Growing Together January/February 2012

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GrowingTogether JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2012



Reaching Higher “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18)

Growing Deeper

“There is a Godgiven spiritual horizon that lies in front of us.”



here is a place where earth and sky meet, a place in the distance that the ancient Israelites understood to be created by God. In the Bible it seems that they viewed it as a place where God has drawn an edge, and they associated it poetically with a boundary between light and darkness (Job 26:10; Proverbs 8:27). Some Bible translations use the term “horizon” for this idea in Scripture. Its association with creation and with God’s creative boundaries in the world calls to mind the order that God originally brought from chaos in the beginning. It was God’s plan from the start to bring heaven and earth close together and to draw us toward that edge that contains this divine seam. As strangely cosmic as this may sound, there is a God-given 2

spiritual horizon that lies in front of us and that invites us continually to stretch, to reach out, and to touch. Of course, God has made it such that we never run out of horizons so that we keep stretching and growing. But we don’t need to worry about reaching God because God has already reached down to us. In Christ, God’s Holy Spirit meets us wherever we are and promises to remain with us for the duration of our journey, never leaving us and always encouraging us. The new year always seems to invite us to recognize our horizons in fresh ways. The arrival of a new year may even spur us on to stop gazing and to begin embracing growth in a relationship with our Creator. God not only makes growth possible, but also invites us into it and facilitates it for us.

Allow the adult discipleship ministries at FUMC to become practical and encouraging tools for your growth. Make the choice to stretch, to reach and to grow this year. Explore your horizon. We hope the following pages of Growing Together will help. As the apostle Peter looked toward the ultimate horizon of Christ’s return, he had this to say to Jesus’ followers: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). This is how we live toward the future. Choose to join us as we all grow together in 2012! Rev. John Harman Adult Discipleship Pastor

Join the Journey Growing Together in 2012

Join the Journey An Exploration for Newcomers begins January 8


f you are new to First United Methodist Church, you’ll This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice find the Join the Journey experience to be an opportunity (Abingdon Press, 2010). We hope that every person in the to make a meaningful connection. It is church family has a regular place of especially designed to answer your questions connection where you can learn and grow in Begins January 8 about the Christian faith, the Methodist community. We believe that Join the Church, and life in the church family. As you Journey will help you find a pathway to that 10:05 am explore some basic topics in Christianity, connection that is right for you. Room C210 Methodism, Bible study, and service and The next 12-week session begins January 8 discipleship, you will get to connect with at 10:05 am in Room C210. Pick up a other newcomers and begin a journey of brochure in the main church lobby or visit the Short-Term learning and spiritual growth together in this family of faith. Studies area at to learn more. The weekly sessions are designed to inform and equip you to This is an ongoing class that you can join at any time in its understand and respond to the biblical call to a life of 12-week cycle. So come along, connect with us, and join the discipleship. Sessions will also use as a supplement for journey! Contact Rev. Liz Greenwell for more information: discussion United Methodist Bishop William Willimon’s

Here are the individual sessions and their leaders for this quarter . . . Jan 8 Come to the Table: The Feast of Fellowship Pastors Liz Greenwell & John Harman Jan 15 We the People: Our United Methodist Heritage Pastor Don Renshaw Jan 22 We Believe: In One God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Dr. Ron Bentley Jan 29 We Believe: In the Guidance of Scripture Pastor John Harman Feb 5 We Believe: Therefore We Worship Pastor John Harman Feb 12 We Believe: In Jesus Christ and His Reign Pastor Patty Froehlich

Feb 19 We Believe: In Salvation for Sinners Pastor Chris Rickwartz Feb 26 We Believe: In the Work of the Holy Spirit Dr. Ron Bentley Mar 4 We Believe: In the Gift of the Church Pastor Liz Greenwell Mar 11 We Believe: In Christian Work and Witness Pastor Janet Cavalier Mar 18 Serving in the Spirit: Spiritual Gifts for the Church Pastor Patty Froehlich Mar 25 Called to Grow: Intentional Discipleship Pastors Liz Greenwell & John Harman


Growing Together Visitor Information Class

Financial Peace University

Sunday, January 22 at 11:10 am in the Parlor

Coming Spring 2012


ave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is returning this spring! FPU is a 13-week life-changing program that empowers and teaches you how to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals in the context of God’s plans for your life.

ould you like to know more about First United Methodist Church? Join us for a Visitor Information Class! We will provide some church history, some current information about our ministries and we’ll take you on a tour. All are welcome! No need to register. Questions? Contact Liz Greenwell at or (972) 562-8556 ext. 24.

