Shofar | Jun - Aug 2018

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Shaarey Zedek



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Celebrating Community and Culture

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Thanks to a generous donation by Harriet and Teddy Lyons and Family, we are excited to now offer L i v e V i d e o S t r e a m i n g of: Minyan and Shabbat Services Life Cycle Events Shaarey Zedek Special Services and Events Private and Public Events

Visit Audio only player also available





Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture

Messages from

Lorne Weiss, President........................4 Rabbi Matthew Leibl...........................7 Rabbi Aníbal Mass.............................8 Sisterhood Update............................18 Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director.................21 Leslie Emery, Program Director.........22

Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 AM Following the service, join us for Kiddush and Torah L’Chayim

Join us for a musical, engaging, relaxed and interactive Shabbat morning experience!

Daily Minyan Services Monday to Thursday 7:30 AM and 6:00 PM Friday 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM Saturday 10:00 AM, 6:00 PM Sundays 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM Canadian Holidays 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM

Shabbat Family Service For all Families!


Services (Minyan, Shabbat)................2 Holiday List.........................................4 Mazel Tov...........................................5 B’nai Mitzvah.....................................6 Photo Gallery..9, 10, 19, 20, 23, 25, 31 Tributes.............................................11 In Memoriam....................................16 Sisterhood Gift Shop.........................18 Rabbi Green Retirement Weekend....24 Programs..........................................30 Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg MB R3M 0A6 t 204 452 3711 f 204 474 1184 CANADA POST PUBLICATION #40019561

Discover The Difference! O P E N F O R TO U R


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Fully Furnishe Available for RedspSuites Convalescence Stite or ays

with Leslie Emery and Rabbi Aníbal Mass 10:45 AM on Saturday: June 16, July 21, August 11

Gratitude • Song • Prayer • Puppets Torah • Togetherness • Kiddush Celebrate Shabbat as a family!

Redefining Age-In-Place Living 4 Excellence in Assisted Living 905 Shaftesbury Blvd. 4 Luxury Secured Living on Winnipeg, MB




If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words ... How Much is a Video Worth?

MESSAGE FROM LORNE WEISS, PRESIDENT The first five months of 2018 have flown by with lightning speed. Looking back as we prepare for the “lazy” days of summer, we have a great deal to be pleased about. Our Shabbat attendance continues to grow as do the number of life cycle and community events taking place at Shaarey Zedek. Our Rabbinic team of Rabbi Leibl and Rabbi Mass continues to engage with our community through in-reach and outreach programming. Our farewell weekend honouring Rabbi Alan and Chaya Green April 26 was an outstanding success. The Thursday night dinner was a sellout. Almost $50,000 was raised to enhance the Rabbi Green Scholar-In-Residence Fund. The weekend culminated with a Cantorial Concert on Sunday afternoon featuring our amazing local talent and our weekend guest entertainers Herschel and Judy Fox. Beginning in April our newly installed video recording system became operable. Thanks to a generous donation by Harriet and Teddy Lyons and their family, we now have video and sound recording and streaming capacity in the sanctuary, the chapel and the auditorium for daily

services as well special events. So, the message is clear... Share your life cycle event at Shaarey Zedek and we can help you to share it with friends and family worldwide. In the next weeks our staff will be reaching out to retirement homes in the city to make sure that they are aware of this feature for their residents and how to access it. Wishing all a wonderful and safe summer. And while you’re at the cottage or your back yard and you’d like to experience Rabbi Leibl’s explanation of the Torah portion in contemporary terms or Rabbi Mass’ insightful sermons, you can stream the service to your smart device through YouTube by visiting Best Regards,

HOLIDAYS Canada Day Tisha B’Av (10 Av) Tu B’Av (14 Av) Terry Fox Day Selichot (21 Elul) Erev Rosh Hashanah

Sun, Jul 1 Sun, Jul 22 Fri, Jul 27 Mon, Aug 6 Sat, Sep 1

Rosh Hashanah 1 (1 Tishrei) Rosh Hashanah 2 (2 Tishrei) Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre) Yom Kippur (10 Tishrei) Erev Sukkot Sukkot 1-2 (15-16 Tishrei) Sukkot 3-7 C”M (17-21 Tishrei) Sh’mini Atzeret (22 Tishrei) Simchat Torah (23 Tishrei)

Mon, Sep 10 Tue, Sep 11 Tue, Sep 18 Wed, Sep 19 Sun, Sep 23 Sep 24-25 Sep 26-30 Mon, Oct 1 Tue, Oct 2

Sun, Sep 9

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Mazel Tov

B’Nai Mitzvah Carson Mellon

June 2, 2018 Shabbat morning Son of Aaron and Tracee Mellon

Simon Narvey

June 9, 2018 Shabbat morning Son of Matthew and Mira Narvey

Sigal Wayngarten June 16, 2018 Shabbat morning Daughter of Martin Wayngarten and Agustina Krivoy

Parties Bar/Bat Mitzvah Weddings Corporate Events Community Programs Professional Music & Entertainment Services

Tali Nudler

June 23, 2018 Shabbat morning Daughter of Javier and Veronica Nudler

Nate Grant

June 28, 2018 Thursday morning Son of Christopher and Johanna Grant

Sophie Braunstein

June 30, 2018 Saturday afternoon Daughter of Danny and Amy Braunstein

If you are having a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in Israel, we’d love to publish your simcha in an upcoming edition of the Shofar! Contact Clare at 204 452 3711 or

Engagement • Wedding • Children and Family Maternity • Babies • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Graduation Photowall and Photobooth


204.918.3799 Your story told through my eyes


RABBI MATTHEW LEIBL Tu comes from the Hebrew letters Tet and Vav, whose numerical equivalents (nine and six) add up to fifteen. That makes Tu B’Av the fifteenth of Av. It’s always in the summer. This year Tu B’Av starts at sundown on Thursday, July 26th and continues on the 27th. Now get this. (This is where it gets interesting.) There’s a spot in the Mishnah where Rabban Gamliel is quoted as saying, “There were no days as happy for the Jewish people as the Fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur.” Whoa!! What?! First of all, since when is Yom Kippur a “happy day”? Well, the Talmud explains, because it has elements of pardon and forgiveness, and because the second set of tablets (of the Ten Commandments) was given on Yom Kippur. OK. Fine. We can work with that. But what about Tu B’Av? How could a day go from unbelievably happy to completely obscure? (Remember – you’ve never heard of it before.) Wait. Before we answer that, there’s more. Rabban Gamliel goes on to say that, on both Yom Kippur and Tu B’Av, all the unmarried young ladies in Israel would borrow white dresses and go out to dance in the vineyards. They would call out to all the unmarried men, who also went to check out the party, encouraging them to choose a wife, not only on beauty, but also family and character. So, if we think about it in today’s terms, Tu B’Av was basically Singles Night in Second Temple times. (Yom Kippur, too, but we’re not dealing with that today.) More than that, it was arguably the biggest “Bar Night” of the year, so to speak. Throw in the fact Tu B’Av is also a full moon and you can begin to see why RG said what he said. (Keep in mind, full moons were often connected to celebrations of romance, love, and fertility in ancient times.) As a result, Tu B’Av is actually a minor holiday – the Jewish Day of Love. It’s long been an auspicious day for weddings, proposals, and vow renewal ceremonies.

