MILES of October

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Rtn. P. Gopalakrishnan District Governor (2017-18)

of Monthly Information Letter Encouraging Service

Rtn. S. M. Balaji District Rotaract Committee Chair (2017-18)

Celebrating the 50th year of Rotaract

Rtr. B. Balachander District Rotaract Representative (2017-18)

This copy is provided to you for promoting the activities in our district. Hope that you’ll help us reaching new MILES.


Rtr. S. Shaji James District Editor (2017-18)

MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Voice of the DRR “Dear Rotaract Leaders, Warm welcome to all..! The month of September is very special because the whole district is very active and without any doubt we have gone the extra mile. We had six district events in the month counting for eight days including four Zonal Forums and two Zonal RYLAs. The best and the happiest thing is that we had events in all the five Zones during the month. Within the short span of three months, we have completed more than 50% of the district events of the year. Thanks to all the ZRRs, ARRs, District Officers, Club Officers and Staff Coordinators for making the district vibrant. My special thanks to the Governor Rtn. Gopalakrishnan and the Youth Service Team for giving me the opportunity to give the presentation in the GEMS Youth Service Seminar. I think that this is the first time ever a DRR addresses in a Rotary District Event. Another milestone we have achieved is that we got a page for publishing Rotaract activities in the Governors Monthly Letter – GEMS Express. It’s a great sign that Rotary appreciates and acknowledges the activities of Rotaract. I thank our Governor and also the GML Editor Rtn. Vinitha Mohan for providing us with this wonderful opportunity. Most importantly, the District Monthly Letter – MILES which has got a great welcome from all sides. Many Rotarians and DRRs of other districts appreciated the excellent piece of works done in bringing out a very clear DML. I thank and congratulate the District Editor Rtr. Shaji James and wish him to continue his good works in future. I wish everyone all the very best.” Regards, Rtr. B. Balachander DRR (2017-18) +91 96263 51115

From Editor’s Desk “Well, MILES has gone a long way. It makes me feel proud and happy that the effort that has been imported in bringing out this District Monthly Letter has earned the deserved outcome. We are now on the launch of the fourth successful issue of MILES. We have tried our best to make this issue more informative showcasing the best projects in the District, Zone and Club levels. Dear Readers and Leaders, I request everyone to help promote the MILES to achieve mile stones. Feedback / Suggestions / Brickbats if any may be mailed to Editor Rotaract 3000. Explore..! Experience..! Excel..!” Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 The Future Rotarians Rtn. Dr. A. Zameer Pasha District Governor Nominee RID 3000 “Dear Prospective Future Rotarians, Rotary Greetings & Rotary wishes to all Ebullient and Energetic Rotaractors. We, the Rotarians are really excited at your achievements and accolades you are receiving for performing community service projects besides your excellent vocational services. Education is not only acquisition of knowledge but also the university is a place for your character building. The world is wide open for you to establish your kingdom of wisdom with love, compassion and charity. And, Rotary is waiting for you. Wishing you all the best”

Rotaract Developing Leaders Rtr. PHF. Subhadra Marimuthu Secretary – Rotaract South Asia MDIO IPDRR – RID 3232 “Dear friends in Rotaract, First and foremost I thank the golden year DRR (2017-18) Rtr. Balachander and the editorial board team of RID 3000 for giving me this wonderful opportunity to convey my wishes and thoughts to the Rotaractors. Rotaract is often seen as an organization for doing social service but in reality it is much more than that. Rotaract is a place where a complete magical transformation is truly possible for anyone and everyone who invests time in it. Focus on displaying your strengths by using every opportunity you get and more importantly take time to work on your weaknesses like fear of public speaking, fear of social interactions etc. Have the courage to speak your mind and accept responsibilities believing in yourself. Rotaract gives a platform to actually try your innovative ideas and learn from your mistakes. So I urge you all to dream big, inspire others, develop the leader in you and stay humble always. Always focus on making a difference that leaves a lasting impression. My hearty congratulations to the DRR Rtr. Balachander for the amazing start for the year and all the very best for all the upcoming projects & events.”

