Shofar // Mar - Apr 2021

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Shaarey Zedek 81 r 57 - Iya Nisa n

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Celebrating Community and Culture

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Messages from Gary Hyman, President......................4 Rabbi Matthew Leibl...........................8 Rabbi Aníbal Mass...........................10 Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director..14 Sisterhood........................................... 16

Sections Holiday List.........................................5 Mazel Tov...........................................6 B'nai Mitzvah...................................12 Services............................................13 Sisterhood Gift Shop.........................16 Tributes.............................................18 Tikun Olam Project Update...............25 In Memoriam....................................26

Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6 t 204 452 3711 f 204 474 1184


Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture

Synagogue Executive Director Congregation Shaarey Zedek, a dynamic Conservative egalitarian congregation in Winnipeg with a membership base of 800 member families, is searching for a new Executive Director. The Executive Director will work in cooperation with the Rabbis and the Board as the synagogue evolves to meet the changing needs of the congregation and the community. The role of the Executive Director is integral to the successful operation of the synagogue.

Essential Skills and Abilities

• Strong interpersonal, oral and written communication skills. • Experience with the financial management and budget development of a multifaceted organization. • Human resource management of a diverse staff of 25. • Superior organizational ability. • Detail oriented, along with the ability to multitask and meet deadlines.


• Should have at least 3 years of senior management experience. • Basic understanding of Jewish rituals and practices. • A university degree or post-secondary education is preferred, but equivalent experience is acceptable. • Experience in a not-for-profit organization would be useful. Please send your resume in confidence to the Executive Director Search Committee by email to by April 16, 2021 Please provide your salary expectations in your cover letter. A detailed job description is available upon request. We thank all applicants; however only those considered for interview will be contacted.

A Message From Gary Hyman, President REPRINT: This letter was originally sent via email to the Congregation Shaarey Zedek distribution lists on March 10, 2021

With mixed emotions, I write to let the congregation know that Ian Staniloff will be leaving his position as Executive Director, when his current contract expires at the end of June.

campaign for the upcoming renovations to the synagogue. He will also help train and mentor his replacement. A search committee has been formed to identify our next Executive Director in a timely way.

I want to congratulate Ian on his years of service to the synagogue. He has been an outstanding Executive Director for over 12 years, taking Shaarey Zedek to new heights in this fast moving, challenging world, including the tenures of Rabbis Green, Pinsker, Leibl and Mass. In that time, Ian has consistently put the welfare of our congregation first, acting as a supportive ear for congregants and staff alike.

Once the pandemic is over and it is safe to gather, the Board will arrange a celebration honouring Ian. From the Board of Directors, we congratulate Ian and wish him all the best. Gary Hyman President

My fondest memory is of Ian during our High Holy Day services, when he approached every congregant – all of whom he knew by first name -- with his affectionate smile, wishing them a happy new year. While the High Holy Days are among the busiest and most hectic times for the Executive Director, Ian ensured they were also among the most joyous for the congregation. Fortunately for all of us, Ian will not be leaving the synagogue when his time as Executive Director comes to an end. He will remain as the administrative head of the L'Dor Va'Dor campaign, our major fundraising


Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

Erev Pesach 1st Seder Sat, Mar 27 ● 14 Nisan Pesach Day 1 2nd Seder Sun, Mar 28 ● 15 Nisan

Todah Rabah, Thank you,

Essential Service Workers!

Pesach Day 2 Mon, Mar 29 ● 16 Nisan Pesach Days 3-6 Mon, Mar 29-Fri, Apr 2 16 Nisan - 20 Nisan Pesach Day 7 Sat, Apr 3 ● 21 Nisan Pesach Day 8 YIZKOR Sun, Apr 4 ● 22 Nisan Good Friday Fri, Apr 2 Easter Sun, Apr 4 Yom Hashoah Thu, Apr 8 ● 26 Nisan Yom Hazikaron Wed, Apr 14 ● 2 Iyar

From your friends at 130



Yom Ha'Atzmaut Thu, Apr 15 ● 3 Iyar


Lag B'Omer Fri, Apr 30 ● 18 Iyar

Celebrating Community and Culture

Yom Yerushalayim Mon, May 10 ● 28 Iyar

Shaarey Zedek

Shabuot Day 1 Mon, May 17 ● 6 Sivan Shavuot Day 2 YIZKOR Tue, May 18 ● 7 Sivan Victoria Day Mon, May 24


Search for Chametz Fri, Mar 26 13 Nisan

Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'maza Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey anu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'maz tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'sim lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u Mazel tov to Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, lanu, Mazel tov to u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Sima Shaarey Zedek members, Dr Jack Lipkin tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal Gail Asper OC OMtov, LLDy'hey (1), lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'ie DMD FICD 1 Yis'ra'iel. Elba Haid Siman (2), y'hey lanu, u'l'khol tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'maz Prosthodontist , and on receiving nu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey la Tannis Mindell (3), The George H tov u'mazal tov, siman tovamong u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'sima who were the recipients of Moulton Lifetime Nellie McClung Foundation’s Achievement khol Yis'ra'iel, y'heythe lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra 150 Manitoba Women Award -- the highest honor bestowed by the tov, siman tov u'mazal tov Awards. v'simanThistovhonour u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh Trailblazer American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. salutesu'l'khol the contributions that Siman tov u'mazal 2 lanu, y'hey lanu, y'hey Yis'ra'iel. v'siman tov members u'mazalwho tov, sim Thistov award recognizes Manitoba women have made to have made a significant impact and lanu. Y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel socialy'hey justice, lanu, arts, sports, politics, contribution to the art and science of fixed education, u'mazal tov v'siman tovcommunity u'mazalactivities tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman u'mazal tov, siman prosthodontics and whotov have demonstrated and promoting democracy while lifetime service to the field. v'siman tov u'mazal developing tov, simanthistov u'mazal great province.tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman t 3 lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh u'mazal tov, y'hey Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'maza Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y Tov to Rabbi Matthew Rebbetzin Heather Wadsworth tov u'mazal tov v'simanMazel tov u'mazal tov, siman tov Leibl, u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, ,y'hey and big brother Hugo, on the birth of Felix Isaac Wadsworth Leibl (Yitzchak anu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'heyMordechai lanu, y'hey u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. tov u'maz Feivel ben HaRav Yoseflanu, HaKohen v’Hadassah), born onSiman Sunday, January grandparents are Stewart Ellenu'l'khol Leibl, and David and Susan tov v'siman tov u'mazal31,tov,2021. y'heyProud lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'heyand lanu, Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu Wadsworth of Markham, Ontario. Proud great-grandparents are Arnice Pollock of u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. SimanWinnipeg, tov u'mazal tov Wadsworth v'siman tov tov,Ontario. siman tov u'mazal tov v'sim and Ariel of Stu'mazal Catharines, lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u Wishy'hey them Tov' withy'hey a Tribute Card Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, lanu,'Mazel u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel Contact the shul at 204-452-3711 or click the 'donate' button on siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yi lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. u'mazal tovus v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman to ShareSiman your tov news with Contact Liss Yis'ra'iel, Haims at 204-452-3711 or Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu,Inna u'l'khol y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov

Mazel Tov!

al tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, sim Mazel tov to Mazel tov to lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey Sharon lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, Segal and Sharony'hey Segallanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'h Moscovitch and Steven zal tov v'siman tov u'mazalSteven tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'maz on the birth of their Moscovitch , u, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lan grandchild, and Halle Moscovitch man tov u'mazal tov, simanLayla tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov Lori u'mazal y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'h Gilfixtov,and on October 21, 2020. Stevan Siman Leipsic, tov u'mazal tov v'siman u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Proud parents are on the birth of their and Y'hey Noah Moscovitch of u'mazalBailey tov, Winestock y'hey lanu. lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh grandchild, Milo lanu, Leipsic y'hey Moscovitch grandparents are Barbara and on December 19, 2020.tov, sim an tovWinnipeg. u'mazalProud tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal Larry Winestock of Winnipeg. Proud parents are Lindsey Leipsic and el, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lan Daniel Moscovitch of Winnipeg. zal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'h anu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'heyMazel lanu, Yis'ra'iel. tov u'mazal tov v'sim Tov u'l'khol to Susan and GarySiman Harrison the birth Andor on an tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey on lanu, y'heyof their lanu,grandchild, u'l'khol James Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lan 25, 2021. Proud parents are Rebecca a'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman February tov Zachary u'mazal tov, siman u'mazal are tov v'siman tov u'maz and Harrison. Proud tov grandparents Erin and Yis'ra'iel, Stephen Kremer. hol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra' man tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'h l, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman n tov u'mazal tov v'siman Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal u, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lan tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman hol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra' al tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh Wishing all our Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, sim y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. lanu. Y'hey lanu,friends y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'h and u'l'khol clientsYis'ra'iel, a zal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'maz Happy Passover! u, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lan man tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'h u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'kh 2200-201 Portagetov Avev'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal t . Siman tov u'mazal Winnipeg, Manitoba | R3B 3L3 is'ra'iel,204.949.1312 y'hey lanu,| y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'h ov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lan , y'hey204 lanu,452 u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu,/SZWinnipeg u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel. Siman tov u'mazal 3711 /ShaareyZedekWinnipeg 7 v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'h

Dear Little One

A Message From Rabbi Matthew Leibl Photo credit: Elaine Halpert

A few months ago, a good friend of mine and his wife welcomed their first child – a boy – and held a naming ceremony over Zoom for family and friends. They wrote a letter to their son to explain his names. I thought that was so clever and so special. When Heather and I welcomed our second son this year, I found inspiration in my friend’s letter and wrote one of our own. (Keep in mind, when we read this at the Bris, no one knew his name yet. We had kept it a secret for the full week. Even from our mothers.) _____________ Dear Little One, You are Jewish. And in Jewish tradition names are very important. Names help us honour people who mean a lot to us. Very important people. People in our families. Often people who aren’t with us anymore, but whom we want to remember. And emulate. Seven years ago when your mother and I got married, Mom had all her grandparents in her life. But since then, we’ve lost three of them and we want you to know – your names help us remember all three. Oma Ingrid Neufeld. Opa Fred Neufeld. And Grandpa Frank Wadsworth. Oma was your Oma’s mom. She was larger than life and one of a kind. She loved adventure and laughing and things that were kind of crazy and talking a lot and church and family. And butter. You will hear lots of funny stories about her as you grow


up and how she was a great matriarch of a truly great family. She would have loved you and you would have loved her. Your middle name is Isaac for her. Isaac comes from the Bible – which Oma would have absolutely gone crazy for. From Yitzchak, which means, “He will laugh.” So that’s your Hebrew name. Yitzchak. Also for her. Opa was your Oma’s dad. We lost him just a few months ago. He was the perfect complement to Oma. Quiet, softspoken, gentle, serious, thoughtful, kind, and under-ratedly funny. He was the patriarch of a truly great family and we miss him very much. Grandpa was your Gido’s dad. He was clever, well-read, and unassuming. Loved history and the world – which he taught about for years and later explored. He loved to read and loved to learn. He enjoyed telling stories and also had a great laugh. His story actually began in Manitoba and he spent his younger days right here in Winnipeg. He would have loved knowing his greatgrandson in Winnipeg was named for him. For Opa and for Grandpa, for Fred and for Frank, your first name is Felix. It’s from Latin and it means “Happy” or “Fortunate”. Which is exactly how you make us feel, to join our family as our second son. You are named for people in Mom’s family, in the style of how people are named in my family. Which is what Mom and I are always trying to do – blend both of our family traditions together. That’s why we wanted to give you a second Hebrew name, a middle Hebrew name, to match Felix, the

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way Yitzchak goes with Isaac, even if we switched the order. But that’s allowed. I had a Bar Mitzvah student who did that once and I thought it was quite brilliant. Especially because your Hebrew middle name is a little out there. That’s also part of why we didn’t make it your first name.

Happy Pesach!

It’s out there because it’s not really Hebrew. It’s actually Yiddish. Yiddish is the language your Super Baba taught at Peretz School and loves very much. Yiddish isn’t very popular anymore, but it used to be a big part of Jewish tradition and it’s important to remember things like that. Your Hebrew / Yiddish middle name is Feivel. It means “Bright”, which we thought fit perfectly with Yitzchak, Isaac, and Felix. Happiness. Good fortune. Laughter. All things that are bright. (It’s also the name of a very famous cartoon mouse from two animated movies from when your Mom and I were kids which we would be thrilled to watch with you some day.) Feivel is special and unique. Just like you. We think it’s absolutely awesome and we hope you do, too. (But if you really don’t like it, don’t tell anyone and just go with Yitzchak – it’s your call!) So that’s you. Felix Isaac. Yitzchak Feivel. Oh right – one last thing. Your mom comes from a family of three sisters and her last name is very important to her. So you have a second middle name and it is Mom’s last name – Wadsworth.


200 – 900 LORIMER BOULEVARD WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3P 2V4 TEL: (204) 284-7060 FAX: (204) 284-7105

Happy Pesach!

Ready for tomorrow.

Keep moving toward your goals with HUB. When you partner with us, you’re at the center of a vast network of experts dedicated to advising you on how to prepare for the unexpected with:

So there you have it. Yitzchak Feivel. Felix Isaac Wadsworth Leibl.