Next Visitor Information Class: January 22 11:10 am in the Parlor


This experience will help you learn about cash flow planning, debt reduction and elimination, wise investing, and giving. Biblical principles for achieving and maintaining financial peace are central to this practical program. It takes knowledge from God and turns it into action in our lives through a step-by-step process taught by best-selling author and financial counselor Dave Ramsey.

Footprints What’s Your Story?


ootprints is a six-week group workshop whose participants begin to write the stories of their lives. Footprints encourages you to remember the people, places and events in your life that have made you who you are and to write those memories down as short stories. With an experienced guide to lead the way and a specially designed notebook for the journey, groups meet twice a month to write and to share their writing. Footprints groups are meeting in the new year, and they welcome you anytime. New groups are also started periodically during the year, so contact the author and facilitator of the program to learn more about the Footprints experience or to express your interest in an upcoming session. Email or call Sue Wagstaff at or 972548-2071. Also be sure to visit and FootprintsStories on Facebook.


FPU is for everyone—from the financially secure to the financially distressed. Visit for more information and some helpful links. In January, dates and registration information will be available at the church and online. In the meantime, if you would like to speak with someone about FPU, contact our coordinator Kay Carlson, at or 972562-8729.

Adult Discipleship at FUMC We’re Growing Together in the New Year

Growing in Faith on the Discipleship Pathway Meet the ADLT and the Horizons of Adult Discipleship Ministries


t First United Methodist Church, we believe that the Then, find a Sunday school class or group to take your journey of Christian faith is a journey of growth. In study of the Bible and your experience of Christian felfact, the Bible calls us all to “grow in the grace and lowship further. Sunday morning is a wonderful time knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter for combining worship, fellowship and growth as you 3:18). In the context of a relationship with Christ, we refer to spend time praising God and giving attention to the the journey from our welcoming and orientation ministries to Word of God in the Bible. As a next step, consider goour study and growth groups to our relational ing deeper by joining a small group or a small groups to service and mission as a “There is always a place midweek Bible study. You will develop “discipleship pathway.” to take your next step at friendships, study the Bible in a focused and meaningful way, and have a place of FUMC, and new As part of this journey, we will always encoursupport and refueling during the week to age you to take a next step of spiritual growth opportuniƟes are added help you stay in focus. by connecting with a Bible study, a Sunday all the Ɵme.” There is always a place to take your next school class, or a small group (to name a few) step at FUMC, and new opportunities are that is right for you. When we encounter the added all the time. Your Adult Discipleship LeaderBible and its implications for our lives—and when we do that ship Team (ADLT) wants to support you on your together in community—we experience growth in some very pathway of discipleship in any way they can. Roger, important and biblically faithful ways. Patty F., Ron, Tom, Donna, Patty M., Tina and John If you are new to the Christian faith or to the life of the have committed their leadership ministries to supportchurch, take part in the special newcomer’s experience, Join ing your spiritual health and growth. If you need help the Journey (see page 3). These 12 sessions are designed to “picking up the trail” or finding your way toward a serve not only as places of information, but also as bridges connection that is a good fit for you, contact the ADLT into other discipleship experiences. anytime at

The Adult Discipleship Leadership Team (ADLT) exists to encourage and equip those who lead discipleship ministries so that FUMC serves in an effective and balanced way those who wish to take a forward step as disciples of Jesus Christ—wherever they are on their journey of faith. The ADLT leads this ministry area by providing spiritual and logistical support, leadership development, education and spiritual formation opportunities, and coordinated oversight for FUMC’s discipleship areas.


Growing Together on Sunday Mornings

The Servant Class

What’s Happening?

With the Sermon Scriptures through LecƟo Divina

Some Sunday School A‐B‐C’s



re you looking for a Sunday School experience where you can explore the Bible in depth on a weekly basis? Maybe one that can let the Holy Spirit be your guide? And enhance your sermon experience? A few folks have been doing Sunday School in a focused and deep way that has been amazing in its results. They follow a study process called lectio divina, a timeless practice that goes back centuries in the history of the Church. This is a method of reading that helps and encourages us to open ourselves to the Word of God and to allow Scripture to speak to our hearts. The focus ultimately is on the question, “If I really believe this passage of Scripture, how should my life be different as a result?” This is reading both meditatively and transformationally—in community. This group puts a twist on it, however, by studying the biblical text used in the sermon each week. This is a powerful way for our worship to meet our discipleship and for us to grow deeper together. Servant meets Sunday mornings at 10:05 in the senior pastor’s study (in the main offices). If you are interested in knowing more, contact the Adult Discipleship office at and we’ll put you in touch with the leaders.

