11th Annual
Terms and Conditions
The terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale location. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance unless previous arrangements have been made. Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of dispute the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Current exchange rates will be announced sale day. All monies are in Canadian funds.
Certificate of Registration:
Each animal will carry papers issued by the applicable breed association. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after payment has been made.
All animals in the sale have met all necessary health requirements.
Each animal becomes the purchaser’s risk immediately after the animal is sold. All animals in this sale will be sold under the terms and guarantees set forth by the applicable breed association with regard to health, freedom from defects and from both reproductive and specific genetic unsoundness.
Females must be taken home and paid for sale day. EPDs: Accurate at time of printing.
All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The sellers, facility owner, auctioneer and sale manager assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur.
Every assistance will be given in getting your purchases home. FREE DELIVERY. Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. Bulls will be delivered as soon as possible after the sale.
Internet, Phone, Wire, Mail Bids:
Real-time bidding with live audio and video will be available via the Internet for this sale. Buyers must create an account at least 2 days prior to the sale. Please visit www.dlms.ca to get started. Bidders unable to attend the sale may also phone, wire or mail their bids and instructions to the sale manager, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale.
Insurance: Agents will be in attendance to insure your purchases. Bulls returning to the consignor’s farm must be insured.
Errors: All announcements at sales time, written or oral, supersede any written material in the catalogue.
Stan Lock 306-753-7884
Jon Lock 306-753-7861
Brian Thomas 403-348-6468
Brady Moncrieff 306-228-9177
Bill Ayrey 306-753-7040
Jinaye Yanota 306-830-1282
Cole Fraser 780-753-7239
Shane Castle 306-741-7485
Mark Forsyth 306-784-7844
All Bulls will be semen tested. Free Delivery.
Auctioneer: Kyle Soderberg 306-883-7374 NSL Contacts: Jim Pulyk 780-787-0646 Ryan Noble 306-839-7949 Insurance: Stockmans Insurance Larry Toner 306-834-7652 Canadian Farm Insurance Corp. Jill Wildman 780-305-1146 Sale Day Phone:
Lock Farms
Stan & Susan Lock
Brian & Kim Thomas Box 215, Macklin, SK S0L 2C0
P: 306-753-2229 C: 306-753-7884 lockfarms@xplornet.com www.lockfarms.com
7Welcome to our annual bull sale. Again, this year we are selling horned and polled bulls and offering true F1 open heifer calves. Our Hereford bulls are from three sires, the Agribition champion calf Triple A 12D Gibson 7G, Harvie Coach ET 89F and
FE Sensation 10F We did not get many 7G sons but we do have a great heifer pen with some 7G heifers in there. Coach heifers calved last spring all with neat clean udders, with plenty of milk. We look forward to them getting into full production in the years to come. 10F was our heifer bull and he fit the bill perfectly. Smooth easy to come calves. Please join us Feb 6 sale day or reach out for a pen tour of the Herefords as well as Jon and Kaleen’s black bulls. There is someone around most days to help you make your selection or just ask questions, and have a look. We thank our friends, neighbours, and valued customers new and old for supporting us each year and look forward to working with you again this year.
Lock Farms
Credit: Lance Leachman
Triple-A 12D GIBSON 7G {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF} H PUT 7G MaleC0306602013/02/2019 YV 35X ZAM 15Z YV 15Z STANDARD ZAM 12D C03022458 YV 30U STANDARD LASS 32Z C STOCKMAN 2059 ET TRIPLE-A 2059 BELLE 14B C03008288 TRIPLE-A 22T WANDA 17W BW WW act YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 96 740 +3.0+45.4+75.5+24.4+47.1 FE 12D SENSATION10F {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF} HFHR 10FMaleC0305140528/03/2018 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X PAHL 028X DAKAR 12D C03030331 XTC 79Y MISS ERICA 158B FE 1S ROYAL STANDARD 37W PAHL 37W DARLENE 9D C03029905 PAHL 3S BO 7Y BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 80 6231110 +2.3+43.0+65.3+28.5+50.0 Reference Sires HARVIE COACH ET 89F {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF} PCVIH 89F MaleC03048882 30/01/2018 HYALITE ON TARGET 936 R LEADER 6964 C03025498 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 HARVIE TRAVELER 69T HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 55W C02927241 HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 24S BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 95 829 1439 +6.1+73.0+115.1+15.1+51.6 Leader is a breed changer. Mated with Harvie 55W, these bulls should be cow makers, packaged with performance. 4
Lot 2 LF 89F JAZZY 519J PLOK 519JMaleC03082263 13/03/2021 R LEADER 6964 HARVIE COACH ET 89F C03048882 HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 55W BBSF 100W ALLUSION 48A LF 48A BLANCHE 34D C03019785 GH ADAMS STATESMAN BLANCHE 87X BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 94 7311105 +5.6+72.5+117.5+20.5+56.8 Lots of power and maternal in this big fella. Check out the pedigree with the sires like Leader, Traveler, Trust and Statesman, and just to add to this guy’s maternal power throw in Harvie Firefly 55W. Just imagine a pen of steers built like this.HOMO POLLED Lot 3 LF 7G JAMBOREE 530J HLOK 530JMaleC03090371 21/03/2021 YV 15Z STANDARD ZAM 12D TRIPLE-A 12D GIBSON 7G C03066020 TRIPLE-A 2059 BELLE 14B XTC 13S REGENT 17W LF 17W REGAL LADY 5A C02981795 LF 195S LADY DUNN 26X BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 96 558924 +4.2+39.0+75.9+18.3+37.8 7G son with color on both eyes and a brown scrotum. A little white on his neck. The 7G bulls should be real cow makers. 14B has a nearly perfect udder. Lot 4 LF 7G RIBSTONE 524J HLOK 524JMaleC0309036917/03/2021 YV 15Z STANDARD ZAM 12D TRIPLE-A 12D GIBSON 7G C03066020 TRIPLE-A 2059 BELLE 14B PERKS 0003 NICKELBACK 4009 LF 4009 RIBSTONE LADY 221F C03050733 LF 5Z RIBSTONE LADY ET 76C BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 826721078 +3.6+56.3+95.4+25.0+53.2 Stout is about the best way to describe this bull. His mother 221F is becoming one of my favourite cows. Great feet and udder on a moderate frame. Lot 1 LF 89F JOKER 534J PLOK 534J MaleC03082260 23/03/2021 R LEADER 6964 HARVIE COACH ET 89F C03048882 HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 55W BBSF 100W ALLUSION 48A LF 48A MARGIE 14D C03020942 LF 17W MARGIE 80Z BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 957521196 +5.2+70.3+116.0+22.9+58.1 These Coach calves are stamped very similar. If you are looking for half brothers to fill a pasture these are your boys. Lots of length, big top, sound feet and color. Some have lots and some have just a little like this bull. HOMO POLLED Sale Bulls POLLED POLLED 5