204 452 3711


And a bride and groom who get married on Tu B’Av don’t have to fast on their wedding day. True story! So what happened? After the destruction of the Second Temple, Tu B’Av quickly disappeared from public observance. The vineyard parties ended and, for centuries, Tu B’Av went virtually unnoticed. It’s not a day off work and there really aren’t any changes to prayer services on the day. Truthfully, without Singles Night, Tu B’Av just faded away. Thankfully, there’s been a revival since the establishment of the State of Israel, particularly in the last few decades. Tu B’Av has become kind of like a Jewish/ Israeli Valentine’s Day. Couples exchange cards, flowers, and gifts, romantic dinners are popular, and, just like in Temple times, big dance parties are encouraged. It’s a big deal in Israel and it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if we spread the word about it here at home. Especially because summer on the Jewish calendar is desperate for any kind of simcha. The only thing of note in the summer is sadness!! Three weeks of mourning leading up to Tisha B’Av, which is literally the saddest day of the year. All the more reason why we need Tu B’Av, which falls just six days after Tisha B’Av. Because there’s a message hidden in this forgotten holiday. A message that can’t be forgotten. How do we, as a people and a community, recover emotionally and spiritually from a period of mourning and the gut-wrenching reminder of the destruction of our Temples? The same way we get through any tragedy or low point in our lives – by focusing on the people who matter most to us, the relationships we cherish, and the power of love.



Photo credit: Elaine Halpert

You’ve probably heard of Tu B’Shevat. You’ve also probably heard of Tisha B’Av. But have you ever heard of Tu B’Av?


Photo credit: Elaine Halpert

RABBI ANÍBAL MASS Do you know who Francis Joseph was? You don’t? Don’t worry. By the end of this article, you will. For now, I want to talk to you about the fast of Tisha B’Av (9th of Av). We have four fast days connected to the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and consequently, the loss of our homeland. Tisha B’Av is the most important of the four. The other three are Asarah B’tevet (the 10th of Tevet), Shiva Asar B’Tamuz (17th of Tamuz) and the Fast of Gedalyah (3rd of Tishrei) Still no clue who Francis Joseph was? (no cheating, don’t Google it) The Midrash says that G-d marked the 9th day of Av as a day of catastrophes for the Jewish people after the shameful event of the spies in the desert (Numbers 13). Midrash or reality, Tisha B’Av, according to our history, has been a specific day in the calendar marked by the misfortunes of our people. The most important of these was the destruction of both Temples: the First in the year 568 BCE by the Syrians, and the Second in the year 70 CE by the Romans. Other catastrophes associated with Tisha B’Av are the Fall of Betar [ending Bar Kochba’s Revolution (135 CE)], the expulsion of the Jews from England by King Edward (1290 CE) and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand (1492 CE). Due to the importance of these events, Tisha B’Av is a major fast. This means it begins the night before (like Yom Kippur), with the last meal before the fast eaten before sunset. During services, synagogues are lit with only a few lights or candles, and people sit on the floor to read Megillat Eicha with the traditional trope. This is the eye witness account by the Prophet Jeremiah of the Destruction of the First Temple by the Babylonians, and of Jerusalem. So, who was Francis Joseph? Francis Joseph (1830-1916) was the Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before the First World War. One day, as Francis Joseph was going through the streets of Vienna, he saw Jews entering and leaving a dimly lit synagogue with tears in their eyes. He ordered his cortege to stop and sent his personal assistant to see what was happening in his Empire. Why were the Jews crying? The assistant went to the synagogue, and returned after a few minutes roaring with laughter. The Emperor


asked him what happened. The assistant said that the foolish Jews were crying over the destruction of their Temple and the loss of their homeland, observing something called Tisha B’Av, but the funniest thing is that it happened 2,000 years ago! Emperor Joseph kept silent, then he said: “Please don’t laugh! It is a very serious matter. If they are able to cry and mourn over the loss of their homeland for two thousand years, believe me my friend, sooner or later they will return to their land. I am one of the most powerful men on the planet, but I don’t believe that fifty years from now people will remember me.” The Austro-Hungarian Empire disappeared after the First World War, and Emperor Francis Joseph became a stranger to most people. But after almost 2,000 years of Diaspora, we have never forgotten our mission, and Israel and Jerusalem are no longer mere dreams. While I appreciate living in a wonderful Jewish community like Winnipeg, and in an amazing country like Canada, I understand how critical the existence, security and support of a Jewish Homeland is to the ensure the safety and continuation of Jewish people everywhere. Every time we observe Tisha B’Av, following its traditions and customs, we recognize once again our love for Israel and Jerusalem, and remember the deprivation and grief that it meant for our people not having our Holy Land. Tisha B’Av reminds us of our responsibility for the present and future of Israel.

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Winnipeg Jewish Chorus 130




Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture

Jews, Non-Jews, Experienced, Unexperienced, No Audition! Directed and Conducted by

Justin Odwak

Tuesdays, October 9 to May 28 at Shaarey Zedek - 7 to 9 PM

Join today! 204-287-5135 or (Annual Fee: $200)  In April, Rabbi Aníbal Mass participated in the Festival of Bread at Misericordia Place and Misericordia Health Centre. The events brought together staff of the two facilities to “...celebrate the richness of our diversity and the oneness of our purpose”. Rabbi Mass spoke about the importance of bread in Judaism, explaining the significance of blessing the food that we eat, and recited the ‘bracha’.

The Congregation Shaarey Zedek 

Dor Chadash Youth Choir and Rabbi Aníbal Mass performed on Thursday, April 19th at Yom Ha’atzmaut Community Celebration - Yasher Koach!