Faith Connections Proverbs: Building a House of Wisdom

Bridges is a new 10:05 am class on Sundays that will begin the study, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat, on January 8. This engaging and practical study by John Ortberg will be a great way to connect with others and to meet the challenges of the new year. Bridges meets in A225. Parents of junior high youth will find the Crusaders class to be a connection worth finding on Sunday mornings. This group was founded last spring as a way to continue the class for confirmation parents (Credo) beyond the sixth-grade confirmation year. This is a group that loves to be together in study and support, and they meet weekly at 9:00 in A250.

n January, the Faith Connections Class will begin the new year in the Book of Proverbs. We will study the subject of biblical wisdom and discover what it means for us to be wise. This book of biblical poetry has much to teach us about building our lives on a foundation of wisdom, which ultimately calls us to live according to the ways of God. Faith Connections will explore what this means and how it looks.

The Genesis class uses biblical and topical study to generate in-depth discussions. This framework enables participants to reflect on how God’s Living Word in the Bible affect our everyday lives. In the new year this class will have studies focused on New Testament Scripture and its tie-in to our daily living.

This class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00 in Room C210 and is usually led by Pastor John Harman. This community of study is a place to grow and to connect on Sundays, and is open to all.

We encourage you to visit classes and to be connected with us together in discipleship and community.



he Alpha Omega Class is currently studying the question “Who wrote the Bible?” using a video series by that name. These sessions chronicle new research and theological insight into the original writing of the Holy Scriptures. Alpha Omega meets on Sunday mornings at 10:05 in Room A215.

Sunday Morning Discipleship at FUMC

Growing Together in Community Make Bible Study a Part of Your Sunday Morning in 2012


id you know that hundreds of adults participate in classes at First Untied Methodist Church every Sunday morning? Adult Sunday school is the church’s largest discipleship ministry and has much to offer for study, growth and fellowship. The 23 regular adult classes on Sunday mornings include large lecture-style classes, mid-sized guided discussion Bible studies, and smaller groups that focus on biblical topics in more personal and informal settings. From inductive Bible studies to topical book discussions to marriage and family-focused fellowships, FUMC has a variety of opportunities on Sundays that are sure to include a match for your interests and style. And, there is always room for you! Sunday school classes welcome visitors and those who just want to “shop around.” The Adult Discipleship

Leadership Team (ADLT) and the leaders of the Sunday classes encourage you to try the wonderful combination of worship and group discipleship growth as a regular part of your Sunday morning experience. Many of the various classes maintain a web page on the church’s site at There you can see a basic description of the group, the meeting time and place, and a person to contact if you would like more information. Often you can also find a description of the current study and other activities in which the class is involved. At FUMC, we believe that a life of faith is a life of growth, and we invite you to grow with us on Sunday mornings. We welcome your presence and participation as we open our lives together to the transforming experience of Bible study in community.

Horizons: Adult Bible Study at 11:10 am on Sundays The Horizons Class studies the Book of Genesis


he Horizons Bible study is one of the newest Sunday morning groups at FUMC, and it meets at 11:10 am every week in Room C200. The current study is a journey through the Book of Genesis, and the group is usually pastor-led. Ron Bentley and John Harman lead the teaching team. Each week picks up where the previous session ended and continues through the book, so it’s easy to find your place and to fit in anytime. In January, Horizons will continue with the story of Abraham and the birth of Isaac, the child of the covenant promise. With Isaac’s arrival, a new chapter in the history of God’s people opens, and it comes with

challenges and stumbles, as well as forward steps of faith. What a wonderful way to begin a new year—a year that invites us to take our next steps of faith and one that is certain to challenge us in both predictable and in unexpected ways. Nursery care is available during this hour, but children and youth Sunday school are not yet available at 11:10. Older children are welcome to come to the children’s area for activities or to bring what they would like to do during this supervised time. If you have questions, email the childcare director, Jane Mills, at If you are looking for a Sunday morning Bible study, try Horizons! You are welcome anytime. 7

