art and science zine

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HMMM similarities between art and science ? Both value the careful observation of their environments to gather information through their senses. Both propose to introduce change, innovation, or improvement, over what exists. Both use abstract models to understand the world.Both aspire to create works that have universal relevance.



Leonardo Da Vinci, the original Renaissance Man, was best known as a master painter and sculptor. He was also a capable inventor, mathematician, scientist and more. In fact, he was a polymath who studied multiple disciplines including music, writing, anatomy . But most importantly - every step, he integrated Art and Science.

Leonardo had one of the best scientific minds of his time. The number of scientific inventions da Vinci produced was truly remarkable. These include the basic designs for a helicopter, tank, solar power, and calculator. He documented a great deal of his thoughts in a series of notebooks. His scientific theories, like his artistic innovations, were based on careful observation and precise documentation. He understood, better than anyone of his century or the next, the importance of precise scientific observation. Unfortunately, just as he frequently failed to bring to conclusion artistic projects, he never completed his planned treatises on a variety of scientific subjects. Leonardo actually anticipated many discoveries of modern times. In anatomy he studied the circulation of the blood and the action of the eye. He made discoveries in meteorology and geology, learned the effect of the moon on the tides!


Legendary Australian performance artist Stelarc is known for going to extremes, from aggressive voluntary surgeries and robotic third arms to flesh-hook suspensions and prosthetics. For more than four decades, he has used his body as a canvas for art on the very edge of human experience: He once ingested a “stomach sculpture� that could have killed him.

PROSTHETIC HEAD The aim was to construct an automated, animated and reasonably informed artificial head that speaks to the person who interrogates it. The PROSTHETIC HEAD project is a 3D avatar head, somewhat resembling the artist, that has real time lip-synching, speech synthesis and facial expressions. Head nods, head tilts and head turns as well as changing eye gaze contribute to the personality of the prosthetic head.

The aim was to construct an automated, animated and reasonably informed artificial head that speaks to the person who interrogates it. The PROSTHETIC HEAD project is a 3D avatar head, somewhat resembling the artist, that has real time lip-synching, speech synthesis and facial expressions. Head nods, head tilts and head turns as well as changing eye gaze contribute to the personality of the agent and the non-verbal cues it can provide. is a conversational system which can be said to be only as intelligent as the person who is interrogating it. There is an attempt to make the Prosthetic Head more creative in its responses. It has embedded algorithms that enable it to generate novel poetry and singing each time it is asked.

THE EAR The EAR ON ARM has required 2 surgeries thus far. An extra ear is presently being constructed on my forearm: A left ear on a left arm. An ear that not only hears but also transmits. A facial feature has been replicated, relocated and will now be rewired for alternate capabilities. Excess skin was created with an implanted skin expander in the forearm. By injecting saline solution into a subcutaneous port, the kidney shaped silicon implant stretched the skin, forming a pocket of excess skin that could be used in surgically constructing the ear. “At present it’s only a relief of an ear,” Stelarc said. “When the ear becomes a more 3-D structure we’ll reinsert the small microphone that connects to a wireless transmitter.” In any Wi-Fi hotspot, he said, it will become internet-enabled. “So if you’re in San Francisco and I’m in London, you’ll be able to listen in to what my ear is hearing, wherever you are and wherever I am.”




Belgian artist Tuur van Balen’s work, Pigeon d’Or, attempts to make pigeons defecate window soap by feeding them bacteria engineered with biobricks from the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. Van Balen hopes to raise questions about proper usage of synthetic biology and challenge ideas about appropriate pest control by converting the birds considered urban vermin into flying window washers. The piece includes a windowsill attachment for feeding the pigeons and a device that can be mounted on parked cars to encourage the birds to defecate on the windshields.


PRAYAS ABHINAV Prayas Abhinav is a writer, occasional artist and teacher. He lives with his family in Bangalore. He has worked in the last few years on numerous pieces of speculative fiction, software, games, interactive installations, public interventions and curatorial projects. He is interested in politics, pedagogy and the interaction of the humanities and the digital. Presently he is an artist-inresidence at the Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore, India. He also contributes to research and projects at northeastwestsouth (n.e.w.s)


“These shoes help you get lost. If you know where you want to go, they’ll make sure you don’t get there. Drifting for the age of information glut. “

/1/ These are shoes which with the help of a GPS, some java code and a LED and vibrator, helps discovering new and unknown places in the city. It has a button for the wearer to store familiar / known locations and then while walking, it guides the walk towards locations that might be possibly unknown. It divides the city into KNOWN LOCATIONS, KNOWN NEIGHBOURHOODS (the area surrounding a location) and UNKNOWN AREAS. The LED in the shoe blinks red when in a known location, blue in a known neighbourhood and green in an unknown area. The vibrator vibrates with increasing intensity as the wearer walks towards a known neighbourhood or location.