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 The Fortunate Leaders Rtn. ஥ீலாவதி ககா஧ாலகிய௃ஷ்ணன் நாவட்ட முதல் ப஧ண்நணி

2017 - 18 “Dear MILES Editor Rtr. Shaji James, ரபோட்டரி வோழ்த்துக்கள். தங்க஭து நோவட்ட செய்தி நடல் "MILES" கிடடக்கப்ச஧ற்ர஫ன். செய்தி நட஬ில் உள்஭ செய்திகள், செய்தி






செய்திகட஭ அ஭ித்து அவர்க஭ின் ரபோட்டபோக்ட் ெம்஧ந்தநோ஦ விவபங்கட஭ எ஭ிதோக புரிந்து சகோள்ளும்



ரபோட்டரி அகி஬ உ஬க தட஬வர்

Difference" என்஫




lan H.S. Riseley அவர்க஭ின் தோபக நந்திபநோ஦ "Rotary Making






ரெடவக஭ின் மூ஬நோகவும் செய்து சகோண்டிருக்கும் நோவட்ட ரபோட்டபோக்ட் ஧ிபதி஥ிதி

Rtr. B. Balachander அவர்களுக்கு வோழ்த்துக்களும் ஧ோபோட்டுகளும். GOLD என்஫ தற்ர஧ோடதன தட஬ப்஧ிட஦ சகோண்டிருக்கும்


50வது ரபோட்டபோக்ட் வருடத்டத ரபோட்டபோக்டின் செனல்஧ோடுகள் மூ஬நோக ரெடவனோற்஫ி 2017-18ம் ஆண்டு நிகச்ெி஫ந்த







வோழ்த்துக்கட஭ சதரிவித்துக்சகோள்கிர஫ன். "உள்஭த்தில் உறுதினோ஦












சதோடர்வோ஦ உறுதிம௃ம்

இருக்குநோ஦ோல், ந஦தில் உதித்த எண்ணங்கள் ஥ிச்ெனநோக சென஬ோக உருசவடுக்கும்"


EXTRA MILE AND SERVE ெிந்திம௃ங்கள்; செனல்஧டுங்கள்..!”

Sharing Thoughts on MILES Dear Editor, I really liked the projects you did in the month of September. Raising funds for the needy was the one I liked the most. I wish you all the very best for the upcoming projects in this Golden Jubilee year, I am sure you will reach another level to serve the mankind and making a difference in the society and also make it a better place for everyone to live in. All the best :) - Rtr. Konica Shastri President – RaC of Soaring Monks (RID 3080)

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Zonal Meet – Zone 4 Date: September 1, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Srinivasan College of Arts & Science Venue: Srinivasan College of Arts & Science, Perambalur The Zonal Meet of Zone 4 for the regions Ariyalur and Perambalur was conducted for forming an effective team in the zone and for conducting joint projects among clubs.

Zonal Forum – Zone 1


Date: September 2, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Govt Arts College, Kongu Arts & Science College, Jairams Arts & Science College Venue: Government Arts College, Karur The first Zonal forum of our District was conducted in Zone 1 for the regions Karur and Dindugul. More than 400 Rotaractors from 20 clubs participated in this event. A meeting was made with the District Officials and Club Officers for discussing the progress of the zone.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Zonal Forum – Zone 4


Date: September 16, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Roever Engineering College & Thanthai Hans Roever College Venue: Roever Engineering College, Perambalur The Zonal Forum for Zone 4 was conducted by activating all the inactive clubs in the Zone. More than 180 Rotaractors from Fourteen out of total fifteen clubs made their part in the event. Discussion is made on creating new opportunities for the Rotaractors in the Zone.

Zonal Forum – Zone 3


Date: September 17, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Sourashtra College Venue: New auditorium, Sourashtra college, Madurai The Zonal Forum for Zone 3 is conducted with a purpose of maintaining a better relationship among the clubs in the Zone and for discussing about the upcoming projects. More than 250 Rotaractors participated in this program.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Zonal RYLA – Zone 3 Date: September 18 to 20, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Sacs Mavmm Engineering College, Madurai Venue: CESCI Centre, Madurai Zonal RYLA has planned to be conducted separately at each Zones for providing the opportunity to maximum Rotaractors in the District. The first Zonal RYLA for Zone 3 was conducted on the title Big Boss with a motive of creating great leaders.

Zonal RYLA – Zone 5


Date: September 23 & 24, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Pudukottai & Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology Venue: Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology, Pudukottai The Zonal RYLA for Zone 5 was a grand success with 75 participants from 12 clubs of the Zone. The training was given on different areas that will help the Rylarians to win the Gold Medal in their life. This RYLA went a long way shaping the life of the Rylarians.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Zonal Forum – Zone 2 ‘SHYLA 17’ Date: September 24, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Jamal Mohamed College Venue: Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy The Zonal Forum for Zone 2 is a discussion cum leadership training program conducted with a motive – SHow Your Leadership in Action (SHYLA). More than 200 Rotaractors from around 20 clubs of Trichy participated in the program.

