The Beacon January 31, 2021
Welcome to Shalimar UMC We are so glad you’ve chosen to worship with us this week! Hearing assistance devices are available for the Sanctuary. Please see an usher to obtain these aids. All services can be found online at
O ur Visio n Christ-centered, multigenerational, family and community relevant ministries through worship, discipleship, and mission.
O ur Missi on REAC H, T EAC H, and SEND We REACH out to our congregation, community, and the world to TEACH the word of God as provided in the Holy Scripture, and SEND our members and missionaries to be witnesses to God’s grace and His promise of eternal life to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Wors hi p S ervices T rad itions At 8:00am and 11:00 Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary, we celebrate through the rich traditions of our faith such as hymns led by organ and piano, seasonal vestments, and traditional Methodist liturgy. Our Chancel Choir leads the 11:00am service. Conn ect At 9:30am Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary, we engage in a four-fold service of gathering praise, service of the Word, Holy Communion with candle stations for prayer, and sending forth. The music is a blend of contemporary praise songs and upbeat hymns. Fre ed om At 11:07am Sunday mornings in the Family Life Center Gym, we worship through modern music, multimedia, and a teaching style message in a nontraditional atmosphere. We come to God as we are to experience the freedom of not having to stay that way.
Here's what you need to know this week.
The Week of Sunday, January 31st •
Ash Wednesday - On Feb 17th, we will have a drive-through event at 7am, a service in the Sanctuary at 12pm, and a service in the gym at 6pm for Ash Wednesday. Both services will have options for touch or a no-touch way to participate. If you would like ashes mailed to your house, please call the church office. Even if you don't have ashes, we will have a way you can participate
Lent Discipleship Opportunities - We will have multiple ways you can draw closer to God during the season of Lent, which starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. You'll find all of these opportunities listed on our website by clicking the Lent Banner at the top of the webpage. One of the options is a short, 3-5 minute devotion each morning led by one of the pastors for all 40 days. Visit for more details.
Attendance - We would love for you to register your attendance with us. You can fill out the webform found online, or you can send an email to
Ministerial Staff Dr. Philip McVay - Lead Pastor Dr. Brad Bradford………………………………………….…….……………...Worship Pastor Rev. David Garvin………………………………………………..………………... Youth Pastor Rev. Matt Langford……………….….…………………….……..…………...Associate Pastor Rev. Faith Parry………………………………………….…………….Communication Pastor Vacant ……………..………………………………………….Director of Children’s Ministry Karen Jadin………………………………………………………………..Director of Preschool Dawn Rozofsky ……………………………………………………………….Director of Camp Ben Savage …………….……………………………………..Worship Ministries Associate After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance: Dr. Philip McVay (850) 607-1133 Dr. Brad Bradford (850) 227-4328 Rev. David Garvin (850) 319-0072 Rev. Matt Langford (334) 437-3931 Rev. Faith Parry (850) 420-9888 1 Old Ferry Road | P.O. Box 795 Shalimar, FL 32579 (850) 651-0721 | Office Hours: Mon- Thu | 8 am - 4 pm Fri | 8 am - 12 pm
Stay Connected! Facebook: Shalimar UMC
Visit us online:
THIS SUNDAY IN WORSHIP Sunday, January 31, 2021
It’s All About God Psalm 111
TRADITIONS – SANCTUARY 8:00am – In-Person & Online Message by Dr. Philip McVay Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford SUMC Orchestra Tracy Mank and Diane Coe – He Will Hold Me Fast
CONNECT – SANCTUARY 9:30am – In-Person & Online Message by Dr. Philip McVay Holy Communion Celebrated by Rev. Matt Langford Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford The Connect Worship Team and SUMC Orchestra