Growing Together FUMC in the Holy Land

Stepping Stones

Two special classes in January 2012

Young Adult Fellowship



n mid-January a group from FUMC will set out for a muchanticipated journey to the Holy Land. This bunch has been meeting, studying, praying and planning together in a series of evening classes that will conclude with two special sessions in January—and you’re invited to join in. On Sunday evening, January 8, Pastor John Harman will lead a presentation and discussion, Biblical Archaeology and the Holy Land: Digging in to Understand Biblical History. Because so much of what we know about history in the Holy Land comes out of the ground, this session will focus on how archaeology in the land is carried out, what it can teach us, and what it can’t. We will also identify and look at some of the most significant finds associated with biblical archaeology. (6:15 pm in Room C210) Next, on Saturday evening, January 14, church member and Middle East scholar Dr. Roby Barrett will facilitate a bonus session on Israel and Palestine today. The purpose of this time will be to prepare the travel group with some context and understanding of the current state of affairs and the real people of the Israel and Palestine that we’ll visit. All are welcome to come listen in as we are led by a world-class expert on this part of the world. (6:15 pm in Room C200)

Men’s Morning Bible Study Making Connec ons on Friday Mornings On Friday mornings at 7:00, men gather at the church for coffee and Bible study together to start the day. The discussion study is led by volunteer members of the group and encourages interaction and fellowship as well as praying for needs that are shared. Typically, this large group studies through books of the Bible by reading and discussing a new short section each week. This time of connection and study is open to all men and welcomes visitors and those who may only be able to attend occasionally. Stop by Room B110 (the Parlor) any Friday and discover why this morning study is so popular at FUMC! 8

Current Bible Study: The Book of Genesis

unday mornings at 10:05, adults ages 20-30 gather together for fellowship and spiritual growth. This group is in various life stages of transition, from going to college, to graduating and entering the workforce, to getting married and starting a family. You are welcome to join in anytime to connect and grow with others. Contact Laci Settle Landrith at or 214-5789116 to learn more about Stepping Stones, or drop by Room A200 during the 10:05 hour on Sundays.

We Give Thanks . . . For Leadership Excellence at FUMC


he past year, 2011, was amazing and blessed in adult discipleship ministries at First United Methodist Church. The creative expansion that these ministries have shown and the spiritual and numerical growth that have resulted come as God has blessed the efforts of so many class, study, and group leaders. The Adult Discipleship Leadership Team (ADLT) thanks all of those who prayerfully, capably, and lovingly lead their ministries so that others may “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Your tireless expressions of servanthood, your commitments to keep yourselves growing, and your determination to depend on the Lord from whom all blessings flow are a blessing to all of us. As we pray for you and for all of our leadership, we ask for the power and the refreshment of the Holy Spirit to energize you for the new year as we continue in this great ministry of growth together!

Women’s Studies 24 Hours that Changed the World A Tuesday morning Bible study beginning February 21


n February 21, an eight-week Bible study for women will begin on Tuesday mornings led by Rev. Janet Cavalier. The study is Adam Hamilton’s series, 24 Hours that Changed the World, which will guide you through the last day of Jesus’ earthly life as we prepare to celebrate Easter this year. This study includes video segments shot on location in the Holy Land as it examines the Gospel stories of Holy Week.

The discussion format of this journey will provide an excellent experience of spiritual preparation during the season of Lent. The group will meet on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to noon in Room C210. Contact Janet at or 972562-8556 to find out more.

On Wednesday Mornings The Challenge of Jesus


ur ongoing Wednesday morning women’s group is studying The Challenge of Jesus, which examines the contrast between Roman imperial theology and Jesus’ revolutionary theology of lordship, deity and peace. The video and discussion series features renowned historical Jesus scholar John Dominic Crossan.

Dr. Crossan believes that to understand Jesus one must begin with Jesus in his time and place, seeing his Jewish tradition and his world-transforming vision from that historical perspective. This study meets on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am in Room E215. Contact Patti Churner at or 469-450-6608.

Through the Bible in 90 Days! On Thursday mornings to begin 2012 On January 5, the Thursday morning women’s Bible study will begin a new study, The Bible in 90 Days. The basic plan of this study consists of approximately 4560 minutes of daily Bible reading, toward the goal of reading through the entire Bible in 90 days. The group will discuss the readings in the weekly study meetings, and a participant’s guide is available to guide your reading and study.

Take an opportunity to experience the big picture of the Bible as you begin the new year. This group is full of heart and a great place to connect. Reading through the Bible together is a wonderful way to learn and grow, as well as a way to support others and be supported on the journey. This study will meet from 10:00 am to noon on Thursdays in the church parlor. For information, contact Vanessa Dry at or 972-838-3563.