 Rabbi Aníbal Mass was honoured to be invited by the Hindu Society of Manitoba to present on the topic of ‘Jewish Music and Wellness’. The talk was held on Wednesday, May 9th at the Hindu Temple and Dr. Raj Pandey Hindu Centre on St. Anne’s Road. Yasher Koach Rabbi Mass!

11th Annual Yom Hashoah Commemorative Service Sunday, April 8, 2018

Presented by Congregation Shaarey Zedek in partnership with the Freeman Family Foundation Holocaust Education Centre of the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada Inc. Photos by Robyn Shapiro Photography

See all the photos on



Jeremy Gordon on his special birthday Gerald and Susan Rosenby Richard and Jackie Akman HAVE BEEN Saul and Lolly Guttman on the birth of their on their granddaughter’s RECEIVED FROM granddaughter, Julie Mya upcoming marriage Lou and Marcia Cogan Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Dick and Minnie Bell Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Sam Bebchuk Sheila Katz on his special birthday on her special birthday Jack and Debbie Lipkin Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Steven and Sharon Tritt Jo-Anne Neaman, Abe and Toni Berenhaut Joel Lazer Dale and Jerry Marcus, Gayle Freed on receiving his FCPA Barbara Neaman, Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Certification Francie Neaman, Isser Held Marty and Mavis Minuck Larry Neaman, Sos Plattner Blaire and Rob Bastress, Marilyn Raber Irv Leb Lexi Malkin and Mark, Sid Ritter and on his special birthday Gabrielle Swan, Beth Goldenberg Barry Stronger Jillian Swan and Alain, Arnold and Beverly Zatser Jeremy and Sally Lipschitz Alix Neaman, Lou and Clara Bernstein on the birth of their grandson, Arlo Bastress, on their special anniversary Josh Ze’ev Bella Anne Bastress Joe and Fern Hershfield Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Bonnie Talbot Ruth Billinkoff Ted and Harriet Lyons Alexander Tselos on her special birthday on Anna becoming Bat Bob and Debby Brown Mitzvah ALIYAH Joe and Fern Hershfield Allan Cantor Lorne and Louise Raber CONTRIBUTIONS on his special birthday Abe and Toni Berenhaut Jerry and Dale Marcus HAVE BEEN Berdina Shorten on their special anniversary RECEIVED FROM Doug Skoog and Rick and Hennie Corrin Lou and Ruth Billinkoff on Adam and Lexi’s marriage Lillian Neaman in honour of Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Jerry Moscovitch Ruth and Lou’s birthdays on his special birthday Marvin Garfinkel Louis and Judy Rodkin Sharon Bronstone on his special birthday Barry and Elaine Weber in honour of her birthday Phyllis Hatskin Marvin and Sandy Polanski Allan and Gloria Cantor Danny Globerman on their special anniversary in honour of Allan’s birthday on the birth of his Gary and Pamela Brooker Michael Eleff and Chana Thau grandson, Max Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Hart Pollack in honour of their anniversary on his special birthday Norman Goldberg Phyllis Laveman Sally Shuckett on his special birthday in honour of her birthday Sladen and Susan Adleman Rocky Pollack Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro Brian and Jeanne Pauls on his special birthday in honour of Laurie’s birthday Sally Shuckett David and Barbara Ray Singer and Barb Findley Goldenberg Harvey Pollock in honour of Ray’s retirement on Lucas becoming on his special birthday Bar Mitzvah Mark and Haderra Chisick, Phyllis Laveman Adam, Michelle, Sam, Noah, Kara and Max

Toby Sawyer on the birth of her greatgranddaughter, Julia Dick and Minnie Bell Emily Shane on receiving the Larry Hurtig Jewish Communal Professional Award Zelda Elkin Berdina Shorten on Haley becoming Bat Mitzvah Simone Cohen Scott Jack Solomon on his special birthday Lorne and Louise Raber Miriam Stuart-Alper on her special birthday Beverly Nord Myer Thompson on his special birthday Marc and Cindy Streifler, Riley, Jesse and Seth Rita Vine Eric and Susan Vickar on Michaela and David’s upcoming marriage Dick and Minnie Bell Steven and Sharon Tritt Gnessie Vickar on the birth of her greatgrandson, Jaden Karen Ackerman and Jerry Roitelman and Family Bill and Alice Weissmann on their special anniversary and Alice’s special birthday Phyllis Laveman Rochelle Pincovich Michael Werier and Lainey Danzker on Nessa and Jason’s marriage Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Alex and Harriet Zimmer on the birth of their granddaughter, Julie Mya Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater


Lorne and Paulette Weiss Sam Klapman Alex and Elaine Sommer The Berney Family Dan Blankstein and Sara Israels Marilyn Trepel Debi Stern and Anna Maxine Cristall CARDS OF Zelda Elkin Daniel and Ellen Hamburg APPRECIATION Isser Held and Family HAVE BEEN SENT TO Dane and Sherrill Hershberg Gerry and Penny Kalef Rabbi Matthew Leibl Don and Sheila Katz Neil and Carol Duboff John Michaels and Karen Stern and Family and Family Doug Skoog and Bryan, Bev, Michael and Lillian Neaman Lainie Schwartz Jo-Anne Neaman Sid and Sharon Wolchock Estelle Raber Neil and Carol Duboff and Family Bill Weissmann Scott Baker and Marilyn Prober Neil and Carol Duboff and Family

Happy Summer!

A % of our commission from the sale or purchase of your home will gladly be donated to the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue in your name


