Shalimar UMC
Lead Pastor
Dr. Philip McVay
Dr. Brad Bradford Worship Pastor
Rev. David Garvin Youth Pastor
Rev. Matt Langford Associate Pastor
Gerald Batton Custodian
Chris Bennett Facility & Maintenance Manager
Pat Brantley Office Administrative Assistant
Abigail Denney Media & Communications
Joy Harris Financial Assistant
Denise Heath Finance
Sarah Hicks Children’s Director
Karen Jadin Preschool Director
Tony Mallini Finance
Heyward McKenzie Chef
Scott Newbold Office Administrator
Katie Pascoe Nursery Director
Leigh J. Rice Respite Director
Dawn Rozofsky
Ben Savage
After School & Camp Director
Worship Ministries Associate
After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance
Dr. Philip McVay: (850) 607-1133
Dr. Brad Bradford: (850) 227-4328
Rev. David Garvin: (850) 319-0072
Rev. Matt Langford: (334) 437-3931
Table Of Contents
Our Vision
Worship Services
Sunday at Shalimar
Traditions: 8AM & 11AM
Meet us in the Sanctuary as we celebrate through the rich traditions of our faith. Such as hymns led by organ and piano, seasonal vestments, and Traditional Methodist liturgy. Our Chancel Choir leads the 11AM service.
Connect: 9:30AM
Join us in the Sanctuary as we engage in a fourfold services of gathering, praise, ser vice of the Word, Holy Communion with candle stations of prayer, and sending forth. Worship is a blend of contemporary praise songs and upbeat hymns.
Freedom: 11:07AM
Located in the Family Life Center Gym as we come together and worship through modern music, Fellowship time, and listen to an inspirational message in a contemporary atmosphere.
This Sunday in Worship
In Person & Online Message by Dr. Philip McVay Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford
In Person & Online Message by Dr. Philip McVay Worship Led by the Connect Worship Team Holy Communion Celebrated by Dr. Philip McVay
In Person & Online Message by Dr. Philp McVay Worship Led by Chancel Choir
In Person & Online Message by Rev. Matt Langford Worship Led by Ben Savage and the Freedom Team
You and I are Jews by birth, not ‘sinners’ like the Gentiles. Yet we know that a per son is made right with God by faith in Je sus Christ, not by obeying the law. And we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be made right with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law.”
But suppose we seek to be made right with God through faith in Christ and then we are found guilty because we have abandoned the law. Would that mean Christ has led us into sin? Absolutely not! Rather, I am a sinner if I rebuild the old system of law I already tore down. For when I tried to keep the law, it con demned me. So I died to the law—I stopped trying to meet all its require ments—so that I might live for God. My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave him self for me. I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless. For if keeping the law could make us right with God, then there was no need for Christ to die.
Philip’s Focus
Imperfect People
Seeking to be The People of God
In my course of time at Shalimar, I have written and posted over 350 Beacon articles and written even more sermons. Never have I reposted one…until now. I read this article from 2019 and thought WOW! This article seems even more relevant with “denominational matters swirling around” and our new “post covid” issues manifesting themselves. People get angry and upset at the drop of a hat. It is good to keep perspective and remember people are not perfect. We will do well to remember …we are imperfect people seeking the perfect will of God.
The Church also by design is made up of imperfect people seeking the per fect Will of God. In our quest to be the best church possible at Shalimar UMC, we live within this tension of imperfect people and striving for the perfect Will of God. We need not ever lose this perspective.
First, we, the people of the church are not perfect
- There are no perfect people, no perfect lay persons, pastors, or staff. - We sometimes let our wants and desires detour us from the vision of God. - We can be fully human and choose our own egos and pride instead of disci pleship.
- We can be hypocritical and say one thing and do another.
- We can be careless with our tongues and hurt other people. - We become focused on the wrong things and miss opportunities to serve Christ and love others.
Second, God can still use us, despite our imperfections.
- The Church is of God. God’s Church will succeed despite our imperfections. - God can transform our imperfections by Christ’s redemption. - Our worst behavior can be transformed by the power of the Cross. - God is not finished with His Church. There’s still time to be the Church and grow in the teachings of Christ.
- There is wonderful opportunity to love others all the more despite imperfec tions and all.
- God can take an authentic, humble person, and do mighty things through His Holy Spirit.
In closing, I came across years ago from the McGhee Road Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama entitled “I Believe in the Church.”
“I Believe in the Church”
…I believe in the church in spite of its imperfections. The church will never be perfect in this world. It is made up of people struggling to do God’s will – but people who are still human with their weaknesses and sin.
…I believe in the church in spite of its limitations and struggles. Some times the church is hindered by lack of vision and commitment. But in spite of all of this, the church is the only agency in the world that pro vides a place where people can gather to worship God.
…I believe in the church because it is an agent of God’s Spirit – an instru ment of the Eternal. It has changed through the years, and it will contin ue to change. It will make mistakes. But the church is still God’s chosen vessel for carrying on His work of redemption in the world.”
May we at Shalimar UMC seek to be fully God’s Church! May we offer our imperfections for His perfect purpose in the world!
Shalom, Philip
Lead Pastor Dr. Philip McVay
Stay Up To Date CHURCH
with what’s happening at Shalimar United Methodist Church.
On Sunday, October 30, from 5-7pm we are having our very own Fall Festival! The night will be filled with lots of exciting things like, Trunk or Treat, costume contests, face painting and more!
