No Minimum Donation
No Minimum Donation
No Minimum Donation
Please submit by December 15th
Please submit by December 15th
Please submit by December 15th
Your Name(s): ___________________
Your Name(s): ___________________
Your Name(s): ___________________
Total Amount $: ____________________
Total Amount $: ____________________
Total Amount $: ____________________
Include an optional short message Below to appear in the Worship Guide. Please write legibly.
Include an optional short message Below to appear in the Worship Guide. Please write legibly.
Include an optional short message Below to appear in the Worship Guide. Please write legibly.
Honor Someone & Help Children
Honor Someone & Help Children
Each Christmas we honor or remember loved ones with a special collection called the Advent Offering. Donations are being collected to support the children in our community.
Each Christmas we honor or remember loved ones with a special collection called the Advent Offering. Donations are being collected to support the children in our community.
Each Christmas we honor or remember loved ones with a special collection called the Advent Offering. Donations are being collected to support the children in our community.
For any donation, you may honor or remember special friends, neighbors and family. Please fill out this order form and return it, along with your donation, during church or to the church office. Please write “Advent Offering” on the memo line of your check.
For any donation, you may honor or remember special friends, neighbors and family. Please fill out this order form and return it, along with your donation, during church or to the church office. Please write “Advent Offering” on the memo line of your check.
For any donation, you may honor or remember special friends, neighbors and family. Please fill out this order form and return it, along with your donation, during church or to the church office. Please write “Advent Offering” on the memo line of your check.
Please submit forms no later than December 15th. Loved ones will be honored in the December 22 Worship Guide.
Please submit forms no later than December 15th. Loved ones will be honored in the December 22 Worship Guide.
Please submit forms no later than December 15th. Loved ones will be honored in the December 22 Worship Guide.
Honor Someone & Help Children