2022-11-20 Beacon

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Shalimar United

BEACON Methodist Church
Week of November 20, 2022


Shalimar UMC

Lead Pastor

Dr. Philip McVay

Dr. Brad Bradford Worship Pastor

Rev. David Garvin Youth Pastor

Rev. Matt Langford Associate Pastor

Gerald Batton Custodian

Chris Bennett Facility & Maintenance Manager

Pat Brantley Office Administrative Assistant

Abigail Denney Media & Communications

Joy Harris Financial Assistant

Denise Heath Finance

Sarah Hicks Children’s Director

Karen Jadin Preschool Director

Tony Mallini Interim Church Administrator

Shawn Moore Custodian

Heyward McKenzie Chef

Katie Pascoe Nursery Director

Leigh J. Rice Respite Director

Dawn Rozofsky

After School & Camp Director

Ben Savage Worship Arts

Jeremy Thiess Ministries Assistant

After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance

Dr. Philip McVay: (850) 607-1133

Dr. Brad Bradford: (850) 227-4328

Rev. David Garvin: (850) 319-0072

Rev. Matt Langford: (334) 437-3931


Table Of Contents

Our Vision

Christ-centerd, multi-generational, family & community relevant ministries through worship, discipleship, and mission.

Tite Text Here Page No.

This Sunday in Worship Page 5

Philip’s Focus Page 6

What’s Happening Page 8

Weekly Schedule Page 10 2022 Advent Calendar Page 12

Page 13

Joyful Place

The Bread House Page 14

Thanksgiving Bag Page 15

Teenager Gift Card Ministry Page 16

Connect With Us | Social Media Page 17

Our Mission

We REACH out to our congregation, community, and the world. We TEACH the word of God as provided in the Holy-Scripture.

We SEND our members and missionaries to be witnesses to God’s grace and His promise of eternal life.

Worship Services

Sunday at Shalimar

Traditions: 8AM & 11AM

Meet us in the Sanctuary as we celebrate through the rich traditions of our faith. Such as hymns led by organ and piano, seasonal vestments, and Traditional Methodist liturgy. Our Chancel Choir leads the 11AM service.

Connect: 9:30AM

Join us in the Sanctuary as we engage in a fourfold services of gathering, praise, ser vice of the Word, Holy Communion with candle stations of prayer, and sending forth. Worship is a blend of contemporary praise songs and upbeat hymns.

Freedom: 11:07AM

Located in the Family Life Center Gym as we come together and worship through modern music, Fellowship time, and listen to an inspirational message in a contemporary atmosphere.

This Sunday in Worship

November 20, 2022 Consecration



In Person & Online

Message by Dr. Karl Stegall

Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford



In Person & Online

Message by Dr. Karl Stegall

Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford & The Connect Worship Team Holy Communion Celebrated by Rev. Matt Langford


In Person & Online

Message by Dr. Karl Stegall

Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford


In Person & Online

Message by Dr. Karl Stegall

Worship Led by Ben Savage and the Freedom Team

Our Advent study, “The Journey” begins next Sunday, Nov 27!

Where it will be telling us the story of the Birth of Christ through the eyes of Mary and Joseph. As well as Elizabeth’s encounter with Mary that leads to a blessing by God. Focus then on the struggle of the long journey and reality of the birth of Christ.

Along with the Sermon Series, we will be doing a church-wide Bible study! Want more details? Check out Pastor Matt’s article on page 7!

Philip’s Focus

BEE Thankful

Well, it’s that time of year again when we count our blessings! As I prepare my 100 blessings for this year, I am finding myself especially grateful. Well, here are 10 out of 100 of my blessings!

• Also, this is another opportunity to simply say “God is good, all the time,” and “all the time, God is good.”

• My new sayings… “It is a great day to have a great day” and “this is going to be the best day of my life.”

• Karen and I added two new grandchildren since last Thanksgiving. Brian and Mallory welcomed Lexie who was adopted in December and Amelia born in March.

