z”L Larry and Rhoda Kussin Rochel Szternfeld Elizabeth Posen Goldste Z”L Sally Shuckett Jack and Debbie Lipkin

Abraham and Sarah Silverberg Z”L Norman and Elaine Silverberg Joseph Silverberg Z”L Diane Silverberg


HAVE BEEN DEDICATED TO To the Clergy and Staff of congregation Shaarey Zedek Shelley Chochinov Aaron and Emily Grusko welcome their first-born Jackson Paul Grusko Sybil Plattner The Brody Family In loving memory of David Rabb Z”L The Rabb Family


In memory of Kenny Zelickson Z”L Haderra and Mark Chisick and Family


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(First Candle) Sun, Nov 28


Honour a special simcha or memorialize a loved one with a personalized leaf or stone on the Tree of Life. Our Tree is a signed, original work of art, carved bas-relief and cast in solid bronze. Alder Leaves are available for $200 each.

Chanukah Days 1-8 Mon, Nov 29 to Mon, Dec 6

Christmas Day Sat, Dec 25

Boxing Day Sun, Dec 26

New Year's Day Sat, Jan 1

Tu B'Shevat

Mon, Jan 17

International Holocaust Remembrance Day Thu, Jan 27

Louis Riel Day Mon, Feb 21


Thu, Mar 17


Donations start at $18 and can be gifted to a variety of funds.

Erev Pesach (First Seder) Fri, Apr 15

Pesach Day 1 (Second Seder) Sat, Apr 16

Pesach Day 2 Sun, Apr 17

Pesach C"M Days 3 to 6

Mon, Apr 18 to Thu, Apr 21

Pesach Day 7 Fri, Apr 22

Pesach Day 8

204 452 3711 Or visit

Sat, Apr 23

Good Friday Fri, Apr 15

Easter Sunday Sun, Apr 17

Yom Hashoah Thu, Apr 28


Erev Chanukah

In Memoriam Marilyn Billinkoff

Beloved wife of Lorne Billinkoff, mother of Alix (Natan) Cramer, and Mitchell Billinkoff, daughter of Allan Walder, sister of Sharon Walder (Lorne Pollock), sister-in-law of Errol Billinkoff, and daughter-in-law of Ruth and Louis Billinkoff

Benji Itzkow

Beloved husband of Eleni Wener, father of Carter Itzkow, son of Cathy Moser and Jeff Itzkow, brother of Jonathan Itzkow, and Frannie Itzkow (Emmett Brennan)

Aaron Sommer

Beloved father of Serina Sommer (Jason Frizell), and Sierra Sommer, son of Alex Sommer, brother of Reena Sommer (Michael Thomas), Naomi Sommer (Hart Greenberg), and Hillel (Marlaina) Sommer

If you would like to send a Condolence Card to the family, please call 204-452-3711 or visit and click on the ‘donate’ button to fill out our online form.

Receive Funeral Notifications by Email Sign up:


204 975 3484

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Memorializing Your Loved Ones Memorials help us immortalize our loved ones and serve as a reminder to us, our community and to future generations. We have a number of memorial products that help perpetuate the legacy of your loved one. Contact us for more information about: Memorial Plaque in the Chapel Interactive Yahrzeit Memorial Board Cemetery Park Bench Project Annual Yizkor Book Capital Donations and Dedications Enhanching a Kiddush for a Yahrzeit Yahrzeit Notifications and Donations For more information contact Estelle Raber, Life Cycle Director, 204 975 3484

204 452 3711




Chag Sameach!


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