Shofar // Apr-May 2022

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Shaarey Zedek Celebrating Community and Culture 782 - Iyy ar 5 Nisa n


- Ma y 20




Sections Messages from Gary Hyman, President......................4 Ran Ukashi, Executive Director...........7 Rabbi Aníbal Mass...........................13 Cantor Leslie Emery........................... 17 Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director....21 Tali Millo, Program Director and Lay Clergy.....................................23 Sisterhood........................................... 26

Campaign and Renovation Update..............................6

Mazel Tov.........................................10 Services............................................16 B'nai Mitzvah...................................20 Sisterhood Gift Shop.........................27 Tributes.............................................28 One More Candle.............................31 Holiday List.......................................34 In Memoriam....................................36 Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6 t 204 452 3711 f 204 474 1184

Fall 2022 Occupancy

55% Leased




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A Message From

Gary Hyman,

Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro Photography

President The Shaarey Zedek Synagogue was built in 1949, this marked the establishment of the first large synagogue in Winnipeg's south end. Distinctly modernist in character, its form was conceived as a collection of box-like shapes with the interior space flowing freely between sections. The architects were Green Blankstein Russell and Associates. There was a renovation done in the 1970s but since then little has been done to this iconic building. The deferred maintenance has been discussed for years but little has been done to bring our shuI up to current standards. The HVAC, the boiler, all needs replacing. So, my message for this Pesach Shofar is about our journey over the next couple of years. In the tradition of the Haggadah, there are four questions to be asked and answered.

1) Where will we be relocating to? 2) When will this begin? 3) How will we function? 4) When will we be back home? The answers are: We are in the final phase of negotiating for our temporary home. This should be finalized very soon. It will be familiar to everybody and welcoming. In looking for a temporary home, I have to say that the Jewish community has been welcoming. We have had offers from Etz Chayim, Temple Shalom, and the kitchen at Herzlia. Our latest move out date from Akman Consulting and Number 10 architect, is June 30. This could change depending upon the proposed daycare. (part of our design is a daycare, this will be run by the Rady JCC, in our lower lounge).

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a m a Paj a m a j y P 1st

Family ly Friend

Haggadah Generously Sponsored by


r e d Se

Mass-Meyers Family & Tzivie Meyers

Fri, Apr 15

Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 PM CDT Family Seder 6:00 PM CDT

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We are very fortunate to have an amazing executive director, clergy and staff and a very organized L'Dor Va Dor committee chaired by Neil Duboff. It will be business as usual. We hope to be back home in 2 years. Please visit and view the latest renderings from our architects. This is a work in progress, and your input is appreciated. Your Board of Directors is working on the questions that were raised at the AGM, the membership retention issue, our marketing plan, our investment portfolio, our cemetery. To aid in putting the pieces of this puzzle together, we are planning a board

retreat and including other important players. So while we are out of the building we will be hard at work providing the governance that we need. It has been a long time coming, we must thank Lorne Weiss and Frank Hechter for their dedication to this project.

DIGITAL HAGGADAH To view a PDF version of the booklet that you can scroll through, visit To view a booklet you can flip through, visit A special thank you to Vickar Nissan for sponsoring this year's Haggadah.

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Family Friendly — All Are Welcome!

Minyan 5:30 PM CDT Seder 6:15 PM CDT

Haggadah Generously Sponsored by

204 452 3711


Sat, Apr 16



Campaign and Renovation Update Mar 30 Dear Friends, We are pleased to share with you, progress that continues to be made on the building project and capital campaign: Following consultation with our Board of Directors, the Rady JCC, The Province of Manitoba, Number TEN Architectural Group and Akman Construction, we are excited to announce that plans are proceeding for the creation of an onsite daycare facility as part of our building renovation project. The space will accommodate 30 children in total – 26 preschool-aged and 4 infants. It will be operated in partnership with Rady JCC, who will be responsible for running the program and providing staff. We anticipate receiving revised floor plans for the lower level, and a revised hard cost budget, in May, from Number TEN and Akman Construction, respectively, which we will continue to share. Updated design plans were received from Number TEN Architectural Group in early March, from which a booklet, highlighting the key renovation elements to date, was created and circulated. With the addition of the daycare space to be situated where the Lower Level Lounge is, revised plans will be circulated. In the meantime, we strongly encourage members to share their comments regarding the renovation via email to Check out our FAQ section for updated information by visiting The first phase of the project is set to begin in early July and will focus on asbestos removal, roof work, HVAC upgrades and data wiring upgrades. Information continues to be added to our campaign website, Click the link to be taken to the website where you can find the Renovation Project booklet, previous announcements, FAQ section, and more. The next member update is scheduled for the end of April so please watch for that. We will continue to share new information as it is confirmed. As always, keep well, and thank you for your continued interest and support!

Neil Duboff Capital Campaign Chair

A Project of




Ran Ukashi Executive Director


Shaarey Zedek Celebrating Community and Culture

Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

A Message From

Ran Ukashi

Executive Director The ultimate meaning of Passover is the redemption of the Jewish People not only from slavery, but from their own waywardness after centuries of exile in Egypt. We are all familiar with the story of Moses being raised in the Egyptian royal court, his calling by God to deliver the Jewish People, the ten plagues of Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, and the ultimate freeing of the Nation of Israel and the beginning of 40 long years in the desert where we received the Torah on Mount Sinai, and—finally—entered the Promised Land of Israel. However, one oft-forgotten element of the meaning of Passover is why it was necessary in the first place. The Jewish People had fallen to such a low level of holiness, retaining only their Hebrew names, language, mode of dress, and overall Jewish identity, but in many other ways had adopted the traditions and customs of the Egyptians. The Egyptians worshipped idols, engaged in brutal slavery and all other manner of immoral behaviour, which negatively influenced the Jewish People—so much so that even in the face of God’s deliverance did the better part of the Jewish People resort to the building of the golden calf as Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments from God shortly after their deliverance from Egypt.

Where the fate of the Jews were once in the hands of brutal tyrants, now they had their autonomy under an eternal covenant with God. And in all of this, Jews were not “passive” in what transpired throughout the events of Passover. While God led them out of Egypt “with a strong hand and an outstretched arm,” the Jews did their part by committing to being better, to obeying God’s commandments, to trusting in God, to turn their backs on Egypt and toward their own destiny, and to understand that this is not the end of their journey, but merely the beginning. The beginning of many other beginnings.

Continued on next page ...



h! c a s e P y p p Ha

How then, is Passover a story about redemption? The very name of the Holiday “Passover” refers to the passing of the Angel of Death over the houses of the Jewish People in Egypt, sparing them from the tenth and most terrible plague—the Death of the Firstborn Son, but also alludes to a general state of transience. To pass over from one state of being to the next. Where the Jews were once wayward, they were now to be honoured with the Holy Torah. Where the Jews were once slaves, they were now free.

