2023-01-01 BEACON

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BEACON Methodist Church Shalimar United Week of January 1,


Shalimar UMC

Lead Pastor

Dr. Philip McVay

Dr. Brad Bradford Worship Pastor

Rev. David Garvin Youth Pastor

Rev. Matt Langford Associate Pastor

Gerald Batton Custodian

Chris Bennett Facility & Maintenance Manager

Pat Brantley Office Administrative Assistant

Abigail Denney Media & Communications

Joy Harris Financial Assistant

Denise Heath Finance

Sarah Hicks Children’s Director

Karen Jadin Preschool Director

Tony Mallini Interim Church Administrator

Heyward McKenzie Chef

Katie Pascoe Nursery Director

Leigh J. Rice Respite Director

Dawn Rozofsky After School & Camp Director

Ben Savage Worship Arts

Jeremy Thiess Ministries Assistant

After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance

Dr. Philip McVay: (850) 607-1133

Dr. Brad Bradford: (850) 227-4328

Rev. David Garvin: (850) 319-0072

Rev. Matt Langford: (334) 437-3931


Table Of Contents

Our Vision

Tite Text Here Page No.

This Sunday in Worship Page 5

Philip’s Focus Page 6

Weekly Schedule Page 7 What’s Happening | Church Life Page 8

Page 10 Announcements & Articles

Angel Tree 2022 Page 11 Joyful Place Page 12

The Bread House Page 14

Splash 1 & 2 Bible Studies Page 15

Stay Connected Page 16

Our Mission

We REACH out to our congregation, community, and the world. We TEACH the word of God as provided in the Holy-Scripture. We SEND our members and missionaries to be witnesses to God’s grace and His promise of eternal life.

Christ-centerd, multi-generational, family & community relevant ministries through worship, discipleship, and mission.

Worship Services

Sunday at Shalimar

Traditions: 8AM & 11AM

Meet us in the Sanctuary as we celebrate through the rich traditions of our faith. Such as hymns led by organ and piano, seasonal vestments, and Traditional Methodist liturgy. Our Chancel Choir leads the 11AM service.

Connect: 9:30AM

Join us in the Sanctuary as we engage in a fourfold services of gathering, praise, service of the Word, Holy Communion with candle stations of prayer, and sending forth. Worship is a blend of contemporary praise songs and upbeat hymns.

Freedom: 11:07AM

Located in the Family Life Center Gym as we come together and worship through modern music, Fellowship time, and listen to an inspirational message in a contemporary atmosphere.



in Worship

January 1, 2023 NEW YEAR’S DAY


In Person & Online Message by Dr. Philip McVay Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford & The Connect Worship Team Holy Communion Celebrated by Dr. Philip McVay


In Person & Online Message by Rev. Matt Langford Worship Led by Ben Savage and the Freedom Team

Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.

- Mark 2:21-22 NLT

Philip’s Focus

Beginning 2023 with the Wesley Covenant Prayer

What an exciting time of worship on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day last weekend! This week, we continue Christmastide and have the rare opportunity to worship on New Year’s Day. As it is New Year’s Day, we will have two worship services, 9:30 in the Sanctuary and 11:07 in the Family Life Center. What a wonderful way to start 2023!

Our Methodist heritage includes starting each New Year with the Wesley Covenant Prayer. This prayer of John Wesley is so eloquent and deeply spiritual. Here are the words…

I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee, Exalted for thee or brought low for thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O Glorious and blessed God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, Let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.

I commend this prayer to us as we begin 2023. The New Year will present both opportunities and challenges. Let us seek to use this prayer to be prepared to have a great New Year!

May the Lord bless our church as we begin 2023 living into the words of the Wesley Covenant Prayer! Hope to see you Sunday!

Shalom, Philip



Monday, January 2 OFFICE CLOSED

Bread House 9am

Tuesday, January 3

Joyful Place 10am Freedom Rehearsal 5:30pm Prayer Group 6pm

Wednesday, January 4

Bread House 9am Blessings for Children 10am Rejoice Rehearsal 6pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm

Thursday, January 5

Joyful Place 10am Trustees Meeting 6pm

Friday, January 6

Bread House 9am Scrapbooking 10am Friday Fun Day 5pm

Saturday, January 7

Pickleball 8am Scrapbooking 8am

Week of January 1, 2023
Stay Up To Date CHURCH LIFE Administrative Meetings in January 2023 January 5: Trustees 6:30pm January 8: Lead Team Transition and Orientation 12:30pm *January 17: Denominational Task Force Report 6pm January 22: Leaders, Officers, and Committee Orientation *January 24: Denominational Task Force Report 6pm *open for entire congregation


Baptism of the Lord is a day to remember your baptism and the importance of it.