TRADITIONS – SANCTUARY 11:00am – In-Person & Online Message by Dr. Philip McVay Worship Led by Dr. Brad Bradford Chancel Choir and SUMC Orchestra – At the Name of Jesus Tracy Mank and Diane Coe – He Will Hold Me Fast
FREEDOM SERVICE – FAMILY LIFE CENTER 11:07am – In-Person & Online Message by Rev. Matt Langford Worship led by Ben Savage Freedom Worship Team
Philip’s Focus Praise of Our Lay Leadership In previous Beacon articles, I have praised our steadfast congregation and last week our phenomenal staff! Today, I praise our amazing lay leadership! As we move forward from the most challenging year in Shalimar UMC's 69-year history and into 2021, I would like to say we would not have "weathered the storm" without our lay leadership. The "weathering of the storm" analogy seems like inadequate words. Despite all that went against us, our lay leadership has placed our congregation in a position to thrive this year! In football, a center is not known as the quarterback. Yet, make no mistake about it; unless you get a good snap, the play has no chance. In church leadership, sometimes people do not know who is serving until something goes wrong! Well, let me lift up our lay leadership because they are doing so much right! I will begin with the Lead Team! Throughout the year (sometimes very often), I meet with our Lead Team. This team is comprised of our Church Council Chair, Jeff McInnis; Finance Chair, David Mobley; Lay Leader, Gavin Tovrea; Staff Parish Chair, Wendy Thomas; Trustees Chair, Howard Goodpaster; and Church Administrator, Scott Newbold. These individuals go far beyond normal duties and invest additional time to build our Lead Team. We address common issues for the good of the church and the health of our overall administrative body. We all seek to be accountable to each other and stay in our lanes of particular leadership. We have found having a leadership team in place has created common priorities and elevates the work of our leadership teams of Church Council, Finance, Nominations, SPR, and Trustees. I cannot thank these chairpersons enough for helping us navigate through two difficult years. I am delighted to say our Lead Team has no personal agendas other than what is best for the church! We are so blessed by these chairpersons! We are blessed by our administrative teams' leadership! This would include our Church Council (Jeff McInnis and members), Finance Committee (David Mobley; Mack Gay, Treasurer; and members), Lay Leadership/Nominations team members, Staff Parish (Wendy
Thomas and members), and Trustees (Howard Goodpaster and team members). You can see all the members we need to thank for serving in our lay leadership listing in this Beacon! (see 2021 Church Officers) Our ministry teams also have excellent leadership! Missions have made a quantum leap forward this year under Pete Peters! Blessings for Children has emerged strongly under Mary Jane Robertson's vision! Our military ministry has excelled under Deb Hutto and Jeanne Racquier! Prayer ministry has remained constant under Jim Brantley. The AVL team has advanced light years under Hal Crowson and many others on his team! Our security ministry is second to none under the mentorship of Ed Keller! Our phenomenal Membership Secretary, Renata Steiner. Our Treasurer, Mack Gay who is such a splendid churchman! Under Jill Dickey's leadership and her team Sandy Kocanowski, Drew and Katie Pasco, Beth Russell, and Diane Rowe, worship has had a crazy year, yet a very fruitful year. Our worship team has had the daunting task of exercising all our COVID19 protocols. Again, we are grateful to the children's leadership team: Melanie Bandy, Chris Day, and Jennifer McRae, for helping us through this time between directors. Ian Theriot's passion for youth ministry has positively impacted the program.