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... Continued from last page Today, as always, we can take the message of Passover and incorporate it into our daily lives. At the local level of the Winnipeg Jewish community, we see in every generation the need to engage in active redemption to benefit each other. For instance, the importance of raising and educating our children in the Jewish religion and our traditions was never emphasized more than in the Passover story where the Jewish People had to reacquaint themselves with their faith and Peoplehood. Today we are fortunate that as a community we can invest time and effort into such endeavours, and as such part of Congregation Shaarey Zedek’s renovation plans includes the creation of an onsite daycare facility in partnership with the Rady Jewish Community Centre to pass on our Jewish tradition to the next generation. This is a joyous form of redemption in which we consistently renew ourselves and our People from generation to generation. However, in the redemptive message of Passover there is also the unmistakable lesson of the need to stand up to tyranny, and in defence of the Jewish People against those who wish to destroy us. Pharoah—despite provoking God’s wrath with his insolence, which resulted in the visitation of ten terrible plagues upon Egypt—nevertheless ordered his army to chase, capture, and enslave the fleeing Jewish People once more. Whereas the Egyptians had sought to subdue the Jews out of fear that they were becoming too numerous in the Land of Egypt, and enslaving them to break their spirit, the tyrannical Pharoah wanted nothing more to subdue the Jewish People even when they were no longer a “threat” to Egypt.

And it is the Torah that has stood by our ancestors and for us. For not only one enemy has risen up to destroy us, but in every generation they rise up to destroy us. But the Holy Blessed One, delivers us from their hands. In recent weeks we have been reminded of this all too familiar theme in Jewish history, that in every generation, there are those who rise up and seek to destroy us—both in body and spirit—and that our redemption is ongoing. In Israel over the past several weeks, fourteen people have been cruelly murdered, and dozens injured in a series of stabbing, vehicle-ramming, and shooting attacks in Israel by vicious terrorists who are part of that dubious legacy we cite yearly when reciting Vehi Sheamda. But as always, the message of Passover and of the Jewish People as a whole is always to lean towards optimism. We will defeat and outlive our enemies, and rise high above them, and we will continue to strive towards teaching the Torah to the next generation, build our communities, and go from strength to strength. Chag Pesach Kasher v’Sameach to you and your family, 204 975 3482

So too, today, does the process of redemption play a role in the lives of the Jewish People. Once again, the Jewish People have reconstituted themselves in their ancestral and indigenous homeland in the modern State of Israel, and like so many times in the past we have faced threats against our existence. As we say in the Vehi Sheamda at the Passover Seder year after year:


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Yizk r Pesach Day 8

Sat, Apr 23

Shabbat Service begins at 10:00 AM CDT Yizkor is recited around 11:30 AM CDT

In-Person and Online

Happy Pesach!

Ready for tomorrow.

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Mazel Tov!



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Shaarey Zedek Celebrating Community and Culture

In Partnership With

YOM HASHOAH 14th Annual


Thu, Apr 28 7:00 PM CDT Commemoration Attend In-Person or Watch Online LIVE


Chag Pesach kasher vesame’ach Wishing all our friends and clients happiness, peace and prosperity this Passover.

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204 452 3711




Ethics of our Fathers



Torah L’Chayim


With Rabbi Aníbal Mass

Thursdays at Noon CDT

Apr 21 to Jun 2, No Class Apr 28



Concert for the Simkin Centre & the Community Rabbi Aníbal Mass


Mon, Apr

18, 2:00p CDT

Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

Who Am I?

Every year we read and sing the “Avadim Hayinu”, “We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt… now we are free”. It’s an interesting statement and one that inevitably triggers modern comparisons between our slavery in Egypt with other ways of oppression. It clearly states that we are free from Pharaoh, but it doesn’t mean that we are automatically free from other forms of slavery. At the same time, it presents a glimmer of hope, inviting us to face our own limitations and everything that weighs us down -the things that prevent us from being the best version of ourselves. It implies that if God did it for us back then God can do it again for us today. After all, according to Zohar, the name “Mitzrayim”, Egypt, is derived from “m’tzarim”, narrow places. When God took us out of Mitzrayim, God also took us out from a place of limited opportunities, tight control, and narrowmindedness.

But something else happened. Still in front of the burning bush, Moses asks for God’s name: “And God said to Moses, my name is ‘Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh,’ (I am who I am)”. Strange name, if you ask me. Why not say “I’m the God who created you”, or “I’m the God who made a covenant with Abraham”. Why simply “I am who I am”? I believe that God’s introduction is teaching us a valuable lesson when we want to break free from our own Mitzrayim: It’s not about what God did in the past, but about who God is.

Continued on next page ...

Happy Pesach!

But sometimes we forget that nothing happened to the Israelites until they made the decision to leave Mitzrayim. We read in Exodus 2:23, “…the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help.” Once they recognized that they were not created to be slaves, limited, or oppressed and they were able to say out loud “I didn’t come to this world to live in a Mitzrayim, in a narrow place” things were set in motion and the deliverance was inevitable. Immediately after we read the episode of the burning bush where Moses Is appointed as the deliverer of the Israelites.

204 452 3711



200 – 900 LORIMER BOULEVARD WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3P 2V4 TEL: (204) 284-7060 FAX: (204) 284-7105



Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro Photography

A Message From Rabbi Aníbal Mass

... Continued from last page Getting to know God based on what God did is a form of limiting God. Yes, God created the world and yes, God made a covenant with Abraham, but our actions never define who we are. And we are the same. It’s not about what you did in the past, it’s about who you ARE. Let me explain. In one of the Torah portions that we read two weeks before Passover, we study about the “Metzorah”, a person with a lesion on their skin. The Torah says: “the priest shall examine the lesion… then the Cohen should look again.” Why the repetition? The Rabbis explain that the first time the priest should look at the lesion but immediately after the priest should look at the person afflicted by that lesion.

Happy Pesach!

That’s because a person is not defined by their affliction. The person, no matter what, is always an image of God, and even the priest had to be reminded of that. God says: “I am what I am”, so we, children of God, are who we are, not what we do, not what we did, not what we have or not have and not the names that we’ve been called. You are a gambler! No, you are not a gambler. That’s what you do, not who you are. You’re not a drug addict. Drugs is what you do, not who you are. You may have failed but you are not a failure. That’s what you did, not who you are. If we want to experience freedom, we need to break free from defining people (including ourselves) by what they have or what they do. Instead, just like God told Moses, we are who we ARE. And we all are the image of God. If you think that way, you will be on your way to leaving Mitzraim, leaving everything that is limiting you, and moving towards a better place and freedom. Ashira, Ronen and I wish you all a Chag Pesach Kasher v'Sameach 204 287 5138 Classic & Unexpected Deli Fare

For the latest store hours and news check us out online Your Neighbourhood Deli For Over 35 Years Corydon & Lanark in Cordyon Village Mall 1-1700 Corydon Ave 204-488-4552


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Kabbalat Shabbat Cantor Leslie Emery Featuring Guitar!

May 6 & Jun 3 In-Person Participation & Online Viewing Streaming LIVE Friday at 5:30 PM CDT


Kabbalat Shabbat Rabbi Anibal Mass

Apr 22, 29, May 13, 20, 27 In-Person Participation & Online Viewing Stream LIVE Friday at 5:30 PM CDT 204 452 3711




In-Person & Online


Engaging, relaxed, and interactive twice-daily services, enjoyed in-person and online from the comfort of your own home!

