Forsyth Ranch

Waldner Angus

Welcome to the 2025 Select Genetics Sale! The group of bulls being offered are a high quality group of bulls that are built to handle whatever Mother Nature thinks that she can throw at us for curveballs and come out the other side smiling. They work in this country well and have served a loyal group of customers for a number of years across southwest Saskatchewan. If you think about it is really quite impressive that we ask the cattle to endure the summers and then the winters while pulling their own weight. We’ve been blessed with excellent snowfall this winter and lends itself to a very promising runoff come spring!
These three breeders bringing in the bulls for the sale are passionate and live and breathe cattle day in and day out and who better could you ask for to be your herd bull supplier. Agriculture is under fire from time to time but we are is going to carry the torch forward into the future. We all know that protein is “the” source of protein for so many and while it may be taken for granted at times the realization of how important it is only become more evident as time goes on.
Join us Friday afternoon to peruse the offering and visit with Mark, Matt, Jesse and Joe on a one on one basis. Otherwise join us Saturday morning to view the bulls, have lunch on us and a little hospitality afterwards!
My personal favorite. His dam and granddam both being big volume, strong producing females. They add some extra punch while not sacrificing the look and function! This guy has herd bull presence with great lines and strong scrotal. Last years maternal brother was purchased by Derek Doerksen.
Calf that’s complete and hairy. This will be the third bull to sell in the sale from 39C. One at Log Valley and one to Jessie Jamieson.
Long, growth bull with a load of eye appeal. Maternal brothers have topped the sale! Maternal without sacrificing growth!
High end calving ease option with a lot of presence, strong topped and a strong lower quarter. Moderate birthweights coupled with plenty of performance from high quality dam that brings a good one in every year. Maternal brothers at Kornfelds and to Trevor Doerksen.
Eye appeal and length this Player calf stands right with his older counterparts. Plenty of potential in this guy in making replacement heifers. Maternal brother was a top seller to Breed Creek a few years back.
Proven calving ease! Just a super light birth weight and son of one of the best cows on the ranch. Maternal brother was last years high seller to Storebo Farms.
A absolute top end bull in the pen that shows just why we are so excited about these Player calves. His dam is unregistered, but she is an ideal angus cow.
Youngest calf in the offering. But a bull with some gas and punch bred into him.
Performance galore. This guy will bring home the pay weight. With 600lbs steers almost fetching $5/lbs right now. Hard not to want to add this guy into your cow bull battery. Weight that comes from his length and frame. While still being super smooth through that shoulder and easy calving.
Here is a guy for your heifers. Lots of style and hair. His dam is a strong producer with two maternal sisters working in the program. And her grand fam who was purchased by Wiwa Creek, a cow family known for their strong udder quality.
Maternal goodness here. This guys dam and grand Dam are deep built cows with just gorgeous udders. Maternal brother sold to Billy Woodward.
Out of one of our long time and strongest cow families. Always making balanced, easy keeping females.
What a cow this guys mom is. She will be entering the donor program this spring. As well as her dam. We are excited for the future in this cow family. Really strong foot and udders with tons of longevity built into this family. Keep every daughter. They will not disappoint.
Out of the top producing Red cow, maternal brother highlighted last years sale to Lust Farms. His sire, Buckeye, needs no introduction and still walks the pastures at Wood Coulee. Keep every female!
Full brother to the 2023 high seller to Monette Farms. Big scrotal and super dark. Has the hair and quarter, coupled with style. This guy will work on your heifers and put females back into production for you! The Hardy cattle get the job done!!
Maternal and power. First set of milking Hardy daughters are amazing. You will only hear more in the future. Outcross genetics here.
Power and power. This guy is a beast. We were lucky enough to obtain some Common Sense semen and wow has he impressed. This cow raised a top seller last year to Patzer Ranch!
Another very nice Common Sense bull with an eye appealing look to him. Deep red with a really strong top. Coming out of an old cow that has darn well paid her dues. This guy has that herd bull look for sure!