Finally, I apologize for any oversights in this article. We have so many leaders visible and behind the scenes to thank. I still have one more article of praise to write to finish this series. Two weeks from now, I will "praise additional volunteers and servants" at Shalimar UMC! There are far too many to capture in one article! Please take a moment and thank our lay leadership this year. Pray for them! Encourage them! Let's not only notice them when something goes wrong! Let's praise the good job they are doing! Our church would not have navigated two difficult years without them! Thanks be to God! Next week I will be writing about the "State of our Church 2021." I will also highlight this report at all our worship services. Hope to see you in person or online this Sunday! Shalom, Philip Dr. Philip McVay, Lead Pastor
2021 Church Of ficers Finance Committee 2023: Suzy Chapman, Mike Qualls, Kyle Wilson 2022: Basil Bethea, Fred Carnes, Laurel Tovrea 2021: Lee Jackson, Lori Kelly, David Mobley* ** Ex-Officio Members: Church Council Chair - Jeff McInnis Lay Leader - Gavin Tovrea Treasurer - Mack Gay SPR Chair - Wendy Thomas Trustee Chair - Howard Goodpaster Lay Delegate - Pat Gross
Board of Trustees 2023: Mark Bethea, Joe Kocanowski, Jason Theriault 2022: Susan Blumenthal, Shirley Carnes, Howard Goodpaster* 2021: Hal Crowson, John Patterson, Jackie Youngblood
Committee on Lay Leadership 2023: Kathy Curry, Ralph Johnson, William Schenck 2022: Susan Daugard, Sara Michaelson, Renata Steiner 2021: Nicci Fahle, Patricia Payne, Chuck Kelly ** Ex-Officio Members: Lead Pastor - Philip McVay Lay Leader - Gavin Tovrea
Staff/Parish Relations 2023: Sandy Kocanowski, Beth Russell, Melanie Schenck 2022: Shevewan Cooper 2021: Dennis Blumenthal, Connie Curtis, Wendy Thomas* ** Ex-Officio Members: Lay Leader - Gavin Tovrea, Lay Delegate - Dave Biggar
Permanent Endowment Comm. Lead Pastor - Philip McVay Trustee Chair - Howard Goodpaster Finance Chair - David Mobley
Stewardship Chair - Lee Jackson
* Committee Chair ** Ex-Officio As of 1/27/2021
Church Council Voting Members Jeff McInnis Gavin Tovrea Kelly Bethea Mack Gay Renata Steiner Anne Porter Howard Goodpaster Wendy Thomas David Mobley Keith Latimer Landon Baugh Melanie Bandy Ian Theriault Joanna Newbold Ken Winzeler
Church Council Class of 2023 Jane Crosby Laura Peacock
Marv Olson Mike Ray
Class of 2022 Jane Benson Alice Biggar Nancy Caison Alicia Franklin
Mary Huggins Pat Loukota Scott Smith
Class of 2021 Jerry Buckman Cody Jaehnig Chuck Kelley Ron Morse
Buddy Naylor Janet Norris Jennifer Parker Cheri Perry
Annual Conference Delegates Delegates Mark Bethea Kelly Bethea Dave Biggar Pat Gross
Alternates Bill McBroom Linda McBroom Alice Biggar Ron Gross
* Committee Chair ** Ex-Officio As of 1/27/2021
District Delegates Jim Brantley Pat Brantley
2021 Church Officers
Chairperson Lay Leader Conference Delegate Church Treasurer Membership Secretary Church Historian Trustee Chair SPR Chair Finance Chair UMM President Youth Representative Children Youth Young Adult Adult
2021 Church Of ficers Audio Visual Lighting Steven Cardinez, *Hal Crowson, Tanner Dubose, Ron Judy, David Kidd, Heather Lang, Jacob Martin, Tim Masek, Ron Morse, and AJ Parry
Children Chad Bandy, *Melanie Bandy, Dawn Bazzel, Kathy Curry, Chris Day, Sandy Kocanowski, Jennifer McRae, Tammy Morgan, , Cheri Penas, Rebecca Perez, Judy Plemmons, Mary Weatherby, and Scott Youngblood
Drama Ron Morse, Nicci Fahle, *Marcia WrightReynolds, and Mike WrightReynolds
Evangelism *Lee Orr
Fun ‘n’ Fellowship Denise Heath, *Josie Kiser, Kim Margold, and Beth Russell
Military *Jeanne Racquier and *Deb Hutto
Missions *Pete Peters - Cuba; Maddie Hillard - Hungary; Mary Jane Robertson - Blessings for Children; **Sharon Rogers - Safe Connections & Holly Fair; Ken Winzeler Sharing & Caring; Tracey Bethea - FAITH Backpack; Lee and Caryn Orr - Faith in Action; Phil Richter - Fresh Start
Nuture Nancy Kahrs, Amanda Harris, and Brittany Ryherd
One + ONE Diane Aden, Cisca O’Brien, *Eileen Cox, and Ollie Fay Flint
Security Eric Aden, Mark Baugh, Terry Brown, Tom Giovanni, *Ed Keller, Mike Kiser, Larry Lewellan, AJ Parry, MK Simpson, Barry Steiner, Renata Steiner, and Brian Wood
*Leader ** Co-Leader As of 1/27/2021
United Methodist Men *Keith Latimer
Young Adults David Garvin, David James, Matt Langford, David & Ryoko Mobley, *Joanna Newbold, and Angelina & Ben Savage