Helen Bell Dick and Minnie Bell Leon Bell IN MEMORY OF Hannon Bell Oscar Abramowitch Morley Bell Joe and Fern Hershfield Andi Bell and Kyle Lorne and Louise Raber Dick and Minnie Bell Sarah Abrams Mendel Belzberg Lorne and Louise Raber Donni Stern Morris Ackerman Menicha Berenhaut Lois Ackerman Abe and Toni Berenhaut Sidney Ackerman Miriam Berenhaut Lois Ackerman Abe and Toni Berenhaut Maurice and Jean Adleman Morris Berenhaut Sladen and Susan Adleman Abe and Toni Berenhaut Joseph Adler Alexander Berkowits Isser Held Sandra Berkowits Cecilia Asper Beatrice Berman Gail Asper and Larry and Rhoda Kussin Michael Paterson and Family May Birnboim Leanne Asper Sharon Lerner Gail Asper and Michael Paterson and Family Cecil Blankstein Marjorie Blankstein Pat Axelrod Esther Blankstein Gary and Pamela Brooker Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Mark and Haderra Chisick and Family Evelyn Blankstein Allan and Linda Finkleman Marjorie Blankstein and Family Lena Blankstein David and Marjorie Blankstein Barbara Goldenberg Allan and Sondra Hochman Morley Blankstein Esther Katz Linda Blankstein and Family Syd and Barb Kowall Marjorie Blankstein and Family Barry and Carol McArton Larry and Rhoda Kussin Sidney Bleet Stewart and Ellen Leibl Rachel Owa and Family Sam and Jean Blumenthal Bonnie Robinson Sid and Marsha Schwartzman Leon Stein and Edith Diner Jackie Stillwater Albert Boxer Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater David and Irene Meyrowitz Marc and Cindy Streifler Aaron Braker Roberta Weiss Janet Fleishman Sally Baker Helena Brauer Lorne and Jill Brandes Jeremy and Maureen Gordon Ruth Zelcer Joe and Fern Hershfield Lucille Bicker Larry and Rhoda Kussin Martin and Debby Bricker Lionel and Ricki Silver and Family Michael and Marilyn Perl, Pauline Barish Aviya, Eytan, Sheila Eleanor Burke and Jacob Rhona Bass Jack Brownstone David and Marisa Hochman Susan Brownstone Brock Abraham Bay Morris Burke Dick and Minnie Bell Gary and Susan Harrison Morris and Dorys Silver Terri Kushner Etta Bebchuk Phyllis Laveman Bill and Elaine Bebchuk Berdina Shorten Rita Vine, David Bell Marc and Cindy Streifler Dick and Minnie Bell and Family

Blair Cantin Harvey and Yvonne Cantin Louis Cantin Harvey and Yvonne Cantin Anne Cantor David and Diane Wilder Elsie Cantor Allan and Gloria Cantor Barry Caplan Susan Billinkoff and Family David Caplan and Family Rose Chochinov Shelley Chochinov Irvin Cohen Simone Cohen Scott Joseph Cohen Isser Held and Family Irving Colman Lorne and Jill Brandes Sandra Cooperband Allan and Gloria Cantor Jerry Roitelman and Karen Ackerman and Family Jackie Stillwater Alvin Corne Marty and Marcia Adelberg and Family Jay and Linni Averbach Pat Charad Gerry and Penny Kalef Sam and Sandi Malamud Maureen Marsch Naomi Mendelson Marty, Lisa and Jeremy Morantz Morley Rypp Bessie Craven Shelley Chochinov Eva Cristall Maxine Cristall Blanche Cummings Marilyn Raber Saul Davis Jerry and Gloria Moscovitch Marcy Dempsey Maxine Cristall Charles Duboff Lillian Duboff Eva Duboff Lillian Duboff Nathan Duboff Lillian Duboff Hymie Earn Sheldon Earn Meyer Engel Mina Engel and Family Joseph Erenberg Shari Erenberg

ON E MOR E CAN DLE Brings Light to Darkness Adopt the memory of a child murdered in the Shoah. Adopt a memory so that a murdered child has someone to remember that they lived, giving light to the darkness by saying his or her name out loud, saying kaddish, and by simply lighting just One More Candle every year. We are a registered charity. There is no charge to adopt a memory. Donations may be made to One More Candle at 295 Elm Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 3N6 , or donate to the Congregation Shaarey Zedek Yahrzeit Fund (204-452-3711). Joseph Erlih Velimir and Branka Kon Rose Erlih-Zokich Velimir and Branka Kon Pauline Essers Hannon Bell Alexander Fages Mel and Arlene Fages Florence Fages Mel and Arlene Fages Clara Feingold Janet Fleishman Max Feldman Allan Feldman Maurice Fields Marilyn Fields Joyce Fingerote Harry and Rhonda Youell Brian Fleishman Janet Fleishman Jacob Fleishman Toby Sawyer Elizabeth Fleishmann Agnes Hechter Mordechai Fox Mina Engel and Family Benjamin Frankel Tillie Frankel

Ruth Freed Allan and Gloria Cantor Howard and Lindy Greenberg Isser Held Dane and Sherrill Hershberg Mindy Moss, and Jeff, Cara and Shira Dveris Sheldon and Sonia Pinx Marcia Pitch Leon Stein and Edith Diner Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater Brent and Brenlee Trepel and Family Jennie Garfinkel Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Larry Geller Gavriela Geller and Family Esther Genser Carol Slater Fanny Glass Matthew and Dianne Glass Graham Glezerson Monica Prokopchuk Israel and Dora Globerman Harvey and Faye Appelle Marlene Goldberg Sam and Sandi Malamud Sadie Goldenberg David and Barbara Goldenberg Jen Goldman Dick and Minnie Bell David Guttman Sandor Guttman

Mayer Gutwilik Toby Gutwilik Fay-Lynn Katz William Halparin Lawrence Halparin Dora Hamburg Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Israel Hamburg Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Ruben Hatskin Phyllis Hatskin Irving Hechter Lenore Hechter and Frank and Susanne Hechter Bryan Hershfield Gary and Pamela Brooker Maureen Marsch Alex and Elaine Sommer Lorne and Paulette Weiss Leible Hershfield Susan Turner Max Herst Ken Blankstein-Ure Susan Chodirker and Evan Muzychuk Amy Karlinsky Stewart and Ellen Leibl and Family Irwin and Susan Micflikier Alex and Elaine Sommer Richard and Sheree Morantz Paul and Fraya Zaidman and Family continued on next page ...

... continued from last page Samuel Hochman Barry and Marcy Schwartz Leon Hollenberg Andrea Hollenberg Gail Hyman Robert and Barbara Hyman Irving Hyman Robert and Barbara Hyman Beatrice Kaplan Susan Kay William Karlinsky Amy Karlinsky Philip Katz Esther Katz Fay-Lynn Katz Frances Keenberg Frank and Gail Spivak Louis Keenberg Frank and Gail Spivak Sheldon Kohn Don and Sheila Katz, Steven, Michelle, Seth and Lev Kohn, and Andrea and Solomon Kohn Miriam Kopelow Martin and Linda Fingold Bryan Klein and Susan Halprin Hy Kravetsky Patti Morris Tammy Kravetsky Patti Morris Max Lauer David and Diane Wilder

Esther Lebane Sybil Lerner Lebovitch Family Toby Gutwilik Molly Leifer Beverly Nord Betty Leinburd Andrew Marquess and Maureen Diamond Jacob Leinburd Paul Leinburd and Ceci Kaufman Barry Leipsic Peter and Karen Leipsic Morris Lentz Lou and Ruth Billinkoff Howard Levi Saul and Brenda Greenberg Irwin and Susan Micflikier Sid Ritter Herbert Liffman Alex and Elaine Sommer Abraham and Phyllis Malamud Mel and Arlene Fages Jacob Manishen Beverley Manishen Pearl Manishen Beverley Manishen Neta Mann Tatiana Mann Florence Manusow David Manusow Sam Maslovsky Miriam Segal