Sale Bulls Lot 6 LF 10F JACKPOT 528J HLOK 528JMaleC03090370 20/03/2021 PAHL 028X DAKAR 12D FE 12D SENSATION 10F C03051405 PAHL 37W DARLENE 9D PERKS 0003 NICKELBACK 4009 LF 4009 NOBLE GIRL 213F C03050735 LF 850U NOBLE LASS 44Y BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 86 6151075 +3.3+48.0+88.5+24.2+48.2 We bought 10F for heifers and a few smaller cows. He did exactly what he was bought for. We did not touch one of his calves. They are all smooth, front to back. Lot 7 LF 10F JORDAN 508J HLOK 508JMaleC03082280 04/03/2021 PAHL 028X DAKAR 12D FE 12D SENSATION 10F C03051405 PAHL 37W DARLENE 9D BBSF 383 DERBY 217D LF 217D LEXUS 329G C03059213 LF LEXY LADY 42B BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 95 724974 +5.7+58.7+84.4+28.3+57.7 Heifers first calf. Smooth shoulder with plenty of go in him. Lot 8 LF 89F JOE 532J PLOK 532JMaleC0308226123/03/2021 R LEADER 6964 HARVIE COACH ET 89F C03048882 HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 55W BBSF 100W ALLUSION 48A LF 48A PRINCESS 16D C03019791 LF 61T PRINCESS 48Y BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 98 7151169 +6.4+71.2+119.9+18.6+54.2 This is a powerful bull if you stand beside or behind him. You will appreciate the mass. He comes from a gem of a cow. He would work great on a herd that wants a white face and big pay weight. HOMO POLLED Lot 5 LF 89F JUPITOR 513J HLOK 513J MaleC03082258 08/03/2021 R LEADER 6964 HARVIE COACH ET 89F C03048882 HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 55W FA YANKEE BRITISHER 85X LF BLANCHE 55B C02994478 GH ADAMS STATESMAN BLANCHE 87X BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 78642965 +2.4+58.1+91.9+18.4+47.5 Another Coach calf. Lots of color and his mother 55B is one of those cows who comes in, calves, and raises a good one year after year, no fuss just gets the job done. Steer calves should feed out really well. HOMO POLLED POLLED 6
Sale Bulls Lot 10 LF 89F JIMMY 547J PLOK 547JMaleC03082265 17/04/2021 R LEADER 6964 HARVIE COACH ET 89F C03048882 HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 55W PCL YUKON R117 ET 49Y PCL 49Y WYNONA 18E C03034172 EJM WYNONA 40T 29W BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 947081207 +5.2+71.6+119.8+19.5+55.3 Another Coach calf. He stamped them all the same length, color and muscle. His mother is a real good Phantom Creek cow. We sure do like the way these bulls have developed. Crossed or straight bred his steer calves should do very well in the feedlot. HOMO POLLED Lot 11 LF HARVEY 544J PLOK 544JMaleC03082254 04/04/2021 R LEADER 6964 HARVIE COACH ET 89F C03048882 HARVIE MS FIREFLY ET 55W GH STATESMAN 241S GH ADAMS STATESMAN BLANCHE 87X C02940285 LLCH 8E BLANCHE ET 319N BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 98 6811087 +6.3+68.6+114.8+17.7+52.0 Another coach calf out of our old 87X. She is one of the favourites at our place. She has three daughters in the herd and a couple more sons working around the country. He should be a knockout for producing really good females. Put him on your crossbred cows and put a white face on his steer calves, they should really perform. Lot 9 LF 7G RIBSTONE 518J HLOK 518J MaleC03090367 11/03/2021 YV 15Z STANDARD ZAM 12D TRIPLE-A 12D GIBSON 7G C03066020 TRIPLE-A 2059 BELLE 14B SFL 124P RIBSTONE 14T LVH MS 14T RIBSTONE STAND 50Y C02966769 F STANDARD LASS 73M BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 96682974 +5.5+54.3+83.6+20.6+47.8 Here is a very traditionally marked Hereford bull and a moderate frame. He comes from an old Mark Law cow so he should have lots of maternal in him. Lot 12 LF 10F JOURNEY 535J HLOK 535JMaleC03082275 27/03/2021 PAHL 028X DAKAR 12D FE 12D SENSATION 10F C03051405 PAHL 37W DARLENE 9D BBSF 383 DERBY 217D LF 217D RIBSTONE LADY 313G C03059204 LVH MS 14T RIBSTONE STAND 50Y BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 926461024 +5.6+53.6+87.7+27.1+53.9 Heifers first calf. Color in both eyes and a brown scrotum. POLLED POLLED 7
Lot 14 LF 7G TASHA 539J HLOK 539JFemaleC03090376 30/03/2021 YV 15Z STANDARD ZAM 12D TRIPLE-A 12D GIBSON 7G C03066020 TRIPLE-A 2059 BELLE 14B FA YANKEE BRITISHER 85X LF 85X TASHA 11A C02981786 BBSF 46P TASHA 254T BW WW adj YW ad EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 90 519874 +4.8+45.6+91.3+21.7+44.5 This heifer should
out to be
Bred Heifer Sale Bulls Lot 13 LF 89F JUGGERNAUT 525J HLOK 525JMaleC0308225618/03/2021 R LEADER
BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 946581024 +5.0+65.6+101.7+18.3+51.1
a moderate framed cow with a beautiful udder. Check out the pedigree on her. She is loaded with maternal power. Bred to LBH 6103 Advance 82F. Preg-checked safe in calf to calve the end of February - early March. If this calving window doesn’t fit your operation, we will gladly calve her and deliver later. Talk to Stan to make arrangements
This is our grandson Austin’s bull. His pedigree speaks for itself. 83Y has raised a bunch of bulls that we have sold into some really good herds. She only has one heifer calf and Austin says she’s stays. HOMO POLLED HARVIE COACH - SIRE OF 525J
Denver stock show out of the carload stall in the yards. He was my pick of all the bulls there he was extra heavily muscled but moved out very free he had extra pigment and the pictures of his dam were very impressive with her udder quality and femineity. This year my management changed on the bulls I had them grazing longer into fall to save feed and add exercise to them as a result I think they are coming to sale a little greener in condition than I normally have them. Once winter hit, they have been on barley green feed and being fed rolled barley as I didn’t have and brown oats this year. They have all being tie broke and clipped for pictures as I like to have them looking sharp for there pictures. As always, I will bring them home from the sale and deliver them to you or arrangements will be made to get them to you. I’m hosting a corral tour January 7 and 8 everyone is welcome to attend the coffee will be on if theses dates don’t work for you, please call me we will arrange a visit.