• Karen began a new job as a teacher consultant for Okaloosa County. She is a great coach with over 35 years of teaching!

• We have done wonderful ministry together in the past year. Shalimar UMC embarked on receiving 50 new members between Easter and Pentecost for the great 50 days and we exceeded the goal with 66 new members.

• The generosity of our congregation is made for a lot of Kingdom ministry!

• The steadfast faithful members of our congregation in most challenging times.

• New friends and old friends.

• Pastor’s Class!

• It was a very good harvest year for my favorite snack…green peanuts for boiling!

And, for the umpteenth time, I would like to say let’s make Thanksgiving every day. Maybe we should designate one day for all our complaining, griping, and negativity instead… Well, anyway, I hope everyone has a great and safe Thanksgiving!

Look forward to seeing you in worship for our grand consecration day on November 20th. be pres ent, be thankful, be at the altar, be there to hear Dr. Stegall, be at the free luncheon!

Shalom, Philip




I want to personally invite you to our Advent Bible Study this season. It will begin on Wednesday, November 30. This year we are hoping to bring the entire church together as each age level (children, youth, young adults, and adults) go through the same study. We will be following the outline of a study called “The Journey” that will lead us to Bethlehem as we follow Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and angels as we prepare for the Christ Child.

Not only will we study together but we will also have an opportunity each Wednesday to have a family light the advent wreath as we light our own wreaths together at our tables during Wednesday night dinner. This will be a wonderful way to get more people involved and experiencing the true meaning of Christ mas. Each week we will eat as normal, then have a more focused time of prayer and reading as we light the Advent candle. Afterwards, our children and youth will be dismissed to their classes for bible study in a way that is best for them. Meanwhile, all the adults are invited to stay in the gym for our time together.

We will begin this study at 5:45 and end at 6:45 so that we can accommodate the majority of people! I am excited about this study because it will unite our children, youth, and adults. It will allow for conversations with families about what was discussed in each class, and it will better connect our Wednesday night programming to Sunday morning sermons. This will be a wonderful church-wide opportunity and I hope you will make plans to be a part of it!

The Journey | Advent Bible Study | Wednesday Nights | Nov. 30 – Dec. 21 | 5:45- 6:45 | FLC

in Him, Matt

Stay Up To Date CHURCH LIFE 08

with what’s happening at Shalimar United Methodist Church.

If you and/or you family would like to participate in the Advent Wreath Readings one Sunday during Advent, please let Pastor Brad know.

You can reach him at (850) 227-4328 or brad@shalimar-umc.org

This Sunday after our 11 and 11:07am services we welcome everyone to a free lunch in the Family Life Center. We would love for you to join us for a meal and fellowship!

After lunch, if you’re feeling jolly, come deck the halls with us on campus! Everyone is welcome to come and participate in decorating the Sanctuary, FLC, Cross Corner, and the Church office for the Advent season.

What says the Holidays like a church-wide Bible study?!

From childen to adults, we will be studying The Journey togehter during the Advent season.

The study is in the FLC from 5:45 - 6:45pm Wednesday, November 30 to Wednesday, December 21. We hope you will join us!

Santa is coming to town on December 10 from 8-10am in the FLC to join us for breakfast, story-time, photos, and MORE!

You can RSVP by visiting shalimar-umc.org/children and complete the RSVP fom.

Make sure you are following us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated throughout the week!

To check out our weekly newsletter, “The Beacon”, and our new Podcast, “So You’re in the Know”, go to our website!