Shabbat Morning

10:00 AM CDT

Check-in starting at 9:45 AM until 10:15 AM

Daily Minyan

Mondays to Thursdays Fridays 7:30 AM CDT • 6:00 PM CDT 7:30 AM CDT Saturdays Sundays and 6:00 PM CDT Canadian Holidays 9:00 AM CDT • 6:00 PM CDT Check-in between 15-minutes before and 15-minutes after the the service has begun

Rabbi Aníbal Mass, Spiritual Leader Cantor Leslie Emery Bill Weissmann, Lay Clergy (Shammes) Tali Millo, Lay Clergy Dr Rena Secter Elbaze, Lay Clergy

Kabbalat Shabbat

Fridays 5:30 PM CDT Check-in begins at 5:15 PM and ends at 5:45 PM

COVID19 Protocols Observed – Immunization Card and Government-Issued Photo ID must be presented by adults entering the building. We will accept parental confirmation of immunization for teens and children that do not have Immunization Cards since these are not widely available for children. Note: Children Ages 4 and under are not eligible for vaccination in Manitoba, but are welcome to attend Shaarey Zedek programs and services. Masks must be worn at all times. If you are not feeling well for any reason, please stay home and contact Healthlinks at 204-788-8200 or your healthcare provider. If you have questions about the shul’s reopening, please visit Thank you for your cooperation.


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A Message From Cantor Leslie Emery

Two Passovers have come and gone since the pandemic began and the world has been changing drastically along with it. Many of us have faced and continue to face challenges we had never envisioned. With war in Ukraine, Climate Change and so many issues confronting us, it can seem daunting at times finding a way forwards. A picture of my Great Grandma, Lily Koven z”l, has been smiling at me in my kitchen this whole time, thoughts of her and the challenges she faced in her own life guiding me along. My Great Grandma was blessed with a long life, and I am grateful for the many memories I have of her. She lived through World War I and the Spanish Flu. She experienced the Great Depression and found herself alone, raising four children during World War II as my Great Grandfather Sam Koven z”l trained soldiers overseas. She made it through the tough times. By the time I arrived on the planet, the world was becoming more stable and I was fortunate to be raised in easier times. As we navigate the challenges of the present there is much inspiration to be drawn from the past. We are not the first to live in troubled times, or to require courage to face the future. I am fortunate to have many strong women in my family to draw inspiration from, like my Grandma Rhoda, who had a stellar career as a fashion reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press while raising five children. I still marvel at how she managed it all! Having a career and a family was not the norm at the time and I am so grateful for those who forged the path ahead of me so that I might live my life to the fullest. I draw inspiration from my Mother, Lisa Hajer, who has built her life on her own terms and is a supportive and caring person, no matter what life sends her way. Sometimes following the path already

204 452 3711


travelled works. However sometimes, we need some outside of the box thinkers to forge the way ahead. The Book of Exodus is the second book in the Torah Scroll. This is the book that contains the story of Passover and the Exodus from Egypt. Though when we think of the Exodus from Egypt we usually think immediately of Moses and Aaron and the conflict with Pharaoh, the book of Exodus is filled with rebel women who stand up against the injustices of the time. Often the word rebel is viewed as negative, however there are times when the world needs rebels, when we need those who are strong enough to speak up against injustice and fight against oppression. The very act of being Jewish and practicing Judaism has been an act of rebellion many times throughout history and still is, as incidences of Antisemitism rise. Shortly after the book of Exodus opens, we hear the story of the midwives, Shifra and Puah, who rejected Pharaoh’s order to kill all Jewish baby boys born at that time. They directly defied the orders at risk for their own lives. Further along in the narrative we meet Moses’s Mother, Yocheved. Yocheved gives birth to a baby boy and sneaks him down to the river, asking her daughter Miriam to follow the basket containing her baby brother as he floats along. There we encounter another rebel woman, one who’s name is not included in the Torah, Bat Paraoh, Pharaoh’s daughter who saves Moses and raises him as her son. At the conclusion of the Passover story we find the Jewish people, safe from Pharaoh, across the Sea of Reeds (Red Sea), celebrating in song with none other than Miriam who is counted among our

Continued on next page ... /SZWinnipeg


Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro Photography

Finding a Way Forward

... Continued from last page Prophets and who some consider to be the very first Cantor, as she led everyone in song after making it safely to the other side. As we gather to recount this ancient chapter in Jewish History, let’s also remember that we are not the first or the last to face troubled times. Let’s remember that we all have a role to play in healing the world. Let’s remember the rebel women of the Exodus, who defied orders that contradicted the basic values of life. Let’s care


for each other and find a way through with lovingkindness and courage. Wishing you and those you love a Chag Sameach and joyful moments together. 204 287 5134

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204 452 3711




Matthew Palmer May 1, 2022 Child of Naomi Popeski and Robert Palmer

Ohad Gonen

May 7, 2022 Child of Rachel Gonen and Coby Levy

Avi Broder

May 14, 2022 Child of Morris Broder and Leona Buchszreiber

Abby Zimmerman

May 28, 2022 Child of Warren and Paula Zimmerman

Chase Dlot

June 11, 2022 Child of Aaron and Meagan Dlot

Leah Pinkerton

June 18, 2022 Child of John and Sherri Pinkerton

Nicolas Dinenzon June 25, 2022 Child of Julian Dinenzon and Analia Matzkin

Hartley Coodin

August 20, 2022 Child of Michael and Melanie Coodin

Ava Trachtenberg June 4, 2022 Child of Rob Trachtenberg and Buffie Macklin

Roz Kazado

June 5, 2022 Child of Daniel and Lora Kazado


Engagement • Wedding • Children and Family Maternity • Babies • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Graduation Photowall and Photobooth

204.918.3799 Your story told through my eyes

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Keeping the Passover Story Alive in Every Generation

A Message From Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze,

Engagement and Education Director As we bustle around preparing to celebrate Passover this year, we must pause and ask ourselves why this holiday continues to occupy an important place in the Jewish psyche. Passover continues to be very relevant and has stood the test of time; but why? And how? Let’s start by looking at how our observance of this holiday has kept it alive for so many generations. I don’t use the word “alive” lightly… we are commanded to tell the Passover story to our children in the first person, as if we ourselves had experienced it… to bring it to life for future generations. Jewish law and practice has many mechanisms built into it that help to reinforce our memory and observance. There are three types of laws in the Torah that have this function: Mishpatim, Edot and Chukim . As far as the observance of Passover goes, we will concentrate on the concept of Edot which are commandments that testify to an idea, or mark an occasion, like Passover. The actual performance of the mitzvah reminds us of an event or a concept. Jews celebrate their freedom from the slavery of Egypt by thanking God, participating in a Seder filled with actions directly related to the Exodus, and by eliminating bread and leavened products, just as our ancestors did.

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The Edot, the testimonies, do not just mark days or items as part of our history, but enable us to make the spiritual connection that bonds all Jews - past, present, and future. Edot is derived from the word ed, witness in Hebrew. Each of us is supposed to feel as if they personally witnessed the Exodus from Egypt. By enacting the story of the Exodus, we are doing a mitzvah (commandment) to activate our collective memory and connect it to something personal so that it continues to remain relevant for every generation as well as for each individual. In this case, we do the mitzvot to remind us of something specific. The mitzvah acts as a symbol of a concept. But it's clear that to be an effective reminder we must understand the symbol and the concept. One of the reasons we have been so successful in keeping the Passover story alive is through the event of the Seder where we take the time to explain the purpose of each symbol and what it represents. The Passover story that we tell during the Seder clearly reminds us that in each generation our right to live as a free people has been threatened. Continued on next page ...



