Thursday 1:00 pm csT
2013 Lunch 11:30 am
Johnstone Auction Mart Ltd. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
• 100 cow/caLf pairs • 30 Bred heifers • 3 herd BuLLs • enTire semen invenTory
Glendor Dispersal Dispersal Dispersal Glendor Dispersal Welcome toGlendor AcReSGlendor comPlete heRD DISPeRSAl! the GleNDoR
r1 Recognition fo
Glen & Dorothy
00 Years as
a Farm Family
As we write this welcome we realize it is the last chapter of a very large part of our life that has taken us many miles from home. For those of you that know me well, you know we ran commercial cattle here for three generations. I have carried a chop pail since I was old enough to walk and now that seems to be a long time ago.
Donald & Mad eline Gunning ham
We entered the purebred industry 25 years ago, my how time flies when you're having fun! We have always enjoyed meeting the Angus cattle people both in the the purebred and commercial circles. There are many lifetime friendships made that we have, and always will, value. Our goal has been to continously improve the quality of our herd through the use of A.I. and the best sires we could source. Special attention has been always given to feet and legs as well as maintenance free udders, easy fleshing and good fertility. These traits are a must where we live (it doesn't always rain here) and the herd has rose to the occasion for us carrying us through some tough years. With that said I am very proud of the cattle we are presenting on November 28th.
h Dad & Mom Glen checking crops wit
As this chapter comes to a close I am going to miss the cows very much, change is inevitable. As a wise man once said, “It is better to embrace it then to fight it�. We would like to take the opportunity to thank the bidders, buyers, long time customers for your confidence you have shown in our program. It has always been greatly appreciated. Thank you! With that said Dorothy and I, with all of our family, extend a Big angus weLcome to our dispersal on November 28th! See you there! Sincerely Glen & Dorothy Gunningham John, Tina, Sawyer & Eliah Graham Brent
Retirement m
eans more gr andkid time!
Grandparents- John & Lou isa Gunningham
John, Tina, Sawyer & Eliah Graham
2013 Lunch 11:30 am
Thursday 1:00 pm csT
Johnstone Auction Mart Ltd. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
DAy e L A S eS – N O H P
Shane Castle – 306-741-7485 Dean McAvoy – 306-612-3326 Mark Forsyth – 306-784-7844 Glen Gunningham –306-631-8110 Auctioneer -
On Offer –
100 Bred Cows with Calves at Side 30 Bred Heifers 3 Herd Sires
plus entire semen inventory and semen tank!
Cattle Viewing Cattle will be available for viewing at Glendor Acres until Monday, November 25th, at which time they will be moved to the sale site – Johnstone Auction Market – where they will be available for your inspection until sale time (1:00 p.m.) Thursday, November 28th. Directions to Glendor Acres: • Farm is located 44 km north of Moose Jaw on Hwy #2 • From Chamberlain 13 km south of Hwy 11 on Hwy #2
Bull Calf Wintering Program • Bull calves may return back to Glendor for development until April 1st, 2014 for a cost of $350 • Any Bull Calves that go back to Glendor will be semen tested and guaranteed, insurance must be purchased on each bull • Should the Bull Calf not pass the Breeding Soundness Exam peformed by Dr. Carla Hicks, a full refund will be issued • Any bull calves that are not returned to Glendor will sell as is and Standard Dispersal Terms are in effect
Additional Cattle Info -
Brent carey..................................................403-650-9028
Sales Staff mark stock ..................................................403-357-8104 dennis ericson ............................................780-361-9347 nate marin....................................................306-869-7130 doug howe ..................................................306-631-1209 Laird & Joyce senft ....306-332-4823 / cell 306-331-7587 Insurance Available Sale Day stockman’s insurance - Larry Toner - Ph: 306-834-7652
Accommodations comfort inn - ph: (306) 692-2100 155 Thatcher Dr., West Moose Jaw, SK
Please Join Us Please join us early on Sale Day for pre-sale viewing and lunch starting at 11:30 a.m.
Catalogue & Updates Available Online -
Our whole herd veterinarian is Dr. Carla Hicks, Moose Jaw Animal Clinic. Calves are vaccinated spring and fall with Bovishield Gold FP5 w/Ultrabac 7 and Somubac, Ivermectin applied. Cows treated with Ivermectin
Glendor Acres glen & dorothy gunningham & family PO Box 1847 Moose Jaw, SK S6H 7N6
ph: 306 638 6277 cell: 306-631-8110 Fax: 306 638 6333 Email:
sale managed by -
Castlerock Marketing shane & Tammy castle cell: 306-741-7485 Ph: 306-784-2241 dean mcavoy - 306-612-3326 mark forsyth - 306-784-7844 PAGe
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal mARketING ... A FeW WoRDS FRom cAStleRock
sale managed by -
cAStleRock mARketING Shane & Tammy Castle cell: 306-741-7485 Ph: 306-784-2241 dean mcavoy - 306-612-3326 mark forsyth - 306-784-7844
Glendor Dispersal
welcome to the glendor angus complete and Total dispersal including the semen tank! On November 28th you will have the opportunity to evaluate the Glendor herd that has been assembled carefully over the last 25 years. The Glendor Farm has been one unit for over 100 years now and into its fourth generation operating the farm. Commercial cattle occupied the pastures at the Gunningham Farm until 1988 when the decision was made to set sail into the purebred sector. The intentions have been simple right from the beginning – research and start with genetics that will serve benefit to the commercial industry and further grow those cattle that will serve customers best. Time has come to slow things down on the cattle side on the farm and pass the farming reins over to Brent as his life in Agriculture becomes more active! The lineup of cows includes numerous foundation cows that originated from this herd and are working hard today. The herdbulls are intriquing and proven as their impact is most notable but accomplished with pedigrees that provide an alternative as well. The cows have been culled hard as Glen has always stated he wanted his cows to be a "maternal herd" with strong feet, legs and udders while providing the ease of calving Angus are noted for. Nothing is being held back – they are all coming to town, including the semen tank! The bull calves are a ranchers dream with hair, bone and muscle. Check out the "wintering program" offered on the bull calves – it's simple with great value! The cattle will be available at Johnstone's for previewing starting November 26th and any time up til then at the farm. Any questions please feel free to give us a call we'd be happy to visit with you regarding the offering!
• Watch for catalogue & updates at •
Glendor Dispersal Dispersal Glendor Glendor Dispersal A.I. SGlendor AcReSDispersal SAle oFFeRING IReS UtIlIzeD IN the GleNDoR MALE HAMI 43U JANUAry 10 2008 #1473986
hF PRoWleR 43U
Bw: 70 lbs. adj 205d: 697 lbs. 205i: 102 adj 365d: 1307 lbs. yi: 106
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.7 WW: +50 YW: +89 Milk: +17 TM: +42 SAndy BAR AdVAntAGe 43M ddf Hf KoDiaK 5R Maf aMf nHf Caf (1274305) WilBAR RuBy 955n RiVeRBend PoWeRline 0050 Hf RoseBuD 98P (1214668) hf RoSeBud 138J
tc AdVAntAGe AMf nhf cAf ddc SAndy BAR JeMinA 44K VeRMilion yelloWStone AMf nhf cAf ddf WilBAR RuBy 161J conneAly fRontline AMf nhf cAf ddf leAchMAn BlAcKBiRd 8060 GlencRoft WAlK-on ARGyll 16f hfRf RoSeBud 72f
A popular calving ease son of the world renowned HF Kodiak 5r, Prowler has set himself a new page in the history that he is writing. Premium calving ease and a short gestation make this sire a logical source. – expect the calves to come early and perform well. The calves out of Prowler have not only impressed those that have used this sire here in Canada but also in the USA. Carrying a valuation of $100,000 is backed up by the proof in the pudding by this bonafide A.I. sire. We think that the mating of this powerful calving ease sire who carries a top pedigree only ensures that this service will be a worthwhile coupon to clip.
A.I. Sire A - hF Prowler 43U
MALE 9122 JANUAry 15 2009 #16447771 (US)
connealy consensus 7229 Bw: 71 lbs. adj 205d: 817 lbs. 205i: 114 adj 365d: 1420 lbs. yi: 116
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.1 WW: +65 YW: +206 Milk: +34 TM: +67 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 G A R ext 916 Rito 6i6 of 4B20 6807 BlendA of conAnGA 129 S A f focuS of e R Woodhill AdMiRAl 77K lASS 344-1178 Blue lilly of Conanga 16 (us 15804270) Woodhill conneAly tiMeline Blue cASh of conAnGA 6020 Blue tiMe of conAnGA KMK AlliAnce 6595 i87 Connealy Consensus ( us 15513367) BlindA of conAnGA 004
When looking for an AI sire that would offer some value in the service and to the resulting calves, Consensus was one of the bulls that caught our eye. The consistency in his breeding is impressive as is his track record in progeny that not only have set records in the USA and Canada. The Consensus 7229 progeny have been widely accepted for their overall quality and, with an EPD profile that is impressive, this service will be a great investment.
A.I. Sire B - connealy consensus 7229 PAGe
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Glendor meRIt 8088 - he SellS!! Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS FeAtUReDispersal lot #1 - ReF/SGlendor eRvIce SIRe,Dispersal
Feature lot #1 - Reference / Service Sire merit 8808 - he SellS!!
MALE CrSN 8808U MArCH 10 2008 #1471487
meRIt 8808 Bw: 88 lbs. adj 205d: 744 lbs. 205i: 116
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.1 WW: +47 YW: +86 Milk: +24 TM: +48 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf Royal foRTe DRCC 5138R (1294568) RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRiT CounTess 6087 (1360538) MeRit counteSS 1017
PAPA oPtiMA 9818 PAPA enViouS BlAcKBiRd 8832 AlBeRdA tRAVeleR 416 RoyAl PeRSePhone dRcc 1043l GdAR dutch 1508 dWAJo Queen GeM 43J eBon hill eQuAlizeR 117'97 MeRit counteSS 9041
8088’s Dam - countess 6087
What can you say about a purchase that totally surpasses a person's expectations? We had high hopes for 8808 and he is one of those bulls that sires both excellent sons and daughters! 8808’s sons are powerful, long bulls with good muscle, frame, scrotal and disposition – what some would call a “commercial man's dream”! His daughters are medium framed, solid made cows with nice, tidy udders and give us every indication that they will be around for a long time. No, this bull has not let us down yet in any way so we feel pretty excited for the potential impact he will carry to the various herds his genetics become distributed to. At 5 years of age, this massive bodied, gentle giant will impress you with his soundness. His feet are impeccable in their hoof structure and that is just one more positive. Last, but not least, 8808 is an excellent breeder and his ability to cover a number of cows and retain such good body condition is impressive.
8088’s Sire - DRcc 5138R PAGe
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Glendor Glendor tItAN 29X & m Sell!! eRIt 2005 -Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS FeAtURe lotS #2Dispersal & #3 - ReF/SeRvIce SIReS, Dispersal
Sideview of lot #2
MALE DBrL 29X FEBrUAry 05 2010 #1556023
Della 28S - Dam of titan 29X in lot #2 lot #2 - DBRl titan 29X - he SellS!!
DBRl tItAN 29X Bw: 85 lbs. adj 205d: 727 lbs. 205i: 93
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.7 WW: +37 YW: +74 Milk: +14 TM: +33 hiGh VAlley 4c6 AMBuSh dMM MiSS eSSence 108J coldStReAM BlAcKBuRn 10l coldStReAM BlAcKBiRd 7K S A V 8180 tRAVeleR 004 S A V MAy 7238 cAf cReScent cReeK conVeRteR 79J cReScent cReeK eulA 108z
dMM AMBuSh 03M DBRl 03M TiTan 4T (1392285) dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 DBRl 4336 Della 28s (1335785) cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
Titan 29X was purchased out of the Diamond B ranch Dispersal as our pick of all the bull calves there. His dam, a beautiful Density daughter. was selected by Blairs. Ag where her career as a donor and cow of influence continues to gather speed. Titan calves so easy and stamps his progeny with that same look. Great front ends to his progeny whetther it be bull or heifer and loads of hair. Birthweights are almost always in line and dependable to come out small with that ability to pour it on. Again, disposition is a must for us and the Titan calves are excellent that way. With his first set of bred heifers to calve next spring we think you will be impressed with their uniformity.
l t Bandwagon - Sire of merit 2005 in lot #3
MALE TJL 2005Z FEBrUAry 07 2012 #1684366
lot #3- merit 2005 - he SellS!!
meRIt 2005 Bw: 75 lbs. adj 205d: 650 lbs. 205i: 102 adj 365: 1278 lbs. 365i 111
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.1 WW: +44 YW: +79 Milk: +30 TM: +52 leAchMAn RiGht tiMe dMf AMf l T BanDWagon 3105 (1539797) l t MS ViKinGS VAlue 0256
n BAR eMulAtion ext leAchMAn eRicA 0025 Sitz VAlue 7097 MS Polo PeAK 1148 5970
MeRit luKe 3120 MeRiT CounTess 3X (1565257) MeRit counteSS 8781
luKenS 9440 Scotch cAP l463 Glennie lAdy Ann 23J MeRit MAtAdoR 4190 MeRit counteSS 7067
When we were searching for the right individual to go out with our heifers this spring we were drawn to this bull for a number of reasons. First, the Merit cattle have worked well for us delivering on their credentials, as well a neat twist on paper but full of bulls that are accountable in their calving ease and strong Angus values. L T Bandwagon semen made it to Canada but with a mix of right Time and Sitz Value, Luke and Matador, this speaks as a solid bred bull. He is just that and with his first season under his belt he will be ready for heavy service as a 2 year old.
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “FAvoRIte”
Glendor Dispersal
The “favoriTe” family started with 6J, an excellent heifer we purchased from the great early sunset herd. she produced many top calves which included 3m whose influence has been strong and provided a very good base to our herd. The favorites are just that, proven and productive.
