Methodist Church Shalimar United Week of March 5, 2023
Shalimar UMC
Lead Pastor
Dr. Philip McVay
Dr. Brad Bradford Worship Pastor
Rev. David Garvin Youth Pastor
Rev. Matt Langford Associate Pastor
Gerald Batton Custodian
Chris Bennett Facility & Maintenance Manager
Pat Brantley Office Administrative Assistant
Abigail Denney Media & Communications
Joy Harris Financial Assistant
Denise Heath Finance
Sarah Hicks Children’s Director
Karen Jadin Preschool Director
Tony Mallini Interim Church Administrator
Heyward McKenzie Chef
Katie Pascoe Nursery Director
Leigh J. Rice Respite Director
Dawn Rozofsky After School & Camp Director
Ben Savage Worship Arts
Jeremy Thiess Ministries Assistant
After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance
Dr. Philip McVay: (850) 607-1133
Dr. Brad Bradford: (850) 227-4328
Rev. David Garvin: (850) 319-0072
Rev. Matt Langford: (334) 437-3931
Table Of Contents
Our Vision
Christ-centered, multi-generational, family & community relevant ministries through worship, discipleship, and mission.
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Page Title
This Sunday in Worship
Church Life
Philip’s Focus
Weekly Schedule
Announcements & Articles
Shalimar Kidz
May Marriage Workshop
Joyful Place
The Bread House
Our Mission
We REACH out to our congregation, community, and the world.
We TEACH the word of God as provided in the Holy-Scripture.
We SEND our members and missionaries to be witnesses to God’s grace and His promise of eternal life.
Worship Services
Sunday at Shalimar
Traditions: 8AM & 11AM
Meet us in the Sanctuary as we celebrate through the rich traditions of our faith. Such as hymns led by organ and piano, seasonal vestments, and Traditional Methodist liturgy. Our Chancel Choir leads the 11AM service.
Connect: 9:30AM
Join us in the Sanctuary as we engage in a fourfold service of praise, service of the Word, Holy Communion with candle stations of prayer, and sending forth. Worship is a blend of contemporary praise songs and upbeat hymns.
Freedom: 11:07AM
Located in the Family Life Center Gym as we come together and worship through modern music, Fellowship time, and listen to an inspirational message in a contemporary atmosphere.
This Sunday in Worship
March 5, 2023
In Person & Online
Message by Dr. Philip McVay
Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford
In Person & Online
Message by Rev. Matt Langford
Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford
In Person & Online
Message by Dr. Philip McVay
Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford
In Person & Online
Message by Rev. Matt Langford
Worship Led by Ben Savage and The Freedom Team
... They answered, “Show us a miraculous sign if you want us to believe in you. What can you do? After all, our ancestors ate manna while they journeyed through the wilderness! The Scriptures say, ‘Moses gave them bread from heaven to eat.’”
Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, Moses didn’t give you bread from heaven. My Father did. And now he offers you the true bread from heaven. The true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
“Sir,” they said, “give us that bread every day.”
Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
- John 6:30-35 NLT
Our Trustees committee is hosting a campus workday on Saturday, March 11 at 9am to get our grounds looking top-notch for the Easter season! We would love for you to join us and rake some leaves, plant some flowers, and make our campus extra beautiful this year!
If you want to sign up or have any questions, one of our Trustees will be available in the FLC lobby in between services.
Join us next Sunday night, March 12 at 5pm in the FLC to see all the opportunities that Shalimar UMC has for Missions and Outreach!
Come listen to our Mission’s Team share about their latest trip to Cuba and learn about the impact YOU can make in our community. Plus, FREE dinner.
Join us for Confirmation Sunday on March 12 during our Freedom worship service at 11:07am.
We are recognizing the young students that have been attending Confirmation classes every Sunday to make that next step in their faith journey.
Click HERE to visit the Church Life page on our website!
Philip’s Focus
As a sports nut, March means NCAA basketball March Madness. I’m equally excited when Spring is in the air, and I hear and see the sights and sounds of a new baseball season. In the church for the last nine years here at Shalimar, we have our own version of “March Madness.” Our vibrant church events pick it up another notch! Instead of March Madness, I call it “LENT LUMINOSITY.” Yes, we are even more vibrant in sharing the light of Jesus during Lent!
Our church brackets are all prepared with wonderful plans, as we move into the second full week of lent. We already know Jesus wins in the final four with victories over sin, the Evil One, and death. The victory is already won!
Shalimar United Methodist Church plans to increase the vibrancy in any way! Worship, study, ministry, giving, and serving opportunities are abundant as we illuminate through growth spiritually, participation, and impact.
This Sunday, March 5th, we will talk about the second I am saying of Jesus. The I AM saying for this week is... “I Am the Bread of Life.” We will also have a tangible response to the sermon by partaking of the bread of Christ, through Holy Communion.
The SEVEN DEADLY SINS STUDY got off to a fantastic start this past week with over 50 people participating between two sessions. There’s still time for you to join the study. Our focus this week will be on the deadly sin of ENVY. Come and join us at either 9:00 AM or 6:30 PM on Tuesday, March 7th.
On Sunday, March 11th, at 9AM we are having a Church Wide Workday organized by the Trustees. All willing workers are invited to come and help. In Nehemiah 3:6-8, we read how many people working together make greater work more possible. We have a beautiful campus, and this gives us a chance to be good stewards of this Kingdom real estate of God.