Guest: Dr. Simcha Raphael Wed, May 18 Partner event with Chesed Shel Emes

Understanding Jewish Indigeneity to the Land of Israel Wed, May 25 Partner event with Hasbara Fellowship

Community-Wide Tikun Leil Shavuot Date TBD

History of Israel and Zionism Wed, Jun 8 & 15 Partner event with Hasbara Fellowship

Stay tuned for details

Judaism and the Afterlife

... Continued from last page In modern times, the antisemitism that has denied us this right, has been disguised as anti-Zionism… not constructive criticism but an outright denial of our right to selfdetermination as a people. Recounting the Passover story reminds us that we must not take our freedom, or the freedom of other nations, for granted. As we have witnessed the threat to freedom in the western world in the past months, as a people, we must continue to stand for freedom in our generation. This Passover, my wish is that we continue to stand for freedom and the practice of Tikun Olam, repairing the world, that is one of the responsibilities of being a free people. If you would like to know more, or volunteer at one of our programs, please feel free to be in touch. 204 975 3489

Better Together A Message From Tali Millo,

Program Director and Lay Clergy How wonderful it has been to be able to celebrate the Jewish holidays together! Now more than ever, we are reminded that celebrating the chaggim is always better when we are together. As always, Purim was a fun and festive holiday for the whole family! We kickstarted our Purim celebrations with a delicious virtual Shabbat celebration with PJ Library! Families picked up yummy calzone dinners and Purim craft-kits. We joined together on Zoom to welcome in Shabbat and get a head start on celebrating Chag Purim! The best part of the holidays is coming together as a community, and the Purim CARnival allowed us to do just that! Together with Congregation Etz Chayim, Adas Yeshurun Herzlia Congregation, PJ Library, PJ Our Way, BBYO, and the Rady JCC we organized a two-stop outdoor Purim CARnival. Carnival games, snacks, music, and more were located outside the shul and at the Asper Campus simultaneously. Families hopped to each location to see what exciting activities were going on! Together with our community partners we were able to pull off a fun, festive, and safe Purim carnival. The pinnacle of the Purim celebration is always the reading of Megillat Esther! We were thrilled to be able to welcome in-person attendees to listen to the story of Queen Esther and her bravery. Cantor Leslie Emery, Engagement and Education Director Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Melanie Richters, and Bryan Schwartz did an incredible job at chanting the story of Purim from our beautiful scroll. If you

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were not able to attend, feel free to check it out online on our YouTube channel! It is hard to explain how excited we are to be hosting an in-person Congregational Seder for the first time in two years! On the second night of Pesach we will be hosting members of our congregation for a musical and family-friendly Seder. You cannot go wrong when you get to listen to the amazing musical contributions of Rabbi Mass and Cantor Leslie, while enjoying delicious food from Chef Joel Lafond! I cannot wait to see who finds the Afikoman (and wins an awesome prize package)! Our Seder will follow the Haggadot that were generously sponsored by Vickar Nissan. Copies of the Haggadah are available at the shul office for pick up as well as available online for viewing. If you didn’t get a chance to register for this in-person event, consider tuning in to the livestream beginning at 6:15 PM on Saturday, April 16th. You may wonder what we are doing on the first night of Pesach! Rabbi Mass invites you to join him, his wife Ashira, his son Ronen, and his mother-in-law Tzivie Meyers at their “Pajama Pyjama Seder.” This event will be livestreamed on YouTube, Facebook, and the Shaarey Zedek Website on Friday, April 15th. The evening will begin with Kabbalat Shabbat at 5:30 PM, and lead straight into the Mass-Meyers family seder. As for the name “Pajama Pyjama”? You will have to tune in to see what that is all about! We hope that you will join us for an interactive and musical family-friendly service. Continued on next page ... /SZWinnipeg


Sisterhood Book Club Facilitator: Rhonda Youell

Wed, May

4, 2:00p CDT

Join us for the spring book club meeting with our facilitator, Rhonda Youell - Retired Administrator, West Kildonan Collegiate. About the book: Hope Valley by Haviva Ner-David, is the poignant story of two women, one Jewish-Israeli and one Palestinian-Israeli, who come together to form the unlikeliest of friendships amidst nations in conflict. Tikvah and Ruby are two strong women who circle each other and in recognizing each other’s pain, offer hope that fear and resentment can grow into love.

... Continued from last page As we celebrate these holidays, we also must take the time to remember and acknowledge the darker times of our history. On Yom HaShoah – Thursday, April 28th – we will be hosting a commemorative service in partnership with the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada for all those that perished in the Holocaust. Megillat HaShoah will be read aloud by members of our community and allies that stand together with us to remember the atrocities of the Shoah. Please join us for this meaningful service. Please stay tuned for upcoming events for Yom Ha’atzmaut, Shavuot, and more! 204 287 5132 /ShaareyZedekWinnipeg

Learn where to buy the book and register by visiting


This event is open to Sisterhood Members exclusively. If you are not a member, we’d love to welcome you to join Sisterhood – mail for information.




Sandy Polanski and Louise Raber Sisterhood Co-Presidents The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we are weak and sing with us when we are strong. - Sark This is a beautiful way to describe Sisterhood. When people say why join, this why! We have not been able to meet in person for almost 2 years, but we have been present in each other’s lives to help us withstand the often sad and fearful times. Many many phone calls, emails, FaceTimes and Zoom calls have connected the women of Shaarey Zedek to one another, to the women of the IntraContinental Region and to Women’s League International. In March Sandy and I attended a cooking demonstration from a Toronto Synagogue in partnership with Shaarey Zedek, taught by a former Winnipegger, using recipes from a cook book filled with recipes from Norene Gilletz z”l , also formally from Winnipeg. “The Brain Boosting Diet:Feed Your Memory” is filled with recipes and commentaries by Norene z”l and her friend a biochemical specialist Dr. Edward Wein z”l. The recipes and nutritional advice are for all, but especially people with memory loss, possible dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. The recipes are delicious and range from appetizers to main courses, soups, fish and dessert. The cookbook will be available in the Sisterhood Judaica Shop shortly. We will announce when the books arrive.


Rhonda Youell and the Sisterhood Book Club have emerged from Covid stronger than ever. The next gathering (last for 2021-2022) is on May 4th. The book is an Israeli novel entitled, “HOPE VALLEY” by Haviva Ner-David. A story of two women, one Jewish Israeli and Palestinian Israeli, who come together to form the unlikeliest of friendships. The book is available at the Kaufman Silverberg Library and on line. The ladies have decided to meet one last time on Zoom and start meeting in person in the Fall. All attendees must be Sisterhood members in good standing.

Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

Willow Place is so thankful for the support we have given them with all the goods we have donated. Check on line for the most up to date “wish list”. There is a large bin in the synagogue lower level. Gloria Cantor is our chair person. Should you want to ask any questions, please contact Gloria through the synagogue office 204-452-3711 or email us at We are thinking we can’t wait another year for Interfaith Luncheon, so plans are to have it as an opening function after the High Holidays. Stay tuned!! Of interest, Sisterhood financially supported the Purim Program in March. After much thought and agonizing, the Sisterhood Shabbat was cancelled by chairs Alice Weissmann and Bonnie Robinson. Our hope is that they will agree to chair again in 2023 and it will be bigger and better than ever. Intracontinental Region will be holding our Spring Conference April 30-May 2, 2022. It is VIRTUAL once again. Please contact Sisterhood if you are interested in attending. There are some funds available to subsidize the cost of attending on line. This is a wonderful opportunity to see Sisterhood on a Regional Level right from your own home. If you’ve thought about being more involved with Sisterhood on some level, member, chair of a program, volunteer etc, etc, this is a perfect opportunity!

Watch for you Torah Fund “TEALESS Tea” invitation via email (we’re still not comfortable to meet and assemble all the pieces of our usual invitation ). Sandy Polanski is chairing this event. Please give to support Torah Fund and the Jewish Theological Seminaries around the world. Donations of $180 or more, will be recognized with a Torah Fund Pin "B’Yachad” Meaning "TOGETHER". As Pesach approaches, and G-d willing Covid19 is leaving, Sandy and I along with the Sisterhood Board, wish you and your families good health and much happiness. May the plagues of the past, the virus of the present and the war created by an evil man become bad memories and together may we head into the future with much good health and happiness!! Chag Pesach Sameach! 204-452-3711

Cash or Cheque Only

Sundays from 10 AM to 1 PM

204 452 3711 Closed/ShaareyZedekWinnipeg April 17 for Pesach/SZWinnipeg ● 204 975 3487



Nov 16, 2021 to Mar 31, 2022 TODAH RABAH AND GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FROM Sarah Buchweitz Howard Haimovitch Larsen’s Memorial Yerach Lazarovitz Carol Woodward


Lou and Ruth Billinkoff in honour of Ruth’s birthday Lawrence and Dolly Cohen in honour of Dolly’s 80th birthday

Paul Henteleff in honour of his 91st birthday and becoming a member of Shaarey Zedek, stimulated by Rabbi Aníbal’s invitation to Judaism Marvin and Sandy Polanski in honour of their 54th anniversary David Rosner in honour of his 83rd birthday Norman and Elaine Silverberg in honour of Norman’s birthday


Lorne and Jill Brandes on their special anniversary Louise Claman Mira Buchwald on her special birthday Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw Richard Buchwald on his appointment as Queen’s Counsel Allan and Gloria Cantor Pat Charad on her special birthday Phyllis Brown Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw Louise Claman on her special birthday Larry and Rhoda Kussin

HAVE BEEN SENT TO Hy Dashevsky th

on his 90 birthday Abe and Toni Berenhaut Lynne Stoffman Rosie Engel Gordon on the birth of their Dennis Ditlove in honour of her great-grandson, on his 85th birthday 65th birthday Aiden Handley Lewis Stern and Jerry and Gloria Larry and Glory Fleisher David Stern Moscovitch in honour of their Larry and Glory Fleisher 60th wedding anniversary Ken Blankstein-Ure on their 60th anniversary and their birthdays and Jeffrey Fakes Lillian Zentner on their marriage Larry and Evelyn Hecht Jerry, Karen, Evan and in honour of Larry’s Justin Ackerman 83rd birthday


Bob and Shirley Freedman on Pam and Ron’s marriage Don and Sheila Katz William and Michelle Silverberg Myra Frieman on her special birthday Elaine Sommer Beth Goldenberg on Shoshana becoming a Bat Mitzvah Sid and Ethel Soronow Larry and Janet Gould on their granddaughter becoming a Bat Mitzvah Ray Singer and Barb Findlay Erez Haim and Inna Liss Haim on the birth of their daughter, Abigail Allan and Gloria Cantor Gary Hyman and Miriam Corne Evelyn Hecht on her special birthday Larry Hecht and Family Allan and Sondra Hochman on Naomi becoming a Bat Mitzvah Marvin and Merle Garfinkel

Stay up to date, watch services, and sign up for our email notices at

Murray Knazan Toby Sawyer on his special birthday on her 90th birthday Harry and Rhonda Youell Bob and Debby Brown Ed and Heather Cantor Sybil Lerner and Family on her special birthday Paul Granovsky and Laurie Shapiro Claire Breslaw on her milestone birthday Rabbi Aníbal Mass and Michelle Singer Rebbetzin Ashira Meyers on the birth of their Sid and Ethel Soronow grandson, Marc on Janna becoming a Arthur Blank and Bat Mitzvah Patti Cohen Arnold and Susan Permut Rebbetzin Ashira Meyers on receiving the Creativity, Innovation and Service Delivery Award from the Public Health Agency of Canada Dick and Minnie Bell Lillian Zentner Jerry Moscovitch on his 80th + 2 birthday Abe and Toni Berenhaut Bert and Elaine Schaffer

Rhonda Spivak on her Art at the Zedek exhibit Judy Plotkin and Ruth Laveman Frank and Gail Spivak Laurence Wall and Roslyn Nudell on the birth of their first grandchild Bonnie Robinson Eva Wiseman on her special birthday Zelda Elkin

Ceridwen Nord for a beautiful Ruth Zelcer Torah reading Kiersten Nord Urbanovich on the birth of her great-granddaughter Lorne Raber Ken, Lori, Jenna and on his special birthday Lexie Zimmer Sharon Allentuck Abby Zentner Joel and Susan Remis on becoming a on the birth of their Bat Mitzvah grandchild Barb Neaman Ed and Heather Cantor and Family Gerald and Susan Rosenby on the birth of their granddaughter, Olive Lucy Arnold and Susan Permut


Betty Bell Z”L Andi Bell HAVE BEEN SENT TO Dick and Minnie Bell Kyle Bell Rabbi Aníbal Mass Helen Bell Z”L Ruben Gonzalez and Dick and Minnie Bell Marcela Munita Tali Millo Rosalie Lazar


IN MEMORY OF Corinne Ackerman Z”L Jerry, Karen, Evan and Justin Ackerman Sidney and Lois Ackerman Z”L Karen Ackerman Eva Adler Z”L Hy Kraitberg Harry Allan Adler Z”L Jerry and Gloria Moscovitch, grandchildren Susan and Dan, and great-grandchildren William Adler Z”L Hy Kraitberg Edith Ainemer Z”L Shelley Ainemer Tereza Alves de Araujo Z”L Michael and Jay LeGoff Al Aronovich Z”L Marvin and Sandy Polanski Matilda Bamberg Z”L  Terri Kushner Mary Barish Z”L Earl and Cheryl Barish Abraham Bay Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell

Leon Bell Z”L Hannon Bell Rose Bell Z”L Debbie Pollock Murray Bellan Z”L Adrien and Thérèse Caillier Morris Berenhaut Z”L Abe and Toni Berenhaut Evelyn Berinstein Z”L Martin and Roxy Freedman Max Berinstein Z”L Martin and Roxy Freedman Alexander Berkowits Z”L Sandra Berkowits Beatrice Berman Z”L Larry and Rhonda Kussin Sara Bernstein Z”L Gail Asper and Michael Paterson

In Memoriam continued on next page ...