FEMALE OGG 42P MArCH 06 2004 #1200025
Bw: 85 lbs. adj 205d: 559 lbs. 205i: 96
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +7.1 WW: +38 YW: +70 Milk: +13 TM: +32 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 d glenDoR allianCe 10M (1106365) GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K younKin tRiuMPh 4966f glenDoR faVoRiTe 3M (1106359) eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
Sitz tRAVeleR 8180 Sitz BARBARAMeRe Jet 2698 RoyAl ViSion 31h ScA lAdy Ann 45G BRuSett SPectRuM 62 AMf younKin RoSe 4952 AnKoniAn one eARly SunSet fAVoRite 5f
A.I.’ed: May 11 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
lot #4 - Glendor Favorite 42P
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 42P
FEMALE OGG 42T FEBrUAry 27 2007 #1413981
FEMALE OGG 64A MArCH 01 2013 #1728521
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 64A Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.1 WW: +51 YW: +92 Milk: +26 TM: +51 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 42P (1200025)
lot #5 - Glendor Favorite 42t
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 42t Bw: 88 lbs. adj 205d: 528 lbs. 205i: 98
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.1 WW: +27 YW: +53 Milk: +15 TM: +29 hARMon KAhunA l047 WinDoVeR KaHuna 13P (1248786) WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J GlendoR AlliAnce 10M glenDoR faVoRiTe 42P (1200025) GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
hARMon KAhunA 9064 cAf hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7238 WindoVeR KentucKy 11A hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7210 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K younKin tRiuMPh 4966 eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
MALE OGG 81A MArCH 17 2013 #1728540
GleNDoR FoRte 81A Bw: 93 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.1 WW: +37 YW: +70 Milk: +20 TM: +38 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 42T (1413981)
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “FAvoRIte”
FEMALE OGG 51y FEBrUAry 19 2011 #1606313
GleNDoR FAvoURIte 51y Bw: 92 lbs. adj 205d: 559 lbs. 205i: 94
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR faVoRiTe 42T (1413981) GlendoR fAVoRite 42P
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J GlendoR AlliAnce 10M GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
A.I.’ed: May 8 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229
FEMALE OGG 30r FEBrUAry 18 2005 #1255912
GleNDoR FAvoURIte 57z Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.3 WW: +36 YW: +68 Milk: +19 TM: +37 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J GlendoR AlliAnce 10M GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR faVoRiTe 42T (1413981) GlendoR fAVoRite 42P
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
lot #8A - Glendor Favorite 67A
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 30R Bw: 75 lbs. adj 205d: 555 lbs. 205i: 99
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.7 WW: +34 YW: +67 Milk: +20 TM: +37 SteVenSon BRuno 561G fReyBuRn BRuno 136n (1187895) younG dAle GeoRGinA 141u younKin tRiuMPh 4966 glenDoR faVoRiTe 3M (1106359) eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
SteVenSon Royce 741c JRS enchAntReSS 16A younG dAle MARShAll 106S younG dAle GeoRGinA 14R BRuSett SPectRuM 62 younKin RoSe 4952 AnKoniAn one eARly SunSet fAVoRite 5f
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 57Z FEBrUAry 25 2012 #1669066
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.0 WW: +35 YW: +67 Milk: +19 TM: +37
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 67A MArCH 03 2013 #1728527
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 67A Bw: 92 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.9 WW: +49 YW: +90 Milk: +30 TM: +54 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 30R (1255912)
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “FAvoRIte” FAmIly
Glendor Favorite 1U - Dam of lot #9 MALE OGG 57A FEBrUAry 26 2013 #1728543
GleNDoR FoRte 57A Bw: 97 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.4 WW: +42 YW: +75 Milk: +20 TM: +41 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR faVoRiTe 1u (1434366) GlendoR fAVoRite 30R
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 fReyBuRn BRuno 136n GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
FEMALE OGG 26U FEBrUAry 17 2008 #1434354
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 26U Bw: 90 lbs. adj 205d: 623 lbs. 205i: 107
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.5 WW: +42 YW: +70 Milk: +17 TM: +38 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M glenDoR faVoRiTe 42P (1200025) GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K younKin tRiuMPh 4966 eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
A.I.’ed: April 29 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 32Z FEBrUAry 14 2012 #1669070
GleNDoR FAvoURIte 32z Bw: 81 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.4 WW: +40 YW: +73 Milk: +20 TM: +40 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 fReyBuRn BRuno 136n GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR faVoRiTe 1u (1434366) GlendoR fAVoRite 30R
A.I.’ed: April 29 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
lot #11 - Glendor Favorite 26U MALE OGG 48A FEBrUAry 23 2013 #1728568
GleNDoR tItAN 48A Bw: 98 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.1 WW: +40 YW: +72 Milk: +16 TM: +35 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 26u (1434354)
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “FAvoRIte”
FEMALE OGG 31y FEBrUAry 10 2011 #1606329
GleNDoR FAvoURIte 31y Bw: 98 lbs. adj 205d: 648 lbs. 205i: 111
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.7 WW: +49 YW: +79 Milk: +17 TM: +42 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR faVoRiTe 26u (1434354) GlendoR fAVoRite 42P
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 47X FEBrUAry 15 2010 #1550523
FEMALE OGG 11W FEBrUAry 10 2009 #1522841
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 11W Bw: 99 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.7 WW: +36 YW: +62 Milk: +11 TM: +29 B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K younKin tRiuMPh 4966 eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M glenDoR faVoRiTe 42P (1200025) GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
lot #14 - Glendor Favorite 47X
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 47X Bw: 90 lbs. adj 205d: 607 lbs. 205i: 101
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.5 WW: +41 YW: +77 Milk: +17 TM: +38 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M glenDoR faVoRiTe 42P (1200025) GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K younKin tRiuMPh 4966 eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
A.I.’ed: May 12 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
Glendor Dispersal
MALE OGG 69A MArCH 04 2013 #1729198
GleNDoR UPWARDS 69A Bw: 95 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.8 WW: +52 YW: +95 Milk: +28 TM: +54 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 47X (1550523)
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “FAvoRIte”
FEMALE OGG 41S FEBrUAry 22 2006 #1329103
Glendor Dispersal
lot #15 - Glendor Favorite 41S
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 41S Bw: 86 lbs. adj 205d: 569 lbs. 205i: 104
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.4 WW: +37 YW: +64 Milk: +5 TM: +24 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 younKin tRiuMPh 4966 glenDoR faVoRiTe 3M (1106359) eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 BRuSett SPectRuM 62 younKin RoSe 4952 AnKoniAn one eARly SunSet fAVoRite 5f
A.I.’ed: May 12 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 78A MArCH 09 2013 #1728533
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 78A Bw: 85 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.2 WW: +50 YW: +89 Milk: +22 TM: +47 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 41s (1329103) A powerful son out of the the Upward bull who we lost to injury early. He's one of the younger Bull calves but out of this powerhouse you know it will work
FEMALE OGG 56Z FEBrUAry 25 2012 #1669057
GleNDoR FAvoURIte 56z Bw: 90 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.0 WW: +43 YW: +77 Milk: +15 TM: +37 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR faVoRiTe 41s (1329103) GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 younKin tRiuMPh 4966 eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005 A DEFINITE SALE FEATUrE of a bred heifer! Like her dam, she’s powerful in her makeup and will make a very good cow!
lot #16 - Glendor Favourite 56z PAGe
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “FAvoRIte” FAmIly
FEMALE OGG 5U FEBrUAry 05 2008 #1434324
Glendor Dispersal
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 5U Bw: 83 lbs. adj 205d: 516 lbs. 205i: 87
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.1 WW: +35 YW: +62 Milk: +12 TM: +30 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 younKin tRiuMPh 4966 glenDoR faVoRiTe 3M (1106359) eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 BRuSett SPectRuM 62 younKin RoSe 4952 AnKoniAn one eARly SunSet fAVoRite 5f
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
MALE OGG 6A FEBrUAry 10 2013 #1728545
GleNDoR FoRte 6A Bw: 94 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.6 WW: +41 YW: +74 Milk: +18 TM: +39 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 5u (1434324)
Powerhouse bull calf backed by the Favorite cow line, herdbull in the making.
FEMALE OGG 49y FEBrUAry 18 2011 #1606321
GleNDoR FAvoURIte 49y Bw: 78 lbs. adj 205d: 572 lbs. 205i: 100
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.4 WW: +42 YW: +70 Milk: +15 TM: +36 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR faVoRiTe 5u (1434324) GlendoR fAVoRite 3M
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 younKin tRiuMPh 4966 eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
MALE OGG 14A FEBrUAry 13 2013 #1729219
GleNDoR tItAN 14A Bw: 78 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.6 WW: +40 YW: +72 Milk: +15 TM: +34 dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S DaM: glenDoR faVouRiTe 49y (1606321)
As mentioned Titan calves come light and will impress you with their hair and Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
lot #19 - Glendor Favorite 7S
FEMALE OGG 7S FEBrUAry 04 2006 #1329065
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 7S Bw: 78 lbs. adj 205d: 523 lbs. 205i: 95
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.8 WW: +22 YW: +41 Milk: +11 TM: +22 hARMon KAhunA l047 WinDoVeR KaHuna 13P (1248786) WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J AnKoniAn one eaRly sunseT faVoRiTe 6J (951837) eARly SunSet fAVoRite 5f
hARMon KAhunA 9064 cAf hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7238 WindoVeR KentucKy 11A hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7210 Rito 3W3 of oJ2 Rito 9fB3 AnKony floRA W6820 eARly SunSet eileenMeRe 24d eARly SunSet fAVoRite 96c
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 74A MArCH 07 2013 #1728532
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 74A Bw: 65 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.0 WW: +35 YW: +64 Milk: +18 TM: +35 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 7s (1329065
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “FAvoRIte” FAmIly
FEMALE OGG 4X JANUAry 23 2010 #1550538
Glendor Dispersal
GleNDoR FAvoRIte 4X Bw: 70 lbs. adj 205d: 567 lbs. 205i: 97
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.2 WW: +29 YW: +49 Milk: +9 TM: +24 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR faVoRiTe 7s (1329065) eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J AnKoniAn one eARly SunSet fAVoRite 5f
MALE OGG 43A FEBrUAry 22 2013 #1729087
GleNDoR FoRte 43A Bw: 72 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.7 WW: +38 YW: +68 Milk: +17 TM: +36 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR faVoRiTe 4X (1550538)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X A light birthweight 8808 son, out of a good young cow whose career is just getting started
FEMALE OGG 34y FEBrUAry 12 2011 #1606306
GleNDoR FAvoURIte 34y Bw: 82 lbs. adj 205d: 570 lbs. 205i: 98
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.6 WW: +34 YW: +64 Milk: +18 TM: +35 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR faVoRiTe 7s (1329065) eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J AnKoniAn one eARly SunSet fAVoRite 5f
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
MALE OGG 76A MArCH 07 2013 #1728542
GleNDoR FoRte 76A Bw: 90 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.7 WW: +34 YW: +63 Milk: +18 TM: +35 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR faVoRiTe 67T (1378696) eARly SunSet fAVoRite 6J
hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J AnKoniAn one eARly SunSet fAVoRite 5f
This 8808 and Kahuna combination seems to really click!
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - the “JeNNIFeR”
Glendor Dispersal
The “Jennifer” cow family carries with it a interesting story stemming from the Batschol Jennifer cow family where windy willows selected Jennifer Bandolier 57J who was an influential donor cow recording 29 calves. This is back when eT work was not common practice. The Jennifer cow family became one of windy willows top cow families and they have done nothing but great here. powerful cow families are no accident!