Business Insurance and Risk Services

Now you know why your names are what they are. And why they – like you – mean the world to us.

Employee Benefits

You are a part of our future, Felix, and your names keep us connected to our past. Because before you can start getting to wherever you’re going, you’ve got to know where you’ve come from. And now you do. Welcome to the family.

Personal Insurance Retirement and Private Wealth Management

Contact one of our experts today! Scott Parker 204-985-8455 Lisa Funk 204-988-1517 Andrea Anderson 204-988-5129

Love, Mom and Dad

204 452 3711




From Purim to Pesach

Photo credit: Elaine Halpert

A Message From Rabbi Aníbal Mass According to the Rabbis, we should start preparing for Passover as soon as the holiday of Purim is over. This is an attempt to link the two holidays as if they were, somehow, connected. This reminds me of the tradition to start the building of the Sukkah as soon as Yom Kippur is over. Many people come home from Shul after a long Neila to place the first nail of the Sukkah. We can understand the desire to connect Yom Kippur with Sukkot since the High Holidays season doesn’t end until Hoshana Rabbah, which is the last day of Sukkot. But what can we say about the commonalities or linkages of Purim and Pesach. They seem to be totally opposite festivals. Purim is a day where everything is hidden: The name of God is not mentioned in the book of Esther. People, like Mordechai and Esther, are the ones that bring deliverance to the people of Israel. Esther doesn’t even mention to the king that she is Jewish. Events seem to be random. However, Pesach is all the opposite: God is ever present, the name of Moses is omitted in the Haggadah to highlight the Divine deliverance of Israel. Everything is a constant reminder that people are Jewish. And yet, the Rabbis insist that they are connected. In fact, they are so deeply connected that they represent two sides of the same coin.

The Torah prophesizes in Deuteronomy 31:18, “But I (God) will be hiding my face from them because of all the evil they will have done in turning to other gods.” The results of that prophesy can be experienced in the Book of Esther, where God is hidden. God is not missing, just hidden; if you know where to look you can easily see the presence of God in the entire Book. Our lives mimic the Book of Esther where God is also hidden. We need to work hard to be able to see God in our world. In other words, Purim and the Book of Esther help us to find God in our reality. But Pesach, with all the great miracles: the plagues, the crossing of the Sea, etc. invites us to dream with a better reality, with a world where God doesn’t have to hide anymore. This sentiment is represented by the Cup of Elijah, that one cannot drink from quite yet, until the time where we can partner with God to redeem this world. Purim helps us navigate our reality, but Pesach shows us the way to change our reality, encouraging us to dream of a different kind of world, where we won’t need to struggle to experience the divine but the divine will be unmistakably felt everywhere we go. Ashira, Ronen and I wish you all a Chag Pesach Kasher v’Sameach

Purim represents our reality; Pesach represents our aspirations.


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For 115 years For years the the Leipsic Leipsicfamily family been wishing wishing the thecommunity community has been a aHappy HappyChanukah Pesach

Aronovitch & Leipsic employees in 1918 at an office in the old C.P.R. building, S.W. corner of Portage & Main

As the yearWe comes wish to a close wegood wishhealth a yearand of good health happiness and happiness to all to all

PETER LEIPSIC Cell: 204-799-3660

STFANO AMATO Cell: 204-293-0108


920-201 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3B 3K6 204-272-9577 Building Relationships - Creating Opportunities - Growing Together

Ayla Thomas March 14, 2021 Child of Eric Thomas and Lesley Koven

Nathan Strauss

March 20, 2021 Child of Jonathan and Allison Strauss

Vaughn Vickar May 1, 2021 Child of Sam Vickar and Lisa Vickar

Isaac Szwajcer

April 26, 2021 Child of David and Andrea Szwajcer

Jericho Knazan

May 8, 2021 Child of Josh and Primrose Knazan

Natalie Szpigiel

May 15, 2021 Child of Guillermo Spigiel and Erica Dorfman

Gregory Hyman

May 22, 2021 Child of Hartley and Rishona Hyman

Julia Lazareck

May 29, 2021 Child of Sam Lazareck and Chloe McComb

Samuel Di Cresce

June 12, 2021 Child of Gregory Di Cresce and Aviva Goldberg

Jacob Andress

June 19, 2021 Child of Jack Andress and Shoshana Weinberg-Andress

Engagement • Wedding • Children and Family Maternity • Babies • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Graduation Photowall and Photobooth

204.918.3799 Your story told through my eyes

Wish them 'Mazel Tov' with a Tribute Card Contact the shul at 204-452-3711 or click the 'donate' button on

Shabbat Morning


Saturday 10:00 AM

A musical, engaging, relaxed and interactive Shabbat morning experience with Rabbi Matthew Leibl, Rabbi Aníbal Mass, and Lay Clergy, Bill Weissmann (Shammes), and Leslie Emery. Enjoy from the comfort of your own home -- take part in virtual aliyot and other honorus.

Monday to Thursday 7:30 AM • 6:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM • 5:30 PM Saturday 10:00 AM • 6:00 PM Sundays and Canadian Holidays, 9:00 AM • 6:00 PM


Erev Pesach and Pesach Day 1 • Sat, Mar 27 & Sun, Mar 28 • Evening Minyan 5:30 PM Pesach Day 2 • Mon, Mar 29 • Morning Minyan 9:00 AM

Watch on V I D E O OR Watch and Chat on STREAM Facebook and YouTube! 204 452 3711




Let Freedom Ring!

Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro Photography

A Message From Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze,

Engagement and Education Director What makes us FREE? I have been doing some reflecting back to this time last year when we were trying to figure out how we would adapt and move forward with all of the constraints and unknowns that were brought on by the newly declared pandemic. I feel great pride for what we have been able to accomplish given all the obstacles that were thrown our way AND that in the process we were able to continue to Uplift! and inspire those around us not to lose hope. Passover is actually very much a celebration of this phenomena …FREEDOM… overcoming huge obstacles, taking control of our destiny, and staying optimistic about the future. This has been the leitmotiv of the Jewish people since we left Egypt all those generations ago! Passover is a celebration of overcoming the bonds of slavery in all its forms. From being in a state of physical “bondage”, to lingering in state of inertia and uncertainty, “slavery” prevents us from planning for the future and taking control of our destiny. The physical and emotional “bondage” of the successive lockdowns and the isolation that many of you experienced over the cold winter months were significant challenges. This Passover we should be celebrating how we took back our FREEDOM by taking these obstacles and transforming our uncertainty into new ways of coming together to celebrate our milestones and festivals. This winter we made it our mission to overcome the constraints of the lockdown by bringing you some exciting Adult Education opportunities where