Freda Merkel Shelley Chochinov Morris Merkel Shelley Chochinov Boris Mesbur Donald and Belva Gutkin Rachel Mindell Lenore Hechter and Frank and Susanne Hechter Alana Michelle Moscovitch Jerry and Gloria Moscovitch David Moscovitch Jerry and Gloria Moscovitch Sam Muchnik Rose Muchnik Sarah Muryn Neil and Elaine Margolis Luba Neaman Barb Neaman Morris Neaman Barb Neaman Maxwell Nelko Sam and Wendy Wilder David Nepon Gertie Nepon Oscar Nerman Barb Neaman Richlu Manufacturing Alexander Newhouse Laura Richman Herbert Nitikman Donald and Belva Gutkin Sadie Niznick Arnold and Sharon Glass David Novikoff Jerry and Gloria Moscovitch

Michael Oman Harvey and Shelley Oman Thora Ornstein Don and Sheila Katz, Steven, Michelle, Seth and Lev Kohn, and Andrea and Solomon Kohn Aaron Packer Marvin and Sandy Polanski Pearl Palay Murray Palay and Ivy Kopstein Trevor Paul Bobby and Elaine Paul Benjamin Permack David and Shirley Permack Rose Permack David and Shirley Permack Ethel Pierce David and Sheila Brodovsky Sarah “Sukie� Pitch Robert and Janis Brinley Marty and Mavis Minuck Molly Pitsch Marvin and Merle Garfinkel Harry Plattner Sos Plattner Harold Pollock Stewart and Ellen Leibl Lew Polsky Alvin Wire Pessie Portnoy Lillian Duboff Ben Raber Sharon Allentuck Marilyn Raber Leon Raber Faye Raber Solomon Rabinovitch Hannon Bell Ruth Rachlis Jerry and Rietta Floom Max Rady Marjorie Blankstein Rose Rady Marjorie Blankstein Max Reich Lorraine Reiner Barry Reiner Lorraine Reiner Reginald Ripstein Ira Ripstein and Elke Hildes-Ripstein Connie Robinson Rochelle Pincovich

Estelle Roitman Sam Roitman, Martin and Debby Bricker, Lesley and Laurie Goldberg, Martin and Harriet Glazer and Families Harry and Fay Rosenby Gerald and Susan Rosenby Abraham and Lucy Rothstein Gerald and Susan Rosenby Marvin Rothstein Gerald and Susan Rosenby Harry Rubenstein Arnold and Beverly Zatser Lily Rubenstein Arnold and Beverly Zatser Rose Rypp Morley Rypp and Family Sylvia Salita David and Hava Salita Walter Saltzberg Simone Cohen Scott Les Dukes and Family Joseph Schachter David and Diane Wilder Morris Schechter Hinda Meltzer Mayer Schwartz Abe and Toni Berenhaut Anne Schwartzman Sid and Marsha Schwartzman Leon Serfaty Meir Serfaty Sarah Shaen Florence Shaen Rose Shane Sheldon and Florence Zamick Bert Shatsky Eleanor Burke Edward Shell Joe and Fern Hershfield Ruth Shell David and Marli Lerner and Family Earl Shibou Harvey and Shelley Oman Syd Shnier Janie Shnier Max Shore Irvin and Sandra Shore Samuel Shore Irvin and Sandra Shore Victor Shore Esther Katz Vittle and Sylvia Silverberg Nora Kaufman

Lily Silverman Abe and Toni Berenhaut Rose Silverman Peter and Karen Leipsic Morton Slusky Mark and Haderra Chisick and Family Gerry and Penny Kalef Leon Stein and Edith Diner Betty (Rebecca) Sodomsky Sandy Hurwitz David Spivak Frank and Gail Spivak Rose Spivak Frank and Gail Spivak Sam Steel David Gisser and Freda Steel Mary Stein Beverley Manishen Hilda Stern Terry and Carole Gutkin Jocelyn Stern Katz Lewis and Debra Stern and Family Marcy Stronger Neil and Janet Cutler Daniel and Ellen Hamburg Frank and Suzanne Hechter Isser Held and Family Hartley and Rishona Hyman Marty and Mavis Minuck Lorne and Louise Raber Les Rykiss and Family Preston and Miriam Segal Lorne and Paulette Weiss Maxwell Stronger Barry Stronger Lillian Sweiden Bonnie Gurevich and Family Arthur Tadman Lorne and Paulette Weiss Freda Thau Michael Eleff and Chana Thau Rubin Thau Michael Eleff and Chana Thau Florence Vickar Allan and Reva Micflikier Sam and Gertrude Vickar Gnessie Vickar and Family Reesa Waisman Clare Whiteman Marilyn Walder Harvey and Shelley Oman Brian and Jeanne Pauls Israel Weinberg Elaine Sommer Judith Weiszmann Ann Weiszmann

Nathan Werner Steven Bager and Family Pat Charad Collier’s International Gerry and Penny Kalef Morris Whiteman Clare Whiteman Emanuel Wilder David and Diane Wilder Marshall Wilder Gary and Kate Brenner Mel and Karyn Lazareck Rachel Wilder David and Diane Wilder Oscar Wire Alvin Wire Issie Wolfe Lawrence and Eddy Werier Sylvia Wolfe David and Irene Meyrowitz Eugene Yarmie Allan and Gloria Cantor Saul Youssiem Brian and Jeanne Pauls Solomon Yurman Ron Yurman and Anita Wortzman Ben Zaidman Shelley Chochinov Gerald Zamick Sheldon and Florence Zamick Joseph Zamick Sheldon and Florence Zamick Eva Zatser Arnold and Beverly Zatser Leo Zimmer Jeanette Zimmer Samuel Zinman Bill and Elaine Bebchuk


Jerry and Rhona Bass Marisa and David Hochman and Family Ted Lyons on his special birthday Mara, Sheldon, Anna and Rosie Harvey Pollock in honour of his special birthday The Globerman Family Myer Thompson in honour of his special birthday Pam, Marty, Jordan, Amy and Neil