Brady & Chantel Moncrieff Box 41, Senlac, SK S0L 2Y0 P: 306-228-2354 C: 306-228-9177 ace_herefords@hotmail.com aceherefords.ca Reference Sires ACE RED LAD 33E H ACE 33E MaleC03054733 19/04/2017 JNHR RANCHER 17Y JNHR RED STAN 128A C02991423 JNHR 101T SASSY 836X MJT CENTURY 264P ACE TOTAL LASS 3T C02907846 ACE SANDMAN LASS 13P EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM +6.0+48.4+75.1+11.1+35.3 PERKS BH5017 EVALUATOR 9018 ET H 9018 MaleC0308785523/01/2019 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X UPS SENSATION 2296 ETA43311175 UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET C LIFELINE 3165 ET PERKS 2026 LIFESAVER 5017A43608972 PERKS 92W LUCKY SHEBA 2026 BW WW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM +4.2+66.3+107.5+39.5+72.7 This is an exciting year for me I get to introduce everyone to my perk’s evaluator
Ace Herefords 9
bull. I purchased him at
94725 +5.6+58.5+95.7+27.3+56.6 ACE 8J is my pick of the bulls. I showed him at the Alberta Hereford Showcase were he was first in class and selected second as Peoples Choice as well as being picked as the Genes Event Bull in the customer draw. The winner selected two other bulls instead of him. He is the kind we strive to breed. He has a ton of muscle mass and thickness over his top yet is still smooth fronted and is very free moving. He is very correct on feet and legs and is fully pigmented.
Ace Herefords Lot 17 ACE EVALUATOR LAD 16J
BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 90690 +4.9+57.2+93.7+27.1+55.7 Here is another show bull. He has lots of muscle, is fully pigmented and is very quiet. He shows the stamp of the Evaluator bull. Lot 16 ACE EVALUATOR LAD 12J HACE
BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 90685 +4.4+57.3+92.9+27.5+56.2 12J is a very thick, larger frame Evaluator son with extra
ETC03087855 PERKS
Lot 18 ACE EVALUATOR LAD 22J HACE 22JMaleC0310044112/04/2021 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET PERKS BH5017 EVALUATOR 9018 ETC03087855 PERKS 2026 LIFESAVER 5017 MJT TRACKER 33X ACE TRACKER LASS 4B C03001066 DUNROBIN 8N CELESTE 58R BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 96690 +5.3+57.9+95.2+28.1+57.1 This bull is a larger framed, deep bodied Evaluator bull with a great dam who was a shown as a heifer calf and has raised me show calves. 10
HACE 16J MaleC0309838806/04/2021
2026 LIFESAVER 5017
2026 LIFESAVER 5017
length of body lots of yellow hair.
Ace Herefords Sale Bulls Lot 21 ACE EVALUATOR LAD 27J HACE 27J MaleC0310044418/04/2021 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET PERKS BH5017 EVALUATOR 9018 ETC03087855 PERKS 2026 LIFESAVER 5017 MJT TRACKER 33X ACE TRACKER LASS 35B C03013719 ACE TOP BRASS LASS 11S BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 95645 +4.9+56.3+92.9+26.3+54.5 Another Evaluator son with that big hip and eye pigment that makes him very eye appealing. Lot 20 ACE EVALUATOR LAD 26J HACE 26JMaleUnregistered2021 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET PERKS BH5017 EVALUATOR 9018 ETC03087855 PERKS 2026 LIFESAVER 5017 dam info BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 92600 26J is a bull with a big hip and smooth shoulder. He sells with out papers as i forgot to register his dam. He is purebred. Lot 19 ACE RED Lad 23J HACE 23JMaleC0310044213/04/2021 JNHR RED STAN 128A ACE RED LAD 33E C03054733 ACE TOTAL LASS 3T MJT TRACKER 33X ACE TRACKER LAS 22C C03025848 ACE SCULLY LASS 21X BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 98650 +6.1+49.2+79.0+13.3+37.9 He is a dark, long bodied Red son with extra hair and pigment. 11
Ace Herefords Sale Bulls Lot 26 ACE Red Lad 33J HACE 33JMaleC0310044804/05/2021 JNHR RED STAN 128A ACE RED LAD 33E C03054733 ACE TOTAL LASS 3T MJT NITRO NUGGET ET 79A ACE NUGGET LASS 27E C03057078 ACE ROBBIE LASS 38A BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 93580 +5.7+47.1+74.2+14.2+37.7 33J is a yellow Red son with lots of hair and length of body. Lot 25 ACE EVALUATOR LAD 32J HACE 32J MaleC0310045103/05/2021 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET PERKS BH5017 EVALUATOR 9018 ETC03087855 PERKS 2026 LIFESAVER 5017 DUNROBIN 200L SCULLY 25R ACE SCULLY LASS 24B C03013713 ACE L1 LASS 2Y BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 95680 +5.2+55.7+90.1+29.1+57.0 He is a long thick Evaluator son with a broad top. He is very quiet. I had him in the show pen last year but plans changed and I never got to go showing. Lot 24 ACE Red Lad 31J HACE 31JMaleUnregistered2021 JNHR RED STAN 128A ACE RED LAD 33E C03054733 ACE TOTAL LASS 3T 42D BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 85620 Hei is a deep sided Red son with lots of lenght of body and extra hair. He sells with out papers I missed registering his dam 42D. He is purebred. Lot 23 ACE EVALUATOR LAD 30J HACE 30JMaleC0310044726/04/2021 UPS SENSATION 2296 ET PERKS BH5017 EVALUATOR 9018 ETC03087855 PERKS 2026 LIFESAVER 5017 DUN ROBIN 200L SCULLY 25R ACE SCULLY LASS 11U C02923876 ACE SANDMAN LASS 13P BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 90650 +5.0+56.0+90.4+27.3+55.3 ANOTHER EVALUATOR bull. This guy has a little extra crome but still has that big hip. His dam11U, produced an lot of show calves for me and raised her last calf in 2022. 12
