We would like to extend an invitation to our friends, neighbors and fellow cattlemen to attend our Annual Bull Sale Friday, March 14th at the Ranch. Thank you to our returning customers, whose support and belief in our program have been the foundation to our success. Your continued confidence in our program pushes us to strive for excellence. To our new customers, we welcome you to our sale and express appreciation for considering our program.
LCL Angus has always been a proud supporter of 4H. With that, new to the sale this year is a Pen of 3 Commercial Heifers from our nephew Bryce Carfantan. These heifers are out of LCL Angus bulls and full details are listed in the footnotes.
We would like to welcome everyone into our yard to view the bulls and have some LCL hospitality. Even though it is an online sale, we still have wings on the 13th and a supper on the 14th.
LCL ANGUS Lee & Leanne Carfantan Coronation, Alberta Lee’s Cell: 403.575.5523
Leanne’s Cell: 403.575.5787 www.lclangus.ca
Sale March 13th-14th
Gate Timed Auction Bulls can be viewed any time prior to Sale day Sale Begins March 13th @ 7:00 p.m. Sale Close Out March 14th @ 7:00 p.m.
Directions: To the ranch: 2 miles west of Coronation on Hwy 12 and 1.5 miles south on Rge Rd 113.
Shane & Tammy Castle .........306.741.7485
Mark Forsyth .....................306.784.7844
Welcome to the LCL Bull Sale and it is always a privilege to be working with the Carfantan family! 2025 edition of the bulls is THE best ever presented in terms of what the bull pen has to offer for you. Typically the way Mother Nature works is if you get a strong set of bull calves your replacement pen suffers a bit or vice versa but that isn’t the case here! Years of selective breeding and hours of effort put into fine tuning their genetic craft is paying off in a big way, the benefits are yours to reap as a customer of LCL as not only is there an excellent set of bulls but the high quality females that will be put back into the cow herd for future returns. Be sure to stop in to view the bulls either before or on the 13th or 14th for some hospitality and evaluate the bulls at your own leisure! If you need assistance in bidding on the bulls in this online format feel welcome to contact LCL or ourselves at Castlerock Marketing as we would be happy to assist you if needed or just have questions regarding the offering.
See you sale day!
Shane Castle
1. Visit dlms.ca and follow the link to the DLMS FarmGate timed auction site www.farmgatetimedauctions.ca, click the LOGIN/ REGISTRATION button. First time users will select the REGISTER button from this page. Fill out the registration form to signup for a free user account and it allows you to select a username and password for use on all Farm Gate Timed auctions. This program will send you text and email messages whenever there is activity on your favorite lots or someone challenges your proxy bid and this is why you will be asked for both your current email and cell phone number. If you are a past participant in the Farm Gate Timed auctions simply enter your user name and password to continue. This takes you to a list of both current and upcoming Farm Gate Auctions.
2. You can choose your favourite lots in this sale at this time and the program will allow you to open either all sale lots or just your favorite lots on your screen. Any time there is active bidding on a lot you have identified on your favorite list you will get a text and/or an email noting this activity.
3. The program allows you to place a proxy bid on any sale lot. This in fact protects your interest in any lot of interest for you to a specified dollar value you set, when you may not be able to give 100% attention to the sale. If the lot has a $2000 bid on it and you place a proxy bid of $3500 into the system, the computer will bid $2100 for you but if some one else bids $2200, the computer will again bid for you, this time at $2300. The system will look after your interest to a maximum of $3500. If another bidder is on at $3600, your proxy will no longer be effective and you will no longer have the winning bid on this lot without once again logging in and bidding again or moving your attention to a second lot of interest.
4. At closing time of the sale the entire sale will extend bidding if a bid is placed on any lot in the sale. Any bid received after close time will extend the sale by the time listed on each sale. In Most cases the time gets shorter the longer in to extended bidding the sale is. When no bidding occurs for the extended time the computer will declare the sale finished.
5. Following the sale the Owner or Sale Manager will invoice all buyers in the sale, please contact the seller with questions or to arrange delivery, pick up or shipping of your purchases.
For more info and assistance with bidding contact any of the sale contacts listed on the DLMS Website; DLMS FarmGate Timed Auctions ~ Mark Shologan Ph: 780-699-5082
WHAT IS RACEHORSE STYLE SALE CLOSE? Racehorse style sale close is when the entire sale stays open in extended bidding. This type of sale allows you as the bidder to change to a different lot within the same sale if the bidding has gone in to extended bidding.
