MILES of November

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Rtn. P. Gopalakrishnan District Governor (2017-18)

of Monthly Information Letter Encouraging Service

Rtn. S. M. Balaji District Rotaract Committee Chair (2017-18)

Celebrating the 50th year of Rotaract

Rtr. B. Balachander District Rotaract Representative (2017-18)

This copy is provided to you for promoting the activities in our district. Hope that you’ll help us reaching new MILES.


Rtr. S. Shaji James District Editor (2017-18)

MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Voice of the DRR “Dear Rotaractors, We have had an extremely successful and exciting 2017 to date. Our Rotaractors worked relentlessly in achieving every goal and we have completed around 60% of the district events within four months. Yes, undoubtedly, Rotaract of District 3000 is on action now. We had three major District Events during the month of October – District Women Empowerment program, RYLA for Zone 1 and the First Club level launch of Aram. I’m extremely happy with the first club level launch of Aram at Kongu Arts & Science College, Karur. Thanks to the correspondent Rtn. Er. P. Sivakumar for supporting us to initiate the dream project of the year. Many clubs have also come forward to contribute for Aram and have taken commitments to make the project successful. Most of the clubs in our District are college based and the Rotaractors will have exams throughout the November. My best wishes to every Rotaractors to come out well in the exams. Taking the exams into concern, we have limited the number of activities. So, this month will definitely be a breathing space for all our Rotaractors. We have many more actions lining up for the coming months and I look forward to see all of you contributing together for the success of the Organization.” Regards, Rtr. B. Balachander DRR (2017-18) +91 96263 51115

From Editor’s Desk “It’s indeed a great journey to work as the Editor of the Rotaract District Organization. Particularly, to work on the MILES is a tremendous responsibility. I would like to thank several people whose help and support have made my first few months as editor of the MILES very rewarding. When the plans are perfect, things go on its way. Our DRR Rtr. Balachander has made his views and plans very clear to everyone and the Rotaractors go a long way working on with the plans. Many wonder seeing our might, but it’s a perfect teamwork I feel so honored to share and document the work of so many committed and thoughtful people who is helping to create positive change. Dear Readers, if you have ideas for other kinds of contents that we might publish in the MILES, please let me know. The success of the MILES depends on your response. Explore..! Experience..! Excel..!”

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Rotaract Adding Values Rtn. Saravanaraj District Director – Youth Service 2017-18 “Dear leaders & members of Rotaract District 3000, I take immense pleasure in serving as the Director- Youth Service in the Golden Jubilee year of Rotaract. In my long association with Rotaract, I recently see an importance gaining for Rotaractors with Rotary International as well as the Rotary District administration. This year, especially our Governor Rtn. Gopalakrishnan has set many bench marks in supporting Rotaract from governor's office. I only wish Rotaractors understand this importance they are gaining from various quarters in Rotary and utilize it for self-development and to bring a change in peoples life around you. Recently I also witness many Rotaract clubs are getting into projects that were handled so far only by Rotary clubs. I'm happy to see that Rotaractors have been actively saving lives with blood donation during this time of the Dengue epidemic. Rotaractors are also making an impact through community service projects by cleaning public spaces & adopting schools to empower students from rural backgrounds. DRR Balachandar has envisioned contributing to the Rotary Foundation through the ARAM fund raiser; it’s going to be a first of its kind initiative in the Rotaract world. It will show what you are capable of and unravel a different dimension in Rotaractors in our District. I request college based Rotaractors that after you leave college, unlike NCC or NSS, Rotaract is not a college only program to forget. Rotaract is a value that you should carry in your hearts all your life to empower others and in the process continually learn & develop yourself to become leaders. Be a Rotaractor for Life!”