Lot 28 ACE - 3J HAAAA 3JMalePending2021 RED PASQUIA EAGLE 1C RED RRA 1C FRONT LINE 36F 2061532 RED ROYAL ROCK 231Y MISDOC 30B VFF 242 BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 85620 He is out of my heifer bull from Royal Rock Angus. Lot 27 ACE - 1J HAAAA 1JMaleApplied2021 RED COCKBURN RIBEYE 308U RED SOO LINE POWER EYE 161X 1572580 RED TR LYNN 301R RED SIX MILE GAME FACE 164Y RED VIKSE CINDERELLA 58D 1898675 RED EGGEN DEEP 30M MISS 74P BWWWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 87745 He is a high weaning weight bull with lots of muscle. Ace Herefords Sale Bulls 13
Box 12, Evesham, SK S0L 1B0 P: 306-753-2500 C: 306-753-7040 Cole: 780-753-7239 Jinaye: 306-830-1282 W: ayreyherefords.com E: bwayrey@hotmail.ca
We can’t believe bull sale season is here again but we are excited as always. With the strong cattle prices this fall, we are hopeful that they continue into the new year. We always appreciate you standing behind us and believing in our program. We continue to strive at bringing you the best genetics to better the breed and believe in each of our sale animals. We stand behind them 100% so we hope that gives you a sense of comfort when purchasing. Calves are weaned without any creep feed & yearlings have been pastured on grass through the summer. Our cattle have not been pushed because we believe that in order to sustain longevity, they need to have a steady rate of growth & not be pushed. Our cattle perform well under natural conditions and therefore will smoothly transition to their new environment after they are sold. This past year was a real testament to how our cattle thrive in any condition and we were happy to hear back from customers that they did. Note that we listed the actual weaning and yearling weights this year. We believe that these weights are a more accurate representation than an adjusted weight that also factors the cows age into the equation. Weaning weights were taken October 25, 2021 & yearling weights were taken April 8, 2022. Please join us for our corral tour on January 7 & 8, 2023 at the farm.
Reference Sires
K7 028 LAD 1606 HK7 1606MaleC03038346 01/02/2016 UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X C02977432 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET PONCA MORTGAGE LIFTER K7 ML DOMINETTE 1024 A43106339 K7 2072 DOMINETTE 607 BW WW YWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM +1.2+58.1+90.0+36.9+66.0
Bill & Wendy Cole, Shana, Kadin, Carson & Halie
Mike, Jinaye, Jace & Nash
Aaron, Kendall & Whitley
Bull & heifer sale videos are available for viewing on ayreyherefords.com
14 14
*Also offering 50 purebred horned Hereford heifers!*
AGA 18Z ZOOM STAN DIVIDEND 87D {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF} H U 87D Male C03029020 15/04/2016 AGA 55C STANDARD 18Y AGA 18Y ZOOM STANDARD 18Z C02969377 AGA 21M MISS STANMORE 76S CTY EASY 705T AGA 705 MISS EASYGOING 129X C02946523 AGA 21M MISS STANMORE 151P BW WW YWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 83 654 1113 +3.6+48.7+69.0+21.3+45.7 FA 31A BRITISHER 88D {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF} HT 88DMaleC0302508119/03/2016 LBH 268P STANDARD 30U YV 30U MR STAN SUNSHINE ET 31A C02995445 AGA 72M MISS SUNSHINE LAD 282P FA 52S BRITISHER 276W DA 276W BRITISHER LADY 258Z C02980055 DA 71S BRITISHER LADY 92U BW WW YWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 84 7030 1085 +2.1+34.3+66.6+27.4+44.6 T-BAR-K 7122T BILLBOARD 9C {DLF HYF IEF} H AITD 9C MaleC03009095 06/03/2015 UPS ODYSSEY 1ET CHURCHILL STAR 7122T ET C02932119 CHURCHILL LADY 202 FA 416T BRITISHER 80X T-BAR-K SANDY 8A C02982833 T-BAR-K 328N SANDY 24S BW WW adj YW adj EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 80 730 1170 +4.0+54.8+77.7+34.8+62.2 Ayrey Hereford Farms Reference Sires Triple-A 12D Finest 24F {DLF HYF IEF MSUDF} HPUT 24FMaleC0306694809/03/2018 YV 35X ZAM 15Z YV 15Z STANDARD ZAM 12D C03022459 YV 30U STANDARD LASS 32Z C STOCKMAN 2059 ET TRIPLE-A 2059 REBECCA ET 5C C03055531 TRIPLE-A MAX’S REBECCA 22R BW WW YWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 89 +3.8+34.6+63.7+24.2+41.5 15
