Methodist Church Shalimar United Week of January 29, 2023
Shalimar UMC
Lead Pastor
Dr. Philip McVay
Dr. Brad Bradford Worship Pastor
Rev. David Garvin Youth Pastor
Rev. Matt Langford Associate Pastor
Gerald Batton Custodian
Chris Bennett Facility & Maintenance Manager
Pat Brantley Office Administrative Assistant
Abigail Denney Media & Communications
Joy Harris Financial Assistant
Denise Heath Finance
Sarah Hicks Children’s Director
Karen Jadin Preschool Director
Tony Mallini Interim Church Administrator
Heyward McKenzie Chef
Katie Pascoe Nursery Director
Leigh J. Rice Respite Director
Dawn Rozofsky After School & Camp Director
Ben Savage Worship Arts
Jeremy Thiess Ministries Assistant
After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance
Dr. Philip McVay: (850) 607-1133
Dr. Brad Bradford: (850) 227-4328
Rev. David Garvin: (850) 319-0072
Rev. Matt Langford: (334) 437-3931
Table Of Contents
Our Vision
Christ-centerd, multi-generational, family & community relevant ministries through worship, discipleship, and mission.
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Weekly Schedule
This Sunday in Worship
Philip’s Focus
Church Life
Announcements & Articles
Joyful Place
Stay Connected
Our Mission
We REACH out to our congregation, community, and the world. We TEACH the word of God as provided in the Holy-Scripture.
We SEND our members and missionaries to be witnesses to God’s grace and His promise of eternal life.
Week of January 29, 2023
Sunday, January 29 SS Adults 9:30AM SS Youth 9:30AM SS Special Buddies 9:30AM Kidz Worship 9:30AM Kidz Worship 11AM Youth Choir Rehearsal 4PM Special Buddies 5PM Student Worship 5PM Monday, January 30 Bread House 9AM Threads of Love 10AM Connect Rehearsal 5:30PM Lighthouse Rehearsal 6PM Church Council Meeting 6PM Alanon 6PM AA 8PM Tuesday, January 31 Joyful Place 10AM 3rd Grade Bible Study 3:30PM Freedom Rehearsal 5:30PM Joy Ringers Bell Rehearsal 5:30PM Men’s Group 6PM Prayer Group 6PM Wednesday, February 1 Bread House 9AM Splash 1 & 2 9:30AM Blessings for Children 10AM Fellowship Dinner 5PM ReBoot 5PM Kidz Club 5:30PM Youth Small Groups 6PM Young Adults 6PM Pastor’s Class 6PM Old Testament Class 6PM Gloryland 6PM Rejoice 6PM Orchestra 6PM Chancel Choir 7PM AA 8PM Thursday, February 2 Joyful Place 10AM 4/5th Grade Bible Study 3:30PM Friday, February 3 Bread House 9AM Scrapbooking 9AM Parkinson’s Support Group 12:30PM Saturday, February 4 Scrapbooking 8AM Pickleball 9AM Quilting Group 9AM
This Sunday in Worship
January 29, 2023
In Person & Online
Message by Dr. Philip McVay
Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford and Gloryland
In Person & Online
Message by Rev. Matt Langford
Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford and the Connect Worship Team
In Person & Online
Message by Dr. Philip McVay
Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford and Chancel Choir
In Person & Online
Message by Rev. Matt Langford
Worship Led by Ben Savage and The Freedom Team
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
- Matthew 13:44 NLT
Philip’s Focus
Short Month Filled with Events & Ministry Through Shalimar UMC
We have some wonderful plans just ahead for Shalimar UMC. November, December, and now January has been filled with church and ministry highlights. We have had a meaningful time of remembrance of baptism and our saints, we consecrated commitments to move FORWARD into 2023, the most people in Christmas Eve worship since Covid, preaching on the parables of Jesus, a lay leadership orientation, an open house, and three denominational task force gatherings to name a few. The month of February is the shortest month but packed with exciting church and ministry opportunities.
January 30 – February 4 we will have a MISSION TEAM representing our congregation to reestablish some of our relations in Cuba, after a few distancing years from Covid. This team will be reconnecting with the Cuba Bishop and others to continue to build relationships with Methodists in Cuba. The team will also be preparing for future mission trips.
February 5 we will be hearing from our MISSIONARIES during the Sunday School hour. We do not mention them in print by name or location, as they are missionaries in a culture that does not embrace Christianity. We hope you will come and hear them on this special day beginning at 9:30 in the Family Life Center.
