Adrian & Kim Jungman Duck Lake, Sk 306-221-6864
Larry & Heather Dew 306-736-7972
Logan & Meagan Dew 306-736-7180 Windthorst, Sk
Bryan & Sherry MacKenzie Pincher Creek, AB 403-627-8266
Ward & Brittany Cockburn Briercrest, Sk 306-631-9490
Kelly, Angie Garret & Jacob Feige Parkside, SK 306-747-7498
Eric & Erin Yewsiuk Foam Lake, Sk 306-560-7449
Mark Forsyth Herbert, Sk 306.784.7844
Jeff, Nancy & Jack Fraser Tilston, MB 204-522-5964
Haynes Family Biggar, SK 306-948-7622 306-948-7621
Dan, Erin and Cassidy Howell Lumsden, Sk 306.581.7606
Howe Family Moose Jaw, SK 306-631-8779
Henry & Nicole Stewart Invermay, Sk 306-269-0201
Jay & Aaron Spence Outlook, SK 306-867-7586
JJL Livestock
Jarret, Jenna, Ava and Cade Loveridge Melville, Sk Jarret 306-730-7072
Jenna 306-730-8478
Sheldon Kyle Ray Kyle Redvers, Sk 306-452-7545
Mike McKevitt Lloydminster, Sk 306.821.6348
Ivan & Julie Demmans Lacey Brooks Meadow Lake, SK Ivan 306-236-8086 Lacey 306-240-4509
Troy & Amy Frick Duff, SK 306-728-8911
NU HORIZON ANGUS Kieran, Deb & Kodie Doetzel Lipton, SK 403-357-7648 Kodie 306-331-0384
ROYMAC ANGUS Roy McDonald 306-398-7758 Jesse McDonald 306-398-7363 Kirk McDonald 306-398-7469 Cut Knife, Sk
TRIPLE L ANGUS Randy & Kim Tetzlaff & Family Viscount, SK 306-231-6969
WARDS RED ANGUS Clarke & Denise Ward Saskatoon,
Box 415, Swift Current, Sask, S9H 3V8
Email: castlerock.mktg@sasktel.net www.castlerockmarketing.com

Shane & Tammy Castle 306-741-7485
Mark Forsyth 306-784-7844
Devin Warrilow 780-581-4329
Chad Lorenz 403-896-9585
15 years the Touch of Class has been operating as a high end function of Red and Black Angus cattle and 2024 might be the best yet! That alone is a bold statement as there have been a lot of good cattle sell through the ring at SLS over the years. Another noted accomplishment of the TOC is the group of consignors that come together every year to host a great crowd that attend this sale. This isn’t just a consignment sale it is a reflection of what the livestock industry represents in camaraderie and as many have stated, this is a people business. When we are out selecting for the sale we are aiming to get the very best of cattle to bring to Saskatoon, the level of quality is always high so moving forward offering the good ones is a must.
Whether it be Black or Red that you are looking for to be that new addition to your herd, the opportunities are truly endless. We are experiencing great times in the cattle business with reduced feed prices, rain and the commercial market is setting records every day it seems. Now is the time to gather up that breeding piece to make an impact in your new or existing herd. Join us Friday after to go through the offering with some Christmas cheer either on Friday night or following the sale on Saturday.
Any questions on the offering feel welcome to call any of us at Castlerock Marketing we are here to assist you in any way.
See you sale day!
Shane Castle Welcome
1. TERMS: Unless otherwise previously arranged with an individual consignor, terms of this sale are cash payable in Canadian funds at the prevailing rate of exchange on the day of sale. All cattle may be held until the selling agent is satisfied that suitable arrangements for payment are made.
2. IN THE CASE OF ILLNESS, a veterinarian will be called by the Sales Manager if deemed necessary, but any expense involved will be the responsibility of the CONSIGNOR until the animal is sold and the PURCHASER thereafter.
3. AS SOON AS AN ANIMAL IS SOLD, it becomes the responsibility of the purchaser.
4. BIDS: Every animal entering the sale ring will be sold to the highest bidder. There will be no by-bidding by the owner or anyone authorized by him, however, the owner will be permitted one protective bid.
5. DISPUTES: In case of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision in such matters will be final.
6. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Errors discovered in the catalogue will be corrected by announcements from the Auction Stand at sale time, and such corrections will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue.
7. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: A CANADIAN certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after settlement is made.
8. SHIPPING: Assistance will be given in making shipment after the sale, but no risk is assumed by the Castlerock Marketing or the seller. Expenses incurred are the responsibility of the purchaser. Purchasers are requested to furnish shipping instructions when making settlement.
9 ACCIDENTS: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of the buyers, neither the Auction Market, the Sales Manager, nor any owner assumes any responsibility in this matter and disclaims any liability legal or otherwise in the event of accident of loss of property.
10. LIABILITY: Saskatoon Livestock Auction and Castlerock Marketing are acting as agents only and assume no responsibility for representations made by the seller. Purchasers must look to the seller for fulfillment of all guarantees and representations made by the seller.
9. BREEDERS GUARANTEE: The terms standard with the Canadian Angus Association shall apply. Beyond that: (a) All animals sold are guaranteed breeders. (b) All bred females have been declared safe in calf by a qualified veterinarian. Pregnant females are guaranteed pregnant a minimum of ninety (90) days. (c) All mature females raised a calf in this year. (d) All calendar year heifers are guaranteed open at time of sale. Any animal that has not proven itself a breeder within six months after the date of sale, if, in healthy condition, may be returned to seller at buyer’s expense. The seller reserves the privilege of trying for a period of six months to prove the animal a breeder. The seller, at his option, may either return the purchase price to the buyer or replace the animal with another of equal value in full settlement and satisfaction of ALL claims. Any complaints regarding fertility of any animal in this sale shall be directed to the Contributor. All complaints regarding breeding difficulties must be reported in writing by the buyer to the seller within the time specified above and any animal returned must be free from disease and in good health. Any calendar year heifer
Choice Lot