Ayrey Hereford Farms Sale Bulls Lot 29 WA 87D JOURNEY 3J HMWL 3JMaleC0308455501/03/2021 AGA 18Y ZOOM STANDARD 18Z AGA 18Z ZOOM STAN DIVIDEND 87D C03029020 AGA 705 MISS EASYGOING 129X TRIPLE-A 47R STANMORE 11Y WA 11Y SHENAYE 153D C03030355 WA SHENAYE 66P BW WW YWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 86 6921095 +2.2+41.2+61.6+23.1+43.7 A smooth shoulder and very complete bull that goes back to a feminine cow family. Lot 30 WA 1606 JUPITER 5J H MWL 5J Male C03084586 03/03/2021 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X K7 028 LAD 1606 C03038346 K7 ML DOMINETTE 1024 AGA 18Z ZOOM STAN DIVIDEND 87D WA 87D SHENAYE 37G C03067694 WA 11Y SHENAYE 7C BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 74 6921075 +1.3+50.6+73.3+33.0+58.3 An easy moving, elite calving ease bull that will be sure to catch your eye. Lot 31 WA 1606 JUKEBOX 513J HMWL 513JMaleC0309690805/03/2021 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X K7 028 LAD 1606 C03038346 K7 ML DOMINETTE 1024 TRIPLE-A 1229 ACE 6A WA 6A SHENAYE 117G C03067711 WA 406W SHENAYE 43B BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 84 5951030 +4.6+60.1+94.9+24.8+54.9 A smooth, red to the ground & quiet bull that goes back to a great JNHR 355R cow. Lot 32 WA 87D JUICY 32J HPCU 32JMaleC0308457710/03/2021 AGA 18Y ZOOM STANDARD 18Z AGA 18Z ZOOM STAN DIVIDEND 87D C03029020 AGA 705 MISS EASYGOING 129X K7 028 LAD 1606 WA 1606 SHENAYE 66G C03067702 WA 11Y SHENAYE 71E BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 86 7221185 +4.4+57.0+89.0+27.3+55.8 A double goggle eyed bull that is out of a top cow family. He will stand out on sale day. 16
Ayrey Hereford Farms Sale Bulls Lot 34 WA 54D JAY 41J HMWL 41JMaleC0308458212/03/2021 MW MISTER RIB 24B MW PRAIRIE RIB 54D C03028104 MW PRAIRIE POWER 155U TRIPLE-A 47R STANMORE 11Y WA 11Y SHENAYE 96B C03005460 WA 98H SHENAYE 23T BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 102 7101045 +5.6+45.5+69.6+19.3+42.1 A curly haired bull that can work in anyone’s herd. Lot 35 WA 54D JET 57J H PCU 57J MaleC0308456013/03/2021 MW MISTER RIB 24B MW PRAIRIE RIB 54D C03028104 MW PRAIRIE POWER 155U FA 121M BRITISHER 209U WA 209U SHENAYE 110A C02995203 WA 59N SHENAYE 36U BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 88 7671130 +7.3+57.5+96.1+14.7+43.5 A quiet and soggy bull that had great WW and YW numbers. Lot 36 WA 54D JUMBO 61J HPCU 61JMaleC0308689515/03/2021 MW MISTER RIB 24B MW PRAIRIE RIB 54D C03028104 MW PRAIRIE POWER 155U BBSF 4S WASHINGTON 406W WA 406W SHENAYE 50A C02995202 WA 7S SHENAYE 10X BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 86 6791110 +3.6+48.3+84.9+16.7+40.9 A deep, long quartered & complete bull that will catch your eye. Lot 33 WA 54D JAGGER 35J H MWL 35J Male C03084559 11/03/2021 MW
814W BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 94 7671115 +4.6+51.2+74.3+15.9+41.5 A quiet, thick bull out of a consistent cow family that produces top calves every year. 17
Ayrey Hereford Farms Sale Bulls Lot 37 WA 54D JACKED 67J H MWL 67J MaleC0309873616/03/2021 MW MISTER RIB 24B MW PRAIRIE RIB 54D C03028104 MW PRAIRIE POWER 155U TRIPLE-A 1229 ACE 6A WA 6A SHENAYE 106D C03030040 WA 802U SHENAYE 108B BW WWj YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 106 6721065 +7.3+60.1+95.0+14.7+44.8 A red eyed bull with a big hip out of a fancy cow. Lot 38 WA 54D JEALOUS 94J HPCU 94JMaleC0308456221/03/2021 MW MISTER RIB 24B MW PRAIRIE RIB 54D C03028104 MW PRAIRIE POWER 155U BBSF 4S WASHINGTON 406W WA 406W SHENAYE 55B C03005456 WA 14M SHENAYE 99U BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 108 7561195 +7.8+60.9+99.3+18.4+48.9 A long, easy moving bull out of a top 55B cow. Lot 40 WA 88D JET STREAM 116J HPCU 116JMaleC0309691426/03/2021 YV 30U MR STAN SUNSHINE ET 31A FA 31A BRITISHER 88D C03025081 DA 276W BRITISHER LADY 258Z TRIPLE-A 47R STANMORE 16Y WA 16Y SHENAYE 110B C03005463 WA 802U SHENAYE 118Z BW WWj YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 98 6071015 +4.3+42.8+76.4+23.3+44.7 A quiet, complete bull that will add power into his calf crops. Lot 39 WA 88D JACK 111J HMWL 11JMale 2021 YV 30U MR STAN SUNSHINE ET 31A FA 31A BRITISHER 88D C03025081 DA 276W BRITISHER LADY 258Z DBHR 22A EXTRA MARK 3T WA 3T SHENAYE 36Y WA SHENAYE 90N BW WWj YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 104 6421080 A quiet, well pigmented and attractive bull. 18