FEMALE eLiTe dam OGG 22M FEBrUAry 05 2002 #1106423
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 22m Bw: 81 lbs. adj 205d: 579 lbs. 205i: 99
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.9 WW: +28 YW: +44 Milk: +13 TM: +27 tc StocKMAn tc PRide 0014 Rito 2100 G d A R MVf tiBBie 16c l A JetStReAM S A R JetStReAM extReMe 5262 A R Rito GiRl 40 WWf JeTsTReaM JennifeR 73Z (693292) S PReMieR indePendence K n cAc ddf WWf indePendent JennifeR 14t JennifeR BAndolieR 57J Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808 elite/premier dam - designated elite since 2007. calves 3, average ratio 105 tc StocKMAn 365 MVf sToCKMan 120K (1021342) RRd tiBBie 12e
FEMALE OGG 20r FEBrUAry 12 2005 #1255921
MALE OGG 46A FEBrUAry 22 2013 #1728514
GleNDoR FoRte 46A Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.0 WW: +38 YW: +65 Milk: +19 TM: +37 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR JennifeR 22M (1106423)
lot #24 - Glendor Jennifer 20R
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 20R Bw: 81 lbs. adj 205d: 587 lbs. 205i: 104
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.4 WW: +34 YW: +58 Milk: +16 TM: +33 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 d glenDoR allianCe 10M (1106365) GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR JennifeR 22M (1106423) WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
Sitz tRAVeleR 8180 Sitz BARBARAMeRe Jet 2698 RoyAl ViSion 31h ScA lAdy Ann 45G tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e S A R JetStReAM extReMe 5262 WWf indePendent JennifeR 14t
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
lot #23 - Glendor Jennifer 22m
FEMALE OGG 45A FEBrUAry 23 2013 #1728525
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 45A Bw: 75 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.8 WW: +41 YW: +72 Milk: +20 TM: +40 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR JennifeR 20R (1255921)
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - the “JeNNIFeR”
FEMALE OGG 46U MArCH 03 2008 #1434362
Glendor Dispersal
lot #25 - Glendor Jennifer 46U
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 46U Bw: 74 lbs. adj 205d: 547 lbs. 205i: 95
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.5 WW: +31 YW: +53 Milk: +13 TM: +29 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M glenDoR JennifeR 20R (1255921) GlendoR JennifeR 22M
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K MVf StocKMAn 120K WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808 FEMALE OGG 17Z FEBrUAry 06 2012 #1669083
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 17z Bw: 74 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.5 WW: +38 YW: +69 Milk: +19 TM: +38 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR JennifeR 46u (1434362) GlendoR JennifeR 20R
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M GlendoR JennifeR 22M
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE OGG 9A FEBrUAry 11 2013 #1729082
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 9A Bw: 92 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.3 WW: +39 YW: +70 Milk: +19 TM: +38 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR JennifeR 46u (1434362)
FEMALE OGG 35y FEBrUAry 13 2011 #1606221
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 35y Bw: 85 lbs. adj 205d: 614 lbs. 205i: 107
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.1 WW: +44 YW: +71 Milk: +17 TM: +39 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S GlendoR AlliAnce 10M glenDoR JennifeR 20R (1255921) GlendoR JennifeR 22M
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c Sitz AlliAnce 6595 GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K MVf StocKMAn 120K WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
A.I.’ed: May 1 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - the “JeNNIFeR”
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 18U FEBrUAry 12 2008 #1434333
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 18U Bw: 88 lbs. adj 205d: 596 lbs. 205i: 102
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.1 WW: +29 YW: +47 Milk: +20 TM: +35 hARMon KAhunA 9064 cAf hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7238 WindoVeR KentucKy 11A hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7210 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e S A R JetStReAM extReMe 5262 WWf indePendent JennifeR 14t
hARMon KAhunA l047 WinDoVeR KaHuna 13P (1248786) WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR JennifeR 22M (1106423) WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
lot #28 - Glendor Jennifer 18U
FEMALE OGG 43X FEBrUAry 13 2010 #1550560
Bw: 75 lbs. adj 205d: 618 lbs. 205i: 115
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.9 WW: +42 YW: +66 Milk: +17 TM: +38 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR JennifeR 18u (1434333) GlendoR JennifeR 22M
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J MVf StocKMAn 120K WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 24A FEBrUAry 17 2013 #1729197
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 24A Bw: 69 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.5 WW: +45 YW: +76 Milk: +21 TM: +43 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR JennifeR 43X (1550560)
FEMALE OGG 15X FEBrUAry 01 2010 #1550512
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 15X Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 539 lbs. 205i: 90
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.6 WW: +34 YW: +62 Milk: +20 TM: +37 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR JennifeR 22M (1106423) WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e S A R JetStReAM extReMe 5262 WWf indePendent JennifeR 14t
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
lot #29 - Glendor Jennifer 43X
FEMALE OGG 20A FEBrUAry 16 2013 #1729192
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 20A Bw: 75 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.8 WW: +49 YW: +88 Milk: +30 TM: +54 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR JennifeR 15X (1550512)
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “JeNNIFeR” FAmIly
FEMALE OGG 55Z FEBrUAry 25 2012 #1668972
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 55z Bw: 72 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.6 WW: +37 YW: +64 Milk: +19 TM: +38 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e S A R JetStReAM extReMe 5262 WWf indePendent JennifeR 14t
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR JennifeR 22M (1106423) WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
A.I.’ed: April 29 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 41Z FEBrUAry 17 2012 #1669025
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 41z Bw: 85 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.1 WW: +38 YW: +66 Milk: +19 TM: +38 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 younG dAle touch doWn 36M HoWe Ms JennifeR 72P (1213612) GlendoR JennifeR 16h
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 younG dAle ReAl deAl 18K PAt lAdy SAndRA 2c SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE DDH 72P FEBrUAry 08 2004 #1213612
hoWe mS JeNNIFeR 72P
Bw: 84 lbs. adj 205d: 567 lbs. 205i: 98 adj 365: 838 lbs. 365i 83
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.2 WW: +32 YW: +50 Milk: +14 TM: +30 younG dAle ReAl deAl 18K young Dale TouCH DoWn 36M (1119460) PAt lAdy SAndRA 2c SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d glenDoR JennifeR 16H (918732) WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
APex StocKMAn 061 MeRit heRoine 8043 RonAn tex 56A douBle J SAndRA 452y ldR BARdolene 3z SPRuce VieW BlAcKBiRd 11u S A R JetStReAM extReMe 5262 WWf indePendent JennifeR 14t
A.I.’ed: May 7 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 60A FEBrUAry 27 2013 #1728523
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 60A Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +40 YW: +68 Milk: +19 TM: +39 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
lot #33 - howe ms Jennifer 72P
DaM: HoWe Ms JennifeR 72P (1213612)
FEMALE OGG 21U FEBrUAry 14 2008 #1434357
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 21U Bw: 65 lbs. adj 205d: 575 lbs. 205i: 103
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.6 WW: +37 YW: +57 Milk: +18 TM: +37 B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 younG dAle ReAl deAl 18K PAt lAdy SAndRA 2c SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 younG dAle touch doWn 36M HoWe Ms JennifeR 72P (1213612) GlendoR JennifeR 16h
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 15A FEBrUAry 13 2013 #1728549
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 15A Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.4 WW: +42 YW: +72 Milk: +21 TM: +42 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR JennifeR 21u (1434357)
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
lot #34 - Glendor Jennifer 21U
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - the “JeNNIFeR”
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 12Z FEBrUAry 03 2012 #1669092
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 12z Bw: 69 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.6 WW: +42 YW: +73 Milk: +16 TM: +37 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S GlendoR SMucKeRS 8u glenDoR JennifeR 31X (1550561) GlendoR JennifeR 21u
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n hoWe MS JennifeR 72P
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
lot #35 - Glendor Jennifer 12z
lot #36 - Glendor Jennifer 31X FEMALE OGG 31X FEBrUAry 08 2010 #1550561
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 31X Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 616 lbs. 205i: 105
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.3 WW: +44 YW: +69 Milk: +19 TM: +41 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR JennifeR 21u (1434357) hoWe MS JennifeR 72P
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 younG dAle touch doWn 36M GlendoR JennifeR 16h
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 1y JANUAry 18 2011 #1606219
GleNDoR JeNNIFeR 1y Bw: 88 lbs. adj 205d: 542 lbs. 205i: 92
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.1 WW: +31 YW: +57 Milk: +15 TM: +31 SAndy BAR AdVAntAGe 43M Hf CHallengeR 162u (1471348) hf echo 187n younG dAle touch doWn 36M HoWe Ms JennifeR 72P (1213612) GlendoR JennifeR 16h
tc AdVAntAGe SAndy BAR JeMinA 44K tc fReedoM 104 duRAltA 14c echo 32e younG dAle ReAl deAl 18K PAt lAdy SAndRA 2c SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d WWf JetStReAM JennifeR 73z
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor GleNDoR AcReS - the “PRIDe” FDispersal AmIly
Glendor Dispersal
another foundation cow line that started at angus acres and made their trek to glendor and have stood the test of time. The “pride” cows have performed just as we expected them to. solid cattle from a solid foundation is all it takes to get it started.
FEMALE eLiTe dam OGG 48L FEBrUAry 19 2001 #1043957
GleNDoR PRIDe 48l Bw: 68 lbs. adj 205d: 529 lbs. 205i: 93
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.8 WW: +22 YW: +41 Milk: +10 TM: +21 SoutholM extRA 125W SunMound ducheSS 14u cudloBe SiR BARoS 32M cARonhill PRinceSS 13'89 2tM StocKMAnS oScAR 210 PeAK dot StocKMAn 22d MiA of PeAK dot 242x eaRly sunseT PRiDe 47f (849768) SKooKuM of GRASSy lAneS 3P RonAn PRide 123y RonAn PRide 52t Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808 elite/premier dam - designated elite since 2006. calves 3, average ratio 105 dAlRene extRA 36A glenDoR eXTRa 3J (955631) GlendoR PRinceSS 34f
MALE OGG 66A MArCH 02 2013 #1728511
GleNDoR FoRte 66A Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.5 WW: +35 YW: +64 Milk: +17 TM: +34 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR PRiDe 48l (1043957)
A very good Forte calf out of a productive cow that works her heart out every year. Brothers sold to rod Bauck,and Waldorf ranch, and a sister to TIm Nowlan
FEMALE TW OGG 62y FEBrUAry 05 2011 #1606202
lot #39
GleNDoR PRIDe 62y Bw: 86 lbs. adj 205d: 496 lbs. 205i: 100
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.0 WW: +37 YW: +62 Milk: +14 TM: +32 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S GlendoR extRA 3J glenDoR PRiDe 48l (1043957) eARly SunSet PRide 47f
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c dAlRene extRA 36A GlendoR PRinceSS 34f PeAK dot StocKMAn 22d RonAn PRide 123y
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 21r FEBrUAry 13 2005 #1255891
GleNDoR PRIDe 21R Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 599 lbs. 205i: 107
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.0 WW: +24 YW: +49 Milk: +15 TM: +27 SteVenSon BRuno 561G fReyBuRn BRuno 136n (1187895) younG dAle GeoRGinA 141u PeAK dot StocKMAn 22d eaRly sunseT PRiDe 47f (849768) RonAn PRide 123y
SteVenSon Royce 741c JRS enchAntReSS 16A younG dAle MARShAll 106S younG dAle GeoRGinA 14R 2tM StocKMAnS oScAR 210 MiA of PeAK dot 242x SKooKuM of GRASSy lAneS 3P RonAn PRide 52t
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
lot #40 - Glendor Pride 21R
MALE OGG 49A FEBrUAry 23 2013 #1728526
GleNDoR tItAN 49A Bw: 82 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.4 WW: +31 YW: +62 Milk: +15 TM: +30 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
DaM: glenDoR PRiDe 21R (1255891) Make note of the consistent, moderate birthweights that Titan sires. heifer BuLL prospecT!
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal AmIly GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “PRIDe” FDispersal
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 2U FEBrUAry 01 2008 #1457003
GleNDoR PRIDe 2U Bw: 70 lbs. adj 205d: 587 lbs. 205i: 104
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.8 WW: +33 YW: +60 Milk: +18 TM: +35 AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4DJ sMuCKeRs fRonTieR 43s (1358464) 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR PRiDe 26s (1329096) GlendoR PRide 48l
B/R neW fRontieR 095 AtlAStA Wendy 37h S A f 598 BAndo 5175 AMf cAc ddf KBJ ednA 585K hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J GlendoR extRA 3J eARly SunSet PRide 47f
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808 FEMALE OGG 86A MArCH 30 2013 #1728544
GleNDoR PRIDe 86A Bw: 61 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.0 WW: +40 YW: +73 Milk: +21 TM: +41 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
lot #42 - Glendor Pride 71X
DaM: glenDoR PRiDe 2u (1457003)
FEMALE OGG 71X MArCH 10 2010 #1550524
GleNDoR PRIDe 71X Bw: 73 lbs. adj 205d: 620 lbs. 205i: 107
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.7 WW: +39 YW: +70 Milk: +20 TM: +40 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR PRiDe 46P (1199987) eARly SunSet PRide 47f
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e PeAK dot StocKMAn 22d RonAn PRide 123y
FEMALE OGG 77A MArCH 08 2013 #1729201
GleNDoR PRIDe 77A Bw: 69 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.9 WW: +51 YW: +92 Milk: +30 TM: +55 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR PRiDe 71X (1550524)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X FEMALE OGG 5Z JANUAry 28 2012 #1669100
GleNDoR PRIDe 5z Bw: 50 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: -0.3 WW: +38 YW: +72 Milk: +17 TM: +36 dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRit counteSS 6087 MVf StocKMAn 120K eARly SunSet PRide 47f
dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S MeRit 8808 glenDoR PRiDe 71X (1550524) GlendoR PRide 46P
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
44 lot #43 - Glendor Pride 5z
PleASe Note!! all dna requests made from the canadian angus association in regard to ai services/bull exposure will be paid for by glendor. The dna test, where applicable, will accompany the transfer of ownership and shall be recognized by the canadian angus association on those animals.
FEMALE OGG 33T FEBrUAry 17 2007 #1411671
GleNDoR PRIDe 33t Bw: 88 lbs. adj 205d: 568 lbs. 205i: 107
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.6 WW: +31 YW: +51 Milk: +12 TM: +28 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 PeAK dot StocKMAn 22d eaRly sunseT PRiDe 47f (849768) RonAn PRide 123y
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 2tM StocKMAnS oScAR 210 MiA of PeAK dot 242x SKooKuM of GRASSy lAneS 3P RonAn PRide 52t
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “FloRA” Dispersal FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
The “fLora” family goes back many years to the sunmound dispersal where we purchased a cow and her heifer calf as a pair to kick off this very notable cow family. over 20 years later they continue to impress us. The sunmound herd was noted as one of the top herds in canada in their day. They were the right kind!