our impact was significantly increased by the virtual platform. Although we could not host our community in our physical building, people from all over the World have been able to get to know us and join our online programs including our Hebrew Reading Course, Workshops for adults and families with young children, as well as our Speaker Series. Our Hebrew Reading Course in partnership with NJOP was attended by 26 students who met weekly for six weeks in the fall and then again over the winter months for a seven-week intensive series. Most of these students have already signed up for a six-week grammar course this spring and the special Passover Haggadah workshop on March 23rd. Our Adult Education and Engagement Department brought together Young Adults from Winnipeg and Montreal during the winter for an online Havdallah Party and more recently on Purim for an online gaming night. Leslie Emery in conjunction with PJ Library hosted programs for families over Purim and has another event scheduled to help get into the spirit of Passover this coming March 21st. Leslie has also been hosting an online gathering for our Minyanaire community to help them stay connected to the synagogue and to each other. Our Speaker program kicked off in January with a three-part series on Jewish Biomedical Ethics first featuring ex-Winnipegger guest speaker Rabbi Steven Wernick from Toronto and then, Marcello Mass from Argentina hosted by our own Rabbi Anibal Mass and Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze. The series was widely attended live by over 100

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people at each weekly session from Winnipeg and beyond. The number of views since the program was first aired has surpassed 1.5 K. In early February, we hosted a special program with celebrity Psychotherapist and Sex Therapist Beatty Cohan MSW, LCSW, AASECT. Beatty who grew up in Winnipeg, reached out to us after coming back to our virtual Minyan to honour her mother’s yahrzeit . Our Minyan which literally acts as a “window to our soul” has brought many ex-Winnipeggers back to Shaarey Zedek including Beatty. Beatty, whose mother Mrs. Sair, taught for many years at the old Talmud Torah, rekindled many connections here as we prepared for the event with our partners: Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood, Jewish Child and Family Service and the Jewish Post and News. The session Never Make a Mistake in Love Again attracted over 100 views when it was live streamed and has since been viewed by over 900 people. Another uplifting partnership event that helped bring us through the winter was our celebration of Tu B’Shevat with Bridges for Peace, Emuna Israel and Adas Yeshurun Herzlia. In honour of the Jewish New Year for Trees, we baked challah, sang, danced and learnt about the holiday and the incredible work that Emunah Israel does for the underprivileged in Israel. Our Tikun Olam committee also worked hard this winter to uplift the underprivileged in our local community. This winter we organized a collection of food gift cards to support West Broadway Ministries and Jewish Child and Family Service. More recently, we undertook a campaign to provide breakfast for the full month of March to a homeless shelter. Our campaign to raise $1800 was reached and surpassed in a few short days to over $3700 and we were able to bring some comfort in a great time of need. It IS possible to take back our FREEDOM by taking action in areas where we do have control and not worrying about that which is beyond our control.

204 452 3711


This Passover let’s celebrate what we have achieved over this past year and that we have been able to transform the obstacles that were put before us, into something positive and productive. If you would like to know more or get involved, please feel free to call me at 204-452-3711 or send me an email to Warm Regards!

NJOP National Jewish Outreach Project Anniversary of the death of a loved one.

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Yizkor Pesach Sun, Apr 4

Service is live streamed at 9:00 AM and Yizkor is recited around 10:30 AM

Shavuot Tue, May 18

Service begins at 9:00 AM Yizkor is recited around 10:30 AM




Louise Raber, Sisterhood, Co-President As I write this column I realize it’s a year since our lives changed. No meetings, no in person interaction! But Sisterhood is still around and has a presence at Shaarey Zedek. Thanks to Zoom, our new Book Club facilitator Rhonda Youell, organized a successful meeting in November with 9 people attending. They read “Waking Lions”. They all agreed it was a success, and another meeting is planned for April 14 @ 2:00 for 1 1/2 hours. “The World We Knew” by Alice Hoffman will be reviewed. To attend, there is no fee, all we ask is that you are a paid up member of Sisterhood (a minimal cost of $36 per year). If you wish to participate, call Inna at Shaarey Zedek to register at 204-452-3711. She will need your email address and phone number so that Rhonda is able to reach you.

and raised Beatty (Sair) Cohan. Beatty is a Psychotherapist and Sex Therapist. Her topic, “Never Make a Mistake in Love Again” was very interesting and well received by over 100 people from all around the world. As one Sisterhood member said “after over 50 years of marriage, I learned something new”! Keep your eyes open for your virtual Torah Fund Annual “Tealess Tea” invitation, chaired by my co-president and Torah Fund chair Sandy Polanski. Hopefully, the time is near when we can all meet face-to-face once again (even if it’s on a lawn chair in the SZ parking lot). Take care one and all, be well and enjoy Pesach as best you can. Chag Pesach Sameach!

On February 16, Sisterhood was one of the sponsors, with Shaarey Zedek, Jewish Child and Family Service, and the Jewish Post and News, of a fascinating event featuring Winnipeg born

P h on e O r d e r s A cc e p te d 2 0 4 - 9 7 5 - 3 4 8 7 16

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Torah Fund

In mid-April you will receive your invitation to the Sisterhood’s annual TEA-LESS TEA. The Tea-Less tea money goes to Torah Fund in support of the five Seminaries around the world. The Torah Fund theme for 2020–2021 is light inside us and help each other shine. Together, B’YACHAD, which means ‘Together’. This since 1942, the modest contributions of thousands theme signifies the joy of individuals to this of sisterhood members grassroots fundraising working together effort called Torah year-round to make Fund have helped important contributions to educate and train to the Jewish each generation community through of rabbis, cantors, their volunteer efforts scholars, educators, at synagogues across summer camp the United States and directors, chaplains, Canada. Our pride campus Jewish life in being Jewish shows staff, and committed in everything we do. lay leaders. These We are high achievers are the people who Receive the 5781 pin as our gift to you in our professional and guide and teach, in recognition of your generous support personal lives, and we console and uplift accomplish even more together! Each of us is one our people, one soul at a time, whether in person small nugget of gold, but together our small gifts or remotely, during these challenging times. We reflect and refract the make this happen together. Join us!

WAYS TO DONATE: Sisterhood Torah Fund Cards

Purchase cards to send to family and friends on a simcha, holiday or in memoriam. Available at the synagogue office in a variety of styles at a cost of $5 each or $20 for 5.

Synagogue Tribute

Contact the synagogue office at 204-452-3711 to send a tribute card for $18. Please note that a portion of this money is withheld for synagogue administration costs.

Torah Fund Pin

Receive the Torah Fund pin for 5781 as our gift to you in recognition of your generous support of a minimum donation of $180. Please fill out the form that will be emailed or mailed to you in mid-April or contact us at or leave a message at the synagogue office by calling 204-452-3711.