Sale Bulls Ayrey Hereford Farms Lot 42 WA 24F JEOPARDY 121J HMWL 121JMaleC0309046227/03/2021 YV 15Z STANDARD ZAM 12D TRIPLE-A 12D FINEST 24F C03066948 TRIPLE-A 2059 REBECCA ET 5C TRIPLE-A 47R STANMORE 11Y WA 11Y SHENAYE 35C C03012332 WA 105W SHENAYE 99Z BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 105 6561000 +5.4+40.0+68.4+26.1+46.1 A fancy bull that will catch your eye. A great herd bull in the making! Lot 43 WA 87D JET SETTER 127J H PCU 127J MaleC0308458928/03/2021 AGA 18Y ZOOM STANDARD 18Z AGA 18Z ZOOM STAN DIVIDEND 87D C03029020 AGA 705 MISS EASYGOING 129X TRIPLE-A 47R STANMORE 11Y WA 11Y SHENAYE 145G C03067715 WA 5N SHENAYE 52T BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 85 680950 +3.9+49.7+63.2+26.4+51.3 A moderate framed & red to the ground! Lot 44 WA 9C JINGLE 138J HPCU 138JMaleC0308458501/04/2021 CHURCHILL STAR 7122T ET T-BAR-K 7122T BILLBOARD 9C C03009095 T-BAR-K SANDY 8A BBSF 4S WASHINGTON 406W WA 406W SHENAYE 26F C03056267 WA 27S SHENAYE 23W BW WW YWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 95 7221070 +6.0+62.1+89.3+29.3+60.4 A long, easy moving bull that will produce great females. Lot 41 WA 87D JUSTICE 117J H MWL 117J MaleC0308456526/03/2021 AGA 18Y ZOOM STANDARD 18Z AGA 18Z ZOOM STAN DIVIDEND 87D C03029020 AGA 705 MISS EASYGOING 129X STR STANDARD 162N DOMINO 77T WA 77T SHENAYE 120C C03017864 WA SHENAYE 45N BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 916831080 +3.8+44.5+65.1+30.6+42.9 An easy moving, curly haired bull out of a top cow. 19
Ayrey Hereford Farms Sale Bulls Lot 45 WA 87D JEWEL 145J H MWL 145J MaleC0308456703/04/2021 AGA 18Y ZOOM STANDARD 18Z AGA 18Z ZOOM STAN DIVIDEND 87D C03029020 AGA 705 MISS EASYGOING 129X MW DAKOTA LAD 48Z WA 48Z SHENAYE 46D C03030030 WA 209U SHENAYE 33Z BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 95 6851150 +5.1+54.4+86.6+20.5+47.7 A deep and complete herd bull in the making. Jinaye’s pick of the bulls. Lot 46 WA 54D JACKPOT 146J HPCU 146JMaleC0309014403/04/2021 MW MISTER RIB 24B MW PRAIRIE RIB 54D C03028104 MW PRAIRIE POWER 155U MW DAKOTA LAD 48Z WA 48Z SHENAYE 61E C03043112 WA 63Y SHENAYE 88B BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 100 7031175 +5.6+52.9+86.8+22.6+49.1 A smooth, well put together bull out of a top cow. Cole’s pick of the bulls. Lot 47 WA 24F JAMMER 152J H PCU 152J MaleC0309046404/04/2021 YV 15Z STANDARD ZAM 12D TRIPLE-A 12D FINEST 24F C03066948 TRIPLE-A 2059 REBECCA ET 5C TRIPLE-A 47R STANMORE 11Y WA 11Y SHENAYE 115C C03017863 WA 802U SHENAYE 59Z BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 95 6441070 +4.2+38.0+70.9+26.2+45.2 A big hipped, thick and smooth bull that has always stood out. Lot 48 WA 88D JOKER 161J HPCU 161JMaleC0308456907/04/2021 YV 30U MR STAN SUNSHINE ET 31A FA 31A BRITISHER 88D C03025081 DA 276W BRITISHER LADY 258Z TRIPLE-A 47R STANMORE 11Y WA 11Y SHENAYE 10D C03030025 WA 7S SHENAYE 94X BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 90 6871130 +3.2+38.7+73.7+29.3+48.7 This bull speaks for himself. Don’t miss out on this herd bull in the making. Bill’s pick of the bulls. 20
Sale Bulls Ayrey Hereford Farms Lot 50 WA 9C JY JACE 191J HMWL 191JMaleC0309692222/05/2021 CHURCHILL STAR 7122T ET T-BAR-K 7122T BILLBOARD 9C C03009095 T-BAR-K SANDY 8A BR 79Y STANMORE 218C RUT 218C STANMORE LASS 67F C03053689 SGC 101L STANDARD LASS 23S BW WW YW EPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 95 6001070 +5.2+52.1+85.8+25.7+51.8 A thick, pigmented bull out of a Rutledge cow! Lot 49 WA 54D JACKSON 187J H PCU 187J MaleC0308457130/04/2021 MW MISTER RIB 24B MW PRAIRIE RIB 54D C03028104 MW PRAIRIE POWER 155U TRIPLE-A 47R STANMORE 11Y WA 11Y SHENAYE 62E C03043111 WA 3T SHENAYE 124A BW WW YWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 106 650995 +5.5+50.1+73.3+23.3+48.4 A red eyed bull out of a top 62E cow that produces a top calf every year. Bred Heifer Lot 51 WA 9C SHENAYE 47J H PCU 47J FemaleC0308458112/03/2021 CHURCHILL STAR 7122T ET T-BAR-K 7122T BILLBOARD 9C C03009095 T-BAR-K SANDY 8A BBSF 4S WASHINGTON 406W WA 406W SHENAYE 61F C03056276 WA 7S SHENAYE 55W BW WW YWEPDSBWWWYWMilkTM 86713 +4.6+55.8+82.6+32.3+60.2 A very feminine heifer from the top of our first calvers group. We showed her this fall and believe that she will work well in anyones herd. Bred to MH 362 Domino 9136 and set to calve in March or April. Ayrey Hereford FarmsSelling 50 Purebred Replacement Hereford Heifer Calves Heifers are on the Ivomec Gold Program and some may be qualified to be registered. Heifers will mainly be sold in groups of 5. 21
Welcome to the 11th annual Premier Hereford and Angus Bull sale from us here at Lock Farms. This year we have an exciting group of angus bulls to select from. Whether you need a heifer bull or a power bull the 3 different sire groups on offer has it all.
