age is scary, but this is a direction I feel led to pursue.” I want to thank Scott personally on behalf of our congregation for some outstanding work during the last three and half years. His contributions have been numerous. Among his greatest contributions included tireless and innovative work helping the church journey through a pandemic. His work was indispensable, as we journeyed through uncertain years. Thank you, Scott, for your contributions as Church Administrator. We pray God’s blessings on you and your family in all your new endeavors. Also, I am pleased to let you know of an interim plan for Church Administrator. Tony Mallini has agreed to step in as interim Church Administrator, as we close 2022 and begin a New Year. His willingness to step in is such a blessing for all! We are so blessed to have Tony Mallini on our staff and in our church. Our SPR will also begin work and a search to fill the position of Church Administrator for the long term. Thanks for all you do lifting the ministry of Jesus Christ! Shalom, Philip
Lead Pastor Dr. Philip McVay