FEMALE OGG 59T MArCH 18 2007 #1411667
lot #45 - GleNDoR FloRA 59t
GleNDoR FloRA 59t Bw: 83 lbs. adj 205d: 561 lbs. 205i: 106
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.4 WW: +27 YW: +45 Milk: +8 TM: +22 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 SunMound AlBeRt 50A sunMounD floRa 2f (863839) SunMound floRA 14x
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 SunMound eSton of yoRK 26y SunMound PRide 8n SunMound toPPeR SunMound floRA 21K
A.I.’ed: May 7 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 188A FEBrUAry 11 2013 #1728541
GleNDoR FloRA 188A Bw: 73 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.8 WW: +37 YW: +66 Milk: +16 TM: +35 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR floRa 59T (1411667)
FEMALE OGG 8Z JANUAry 30 2012 #1669068
GleNDoR FloRA 8z Bw: 86 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.5 WW: +40 YW: +69 Milk: +16 TM: +36 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR floRa 59T (1411667) SunMound floRA 2f
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 SunMound AlBeRt 50A SunMound floRA 14x
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “FloRA” Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 63S MArCH 30 2006 #1329043
GleNDoR FloRA 63S Bw: 89 lbs. adj 205d: 575 lbs. 205i: 104
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.3 WW: +29 YW: +47 Milk: +12 TM: +27 B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 SunMound eSton of yoRK 26y SunMound PRide 8n SunMound toPPeR SunMound floRA 21K
hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 SunMound AlBeRt 50A sunMounD floRa 2f (863839) SunMound floRA 14x
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808 FEMALE OGG 40A FEBrUAry 22 2013 #1728534
GleNDoR FloRA 40A Bw: 70 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +38 YW: +67 Milk: +18 TM: +37 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
lot #47 - Glendor Flora 63S
DaM: glenDoR floRa 63s (1329043)
FEMALE OGG 60Z MArCH 03 2012 #1669058
GleNDoR FloRA 60z Bw: 84 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.7 WW: +40 YW: +70 Milk: +18 TM: +38 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 SunMound AlBeRt 50A SunMound floRA 14x
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR floRa 63s (1329043) SunMound floRA 2f
A.I.’ed: April 27 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
lot #48 - Glendor Flora 60z
FEMALE OGG 30U FEBrUAry 20 2008 #1434320
GleNDoR FloRA 30U Bw: 85 lbs. adj 205d: 587 lbs. 205i: 101
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.2 WW: +26 YW: +49 Milk: +17 TM: +30 hARMon KAhunA 9064 cAf hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7238 WindoVeR KentucKy 11A hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7210 R&J d f W 1388 hoff MiSS S c 1112 SPRuce VieW lAnceR 23B SunMound floRA 14x
hARMon KAhunA l047 WinDoVeR KaHuna 13P (1248786) WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J hoff GReAt WeSteRn S c 456 glenDoR floRa 27l (1043963) GlendoR floRA 48G
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 7A FEBrUAry 10 2013 #1728569
GleNDoR FloRA 7A Bw: 62 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.1 WW: +45 YW: +81 Milk: +28 TM: +50 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u
lot #49A - Glendor Flora 7A
DaM: glenDoR floRa 30u (1434320)
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “FloRA” Dispersal FAmIly
FEMALE OGG 64y MArCH 05 2011 #1606330
Glendor Dispersal
lot #50 - Glendor Flora 64y
GleNDoR FloRA 64y Bw: 82 lbs. adj 205d: 614 lbs. 205i: 107
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +37 YW: +69 Milk: +21 TM: +40 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR floRa 30u (1434320) GlendoR floRA 27l
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J hoff GReAt WeSteRn S c 456 GlendoR floRA 48G
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 82A MArCH 18 2013 #1729224
GleNDoR FloRA 82A Bw: 62 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.0 WW: +37 YW: +72 Milk: +18 TM: +36 dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S DaM: glenDoR floRa 64y (1606330)
lot #51
FEMALE OGG 76Z APrIL 05 2012 #1668969
GleNDoR FloRA 76z Bw: n/a
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.5 WW: +32 YW: +61 Milk: +16 TM: +32 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR floRa 21M (1106422) SunMound floRA 14x
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e SunMound toPPeR SunMound floRA 21K
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE OGG 16X FEBrUAry 02 2010 #1550501
GleNDoR FloRA 16X Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 525 lbs. 205i: 94
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.9 WW: +23 YW: +40 Milk: +7 TM: +19 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 SunMound AlBeRt 50A sunMounD floRa 2f (863839) SunMound floRA 14x
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 SunMound eSton of yoRK 26y SunMound PRide 8n SunMound toPPeR SunMound floRA 21K
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
MALE OGG 41A FEBrUAry 22 2013 #1729193
GleNDoR FoRte 41A Bw: 75 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.5 WW: +35 YW: +63 Milk: +16 TM: +33 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR floRa 16X (1550501) A real solid, "rancher" bull here. Light birthweight off a young cow just coming into her prime!
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “AlIce” F AmIly
Glendor Dispersal
The “aLice” cows were part of our started package of registered angus cows and here they are today. Looking back it makes a person smile to see the original foundation still intact. FEMALE OGG 12H FEBrUAry 10 1998 # 918728
GleNDoR AlIce 12h Bw: 77 lbs. adj 205d: 518 lbs. 205i: 97
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.9 WW: +13 YW: +26 Milk: -4 TM: +3 ldR BARdolene 3z sPRuCe VieW BaRDolene 5D (793426) SPRuce VieW BlAcKBiRd 11u W A f SenSAtion 056 sensaTion Bliss 80'87 (671367) Joy of Alice 11'81
BARdolene of PeAK dot 204R Genel KARAMA 33M AJAx WinSton 39'83 BlAcK iRon BlAcKBiRd 8P ScheARBRooK SenSAtion BlAcKBiRd 69 cRoSSMount lAWMAn 17h Alice BliSS 16'79
FEMALE OGG 34Z FEBrUAry 15 2012 #1669055
GleNDoR AlIce 34z Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +34 YW: +65 Milk: +17 TM: +34 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 SteVenSon BRuno 561G younG dAle GeoRGinA 141u SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d SenSAtion BliSS 80'87
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 fReyBuRn BRuno 136n glenDoR aliCe 38R (1255894) GlendoR Alice 12h
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
lot #55
FEMALE OGG 38r FEBrUAry 23 2005 #1255894
GleNDoR AlIce 38R Bw: 90 lbs. adj 205d: 493 lbs. 205i: 83
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.1 WW: +17 YW: +39 Milk: +11 TM: +20 SteVenSon BRuno 561G fReyBuRn BRuno 136n (1187895) younG dAle GeoRGinA 141u SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d glenDoR aliCe 12H (918728) SenSAtion BliSS 80'87
SteVenSon Royce 741c JRS enchAntReSS 16A younG dAle MARShAll 106S younG dAle GeoRGinA 14R ldR BARdolene 3z SPRuce VieW BlAcKBiRd 11u W A f SenSAtion 056 Joy of Alice 11'81
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 34X FEBrUAry 09 2010 #1550534
GleNDoR AlIce 34X Bw: 75 lbs. adj 205d: 614 lbs. 205i: 106
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.7 WW: +30 YW: +53 Milk: +11 TM: +26 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 fReyBuRn BRuno 136n glenDoR aliCe 38R (1255894) GlendoR Alice 12h
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 SteVenSon BRuno 561G younG dAle GeoRGinA 141u SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d SenSAtion BliSS 80'87
A.I.’ed: May 1 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
lot #56 - Glendor Alice 34X
FEMALE OGG 51A FEBrUAry 24 2013 #1729195
GleNDoR AlIce 51A Bw: 89 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.9 WW: +39 YW: +70 Milk: +18 TM: +37 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR aliCe 34X (1550534)
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal AmIly GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “AlIce” FDispersal
FEMALE OGG 7T JANUAry 31 2007 #1378691
lot #57 - Glendodr Alice 7t
GleNDoR AlIce 7t Bw: 84 lbs. adj 205d: 440 lbs. 205i: 79
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.6 WW: +16 YW: +32 Milk: +10 TM: +18 hARMon KAhunA 9064 cAf hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7238 WindoVeR KentucKy 11A hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7210 ldR BARdolene 3z SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d SPRuce VieW BlAcKBiRd 11u glenDoR aliCe 12H (918728) W A f SenSAtion 056 SenSAtion BliSS 80'87 Joy of Alice 11'81 A.I.’ed: May 1 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808 hARMon KAhunA l047 WinDoVeR KaHuna 13P (1248786) WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 32y FEBrUAry 11 2011 #1606192
FEMALE OGG 12A FEBrUAry 12 2013 #1728536
GleNDoR AlIce 12A Bw: 74 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.9 WW: +32 YW: +59 Milk: +17 TM: +33 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR aliCe 7T (1378691)
titan 29X - Sire of lot #58A
GleNDoR AlIce 32y Bw: 83 lbs. adj 205d: 571 lbs. 205i: 98
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.7 WW: +35 YW: +57 Milk: +7 TM: +25 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S SPRuce VieW BARdolene 5d glenDoR aliCe 12H (918728) SenSAtion BliSS 80'87
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c ldR BARdolene 3z SPRuce VieW BlAcKBiRd 11u W A f SenSAtion 056 Joy of Alice 11'81
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 34A FEBrUAry 20 2013 #1729215
GleNDoR AlIce 34A Bw: 74 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.2 WW: +36 YW: +66 Milk: +11 TM: +29 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
DaM: glenDoR aliCe 32y (1606192)
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “lADy ANN”
Glendor Dispersal
another top cow family from early sunset. The “Lady ann” cow family would surely be a signature cow family – foundation genetics at it's best!
FEMALE OGG 20N FEBrUAry 12 2003 #1155901
lot #59 - Glendor lady Ann 20N
GleNDoR lADy ANN 20N Bw: 89 lbs. adj 205d: 591 lbs. 205i: 102
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.1 WW: +29 YW: +49 Milk: +17 TM: +32 tc StocKMAn 365 MVf sToCKMan 120K (1021342) RRd tiBBie 12e uMf Action of Wye 7090 eaRly sunseT laDy ann 43J (952233) ScA lAdy Ann 45G
tc StocKMAn tc PRide 0014 Rito 2100 G d A R MVf tiBBie 16c PARAMont AMBuSh 2172 AlexinA of Wye uMf 6784 ScA tonto 6A ScA lAdy Ann 3y
FEMALE OGG 91A APrIL 09 2013 #1728517
GleNDoR lADy ANN 91A Bw: 82 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.1 WW: +46 YW: +81 Milk: +28 TM: +51 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR laDy ann 20n (1155901)
A.I.’ed: May 1 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
lot #60A - Glendor lady Ann 33A FEMALE OGG 45y FEBrUAry 17 2011 #1606211
GleNDoR lADy ANN 45y Bw: 89 lbs. adj 205d: 561 lbs. 205i: 95
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.4 WW: +35 YW: +65 Milk: +21 TM: +39 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR laDy ann 20n (1155901) eARly SunSet lAdy Ann 43J
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e uMf Action of Wye 7090 ScA lAdy Ann 45G
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
lot #60 - Glendor lady Ann 45y
FEMALE OGG 33A FEBrUAry 20 2013 #1729218
GleNDoR lADy ANN 33A Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.6 WW: +36 YW: +70 Milk: +18 TM: +36 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S DaM: glenDoR laDy ann 45y (1606211)
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “lADy ANN” FAmIly
FEMALE STS 6r FEBrUAry 21 2005 #1264123
Glendor Dispersal
ISlA BANk lADy ANN 6R Bw: 94 lbs. adj 205d: 622 lbs. 205i: 100
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.5 WW: +37 YW: +72 Milk: +17 TM: +36 hiGh VAlley 4c6 AMBuSh Big sKy aMBusH 294 (1142472) BiG SKy BeAuty 009 chico hAnniBAl 43h isla BanK laDy ann 55l (1062448) iSlA BAnK lAdy Ann 54c
PARAMont AMBuSh 2172 hiGh VAlley GloRiA 1Q2 ABeRAn dMM deciSion 26h V d A R BeAuty 4061 tc StocKMAn 365 chico RoSeBud 2e JohnSton MAxiMuM 210A iSlA BAnK lAdy Ann 36t
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 1A FEBrUAry 05 2013 #1728524
GleNDoR lADy ANN 1A Bw: 92 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.8 WW: +42 YW: +79 Milk: +21 TM: +42 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: isla BanK laDy ann 6R (1264123)
FEMALE OGG 64Z MArCH 21 2012 #1669026
lot #62
GleNDoR lADy ANN 64z Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.2 WW: +43 YW: +81 Milk: +20 TM: +42 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 BiG SKy AMBuSh 294 isla BanK laDy ann 6R (1264123) iSlA BAnK lAdy Ann 55l
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hiGh VAlley 4c6 AMBuSh BiG SKy BeAuty 009 chico hAnniBAl 43h iSlA BAnK lAdy Ann 54c
A.I.’ed: April 29 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
lot #63A - Glendor lady Ann 31A
FEMALE OGG 39U FEBrUAry 25 2008 #1434348
lot #63 - Glendor lady Ann 39U
GleNDoR lADy ANN 39U Bw: 85 lbs. adj 205d: 543 lbs. 205i: 92
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.4 WW: +24 YW: +46 Milk: +13 TM: +25 hARMon KAhunA 9064 cAf hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7238 WindoVeR KentucKy 11A hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7210 tc StocKMAn 365 MVf StocKMAn 120K RRd tiBBie 12e glenDoR laDy ann 21P (1200007) RoyAl ViSion 31h GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K ScA lAdy Ann 45G A.I.’ed: May 1 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X hARMon KAhunA l047 WinDoVeR KaHuna 13P (1248786) WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J
FEMALE OGG 31A FEBrUAry 20 2013 #1729081
GleNDoR lADy ANN 31A Bw: 73 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.3 WW: +36 YW: +66 Milk: +19 TM: +36 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR laDy ann 39u (1434348)
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “lASSIe” Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal
selected from the early sunset herd as well, the “Lassie’s” are a good cow family that you can count on and build from!
FEMALE eLiTe dam OGG 9L JANUAry 14 2001 #1043968
lot #64 - Glendor lassie 9l
GleNDoR lASSIe 9l Bw: 94 lbs. adj 205d: 667 lbs. 205i: 116
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +7.3 WW: +31 YW: +56 Milk: +8 TM: +24 Rito 3W3 of oJ2 Rito 9fB3 anKonian one (871318) AnKony floRA W6820 BlAcKtof MuScleS 26B eaRly sunseT lassie 24H (915849) eARly SunSet lASSie 51x
Rito 9fB3 of 5h11 fullBAcK RitA 0J2 of 8J34 8704 AnKoniAn coRneRStone AnKony floRA 09t48 RonAn BAndolieR eSton 73z BlAcKtof eileen 13t WAldecK ShocKeR eARly SunSet lASSie 2t
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X elite/premier dam - designated elite since 2006. calves 6, average ratio 108
FEMALE OGG 95A APrIL 17 2013 #1728510
GleNDoR lASSIe 95A Bw: 87 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +47 YW: +85 Milk: +24 TM: +47 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR lassie 9l (1043968)
FEMALE OGG 11y JANUAry 30 2011 #1606201
GleNDoR lASSIe 11y Bw: 84 lbs. adj 205d: 497 lbs. 205i: 83
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.4 WW: +33 YW: +64 Milk: +16 TM: +33 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 AnKoniAn one glenDoR lassie 9l (1043968) eARly SunSet lASSie 24h
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 Rito 3W3 of oJ2 Rito 9fB3 AnKony floRA W6820 BlAcKtof MuScleS 26B eARly SunSet lASSie 51x
A.I.’ed: May 1 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 18A FEBrUAry 15 2013 #1729208
GleNDoR lASSIe 18A Bw: 58 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.6 WW: +35 YW: +69 Milk: +15 TM: +33 dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S DaM: glenDoR lassie 11y (1606201)
FEMALE OGG 50y FEBrUAry 19 2011 #1606322
GleNDoR lASSIe 50y Bw: 90 lbs. adj 205d: 553 lbs. 205i: 93
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.7 WW: +36 YW: +66 Milk: +18 TM: +36 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR lassie 6u (1434337) GlendoR lASSie 10n
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 MVf StocKMAn 120K eARly SunSet lASSie 24h
MALE OGG 13A FEBrUAry 12 2013 #1729220
GleNDoR tItAN 13A Bw: 79 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +37 YW: +70 Milk: +16 TM: +34 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
DaM: glenDoR lassie 50y (1606322)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X The Titan/Matrix combo seems to always click. They get their work done!