Announcements: My Club On Net All Clubs are requested to register their club data and upload the members detail on the Web Application – “My Club On Net”. Download the app on Android PlayStore or iOS AppStore or just visit the webpage ARAM – A Fund Raising Program All Clubs are requested to conduct the ARAM fund raising program separately at each clubs. The funds thereby generated will be donated to The Rotary Foundation which will be used for doing service projects around the world. Register your club with RI If your club is chartered, it must be listed as an active club in the official Rotary website So, it’s a must to update the Rotaract Clubs and membership data in the RI website earlier or else there are possibilities for the club to be terminated.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Taekwondo Competition Date: September 3, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology Venue: Conference Hall, Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology, Pudukottai Rotaractors from Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology organized a District Level Taekwondo Competition. Around 150 participants from various parts of the district participated in the matches. Prizes were distributed to the winners.

New Generation Week - இண்டர்வியூவில்

பெனிக்கலாம் வாங்க

Date: September 4 to 12, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Anna University Venue: Anna University – BIT Campus, Trichy New Generation week was organized with a professional development agenda to train the final year students of our campus for placement. The candidates were interviewed by the panel of industrial experts and the top 10 were assured with job placement and internship training at different firms.

Dengue Awareness Program Date: September 7, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PSNACET Venue: Guest House, PSNACET, Dindigul An Awareness Program on Dengue was conducted with the respective officials for the Rotaractors of PSNACET. Awareness was given regarding the precautions and medications involved.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Share the Smile Date: September 6, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Jamal Mohamed College Venue: Udaya School, Ponmalai, Trichy Rotaractors of Jamal Mohamed College visited the special kids of Udaya School and spent some valuable time with them. Sweets were distributed to the children. The Rotaractors also entertained the children to make them feel happy. Teachers day gifts were given to the teachers there.

Blood Donation Awareness Date: September 7 & 8, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Kongu Arts & Science College Venue: Govt. Boys Higher Sec School, Karur & Govt. Boys School, Mohanur Awareness about blood donation was created among the school students through Government Doctors. Rotaractors volunteered their service in finding the blood group of the students. The program was conducted for two days at two schools. Rotaractors also donated their blood and was given to the Government Hospital at Mohanur.

Blood Group Identification Camp Date: September 8, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Srinivasan College of Arts & Science Venue: Laboratory of Life Science, SCAS, Perambalur Rotaract Club of Srinivasan Collage of Arts & Science conducted a blood group identification camp at the college campus. More than 1000 college students came for this camp.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Blood Donation Camp Date: September 9, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology Venue: Conference Hall, Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology, Pudukottai Rotaractors from Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology organized a blood donation camp in their college. Around 35 staffs and students came forward to donate their blood. The bloods are screened and donated to hospitals which can be used in case of emergency.

Cycle Expedition Date: September 12, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Karur and Chettinad Tech Venue: Karur Sumathy Sweets Hall The Cycle Expedition is conducted with a team of 24 NCC cadets of Jeppiaar Institute of Technology for creating awareness on Global Warming and Rain Water Harvesting. A Street play about natural resource conservation was demonstrated by our Rotaractors

Health Camp – Dengue Test Date: September 14, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Chettinad College, Karur Venue: Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology, Puliyur, Karur In the camp, tests are done to check dengue among the students, professors and hostel staffs and medications were provided. Precautions were given regarding the causes and prevention of the disease.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Clean The Campus – Swachh Bharat Mission Date: September 15, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Chettinad College, Karur Venue: Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology, Puliyur, Karur As per the statement from Swatch Bharat Mission, “Every educational institution must educate the society about the importance of the environment and to keep it clean and maintain proper hygiene.” The Rotaractors collected all the wastes to make the campus clean and hygiene.

Educational help to Orphanage Students Date: September 16, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Valluvar College Venue: Sri Ragavendhra Orphanage, Veliyanai Rotaract Club of Valluvar College of Science and Management raised funds and donated Rs. 15000 to the Sri Ragavendhra Orphanage for the educational purposes of the students studying in the home.