Here’s your opportunity to pick from these two phenomenal daughters of Moon Pie out of two of our best, proven young donors. Red SSS Moon Pie 680K was the $95,000 high seller from SSS to ourselves and Rohrich’s. His first calf crop is exceptional, with him now deceased and his semen commanding $1000 USD at the NILE last month make sure you don’t miss out. Hauk 4014 is a standout. Bold ribbed, sound, attractive and a brood cow in the making. She is a maternal sister to the $160,000 Red Cockburn Premium 3059 bull that sold to Leeuwenburgh, Rohrich and Sandhills. Her dam 63H comes from a long line of proven donors with foot and udder quality, excellent production, and longevity.

Lassie 4071 another beauty by Moon Pie. Her combination of power, bone and attractiveness are rare. She is a maternal sister to the $31,000 Rush bull, our 2023 high seller to SSS. Dam, 8036 much the same as her daughter is a female that combines power and look. Again, a proven cow family with generations of productivity. The first Moon Pie calf crop is exceptional and with him deceased and his semen commanding $1000 USD at the NILE last month makes for a great opportunity. 1

Maternal Brother
Sire of Lot 1
Maternal Brother

Every so often you get a calf you wish you weren’t selling. This is the one for me. A very popular calf on the Angus tour this summer I figured maybe I should sell her. “Dumb”. Oh well my loss is someone’s gain. This “Favorite” of mine is huge topped with a great front and lots of shape. The dam goes back to a package of calves I bought from Mike Howe but we won’t hold that against her. The Sriracha bull from Piro is proving his worth here and at Piros yearly with tremendous calves. This is no fluke. She will be shown in Lloyd and Regina. Reserving future flush on 10M.

Here is our very first set of Taurus calves and man are we excited. They exhibit the same length of spine while carry a very strong top line. While not sacrificing the extra muscle that Taurus himself expresses. This heifer comes right from the top of our program stemming from a really maternal deep sided moonshine daughter. 23F has been a strong producer and exemplifies how we like to make our cows. You can find 11M at Agribition. She will be stalled alongside her sire. 3

Big performance, big personality big time bull maker! She carries exceptional mass but is still built like a female should be, angular and long through her neck extension and front end. The Red Flying K Escalade 116J females are showing excellent udder placement and are shaping into beautiful females. The performance in this heifer definitely comes full circle from her Dam side, Red JJL Miss Dynamic 66J. She is one of many powerhouse daughters here sired by Red Taylors Cowboy 12G. One of our Final Answer daughters, JJL MS Black Dynamic 1W shows up bottom side as well adding to the maternal greatness of this heifer.

Erica 29M is a deep bodied broody female with an Outcross pedigree on the Dam’s side combined with Red Six Mile Wick 60H. Her Dam 621D goes back to CCL Erica 2’00 from Cook’s at Blackie Alberta, which became a foundation Black Angus cow here at Ward’s. We can’t say enough about the Wick 60H females, which is no surprise when you look at the track record of his Dam Red Six Mile Frado 360F. This heifer is a promising prospect for any herd.

Maternal Granddam

Red Wrights H302 Copper 419M has definitely been one of the favorite born January heifers at our place this year. 419M was mothered by an absolute gorgeous two year old Duff Red Blood cow that stems from one of the most productive cow families we have. 419M has the added rib shape, body dimension and look that you always notice in a dark red hide. 419M has a different twist to her pedigree and one that we feel will be big time once she hits production.

Red Fraser Ms Gravity 432M is fancy feminine daughter of our outcross Range Boss son from Kenray and Merit. He has left a great set of daughters for us here. Ms Gravity 12H was an in-dam purchase from Blake’s through Red Roundup. She is a moderate cow with a tremendous udder and foot. A ¾ sister to our 311L heifer in the bred female section. This is a sale that we are always enjoy being involved with feel that Shane always works hard to gather a great offering of genetics. This female is no exception.

Here’s an opportunity to purchase a female off our 19B cow. 10M has a big, bold, body shape. She exhibits a large deep rib and hip dimension. A large level topped, feminine heifer calf. She is joint owned with Triple L Angus. She is a maternal sister to our high selling bull in the Sudden Impact Bull Sale 2024.

Consigned By: Wright Livestock

We acquired the dam of 12M from J Bar Dee Farms as a heifer calf through the TOC sale. Her damn is a hard-working, easy doing cow. We have retained her first heifer calf, and she is in our bred, heifer replacement pen. We are confident 12M will definitely be a very productive female for her new owner.