This guy is sure to catch your attention as soon as you lay eyes on him! Big middled, big hipped, very nice through his head and neck while remaining very sound structured, great footed and about as quiet as they come. This guy is directly sired by Sitz Stellar 726D who has done tons of good in the Angus breed and is out of likely the most productive cow in our program, Kinochtry 1815. We have retained 7 daughters in our herd out of Kinochtry 1815 and her sons have been high sellers for us selling to Wiwa Creek Angus, 7th Valley Angus, Hickory Corner Farms, Braddock Land & Cattle, and Brent Wittman.
Calving ease on both sides of the pedigree here. CMT Stellar 208K is our newest heifer bull and before him we used Blaster 700H on our heifers. Both of these bulls sired the kind of calves we like out of our heifers, they come out easy and then grow after they’re on the ground.
Heifer bull with added performance. Sound structured, free moving, and will sire calves out of first calvers that will fit right in with your calves out of mature cows.
This bulls sire proved himself the old fashioned way. He ran in community pasture until he aged out and with no signs of slowing down in his older age we decided to run him on purebred cows. Out of a young cow with a great udder this guy has lots of middle and hair and he’s sure to stand the test of time just like his sire has.
Here’s a calving ease bull with lots of added thickness and growth. Good haired and stout this guy will add pounds to your bred heifers calves. We have retained quite a few daughters out of this guys sire, Gold 135J, and they are looking like they’re going to make awesome cows.
413M is loaded with style and eye appeal. He’s a Net Worth grandson that’s super wide when you get behind him in a more moderate package. Tons of hair with a pedigree full of cattle that have worked very well at our place. Net Worth, No Doubt, and Angus Beef, hard to go wrong with this guy.
Here’s a Net Worth grand son that is all bull. Very correct in his structure with a great foot and tons of performance. This guy will add pounds to your steers and put heifers in your replacement pen. His sire was Champion Junior Angus Bull Calf at Agribition in 2022 and maternal brothers have sold to Sabine Land & Livestock and 3N Ranch Leonard Koenig.
The youngest bull in our offering but without seeing the catalogue you likely wouldn’t know. Lots of performance here. We have sold quite a few Duty Free sons over the years privately before we joined Select Genetics with many happy customers. We have retained quite a few females out of Duty Free and they have worked well for us.
Lower birthweight bull here. Lots of performance, longer bodied and big ribbed. I would recommend this guy for larger heifers or cows, he’s low birthweight but is pretty wide across his chest. Backed by a beautiful young cow with great feet and udder attachment. ¾ brother sold to Jones Creek Angus and Middle Bench Angus last year.
Here’s another Kinochtry 1815 son, this guy being her natural calf in 2024. Long bodied, sound structured and footed, with lots of performance as well as probably the quietest bull in our pen this year. We’ve been conventionally flushing 1815 for the past few years then breeding her back and her calving date has gotten earlier every year. You won’t find many cows that will flush and breed back like 1815 and still wean off ripper natural calves. This guy has got fertility and performance running in his blood.
Very free moving and strong in his structure, here’s a Gold son with added performance and frame. Great feet with lots of testicle development, this guy will sire heavy steers and make the kind of females that raise big calves. His maternal granddam, Ruby 39E, has done tons of good at our place.
The terms of the sale are cash or cheque at par. No releases will be given until satisfactory settlement has been made. All monies are in Canadian Funds, other funds will be accepted at the current rate of exchange.
Every animal entering the ring will be sold to the highest bidder.
In case of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision in such matters will be final.
Any changes from information in this catalogue will be announced from the auction block; such changes will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay close attention to any such announcements.
Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.
Each animal in the sale will carry registration papers issued by the Canadian Angus Association. A certificate duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after full and total payment has been made.
Every precaution will be exercised to protect the safety and comfort of those attending the sale. Neither the owners, auctioneer, or any sale staff assume any responsibility in this matter and disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or loss of property.
All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk; sellers and/or sales management and/or any of the sales staff assume no liability legal or otherwise for any accidents occurring in, on, or about the premises.
Livestock insurance and/or transit insurance will be available.
In the case of animals purchased for export, the necessary customs, health, and export certifi-cates will be supplied and expenses will be at half cost; the other half of the cost will be responsibility of buyer.