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “lASSIe” Dispersal FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
lot #67A
FEMALE OGG 6U FEBrUAry 06 2008 #1434337
lot #67A - Glendor lassie 23A
GleNDoR lASSIe 6U Bw: 98 lbs. adj 205d: 573 lbs. 205i: 96
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +7.1 WW: +30 YW: +51 Milk: +12 TM: +27 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR lassie 10n (1155890) eARly SunSet lASSie 24h
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e BlAcKtof MuScleS 26B eARly SunSet lASSie 51x
FEMALE OGG 23A FEBrUAry 17 2013 #1728546
GleNDoR lASSIe 23A Bw: 86 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.1 WW: +39 YW: +69 Milk: +18 TM: +37 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR lassie 6u (1434337)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 55X FEBrUAry 19 2010 #1550558
GleNDoR lASSIe 55X Bw: 75 lbs. adj 205d: 588 lbs. 205i: 100
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.6 WW: +40 YW: +66 Milk: +15 TM: +35 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR lassie 6u (1434337) GlendoR lASSie 10n
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 MVf StocKMAn 120K eARly SunSet lASSie 24h
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 36Z FEBrUAry 15 2012 #1669097
GleNDoR lASSIe 36z Bw: 81 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.7 WW: +39 YW: +70 Milk: +15 TM: +34 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S GlendoR SMucKeRS 8u glenDoR lassie 55X (1550558) GlendoR lASSie 6u
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n GlendoR lASSie 10n
A.I.’ed: April 29 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the Glendor “kARAmA”Dispersal FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
The “Karama” 104J cow came to us from the esteemed Brookmore angus herd. This cow and her descendants are beautiful udders, deep ribbed cows and are exactly what we feel angus cows are supposed to be.
FEMALE OGG 17U FEBrUAry 11 2008 #1434318
Bw: 87 lbs. adj 205d: 515 lbs. 205i: 86
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.9 WW: +21 YW: +39 Milk: +6 TM: +17 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 BRooKMoRe lAnceR 32f BRooKMoRe KaRaMa 104J (976454) BRooKMoRe KARAMA 70t
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 MinBuRn lAnceR 22d BRooKMoRe eline 78d ARGWen BlAcKMAn Pdh 72K MountAin VieW PRide KARAMA 82G
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
GleNDoR kARAmA 42z Bw: 79 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.3 WW: +31 YW: +60 Milk: +15 TM: +31 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR KaRaMa 17u (1434318) BRooKMoRe KARAMA 104J
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 BRooKMoRe lAnceR 32f BRooKMoRe KARAMA 70t
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE OGG 53A FEBrUAry 25 2013 #1728548
GleNDoR kARAmA 53A Bw: 73 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.5 WW: +34 YW: +63 Milk: +15 TM: +32 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR KaRaMa 17u (1434318)
Glendor karama 29y - Dam of lot #72
FEMALE OGG 42Z FEBrUAry 18 2012 #1669076
lot #70 - Glendor karama 17U
GleNDoR kARAmA 17U
FEMALE OGG 39A FEBrUAry 22 2013 #1729213
GleNDoR kARAmA 39A Bw: 75 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.8 WW: +36 YW: +69 Milk: +17 TM: +34 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S MeRit 8808 glenDoR KaRaMa 29y (1606318) GlendoR KARAMA 61t
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR KAhunA 13P GlendoR KARAMA 38P
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “BARBARA” FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
our “BarBara” cow family started with angus acres Barbara 89y, a tremendous daughter of angus acres Texas Tea 19m. 89y came to us via crescent creek angus and was one of only a few cows we ever flushed. This cow line has earned their keep every time.
FEMALE eLiTe dam OGG 15M JANUAry 21 2002 #1106362
GleNDoR BARBARA 15m Bw: 90 lbs. adj 205d: 602 lbs. 205i: 102
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.0 WW: +43 YW: +69 Milk: +21 TM: +43 PAPA uniVeRSe 515 AMf nhf g D a uniVeRse 726g (992318) G d A Bonny 412d GlendoR lAnceR 46G glenDoR BaRBaRa 37J (987059) GlendoR BARBARA 59f
PAPA eQuAtoR 2928 AMf nhf Pld eRiSKAy PAPA 011 G d A R oScAR 711 AMf nhf B P Bonny 82d SPRuce VieW lAnceR 23B SunMound floRA 2z AnGuS AcReS eRic 184c AnGuS AcReS BARBARA 89y
A.I.’ed: May 1 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
GleNDoR UPWARDS 71A Bw: 91 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.5 WW: +53 YW: +91 Milk: +30 TM: +57 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR BaRBaRa 15M (1106362)
Lots of natural thickness and performance on this one.
FEMALE OGG 14Z FEBrUAry 04 2012 #1668967
GleNDoR BARBARA 14z Bw: 95 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +7.0 WW: +47 YW: +81 Milk: +22 TM: +46 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 G d A uniVeRSe 726G glenDoR BaRBaRa 15M (1106362) GlendoR BARBARA 37J
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 PAPA uniVeRSe 515 AMf nhf G d A Bonny 412d GlendoR lAnceR 46G GlendoR BARBARA 59f
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
MALE OGG 71A MArCH 06 2013 #1728513
FEMALE OGG 22U FEBrUAry 14 2008 #1434328
GleNDoR BARBARA 22U Bw: 88 lbs. adj 205d: 646 lbs. 205i: 112
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.3 WW: +40 YW: +64 Milk: +16 TM: +36 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 G d A uniVeRSe 726G glenDoR BaRBaRa 15M (1106362) GlendoR BARBARA 37J
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 PAPA uniVeRSe 515 AMf nhf G d A Bonny 412d GlendoR lAnceR 46G GlendoR BARBARA 59f
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
— ReMINDeR!! — We are Offering a Bull Calf Wintering Program • Bull calves may return back to Glendor for development until April 1st, 2014 for a cost of $350 • Any Bull Calves that go back to Glendor will be semen tested and guaranteed, insurance must be purchased on each bull (insurance available on site Sale Day) • Should the Bull Calf not pass the Breeding Soundness Exam peformed by Dr. Carla Hicks, a full refund will be issued • Any bull calves that are not returned to Glendor will sell “as is” and Standard Dispersal Terms are in effect
Glendor Barbara 22U - Dam of lot #76
MALE OGG 65A MArCH 01 2013 #1728550
GleNDoR UPWARDS 65A Bw: 90 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.2 WW: +52 YW: +89 Milk: +28 TM: +53 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
DaM: glenDoR BaRBaRa 22u (1434328) A 3/4 brother to the Lot #74A bull. Uniformity and power and a fresh pedigree for the Glendor herd.
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the Glendor “JeStReSS”Dispersal FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
many miles and hours were spent traveling and researching for cow families that we could and should access. one of those missions led us to spruce view angus, wayne grant of Killam, aB. The “JesTress” cow family started from this herd and with producing the likes of Lancer 60u as well as many others. we have always been thankful for this cow family addition FEMALE OGG 26P FEBrUAry 15 2004 #1199995
GleNDoR JeStReSS 26P Bw: 97 lbs. adj 205d: 557 lbs. 205i: 93
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.7 WW: +31 YW: +50 Milk: +16 TM: +32 tc StocKMAn 365 MVf sToCKMan 120K (1021342) RRd tiBBie 12e PeRRyVille lAnceR 56P glenDoR JesTRess 13J (955626) GlendoR JeStReSS 37e
tc StocKMAn tc PRide 0014 Rito 2100 G d A R MVf tiBBie 16c noRtheRn exciteMent GAf 13J PeRRyVille eVolution eRicA 83J AnGuS AcReS WinSton 170c SPRuce VieW JeStReSS 36B
MALE OGG 68A MArCH 04 2013 #1728520
GleNDoR UPWARDS 68A Bw: 72 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.9 WW: +47 YW: +82 Milk: +28 TM: +51 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR JesTRess 26P (1199995)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 15Z FEBrUAry 04 2012 #1669005
lot #79 - Glendor Jestress 15z
GleNDoR JeStReSS 15z Bw: 95 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +7.3 WW: +41 YW: +70 Milk: +20 TM: +41 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR JesTRess 26P (1199995) GlendoR JeStReSS 13J
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e PeRRyVille lAnceR 56P GlendoR JeStReSS 37e
FEMALE OGG 37T FEBrUAry 22 2007 #1413983
GleNDoR JeSStReSS 37t Bw: 89 lbs. adj 205d: 561 lbs. 205i: 105
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.9 WW: +22 YW: +37 Milk: +12 TM: +23 hARMon KAhunA l047 WinDoVeR KaHuna 13P (1248786) WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J PeRRyVille lAnceR 56P glenDoR JesTRess 13J (955626) GlendoR JeStReSS 37e
hARMon KAhunA 9064 cAf hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7238 WindoVeR KentucKy 11A hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7210 noRtheRn exciteMent GAf 13J PeRRyVille eVolution eRicA 83J AnGuS AcReS WinSton 170c SPRuce VieW JeStReSS 36B
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
MALE OGG 25A FEBrUAry 18 2013 #1728539
GleNDoR UPWARDS 25A Bw: 78 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.5 WW: +43 YW: +75 Milk: +26 TM: +47 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR JessTRess 37T (1413983)
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor GleNDoR AcReS - the “RUBy” FDispersal AmIly
Glendor Dispersal
The “ruBy’s” are a well uddered, strong cow family here. They aren't large in numbers but have produced well for us in leaving many good calves!
FEMALE OGG 46W FEBrUAry 25 2009 #1522824
GleNDoR RUBy 46W Bw: 78 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.4 WW: +35 YW: +57 Milk: +13 TM: +31 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR RuBy 19n (1155896) SARAMAR RuBy 27J
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e douBle AA BlAcKMAn 252'96 KBJ RuBy 149x
lot #81 - Glendor Ruby 46W FEMALE OGG 42A FEBrUAry 22 2013 #1729085
GleNDoR RUBy 42A Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.3 WW: +41 YW: +72 Milk: +19 TM: +39 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR RuBy 46W (1522824)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
hF Prowler 43U - Service Sire to lot #82
lot #82 Glendor Ruby 45z FEMALE OGG 45Z FEBrUAry 19 2012 #1669086
GleNDoR RUBy 45z Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.4 WW: +39 YW: +70 Milk: +19 TM: +39 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR RuBy 46W (1522824) GlendoR RuBy 19n
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 MVf StocKMAn 120K SARAMAR RuBy 27J
A.I.’ed: April 27 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE OGG 15U FEBrUAry 11 2008 #1434367
GleNDoR ellA mINA 15U Bw: 60 lbs. adj 205d: 603 lbs. 205i: 109
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +0.4 WW: +34 YW: +57 Milk: +9 TM: +26 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 fReyBuRn BRuno 136n glenDoR ella Mina 37R (1255887) BuffAlo coulee ellA MinA 15c
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 SteVenSon BRuno 561G younG dAle GeoRGinA 141u AnGuS AcReS heAdS uP 4A PM ellA MinA 22S
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “ellA mINA” FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
“eLLa mina's” were part of an original lot that started the foundation of our herd. They have faced the test of time proving to be a very functional cow family that has survived the numerous adverse adventures the saskatchewan climate unleashes!
FEMALE OGG 37r FEBrUAry 20 2005 #1255887
GleNDoR ellA mINA 37R Bw: 85 lbs. adj 205d: 611 lbs. 205i: 108
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.2 WW: +27 YW: +50 Milk: +8 TM: +22 SteVenSon Royce 741c SteVenSon BRuno 561G JRS enchAntReSS 16A fReyBuRn BRuno 136n (1187895) younG dAle MARShAll 106S younG dAle GeoRGinA 141u younG dAle GeoRGinA 14R eVeRBlAcK eSSoteRic 167W AnGuS AcReS heAdS uP 4A AcReS RoyAl lAdy 4S Buffalo Coulee ella Mina 15C (778221) AnGuS cRAft lucKy StRiKe PM ellA MinA 22S MinA of SAGeMeRe 84l Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
MALE OGG 19A FEBrUAry 15 2013 #1728528
GleNDoR UPWARDS 19A Bw: 65 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.6 WW: +45 YW: +82 Milk: +24 TM: +46 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR ella Mina 37R (1255887)
Note the modest 64 lb. birthweight on this young and upcoming bull!