We are super excited to offer this female for the Touch of Class Sale! In the same breath, it’s crazy to be letting her go. Red Roy Mac Lila 13M, is a female that has risen to the top of the replacement pen and we can safely say she is the best Red Angus calf that we have raised here at Roy Mac Angus. You’ll quickly admire her for her incredible length of spine, robust rib shape, and elegant front end. At a closer look you’ll notice how complete she is, with a great foot and an incredible stride, that really shows the flawless structures she has. Lila 13M is quickly filling her dam’s footsteps with her incredible look and power. Her dam is a cow that always seems to produce at the very top! Her sire, Red U2 genesis 103G, needs no introduction! He’s made a great impact in the industry and especially at Roy Mac. We have retained every Genesis calf born at the farm, and for good reason! The confidence we have in her, and potential we see, we would like to retain the right to a flush. At our expense and buyer’s convenience. (Guarantee a minimum of 6 Embryo’s.)

Red Wingello Lady 402M is an incredibly attractive female that combines eye appeal with shape and power. She is big middled and correct in her structure making her the perfect candidate for a show prospect or a high calibre breeding piece to add to your herd. Her dam is a Motivation daughter that presents a beautifully constructed udder. 402M is a female that is sure to go on to replicate the genetics that stand behind her.

Close your eyes and take your pick on these two sisters, they have so much to offer. Erica 22M has so much eye appeal and carries herself with that look at me presence. Udder quality, foot structure and docility are paramount and this heifer excels in all phases. Watch for both these Show Biz 226J heifer calves at Agribition. We think very highly of this heifer and know what she’s capable of.

We didn’t stray too far from last year’s heifer calf consignment. Erica 49M is a maternal sister to the lead off black heifer calf in last years TOC sale that sold to Blairswest. This cow family is extremely strong and consistent, as you will notice from the other heifer calf consigned. HF Show Biz 226J is going to leave a lasting impact on our program and we love the genetic makeup of this female.


Here is a solid, long bodied heifer that stands on ideal feet with enough style to make a good show heifer for a junior, but enough power and muscle shape to make a good brood cow. Her dam is a moderate framed first calver out of the original Blackbird cow I bought from the Royal Angus dispersal. Being sired by the exciting Genex sire SAV Checkmate you can expect some extra performance. We’ve been very happy with our Checkmate calves so far. We used him heavily on our heifers again this year. This heifer really turned it on when she hit grass in the spring and hasn’t looked back, she’s easy fleshing, sound structured, and is from a long line of productive females.

Haynes Celebrity 20M is a heifer with a strong touch of class pedigree going back to a purchase from the Willms family on the dam side Wilbar Celebrity 711C and to Haynes Atalanta 20F on the sire side who is also the Dam of our bred heifer lot Haynes Atalanta 7L. 20M is a heifer with loads of style and presence you just can’t miss when you walk into the pen. Already forming a beautiful udder shape and attachment a more moderate yet stylish heifer that will pack a punch. She will quietly go about her business while being very complete and correct.

A very intriguing heifer that was high on our radar early on. I did not know until writing this she is straight Canadian pedigree. Elba 54M is an easy fleshing and loose hided female that just oozes mama cow in the making. She does this yet with a very feminine profile that is very easy on the eyes. Not hard to see where that comes from, her dam 71D is a phenotypical HF Radical daughter. Beautiful headed cows that were made in uniform design. Elba’s sire is a real breeding machine for us. Everblack ROI 309H was purchased as the lead off high selling bull that year and boy we are glad to have him in our pastures. His bulls were in high demand in our pen, and his females look to be the final piece of the puzzle to complete it all! Whether the show road is calling you, or the front pasture, 54M may be your puzzle piece you have been looking for!

When folks have seen Super Duty, and his progeny they have said the following: “You need to use more of that bull.” My response, “I am already breeding 40% of my cows to him.”
“Why do you AI when you have that bull?” My response, “Well that’s how we got him.” But to say Super Duty 89F is anything short of herd changing bull would be an understatement. He moved like a cat, has an incredible foot and leg under him, tremendous depth of body and amazing mass to him, produces cattle that have super disposition and ones that flat work. This year we retained 17 replacement heifers and of them 10 were from Super Duty. While we know we need to have genetic options for our customers we also know what works so have a lot of these Super Duties in our herd. Jestress 26M is an opportunity to secure genetics that work. Jestress 227E is a good producing cow that seems to work year after year. Her J daughter sold though the Touch of Class to Northern Lights Livestock, Kinistino, Sk. Jestress 26M is a deep sided, attractive female with a calm and truly gentle nature. She is halter broke and will make a wonderful Jr. project.

Burgess 24M is a deep bodied, bold, smooth fronted feminine female. She combines power and style exceptionally well in attractive package. This is the first female on offer out of Schwan Journeyman 2065. He has left us an impressive set of calves both male & female. The calving ease combined with the muscle pattern of the Journeyman offspring is very impressive. The Burgess cow line is a powerful group that still maintains easy fleshing ability while producing heavy weaning calves. Whether your looking for a show prospect or a front end replacement, circle 24M in your catalogue.

We have always pushed the fact of how important longevity is. It encompasses all the important things that it takes for a cow to stick around in a program. In the fall of 2023 we found the Eston Lass cow family at McNabs. Truly a family we thought very highly of as 413M’s grandmother 14U was still in production with just incredible foot and udder structure, was made the decision to get in on easy. 14U herself still fetched a hefty $10,000 at 16 years of age. We purchased three daughters of 14U, including 373E as one of the top sellers at $17,000 and is the dam of this heifer. These daughters are ideal in their structure, easy maintaining and productive! We are happy to offer a heifer of this calibre and to advertise the genetics merit this cow family will carry forward in the coming years.