Here is a word from our Trustees Chair, Joe Kocanowski… “It’s almost springtime and the leaves are falling (remember you’re in Florida). Trustees would like to prepare our campus for Easter activities and are inviting you to come help us on Saturday, March 11th starting about 9AM. We have a wide variety of tasks we want to tackle. You can sign up for specific tasks this Sunday or just come by on the 11th... If you can’t make it but still want to help, contact me and I will get you plugged in.”
On March 12th, we will receive this year’s Shalimar UMC’s CONFIRMATION SUNDAY. This is such an important day in the life of our young people who receive baptism and become members of the church. This year’s class is finishing lessons about the meaning of being a Christian, following Jesus, baptism, and church membership. The Confirmation Class of 2023 will be received into our church membership at the 11:07 service.
We also will be collecting a LILY OFFERING in the upcoming weeks for the Agape Fund, Bread House, and One Hopeful Place, which helps people in need. We hope you will give generously to the Lord for our vibrant ministry through the operations budget and for the beyond our normal giving for the Lily project.
These are just some of the highlights for the first half of March. There is more to come in the second half of the month! Come and be a part of the LENTEN LUMINOSITY!
Shalom, Philip
Lead Pastor
Dr. Philip McVay
Week of March 5, 2023
Sunday, March 5 SS Adults 9:30AM SS Youth 9:30AM SS Special Buddies 9:30AM Kidz Worship 9:30AM Kidz Worship 11AM Youth Choir Rehearsal 4PM Special Buddies 5PM Student Worship 5PM Monday, March 6 Bread House 9AM Threads of Love 10AM Lead Team Meeting 5PM Connect Rehearsal 5:30PM Lighthouse Rehearsal 6PM Alanon 6PM SPR Meeting 6:30PM AA 8PM Tuesday, March 7 Deadly Sins Bible Study 9AM Joyful Place 10AM 3rd Grade Bible Study 3:30PM Freedom Rehearsal 5:30PM Joy Ringers Bell Rehearsal 5:30PM Men’s Group 6PM Prayer Group 6PM Deadly Sins Bible Study 6:30PM Wednesday, March 8 Bread House 9AM Splash 1 & 2 9:30AM Blessings for Children 10AM ReBoot 4:30PM Fellowship Dinner 5PM Kidz Club 5:30PM Youth Small Groups 6PM YA Small Group 6PM Old Testament Studies 6PM Pastor’s Class 6PM Gloryland 6PM Rejoice 6PM Orchestra 6PM Chancel Choir 7PM AA 8PM Thursday, March 9 MOPS Meeting 9AM Joyful Place 10AM 4/5th Grade Bible Study 3:30PM AVL Committee Meeting 6PM Friday, March 10 Bread House 9AM Saturday, March 11 Campus Work Day 9AM Quilting 9AM Pickleball 9AM 10
announcements & articles
GriefShare is a special weekly seminar & support group designed to help you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help.
Help & encourage after the death of a loved one.
Did You Know?
SUMC Church Family, Did you know that the SUMC Missions’ Committee recently participated and was an event sponsor for the local Emerald Coast Exchange Club Strike Out Child Abuse Bowl A Thon. The team members were Ben Savage, Matt Langford, Ron Garriga, Heyward McKenzie, Amanda Baca, Abigail Denney, and Skylar Raffield. The team took home the “Most Spirited” Award!!
We strive to make a difference in our community!
These 3rd – 5th graders are committed to connecting with God and others as they participate in weekly Bible studies with their friends. It has been a joy to witness these two groups share their faith with one another and others among the community.
We invite all 3rd – 5th graders to join in on the fun! The children love welcoming new friends into the group. The following are the meeting details:
3rd Graders
Tuesdays | 3:30-4:30pm
McDonalds in Shalimar
4th & 5th Graders
Thursdays | 3:30-4:30pm
McDonalds in Shalimar
For more information or to RSVP, please contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Sarah Hicks. Contact information listed below.
Grace and Peace!
(850)651-0721 ext. 116
May’s Marriage Workshop!
Be JOYFUL Always! -Leigh Rice Leigh Rice (850) 651-0721 ext. 113
Joyful Place
The Bread House
Monday | Wednesday | Friday 9am-12pm
Bags Collected: 331 Bags Given Out: 350 Members Served: 387
POC: Pete Peters (703) 395-2437
Paper Towels | Toilet Paper
Canned Vegetables: Corn, Green Beans, & Mixed
Canned Meat: Tuna, Chicken, & Spam
Dried Goods | Beans & Rice
Fruit, Potatoes, & Onions
These supplies are needed for each week. If you wish to donate money instead, send a check to SUMC. Make the memo line out to “Bread House”
Bags Collected: 49,071
Bags Given Out: 39,906 Members Served: 38,196
Meet Samboo!
She is one of the Monday regulars and brings eggrolls!
She feeds the people who feed the people! Some folks don’t have much but want to help anyway they can.
Week 148
Contact Us Phone Email Address Website (850) 651-0721 1 Old Ferry Road Shalimar, FL 32579 Facebook Find Us Shalimar UMC Instagram shalimarumc App Stores Shalimar United Methodist Church