Sharing Thoughts on MILES Dear Shaji, Warm Rotaract Greetings, I, the Director of International Services, Rotaract Club of MCKV Institute of Engineering, RI Dist. 3291, received your District Monthly Letter and my club members and I went through the same and was overwhelmed by the beautiful edition. - Rtr. Anubhab Sarkar RI District 3291

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 The Digital Era of RID 3000 Rtn. Sareesh Agarwal District Information Technology Officer 2017-18 “In this present technologically superfast world, where the click of a button is changing the way people think, plan and execute their work; It is heartening to watch that the young and tech savvy Rotaractors have a special enthusiasm to disseminate the usage of and to all the clubs thus helping clubs to empower, elevate and acquire not only District accolades but international attention. “A team is a reflection of its Leader” and this year DRR Balachander and his team of Rotaractors have helped in all District 3000 Events and have created a huge impact by providing great technical support and expertise ensuring 100% achievement of RI District 3000’s online goals. My hearty congratulations to all of them for their relentless efforts in taking Rotaract District 3000 to new heights. Finally on a personal note I am immensely happy that MyClubOnNet has been effectively utilized by the Rotaractors of District 3000 for Member Interaction and Quick, effortless reporting of all Rotaract activities.”

Majestic RID 3000 Rtr. PP. Dhanakodi District Rotaract Representative (2017-18) RI District 3232 “Warm Rotaract Greetings, I am happy to pen down as a Representative of RID 3232. RID 3000 is always like a second home to me. You guys do a lot of brilliant and mind blowing project which inspires people to do a lot to the society. Rtr. Balachander, the DRR of RID 3000 has always been a good friend; his leadership qualities are really awesome. He has always been assertive leader. I also have to mention about IPDRR Rtr. Marimuthu who is very good friend of mine. He is a classic example of how a leader should portray himself. The temple town always surprises us with the magnitude of their projects. We from RID 3232 wish all the best for all the future projects of the city which has the largest number of clubs. With Love..!” Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Rotaractors – The Leaders Rtn. Vinitha Mohan GML Editor 2017-18 “Dear Future Leaders, First of all I would like to congratulate DRR Rtr. Balachander and Editor Rtr. Shaji James for making the smashing “MILES", the Golden Jubilee e-bulletin, wrapped with lots of messages and activities. It's more relevant to Readers of MlLES and most importantly comes every month on time. "The future depends on what we do in the present "- Mahatma Gandhi. Yes, All of you are a now a part of a wonderful organization called "Rotary". Today's Rotaractors are Tomorrow’s Leaders. It's a very good opportunity to conquer your own skills. The world is waiting for leaders like you guys. "Build the future with Action and Vision", you are all entering into a different phase of your learning with a lot challenges on the way. So, Plan your work, Set Goals that cannot be reached easily. Guys, you are all born to make a difference in our Society..! Go the extra Mile and serve for yourself which will surely Make a Difference in your life and also to our Community, our County and around the World. Thank you for giving me the opportunity for writing about our energetic Rotaractors.”

On the Governor’s Monthly Letter

September 2017

October 2017

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 District Women Empowerment Program - நறுமுகை Date: October 7, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Annai Women’s College Venue: Aarthi Hotel, Karur The District Women Empowerment Program – நறுமுகை (Ready to Blossom) was Awareness cum Training Program for the welfare and social development of women. The program was focused on assisting the deprived women to improve their self–confidence by helping them improve their skills.

1st Club level Aram Launch Date: October 10, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Kongu Arts & Science College Venue: Kongu Arts & Science College, Karur The dream project of the year – Aram was inaugurated at Club level. The tickets of Aram were distributed to the participants after conducting a training seminar for 300 Rotaractors of the Club. The participants found it really useful considering the worth of the offers.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Zonal RYLA – Zone 1 ‘ைனவு

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Date: October 14 to 16, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Parvathy’s Arts & Science College Venue: Thapovan resort, Kodaikanal The third Zonal RYLA for Zone 1 (Karur & Dindugul) was a grant success. This intensive training program served as a fantastic opportunity for the participants to develop their skills, have fun, and meet an enthusiastic group of like-minded people.