This heifer has been a standout since day one. Bred to be a cow and with performance to burn. She posted a whopping 123 WR and weaned off her beautiful first time momma at an impressive 54% of her body weight. The Blackbird 29E cow family is quickly rising to the top end of our program as incredibly correct cows with tight, tidy level udders that will stand the test of time and have the ability to bring home the good ones each and every year. Add to that the Duplicate sire line is backed by the Georgina 126A cow that has been making a big mark at Eastondale. This heifer truly has all the makings of the next great one.

If we at HS Angus were to build our perfect cow in a lab she would come out looking awfully close to 52Y. A 5 frame cow with a picture perfect udder, all kinds of length and a ton of capacity.We think 30M is the best animal to come out of a flush that has produced one of our herdsires, 2 sisters in herd and a feature in next spring’s bull sale . Shane was in the pasture for all of about 10 seconds before he had this heifer marked which is fitting as her granddam served as a past donor for both Windy Willows and for Shane himself. Add to that the outcross mating to Musgrave Foundation and this calf has the potential to do great things in her new home.

This heifer was a favourite all year she’s very feminine long fronted angular and has beautiful hair to work with. She is halter broke and show ready for any project. AJA 4103 is one of the progeny from our flush cow RTH 20D which was on display at the 2024 SK Angus Tour. Her sire Cavalier is known for producing heifers with style softness and structural design which attracts anyone’s attention!! A unique and different pedigree that can be mated any way.

Choice Lot

When you have the Touch of Class selection committee come out and unknowingly selects a calf and bred from the same dam, you go, “Hmmm there must be something about this cow.” Indeed, there is with Susan 137H. She is a gorgeous headed, angular female build well from the ground up, with an excellent udder. She is a Super Duty 89F daughter. The Super Duty daughters are tremendous females that have superior udders and impressive foot quality. The Super Duty son’s have been very well received at our bull sale fetching top dollar and garnering a lot of attention as attractive and powerful calving desirable sires. When you cruise through 137H’s pedigree you will notice elite dams on the top in 99Z and on the bottom in 122B. This is the kind of genetic female prowess that create the top end cattle year after year.
--Footnote continued below--

My ramblings on the genetics of the dam aside, these two girls stand very well on their own. The bred is a very good Attractive daughter. We have numerous Attractive females in our herd, and they have not disappointed us. There is ample punch in them but also all the necessary tools for longevity as a productive cow. Susan 3L was a member of our 2024 Grand Champion Futurity Pen of heifers at Harvest Showdown in Yorkton. Susan 6M is an impressive Growth Fund daughter. I like her make up and design in her head, neck and shoulders and love how they flow into her deep volume body, wonderful hip and quarter.. Look for her at Canadian Western Agribition. Both these girls are halter broke and kitten quiet. They could both make a great project for a Junior to show.
AI Coleman Easy Decision April 23th Checked favorable to AI Due January 30th She was pasture exposed to our calving ease specialist Northern View Cha Ching 98J.

20L was the awesome coupon from a purchase from Lochlea in Ontario. The term tank best describes this girl. Huge top lots of shape with a tremendous foot on her. Mated to our new herdsire from Autumn Dew make this lot even more desirable. He’s a Profound son of a tremendous 12 year old dam going back to Tiger!!!!
Exposed Autumn Dew Profound 6L. Due end Jan

This long spined great haired powerhouse goes back to a very good purchase from the outstanding Harvest Angus herd. The Sire from the good people at LCL is an embryo calf from U2 Temptation and Soo Line Beauty. Add in the mating to our Autmn Dew Profound son this should be one cool calf.
Exposed Autumn Dew Profound 6L. Due early Feb.

We have 3 seasons of daughters working here. Sons have exceptional muscle thickness with scrotal measurements well above average. 20L’s dam consistently has a shorter gestation. She shows little change before calving. Traits worth mentioning if weather is chilly at calving time for 20L
352L sold through the Triple A sale this past April. He was a favourite of mine all winter. Correct, thick, and as quiet as they come. Keep Ranching bought him. I was super excited when Randy and Sheena agreed to sell me 1/2 interest.
Exposed June 2 - July 2nd to Nu Horizon 352L. Due mid March

14L is a gem of a heifer sired by Deer Valley Growth Fund. We continue to use Growth Fund heavily in our Ai program. His daughters are weaning some impressive calves this fall. His sons have been well sought after by both commercial and seed stock producers.
14L’s dam is sired by Hi Low Tiger 1X. She is exceptional long bodied. We have retained 2 of her daughters and 1 son sold to Abound Livestock. 14L was preg checked August 15th favorable to Coleman Bravo 6313. Bravo, Growth Fund & Tiger … solid pedigree.
AI May 2nd to Coleman Bravo 6313 Exposed June 2 -July 2 to Nu Horizon Triumph 352L
Checked favorable to AI
Service Sire