FEMALE OGG 32T FEBrUAry 16 2007 #1378571
GleNDoR ellA mINA 32t Bw: 78 lbs. adj 205d: 470 lbs. 205i: 87
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.4 WW: +28 YW: +53 Milk: +3 TM: +17 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 younKin tRiuMPh 4966 glenDoR ella Mina 13M (1106332) BuffAlo coulee ellA MinA 15c
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 BRuSett SPectRuM 62 AMf younKin RoSe 4952 AnGuS AcReS heAdS uP 4A PM ellA MinA 22S
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 7Z JANUAry 29 2012 #1669062
GleNDoR ellA mINA 7z Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.4 WW: +38 YW: +70 Milk: +14 TM: +33 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR ella Mina 32T (1378571) GlendoR ellA MinA 13M
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 younKin tRiuMPh 4966 BuffAlo coulee ellA MinA 15c
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
lot #84 - Glendor ella mina 37R
FEMALE OGG 5A FEBrUAry 09 2013 #1728538
GleNDoR ellA mINA 5A Bw: 75 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.8 WW: +38 YW: +70 Milk: +14 TM: +32 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR ella Mina 32T (1378571)
FEMALE OGG 51Z FEBrUAry 22 2012 #1669075
GleNDoR ellA mINA 51z Bw: 88 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.3 WW: +41 YW: +72 Milk: +16 TM: +37 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR ella Mina 15u (1434367) GlendoR ellA MinA 37R
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 fReyBuRn BRuno 136n BuffAlo coulee ellA MinA 15c
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “coUNteSS” FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
The “counTess” cow family from merit came to us a few years back and are highly regarded in the merit herd.
lot #88 - merit countess 137X
FEMALE TJL 137X MArCH 06 2010 #1565323
meRIt coUNteSS 137X Bw: 77 lbs. adj 205d: 620 lbs. 205i: 97
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.1 WW: +38 YW: +73 Milk: +11 TM: +30 SteVenSon MoneyMAKeR R185 MeRiT 8711 (1471568) MeRit SociAlite 4195 Sunny GRoVe extRA 2e MeRiT CounTess 7067 (895340) PR counteSS 35B
Boyd on tARGet 1083 AMf cAc SteVenSon cloVA PRide l888 f A R KRuGeRRAnd 410h MeRit SociAlite 1024 dAlRene extRA 36A lindBARRy RoSeBud 10'87 PeAK dot dillinGeR 672z fReeWAy counteSS 11n
FEMALE OGG 75A MArCH 07 2013 #1729204
GleNDoR coUNteSS 75A Bw: 62 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.6 WW: +43 YW: +80 Milk: +18 TM: +39 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: MeRiT CounTess 137X (1565323)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
lot #88A - Glendor countess 75A PAGe
Glendor Dispersal
Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GGlendor - the “BlAck Sky GIRl” FAmIly Glendor Dispersal leNDoR AcReS The “BLacK sKy girL” line may be small in numbers but we like the job they do for our herd. solid production, good uddered and, of course, strong maternal traits.
lot #89 Glendor Sky Girl 54z
FEMALE OGG 54Z FEBrUAry 25 2012 #1669059
GleNDoR Sky GIRl 54z Bw: 92 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.6 WW: +46 YW: +79 Milk: +21 TM: +44 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 younKin tRiuMPh 4966 GlendoR tRiuMPh 15l KARAMA 104J MiDniTe oil BlaCK sKy giRl 70s (1399730) BRooKMoRe MVf StocKMAn 33J Midnite oil SKy GiRl 35l Midnite oil SKy GiRl 8G
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Royal Forte DRcc 5136R - Sire to merit 8808 and Paternal Grandsire to several lots in this sale including lots #89 & #91 on this page.
FEMALE PL 70S MArCH 26 2006 #1399730
mIDNIte oIl BlAck Sky GIRl 70S Bw: 86 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.3 WW: +40 YW: +65 Milk: +18 TM: +38 BRuSett SPectRuM 62 AMf younKin tRiuMPh 4966 younKin RoSe 4952 glenDoR TRiuMPH 15l (1044001) BRooKMoRe lAnceR 32f BRooKMoRe KARAMA 104J BRooKMoRe KARAMA 70t tc StocKMAn 365 MVf StocKMAn 33J MVKd MiSS eSSence 11G MiDniTe oil sKy giRl 35l (1056915) MVf RiBeye 9e Midnite oil SKy GiRl 8G Midnite oil BlAcK SKy GiRl 2e Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 87A MArCH 30 2013 #1728535
GleNDoR BlAck Sky GIRl 87A Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.2 WW: +44 YW: +76 Milk: +21 TM: +43 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 DaM: MiDniTe oil BlaCK sKy giRl 70s (1399730)
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
Note the Karama cow family in this cow family, as well as her fancy 8808 heifer calf.
FEMALE OGG 28y FEBrUAry 07 2011 #1606309
GleNDoR Sky GIRl 28y Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 658 lbs. 205i: 117
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.0 WW: +47 YW: +80 Milk: +21 TM: +45 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 younKin tRiuMPh 4966 GlendoR tRiuMPh 15l KARAMA 104J MiDniTe oil BlaCK sKy giRl 70s (1399730) BRooKMoRe MVf StocKMAn 33J Midnite oil SKy GiRl 35l Midnite oil SKy GiRl 8G
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 4A FEBrUAry 09 2013 #1729212
GleNDoR Sky GIRl 4A Bw: 64 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.9 WW: +42 YW: +77 Milk: +18 TM: +39 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S DaM: glenDoR sKy giRl 28y (1606309)
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “eRRolINe” FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
The “erroLine” cow family started with 5J that we purchased from Tom Blacklock and his long standing herd of good cows – whether it be numerous bull calves at the top of the pen which were always among the first ones sold. This would be one of those cows that was stingy in giving us heifers which we would have been glad to have.
FEMALE eLiTe dam TOM 5J FEBrUAry 02 1999 # 961037
BeNlock eRRollINe 5J Bw: 75 lbs. adj 205d: 669 lbs. 205i: 114
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.6 WW: +38 YW: +66 Milk: +12 TM: +31 Q A S tRAVeleR 23-4 BeMindful MAid d h d 0807 Scotch cAP ellA eilA of conAnGA hf WAlK-on 14c toRRo neGRo lucy 215P tc StocKMAn 2164 JAy en dee eRRolline 23W
d h d tRAVeleR 6807 Connealy DaTeline (894782) eilA eilA of conAnGA AMf hf huRRicAne 10e BenloCK eRRolline 46g (881805) BenlocK eRRolline 7e
FEMALE OGG 73A MArCH 06 2013 #1728508
GleNDoR eRRollINe 73A Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.3 WW: +51 YW: +90 Milk: +26 TM: +51 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: BenloCK eRRolline 5J (961037)
A.I.’ed: May 8 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808 elite/premier dam - designated elite since 2006. calves 6, average ratio 108 FEMALE OGG 73Z MArCH 30 2012 #1668958
GleNDoR eRRollINe 73z Bw: 94 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.3 WW: +37 YW: +69 Milk: +18 TM: +37 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 conneAly dAteline BenloCK eRRolline 5J (961037) BenlocK eRRolline 46G
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 d h d tRAVeleR 6807 AMf nhf eilA eilA of conAnGA AMf hf huRRicAne 10e BenlocK eRRolline 7e
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
MALE TW OGG 62A FEBrUAry 27 2013 #1728516
GleNDoR UPWARDS 62A Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.8 WW: +55 YW: +95 Milk: +27 TM: +54 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR eRRolline 25M (1106437) BenlocK eRRolline 5J
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e conneAly dAteline BenlocK eRRolline 46G
MALE TW OGG 61A FEBrUAry 27 2013 #1728515
GleNDoR UPWARDS 61A Bw: 86 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.8 WW: +55 YW: +95 Milk: +27 TM: +54 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR eRRolline 25M (1106437) BenlocK eRRolline 5J
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e conneAly dAteline BenlocK eRRolline 46G
Moderate birthweight and great EPD's and, of course, the Erroline cows behind him getting it done!
FEMALE OGG 19Z FEBrUAry 06 2012 #1668973
GleNDoR eRRollINe 19z Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +6.0 WW: +45 YW: +79 Milk: +19 TM: +42 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 MVf StocKMAn 120K glenDoR eRRolline 25M (1106437) BenlocK eRRolline 5J
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 tc StocKMAn 365 RRd tiBBie 12e conneAly dAteline BenlocK eRRolline 46G
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “eRRolINe”
FEMALE OGG 36U FEBrUAry 23 2008 #1434346
Glendor Dispersal
lot #97 - Glendor erroline 36U
GleNDoR eRRollINe 36U Bw: 88 lbs. adj 205d: 583 lbs. 205i: 100
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.6 WW: +40 YW: +67 Milk: +18 TM: +38 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 Bon VieW neW deSiGn 878 glenDoR eRRolline 18P (1200036) GlendoR eRRolline 25M
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 B/R neW deSiGn 036 ddc Bon VieW GAMMeR 85 cAc MVf StocKMAn 120K BenlocK eRRolline 5J
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 56A FEBrUAry 26 2013 #1729079
GleNDoR eRRollINe 56A Bw: 87 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.9 WW: +44 YW: +77 Milk: +21 TM: +43 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR eRRolline 36u (1434346)
FEMALE OGG 77Z APrIL 07 2012 #1669082
GleNDoR eRRollINe 77z Bw: 70 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.4 WW: +42 YW: +75 Milk: +21 TM: +42 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR eRRolline 36u (1434346) GlendoR eRRolline 18P
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 Bon VieW neW deSiGn 878 GlendoR eRRolline 25M
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
the Ranch Foreman! PAGe
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR ADispersal velvet” FAmIly cReS - the “RoyAl
Glendor Dispersal
angus acres herd at Kinsella, aB, is where the “royaL veLveT” cow family started the journey for our herd. we have sold many good cattle from this cow line year in and year out. proven and predictable!! FEMALE OGG 63L MArCH 11 2001 #1043945
GleNDoR RoyAl velvet 63l Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 571 lbs. 205i: 100
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.1 WW: +24 YW: +40 Milk: +5 TM: +17 SoutholM extRA 125W dAlRene extRA 36A SunMound ducheSS 14u glenDoR eXTRa 3J (955631) cudloBe SiR BARoS 32M GlendoR PRinceSS 34f cARonhill PRinceSS 13'89 coRVAlliS SuMMit 69'82 GlenRio BAndolieR 8x cReeK BlAcKBiRd 17'81 angus aCRes Royal VelVeT 79C (771876) Blind loMA lAneS WondeR 52P AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 78W AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 38S
FEMALE OGG 88A APrIL 01 2013 #1728512
GleNDoR RoyAl velvet 88A Bw: 78 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.1 WW: +36 YW: +63 Milk: +15 TM: +32 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 DaM: glenDoR Royal VelVeT 63l (1043945 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 62Z MArCH 20 2012 #1668965
GleNDoR RoyAl velvet 62z Bw: 74 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.0 WW: +36 YW: +64 Milk: +15 TM: +33 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 GlendoR extRA 3J glenDoR Royal VelVeT 63l (1043945) AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 dAlRene extRA 36A GlendoR PRinceSS 34f GlenRio BAndolieR 8x AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 78W
FEMALE OGG 92A APrIL 13 2013 #1729221
GleNDoR RoyAl velvet 92A Bw: 70 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.9 WW: +40 YW: +70 Milk: +13 TM: +32 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S GlendoR SMucKeRS 8u glenDoR Royal VelVeT 55y (1606203) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 63l
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S GlendoR extRA 3J AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “mISS tReND”
Glendor Dispersal
The “miss Trend” tribe came via our good friends at new force angus, Laird & Joyce senft. very good production and very good udders – just how we like them to be.
lot #103 - Glendor miss trend 42y MALE OGG 38A FEBrUAry 22 2013 #1728537
GleNDoR FoRte 38A Bw: 70 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.8 WW: +35 YW: +64 Milk: +21 TM: +39 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR Miss TRenD 19T (1378569) GlendoR MiSS tRend 54n
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J GlendoR fullBAcK 11K neW foRce MiSS tRend 85G
A low birthweight son of 8808, a great combination!
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE OGG 42y FEBrUAry 15 2011 #1606311
GleNDoR mISS tReND 42y Bw: 78 lbs. adj 205d: 579 lbs. 205i: 101
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.0 WW: +33 YW: +62 Milk: +21 TM: +38 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J GlendoR fullBAcK 11K neW foRce MiSS tRend 85G
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR Miss TRenD 19T (1378569) GlendoR MiSS tRend 54n
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “eRIcA” Dispersal FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
The start of our “erica” cow family is erica 110 who was purchased as the lead-off Bred heifer from Breed creek in 2009 and has not disappointed us with her production.
FEMALE CSG 110U MArCH 22 2008 #1461129
BReeD cReek eRIcA 8110 Bw: 78 lbs. adj 205d: 677 lbs. 205i: 110
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +0.7 WW: +46 YW: +79 Milk: +17 TM: +40 GdAR GAMe dAy 449 gDaR gaMe Day 6284 (1440629) GdAR BlAcKette lAdy 1553 KR toPcut QuARteRBAcK 101h BReeD CReeK eRiCa 245 (1133367) douBle J eRicA 34d
Boyd neW dAy 8005 G d A R MiSS Wix 474 G d A R Royce 5140 GdAR BlAcKette lAdy 7391 tc StocKMAn 2164 K R MiSS 16W BRoSt 105A WiWA cReeK tex 5B douBle J eRicA 390B
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
lot #104 - Breed creek erica 8110
FEMALE OGG 29A FEBrUAry 18 2013 #1729083
GleNDoR eRIcA 29A Bw: 76 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.9 WW: +47 YW: +83 Milk: +21 TM: +44 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: BReeD CReeK eRiCa 8110 (1461129
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “PRINceSS” FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
Long time angus breeders, cliff & sherry robertson of caronhill angus, bred this cow line – a powerful, well structured set of cows. exceptional feet and udders in this cow family is exactly what we have been able to count on.