... In Memoriam continued from previous page

Jean Blumenthal Z”L Sidney Schwartzman

Sonya Chula Z”L Larry and Glory Fleisher

Pauline Essers Z”L Hannon Bell

Sam Blumenthal Z”L Sidney Schwartzman

Alexander Fages Z”L Melvin Fages

Marilyn Billinkoff Z”L Arthur Blank and Patti Cohen Faye Bloomfield Martin and Debby Bricker and Family Miriam Brown Kyle Dear Eric and Ruby Green Bryan Magnusson and Amy Karlinsky Beverley Manishen and Family Jack and Linda Rabkin Morley Rypp Perry and Sylvia Schulman Preston and Miriam Segal Lynn Stoffman Brent, Brenlee, Skyler and Sierra Trepel Lawrence and Eddy Werier Edward and Dianne Winters Elaine Wiseman Arnold and Beverly Zatser Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer

Jennie Bobowsky Z”L Michelle Bobowski

Eda Cohen Z”L Marvin and Merle Garfinkel

Bernice Birnbach Z”L Baillie Burke

Albert Boxer Z”L David and Irene Meyrowitz and Family Greg Brodsky QC Z”L Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman Allan and Gloria Cantor Pat Charad Mark and Marilyn Prober Elliot and Harriet Rodin Shep and Nancy Shell Arlyne Walsh Harvey Brown Z”L Abe and Toni Berenhaut Larry and Shirley Brown Phyllis Brown and Family Terri Kushner and Abbi and Tom Baker Leslie and Carol Litman Morley Rypp Jack Brownstone Z”L Susan Brownstone Brock

Irvin Cohen Z”L Simone Cohen Scott Elizabeth Cohn Z”L Frank and Sue Hechter H. I. Corne Z”L Robert Corne Martin Corne Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Phyllis Brown Dee Buchwald Charad Family David and Hinda Gruber and Family Leslie Marks and Rhoda Keynes Paul and Marcy Muchnik Lewis and Freya Wasel Sidney Craven Z”L Robert and Elaine Paul Eva Cristall Z”L Maxine Cristall Raymond Deutscher Z”L David Deutscher and Heather Leonoff

Eleanor Burke Z”L Gary and Susan Harrison Sara Deutscher Z”L Phyllis Laveman Isaac Blankstein Z”L David Deutscher and Daniel and Ellen Hamburg and Family Heather Leonoff Steven Schipper and Lena Blankstein Z”L Yoheved Dil Z”L Terri Cherniack Marjorie Blankstein Ben and Asnat Gall Morris Burke Z”L Max Blankstein Z”L Mickey Diner Z”L Baillie Burke Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Harvey Wasiuta and Ada Cantor Z”L Adrienne Diner Clara Bleet Z”L David and Diane Wilder Rachel Owa Hymie Earn Z”L David Cantor Z”L Sheldon and Sandy Earn Sidney Bleet Z”L David and Diane Wilder Rache Owa Mina Engel Z”L Rosie Engel Gordon

Dorothy Feldman Z”L Allan Feldman Beverly Fingerhut Z”L Larry and Glory Fleisher Bronia Fox Z”L Rosie Engel Gordon Stanley Fox Z”L Rosie Engel Gordon Arnold Frieman Z”L Myra Frieman Eda Furman Z”L Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer Jack (Yasha) Furman Z”L Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer Edith Gardner Z”L Jeremy and Maureen Gordon and Family Harriet Rosenbaum Morris Gardner Z”L Maureen Gordon Harry Garfinkel Z”L Bill Ehrcke and Donna Welstein Jennie Garfinkel Z”L Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Harvey Geminder Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber, Lindsay and Brian Morris Genser Z”L Roberta Lawee Percy Genser Z”L Roberta Lawee

Harry Ginsberg Z”L Harvey and Elaine Gamer Lorne and Louise Raber David Glass Z”L Matthew and Dianne Glass Gita Glass Z”L Isser Held and Family Karyn Globerman Z”L Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Adrienne Gobuty Z”L Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Evelyn Goldberg Z”L Norman and Marilyn Goldberg Jerry Goldenberg Z”L Beth Goldenberg and Family Phil Goldstein Z”L Stephen and Evelyn Schaefer Dolly Silverman Goodman Z”L Rita Shapera Jacob Ralph Gordon Z”L Ethel Gordon Allan Granovsky Z”L Inna Granovsky and Family Allan Grant Z”L Shelley Ross Faye Grant Z”L Shelley Ross Israel Greenberg Z”L Barry Greenberg, David Greenberg and Families

Mayer Gutwilik Z”L Fay-Lynn Katz

Benji Itzkow Z”L Charlie and Pina Aiello and Family Toby Gutwilik Z”L Lorne Billinkoff Fay-Lynn Katz Lorne and Jill Brandes Martin and Debby Bricker Florence Halparin Z”L and Family Lawrence Halparin Eric and Ruby Green Rae Halprin Z”L Steven, Lisa, Nathan and Elyse Halprin Alex Kroft Paul Leinburd and Dora Hamburg Z”L Ceci Kaufman Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Bryan Magnusson and Amy Karlinsky Earl Hershfield Z”L Morley Rypp Gary and Pamela Brooker Perry, Sylvia, Justin and Paul Granovsky and Marlon Schulman Claire Breslaw Sally Shuckett Anita Neville George, Sandra, Allison Shelley Werner and Kaitlin Smith Shannon Hirsch Z”L Brent, Brenlee, Skyler and Joe and Barbara Krolik Sierra Trepel Harry and Rhonda Youell Harry and Rhonda Youell Arnold and Beverly Zatser Samuel Hochman Z”L Barry and Marcy Schwartz

Dave Jacobson Z”L Anita Neville Sylvia Jarniewski Z”L Belle Jarniewski Jarniewski Family Z”L Belle Jarniewski Jocelyn Stern Katz Z”L Donnie Stern Philip Katz Z”L Fay-Lynn Katz Sylvia Knazan Z”L Murray and Sharon Knazan Frances Kogan Z”L Barb Findlay Lorne and Louise Raber Robert Kopstein Z”L Murray Palay, Ivy Kopstein and Jean Kopstein In Memoriam continued on next page ...

