Retail Project (improved)

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Retail project: Fashion Retail (Jewellery store) by Shaban.

Week 1&2Research, record & understand.

The interior to the right gave me a very good insight on different styles to show off merchandise.

Whereas the drawing above allowed me to visual how different retail stores laid out their furniture in their given space. And, how I could improve my own interior space, for example, the layout of my interior area and what to put and where to put it.

This retail store is very thought-out and seems to be planned for a high-end shopping experience for the customers. Also, the choice of colors help with the high-end feel as white is typically used for a posher environment as it gives off a very pristine and clean surrounding.

Both demonstrate different styles of presentation: the one on the left shows a very spacious area whereas the one on the right shows a more eye-catching structure including lights and various shapes that capture attention.

Antwerp in Belgium is known for being one of the world's biggest jewelry centres so would be a great location for a jewelry store.

New York could attract people to the store and has plenty of areas in which you could locate the store.

Extra information. Places around the Eiffel Tower to use as locations for the store.

I wanted to add a range of different interior ideas, even if they weren't going to be included in my final design.

Extra information.

Week 3- Mood & style in other spaces.

All these show practical spaces which fit with a utilitarian design, typically utilitarian designs are meant to be more useful rather than attractive but by possibly combining them with other design elements you could create a mix of both useful/practical and also an attractive retail interior

Utilitarian mood board

Some of interior designs shown allow for an emphasis of utility and in the examples of furniture, they create a visual charm for the customers.

Week 4&5- Model Ideas development.

I experimented with interior furniture to see how I could fit them into an interior space as it allowed me to play around with different styles and types of furniture, for example desks and stands. This helped deciding on what to include in my final design.

While creating my models I wanted to make a space that allowed for both a functional and appealing area. When I had made the space, I had found out that some stuff would have to either be moved or taken out of the final design due to capacity.

The models allowed me to physically see the way I could express the type of retail store I was going for and allowed me to see possible problems I could run into during my final design. E.g., Spacing and what I thought would suit my final design.

The drawings had let me visualize how the space would be perceived after the final design and what interior aspects would be included and what wouldn’t. I wanted both the 2D and 3D aspects as it would create a representation of how I could fit all the ideas into one interior space.

Week 6&7Development drawing from models.

Content- Looking at an Interior Space This is fashion retail store based around jewelry. The store includes storage spaces, a front desk for staff, rooms for allowing customers to see the jewelry being worn by them so it allows them to stay in the store longer and display cases to display the products. The theme of the retail space was mainly influenced by utilitarian designs as the space is very practical.

Form- Considering the formal elements Colors such and navy, blue and grey can be seen as I felt these colors best suited the retail I was going for as this allowed me to give a feeling of a proper retail experience in a jewelry store. The space is laid out for maximum efficiency for the consumer and allows them to experience a fun time within the store. The size of the space is very large compared to other jewelry stores as seen below.

Process the information: how has the idea developed into a functioning space. The space allows you to feel very comfortable as you have enough space to freely move around, the colors used are to give a very sophisticated feel and a modern style as this gives the consumer some feel of understanding about the type of products up for sale.

Interpretation & Justificationlooking at the meaning of the idea for the space. While designing this retail space I tried to communicate the idea of modernism throughout the store, I wanted the explore the idea of a utilitarian space while also making it sophisticated allowing the consumer to have a great feeling during their stay in the store.

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