Our Torah Fund campaign runs until May 14, 2021 We sincerely appreciate your donations 204 452 3711





Dec 1, 2020 to Feb 28, 2021 TODAH RABAH ALIYAH AND GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS HAVE BEEN HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM Mariette Bayer Hannon Bell Yerach Lazarovitz Roberta Rosenblat Ron Singer Donni Stern Ellen Thompson Jerome Phomin in honour of his birthday


RECEIVED FROM Lawrence and Dolly Cohen in honour of Dolly’s birthday

Larry and Glory Fleisher in honour of their birthdays Rosie Engel Gordon in honour of her birthday Evelyn Hecht in honour of her 80th birthday Paul Henteleff and Julie Collings in honour of Paul’s 90th birthday

Harold and Elaine Charlat Jeffrey Marcus Jerry Moscovitch Sheldon and Debbie Nider in honour of his Bradley, Harlan 81st birthday and Ryan Abells Mona Shanahan Steven Moscovitch and Sharon Segal in honour of their new grandchildren Layla and Milo


Debbie Pollock in honour of her birthday Howie Raber in honour of his birthday Bonnie Robinson in honour of her birthday David Rosner in honour of his birthday


Brownie Fleishman on her birthday Michael, Devyn and Reegan McCheyne

Gary Hyman and Miriam Corne on their special wedding anniversary Adrienne Diner and Harvey Wasiuta Susan Feldman David and Barbara Goldenberg Roberta Hechter and Bob Gowenlock Joe and Fern Hershfield Richard Leipsic and Kerrie Halprin Jack and Debbie Lipkin Maureen Pollock and Bryan Klein Joanne Rusen Leon Stein and Edith Diner Richard Wolson

Samuel Kohn and Sara Weinstein on their Saul Greenberg 20th wedding on his retirement anniversary Danny and Ellen Hamburg Don and Sheila Katz Evelyn Hecht Sharon Kravetsky on her special birthday on her retirement Aubrey and Philipa Caplan Eric and Rochelle Rosenhek Paul Henteleff on his 90th birthday Rabbi Leibl and Heather Lillian Zentner Wadsworth on the birth of their son Frank and Sue Hechter Brian and Jeanne Pauls Marvin and Sandy Polanski Richard and Joanne Rothberg

Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

Stewart and Ellen Leibl on the birth of their grandson Saul and Brenda Greenberg Rick Lee on his 70th birthday Francie Bay Smith and Arnold Smith Cynthia Miltenberg on her special birthday Arthur and Denise Waldman Tannis Mindell on receiving the 150th Manitoba Women Trailblazer Award Dick and Minnie Bell Jonah Posner on his special birthday Rose Muchnik Howie Raber on his 60th birthday Sharon Allentuck Steven Schipper and Terri Cherniack on the birth of their grandson Maxine Cristall

Larry and Tova Vickar on their 50th wedding anniversary Sam, Odessa, Mason, Vaughn and Stephen, Marie, Theo Morley Vinsky on his special birthday Hy Kraitberg and Terri Slotnick


The Clergy Team Gina Chodirker Phyllis Laveman Marla Shragge Rabbi Shawn Zevit Leslie Emery Zelda Elkin Rabbi Leibl Kenneth Bell and Leesa Streifler and Daniel Bell Dale Marcus Sheila, Ian and Jeff Rabb Irene Zimmer and Families Marc Streifler and Cindy Vine-Streifler, Riley, Jesse and Seth

Perry and Sylvia Schulman Rabbi Mass on their birthdays Sara Israels Lenore Kagan Terri Slotnick on her special birthday Hy Kraitberg Elaine Sommer on her birthday Dick and Minnie Bell

Rena Secter Elbaze Judith Charach


Allan Cantor Berdina Shorten David Wilder


IN MEMORY OF Corinne Ackerman Z”L Neil and Judith Charach Janet Fleishman Susn Palmer Marvin and Sandy Polanski Elizabeth Posen Eric and Rochelle Rosenhek Norman and Beth Shore Ron and Marissa Strominger Gnessie Vickar Wayne and Carla Vickar David and Lois Wolch Arnold and Beverly Zatser William Adler Z”L Hy Kraitberg Rose Appel Z”L Neil Besner Lorne and Jill Brandes Neil and Judith Charach Simone Cohen Scott Joel and Penny Shefrin and Family Shlomo Baizen Z”L Engel Family Abraham Bay Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Mary Barish Z”L Earl and Cheryl Barish

Abraham Bell Z”L Lynn Pollock Debbie Pollock Betty Bell Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Andi Bell David Bell Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Helen Bell Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Leon Bell Z”L Hannon Bell Rose Bell Z”L Benny Pollock Debbie Pollock Lynn Pollock Ettie Bebchuk Z”L Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Morris Berenhaut Z”L Abe and Toni Berenhaut Max and Evelyn Berinstein Z”L Martin and Roxy Freedman Sara Berkal Z”L Ben Berkal Alexander Berkowits Z”L Sandra Berkowits Harry Bertram Zaidman Z”L Shelley Chochinov Ellen Zaidman and Teddy Preston Harriet Zaidman and Cecil Rosner Paul and Fraya Zaidman In Memory Of continued on next page ...

O N E MO R E C A N D LE Adopt the memory of a child murdered in the Shoah.

Esther Cohen Z”L Meir Serfaty and Bonnie Serfaty Talbot Eva Cristall Z”L Maxine Cristall

Adopt a memory so that a murdered child has someone to remember that they lived, giving light to the darkness by saying his or her name out loud, saying kaddish, and by simply lighting just One More Candle every year.

Irvin Joseph Cohen Z”L Simone Cohen Scott

Brings Light to Darkness

We are a registered charity. There is no charge to adopt a memory. Donations may be made to One More Candle at 295 Elm Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 3N6 , or donate to the Congregation Shaarey Zedek Yahrzeit Fund (204-452-3711). in partnership with B'nai Brith Canada