A very deep, long, broody heifer with an excellent udder structure developing. Having Hilow Dakota 49D & Growth Fund in her pedigree, there will be ample maternal traits and explosive growth in her progeny. The service sire she is favourable to also has excellent maternal lines as his dam has been an extremely productive cow here. This calf is sure to be at the top of the pen - thick and deep.
AI Sitz Accomplishment April 10th
Exposed to Nesset Lake Profound 82L April 20th- June 15th ultrasounded favorable to calve early February on September 4th

A very beautiful, angular Stellar daughter laying down a perfect udder. Her dam is a direct Final Answer female, who’s dam and granddam are both continuing to excel at Wishbone Cattle Co. If you desire performance plus a ton of eye appeal, then she should be your pick. We’re excited to see the progeny off our up and coming home-raised Profound herdsire.
AI Sitz Accomplishment April 10th
Exposed to Nesset Lake Profound 82L April 20th- June 15th ultrasounded favorable to calve early February on September 4th

This direct daughter of ol faithful, Final Answer should not be hard to find sale day. She was a fan favorite as a heifer calf on the angus tour and still rises to the top today. She a tanky, good structured kind of a heifer that should be able to last many years in production. Her service to Grit should be exciting as well. His calves come out at a nice size and explode from birth with good feet, and plenty of muscle.
AI March 30th to Bushs Grit 501, Exposed to Young Dale Khan 16k April15th - August 12th, 2024, Due Jan 5th

We have used Triumph the last few years with great success and 302L is no exception. He sired our all time high selling bull this past year to Diamond B Ranches. 302L is no exception as she’s moderate, attractive made and looks like she will drop an excellent udder. Her dam 149J is one of our favorite young cows and we see lots of similarities in 302L!
AI March 30th to Bushs Grit 501, Exposed to Young Dale Khan 16k April15th - August 12th, 2024, Due Jan 5th

This bred heifer is an absolute standout and she comes by it honestly. The dam of this bred heifer is due to be flushed this year and she has earned it. Clint Currie bought half possession of her 2022 born bull calf and we retained half for our own use. Cindy 15G’s bull calf this year will absolutely be at the front of the pen. Phenotypically, Cindy 43L is hard to fault and is showing great teat placement. She is bred to HF Spearhead 94L, the exciting new acquisition at Roy Mac Angus. Really exciting potential here.
AI bred SAV Rise and Shine April 4/2024 and Pasture exposed to HF Spearhead 94L April 18/24- June 1/24 (Favourable to the exposure; due end of January)

DFCC 41G LEONA 85L is a powerhouse heifer with her huge rib and top but still very eye appealing. Dam is a hard working cow that is a pen favorite and making her mark as a solid producer. 85L’s sire PERROT SPARKPLUG 41G sons were some of the most sought after bulls at our sales and daughters are excellent milking, have eye appeal and performance that make them an asset in any program. Maternal sister sold to AUTUMN DEW in 2023 touch of Class sale. We have sold very few SPARKPLUG daughters but they have found homes at MERIT CATTLE CO. and EVERBLACK ANGUS. DFCC 41G LEONA 85L is one of those exciting females that you want to have!!!
AI to HF SHOWTIME 78H- April 8th calving ease specialist with performance. EXPOSED TO COUNTRY LANE GUARANTEE 24K April 21st-June 30th Preg checked favorable to AI

Even until writing this footnotes, We struggled to agree to part with this girl. But we are committed to putting our best foot forward to promote our program. So for a prestigious sale like the TOC here comes a prestigious bred heifer! Sired by the $25K Everblack ROI 309H bull that we are so glad we stuck our neck out to get. He has exceeded all our expectations with what he has produced so far. Bulls by him in the pen last year were bought up fast. Heifers in the pen are equally exciting rivalling even against top ai sire groups. Her dam, again by the Cavalary bull, is a power house of a cow that makes a guy excited with every calf that she has. 21E has maybe one if not the top of the heifer calf pen this year with a gem by Badlands. 84L is also bred to Ellingson Badlands. Wowzers is all I can say about that. A beautiful ROI daughter that is ready to give some ROI to her new owner!!
AI’d Ellingson Badlands April 25(Favourable) Exposed May 10-Aug 1 Autumn Dew Prison Break 13K

The Katinka cow family is a steady and true cow family here. Honest hard working cows and know what we are getting each and every time no matter the matings. Moderate, thick, long and sound makes up these females. Her dam by the maternal maker Wilbar Cavalary is beautiful. Her grandam, 51B, just weaned her 9th calf with no signs of even slowing up. Great Granddam produced 9, combination for ourselves and Wes Glennie. Add the Valley Blossom Blaster bull into the equation and watch this girl go out to pasture and just plain work her heart out. The mating to Hart Outlier just adds even more excitement to what the potential could be with the Katinka cow family!
AI’d April 28 to Hart Outlier 7033(Favourable) Exposed May 10-Aug 1 Autumn Dew Prison Break 13K

We are thrilled to present MH 7L in this year’s Touch of Class sale. Out of Haynes Atalanta 20F, who we sold to Bruce Froh in 2018, we are grateful to Bruce for generously leasing her back to us. During her successful show career, 20F has proudly collected numerous banners over the years. Haynes Atalanta 20F has also produced several exceptional calves, mirroring the quality of 7L along with the sire of our other lot of Haynes Celebrity 20M. 7L boasts a bold rib shape and impressive power while maintaining a strong phenotype from the ground up. She is a direct daughter of Brooking Trendspotter 6166, a cornerstone of our breeding program. Combined with the longevity and productivity of the Atalanta females, just adds to the resume of Haynes Atalanta 7L. This is a standout opportunity you won’t want to miss.
Bred May 1 to Sterling Pacific, Exposed May 10th – July 1st. Ultrasounded safe to AI.