Join us on January 8 to reflect on your baptism and have fellowship with other believers. For those who want to reaffirm their baptism or be baptized for the first time, there will be an opportunity for you to sign up and receive more information about your next steps.



“The Greatest Story Ever Told” Series uses 5 of Jesus’s parables to learn more about who Jesus was, how parables were meant to cause listeners to pause and think deeply, and how we can come together and bring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth today.

announcements & articles



We want to say thank you to everyone who was a part of the Angel Tree this year. To begin we want to thank the MOPS group for their leadership for the first time this year. The MOPS group has been a growing ministry in our church, and we are so thankful to Kelly Bethea and the leadership team for all that they are doing. We had more participants this year in the group than ever before. We give thanks for their willingness to lead our church-wide Angel Tree.

Additionally, we want to thank all of you. Thank you for stepping up and offering the love of Christ to those who need it the most in our community. Without the support of our church family, this ministry could not happen, and we are so grateful for the outpouring of support. Many of you also donated to our local gift card giveaway which raised over $2,500 for additional Angel Tree support. Thank you again so much!

Because of your love we were able to provide Christmas cheer to 87 children in our community. This is truly a testament to God’s grace on display here at Shalimar. Thank you to everyone who made a difference in the lives of these children!

Joyful Place

5. Be fulfilled knowing you are making a positive inpact on other people’s lives. 4. Volunteering helps to combat depression and can provide a healthy boost to your physical being.

3. Give you purpose, a chance to share talents and give back, increase your life satisfaction.

2. The respite ministry needs you as we grow. Volunteers are the heart of the program.

1. We’ve got the JOY, JOY, JOY, JOY, down in our hearts!

Top 5 reasons to Volunteer at Joyful Place
Please consider joining our ministry in the New Year. Start off 2023 with Purpose and Joy! Our new volunteer training will be Wednesday, January 18th from 12:30 - 4 in the Cross Corner Fellowship Hall. Call or email to sign up. I look forward to hearing from you. Be JOYFUL Always! -Leigh Rice (850) 651-0721 ext. 113 joyful@shalimar-umc.org


ReBoot is a faith-based combat trauma healing course, designed to address the spiritual wounds of war.

Combat veterans are healing, divorce rates are dropping, medication abuse decreases, and suicide numbers are reducing at ReBoot locations across the country.

For more information about our Military Ministry, or to register for the class visit our website at shalimar-umc.org/military

If you have any questions please contact Deb Hutto or Jeanne Racquier at aveclite@gmail.com or racquier@cox.net

The Bread House FOOD DISTRIBUTION NUMBERS Bags Collected: 386 Bags Given Out: 313 Members Served: 340 Week 138 TOTAL Bags Collected: 44,434 Bags Given Out: 36,731 Members Served: 34,912 POCs: Janet Norris or Pete Peters. They would love to hear from you! Janet Norris Pete Peters (850) 598-5399 (703) 395-2437 norrisjanet59@gmail.com fpeters1@cox.net 16 new families visited this week 14 SUPPLIES NEEDED Paper Towels | Toilet Paper Jelly & Peanut Butter Canned Vegetables Canned Tuna & Canned Chicken Dried goods Beans & Rice These supplies are needed for each week. If you wish to donate money instead, send a check to SUMC. Make the memo line out to “Bread House” OPEN Monday | Wednesday | Friday 9am-12pm

SPLASH 1 & 2

Join us for fellowship with other women and establish deep connections.

Splash 1 starts back January 11 with a new Exodus study from Jen Wilkins, Freedom

If you have any questions please contact Sara Michaelson.

Splash 2 also starts back January 11 with a new 1 & 2 Kings study from Lysa Terkeurst, Trustworthy.

If you have any questions please contact Cathie Buckman.

Contact Us Phone Email Address Website 850-651-0721 office@shalimar-umc.org 1 Old Ferry Road Shaliamr, FL
shalimar-umc.org Facebook Find Us Shalimar UMC Instagram shalimarumc App Stores Shalimar United Methodist Church

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