Youth Aubrey Beck, Mark Bethea, Gavin Crowson, Joey Davidson, Kaitlyn Helton, Cody Jaehnig, Jacob Martin, Anna O’Neal, *Ian Theriault and Kyle Wilson
Ministries Reporting to Church Council AVL Boy Scouts/Charter Rep Bus Children Disaster Team Drama Evangelism Fun ‘n’ Fellowship Hospitality Military Missions Prayer Security Singles Worship Young Adults Youth
Hal Crowson Courtney Gable Cheri Penas Melanie Bandy Keith Wood MarciaWrightReynolds Lee Orr Josie Kiser Beth Russell Jeanne Racquier Deb Hutto Pete Peters Jim Brantley Ed Keller Eileen Cox Jill Dickey Joanna Newbold Ian Theriault
Lead Team Church Council Chair - Jeff McInnis Finance Chair - David Mobley Trustee Chair - Howard Goodpaster SPR Chair - Wendy Thomas Church Administrator - Scott Newbold Lay Leader - Gavin Tovrea Lead Pastor - Philip McVay
*Leader ** Co-Leader As of 1/27/2021
2021 Church Officers
*Jill Dickey, Tom Giovanini, Sandy & Joe Kocanowski, David & Katie Pascoe, Trimble Perry, and Terri Wilkins
The flowers placed in the sanctuary today are given to the glory of God. In Memory of Rose and Bruce Beveridge and Rose Smith
Here at MOPS, we gather and support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when we come together, face-to-face. If you are expecting or have an infant, toddler, or preschooler, this group is for you!
2020-2021 Theme: Decide to Rise • • •
Evening Zoom meetings: 2nd Thursday of each month Playdates: 3rd Thursday of each month Monthly in-person mom meetups: Dates vary
For more information: Call/text Brittany at 850-974-7793 or search for our MOPS of Shalimar group on Facebook ( groups/mopsofshalimar)
Young Adults (age 18-35) Collide: In School Sundays, 7-8:15pm Led By Rev. Matt Langford Cross Corner Fellowship Hall Revive: Professionals Mondays, 7-8:15pm Led By Ben & Angelina Savage SUMC room 20
Merge: In Transition Thursdays, 7-8:15pm Led By David James & David Garvin #10 2nd Street
Rev. David Garvin, Youth Pastor 850-651-0721 |
Student Worship 6-8PM in the FLC Gym Join us for snack supper, games, fellowship, and worship!
Small Groups 6-8PM in the Youth Rooms Join us for worship, discussion, and fellowship!
GET INFORMED Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages to stay updated on student activities.
Registration is Open See Karen-Preschool Director - 651-0721 VPK registrations must have VPK certificate Found at
Shalimar United Methodist Children’s Ministry Sundays: 9:30am - 12:15pm 9:30am - Sunday School 10:30am - Snack 11:00am - Children’s Church
Wednesdays: 5:00pm - 8:00pm Cost $3.00 5:00pm - snack supper 6:00pm - children’s choir 6:45pm - Kidz Club
We are so thankful for the volunteers helping keep our children's ministry running strong while looking for a new children's director. Melanie Bandy, Chris Day, and Jennifer McRae are working as a three-woman team to ensure that our children have no interruptions to the programs they have come to know and love. If you'd like to help them during this time of transition, they would welcome the support. You can contact them by emailing The first Sunday of every month we have no Children’s Church to let all families enjoy Family Communion Sunday.
Bus to Sunday School and home is now available for children age 4 -18 years old from 9:30-10:30am on Sundays. Parent’s permission slip must be notarized. Please visit to download form. Call Cheri Penas at 850-461-1131 to reserve your child’s spot.
We still have Openings for
After School Camp!
Dawn Rozofsky Camp Director Cell: 850-294-2384 Church: 850-651-0721
We pick up from select local schools and bring them back for a daily devotion, we serve a healthy snack, have assisted homework time, crafts, games, and play.
M-F 2:00 am - 5:30 pm Registration: $40 Rates: $55 weekly or $35 - 3 days and under per week
SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION BEGINS Mon, Feb. 8, 2021 Pick up a Registration packet from the Camp office, Register in person between 3pm-5:30pm or online. Turn in your registration packet and registration fee quickly. Space will be limited!!