Big ribbed and beauty fronted. Idol stands square on all 4 corners while setting in a real nice udder. Her dam is build very much the same way. 5C sire is back by female making greats in rogue, right Time, and Traveler 6807. Now her sire Rainmaker also a great female producer and had been used heavily here for his extremely good foot quality and awesome dam. 302L is the kind built to last!
Exposed April 15-June 5 to Outlaw Coulee Resource 110

It’s very satisfying when a first calf heifer raises a calf good enough to be selected for a prestigious event like the TOC. This heifers dam was probably one of the most beautiful heifers to calve out of her year she was dark red with a beautiful foot and udder. Her dam goes way back to a female I bought from Jensen’s years ago in the Angus Pride sale. She is Ai to one of the most interesting bulls we have raised in the Praire Fire bull from 2022. A slow burn son with incredible feet.
AI May 5th to Red Howe Prairie Fire 64K. Exposed to Red Six Mile Wick 11K from May 11th - June 15th Checked safe to AI on June 12th

21L is a big time stout heifer with an incredible front end dropping a gorgeous udder. We are pretty proud of this female. She is the result of a semen purchase in sting quite a few years ago where everyone wondered what we were doing. She goes back to the Lass cow family which have been very productive here. She is carrying an early service to the high selling Flying K bull we purchased this spring this heifer gets me pretty excited when a breeding plan comes together.
Exposed April 24th - May 5th Red Flying K Dominator 37L Exposed May 11th - June 15th to Red Six Mile Wick 11K. Due end of January

We love this heifer and she is hard to part with but won’t be hard to find sale day! 26L is an eye catching Copenhagen daughter exhibiting tremendous potential with her moderate frame, excellent udder development, huge top, deep rib, stoutness and femininity. RED DFCC 98J LEXI 26L’s dam is a top producing female at DOUBLE ‘F’ and has a power packed pedigree behind her. Sire goes back to COPENHAGEN, known as a female maker. The combination here is truly impressive! RED DFCC 98J LEXI 26L’s is a stylish female that has a bright future!
AI’ed to DUFF HD 2046- calving ease specialist. EXPOSED to RED MAR MAC DM LANDMARK 10K ( 2024 Grand Champion Bull – Brandon Ag Ex) OBSERVED BRED April 28th preg checked to this service

Cora 3027 is a powerhouse bred heifer. Bold sprung, long spined, sound and laying down a phenomenal udder all while maintaining an attractive look. Stemming from the famous Cora cow family quality runs deep. Dam 694D and grand dam 443P are and have been very impressive and influential donors. 3027s service to the $30,000 Allison Jetty only adds to the excitement.
AI April 16th to Red Allison Jetty 235L. Exposure to Red Wilbar Glenfiddich 92K May 1st - June 20th. Safe to AI Service

Here’s one you really have to admire for her immense dimension, and overall balance. One we appreciate for her excellent skull structure and attractive front end. Her dam was purchased out of the touch of class, and it’s only fitting for her produce a female of this caliber to be sold through this year’s sale. She is carrying a very exciting service to Red Wood Coulee Taurus 805K a bull we are very excited to be showcasing this fall.
Exposed April 27-May 25 to Red Wood Coulee Taurus 805K. Exposed May 26-Aug 15 to Red J Bar Dee Tee Off 3K. Preg checked early February to Taurus.

Service Sire

Red J Bar Dee Prospector 25L is an absolute powerhouse female that admire for her length of body and depth of rib. She combines superior structure with a dark cherry red hair coat. Her dam Red Howe Prospector 231E was purchased out the Touch of Class sale and selected for her structural correctness and dimension. When you add in the service to Red Wood Coulee Taurus 805K it is sure to be an exciting combination.
Exposed April 27-May 25 to Red Wood Coulee Taurus 805K. Exposed May 26-Aug 15 to Red J Bar Dee Tee Off 3K. Preg checked early February to Taurus.

If I was able to pick a female, that has the most productive cow family behind her, it would definitely be Red Roy Mac Cheta 28L! Dark red, big ribbed, and comes with great feet. She has a ton of capacity in her middle, and carries it into a lovely chest. A neatly tied together female with a sharp angular front end! We are very proud of this elegant female! You’ll appreciate the width over her top, and into her pins. Her Dam is a female that everyone producer would wish to have 100 of! Foot quality is a must for us, and this is a cow family that puts it all together and represents the type of female’s we strive to produce. Red Roy Mac Razor 42K, a maternal brother to Cheta 28L was kept for inherd use, and bred extremely well. The progeny are big boned, tons of muscle, and dark red! We expect the same traits with this one! With carrying an AI service to DKF Razor 55C, the guess work is taken out. There’s no need to get into the long and great career of Razor. It’s has been seen and felt time after time, across the Red Angus breed. We have all the faith in the world that she’s going to be that prominent, leading cow, in any program she gets to be apart of!