... In Memoriam continued from previous page

Edward Lazar Z”L Gary and Pamela Brooker Irwin Corobow and Rosalie Lazar Arnold and Beverly Zatser Lillian Zentner

Larry Kraitberg Z”L Irv and Sandy Shore Morris Kraitberg Z”L Hy Kraitberg

Karen LeGoff (née Perlmutter) Z”L Michael and Jay LeGoff

Goldie Kravetsky Z”L Daniel and Audrey Kravetsky

David Margolis Z”L Martin and Gail Corne Doris Margolis Z”L Neil and Elaine Margolis Sheldon Permack Hymie Margolis Z”L Neil and Elaine Margolis Katherine Masarsky Z”L Nancy Masarsky

Betty Leinburd Z”L Paul Leinburd and Ceci Kaufman

Marvin Meltzer Z”L Ben Berkal and Bernard Kushner Z”L Shirley Labman Ken, Lori, Jenna and Donna Bernstein Howard Levine Z”L Lexie Zimmer and Family Sheryl Levine Eric and Ruby Green Earle Laveman Z”L José Marcos Levy Z”L Larry and Rhoda Kussin Phyllis Laveman Bob and Shirley Freedman Hinda Meltzer Lorne and Louise Raber Goldie Laveman Z”L Shirley Lipkin Z”L Sid and Ethel Soronow Phyllis Laveman Larry and Glory Fleisher Fil and Linda Zimerman Sylvia Lavitt Z”L Larry Loch Z”L Harry and Barbara Kaplan Larry and Shirley Brown Fanny Merkel Z”L Shelley Chochinov, Joe and Barbara Krolik Paul, Harriet, Ted and Harriet Lyons Sheila Malkin Z”L and Ellen Zaidman Mark and Marilyn Prober Jack and Linda Rabkin and Family Sidney Schwartzman Bert and Elaine Schaffer Max Manishen Z”L Ken, Lori, Jenna and Beverley Manishen Lexie Zimmer

Chazzan Stephen Merkel Z”L Shelley Chochinov, Paul, Harriet and Ellen Zaidman Boris Mesbur Z”L Donald and Belva Gutkin Itzik and Anne Joudan Minnie Sybil Mindell Z”L Frank and Sue Hechter Harry Minuk Z”L Harvey and Rochelle Litman Meyer Moscovitch Z”L Roberta Lawee Rose Moscovitch Z”L Roberta Lawee Les Namak Z”L Gerald and Machelle Namak

Minda Namak Z”L Gerald and Machelle Namak


Rose Namak Z”L Gerald and Machelle Namak

Experience Quality


Isaac Merkel Z”L Shelley Chochinov, Paul, Harriet and Ellen Zaidman

Luba Neaman Z”L Barb Neaman



Freda and Morris Merkel Z”L Shelley Chochinov, Paul, Harriet, and Ellen Zaidman

1801 Notre Dame Avenue at Keewatin Street Winnipeg, MB R3E 3E5 PHONE: (204) 633-5053 EMAIL: www. larsensmemo

Mildred Narvey Z”L Estelle Kliman Chasia Nelko Z”L Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw

Samuel Nelko Z”L Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw Claire Newman Z”L Jay and Linni Averbach Barb Findlay Edward and Dianne Winters Dorothea Nitikman Z”L Carol Nitikman Foster Arthur and Naomi Nitikman Herbert Nitikman Z”L Donald and Belva Gutkin Itzik and Anne Joudan Israel Nitikman Z”L Carol Nitikman Foster Arthur and Naomi Nitikman Mindel Olenick Z”L Marjorie Blankstein Reva Oman Z”L Joel Kay and Cindy Lazar Hy Kraitberg and Terri Slotnik Carol (Ostfield) Woodward, Barbara, Janet, Sue, Nancy

Marilyn Perl Z”L Gary and Pamela Brooker Harold and Elaine Charlat Clyde Hurtig and Karen Farkas Morley Rypp Ray Singer and Barb Findlay Brent, Brenlee, Skyler and Sierra Trepel Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer Benjamin Joseph Permack Z”L Sheldon Permack Ethel Pierce Z”L David and Sheila Brodovsky Earl Pitch Z”L Sylvia Pitch Shirley Polanski Z”L Marvin and Sandy Polanski Mischa Pollock Z”L Debbie Pollock David Portigal Z”L Allan and Gloria Cantor

Connie Heft Robinson Z”L Shirley Rypp Z”L Rochelle Pincovich Morley Rypp Ethel Robinovitch Z”L Sid Robinovitch

Elias Rodrigues de Harvey Sawyer Z”L Mendoça Z”L Toby Sawyer Howard and Ellen Goldstein Fay Schwartz Z”L Arnold Rogers Z”L Anita Neville Susan Rogers Sosel Schwartz Z”L Margot Esther Shirley Wasserman Rosenbaum Z”L Murray and Sharon Knazan Anne Schwartzman Z”L Sidney Schwartzman Sam Rosenberg Z”L Martin and Mavis Minuck Herb Schwartzman Z”L Sidney Schwartzman Ben and Pearl Louis Segal Z”L Rosenhek Z”L Saul and Lolly Guttman Eric and Rochelle Rosenhek Esther Seipp Z”L Mooni Rosenzweig Z”L Jacquie Seipp and Family Libbi Walter

Rivka Selchen Z”L Murray and Fay Rosenby Z”L Gerald and Susan Rosenby Sharon Knazan Frances Settler Z”L Harry Rosenby Z”L Lynn Stoffman Gerald and Susan Rosenby

Jack Raber Z”L Aaron Packer Z”L Howie Raber and Marvin and Sandy Polanski Sheila Tabak

Abraham Rothstein Z”L Gerald and Susan Rosenby

Pearl Palay Z”L Murray Palay and Ivy Kopstein

Lucy Rothstein Z”L Gerald and Susan Rosenby

Vita Parks Z”L Paula Parks Michael Paul Z”L Bobby and Elaine Paul Trevor Paul Z”L Bobby and Elaine Paul

Liba Raber Z”L Lorne and Louise Raber Eva Ravvin Z”L Larry and Rhoda Kussin Max Reich Z”L Lorraine Reiner

Nell Samuels Z”L Elyse Halprin

Fred Shapiro Z”L Joel and Penny Shefrin Rosalie Shapiro Z”L Joel and Penny Shefrin Ruth Shell Z”L David and Marli Lerner and Family

Charles Rubinstein Z”L Patty Sherman Z”L Brent, Brenlee, Skyler and Francie Bay Smith and Sierra Trepel Avis Bay Antel

Rose Reich Z”L Lorraine Reiner

Lily Rubenstein Z”L Arnold and Beverly Zatser

Barry Reiner Z”L Lorraine Reiner

Julius Rypp Z”L Morley Rypp

Earl Shibou Z”L Carla Shibou In Memoriam continued on next page ...

... In Memoriam continued from previous page Thelma (Tammy) Shragge Z”L Lawrence and Dolly Cohen Dorys Silver Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell

Edythe Steinberg Z”L Frank and Sue Hechter Hilda Stern Z”L Terry and Carole Gutkin

Isaac Vickar Z”L Brent Vickar, Sherwin Vickar and Karen Vickar

Margaret Vickar Z”L Walter J. Stern Z”L Brent Vickar, Marvin and Sandy Polanski Sherwin Vickar and Karen Vickar Barney Stillwater Z”L Larry and Minda Ginsberg Hannchen

Ruben and Rose Youssiem Z”L Ruth Klapman Eva Zatser Z”L Arnold and Beverly Zatser Allan Zelickson Z”L Harvey and Elaine Gamer Lorne and Louise Raber Marian Zelickson Z”L Harvey and Elaine Gamer Lorne and Louise Raber

Richard Stillwater Z”L Jory, Jacqueline, Laurie, Ginny and Reese Stillwater

Wassermann Z”L Jackie Wassermann

Vittel Silverberg Z”L Nora Kaufman

William and Hetty Swartz Z”L Sara Swartz

Samuel Singer Z”L Isser Held and Family

Gertrude Tessler Z”L Gloria Kohm

Daniel Waterman Z”L David Waterman, Jack Waterman, Bruce Waterman and Marc Waterman