You will not want to miss out! Come dressed up in your best halloween costume and have some fun.
Empowering the Laity has always been at the heart of the United Methodist Church. We would like to empower our Laity by running a whole Sunday service.
If you are interested in being a part of Laity Sunday on October 16th please reach out to our Lay Leader, Kyle Wilson at (850) 855-9970 or jkkyle12@yahoo.com
Some of you may know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month. There’s a couple of ways we would like to show our appreciation for our Pastors this year.
One is prayer. There is a daily prayer list for Pas tor Appreciation Month located at the bottom of our home page, available for you to download. Second is a token of apprecation. Whether that is a note, or a card that is up to you! Baskets will be in the Sanctuary and FLC if you would like to drop it off there.
On Sunday, October 23 at 5pm Lee Orr is holding a meeting about Storytelling. This meeting is for anyone who has stories to tell about what God is doing in their life or in the life at Shalimar United Methodist. These stories will be included in our weekly Newsletter, the Beacon.
It will be in room 212 on the top floor of the FLC.
Dear Church Members,
October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and with that, I’m sure there is a complex mix of emotions for most pastors. Have I served my congregation well? Am I meeting their spiritual and emotional needs? Did I miss seeing a member who needed to be checked on? My wife is out of towndid I remember to feed the dog?
I’ve had a few crises in my own family over the years. Somehow a pastor got word and called to check on me. Most recently I sent word that my mom was in the hospital and not doing well. Within 2 hours Pastor Philip was there praying with my family, which wasn’t my expectation.
It doesn’t matter if it was the pastor’s day off, they come! But when is a pastor not a pastor? I’m sure there are days when pastors and their families feel the stress of “being a pastor.” They don’t complain! God has called them!
Our pastors serve us through weddings, funerals, Bible studies, worship, sermons, baptisms, and confirmation, as well as conflicts and counseling. They help with outreach events, lead musical events and other special events and services. They take it well when we complain about what we don’t like or wish we could have, etc. Our expectations of our pastors are more than Jesus’s, I’m sure!
Let us take a moment this month to say, “thank you” and tell them how much we love them! They pray for us, so we also should pray for them! A basket is located in the Narthex and FLC lobby for cards if you’d like to write them an encouraging word!
Thank you, Lord, for our pastors! With love, Sandy Kocanowski, SPRC Chair
Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday Fellowship Dinner is from 5-6PM.
Email office@shalimar-umc.org or Call (850) 561-0721 by noon on Tuesdays to make your reservation!
Adults: $7 Children (3-10): $3 Family: $25
Sunday, October 9
SS Adults 9:30AM
Youth 9:30AM
Special Buddies 9:30AM
Worship 9:30AM
Worship 11AM
Choir Rehearsal 4PM
Buddies 5PM
Worship 5PM
Monday, October 10
Bread House 9AM Threads of Love 10AM
Rehearsal 5:30PM
Tuesday, October 11
Joyful Place 10AM
3rd Grade Bible Study
Star Moms
Wednesday, October 12
Bread House 9AM
Splash of Joy 1 & 2 9:30AM
Blessings for Children 10AM
ReBoot 5PM Fellowship Dinner 5PM
Kidz Choir & BS 5:30PM
Pastor’s Class 6PM
OTS Small Group 6PM
Young Adult Small Group 6PM Youth Small Groups 6PM Gloryland Rehearsal 6PM
Rejoice Rehearsal 6PM
Choir Rehearsal 7PM
Thursday, October 13
MOPS Metting 9AM
Joyful Place 10AM
4th & 5th Graders 3:30PM
ReBoot 5:30PM
Barbershop 6:30PM
Friday, October 14
Bread House 9AM Saturday, October 15
Pickleball 9AM
A couple of weeks ago Shalimar UMC provided dinner to the First Responders in our area.
To show their appreciation they sent a thank you card to Ron Garriga, who organized the event.
Respite Director, Leigh J. Rice joyful@shalimar-umc.orgFall is here and we are enjoying the beautiful weather. If you drive by Cross Cor ner on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 & 2, you may just find us on the front porch. If you see us there, please stop to say hello, or give us a honk and a wave.
Our respite ministry is growing, and we have about 10 friends joining us each day. Every morning we all share the things that we are grateful for, our blessings, the special things in life that give us JOY.
Here is just a sampling of the things our friends and volunteers share-
“I am thankful for the loving nature of everyone here” Russ “I’m grateful that I have found purpose in being a volunteer” Jaye “I am thankful to be alive and for all of the friendly people here” Fran “I am grateful for the days when my husband brings me here” Wendy “I am thankful that I am here and able to rejoice” M
“I’m grateful to be here serving others, it is the high point of my week” Susan “I’m happy to be here because all of your smiling faces lift my spirits” Constance “I’m thankful for Jaye and all the music. It brings me JOY” Bea
We always welcome new friends and volunteers. Contact Leigh for more information.
Be Joyful Always!
Paper Towels | Toilet Paper
& Peanut Butter
Tuna & Canned Chicken
& Rice
supplies are needed for each week.
you wish to donate money
send a check to SUMC. Make
memo line out to
Given Out:
have record numbers
last two weeks and the pantry has been extremely low on almost everything. Last two Wednesdays
have seen close to 80 families
day…. We have also noticed
the Bread House. This usually means we give out less items
those in need.