... In Memory Of continued from last page

Jack Brownstone Z”L Howard and Thomas Brock and Ellen Goldstein Susan Brownstone Brock Frank and Sue Hechter Bernice Birnbach Z”L and Family Eleanor Burke Harold Buchwald Z”L Michael and Bonnie Helper Dee Buchwald Rose Muchnik and Family Clara Bleet Z”L Arnold and Doreen Kapitz Rachel Owa Morris Burke Z”L Preston and Miriam Segal Eleanor Burke Vittorio and Judith Rossi Jean and Sam Eric and Rochelle Rosenhek Blumenthal Z”L Ada Cantor Z”L Steven Schipper and Sidney Schwartzman David and Diane Wilder Terri Cherniack Fred and Carol Standil Steven Boroditsky Z”L Clara Charlat Z”L Irv and Toby Vinsky Martin and Linda Fingold Harold and Elaine Charlat Harry and Rhonda Youell Rose Muchnik and Family Ken, Lori, Jenna and Victor Tomassetti Sonya Chula Z”L Lexie Zimmer Irv and Toby Vinsky Larry and Glory Fleisher Bessie Craven Z”L Albert Boxer Z”L Sheldon Claman Z”L Ellen Zaidman David Meyrowitz and Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Harriet Zaidman Irene Boxer-Meyrowitz Samuel Borden and Paul Zaidman Estelle Sures Shelley Chochinov Martin Brotman Z”L Claire Breslaw and Karen Ackerman Paul Granovsky Eda Cohen Z”L Jerry, Evan and Dustin Patricia Charad Marvin and Merle Roitelman Anita Cohen Garfinkel Martin and Linda Fingold John Gelmon

Myer Cohen Z”L Anita Cohen Meyer Engel Z”L Mina Engel Z”L Engel Family Pauline Essers Z”L Hannon Bell Abe Farkes Z”L Karen Farkas Phillip Feldman Z”L Jacquie Seipp Bronia Fox Z”L Engel Family Samuel Freedman Z”L Martin and Roxy Freedman Arnold Frieman Z”L Myra Frieman Dorothy Galpern Z”L Anita Cohen Morris and Edith Gardner Z”L Jeremy and Maureen Gordon Jennie Garfinkel Z”L Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Solomon Ginsberg Z”L Louise and Lorne Raber Elaine and Harvey Gamer

Jerrold Goldenberg Z”L Beth Goldenberg

Mayer Gutwilik Z”L Toby Gutwilik and Fay-Lynn Katz

Florence Katz Z”L Shirley Lipkin Z”L Arnold and Susan Permut Larry and Glory Fleisher Gary and Pamela Brooker Allan Granovsky Z”L Rose Maister Z”L Inna Granovsky Archie Hecht Z”L Alvin Kravetsky Z”L Art Maister and Larry and Evelyn Hecht Goldie Kravetsky Z”L Kayla Gordon Faye and Allan Grant Z”L Daniel Kravetsky Roberta Silverstein Philip Hirt Z”L Max Manishen Z”L Tracie Ganetsky Barbara Hirt Philip Katz Z”L Beverley Manishen Shelley Ross Fay-Lynn Katz Karen Grant Max Hochman Z”L Hymie and Doris Maureen Milner Greg, Susan and Isaura Marjorie Kay Z”L Margolis Z”L and Families Clark Tobi, Adam and Daniel Adelman and Neil and Elaine Margolis Robbie Elman Samantha Zimberg Catherine Green Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber Lorne and Louise Raber Ruth Matas Z”L Lorne Bellan Lindsay Raber and Drake Hechter and Family and Bonnie Cham Brian Adams Frances Rose Frank and Sue Hechter Keenberg Z”L Boris Mesbur Z”L Isser Held and Family Leon Hollenberg Z”L Louis Keenberg Z”L Donald and Belva Gutkin Mel and Denny Hornstein Andrea Hollenberg Frank and Gail Spivak Phyllis Laveman Chazzan Stephen Eric Ellis and Lorraine Hurting Z”L Clara Kershner Z”L Merkel Z”L Ruth Lehmann Clyde Hurtig Dora Kershner Z”L Fanny Merkel Z”L Peter and Karen Leipsic Cindy Singer Freda Merkel Z”L Marvin and Ruth Melzer Robert Hyman Z”L Isaac Merkel Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber Daniel Adelman and Israel Soody Kleiman Z”L Morris Merkel Z”L Bonnie Robinson Samantha Zimberg Susan Garfield Shelley Chochinov Perry and Gary Hyman and Miriam Marilyn Mudrik Ellen Zaidman Sylvia Schulman Corne Sari Levi and Ian Schlifer Harriet Zaidman Marvin and Emily Shane Paul Zaidman Lorne and Paulette Weiss Ken and Francie Frank and Family Morris Kraitberg Z”L Clare Whiteman Hy Kraitberg and Richard Michael Z”L Arnold and Beverly Zatser Esther Israels Z”L Terri Slotnick Karen Farkas Lorne and Jill Brandes Allan Greenberg Z”L Ken and Jeff Nathan Labman Z”L Jill Sheryl Mintz Hay Z”L David and Barry Blankstein-Ure Ben Berkal and Beverly Hay Greenberg Gerald and Penny Kalef Shirley Labman Steven Mintz Lindy Greenberg Z”L Brent Schacter Hartley and Earle Laveman Z”L Rona Morris Z”L Rishona Hyman Malka Joudan Z”L Goldie Laveman Z”L Jeffrey Morris Ken and Francie Frank Phyllis Laveman Belle Grubert Z”L and Family Alana Michelle Bonnie Blank Betty Leinburd Z”L Moscovitch Z”L Sheldon Blank Dave Kaplan Z”L Paul Leinburd and Jerry and Gloria Martin and Gary and Pamela Brooker Ceci Kaufman Moscovitch Sherri-Ricki Erlichman Leonard and Ruth Carol Debra Lockshin Podheiser and Family Barbara Levy Z”L Neil Mowchun Z”L Les, Michaela and Martin and Linda Fingold Frank and Sue Hechter Jaron Rykiss Carol and Sam Simkin Bernie Lerner Z”L In Memory Of Libbi Walter Sybil Lerner continued on next page ...

... In Memory Of continued from last page Luba Neaman Z”L Morris Neaman Z”L Barbara Neaman Benjamin Nemy Z”L Corinne Nemy Herbert Nitikman Z”L Donald and Belva Gutkin Trevor Paul Z”L Robert and Elaine Paul Benjamin Joseph Permack Z”L David Permack Z”L Rose Permack Z”L Sheldon Permack Ida Pinsk Z”L Sharon Allentuck Earl Pitch Z”L Sylvia Pitch Molly Clarice Pitsch Z”L Marvin and Merle Garfinkel

David Rabb Z”L Hannon Bell Claire Breslaw and Paul Granovsky Martin and Patricia Brody Patricia Charad Anita Cohen Martin and Linda Fingold Saul and Lolly Guttman Frank and Sue Hechter Gerald and Penny Kalef Larry and Rhoda Kussin Phyllis Laveman Naomi Mendelson Lillian Neaman Rochelle Pincovich Harvin and Rachel Pitch Bonnie Robinson Morley Rypp Victor Tomassetti Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer Ben Raber Z”L Sharon Allentuck Marilyn Raber Liba Raber Z”L Sharon Allentuck Lorne and Louise Raber