Beth Moore Bible Study


eth Moore Bible Study groups meet for various studies throughout the year. Two sessions are currently available: Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm and

Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 am For information about current and upcoming studies, contact Jan Johnson at 972529-8832 or 9

Personal Bible Reading Reading the Bible for Growth and Strength in 2012


o begin 2012, we return to the New Testament to focus on many of the practical questions of the Christian faith. As we do, we’ll also focus on some of the theological basics that inform our faith—especially as the New Testament helps us understand who Jesus is and how we might live practically in the light of his promised return. This will be a season of “letters” for us as we read from the early church’s correspondence and as we learn from their questions and struggles. You will find an amazing contemporary relevance in much of what we read this winter. You will also discover some of the deep continuity between the Old and New Testaments, reminding us that God’s story of grace has been unfolding since the beginning. You can get a copy of this reading schedule printed on a bookmark at the Information Desk in the main church lobby. Let’s read and grow together!

January 2012 1

James 1:1-18

14 Hebrews 3:7-19

27 Hebrews 11:23-40


1 Thess 5:1-11

20 1 Tim 6:11-21


James 1:19-27

15 Hebrews 4:1-13

28 Hebrews 12:1-13


1 Thess 5:12-28

21 2 Timothy 1


James 2:1-13

16 Hebrews 4:14–5:10

29 Hebrews 12:14-29


2 Thessalonians 1 22 2 Tim 2:1-13


James 2:14-26

17 Hebrews 5:11–6:12

30 Hebrews 13:1-14

10 2 Thess 2


James 3:1-12

18 Hebrews 6:13-20

31 Hebrews 13:15-25 11 2 Thess 3


James 3:13-18

19 Hebrews 7:1-10

February 2012

23 2 Tim 2:14-26 24 2 Tim 3

12 1 Timothy 1:1-11

25 2 Tim 4:1-8

13 1 Tim 1:12-20

26 2 Tim 4:9-22


James 4:1-12

20 Hebrews 7:11-28


James 4:13-17

21 Hebrews 8


1 Thessalonians 1

14 1 Tim 2

27 Titus 1


James 5:1-12

22 Hebrews 9:1-10


1 Thess 2:1-16

15 1 Tim 3

28 Titus 2

10 James 5:13-20

23 Hebrews 9:11-28


1 Thess 2:17–3:5

16 1 Tim 4

29 Titus 3

11 Hebrews 1:1–2:4

24 Hebrews 10:1-18


1 Thess 3:6-13

17 1 Tim 5:1-16

12 Hebrews 2:5-18

25 Hebrews 10:19-39


1 Thess 4:1-12

18 1 Tim 5:17–6:2

13 Hebrews 3:1-6

26 Hebrews 11:1-22


1 Thess 4:13-18

19 1 Tim 6:3-10

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22

Welcome to GrowingTogether! GrowingTogether is the bimonthly newsletter of the Adult Discipleship Leadership Team (ADLT). Its purpose is to highlight upcoming opportunities to connect and grow in the First United Methodist Church family, and to encourage you on your journey of faith. We believe that a journey of faith is a journey of growth and that connecting with God through Bible study and with one another in Christian community are essential to our growth. If the ADLT can provide information or guidance for you along the discipleship pathway, please let us know: 10

This Calendar features the opportunities to connect and grow contained in this edition of GrowingTogether. For a comprehensive list of church-wide ministries and events, visit the calendar at

January FUMC Calendar Sunday


Every Sunday Morning:


8:00 am


Wednesday 4




Friday 5

Traditional Worship

Saturday 6




7:00 am

9:00 am 9:30 am

Adult Sunday School

Disciple I

Traditional Worship

Women’s Bible Study

Footprints I

10:05 am

Men’s Bible Study

9:30 am

9:30 am

Footprints II 10:00 am

Adult Sunday School Join the Journey

The Bible in 90 Days: Women’s Bible Study

6:30 pm

Wellspring Worship

Evening Worship

Traditional Worship

Disciple II

11:10 Adult Sunday School

7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Wellspring Worship

Disciple I

Disciple I & IV

Traditional Worship

Join the Journey



10 Disciple I

4:00 pm

Footprints I

Men’s Bible Study

The Bible in 90 Days: Women’s Bible Study

Grief Support 6:30 pm

5:30 pm

Evening Worship

Disciple III

Disciple II

6:15 pm FUMC in the Holy Land Study Group (C210)

7:00 pm

7:00 pm



6:15 pm

7:00 pm

Disciple I & IV

Small Groups

FUMC in the Holy Land Study Group (C200)