Lois, Ron, Karen and Ruth Ackerman; and Harvey and Corinne Ackerman in memory of Sidney and Morris Ackerman Eric Alper and Miriam Stuart-Alper in celebration of Miriam’s birthday Lou and Ruth Billinkoff in celebration of Ruth’s 90th birthday The Engel Family in celebration of Mina and Rosie’s birthdays Gray Academy Parents in honour of the Grade 12 Graduates Jerry and Gloria Moscovitch in celebration of Jerry’s birthday Marvin and Sandy Polanski in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood in celebration of 88 years of membership in Women’s League for Conservative Judaism Donni Stern in memory of Jocelyn Stern Katz Sigi and Jackie Wassermann in celebration of their wedding anniversary

In Memoriam Oscar Abramowitch

Beloved husband of Cesia Abramowitch, father of Rose (Arnold) Popeski and Minia Goodman

Norman Adelberg

Beloved husband of Cheryl Adelberg, father of Marla (Fraser) Aronovitch, Roth Adelberg, Allison (Peter) Savoie and Jennifer Adams (John Kane)

Pat Axelrod

Beloved mother of Harriet (Alex) Zimmer, Robert (Allison) Axelrod and Ellen Axelrod (David Greenberg)

Dr. Morris Burke

Beloved husband of Eleanor Burke, father of David (Sharlynn) Burke, Joel Burke and Baillie Burke (Jeff Burdett) and brother-in-law of Belle Burke, Lillian Burke, Myer Thompson and Morley Shatsky

Alvin Corne

Beloved husband of Sharron Corne and father of Lindsey Corne (Mimi Ouziel), Stephen Corne (Rhonda Spivak), Shawn Corne, Anna Corne and a brother of Martin (Gail) Corne

Ruth Freed

Beloved mother of Stephen (Candice) Freed and Gayle Freed (Gerald Stevenson)

Marlene Goldberg

Beloved mother of Susan (Ron) Barsky, Carol (Sam) Simkin

Howard Levi

Beloved brother of Susan (Greg) Clark

Betty Leinburd

Beloved mother of Paul Leinburd (Ceci Kaufman) and Sorel (Judy) Leinburd


Oscar Nerman

Beloved husband of Shirley Nerman and father of David (Pat) Nerman, Gary Nerman (Mary-Ann Huen), Howard Nerman (Marla Shragge), Lisa Nerman (Allan Gold) and father-in-law of Reesa Nerman

Samuel Roitman

Beloved father of Lesley (Laurie) Goldberg, Debby (Martin) Bricker, Harriet (Martin) Glazer and brother-in-law Oscar Antel

William Rothman

Beloved husband of Caron Rothman, father of Joey Rothman (Leah Wittenberg), Benji Rothman, Carli (Will) Rossall, Sonny Rothman, brother of Ruth (Michael) Sheps and son-in-law of Elaine and Alex Sommer

Elizabeth “Beth� Schachter

Beloved daughter of Marie Barrett, Harley Schachter (Roxana Tarinpisheh), sister of Jeffrey Schachter (Elan Marchinko) and Daniel Schachter (Melisa Pioron)

Morton Slusky

Beloved father of Jeff (Cindy) Slusky and Maxa (Cliff) Chisick

Marcia Stronger

Beloved wife of Barry Stronger and mother of Michael Stronger (Zoa Hartry), Lyle Stronger and sister of Gerry Mallin and Wendy Mallin Rogerville

Marilyn Walder

Beloved mother of Sheree Walder Morantz (Richard Morantz), Loris Walder (Keith James), brother of Howard Cohen

Nathan Werner

Beloved husband of Brenlee Werner, father of Shelley Werner and Janet Werner

Memorializing Your Loved Ones If you would like to send a

Condolence Card to the family,

please call 204-452-3711 or visit and click on the ‘donate’ button to fill out our online form.

Receive Funeral Notifications by Email Sign up: 204 975 3484

Memorials help us immortalize our loved ones and serve as a reminder to us, our community and to future generations. We have a number of memorial products that help perpetuate the legacy of your loved one. Contact us for more information about: Memorial Plaque in the Chapel Interactive Yahrzeit Memorial Board Cemetery Park Bench Project Annual Yizkor Book Capital Donations and Dedications Enhanching a Kiddush for a Yahrzeit Yahrzeit Notifications and Donations For more information contact Estelle Raber 204 975 3484

204 452 3711





Another successful Sisterhood year is coming to an end. And what a way to end! Sisterhood was pleased and honoured to be a major supporter of the Rabbi Green Farewell Gala Weekend. If you attended the fantastic dinner on April 26, you received a beautifully embossed notebook – a gift to all from Sisterhood. Sisterhood also sponsored the fabulous kiddush for over 400 people on Shabbat morning This is what Sisterhood does. On May 8, Rochelle Pincovich organized the Sisterhood Mitzvah Group to present “The Mother’s Day Tea” at Simkin Centre. Fun was had by ALL! Our entertainment was our one and only Rabbi Mathew Leibl. I’m not sure who had more fun, Rabbi Matthew, the residents, the Simkin Centre staff or the Sisterhood volunteers. But I do know for a fact that when the Mitzvah Group returns to the Simkin Centre for Chanukah and again for Mother’s Day, our hearts will be filled with joy. This is the Ultimate of Mitzvahs. Please consider joining us for Chanukah. The 56th Annual Interfaith Luncheon was May 9. As chair, with Amy Karlinsky and Susan Lipnowski’s assistance, we were able to put on a successful event once again. Tom Denton, O.M., was a fabulous speaker! His topic of Canada’s Immigration Policy was informative, honest, thought-provoking, and very timely. As I write this article, Denise Waldman is finalizing our annual Windup event on June 5, it is entitled “The Women Behind the Pulpit”! Our special guests will be none other than Ashira Meyers Mass and Heather Wadsworth. Hope to see you all there! Laurie Shapiro and Thelma Sures chair our Membership Committee and keep our members connected. Membership is still only $36, but we thank all those who contributed more to allow Sisterhood to support so many programs throughout the year. Membership is now over 180 strong!

Sandy Polanski chaired another successful Torah Fund “Tealess Tea” campaign and we thank you all for your contributions. You enable Sisterhood and Women’s League International to continue supporting the Seminaries that educate our future rabbis and cantors. If you’d like to weave a tallit for yourself or for someone special, you can still do it but please register NOW! Sisterhood offers two 8-week classes a year and there’s always a waiting list. To reserve, please call the synagogue office. No previous experience is necessary to weave a unique tradition made with love. Carole Jeffries has been our Judaica Gift Shop chair for many years and now she has the support of Brenda Greenberg. But it takes more than two to run the show. If you have some extra time available, Carole and Brenda could use your help. Please call the synagogue office and leave a message with the Gift Shop. No experience is necessary. Carole and Brenda will make sure you have all the necessary tools. We are one of only a few Sisterhoods that still have a Judaica Shop. Many have closed over the past few years. As a member of Sisterhood, you receive a 10% discount (If you shop enough you can pay for your membership!). Sisterhood has been part of Shaarey Zedek for 89 years! We have reinvented ourselves over and over to keep up with the times, but we can’t keep going without our members. We are here for so many reasons, but the most important one is to give each of you a chance to do something wonderful for yourself. Whether it be as a member at large, an event chair, or as a volunteer, giving of yourself gives you a purpose. Do yourself and Shaarey Zedek a mitzvah and join Sisterhood today. Please email to get involved.