Eva Ravvin Z”L Shirley Polanski Z”L Larry and Rhoda Kussin Marvin and Sandy Polanski Max Reich Z”L Sharon Pollack Z”L Rose Reich Z”L Rocky Pollack Lorraine Reiner Mischa Pollock Z”L Benny Pollock Debbie Pollock Lynn Pollock

Harry and Fay Esther and Max Rosenby Z”L Seipp Z”L Gerald and Susan Rosenby Barry and Marilyn Berman and Family Joseph Cyril Jacquie Seipp and Rosenstock Z”L Todd Boyer Sheldon and Lynda Mara and Zanna Rosenstock Seipp-Katz Barton Rossen Z”L Patricia Charad Perky Linder

Albert Segal Z”L Steven Moscovitch and Sharon Segal

Abraham and Lucy Louis Segal Z”L Rothstein Z”L Saul and Lolly Guttman Marvin Rothstein Z”L Gerald and Susan Rosenby Sylvia Senensky Z”L Larry and Minda Ginsberg Lily Rubenstein Z”L Arnold and Beverly Zatser Miriam Shatsky Z”L Eleanor Burke Zivan Saper Z”L Gary and Pamela Brooker Rose Shell Z”L Curling Canada Ruth Klapman and Family Saul and Brenda Syd and Barbara Kowall Greenberg Sam and Sandi Malamud Charlene and Sally Shuckett Gerry Molotsky Lorne and Louise Raber Ruth Shell Z”L Teresa Sanecki Arnold and Beverly Zatser Al Shell

Allan Shnier Z”L Daniel Adelman and Samantha Zimberg Lou and Ruth Billinkoff Harold Schachter Z”L Allan and Elaine Borodkin Carole Medd Rachel Cornites Sonia Esther Schachter Z”L Sheldon and Tannis Barry Reiner Z”L Lorraine Reiner David and Diane Wilder Mindell Sybil Plattner Maple and Vina Del Annette Rosenberg Z”L Marsha Schwartzman Z”L Rosario and Family Lewis Rosenberg Martin and Linda Fingold Patricia Brody David and Glenda Patricia Charad Lorne and Louise Raber SegalLes and Andi Silver Brian and Jeanne Pauls Edward and Dianne David and Lois Wolch Winters Morley Rypp Greg and Mandy Arnold, Beverly and Yakubovich Jennifer Zatser Ruth Zelcer Harvey Sawyer Z”L Toby Sawyer

Dorys Silver Z”L Morris Louis Silver Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Sheldon and Tannis Mindell Les and Andi Silver David and Glenda Segal


Ruth Silver Z”L Lanny Silver Stanley Silverberg Z”L Diane Silverberg

Experience Quality

Sylvia Silverberg Z”L Nora Kaufman Dolly Silverman Goodman Z”L Rita Shapera Jacob Lillian Singer Z”L Ray Singer Selma Smordin Z”L Ron and Jill Stier and Family Roy Soltzman Z”L Jackie Stillwater and Family

Trust Craftsmanship

Hilda Stern Z”L Terry and Carole Gutkin Ricki Segal Jocelyn Stern Katz Z”L Donni Stern Sophie Stitz Z”L Rose Muchnik and Family

Harry Stillwater Z”L Morris Soronow Z”L Jackie Stillwater Martin and Linda Fingold and Family Ted and Harriet Lyons Arnold and Susan Permut Richard Stillwater Z”L Barry and Marcy Schwartz Jackie Stillwater Harry and Rhonda Youell and Family Jory and Jacqueline Deanne Spiegel Z”L Laurie, Ginny and Maxine Cristall Reese Stillwater Elaine Golumbia Preston and Miriam Segal Lynn Stoffman Z”L Cynthia Duncan Adele Standil Z”L Alan Standil Sonia Steel Z”L Freda Steel Justine Steinkopf Z”L Marjorie Blankstein Berdina Shorten David and Diane Wilder

1801 Notre Dame Avenue at Keewatin Street Winnipeg, MB R3E 3E5 PHONE: (204) 633-5053 EMAIL: www. larsensmemo

Sheila Streifler Z”L Bernice Walder Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Dick and Minnie Bell Lorne and Marilyn Billinkoff Lou and Ruth Billinkoff Gary and Pamela Brooker Miriam Brown Patricia Charad Megan Halprin Neil and Judith Charach Morley Rypp Harvey and Lee Garfinkel Preston and Miriam Segal and Family David and Lois Wolch Gail Latouche Sybil Lerner Abram Warcki Lorne and Louise Raber (Vartski) Z”L Morley Rypp Belle Jarniewski Victor Tomassetti Jerry and Reesa Webb Joseph Wilder Z”L and Family David and Diane Wilder Greg and Mandy Yakubovich Rose Winston Z”L Jonah Posner and Elaine Wiseman Lillian Zentner Saul Manuel Wiseman Harold Swick Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber Eduardo Szpigiel Z"L Szpigiel Family

Goldie Winters Z”L Joseph Winters Edward and Dianne Winters

Samantha Thomas Z”L Berdina Shorten Samuel Trachtenberg Z”L Jerry and Rietta Floom In Memory Of continued on next page ...

... In Memory Of continued from last page

Pearl Yanovsky Z”L Edward and Dianne Winters

Myra Wolch Z”L Gloria Averbach Martin and Gail Corne Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Gerald and Penny Kalef Estelle Kliman Lillian Neaman Brian and Jeanne Pauls David and Lois Wolch

Goldie Zaidman Z”L Shelley Chochinov Ellen Zaidman Harriet Zaidman Paul Zaidman

Sam and Jean Wolfman Z”L Kerry Gertenstein Clara Wolk Z”L Eric and Rochelle Rosenhek David Wolk Eric and Rochelle Rosenhek Norman Wolk Z”L Bonnie Robinson

Eva Zatser Z”L Arnold and Beverly Zatser Allan Zelickson Z”L Marian Zelickson Z”L Ralph Zelickson Z”L Louise and Lorne Raber Elaine and Harvey Gamer Emil Zimmer Z”L Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer


Rose Yakir Z”L Philip and Brenda Yakir and Family

In memory of Dr. Sheldon Claman Kussin Family

Israel Yamron Z”L Isser Held and Family Hartley and Rishona Hyman

Rick Lee in honour of his 70th birthday Caren, Arthur and Denise and Families


Honour a special simcha or memorialize a loved one with a personalized leaf or stone on the Tree of Life. Our Tree is a signed, original work of art, carved basrelief and cast in solid bronze. Alder Leaves are available for $200 each.


Donations start at $18 and can be gifted to a variety of funds.