CONFIRMATION CLASS begins on February 5. Confirmation is for students in the sixth grade and up. This class will meet during Sunday School at 9:30 AM. The Confirmation Class will be received into membership on March 12th at 11:07.
February 9 Joyful Place will host a SOUPER BOWL lunch at noon. Also, February 14 Valentine’s Day, are Glamour photos sponsored by the Shalimar UMC MOPS group. On February 21, there will be a Mardi Gras Party.
On February 11, our youth will host a VALENTINE’S DAY BANQUET at 6PM. The Banquet will be hosted by students of our youth who want to say “thank you” to our congregation for their support throughout the year. Please make reservations by February 8 and plan to enjoy a free evening of entertainment, great food, and celebrating with your spouse. Nursery care is provided. RSVP on our website,
February 12 will also be the Super Sub Sale lunch. Our youth choir sells sub-sandwiches on Super Bowl Sunday each year to raise funds for youth choir tour. Tickets are available through February 8 and subs will be sold on that Sunday if there are sandwiches still available.
February 14 will offer something extra special, A GRAND VALENTINE’S NIGHT. With entertainment from a renowned concert pianist, Randall Atcheson. We will also hear about the Stegall Scholarship Foundation and the impact they are making on young seminary students. Dr. Karl Stegall, founder, will also be present for the evening. This special event is free and open to the church and community. You can read more details in Church Life.
Ash Wednesday will be February 22. We will have worship at Noon and 6PM. The gathering begins our 40- day Lenten Journey and is the most intergenerational worship service of the year. Ashes will be imposed for all worshippers.
The I AM sayings of Jesus will be our sermon series focus for Lent. The series begins on February 26. There are six I AM sayings recorded in the Gospel of John. We will teach the Kingdom lessons of Jesus for each one.
On February 28, we will offer a church-wide study for Lent the SEVEN DEADLY SINS. This study will be offered twice each Tuesday at 9AM and 6:30PM. Our pastors will work in tandem during this study.
As you can see February will be filled with church and ministry highlights. Let’s make the shortest month of the year extra special by participating in these opportunities!
Shalom, Philip
Lead Pastor
Dr. Philip McVay
Our Youth Choir is selling subs for Super Bowl Sunday!
$1: Chips/Drinks
$6: 1 Sub
$25: 4 Subs & chips + a 2 liter soda
If you would like a ticket, the youth choir will be selling them in between Sunday services, or contact our Worship Pastor, Brad Bradford.
Saturday, February 11 6pm in the Family Life Center
YOU ARE INVITED to the Valentine’s Day Banquet next Saturday, February 11th at 6pm. The Banquet will be hosted by the students of our youth program as an opportunity to say “thank you” for the love you show them throughout the year. Reserve your seats online ( by Wednesday, February 8th, and enjoy a free evening of entertainment, great food, and romance with us! Nursery care is provided.
Tuesday, February 14 7pm in the Sanctuary
We would love to invite you to a Grand Valentine’s Night provided by The Stegall Foundation. Join us after your dinner reservation we know you already have and enjoy a night of entertainment by renowned pianist, Randall Atcheson. The event is free for all to attend.
announcements & articles
Did You Know?
Did you know that we have four men, Rev. Matt Langford, Kyle Wilson, Pete Peters, and Terry Brown going on a mission trip to Cuba this week from the 30-4?
Please lift these men in prayer for safe travels and that God’s will is to be accomplished.
Joyful Place
We are full of fun and games at Joyful Place. Not only are our activities of Wheel of Fortune, Corn Hole, and Group Word searches fun, they are therapeutic! A little exercise for the brain and the body does wonders. Solving puzzles, standing, throwing, reaching, and grabbing for items is great for mind and body and spirit. Speaking of puzzles, can you guess the phrase in our Wheel of Fortune game?
We hope some of you can help us with an upcoming special event. MOPS and Joyful Place will be doing “Glamor Shots “ for our friends on Valentine’s day.
If you are a Mary Kay, Avon, or other cosmetics consultant, do you have any sample makeup we could have to use on our friends?
If so, please let us know. Of course, if you’d like to come and help primp our ladies for the photos we would be happy to have you!
(850) 651-0721 ext. 113
Be JOYFUL Always! -Leigh Rice
Contact Us Phone Email Address Website 850-651-0721 1 Old Ferry Road Shaliamr, FL 32579 Facebook Find Us Shalimar UMC Instagram shalimarumc App Stores Shalimar United Methodist Church