Year round, the Gift Shop is always there to provide your needs. We try to cover all necessities, but if you have any ideas or requests please let us know. Also, we are always looking for new volunteers and would love to have you join us. It doesn’t have to be on a regular schedule, a few hours every so often would be greatly appreciated. Please leave a message at 204-975-3487or



Cash • Cheques 204-975-3487

Sisterhood 56th Annual Interfaith Luncheon KEEP ‘EM OUT: Truth and Consequences of Canada’s Immigration Policy

Speaker, Tom Denton

Wednesday, May 9, 2018 Photos by Harriet Lyons and Carol Levi

See all the photos on

Purim Ball

Saturday, March 3, 2018 Photos by Anton Shvets

Stay up listen live services, and sign up for our email notices. 20 all See theto date, photos



Rabbi Green’s tenure here can be described by the term Spiritual Revitalization which also happens to be the name of the fund named in his honour. One of the things that has greatly contributed to this revitalization has been the Adult Education component of Shaarey Zedek’s offerings. To that end, we have hosted some very inspirational learning over the past few months. The Lunch and Learn series that took place over Passover, featuring Rabbi Leibl and Rabbi Mass, attracted over 50 participants to partake in a delicious kosher meal and enjoy a thought-provoking discussion. The Real Women of Jewish Winnipeg networking group met in April to reflect on the Passover message of Freedom though a discussion on Free Will and Inertia. Join me this fall for Season IV and engage with a dynamic group of women from a diverse spectrum of our community. Each session features learning, discussion and fun appetizers and drinks. Rabbi Anibal Mass’ Pirkei Avot class has picked up where Rabbi Green’s B’nai Nevi’im class left off with a bi-weekly meeting on Wednesday evenings. The new class kicked off on May 2 with over 20 attendees from a variety of demographic groups and who will gather to learn on a regular basis. On June 14, a special workshop, Shabbat: A Taste of the World to Come, will give participants an opportunity to learn and share different ways of bringing the magic of Shabbat into our lives, through ritual and tradition. Participants will prepare challah for their own homes using family (or their own invented!) recipes, including unique additions like a splash of rosewater, a sprinkle of cardamom and just a touch of competitive spirit.

204 452 3711


Looking forward, we are planning some exciting learning and discovery opportunities for you in the coming weeks. This summer we will be celebrating the Jewish Holiday of Love, Tu B’Av, the 10th of the Hebrew month of Av. Just a week after the mournful commemoration of the Destruction of the Temple, on Tisha B’Av, which falls on the 9th of Av, we are reminded that life continues, and we must cling to hope and renewal. What better way to demonstrate this than with an outdoor celebration that includes music and dancing, a bonfire and fun food. If you’d like to join us for this celebration on Thursday, July 26, please call the synagogue to register. Note that our traditional reading of Eicha, The Book of Lamentations, will take place on Saturday, July 21 and Sunday, July 22 in commemoration of Tisha B’Av. Given that Yom Tov and the New Year celebrations fall early this year, we will begin preparation earlier than usual. Our annual Selichot will take place on Saturday, August 25 with a special outdoor service, weather permitting. Join us for a musical evening to get into the mood for Rosh Hashanah and the High Holy Days. Please feel free to call me at 204-975-3489 for more information about how to participate. All the best!



Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro

Although the Rabbi Green Gala Retirement Gala Weekend is now behind us, the uplifting energy persists. It can be felt in the increased numbers at Shabbat services and programs, by watching the visible optimism on the faces of our congregants and through the positive “buzz” in and around the community. The joy we are all feeling and this positive “buzz” is because people feel hopeful; Rabbi Green left us in good shape! He planted the seeds to ensure we have a strong present and a bright future as a community. As a congregation, we are feeling invigorated and prepared to take on the challenges of the coming years. Under Rabbi Green’s guidance, we tackled many difficult questions and made ourselves relevant to the diverse community we have become.

Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro

SETTING THE SCENE FOR SPONTANEITY LESLIE EMERY, PROGRAM DIRECTOR In my work for Congregation Shaarey Zedek I have had the opportunity to coordinate, arrange and dream up a wide range of experiences for diverse groups of people. From Shabbat morning services for families, holiday celebrations, preschool groups and adult education to art openings, I have gained plenty of experience creating opportunities for family bonding, friendship and memorable moments to occur. Throughout my career I have heard the phrase building community many times. Building a cohesive community out of a wide range of individuals is difficult at best, however having a Jewish community that gathers together, remembers the holidays and supports one another is something well worth striving for. There are no clear guidelines when it comes to building community, however when I discover that groups of individuals have connected here at Shaarey Zedek, it assures me that we are on the path. Programs and services aren’t rigid in nature. Like anything else in life, there’s what you think is going to happen and then there’s what happens. Once programs begin, they tend to take on a life of their own, responding to the needs of the people in the room. It could be said that the most important part of what happens at synagogue is not overt in nature, it’s hidden and carried within us. It is the memory we hang on to,

Happy Summer!


the meaningful message from the Rabbi that resonated with us. It is the friendship that blossomed after weeks of playing, talking and enjoying time together in the same space. It is grandparents gathering weekly with grandchildren, supporting each other, laughing together and enjoying time watching the new generation grow and play. It is the discussion over breakfast after the morning minyan service, individuals sharing grief and lifting each other up through the difficult times. How do you plan for all of this? You can’t. All you can do is create circumstances where people gather together for a similar purpose and give them the space to connect in a meaningful way. I have come to the realization that a large part of being successful at building community, is to set the scene for spontaneity to occur. Creating spaces with room for individuals to come and connect with each other, share their stories, laugh and support one another. The program or service is the reason why we are gathering. The spontaneous parts are the real stuff of life, the moments you carry with you forever. Wishing you and yours a beautiful summer filled with many moments to remember.