FEMALE OGG 11P FEBrUAry 08 2004 #1199986
GleNDoR PRINceSS 11P Bw: 115 lbs. adj 205d: 625 lbs. 205i: 103
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +8.3 WW: +32 YW: +53 Milk: +17 TM: +33 PAPA uniVeRSe 515 AMf nhf g D a uniVeRse 726g (992318) G d A Bonny 412d cudloBe SiR BARoS 32M glenDoR PRinCess 34f (851523) cARonhill PRinceSS 13'89
PAPA eQuAtoR 2928 AMf nhf Pld eRiSKAy PAPA 011 G d A R oScAR 711 AMf nhf B P Bonny 82d BoW RidGe SiR BARoS 112J WillABAR counteSS 20B cARonhill MR BiG cARonhill Queen 12'84
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 26A FEBrUAry 18 2013 #1728519
GleNDoR PRINceSS 26A Bw: 85 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.7 WW: +48 YW: +83 Milk: +28 TM: +52 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR PRinCess 11P (1199986)
lot #106A - 36A
FEMALE OGG 76X MArCH 15 2010 #1550565
lot #106 - Glendor Princess 76X
GleNDoR PRINceSS 76X Bw: 68 lbs. adj 205d: 589 lbs. 205i: 111
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.9 WW: +45 YW: +71 Milk: +16 TM: +39 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR PRinCess 37u (1434323) GlendoR PRinceSS 62l
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 neW foRce end zone 15J GlendoR PRinceSS 44J
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
MALE OGG 36A FEBrUAry 21 2013 #1729202
GleNDoR FoRte 36A Bw: 83 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.5 WW: +46 YW: +79 Milk: +20 TM: +43 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR PRinCess 76X (1550565) A real stout, eye appealing herdbull prospect. Note his sister, 28Z, who is selling as Lot #107, she will be a force to be reckoned with.
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - the “PRINceSS”
FEMALE OGG 28Z FEBrUAry 12 2012 #1669101
Glendor Dispersal
lot #107 - Glendor Princess 28z
GleNDoR PRINceSS 28z Bw: 58 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.0 WW: +41 YW: +72 Milk: +15 TM: +36 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S GlendoR SMucKeRS 8u glenDoR PRinCess 76X (1550565) GlendoR PRinceSS 37u
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 AMf nhf cAf ddf (ee) cReScent cReeK eulA 120l 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n GlendoR PRinceSS 62l
female ogg 37u february 25 2008 #1434323
Bw: 85 lbs. adj 205d: 628 lbs. 205i: 109
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 PeRRyVille ARlie 5G neW foRce end zone 15J dAn-MeG le 1d glenDoR PRinCess 62l (1043996) eARly SunSet BAndolieRMeRe 98G GlendoR PRinceSS 44J GlendoR PRinceSS 7B A.I.’ed: May 7 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
lot #108 - Glendor Princess 37U
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.4 WW: +38 YW: +60 Milk: +15 TM: +34
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
MALE OGG 52A FEBrUAry 25 2013 #1729080
GleNDoR FoRte 52A Bw: 88 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.8 WW: +43 YW: +73 Milk: +20 TM: +41 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR PRinCess 37u (1434323) With 8808 and a dam like this makes this bull a serious prospect!
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “PRINceSS” FAmIly
FEMALE OGG 3S JANUAry 31 2006 #1329137
Glendor Dispersal
lot #109 - Glendor Princess 37U
GleNDoR PRINceSS 3S Bw: 92 lbs. adj 205d: 674 lbs. 205i: 125
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +7.1 WW: +41 YW: +63 Milk: +13 TM: +34 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 G d A uniVeRSe 726G glenDoR PRinCess 11P (1199986) GlendoR PRinceSS 34f
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 PAPA uniVeRSe 515 AMf nhf G d A Bonny 412d cudloBe SiR BARoS 32M cARonhill PRinceSS 13'89
A.I.’ed: May 7 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
MALE OGG 50A FEBrUAry 24 2013 #1728531
GleNDoR UPWARDS 50A Bw: 96 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.1 WW: +52 YW: +88 Milk: +26 TM: +52 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
DaM: glenDoR PRinCess 3s (1329137) This guy has the making to be something pretty special. Deep bodied and powerful!
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - the “PRINceSS”
FEMALE OGG 38X FEBrUAry 11 2010 #1550519
Glendor Dispersal
lot #110 - Glendor Princess 38X
GleNDoR PRINceSS 38X Bw: 102 lbs. adj 205d: 597 lbs. 205i: 97
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +8.1 WW: +33 YW: +55 Milk: +15 TM: +32 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 G d A uniVeRSe 726G glenDoR PRinCess 11P (1199986) GlendoR PRinceSS 34f
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 PAPA uniVeRSe 515 AMf nhf G d A Bonny 412d cudloBe SiR BARoS 32M cARonhill PRinceSS 13'89
FEMALE OGG 59A FEBrUAry 26 2013 #1729196
GleNDoR PRINceSS 59A Bw: 85 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.6 WW: +48 YW: +84 Milk: +27 TM: +51 conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S
Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u DaM: glenDoR PRinCess 38X (1550519)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 56y FEBrUAry 26 2011 #1606332
Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 604 lbs. 205i: 106
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.0 WW: +45 YW: +71 Milk: +16 TM: +39 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR PRinCess 37u (1434323) GlendoR PRinceSS 62l
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 neW foRce end zone 15J GlendoR PRinceSS 44J
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
lot #111A - Glendor Princess 3A
GleNDoR PRINceSS 56y
FEMALE OGG 3A FEBrUAry 09 2013 #1729222
GleNDoR PRINceSS 3A Bw: 72 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.9 WW: +41 YW: +73 Milk: +15 TM: +36 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S DaM: glenDoR PRinCess 56y (1606332)
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “RoSeBUD” FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
The “roseBud” cow family may be one of the most esteemed cow lines from the crescent creek herd. for that we selected 36K from them years ago and she is still going today at 13 years of age. rich pedigree equalled by great production!
FEMALE WOS 36K JANUAry 27 2000 #1001765
cReSceNt cReek RoSeBUD 36k Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 593 lbs. 205i: 90
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.4 WW: +35 YW: +68 Milk: +18 TM: +36 AnGuS AcReS lAnceR 60u SPRuce VieW lAnceR 23B VieW BlAcKcAP 47x CResCenT CReeK legenD 148g (892234) SPRuce VicWin BRutuS SunMound ducheSS 1z SunMound ducheSS 39W Rito 549 PRAiRielAne 8094 Rito 8094 PRAiRielAne 2060 AMf 6003 RoSeBud 9045 CResCenT CReeK RoseBuD 46f (849513) PRAiRielAne cReScent cReeK fReeStAte 96y cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 32A PRAiRielAne 5012 duSty 7034
FEMALE OGG 83A MArCH 19 2013 #1728509
GleNDoR RoSeBUD 83A Bw: 78 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.8 WW: +41 YW: +77 Milk: +21 TM: +42 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 DaM: CResCenT CReeK RoseBuD 36K (1001765)
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 13Z FEBrUAry 03 2012 #1668964
lot #113 - Glendor Rosebud 13z
GleNDoR RoSeBUD 13z Bw: 88 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +5.7 WW: +42 YW: +79 Milk: +21 TM: +42 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 SPRuce VieW lAnceR 23B cReScent cReeK leGend 148G ducheSS 1z CResCenT CReeK RoseBuD 36K (1001765) SunMound Rito 8094 PRAiRielAne 2060 AMf cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 46f cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 32A
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE OGG 64X FEBrUAry 27 2010 #1550535
GleNDoR RoSe BUD 64X Bw: 76 lbs. adj 205d: 608 lbs. 205i: 104
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.3 WW: +38 YW: +66 Milk: +13 TM: +32 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M glenDoR Rose BuD 44R (1255902) cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 36K
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K cReScent cReeK leGend 148G cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 46f
A.I.’ed: May 7 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
MALE OGG 32A FEBrUAry 20 2013 #1729200
GleNDoR FoRte 32A Bw: 92 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.7 WW: +43 YW: +76 Milk: +19 TM: +40 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR Rose BuD 64X (1550535)
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “RoSeBUD” FAmIly
FEMALE OGG 48X FEBrUAry 15 2010 #1550504
GleNDoR RoSeBUD 48X Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 683 lbs. 205i: 118
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.3 WW: +43 YW: +71 Milk: +16 TM: +38
Glendor Dispersal
MALE OGG 47A FEBrUAry 23 2013 #1729199
GleNDoR FoRte 47A Bw: 83 lbs.
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 SPRuce VieW lAnceR 23B cReScent cReeK leGend 148G ducheSS 1z CResCenT CReeK RoseBuD 36K (1001765) SunMound Rito 8094 PRAiRielAne 2060 AMf cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 46f cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 32A
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
36K always leave her footprint on her genetics This bull will sire tremendous females!
hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222
FEMALE OGG 22y FEBrUAry 04 2011 #1606199
GleNDoR RoSeBUD 22y Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 624 lbs. 205i: 110
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.8 WW: +41 YW: +78 Milk: +21 TM: +42 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 SPRuce VieW lAnceR 23B cReScent cReeK leGend 148G ducheSS 1z CResCenT CReeK RoseBuD 36K (1001765) SunMound Rito 8094 PRAiRielAne 2060 AMf cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 46f cReScent cReeK RoSeBud 32A
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.7 WW: +45 YW: +79 Milk: +20 TM: +43 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR RoseBuD 48X (1550504)
lot #116 - Glendor Rosebud 22y
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor GleNDoR AcReS - the “NINA” FDispersal AmIly
Glendor Dispersal
yet another of an original package of cows we purchased, the “nina” cow family is not a big family but they've cleared the hurdles. FEMALE OGG 56N APrIL 19 2003 #1155868
GleNDoR NINA 56N Bw: lbs. adj 205d: 536 lbs. 205i: 92
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.8 WW: +16 YW: +32 Milk: +5 TM: +13 AnKoniAn one glenDoR fullBaCK 11K (996830) VAlleyMeRe hPS JeStReSS 53z foxBuRy dRiVeR fn 3u glenDoR nina 10B (734107) texAn BliSS 15'88
Rito 3W3 of oJ2 Rito 9fB3 AnKony floRA W6820 SunMound WARden 27W VAlleyMeRe hPS JeStReSS S 57t BuRthlene JR 10S foxBuRy Ann fn 12P texAn BliSS 22'85 ninA 83
MALE OGG 16A FEBrUAry 14 2013 #1728518
GleNDoR FoRte 16A Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.0 WW: +32 YW: +59 Milk: +15 TM: +30 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR nina 56n (1155868)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 46Z FEBrUAry 19 2012 #1669002
GleNDoR NINA 46z Bw: 70 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.2 WW: +32 YW: +60 Milk: +15 TM: +31 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 AnKoniAn one VAlleyMeRe hPS JeStReSS 53z foxBuRy dRiVeR fn 3u texAn BliSS 15'88
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 GlendoR fullBAcK 11K glenDoR nina 56n (1155868) GlendoR ninA 10B
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE OGG 13U FEBrUAry 08 2008 #1434343
GleNDoR NINA 13U Bw: 95 lbs. adj 205d: 577 lbs. 205i: 97
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.5 WW: +19 YW: +36 Milk: +9 TM: +19 hARMon KAhunA l047 WinDoVeR KaHuna 13P (1248786) WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J GlendoR fullBAcK 11K glenDoR nina 56n (1155868) GlendoR ninA 10B
hARMon KAhunA 9064 cAf hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7238 WindoVeR KentucKy 11A hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7210 AnKoniAn one VAlleyMeRe hPS JeStReSS 53z foxBuRy dRiVeR fn 3u texAn BliSS 15'88
lot #119A - Glendor Nina 79A
FEMALE OGG 79A MArCH 10 2013 #1728547
GleNDoR NINA 79A Bw: 67 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.8 WW: +33 YW: +61 Milk: +17 TM: +33 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR nina 13u (1434343)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 16y FEBrUAry 02 2011 #1606323
GleNDoR NINA 16y Bw: 81 lbs. adj 205d: 509 lbs. 205i: 86
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.5 WW: +32 YW: +55 Milk: +13 TM: +29 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR KAhunA 13P glenDoR nina 13u (1434343) GlendoR ninA 56n
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon KAhunA l047 WindoVeR BlAcK lAdy 10J GlendoR fullBAcK 11K GlendoR ninA 10B
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 27A FEBrUAry 18 2013 #1729210
GleNDoR tItAN 27A Bw: 73 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.1 WW: +35 YW: +65 Milk: +14 TM: +31 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
glenDoR nina 16y (1606323) A Titan calf and guess what ... a light birthweight!!
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - the “BloSSom” FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
hi Low angus (dan howell) is where the “BLossom” line comes from. a quiet unassuming cow but when you see her Bred heifer and Bull calf you will be impressed. FEMALE HTD 58W APrIL 03 2009 #1532312
hIloW BloSSom 58W Bw: 84 lbs. adj 205d: 595 lbs. 205i: 107
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.7 WW: +43 YW: +80 Milk: +13 TM: +35 hoff fiRSt edition 058 242 BlaCK RiDge eDiTion 2s (1350533) lAdy of PeAK dot 748l BASin MAx 602c HiloW BlossoM 35l (1082361) G B t BloSSoM 16J
hoff heAd of the clASS Sc534 hoff Witch of S c 7131 058 hf younG Gun 139J lAdy of PeAK dot 432d G t MAxiMuM BASin eline eRicA 315u Rito 9fB3 of 5h11 fullBAcK BAR B MAy'S BloSSoM 7e
MALE OGG 22A FEBrUAry 17 2013 #1729086
GleNDoR FoRte 22A Bw: 74 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.4 WW: +45 YW: +83 Milk: +19 TM: +41 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: HiloW BlossoM 58W (1532312)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - DBrL TITAN 29X
FEMALE OGG 47Z FEBrUAry 20 2012 #1669087
GleNDoR BloSSom 47z Bw: 73 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.9 WW: +44 YW: +82 Milk: +19 TM: +41 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 BlAcK RidGe edition 2S HiloW BlossoM 58W (1532312) hiloW BloSSoM 35l
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hoff fiRSt edition 058 242 lAdy of PeAK dot 748l BASin MAx 602c G B t BloSSoM 16J
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005 wow!!!!!!!
lot #122 - Glendor Blossom 47z
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “BlAckBIRD” FAmIly
Glendor Dispersal
a family which has always been a strong performing, moderate, easy fleshing with beautful udders is how i best describe the “BLacKBird’s”.