Text as a medium of control. People can speak into a microphone and their speech is re-synthesized from video samples of activists, politicians, corporate bigwigs and players. Having these media puppets repeat what we say rather than the other way around was in a way infecting them with us. Infecting them with the ordinary and the “unstaged.� Parag K Mital (the video mosaicing code was based on his research) collaborated on this project.

/3/ PetPuja examines different layers of urban food systems. It demonstrates the possibility of a network of freely accessible network of community-grown food in Bangalore. The project has looked at the nutritive,environmental and inter-personal implications that growing vegetables in the public can have on neighborhoods.







Often seen as opposites, science and art both depend on observation and synthesis. When CP Snow wrote in 1959 that “the intellectual life of the whole of Western society is increasingly being split into two polar groups”, he was talking of the differences between scientists and literary intellectuals, but he could as easily have been talking about science and the visual arts. To many, science embodies the rational and analytical end of human experience, while art comes from the empathic and expressive. Science can prove truths to us, while art can only make us feel them. These differences are compounded as science becomes responsible for the official narrative of our lives, through medicine and genetics, while contemporary art retains a mystical ‘outsider’ status, both in its intellectual obscurity and the inflated prices of the international art market. Nevertheless, where science meets art and the two work together, the result can be extraordinarily productive, as horizons are broadened and gaps in our understanding of both are filled.

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It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between techno scientific Art and Science. Below is a quiz, to help you decide!

WHICH IS WHICH? Put A tick under Art (A) or Science (S)

A S Researcher J.T developed an arrangement so that persons far away could control his body through electric simulation

Researchers C.E and U.W bred a line of mice with the special proclivity for eating computer cables.

Researcher P.D developed a method for modulating sound onto the flow of dripping water

Researcher J.M.developed a compter display that could visualize the underlying intellectual structure of a group of books and articles

Researcher H.S devekoped a fertility bra that used pheromone receptors to flas indicators when the woman wearing it was in a fertile period

Researcher M.R developed a device that is sensitive to hugs and can react to things it hears on the television

researcher R.G invented a toilet with biosensors that provides instant urine based analysis of bioligical characteristics such as drug prescence, or emotional arousal levels

Researcher S developed an arrangement so that persons far away could control his body through electrical simulation

Researcher J.T developed a method of usung genetic engineering to encode messages in bacteria



Oron Catts is an artist, researcher and a curator at the forefront of the emerging field of Biologicalarts, whose work addresses shifting perceptions of life.

Get some immortalised 3T3 Mice cells and some Human bone cells. Steal them from your neighbouring bio art facility.

Now place the semi living entity into the artificial body...A.K.A the surrogate. The set up is called a "perfusion pump reactor"

PROJECTS Oron catts started the Tissue Culture & Art Project (TC&A) was set to explore the use of tissue technologies as a medium for artistic expression. We are investigating our relationships with the different gradients of life through the construction/growth of a new class of object/being - that of the Semi-Living. These are parts of complex organisms which are sustained alive outside of the body and coerced to grow in predetermined shapes. These evocative objects are a tangible example that brings into question deep rooted perceptions of life and identity, concept of self, and the position of the human

VICTIMLESS LEATHER A small-scale prototype of a stitch-less “leather” jacket is on display at the Design and the Elastic Mind exhibition that is currently taking place at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. Created by Oron Catts and lonat Zurr as part of the Tissue Culture and Art Project (TC&A), the Victimless Leather is meant to raise both questions and awareness regarding the social ‘ritual’ where animals are exploited and killed for their skin. An alternative is offered in the form of growing living tissue into leather like material. The Victimless Leather is not meant to be another consumer product, explain the designers, but rather a “tangible example of possible futures”

Place the 3T3 mice cells on a biodegradeable polymer, in the form of a jacket. Add human bone cells for STRENGHTH.

WAIT. Get some coffee, watch a film. basically kill some time. ALOT of time.

Tada! your very own leather jacket! Enjoy.

Pull the plug. Kill that little lump of mice and human cells! NO MERCY.

On numerous occasions I’ve found mothers, grandmothers, fathers, gardeners, kids and aunties hum their favorites or whatever’s stuck in their head while they water their little pots or fancy gardens. Ever since 1975, researchers at Damanhur, in northern Italy have been experimenting with plants, trying to learn more about their unique properties. Researchers use devices which they have created to measure the re-activity of the plants to their environment. The devices judge the plants’ capacity to learn and communicate. Using a simple principle, the researchers used a variation of the Wheatstone bridge. This device has 3 fixed resistances and 1 variable one. Electrical differences between the leaves and the roots of the plant are measured. NO danger to the plants as low intensity electrical currents are used.


ANSWERS to quiz

For more info, find Yashas Shetty!

Exeriorum dolore eum facessinci repelec epudit aturiaspel molupta tibusdam aute neces volorro exeriorum

As per our predictions, here are the five main players in the evolution of food monsters.

If there is one thing that both artists and scientists can agree upon, its food. The process of starvation, integral to the education of both has brought many artists to experiment with their food. It remains to be seen, as to what scary permutation-combinations of food monsters emerge as a result of these accidents.

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