Disciple I


9:30 am



4:00 pm

Disciple II

7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Disciple I & IV


Disciple I


9:30 am


26 7:00 am

Women’s Bible Study 9:30 am

10:05 am, Room C210

10:00 am 6:00 pm

Footprints I

11:10 am Parlor (Room B115)

Grief Support Evening Worship

Beth Moore

Disciple I & II


7:00 pm

Disciple I & IV

Small Groups

Disciple III

Disciple II

7:00 pm

7:00 pm

5:30 pm

The Bible in 90 Days: Women’s Bible Study

6:30 pm

6:00 pm

4:00 pm

Men’s Bible Study

Beth Moore

Disciple I

Visitor InformaƟon Class/Tour


Evening Worship

Beth Moore


The Bible in 90 Days: Women’s Bible Study

6:30 pm

6:00 pm

Small Groups


10:00 am

Grief Support

Disciple I & II

7:00 pm

Men’s Bible Study Footprints II

6:00 pm

Disciple III


9:30 am

Beth Moore

Disciple I

5:30 pm

20 7:00 am

Women’s Bible Study 9:30 am

10:05 am, Room C210

Join the Journey

7:00 am

10:00 am

6:00 pm

Disciple I & II

Join the Journey


Women’s Bible Study

9:30 am

10:05 am, Room C210

Join the Journey

11 9:30 am

Disciple I


31 9:30 am Disciple I

10:05 am, Room C210 4:00 pm

6:00 pm

Disciple I & II 5:30 pm Disciple III

Beth Moore 7:00 pm Small Groups

7:00 pm Disciple I & IV


This Calendar features the opportunities to connect and grow contained in this edition of GrowingTogether. For a comprehensive list of church-wide ministries and events, visit the calendar at

February FUMC Calendar Sunday




Every Sunday Morning:


9:30 am

8:00 am


Friday 2

Women’s Bible Study

Traditional Worship 9:00 am

Saturday 3








7:00 am

Beth Moore

Men’s Bible Study

9:30 am

Adult Sunday School

Footprints II

Traditional Worship

10:00 am

10:05 am 6:00 pm

Adult Sunday School

The Bible in 90 Days: Women’s Bible Study

Grief Support

Join the Journey

6:30 pm

Wellspring Worship

Evening Worship

Traditional Worship 11:10

Disciple II

Adult Sunday School

7:00 pm

Wellspring Worship

Disciple I

Traditional Worship

Join the Journey





9:30 am

9:30 am

6:00 pm

The Bible in 90 Days: Women’s Bible Study

6:30 pm

4:00 pm

6:00 pm

Disciple I & II

Evening Worship

Beth Moore 7:00 pm

5:30 pm

Disciple II

7:00 pm

Small Groups

Disciple III



7:00 pm

Disciple I & IV

Disciple I


9:30 am


9:30 am

Beth Moore

Footprints 1

10:00 am

6:00 pm

6:00 pm

4:00 pm

The Bible in 90 Days: Women’s Bible Study

Evening Worship

Beth Moore

Disciple I & II 7:00 pm

5:30 pm

Disciple II

7:00 pm

Small Groups

Disciple III


7:00 pm

Disciple I & IV


Disciple I

21 9:30 am


7:00 pm

Disciple I & IV

Small Groups

Disciple I


9:30 am


Disciple I Footprints I 10:00 am

10:05 am, Room C210

24 Hours: Women’s Bible Study

4:00 pm

6:00 pm

Disciple I & II

Beth Moore 7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Small Groups

Disciple I & IV




The Bible in 90 Days: Women’s Bible Study

Disciple II

7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Men’s Bible Study

10:00 am

Grief Support Evening Worship

Beth Moore

Disciple III

6:00 pm 6:30 pm

6:00 pm

Disciple I & II

7:00 am

Beth Moore

24 Hours: Women’s Bible Study

5:30 pm


Women’s Bible Study

10:00 am

4:00 pm

22 9:30 am

Disciple I

10:05 am, Room C210

Men’s Bible Study

Footprints II

6:30 pm

Disciple III

7:00 am 9:30 am

Disciple I

Grief Support

5:30 pm


Women’s Bible Study

10:05 am, Room C210

Join the Journey

Men’s Bible Study 10:00 am

Grief Support

Join the Journey

7:00 am

Beth Moore

Disciple I

10:05 am, Room C210

Join the Journey


Women’s Bible Study


9:30 am


Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore 6:00 pm Grief Support 6:30 pm Evening Worship Disciple II 7:00 pm Disciple I

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