This year will feature the first calf crop from our newest herd bull Country Lane Stunner 21G. He was brought into the program to add some calving ease into the herd and boy did he do the trick! Two of his sons will make very good calving ease options if that’s what you’re looking for. Unfortunately, we lost him after 2 calf crops, which is why we have decided to keep a share in one of his sons. We have one son from Sting; a bull from Merit Cattle company that we use via AI. Sting was used to add that muscle and hip width that we are trying hard to maintain in our herd. This will be the second calf crop off our herd bull Climate Change. Climate Change is a bull that we found a while touring the yards at the Denver Stock Show from Bush Angus that are located at Britton, South Dakota. His dam could very well be the best angus cow we have seen. The addition of Climate Change to our herd is exciting with how the heifers and young bulls are growing. If you’re looking to boost the material part of your herd with some replacement female, look for his son’s sale day.
When it comes to purchasing a Lock Farms bulls, we want to make sure your cows are covered. If a bull goes down prior to or mid breeding season, make us your first call. We can work with you to get another semen tested bull to your yard to cover the cows.
Like past years we have brought Shane Castle and Mark Forsyth with Castlerock Marketing in to help assist with any questions about our bulls. Feel free to reach out to either Shane or Mark about any of the Hereford or Angus bulls we have on offer here at Lock Farms. We deliver the bulls free of charge, and will do our best to get them to their new homes as soon as possible. Videos of sale bulls are available at www. lockfarms.com.
Be sure to stop in for a tour of the bull pen and dams of the bulls prior to sale day! Coffee
Lock Farms Jonathan & Kaleen Lock Box 612, Macklin, SK S0L 2C0 Jon Cell:
Kaleen Cell:
lockfarmsangus@gmail.com BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE837 BIMP 837FMale2158927 06/02/2018 S A V SEEDSTOCK 4838 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 US18687869 VAR MISS PRIDE 274 BUSHS UNBELIEVABLE 423 BUSHS BELLE 4723 US17868238 BUSHS FACTOR DESIGN 2084 BW WW adj YW adj EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk +8.0+1.6+59+105+25 MERIT STING 7047E BTJL 7047EMale1974759 04/02/2017 BAR S RANGE BOSS 1118 BAR S RANGE BOSS 4002 1881898 BAR S PRIDE 0073 EXAR ONE-IRON 3889B MERIT SOCIALITE 5121C 1864049 MERIT SOCIALITE 1223 BW WW adj YW adj EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 79945 1525 +2.0+3.9+67+116+23 Lock Farms Reference Sires 22
is always on!
Lock Farms Reference Sires COUNTRY LANE STUNNER 21G BAPCC 21GMale208920613/01/2019 LD CAPITALIST 316 MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER 1995252 MCATL BLACKBIRD 831-1378 B HILLS FRL FINAL 772 ALLANDALE DUCHESS 34X 1642925 ALLANDALE DUCHESS 18T BW WW adj YW adj EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 787361324 +6.0+0.5+57+98+30 Musgrave 316 Stunner Lcok Farms Sale Bulls Lot 52 LOCK 837 JUNKYARD 52J BJOLO 52JMale227829015/03/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 20/20 TIGER 8C LOCK 8C FAVOURITE 167F 2053001 LOCK FAVOURITE 33A BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 82 5971078 +6.0+1.2+46+88+26 Maternal powerhouse. If you are looking for a bull to boost udder quality in you cows this guy will fit the bill. Out of the favourite cow family they have been a cornerstone family here for 10 years. Moderate framed. Lot 53 LOCK 837 JOYRIDE 55J B JOLO 55J Male227829228/03/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 RED VIKSE FULLY LOADED 47W LOCK STARDUST 32Z 1773805 (RC) EGGEN FAME 15M MISS 166R BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 85 6701267 +5.0+1.9+47+84+22 Power bull that will add extra muscle and pounds to his calves. Sound footed this guy is built to last. His dam was in production 10 years and was still excellent footed and her udder never broke down. Lot 54 LOCK 837 JUNGLE 58J BJOLO 58JMale227829306/04/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 20/20 TIGER 8C LOCK 8C FONTANA 179F 2053010 EGGEN HEADS UP MS 141T BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 826851187 +7.0+1.3+48+88+26 Long spined bull excellent feet on him. With both Tiger and Climate Change in his pedigree this guy is a female maker that will add udder quality to his daughters. 23
Lcok Farms Sale Bulls Lot 55 LOCK 837 JENKINS 25J B JOLO 25J Male227826921/02/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 MERIT BIG DAWG 3049A LOCK 3049 LADY DI 16D 1926997 JOLO MISS PANSY 40W BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 858271380 +5.0+2.2+52+92+23 Large framed bull with extra length to him. His dam is a tank of a cow and produced two Lloydminster Pride of the Prairies Bull Show Grand Champions. This fellow will add pound and size to his calves. Lot 58 LOCK 837 JULIAN 41J BJOLO 41JMale227828202/03/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 BELVIN PANIC SWITCH 2’11 LOCK FAVOURITE 33A 1761558 BELVIN FAVOURITE 147’11 BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 84 7101275 +6.0+0.7+43+87+25 Another top end Climate Chance son out of an absolute dime of a female. 33A has been a staple around here for years and no matter who tours the pasture everyone asks about her, she is that good. She so good we tried to buy one of her sons back for your own herd without any luck! Full of maternal power this fellow will add females to you herd. Lot 57 LOCK 837 JUGGERNAUT 29J B JOLO 29J Male227827123/02/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 DFCC 176W SHUT OUT 40Z NRA BEAUTY 61B 1831329 MVF BEAUTY 44W BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 847121242 +6.0+1.5+49+81+24 Long power house of a bull. His dam is a deep bodied female that has an excellent udder and a temperament that everyone wants. This guy will add length to his calves and the combination of Climate Chance and Shut Out will add females to the replacement pen for you. Lot 56 LOCK 837 JUSTICE 34J BJOLO 34JMale227827526/02/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 LLB 44U BLACKMAN 203Y LOCK 203 FOREVER 12D 1926994 DFCC 32T FOREVER 25W BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 85 7721375 +5.0+1.7+50+89+21 One of the top end bulls for the year, this guy has a lot going for him. He has the width and depth that we are trying to add. Out of a moderate cow this guy will be a great female maker. 24