204 452 3711 Or visit and click DONATE

Memorializing Your Loved Ones Memorials help us immortalize our loved ones and serve as a reminder to us, our community and to future generations. We have a number of memorial products that help perpetuate the legacy of your loved one. Contact us for more information about: Memorial Plaque in the Chapel ● Interactive Yahrzeit Memorial Board Cemetery Park Bench Project ● Annual Yizkor Book ● Capital Donations and Dedications Enhanching a Kiddush for a Yahrzeit ● Yahrzeit Notifications and Donations For more information contact Estelle Raber, Life Cycle Director, 204 975 3484


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! d HELP FEED THE e h c a e R l HOMELESS a o G Help us Raise $1800 to Provide 930 Meals We are proud to announce that within a few days of launching the Shaarey Zedek Tikun Olam Initiative – Everyone Deserves Breakfast – we reached and exceeded our goal to raise $1800 to supply 930 meals toward 1JustCity's program Just A Warm Sleep (JAWS). The campaign was closed on Monday, February 22 – just 65 hours after it began, and a cheque in the amount of $3756.20 was presented to 1JustCity on Wednesday, February 25. Todah Rabah, Thank you, to our dedicated Tikun Olam Committee: Holly Harris (Chair), Frank Hechter, Fanny Levy, Libby Broder, Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze (Staff) Todah Rabah, Thank you, to everyone who donated! Our campaign has closed, but you can donate directly to 1JustCity by visiting their website by

L to R: Holly Harris, Tikun Olam Co-Chair; Sarah Chan, Housing Coordinator for 'Just a Warm Sleep (JAWS)', from 1JustCity; Gary Hyman, President, Congregation Shaarey Zedek

DONORS Don and Bev Aronovitch Dan Blankstein Marjorie Blankstein Ellery and Libby Broder Sheila and David Brodovsky Aubrey and Philipa Caplan Miriam Corne and Gary Hyman Bonnie Cham and Lorne Bellan Robert Didych Rena and Daniel Elbaze Joshua and Sophia Endleman

Shirley and Bob Freedman Barbara and David Goldenberg Ellen and Daniel Hamburg John (Simcha) Hample Frank and Sue Hechter Elliot H Katz Syd and Barb Kowall Hy Kraitberg and Terri Slotnick Michael and Helene Leipsic Sammy, Leo, and Jeff Marcus and Joanne Seiff

Noam Millo and Tamar Rubin Sandy and Marvin Polanski Olga and Eduardo Saveliovsky Dr Brent Schacter JG George Slutchuk Freda Steel Brend Tessler and Joel Donen Wayngarten Family Warner Wunnemann Gustavo Zentner and Family And 19 other Anonymous Donors

PROJECT BACKGROUND Everyone Deserves to Eat Breakfast – An initiative of Shaarey Zedek Tikun

Olam Initiative to raise funds to provide 30 breakfasts for each day of March, 2021 – 930 meals ($1800). The campaign raised $3756.20. 100% of funds raised went to 1JustCity – an organization in West Broadway that hosts 30 guests overnight during the cold winter months and feeds them dinner and breakfast through their Program Just A Warm Sleep (JAWS). Funds that were raised above the campaign goal were provided to the JAWS program to cover other expenses to help Winnipeg’s homeless population. This fundraising campaign was an initiative of Congregation Shaarey Zedek’s Tikun Olam Committee – social action to help repair the world. Questions about this project? Reach out -- we're here to help! Contact Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director, 204-452-3711,

In Memoriam Corinne Ackerman

Beloved wife of Harvey Ackerman, mother of Corey (Amanda) Ackerman, grandmother of Ian Wesa, sister of Ernest Nairn (Bernice Chorney), and sister-in-law of Roz Nairn

Lois Ackerman

Beloved mother of Ron Ackerman, Karen Ackerman (Jerry Roitelman), Ruth Ackerman (Tom Dickie) and a sister of Elaine (Sy) Goldberg and Earl (Penny) Winestock and sister-in-law of Harvey Ackerman

Belle Grubert

Beloved mother of Beth Grubert, and Nolan (Carol) Grubert, and sister of Sam Kirschner

David Kaplan

Beloved husband of Lorraine Kaplan, father of Kevin (Roxanne) Kaplan, Myles (Nicki) Kaplan, and Joel (Danna) Kaplan, and brother of Harry (Barbara) Kaplan

Israel Soody Kleiman

Rose Appel

Beloved husband of Orah Kleiman, father of Simcha (Pearl) Kleiman, and Rafael (Natalie) Kleiman, and brother of Sam (Shirley) Kleiman

Dr. Sheldon Claman

Beloved husband of Sheila Rabb, father of Jeffrey Rabb, Irene Zimmer (Jack Sullivan), Ian Rabb (Trevor Watson), and brother of Merle Schwartz

Beloved mother of Allan (Pam) Appel, Brian Appel (Paula Glickman), Fred Appel (Marilyn Besner) and sister of Saul Rifkin

Beloved husband of Louise Claman, father of Erin Claman, Sara (Mardy) Yager, and Jeffrey Claman, and a brother-in-law of Edward (Evelyn) Hecht

Arnold Cooper

Beloved husband of Aileen Higgins Cooper, and father of Earl Cooper (Lisette Ross)

Jackie Gorenstein

Beloved sister of Gary Hyman (Miriam Corne)

Sally Gozansky

Beloved sister of Sylvia (Serril) Gunn and Lyon Malt

Catherine Lacey Green

David Rabb

Helen Roseman

Beloved mother of Ken (Lynn) Roseman and Susan (Joel) Grosh, and sister of Faye Swartz

Zivan Saper

Beloved husband of Tannis Saper, father of Avi (Rachelle) Saper, and brother of Art (Marsha) Saper

Marsha Schwartzman

Beloved wife of Sidney Schwartzman, mother of Lisa Schwartzman, and Neil Schwartzman (Gina Sakkl)

Beloved wife of Eric Green, mother of Ruby, and sister of Gary (Susan) Lacey and Jean Shack


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Debra (Debi) Stern

Beloved wife of Richard Chernick, mother of Zach (Patra) Chernick, Thea Chernick, and Samara Chernick, daughter of Anita Cohen, and sister of Jeffrey (Cheryl) Stern, and Marshall (Mireille) Stern

Sheila Streifler

Beloved mother of Leesa Streifler (Kenneth Bell), Marc Streifler (Cindy Vine Streifler), and sister of Neil (Judy) Charach, Harold Charach and Elaine Campbell

Bernice Walder

Beloved wife of Allan Walder, mother of Marilyn (Lorne) Billinkoff, and Sharon Walder (Lorne Pollock)

Myra Wolch

Beloved mother of Sara Wolch-Zuckerbrot (Julian Zuckerbrot), Mark (Sandra) Wolch, and Jonathan Wolch

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