Announcements: My Club On Net All Clubs are requested to register their club data and upload the members detail on the Web Application – “My Club On Net”. Download the app on Android PlayStore or iOS AppStore or just visit the webpage ARAM – A Fund Raising Program All Clubs are requested to conduct the ARAM fund raising program separately at each clubs. The funds thereby generated will be donated to The Rotary Foundation which will be used for doing service projects around the world. Register your club with RI If your club is chartered, it must be listed as an active club in the official Rotary website So, it’s a must to update the Rotaract Clubs and membership data in the RI website earlier or else there are possibilities for the club to be terminated. Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Memory Techniques Workshop Date: October 4, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Anna University Venue: Anna University – BIT Campus, Trichy With regard to the upcoming university examination, the students were given techniques upon Memorizing questionanswers, Long digit Numbers, Formulas, Periodic Table, Chemical Reactions, Objective Type Questions Study techniques, concentration techniques, speed reading & recall techniques etc.

Ear to the Hearing Impaired Date: October 6, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Jamal Mohamed College - Men Venue: Khajamian Hostel Rotaractors of the Jamal Mohamed College provided Hearing AID Device to the hearing-impaired people (Deaf). This stood as a noble initiative they have started helping the needy with the minimum cost.

Literacy Transformation Date: October 6, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Kongu College of Arts and Science Venue: Mohanur Girls School, Mohanur “Adult literacy” speech was given to the students to expose them towards the importance of adult literacy and free note books were issued and small counseling was given to higher secondary students who are appearing for board exams in this academic year.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Photoshop Workshop Date: October 7, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Anna University Venue: Anna University – BIT Campus, Trichy The theme of the workshop was to Aim & Join the mission of ‘techy leads’ and master the art of graphics and multimedia. Around 135 participants from various colleges participated in the workshop. The event had a great impact upon the graphics learners and the tool added an extra hand to their work space.

Bull’s Eye – Safety Awareness Date: October 8, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PNSACET Venue: HP petrol bunk & Sakthi Talkies, Dindigul Rotaract Club of PSNACET made an exclusive project by sticking Bull’s eye stickers in the headlights of vehicles for safety concern as it prevents accidents by shielding the heavy light beams that comes out from the headlights of vehicles during night travel.

Go Green Date: October 8 & 11, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PNSACET Venue: Chinnamallanampatti & PSNA College Campus In view to support the Rotary’s initiative to plant more trees, Rotaractors showed great enthusiasm in planting trees and they knew their hard work would recharge ground water, prevent soil erosion, forest will become dense and yield more benefits.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Blackboard Painting Date: October 8, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PNSACET Venue: Kallar Government school, Senamanaayakanpatti, Dindigul “Child Education is important� is a common thought. Providing all the basic facilities for education is more important. Understanding the necessity and importance of black board in the life of every child to start its career; Rotaractors of PSNACET painted the old blackboards of the school and made it fresh and new.

Millionth Compassion Date: October 8 & 15, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PNSACET Venue: RM Colony, Dindigul Millionth Compassion, an international Project of raising funds and materials to help abroad poor people, was carried out by Rotaract club of PSNACET at RM Colony. They have collected things and funds to their extent which will be transferred to the countries suffering because of poverty.

Aasramam Visit Date: October 8, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PNSACET Venue: Dham Orphanage, Nilakootai, Puthupatti Rotaractors of PSNACET have made a lovely visit to the Orphanage, spending their golden time with the little charming hearts who longs for human kind and love. The Rotaractors also extended their care by sharing their knowledge and experiences with them

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Say No to Dengue Date: October 8, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PNSACET Venue: Muthanampatti & Chinnamallampatti, Dindigul “Prevention is better than cure” is the key behind this project. Rotaractors of PSNACET had a rural visit and made

awareness about Dengue fever to the villagers and removed all the unwanted things along with the village people, which may cause a stay for mosquitoes.

Dead Addiction Awareness Date: October 8, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PNSACET Venue: Scheme Road, Dindigul Rotaractors of PSNACET created awareness on dead addiction by educating community members about drug and alcohol addiction. The primary goal for this project is to change perception towards addiction and to help people understand it is treatable. ஫ைிழ்வித்து ஫ைிழ்

Date: October 12, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Madurai North Venue: Angels Devi home, Karupayurani Rotaractors made a visit to the Old Age Home of Angel Devaki Prabhakaran Foundation, spent some valuable time with the senior citizens who were forsaken by their relatives, distributed new dress and sweets for Diwali and received their blessings by their kind words.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Tree Plantation Date: October 12, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Valluvar Science & Management College Venue: Guru Vidiyala Matric Hr. Sec. School Rotaractors of Valluvar College of science and management planted 500 saplings in and around Guru Vidiyala Matric Hr. sec school. Our Rotaractors also explained the students about the trees and the importance of tree plantation.