FEMALE OGG 35U FEBrUAry 22 2008 #1434371
GleNDoR BlAckBIRD 35U Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 647 lbs. 205i: 114
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.0 WW: +40 YW: +65 Milk: +18 TM: +38 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M glenDoR BlaCKBiRD 46R (1255892) GlendoR BlAcKBiRd 2G
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 Sitz AlliAnce 6595 GlendoR lAdy Ann 54K MineRtS foRtune 2000 MfA BlAcKBiRd 1e
A.I.’ed: May 12 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
lot #123 - Glendor Blackbird 35U
MALE OGG 58A FEBrUAry 26 2013 #1729078
GleNDoR FoRte 58A Bw: 96 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.6 WW: +44 YW: +76 Milk: +21 TM: +43 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR BlaCKBiRD 35u (1434371)
Study and analyze these 8808 sons and look at these bull calves! This bull calf, Forte 58A, contains a pedigree full of good cattle and will grow into a powerful individual.
FEMALE OGG 6X JANUAry 27 2010 #1550564
GleNDoR BlAckBIRD 6X Bw: 74 lbs. adj 205d: 665 lbs. 205i: 116
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.5 WW: +50 YW: +79 Milk: +17 TM: +42 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR BlaCKBiRD 35u (1434371) GlendoR BlAcKBiRd 46R
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M GlendoR BlAcKBiRd 2G
FEMALE OGG 2A FEBrUAry 06 2013 #1729088
GleNDoR BlAckBIRD 2A Bw: 88 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.8 WW: +49 YW: +83 Milk: +21 TM: +45 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR BlaCKBiRD 6X (1550564)
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Glendor Dispersal GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “BlAckBIRD” FAmIly
FEMALE OGG 24y FEBrUAry 05 2011 #1606331
GleNDoR BlAckBIRD 24y Bw: 85 lbs. adj 205d: 621 lbs. 205i: 108
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.7 WW: +45 YW: +78 Milk: +21 TM: +44 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR AlliAnce 10M GlendoR BlAcKBiRd 2G
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR BlaCKBiRD 35u (1434371) GlendoR BlAcKBiRd 46R
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
Glendor Dispersal
lot #125 - Glendor Blackbird 24y
MALE OGG 89A APrIL 04 2013 #1729211
GleNDoR tItAN 89A Bw: 80 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.2 WW: +41 YW: +76 Milk: +18 TM: +38 dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l
dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S DaM: glenDoR BlaCKBiRD 24y (1606331)
This calf's dam is a full sibling to the bull calf that is selling as Lot #123A. Predictablity is high! Note the low birthweight on this up and comer.
Glendor Glendor Dispersal GleNDoRDispersal AcReS - the “BlAcklASS” FAmIly
FEMALE OGG 67Z MArCH 22 2012 #1669102
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal
GleNDoR BlAcklASS 67z Bw: 75 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.5 WW: +45 YW: +79 Milk: +23 TM: +46 heRo 6267 of R R 2418 h A iMAGe MAKeR 0415 A Rito BlAcKcAP 9038 BaD lanDs iMage MaKeR 65W (1502379) h BAd lAndS dAQuAntAe 26l BAd lAndS Anne 4015P BAd lAndS Anne 69K luKenS 9440 Scotch cAP l463 MeRit luKe 3120 Glennie lAdy Ann 23J MeRiT BlaCKlass 125X (1565312) looKout ViKinG 392n MeRit BlAcKlASS 7332 MeRit BlAcKlASS 114K
The “BLacKLass” cow family came to us through the merit cattle co sale a few years back. They’re just in the prime of their lives!
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE TJL 125X MArCH 05 2010 #1565312
meRIt BlAcklASS 125X Bw: 81 lbs. adj 205d: 662 lbs. 205i: 104
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.3 WW: +36 YW: +67 Milk: +19 TM: +37 luKenS 9440 Scotch cAP l463 MeRiT luKe 3120 (1182059) Glennie lAdy Ann 23J looKout ViKinG 392n MeRiT BlaCKlass 7332 (1424093) MeRit BlAcKlASS 114K
R R ScotchcAP 9440 AMf nhf G d A R foReVeR lAdy 9163 Glennie Soco Re 7e Glennie lAdy Ann 44c cReScent cReeK GeRoniMo 42l WillABAR eBA 45d MeRit dieSel 8041 Bell BlAcKlASS 14c
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE OGG 84A MArCH 22 2013 #1729203
GleNDoR BlAcklASS 84A Bw: 88 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +42 YW: +77 Milk: +22 TM: +42 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: MeRiT BlaCKlass 125X (1565312)
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal FAmIly GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “ANNIe” Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal
The “annie” family is moderate in frame, with good form and always has stylish females and bull calves that are powerhouses. Just like the rest of the cows, a focus on fertility, maternal traits with sound feet and legs has been a must. mission accomplished!!
FEMALE OGG 15r FEBrUAry 08 2005 #1292816
GleNDoR ANNIe 15R Bw: 78 lbs. adj 205d: 593 lbs. 205i: 106
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +2.0 WW: +37 YW: +61 Milk: +11 TM: +30 Bon VieW neW deSiGn 878 glenDoR Design 1n (1168306) GlendoR Annie 6l GlendoR end zone 56l glenDoR annie 9n (1155921) GlendoR Annie 33l
B/R neW deSiGn 036 ddc Bon VieW GAMMeR 85 cAc AnKoniAn one GlendoR Annie 23B neW foRce end zone 15J BenlocK eRRolline 5J GlendoR extRA 3J GlendoR Annie 3h
A.I.’ed: May 7 - CONNEALy CONSENSUS 7229 Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
FEMALE BAG 3X JANUAry 19 2010 #1555185
lot #128 - Glendor Annie 15R
MALE BAG 17A FEBrUAry 15 2013 #1728505
GleNDoR FoRte 17A Bw: 78 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.6 WW: +42 YW: +74 Milk: +18 TM: +39 PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 DaM: glenDoR annie 15R (1292816)
A low birthweight Forte calf that comes from one of the top cows in the herd. Brent's cow family are the Annies and he has himself a very good set of cows.
lot #129 - Glendor Annie 3X
GleNDoR ANNIe 3X Bw: 80 lbs. adj 205d: 562 lbs. 205i: 94
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.3 WW: +38 YW: +61 Milk: +15 TM: +34 hARMon MAtRix 4051 WinDoVeR MaTRiX 35n (1160258) hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR deSiGn 1n glenDoR annie 15R (1292816) GlendoR Annie 9n
B J MAGnuM 9740 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 4301 Qlc Rito W526c AMc hARMon BlAcK lAdy 3185 Bon VieW neW deSiGn 87 GlendoR Annie 6l GlendoR end zone 56l GlendoR Annie 33l
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
FEMALE BAG 21A FEBrUAry 16 2013 #1728506
GleNDoR ANNIe 21A Bw: 72 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +43 YW: +74 Milk: +20 TM: +41 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017
DaM: glenDoR annie 3X (1555185)
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal GleNDoR AcReS - theGlendor “ANNIe” Dispersal FAmIly
FEMALE BAG 26y FEBrUAry 07 2011 #1606354
GleNDoR ANNIe 26y Bw: 89 lbs. adj 205d: 604 lbs. 205i: 104
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +4.2 WW: +44 YW: +76 Milk: +18 TM: +40 RoyAl foRte dRcc 5138R MeRiT 8808 (1471487) MeRit counteSS 6087 GlendoR deSiGn 1n glenDoR annie 15R (1292816) GlendoR Annie 9n
PAPA foRte 1921 dMf RoyAl PeRSePhone dRc 3110n dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit counteSS 1017 Bon VieW neW deSiGn 878 GlendoR Annie 6l GlendoR end zone 56l GlendoR Annie 33l
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 8808
Glendor Dispersal
FEMALE BAG 17y FEBrUAry 02 2011 #1606350
GleNDoR ANNIe 17y Bw: 72 lbs. adj 205d: 567 lbs. 205i: 100
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.0 WW: +43 YW: +67 Milk: +13 TM: +35 4dJ SMucKeRS fRontieR 43S glenDoR sMuCKeRs 8u (1457005) GlendoR RoyAl VelVet 65S GlendoR end zone 56l glenDoR annie 9n (1155921) GlendoR Annie 33l
AtlAStA fRontieR 11P 4dJ PReStiGiouS ednA 24P younG dAle touch doWn 36M AnGuS AcReS RoyAl VelVet 79c neW foRce end zone 15J BenlocK eRRolline 5J GlendoR extRA 3J GlendoR Annie 3h
Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005
lot #129 - Glendor Annie 10z
FEMALE BAG 10Z FEBrUAry 01 2012 #1668957
GleNDoR ANNIe 10z Bw: 62 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +1.3 WW: +43 YW: +74 Milk: +15 TM: +37 dBRl 03M titAn 4t DBRl TiTan 29X (1556023) dBRl 4336 dellA 28S WindoVeR MAtRix 35n glenDoR annie 3X (1555185) GlendoR Annie 15R
dMM AMBuSh 03M dBRl BlAcKBiRd 2n S A V 004 denSity 4336 cReScent cReeK eulA 120l hARMon MAtRix 4051 hARMon BlAcK lAdy 7222 GlendoR deSiGn 1n GlendoR Annie 9n
A.I.’ed: April 28 - HF PrOWLEr 43U Exposed: May 13 - July 16 - MErIT 2005 One of the very good heifers on offer! 10Z is very cool, hairy, great structure, big furry ears and with her udder that she is laying down looks really good! Show heifer!
GleNDoR AcReS - A “PRIDe” BUll cAlF
MALE OGG 85A MArCH 22 2013 #1729205
GleNDoR UPWARDS 85A Bw: 71 lbs.
Fall 2013 EPD’s - BW: +3.8 WW: +54 YW: +96 Milk: +28 TM: +54 Sitz uPWARd 307R glenDoR uPWaRDs 9y (1606343) MVf tiBBie 166u SAndy BAR ideAl 28S MeRiT PRiDe 139X (1583792) MeRit PRide 6203
conneAly onWARd Sitz henRiettA PRide 81M BxB VentuRe Son 9P MVf tiBBie 221S PRAiRielAne ideAl 7451-2014 KoRnfeld Quenette 807h dWAJo dutch 65P MeRit PRide 3052
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal Glendor Glendor Dispersal DISPeRSAl SAle — teRmS & coNDItIoNS heRDDispersal FoR GleNDoR — 1. terms: The terms of the sale are cash or cheque at par. No releases will be given until satisfactory settlement has been made. All monies are in Canadian Funds, other funds will be accepted at the current rate or exchange.
See SemeN INveNtoRy lIStING oN NeXt PAGe ‰
2. Bids: Every animal entering the ring will be sold to the highest bidder. 3. Disputes: In case of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auc-tioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision in such matter will be final. 4. Announcements: Any changes from information in this catalogue will be announced from the auction block, such changes will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay close attention to any such announcements. 5. Purchaser’s Risk: Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. 6. certificate of Registration: Each animal in the sale will carry registration papers issued by the Canadian Angus Association. A certificate duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after full total payment has been made. 7. Accidents: Every precaution will be exercised to protect the safety and comfort of those attending the sale. Neither the owners, auctioneer, or any sale staff assume any responsibility in this matter and disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or loss of property. 8. thIS IS A DISPeRSAl: (a) Cattle sell as is. (b) All bred females will be declared safe in calf by a qualified veterinarian and carry no further breeder guarantee. (d) All known blemishes will be announced from the Auction Block on Sale Day. (e) No other guarantee, expressed or implied, shall apply. 9. liability: All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk; sellers and/or sales management and/or any of the sales staff assume no liability legal or otherwise for any accidents occurring in, on, or about the premises. 10. Insurance: Livestock insurance and/or transit insurance will be available. 11. export testing: In the case of animals purchased for export, the necessary custom, health, and export certificates will be supplied. • General Information • health: All cattle will be supplied with proper health papers for shipment anywhere in Canada or for export to the USA. Cattle requiring Brucellosis and TB tests (U.S. purchases) will be tested following the sale and will be ready for shipment in approximately one week. Insurance: There will be an insurance representative present sale day. mail Bids: May be entrusted in complete confidence to any of the sale staff or representatives listed.
This is a compLeTe dispersaL! no caTTLe heLd BacK!!! PleASe Note!! all dna requests made from the canadian angus association in regard to ai services/bull exposure will be paid for by glendor. The dna test, where applicable, will accompany the transfer of ownership and shall be recognized by the canadian angus association on those animals. PAGe
Glendor Dispersal Dispersal Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal SellS! lot Glendor #134 - GleNDoR AcReS SemeN INveNtoRy lot #
Blind creek lad 25h
134 A hami 43u
hf prowLer 43u
134 B imp 9272w
s a v camaro
134 c hami 162u
hf chaLLenger 104y
134 D imp 0502m
gar us premium Beef
134 e imp 355n
Tc grid Topper 355
134 F fms 25h
BLind creeK Lad 25h
134 G Lwp 20r
gLennie sparTan 20r
134 h nXw 56p
perryviLLe Lancer 56p
134 I sd 36a
daLrene eXTra 36a
134 J imp 4966f
younKin Triumph 4966
134 k uga 32m
cudLoBe sir Baros 32m
SAv camaro
134 l pdar 204r BardoLene of peaK doT 204r
134 m imp 884e
anKonian one
134 N imp 43s
hoff vaLedicTorian sc 925
134 o imp 067a
hoff greaT wesTern sc 456
134 P iJp 2B
sandy Bar BardoLier
• Semen is sold FoB Place of Storage - it will in the tank at the sale on Sale day. After that it will be FoB Alta Genetics tc Grid topper 355
• Buyers Are Responsible for the transport of All Semen
18Xt Semen tank
It’s a compLeTe dispersaL - nothing held back, not even the semen tank!!
hoff Great Western Sc 456 PAGe
Glendor Dispersal
Glendor Dispersal Glendor Dispersal & NoW” GleNDoR AcReS – “theN
Glendor Dispersal
Catalogue by Coyote Lake Cattle Co. Ph: 403-653-2450
cAStleRock mARketING shane & Tammy castle Box 415, Swift Current, Sk S9H 3V8 9355254
Thursday 1:00 pm csT
2013 Lunch 11:30 am
Johnstone Auction Mart Ltd. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
• 100 cow/caLf pairs • 30 Bred heifers • 3 herd BuLLs • enTire semen invenTory