Sale Bulls Lock Farms Lot 59 LOCK 837 JURY DUTY 20J B JOLO 20J Male227849418/02/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 20/20 TIGER 8C LOCK 8C JULIET 157F 2052991 JOLO JULIET 9U BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 90 8121285 +3.0+3.2+51+92+24 Large framed bull out of a tank of a cow. Juliet is a long wide cow with great udder we showed her years ago as a heifer and a bred. 20J is going to add weight to the steers in the fall and add replacement females to the pen. Lot 60 LOCK 837 JETHRO 36J BJOLO 36JMale227827828/02/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 20/20 FREE RIDE 25C LOCK 25C SWEET HEART 119E 1986600 JOLO SWEET HEART 24W BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 856971256 +4.0+2.0+53+95+27 Heavy muscled moderate framed bull that will add some width to his sons. Mother is a moderate size female with a beautiful udder. Lot 61 LOCK 837 JUDGE 19J B JOLO 19J Male227826718/02/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 DFCC 32T FUTURE BREAKER 69W JOLO SWEET HEART 12Z 1687403 JOLO SWEET HEART 24W BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 877721258 +4.0+2.0+51+90+25 Large framed power bull. This guy is solid built with excellent feet and leg structure. Out of a never miss female. Lot 62 LOCK 837 JINX 43J BJOLO 43JMale227828403/03/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 DFCC 32T FUTURE BREAKER 69W JOLO SOOKI 82Y 1635032 EGGEN FAME 15M MISS 166R BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 856851190 +4.0+1.8+46+81+19 Power bull. Excellent muscle pattern with that extra width and depth. If you’re needing that extra power in your calves find this guy sale day. 25
Lock Farms Sale Bulls Lot 63 LOCK 7047 JOHNNY CASH 6J B JOLO 6J Male227850810/02/2021 BAR S RANGE BOSS 4002 MERIT STING 7047E 1974759 MERIT SOCIALITE 5121C SANKEYS LARAMIE 114 EASTONDALE FOREVER LADY 28’17 1993006 EASTONDALE FOREVER LADY 66’12 BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 858481490 +6.0+1.5+53+92+23 SALE FEATURE! One of those bulls that jump out at you in the pen. Full brother to last years high seller to Larry Lowe this guy is as good and you can get. Another full brother we kept in our own herd and a full sister just recently selling as the high seller in the Form and Function sale to Belvin Angus He’s long wide and deep, don’t miss this guy sale day! Retaining 1/3 semen interest. Lot 66 LOCK 21G JUDGEMENT 30J BJOLO 30JMaleApplied23/02/2021 MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER COUNTRY LANE STUNNER 21G 2089206 ALLANDALE DUCHESS 34X MINBURN INTUITION 23D LOCK 23D SWEETHEART 295G 2112431 LOCK 7B SWEET HEART 109E BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 837141171 SALE FEATURE! One of the top bulls in the pen. This guy in the combination of our last two calving ease bulls on the farm. 30J is packed full of red meat and is a powerful as they come. If you’re looking to add hip width to you calf crop this is the guy to do it. After losing Country Lane Stunner 21G after two calf crops, we would like to keep a part of this guy in our herd. Retaining 1/3 semen interest. Lot 65 LOCK 837 JEOPARDY 47J B JOLO 47J Male227828609/03/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 MINBURN INTUITION 23D LOCK 8C STARDUST 258G 2112395 LOCK STARDUST 62A BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 886421212 +3.0+3.4+59+103+24 Heavy muscled bull out of a square made dam. The combination of Climate Change and Intuition will be a female maker. This guy can cover some ground and a large group of females. Lot 64 LOCK 837 JIVE 35J BJOLO 35JMale227827726/02/2021 VAR SEEDSTOCK 653 BUSHS CLIMATE CHANGE 837 2158927 BUSHS BELLE 4723 20/20 TIGER 8C LOCK 8C EXECUTIVE 113E 1986599 LOCK MISS BLACK 41A BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 876421228 +5.0+1.9+48+87+26 Moderate framed bull with excellent feet. This guy is out of a tanky cow with an outstanding udder. Will work well in a large pasture. 26
Sale Bulls Lock Farms Lot 67 LOCK 21G JAILBREAK 8J B JOLO 8J MaleApplied11/02/2021 MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER COUNTRY LANE STUNNER 21G 2089206 ALLANDALE DUCHESS 34X MERIT STING 7047E LOCK 7047 ELEGANT 263G 2112400 LOCK 8C ELEGANT 106E BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 675801125 HEIFER BULL. If there is a bull that’s a sleep all night during calving season this is the guy. His birth weight combined with his smooth front end he is a heifer’s dream. Out of a great young Sting daughter that did a great job on her first calf. Lot 68 LOCK 21G JACKHAMMER 11J BJOLO 11JMaleApplied13/02/2021 MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER COUNTRY LANE STUNNER 21G 2089206 ALLANDALE DUCHESS 34X MINBURN INTUITION 23D LOCK 23D SWEETHEART 268G 2112405 LOCK SWEET HEART 65C BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 896701243 Power bull out of a great young cow. If you wanting to add depth to your females this guy will do it. Heavy muscled look for this guy to cover a large group of cows in a big pasture setting. Lot 69 LOCK 21G JOKER 39J B JOLO 39J MaleApplied01/03/2021 MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER COUNTRY LANE STUNNER 21G 2089206 ALLANDALE DUCHESS 34X MERIT STING 7047E LOCK 7047 STARDUST 254G 2112391 LOCK 7B STARDUST 136E BW WW act YW act EPDSCEBWWWYWMilk 766141168 HEIFER BULL – I’m going to go out on a limb and say this could be one of the best calving easy bulls to hit the market this year. At 76 pounds and smooth as silk this guy will calve the heifers and not short you in the fall when his calves hit the ring. Lock Farms - Selling 30 Commercial Heifers Born Feb & March, 2022 - Given Vision8/somnus and Bovi-shield Gold (one shot) and Bovimectin - no implants 27
Lock Farms
Stan & Susan Lock Box 215, Macklin, SK S0L 2C0