Her Dam is affectionately known here as ‘Mojo’ This cow family carries themselves just a little above the rest, they are classy, feminine & cowy. Her sire, Red T-K Cobra 34B, falls back on many long time genetics with Red Premier Patriot 16, Bar-E-L Ribeye 103R, Red T-K Rina 87X, & SSS Arson 6U. This female has tremendous depth, she is soft made and phenotypically correct as they come. She is dropping a beautiful udder and is bred favorable to and early February calf out of our newest herd sire, Red Nu-Horizon Rocker 339L. This bull was one we found last spring and really appreciated for his eye appeal, broadness and solid black foot all tied up in a dark red haircoat. This cross should be exceptional!
Pasture exposure to Red Nu-Horizon Rocker 339L. Observed bred April 26/2024, Preg check favourable to this service.
Maternal Brother

Red Fraser Miss Annie 311L is actually a ¾ sister to our heifer calf consignment. Very similar in stature as well. Her dam is a moderate framed cow with the same great foot and udder as the dam of the heifer calf. We always give Shane his free reign for selecting for the Touch of Class and all of these females are right at the top of our program. We really had no intention of selling this female when we bred her to the ancient female maker in Red Get-aLong Arab 159!
AI to Red Get-a-Long Arab 159 April 13. (safe) Exposed to BLK Brylor OTM South Point 9K May 13 to August 15

Red Fraser Poteet 3107L blends one of our oldest cow families together with some cow maker outcross pedigrees. 422B raised some high performing bulls over the years and we always hoped for a replacement. Shane found her. The consensus bull is something we have been working with for a few years. He’s a home raised son of the great black female maker 7229 bull and out of our Madonna 31X cow that raised a bull for Howe Red Angus. We have a nice sample of bred heifers from him this year that are stout easy doing females that are dropping down very nice udders. The combination with the service to South Point 9K is a very intriguing twist. Those calves are standouts at our place and others!
Exposed to BLK Brylor OTM South Point 9K May 13 to August 15

This deep dark red powerhouse is sure to continue on the maternal legacy of the Rosa cow family. Her dam has consistently produced replacement quality daughters and sons that have found homes within other breeding programs. Eye Hill Stock Farm selected Rosa 98B from our mature cow herd reduction in 2021. We selected Bond 007 from the good folks at Cockburn in the spring of 2022 where he was their high selling bull that year. His progeny are limited in number unfortunately but are the right type and kind. Rosa carries service to Fifth Gear 29K that uniquely blends calving ease with mass, bone and eye appeal.
Exposed April 8th – August 7th to Red Kenray 5th Gear. Pregnancy tested Sep 25th - 4+ months.

Fayette is an exceptional example of the quality we’ve been proud to deliver year after year. With strong genetics, excellent structure, and great maternal potential, she’s built to perform in any herd. Raised with the same care and attention we put into everything we do, this heifer stands ready to make an impact. Whether you’re looking to enhance your breeding program or grow your operation, she’s a reliable choice. Don’t miss the opportunity to add this premium prospect to your lineup! She carries service to the popular Fifth Gear 29K
Exposed April 8th – August 7th to Red Kenray 5th Gear. Pregnancy tested Sep 25th - 4 months.

EUSX 55L is a stylish, moderate sized cherry red female out of an Emmatt Creek cow that we purchased from Cory Hart. Shane picked her out on pasture last summer, saying he’d be back for her the following year when she was a bred. He picked her out right away again so here she is!
AI’d to Duff Red Blood 18114 for January 6th calving. Pasture exposed to Red RSL Remi 60L from April 5th to May 30th. Preg checked safe to AI.

EUSX 22L has longevity built into both sides of her pedigree. Her dam, EUSX 6D is out of our matriarch cow EUSX 5U who raised 15 calves in our herd with many branches of the 5U family tree making up a good portion of our herd today. 22L’s sire, Red Ward’s Fused 37F was a bull we sought after as his dam’s longevity was comparable to that of 5U. Only the best cows continue to earn their keep through a decade and more of ups and downs in this country.
Pasture exposed to Red RSL Remi 60L from April 5th to May 30th. Observed bred for January 19th calving. Preg checked safe to this date.

A unique female from our infamous Miss Deal Cow Family. Maternally she traces back to one of our favourite Final Answer cows, JJL Final Design 3W. Top side you’ll find Red Leeuwenburgh Fireside 77G. While touring a couple years back we found this bull at Lonestone Farms and we were fortunate to acquire semen on him. Three of his sons topped our bull pen last spring and his females are all broody & tanky, just like this heifer! She is dropping a great udder and carrying service to a bull who is making his mark all over these days. Red Flying K Max 110C has been an absolute force here. He has left females that are the pick of the herd every tour and his sons are eye catching, sound footed and hairy with ample scrotal. We will not be offering much more, if any, semen on him so take the opportunity to grab one in Dam!
AI bred to Red Flying K Max 110C April 9/2024. Preg checked favourable to this date. Pasture exposed to Red Nu-Horizon Rocker 339L.

This is one that is hard to let go. Red Wingello Lady 36L is well balanced and complete in her makeup. Her superior foot structure and udder quality mimic the exceptional traits exhibited in her dam. Possibly the most exciting part of this lot is her service to the $75,000 Red Duff Smash 2145. We feel that this is the type of female to have a major impact on any herd.
AI Apr 20th to Red Duff Smash 2145. Exposed May 13th to July 15th to Red Allison Brass Tacks 55L. Favourable to AI.