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Date: October 15, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of MAMPC Venue: Kirush Kaakum Karagal, Trichy Rotaractors of MAMPC donated books dresses, soaps and many other useful things and also celebrated the birthday of our former president APJ Abdul Kalam with the children in home, by distributing them sweets and sharing thoughts with them.

A Step into Kalam’s Dream Date: October 15, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PNSACET Venue: Anbarasi, Nandhavanapatti, Dindigul Rotaractors of PSNACET planted 100 saplings in an

orphanage as a Go Green initiative and gave motivational speeches to the children in the Orphange on the birthday of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. This served as a new step into the dreams and vision of Dr. Kalam.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Interact Youth Leadership Awards Date: October 21, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Anna University Venue: Interact Club of Sacred Heart CBSE School, Mathur Under the inspiration of RYLA the event was conducted by our club at the school premises of Sacred Heart CBSE School, Mathur for the Interactors for the second consecutive year. With an agenda to enrich leadership qualities among the youth of the nation our club chose the school students to accomplish this task.

Be Positive Date: October 21, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Jamal Mohamed College - Men Venue: Maatram school, Trichy Rotaractors of Jamal Mohamed College made a visit to the Maatram School and special training was given to the students for making them stay positive. Sweets were distributed and our volunteers entertained the children to make them happy.

End Polio Now Date: October 24, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Jamal Mohamed College - Men Venue: Trichy Rotaractors of Jamal Mohamed College spread their voice creating awareness of pulse polio immunization to end polio now. Although there have been no recent reports of polio in the country, surveillance, immunization and awareness must continue to eradicate the disease completely.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Dengue Awareness Program Date: October 26, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Srinivasan College of Arts and Science Venue: Veppanthattai, Vadakarai, Thondamaathurai Rotaract club of Srinivasan College of arts & Science has organized dengue awareness program for the welfare of their nearby slum areas and provided prevention measures to protect themselves from dengue and removed the unwanted garbage in the surroundings.

Rural Area Hospital Development Date: October 27, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Sethu Institute of Technology Venue: Government Hospital, Mustakuruchi Village As a part of developing the rural community, Rotaractors of Sethu Institute of Technology provided Bed Sheets, Patient use handicap chairs and few other needed utilities to the Government Hospital in Mustakurichi village.

National Unity Day Date: October 31, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Kongu College of Arts and Science Venue: Railway Junction, Karur Rotaractors of Kongu College, Karur celebrated Sardhar Vallabhbhai Patel’s birthday (National Unity Day) by organizing a Rally showing the unity and to create awareness on Clean India with the strong support of the Superintendent of police, Karur.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Club Events:

32nd Charter day Celebration of Rotaract Club of Karur (25-10-2017)

Installation of Rotaract Club of KLNCE (14-10-2017)

Kindly send us yours..!

Installation of Rotaract Club of MAMSE

Rotary - Rotaract Relationship

DRR Rtr. Balachander appearing on the Rotary News

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF NOVEMBER 2017 Not a Rotaractor ? Join the global movement of young leaders who are developing innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. Check with your university or contact a local Rotary club to find out if there’s a Rotaract club in your area. Contact the Rotaract club to find out how you can join its next meeting, service project, or social event.

NOVEMBER – Rotary Foundation Month Designated Days: November 14 – Children’s Day November 25 – International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women

Send us your News – Please!!! If you have any considerable projects in your clubs, share with us so that we can include it in the DML. We can’t get your news unless you tell us about it.

Disclaimer The information in this DML is intended to provide readers with resources and information which they may find useful and of interest. We take all reasonable steps to keep the information current and accurate.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



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