500 - FIVE DONALD STREET WINNIPEG MANITOBA R3L 2T4 TEL: (204) 284-7060 FAX: (204) 284-7105

22 Stay up to date, listen live to services, and sign up for our email notices.


Sunday, February 25, 2018 Brought to you by Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, PJ Library, and Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood Photos by Nik Rave Photography

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Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture


Retirement Gala Weekend Photo Gallery Weekend Sponsored by

Gala Dinner Thursday, April 26, 2018 Photos by Robyn Shapiro

G I F T S PO N S O R Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood


See all the photos on

Let’s Party!


Saturday, April 28, 2018 With Frenz the Band Photos by Robyn Shapiro

See all the photos on 26

Rabbi Alan Green Retirement Gala Weekend Sponsored by

Cantorial Concert


Sunday, April 29, 2018 Photos by Robyn Shapiro

See all the photos on 130




Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture

April 26-29, 2018


A huge thank you to the Volunteers, Clergy Rabbi Green Retirement Gala Weekend Committee Justice Perry Schulman, Committee Chair and Past President Frank Hecther, Shaarey Zedek Vice-President Shaarey Zedek Past Presidents

Clergy Team Rabbi Matthew Leibl

Rabbi AnĂ­bal Mass

Sisterhood Committee and Volunteers Sharon Bronstone Gloria Cantor Carole Jeffries Phyllis Laveman Rochelle Litman Harriet Lyons Sandy Polanski Louise Raber Thelma Sures Alice Weissmann

Entertainment and Sound Marvin Polanski, Sound Engineer

Event Volunteers Alexandra Haims Romi Haims Noya Haims Evelyn Hecht Phyllis Laveman

Photographer Robyn Shapiro


Bill Weissmann, Lay Clergy (Shammes)

Community Cantorial Concert Performers and Accompanists

John Anderson Cantor Arky Berkal Jeffrey Dolovich Leslie Emery Michael Eskin Shayla Fink Cantor Herschel Fox Cantor Judy Fox Zoltan Jakal Tracy Kasner-Greaves Rabbi Matthew Leibl Mal Magorel Rabbi AnĂ­bal Mass Justin Odwak Ron Paley Kinzey Posen Sarah Sommer Jay Stoller Len Udow Dr. Eric Vickar Richard Yaffe Dor Chadash Youth Choir (Rotem Efraty, Paige Gressman, Jericho Knazan, Stafford Mellon, Leah Pinkerton, Miriam Taylor-Pirogov, Janna Soronow)

Rick Mayhew 28

Rabbi Alan Green Retirement Gala Weekend Sponsored by

and Staff that made this weekend possible:

Synagogue Staff Team Ian Staniloff, Executive Director Bill Croydon, Maintenance Supervisor, and his Team Robert Didych, Communications and Marketing Director Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze, Engagement and Education Director Leslie Emery, Program Director Alexandra Haims, Accounting Clerk Joel Lafond, Executive Chef, and his Culinary Team Lara London, Program and Marketing Assistant Estelle Raber, Life Cycle Director Eduardo Saveliovsky, Chief Financial Officer Alice Weissmann, Ritual Secretary Clare Whiteman, Administrative Associate





Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture

A Special Thank You to Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood for Sponsoring the Shabbat Morning Kiddush A Special Thank You to Silent Auction Donors Aqua Essence Swim Academy Banville and Jones Beyond Flowers Bonfire Bistro Book Vision Care Canadian Linens Danali Mens and Womens Urbanwear Dr. Robert Lecker Edward Carriere Salon European Shoe Shop Gunn’s Bakery Heartland Archery Hotel Fort Garry and Yoga Public Josef Ryan Keith Levit Photography Kenaston Wine Market Lara London Paper Gallery Pratts Wholesale Richlu Strauss Communications The Keg Transcendental Meditation Vickar Chevrolet Winnipeg Goldeyes

April 26-29, 2018


Photo credit: Robyn Shapiro

Shabbat Family Service For All Families! With Leslie Emery and Rabbi Mass

Gratitude • Song • Prayer • Puppets Torah • Togetherness • Kiddush

10:45 AM on June 16, July 21, August 11

W l a y o R e h t h t i w s n o s s e l t e l l n i l l a b took ba e s I a “ b d e y a l p , o n a i Share your story. Leave Your Legacy. p d e i d u t s A H M Y Ballet, y m d e y o j n e d n a , d o o h r u neighbo ” s e u l B o S Y ‘ e n e r d l i h c club - th d n a r g d n a n e r d l i h c y m y a s o t h “I want c u m h t i w n a m o w g n o r ” w e me asa st J A . r o v i v r u s A . e t a c o n v a d m o w An a e l b a k r a m e r a s a w r e h t o o y t i s r “My m e v i n U e h t m o r f d e t a u n i l a d e she grad M d l o G e h t g n i n n i w , a Manitob

The Endowment Book of Life program is a planned giving program that ooers participants an opportunity to leave both a financial legacy and a historical legacy to the community. A donor makes a promise to leave a bequest to the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba and their family story is inscribed in the Endowment Book of Life. Launched in 1998, the EBOL now has close to 800 published stories.

For more information, please contact Rob Berkowits, Director of Development & Gift Planning Jewish Foundation of Manitoba | Ph: 204.477.7522 | US/Canada Toll-Free: 1.855.284.1918 |

Megillah Reading

& After Party

Wed, Feb 28, 2018 Photos by Robyn Shapiro Photography

See all the photos at\ShaareyZedekWinnipeg\photos





Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture


v ’A

B u T The Jewish Celebration of Love


Wear Something White


Jul 26, 7:30 PM

Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent

An event for

couples and singles

Appetizers  Bonfire  Music

Mix and Mingle  Dancing  Ice Cream P r e s e n t a t i o n “Let’s Talk About Love” with Rabbi Anibal Mass and Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze


Advance Registration Appreciated Walk-ins Welcome 204 452 3711





Shaarey Zedek

Celebrating Community and Culture


SHABBAT: A Taste of the World to Come

Dr. Rena Secter Elbaze Thursday, June 14

Congregation Shaarey Zedek 561 Wellington Crescent 7:30 PM - Introduction and Preparation of Challah Dough 8:15 PM - Learning 9:00 PM - Challah Braiding 9:20 PM - Refreshments This course provides a template for a day of unplugging and reconnecting with oneself, loved ones and community, taking the student from traditional preparation to celebration through a variety of medium including challah baking, song and study of inspirational texts. $15 Fee - Includes

challah to take home, course materials and refreshments

Everyone Is Welcome • Register by Tue, Jun 12 Register 204-452-3711

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