Ginger Barbie is a cow we purchased for her power and awesome phenotype and to top it all off she is a low birthweight option to compliment her growth traits.. Throw in a unique pedigree full of great proven maternal traits with the likes of Eliminator, the maternal legend SAV Density and the Power Up bull on the bottom side. The Barbara family was added to Wheelers as a junior project back in the day and the impact of that original purchase is evident in this high quality donor cow. A successful show career as a bred heifer as Senior Champion Yearling and Grand Champion Female at Agribition in 2022. Now for the mating to the $160,000 talk of the spring, Red Cockburn Premium 3059 is a great combination of power and phenotype from pedigrees that have bred consistently.
A) 3 IVF embryos by Red Cockburn Premium 3059
B) 3 IVF embryos by Red Cockburn Premium 3059
This is the only time this mating will be offered for sale, Stored at Bovigen, Moose Jaw, Sk

544A is our main Donor and our story cow at Wright Cattle Company. 544A came to us when we purchased Scott and Kimberly Ecklunds cow herd, and she was on lease from Six Mile at the time. 544A is a direct daughter of Sebastien Stewarts great Panther Bull and a direct daughter from Six Mile famed 306N donor. Taffeta 544A has an impeccable foot, and tremendous look. She has as much mass and forerib as any cow in the breed coupled with tremendous udder quality. Taffeta 544A has been flushed multiple times; the fertility and phenotype she transmits is unmatched. Red Diamond El Rey 102 is a high phenotype sire with tremendous look & power and his semen is no longer on the open market. 544A has established herself as a cornerstone female at our place; she can belt out herd bulls and her last 2 daughters marketed have averaged $15,000.00.
Embryo Lot
SIXM 544A X Red Diamond El Rey 102 5 conventional Exportable Embryos Stored at DRI

Sire of Embryos

An outstanding pkg of frozen goodness that incorporates 2 excellent Red Angus animals. Vidalia 24Y is no stranger to a Castlerock sale as she’s been representing both Brylor and Mark Chriss (OTM) for many years now. She could be the most widely known dtr of the old but still very relevant Mulberry 26P bull in the entire breed! Confident 2044 was the lot 1 high selling bull in Berwald’s inaugural bull sale in 2023 selling for $90,000 USD to ABS His full ET sister sold that day as well for $85,000 USD -I’d say that is some very well sought after genetics! Confident is also a paternal brother to the $400,000 usd bull called PIE Hollywood.
Selling a pkg of 4- grade #1 frozen embryos guarantee of 2-90 day pregs if implanted by a certified technician, FOB DRI. Selling a pkg of 4 #1 grade frozen embryos fob DRI guarantee 2- 90 day pregs if implanted by a certified technician
This is fast becoming on of our favorite cows we’ve ever owned as she is so strong on all categories! She has an amazing udder and a phenomenal foot structure along with her great temperament. She’s a member of the longest standing Red Angus family in history -The Kuruba’s. She was a$15,500 purchase in the 2022 Wraz Dispersal sale in Whitewood and her dtr was a $16,000 cow and her Gr Dtr was at $16,250 Pretty consistent and in demand eh? The sire used here is the $35,000 usd bull that has been the talk of most Red Angus breeder’s around the planet. Many have toured Berwald’s this summer and have all been very impressed with his first set of calves. These embryo’s will jump in value after the Completely bulls sell in South Dakota in March for sure.
Selling a pkg of 4- grade #1 frozen embryos guarantee of 2-90 day pregs if implanted by a certified technician FOB DRI

Taurus first caught the eyes of a number of breeders in the Commercial Barn at Agribition in 2022 as he was the lead bull in a very impressive pen of bulls Wood Coulee displayed. The Momma Tried sire group caught your eyes instantly with their presence, style and overall soundness. The cow side of the equation rates very high and his dam, Kuruba 805F and carries on through 206Z and 111X cows. When the smoke settled we landed the bull we had our eyes on all winter. Taurus served breeding duties at both outfits as a yearling and was shown in fall of 2023 as Intermediate Champion at CWA and Junior Champion at Lloyd. Taurus bred well again this spring at both places and recently was slapped Champion at Lloyd..
Most importantly on Taurus is his muscle, soundness, fresh pedigree and a great foot!
A) 10 straws
B) 10 straws
C) 10 straws
Canadian Qualified, stored at Bovigen in Moose Jaw

When Jeff Fraser made this bull the high selling male at RRUP 50 in 2022 for $26,000 we all knew he was going to be something remarkable!! He has done everything he’s been asked to accomplish thus far. Calve easy and sire calves with muscle and growth and leave behind in his progeny similar type and kind to himself. He’s done all this and more as his first calves have all kinds of performance to them. His first son off a 2 yr old has just weaned off at 910 lbs. His dam Reba 49D has avg’d over $20,000 on her first 7 sons to sell. Amazing!! Semen in Canada is going to be limited from here on out. Only
50 units to sell this fall on this royally bred young herd sire.
A) 5 units
B) 5 units
C) 5 units
D) 5 units
E) 5 units
Stored at Alta Genetics

What’s left to say on Natural Law that everyone doesn’t already know. His most famous daughter would be the Erica 74A daughter who’s progeny are popular everywhere. A maternal specialist who has undoubtedly left his mark on the Angus breed.
3 straws FOB Bow Valley Genetics, AB