Technical Youth Leadership Awards (TYLA) Date: September 22 to 24, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Anna University Venue: Anna University – BIT Campus, Trichy TYLA is a Technical RYLA conducted for the Rotaractors of Anna University. 60 Tylarians participated in this wonderful training program. There was a great transformation and improvement in the attitude and behaviour of the Tylarians.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Plant Sapling Distribution Date: September 23, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Valluvar College Venue: Karur sports stadium, Thanthonimali Rotaract Club of Valluvar Science & Management College presented 2000 plant saplings to the NSS of Karur District and these saplings were planted at 40 places in and around Karur. This is a massive effort taken in making the world green and to control the ill effects of ozone layer depletion

Swachh Bharat Date: September 24, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PSNACET Venue: Kundrakudi Panchayat, Sivagangai Rotaractors from PSNACET participated in the government proposed Cleanliness event - Swachh Bharat and cleaned many streets, public places, bus stops etc. in a day contributing their best to get the city clean.

Clean India Drive Date: September 24, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Kongu Arts & Science College Venue: Railway Junction, Karur Rotaractors from Kongu Arts & Science College cleaned the areas around the Railway Junction and put the unwanted wastes in dustbin insisting the need for cleanliness and sanitation in the country.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Tree Plantation Date: September 25, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Valluvar Science & Management College Venue: Gowndampalayam and Puliyur, Karur Rotaractors from Valluvar Science & Management College planted 125 saplings in the villages and rural areas of Karur for restoring the natural wealth and resources of the District and to make the resources available for the future generation.

Go Green Date: September 28, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of Kongu Arts and Science College Venue: Karur Rotaractors from Kongu College of Arts & Science planted more than 500 plant saplings at 10 schools and along the streets in Karur. This is done as a part of the mega Go Green initiative by the Rotaractors of our District observing the Rotary’s concept of ‘Each one; Plant One’.

Swachhta Pakhwada Date: September 29, 2017 Host: Rotaract Club of PSNACET Venue: Kundrakudi Panchayat, Sivagangai Rotaractors from PSNACET participated in the Government proposed cleanliness program called “SWACHHTA PAKHWADA” and took an oath on keeping the nation clean and keep away all the diseases thereby making the earth eco-friendly.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Club Events:

Teachers Day – Anna University, Trichy (05-09-2017)

Teachers Day – Jamal Mohamed College (05-09-2017)

Teachers Day – Kongu Arts & Science College (05-09-2017)

Installation – Rotaract Club of PSNACET (08-09-2017)

Orientation – Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College for Women (15-09-2017)

Orientation – Srinivasan College of Arts & Science (26-09-2017)

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Rotary - Rotaract Relationship

உன்஦ால் முடியும்

DRR Rtr. Balachander addressed in the GEMS Youth Service Seminar of Rotary International District 3000 conducted at Green Palace, Pudukottai on 24 th September, 2017.

Awareness March – A Navaratna Drive Rotaractors from Rotaract Clubs of PSNACET, Kongu Arts & Science College, Jenney’s Academy, Chettinad College took their part in the Cleanliness and Sanitation Awareness March Drive conducted by Rotary International District 3000 under the Special Projects Scheme Navaratna.

Not a Rotaractor ? Join the global movement of young leaders who are developing innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. Check with your university or contact a local Rotary club to find out if there’s a Rotaract club in your area. Contact the Rotaract club to find out how you can join its next meeting, service project, or social event.

Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 On Media Outlets:

Dengue Awareness Program conducted by Rotaract Club of Chendhuran College of Engineering and Technology

Clean India Drive by Rotaractors of Kongu Arts & Science College, Karur

AUGUST – Vocational Service Month Designated Days: October 02 - Gandhi Jeyanthi October 08 - Air Force Day October 16 - World Food Day October 24 - United Nations Day October 31 - Universal Children’s Day Contact: +91 75981 19483



MILES OF OCTOBER 2017 Dates to Note: October 7, 2017 (Saturday) Women Empowerment Program - ஥றுமுகக Host: Rotaract Club of Annai Women’s College Venue: Aarthi Hotel, Karur October 10, 2017 (Tuesday) ARAM – Fund Raising Program Host: Rotaract Club of Kongu Arts & Science College Venue: Kongu Arts & Science College, Karur

Send us your News – Please!!! If you have any considerable projects in your clubs, share with us so that we can include it in the DML. We can’t get your news unless you tell us about it.

Disclaimer The information in this DML is intended to provide readers with resources and information which they may find useful and of interest. We take all reasonable steps to keep the information current and accurate

Contact: +91 75981 19483



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