HOW WILL EXTENDED BIDDING WORK? When we get to the close out end time the clock for close extends with any bid placed with less than 5 min on the clock. This type of extended bidding turns the end time to more of a soft time. Extended bidding allows bidders to compete in lots like a real auction and give all bidders the same time to make a decision. Always follow the clock to see how much time remains in the sale you are interested in. CASTLEROCK
• Light birthweight
• Lots of grow, super stylish calf
• We have flushed granddam and great granddam, heifer’s first calf
• Dam is from same cow family as #39, #48 and #75
• Profound son
• Soft made with a little extra frame
• Dam has been a very solid producer who consistently moderates birthweight
• Past bothers sold to Rodvang Farms and Hadwin Cattle Co
• Calving ease HF Reverence
• Soggy made • Reasonable
• Stylish calf • Packed full of muscle
• Good feet • Dam is a tank
• Brother sold to Standard Hill Livestock
• Calving ease specialist, sleep easy heifer
• Dam is from the same cow family as #2, #48, #75 bulls
Spiting image of his sire
• Herd bull presence
• Nice footed bull
• Dam is from same cow family as #2, #39 and #75
• Solid footed
• Lots of top
• Very complete calf
• Super dispositioned
• Same cow family as #2, #39 and #48
• Has been a favorite all year long
My name is Bryce Carfantan and this year I am trying the Pen of Three project in my 4-H Club. I hand picked 3 heifers out of our herd at home. These heifers are out of LCL Angus Bulls. I picked 3 white face heifers that should fit in, in any commercial herd. They are strong bodied, fancy heifers with a quiet touch. I would like to thank Uncle Lee, Auntie Leanne and the boys for letting me sell the girls in the bull sale. I’ve been in 4-H for 6 years now and glad for the new learning experience. I hope to expand my knowledge of the marketing side of the cattle industry with these breeding heifers.
Terms: The terms of the sale are cash or cheque payable at par at the sale unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made previous to the sale. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement is made. All settlements must be made with the clerks of the sale before any cattle will be released. The sale staff shall have the right to refuse bids from anyone who has a previous record of default in payment or who has not made proper credit clearance to the sale with the owner or Sales Manager.
Bidding: Each animal is to be sold to the highest bidder. No by-bidding will be permitted. A reasonable price base may be set.
Disputes: In case of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision in such matters is final. Purchaser’s Risk: Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. Animals will be cared for at the purchaser’s risk for a reasonable length of time.
Announcements: Errors discovered in the catalogue will be corrected by announcements from the auction stand at sale time and such corrections will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are cautioned to pay close attention to announcements.
Certificate of registry: Each animal will carry papers issued by the Canadian Angus Association. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyers for each animal after settlement has been made.
Breeders Guarantee, bulls: Should any bull (14) fourteen months of age or over, fail to prove a breeder after being used on cows known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within (6) six months following date of purchase or (6) six months after the bull has reached (14) fourteen months of age. The seller will then have the right and privilege of (6) six months to prove the bull a breeder. No guarantee is given that semen collected from the bull will freeze. In no event shall the seller be responsible for more than the purchase price. The seller is not responsible for damage caused by foreign bodies after the animal has been sold nor for sickness not apparent at sale time.
Exception guarantee: In cases where the animal was subjected to hormonal or surgical reproduction techniques after the sale, this guarantee shall be null and void.
Settlement: Transportation charges on animals returned to the seller are for account of the purchaser. No incidental expenses such as feed, care, A.I., signing fees, interest, veterinary charges, etc., will be charged by either party when making settlement. If the seller is successful in proving the animal in question to be a breeder, the said animal will be reclaimed by the purchaser at his expense. Should the seller fail to prove the animal a breeder, then the buyer is guaranteed a satisfactory replacement F.O.B. ranch or location of origin or a refund of the actual price. Should a dispute arise over the quality of the replacement animal, the Sale Management will appoint a mediator.
Accidents: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of buyers, neither the sales manager, auctioneer, or sellers assume any responsibility in this matter and disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or loss of property.
Mail or telephone bids: Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone or mail their bids and instructions to the sale manager, or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale.
Rights and obligatations: The above terms and conditions of the sale shall continue a contract between the buyer and the seller and be equally binding to both. Resale of animals following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction which is not covered by the terms and conditions of this sale.
Semen: LCL Angus reserves the right to collect semen on any bull sold in the sale to use for in herd use only. It will be collected at the buyers convience and LCL’s expense.