HELP WANTED!!!! After School Camp/Summer Camp is looking to hire: A Counselor/Driver - 25 yr. old and up with a FL Driver’s License or FL CDL endorsement to drive our afternoon bus routes! A Counselor - 16 yr. old and up to lead a classroom of children through scheduled activities. After School Camp hours are part-time M-F from 1:30pm-6pm following the Okaloosa School Calendar. Summer Camp is full/part-time M-F from 7:15am-6pm following the Okaloosa School Calendar Summer Break.
Week 41 was interesting. We started with a holiday on Monday, and our numbers stayed low all week. We think it might be because some people received their stimulus checks and had money to buy food. The good news is we hit a milestone. The Bread House has given out over 40-tons of food! Who would have thought the congregation working together could help so many people! You all should be proud of what we can do when we work together! Bless you, all!
Ladies receive some donations that must be processed into the Bread House.
Folks are filling out their request form. Sometimes we do not have what they request, but we give them what we have!
Pantry stocked after donations! If you have not stopped by the Bread House, please come by any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 9-12 pm. We would love to show you around! Week 41 Numbers Bags Collected - 221 Bags Given Out - 284 Gift cards Given Out - 1 Members Served - 262
Total Numbers Bags Collected - 11,679 Bags Given Out - 10,879 (40.8 tons) Gift cards Given Out - 173 (over $7,280) Members Served - 7,997
Some of the items needed include: • Dried beans and rice • Canned vegetables (corn, green beans, mixed), beans, soups (tomato, chicken noodle, and mushroom), tuna and chicken • Fruit cups and single-serving chips and snacks • Mac and cheese • Cereal, oatmeal, and grits • Paper Towel and Toilet Paper If you would like to donate to the Bread House, you can do that in the MEMO line enter COVID-19 or Bread House. Bless you, for all you do to help those in need! Bless you, for all you do to help those in need! Questions or want to become a volunteer, contact Janet Norris at 850.598.5399 or email
Blessings for Children Expanding How We Bless Others If you have been reading these Blessings for Children articles, you probably know by now what services we share with the children who visit our ministry each week, but you may not know the oversight for those visits. When we began this ministry in 2019, our start-up team determined that we would serve each child six times over 12 months. Those six visits would result in the child receiving a total of 18 new t-shirts, underwear, and pairs of socks (3 per visit), 270 diapers (45 per visit), along with the personal care items and school supplies we also share. That protocol continues into our 3rd year, but this year we have expanded it to add four (4) additional visits during the 12 months for children in need of diapers or pull-ups. Having access to accessible laundry services can be difficult when you have financial needs. We believe providing the additional diapers for the littlest ones in the family will help ease that burden. We are always so grateful for how our church family supports this ministry. If you are looking for a way to help a family in our community, please consider donating diapers, pull-ups, or wipes (we give one pack of wipes with each set of diapers or pull-ups). It has been and continues to be our most pressing need. • Please pray for the ministry and all who participate. • Consider donating items we distribute to the children. Diapers (size 4, 5, and 6 in particular) and pull-ups, wipes, school supplies, children sized tshirts, socks and underwear, children's toothbrushes, toothpaste, body wash or soap, shampoo, and toilet paper. You can find a complete list of items on the church website at You can donate items by stopping by the #10 2nd Street house behind the church any Wednesday from 11:30am-3:30pm. Children's bibles and bible stories and activity books are always a joy to receive and distribute! And Spanish language Bibles are always needed! • A financial gift designated to Blessings for Children through the church allows us to shop for needed items.
New volunteers are always welcome, with no regular commitment required. For additional information Mary Jane Robertson Email: Visit: Phone: (850) 499-6173 Open every Wednesday 12 - 3:30 pm
IT'S A NEW STUDY!!!! Splash of Joy I will begin a new study on Wed, Feb 10th, 9:30-11:30. This brand new video led study, Elijah, by Priscilla Shirer promises to meet us where we are living today. Elijah emerged as the voice of unapologetic truth during a time of national crisis and moral decline. His ministry was marked by tenacious faith and holy fire - the same kind you need in order to remain steadfast in current culture. Would you be willing to commit to a 7-week study along with other women who are walking alongside you? Come join us in this adventure. Study guides will be handed out the first day of class and books will be $17.00. We will meet in the sanctuary. You may also join us by ZOOM if you prefer. Sara Michaelson will lead the study and you may direct questions to her at 850-865-3343.
