Sponsors Sharon Shows www.saravenalife.com
s r o d n e V r u o et e M
Sharon Shows www.saravenalife.com
y Posh ,Stella tl c e rf e P y, lr e w Je e , Lulu Avenue n O Discoveries , ty te ir la Th o c y, o h Jo C f o e v r o e tt D a , B ns, Flirty Giraffe a Je y Natural Handit ll C A c si y, u lr e M w Je ia h & Dot, ICHE, Lia Sop ils, Geora ,M N s y io d rr e tu b S m n Ja ro s, e d Blue H ries, Odds & En e v o c is e ,It Works! D u y q ti tt u re o P B , p g a o o D S k e mad Owl, Little Blac i m a g ri , Pink Zebra, d O e it y, n m a li p n m U o s C g in & gia Beachbody, Bless m a e T , ampered Chef, e P c n s, ra n g o ti ra a F re y K ts s n n e c ri S A bons & More, Ka ib R ’s n a colate, doTERR o N h , C c e In g d E rs Initials te ifts , Spin auticontrol, Wa G e B d e , rs le e p V im ll S e y W ll !, Tastefu zzi, Stampin’ Up ra a p a P , ations, Kelly e c re n C a r m e o tt R li re G u ’s P ty Oils, art, Kathy Twit C y d n a C dom Farm Anie n re o F tt , o A C B A ls e /S e e h c W osy Reflections, A C r, o ia’s Shabby Chic th T u , A le k e o d o A e -B c e n ra n G y , L nds, Fix a Health, AnaVeya re s4 T w a a n P a y, r sh a a n tu c Je n mal Sa Rodan & Fields, , a n e v an & More! ra a le S C , e ta in la n e n V a , Je e , u h q Bouti ro, Elmer & Stitc y K d y K y, lr e w Je Bra, Sipalda
Paige Stromen Advanced Sales Director (615) 499-4596 (901) 277-3291 pmschef@comcast.net
Pink Zebra Home Brianna Haman-Independent Consultant Change your fragrance, Change Lives! 931-797-9096 bnhaman@yahoo.com www.pinkzebrahome.com/BriannaHaman
Antonia Lemay
615 310-7451
Independent Representative
Kim Watford
Scentsy Independent Consultant
Paws 4 Health
Healthy Cooking - Healthy Living for YOU & All of your PETS
Vickie Harris
www.elmerandstitch.com info@elmerandstitch.com 615-330-9523
Emily Myers
www.emilymyers.velata.us Cindy Baxter Smith aka NONNI
Initials, Inc.
Senior Creative Partner 615.414.001 cindybaxtersmith@comcast.net
Kathy Twitty’s Glitter Creations
To illuminate the beauty of spirit through each unique glittering creation while uplifting the heart of those who purchase any of Kathy’s Creations.
www.glittercreationsbykathytwitty.com www.facebook.com/pages/Kathy-Twittys-Glitter-Creations
Donna Black
Clarksville, TN
www.tammydevereux.com Sharon Rowley Senior Manager
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