Facebook: Shalimar United Methodist Church Instagram: shalimarumc Website: www.shalimar-umc.org

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Lighthouse Rehearsal 6PM Monday Night Women 6PM Week of November 20, 2022 10 Sunday, November 20 SS Adults 9:30AM SS Youth 9:30AM SS Special Buddies 9:30AM Kidz Worship 9:30AM Kidz Worship 11AM Free Lunch 12:30PM Deck the Halls 1:30PM GriefShare 3PM Youth Choir Rehearsal 4PM Feast of Plenty 5PM Special Buddies 5PM ReBoot 7PM Monday, November 21 Bread House 9AM Threads of Love 10AM Connect Rehearsal 5:30PM Lighthouse Rehearsal 6PM Alanon 6PM AA 8PM Tuesday, November 22 Freedom Rehearsal 5:30PM Prayer Group 6PM Men’s Group 6PM Wednesday, November 23 Bread House 9AM Splash 2 9:30AM Blessings for Children 10AM ReBoot 5PM AA 8PM Thursday, November 24 Office Closed: Happy Thanksgiving! Friday, November 25 Office Closed Bread House 9AM Saturday, November 26

announcements & articles

If you are interested and are available, we are in need of bus drivers on Sunday monings! Every Sunday morning we pick up those who need a ride to the 11am service from the senior living community, The Meridian at Westwood. If this is something you feel led towards or have any questions, please contact Keith Latimer at (850) 218-2366



We had a Joyful Day celebrating our Veterans. Thank you to all who served. -Leigh Rice Respite Director, Leigh J. Rice joyful@shalimar-umc.org
The Bread House FOOD DISTRIBUTION NUMBERS Bags Collected: 392 Bags Given Out: 325 Members Served: 375 Week 132 TOTAL Bags Collected: 42,177 Bags Given Out: 35,330 Members Served: 33,044 POCs: Janet Norris or Pete Peters. They would love to hear from you! Janet Norris Pete Peters (850) 598-5399 (703) 395-2437 norrisjanet59@gmail.com fpeters1@cox.net 6 new families visited this week THANKSGIVING BAGS The Bread House will be collecting Thanksgiving Bags and handing them out the week before Thanksgiving. Grab a flyer to get all the information! They will be located throughout the Sanctuary & FLC this Sunday, the 6. (It’s also on the next page) Thank you for your continued support! SUPPLIES NEEDED Paper Towels | Toilet Paper Jelly & Peanut Butter Canned Vegetables Canned Tuna & Canned Chicken Dried goods Beans & Rice These supplies are needed for each week. If you wish to donate money instead, send a check to SUMC. Make the memo line out to “Bread House” OPEN Monday | Wednesday | Friday 9am-12pm


Blessings will be received from the church family from Sunday, October 16th through Sunday, November 20th

Checks are to be made to SUMC and on the memo line/for please include “Teenager Gift Card Ministry”.

Gift cards are purchased, and gift bags are prepared during the week of November 21st – November 25th

Deliveries to the teenagers will take place on December 1st and 2nd. All deliveries will have one of our pastors in attendance.

SUMC is making a difference in our community. Each gift card has a message that states, from those who love you at Shalimar United Methodist Church.

In 2016, 26- $100 gift cards were delivered to teenagers In 2017, 27- $100 gift cards were delivered to teenagers

In 2018, 37- $100 gift cards were delivered to teenagers

In 2019, 73- $100 gift cards were delivered to teenagers

In 2020, 94- $100 gift cards were delivered to teenagers In 2021, 103- $100 gift cards were delivered to teenagers

We anticipate having well over 100 names again this year. Out of respect, the names of these recipients are not made public. If you know of a teenager in need, please contact Ron Garriga directly or share the teenager’s name and address with one of our pastors.

The Angencies we Work With:

Okaloosa County Area School District Opportunity Place

Fresh Start

Children in Crisis

Okaloosa County Foster Children

Okaloosa County Homeless Teenagers

Teenagers within SUMC

For more information or questions please reach out to Ron Garriga at (850) 240-0955 or r.garriga@cox.net

Contact Us Phone Email Address Website 850-651-0721 office@shalimar-umc.org 1 Old Ferry Road Shaliamr, FL
shalimar-umc.org Facebook Find Us Shalimar UMC Instagram shalimarumc App Stores Shalimar United Methodist Church

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