Sidney Spivak Z”L Frank and Gail Spivak

Samuel Trachtenberg Z”L Marshall Wilder Z”L David and Diane Wilder Jerry and Rietta Floom

Mae Zipursky Z”L Martin and Gail Corne

Adele Standil Z”L Alan Standil

Ewa Ukashi Z”L Todd Boyer and Jacquie Seipp and Family Allan and Gloria Cantor Robert Didych Bob and Shirley Freedman Gary Hyman and Miriam Corne Ted and Harriet Lyons Anita Neville Marvin and Sandy Polanski Bonnie Robinson Eduardo and Olga Saveliovsky Bill and Alice Weissmann

Phyllis Wilder Z”L David and Diane Wilder


Morris Silver Z”L Dick and Minnie Bell Sylvia Silverberg Z”L Nora Kaufman

John Statham Z”L Lorne and Jill Brandes Michael Eleff and Chana Thau Paul Granovsky and Claire Breslaw Gerry and Penny Kalef Cyril Labman Family Phyllis Laveman Harriet Lyons Peter and Beverley Mendelson Morley Rypp Wayne Sharpe and Sydney Shore Ray Singer and Barb Findlay Eve Vickar Shelley Werner Sonia Steel Z”L Freda Steel and Family

Shirley Velin Z”L Hy Kraitberg

Jakob Wassermann Z”L Jackie Wassermann

Joseph Wilder Z”L David and Diane Wilder Clara Wiwiersky Z”L Garry Wiwiersky Morris Wiwiersky Z”L Garry Wiwiersky Sylvia Wolfe Z”L David and Irene Meyrowitz and Family Clara Wolk Z”L Eric and Rochelle Rosenhek

Jack Wolk Z”L Gnessie Vickar Z”L Bonnie Robinson Jerry, Karen, Evan and Rose Yakir Z”L Justin Ackerman Gary and Pamela Brooker Phil and Brenda Yakir and Family Lorne and Louise Raber

Ralph Zelickson Z”L Harvey and Elaine Gamer Lorne and Louise Raber Emil Zimmer Z”L Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer


In memory of Marilyn Billinkoff Love, Lorne, Alix and Natan, Mitchell and Grandchildren Laurie Shapiro on her 70th birthday Caren, Debbie and Jack, Denise and Arthur and Families Denise Waldman on her 70th birthday Debbie and Jack, Laurie and Rick and Families


Honour a special simcha or memorialize a loved one with a personalized leaf or stone on the Tree of Life. Our Tree is a signed, original work of art, carved bas-relief and cast in solid bronze. Alder Leaves are available for $200 each.


Donations start at $18 and can be gifted to a variety of funds.

204 452 3711 Or visit

Pesach Day 1 (Second Seder) Sat, Apr 16 Pesach Day 2 Sun, Apr 17 Pesach C"M Days 3 to 6 Mon, Apr 18 to Thu, Apr 21 Pesach Day 7 Fri, Apr 22 Pesach Day 8 Sat, Apr 23


Erev Pesach (First Seder) Fri, Apr 15

Good Friday Fri, Apr 15

Erev Shavuot Sat, Jun 4

Easter Sunday Sun, Apr 17

Shavuot Day 1 Sun, Jun 5

Yom Hashoah Thu, Apr 28

Shavuot Day 2 Mon, Jun 6

Yom HaZikaron Wed, May 4

Canada Day Fri, Jul 1

Yom Haatzmaut Thu, May 5

Fast of Tammuz Sun, Jul 17

Pesach Sheni Sun, May 15

Terry Fox Day Mon, Aug 1

Lag B'Omer Thu, May 19

Tisha B'Av Sun, Aug 7

Victoria Day Mon, May 23

Tu B'Av Fri, Aug 12

Yom Yerushalayim Sun, May 29

Labour Day Mon, Sep 5

In Memoriam Greg Brodsky

Beloved father of Daniel Brodsky (Ann Weiszmann), Aaron Brodsky and brother of Ivan (Karen) Brodsky

Harvey Brown

Beloved husband of Rita Brown and father of Jeffrey Brown (Lori Shenkarow), Stuart (Sandy) Brown and brother of Morris Brown, Edward (Susan) Brown

Vladimer Bugas

Beloved husband of Raisa Bugas and father of Dmitry (Linda) Bugas

Eleanor Burke

Beloved mother of Baillie Burke (Jeff), Joel Burke and David Burke (Shar)

Elizabeth Cohn

Beloved mother of Ingrid Cohn, Arnold (Carla) Cohn, Herbert (Cara) Cohn

Martin Corne

Beloved husband of Gail Corne and father of Lisa Corne (Michael Klein), Ian Corne (Janet Brightcorne)


Leonard Kaplan

Beloved son of Leah Kaplan and father of Blair Kaplan (Shayne Venables), Alana Kaplan and brother of Susan (Neil) Rykiss and Alan (Janice) Kaplan

Larry Kraitberg

Beloved brother of Hy Kraitberg (Terri Slotnick), Zelda Doell, Sid Kraitberg, Annette Nowe and husband of Joan Kraiberg, father of Noreen Kraitberg (Brian Summerfelt), Cheryl Kraitberg, Bryan Kraitberg (Sonia Chabot)

Sylvia Lavitt

Beloved mother of Carey (Bernie) Simkin, Frank Lavitt (Ahava Halpern), Gail Lavitt (Ron Worb)

Marcelo Lubocki

Beloved husband of Iael Besendorf and father of Dafna Lubocki (Josh Winestock), Ezequiel Lubocki, brother of Alicia Lubocki, Diana Lubocki

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Marvin Meltzer

Beloved husband of Ruth Meltzer and father of Nina Meltzer Ross (Mike Ross), Steven Ross, brother of Sheila (Arthur) Fox and Chuck (Juanita) Meltzer

Raquel Kurgan de Pachter

Beloved mother of Fabiana Pachter (Jorge Krapirca) and grandmother of Melanie Baruch (Ran Ukashi) and Ian Baruch

Reva Oman

Beloved mother of Harvey (Shelley) Oman, Sandy Oman (Michael Barr) and sister of Norma (Victor) Chernick

Marilyn Perl

Beloved wife of Michael Perl and mother of Eytan and Aviya Perl, sister of Martin (Debby) Bricker

John Statham

Beloved partner of Richard Yaffe and father of Anthony (Alaina) Statham, Alexandra Bolton, brother of Margaret Stewart, Frances Statham (Esther Phillips), Claire (Jeff) LeBane and Robert Staham

Ewa Ukashi

Beloved wife of Zaharia Ukashi and mother of Naama Ukashi (Joel Samphir), Ran Ukashi (Melanie Baruch)

Gnessie Vickar

Beloved mother of Wayne (Carla) Vickar

Rosalind Waterman

Beloved mother of Jack Waterman, Bruce Waterman, David (Angela) Waterman, Marc Waterman (Wylie Thomas)

If you would like to send a Condolence Card to the family, please call 204-452-3711 or visit and click on the ‘donate’ button to fill out our online form.

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