Prayer Prayer Room The Prayer Room is always available for your use. The code to enter is 1423. After each Sunday morning service, someone will be present to pray with if you would like. They will also respect your wishes to pray alone. Prayer shawls are available for your use. The Prayer Box with cards is available for you to leave a request for either the pastors or Prayer Team. They will pray for you or a situation you would like lifted up. There have been great reports of use for this special place. Prayer Chain You can add someone to the Prayer Chain, share an answered prayer or receive prayer requests and praises through email. We are excited to announce the prayer list can now be accessed on the website or app. Please call the office for the password to this page. If you’d like to start receiving the Prayer List via email, website, or app, please call the church office at 651-0721 or email Prayer Ministry Please contact the church office at 651-0721 if you are interested in becoming involved in one of the following Prayer Ministries: • Prayer Group - meets weekly to share praises and intercessory
prayer for people listed on the Prayer List (both church and personal)
• Prayer Room Attendant - Volunteer to pray with those who
come to the Prayer Room after the Sunday morning worship services
• Pray in the Prayer Room during each Sunday morning worship
• Pray for special church functions and events • Participate in the Prayer Chain and Prayer Link
21 days of worship, prayer, & fasting attendance Day 1 87
Day 2 88
Day 3 70
Day 4 97
Day 5 74
Day 6 52
Day 7 703
Day 8 69
Day 9 67
Day 10 60
Day 11 70
Day 12 42
Day 13 85
Day 14 644
Day 15 53
Day 16 50
Day 17 42
Day 18 57
Day 19 49
Day 20 55
Day 21 669
End of year financial statements were mailed the week of January 11th. If you have not received your statement by Friday, January 22nd, please give the finance office a call at 850-651-0721.
Weekly Schedule Sunday, January 31st Worship Times In-Person Traditions Worship ........ 8:00 & 11:00 am Connect Worship ........................... 9:30 am Freedom Worship ...................... 11:07 am Sunday, January 31st Library ................................................9:00 am Sunday School (SS) Zoom ..............9:30 am SS Adults ..........................................9:30 am SS Children & Youth .......................9:30 am Children’s Upper Room ............... 10:15 am Children’s Church ........................ 11:00 am GriefShare zoom ............................ 3:00 pm Youth Choir .................................... 5:00 pm REBOOT zoom .............................. 5:30 pm Student Worship ............................ 6:00 pm Collide ............................................... 7:00 pm Monday, February 1st Bread House .....................................9:00 am Connect Team Rehearsal .............. 5:30 pm Alanon .............................................. 6:00 pm Church Council zoom .................... 6:00 pm Lighthouse Rehearsal .................... 6:00 pm Revive ............................................... 7:00 pm Tuesday, February 2nd Joy Ringers Rehearsal.................... 5:30 pm Prayer Group ................................... 6:00 pm Freedom Worship Practice .......... 6:30 pm
Worship Times Online Traditions Worship ........ 8:00 & 11:00 am Connect Worship ........................... 9:30 am Freedom Worship ....................... 11:07 am Wednesday, February 3rd Bread House .................................... 9:00 am Splash of Joy I ................................. 9:30 am Splash of Joy II ................................ 9:30 am Library ............................................. 10:00 am Blessings for Children ................. 12:00 pm Becoming a Better Student ......... 5:00 pm Kidz Club .......................................... 5:00 pm Children’s Choir Rehearsal ............ 6:00 pm Gloryland ......................................... 6:00 pm Orchestra Rehearsal ....................... 6:00 pm Pastor’s Class Online ...................... 6:00 pm Rejoice .............................................. 6:00 pm Student Small Group ...................... 6:00 pm Choir Rehearsal ............................... 7:00 pm Thursday, February 4th Freedom AVL................................... 5:30 pm REBOOT ........................................... 5:30 pm Emerald Coast Barber Shop.......... 7:00 pm Merge ................................................ 7:00 pm Friday, February 5th Bread House .................................... 9:00 am Scrapbooking ................................ 12:00 pm Saturday, February 6th Scrapbooking ................................... 8:00 am Pickleball........................................... 9:00 am
Attendance Jan 24, 2021
In-Person Livestream
Children’s Church
8:00 Service
9:30 Service
11 :00 Service
11:07 Service
Total: 669