Growing Together April May 2013

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GrowingTogether APRIL - MAY 2013



REACHING HIGHER ER “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18)


“Summer is here, and we keep on growing as disciples.”

Here Comes Summer! “Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.” So says the author of Ecclesiastes. Few passages of Scripture ring truer to long-suffering students yearning for summer vacation. Shelve the books. Throw away the calendar. Go outside and have fun. I sympathize fully. I’ve spent more than my fair share of time in classrooms and libraries. (I’m technically “over the hill” already and more than half of my life has been spent in school full-time!) But through it all, even though summer is here, we keep on growing as disciples. Sunday


worship continues. Our service projects go on. And Sunday school classes and small groups continue to meet. We even scheduled a few special summer studies. (See the pages of this issue for details.) If weekly preparation for a class causes you to hesitate, know that except for Disciple Bible Study, most of the adult discipleship opportunities at First UMC do not require extensive preparation outside of class. All this is a delicate way to say: you can enjoy your summer and go to Sunday School! And your church has many ways to do exactly that. “Ah!” you say, “But I’ll be out of town so much.” Fair enough. We’ll miss you very much. Would you

join us until you leave and drop in as soon as you get back? Ecclesiastes wrapped up this way, “Here is the conclusion of the matter: Revere God and observe his commandments...” Let’s honor and love God with our hearts, souls minds, and strength, and keep loving our neighbors as ourselves by sticking to the worship, the service, the fellowship, and the learning we do in our adult discipleship activities throughout the summer. Ron Bentley Adult Discipleship Leadership Team

Join the Journey

Adult Discipleship Goes Easter Join us on Resurrection Sunday for a Special Event

New to First UMC? Join the Journey! A Class where You Can Connect and Grow


f you are new to First United Methodist Church, you’ll Faith and Practice (Abingdon Press, 2010) as a supplement find the Join the Journey experience to be an opportunity for discussion. We hope that every person in the church to make a meaningful connection. It is especially designed to family has a regular place of connection where you can learn answer your questions about the Christian and grow in community. We believe that Join faith, the Methodist Church, and life in the the Journey will help you find a pathway to Every Sunday church family. As you explore some basic that connection that is right for you. topics in Christianity, Methodism, worship, 10:05 am The class meets in rolling 10-week sessions, Bible study, and service and discipleship, you so it is an ongoing group that you can join Room C210 will get to connect with other newcomers and anytime in the cycle. You will find us every begin a journey of learning and spiritual Sunday at 10:05 am in Room C210. Pick up a growth together in this family of faith. brochure in the main church lobby or visit The weekly sessions are designed to inform and equip you to to learn more. Connect with understand and respond to the biblical call to a life of us, and join the journey! Contact Rev. Liz Greenwell for discipleship. Sessions will also use United Methodist Bishop more information: William Willimon’s This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan

Here are the individual upcoming sessions and currently scheduled leaders . . . April 7

Visitor Information Class (incl. Facilities Tour) The Church Worships May 19 Pastor Liz Greenwell Pastor John Harman

April 14

Welcome to the Table! Pastors Liz Greenwell & John Harman

May 26

The Church Serves Pastor Janet Cavalier

April 21

What is United Methodism? Dr. Don Renshaw

June 2

The Church Grows Pastor John Harman

April 28

You Are On the Journey Pastor Liz Greenwell

June 9

Sunday School Roundup Mr. Tom Washburn & Pastor John Harman

May 5

Who is God? Dr. Ron Bentley

June 16

Called to Grow: Intentional Discipleship Pastors Liz Greenwell & John Harman

May 12

How is God at Work? Pastor Chris Rickwartz

Our host for this quarter: Mr. Dick Whitlock


Discipleship at FUMC Horizons: A Sunday Morning Bible Study

Men Who Lead

New Series Begins May 5

Get Ready. Summer’s Coming.


id you know that hundreds of adults participate in 22 regular classes at First United Methodist Church every Sunday morning? One of the newest groups is the Horizons Class, which meets during the 11:10 hour on Sundays in Room C200. On May 5, a new series led by Dr. Ron Bentley will launch, “Making Sense of Nonsense: The Problem of Evil.” We believe God made all things seen and unseen. How can God be that powerful but not stop the tragedy we see happening all around us? Why can two people pray for healing from devastating sickness and one receives it while the other does not? Horizons takes up these questions and more. We will begin in Scripture and remain firmly rooted there as we examine how Christians have struggled with these questions throughout history and how we might engage that struggle today. Join us for great discussion as we think deeply and biblically about our faith.


his summer will bring men who teach in FUMC’s adult discipleship ministries a new opportunity to connect with each other and to grow as teaching leaders.

Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement from the Adult Discipleship Leadership Team about a group called Men Who Lead. This summer, Men Who Lead will explore the challenges of teaching the Bible well, in the spirit of “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17).

Ultimate Hope Has a Name

Your Next Step: Connect

Join the Legacy Class for a Journey into True Hope



hat is your ultimate hope? The story of Jesus and the early church leans heavily on the understanding that Jesus of Nazareth was the fulfillment of an ancient hope. One of the best ways to grasp true, ultimate hope in life is to allow Scripture to teach you how the Old Testament established the hope of Christ—the Messiah who died and was raised. A four-week series in the Legacy Class will explore these key foundations of hope upon which the New Testament story is built: April 21: Why was the hope of the Old Testament so crucial to the writers of the story of Jesus and the early church? April 28: Christ before Christmas: Who was the Messiah to the people of God before Christ? What were they looking for? May 5:

Messiah Fever: How the hunt heated up and why the Jewish leaders of Jesus’ day missed the mark.

May 12: What the fulfillment of Israel’s hope for a Savior meant to the church in Acts, and what it means to us.

Pastor John Harman will lead this Sunday morning series at 10:05 in Room C205. Join us, and let’s engage the wonder of God’s fulfillment, which can fuel our own hope in life. 4

f you spend any time at all around First UMC, you quickly learn how important we believe it is to find a place of connection. Because the church is large, our connections to groups that study, fellowship, or serve together are our primary places of care, growth, and ministry. In short, you need to connect somewhere in order to participate fully in the life of a church family like this one. How do you get started? Starting is simple. Scan the QR code above or go directly to There you will find a few links that will guide you toward connection, beginning with Join the Journey (see p. 3) and an intro to serving at FUMC. In addition to worship, find a connection to learn, grow, serve, care, and be cared for. And let us help where and when you need.

Growing Together this Summer Invitation to the New Testament Experience Disciple Bible Study this Summer!


isciple Bible study offers one of the best opportunities available to experience structured Bible study in community and individually. This summer, the short-term Disciple study Invitation to the New Testament will give you the chance to engage this model and to sample the Disciple experience. In this eight-week introductory class, you will step into the New Testament to explore the Bible, connect with others, and learn to develop Bible reading and study skills that you can continue to use. The Gospel of Matthew forms the framework of the study as you encounter the coming of Jesus, his life, his mission, and his call to community and discipleship. You will read widely from the New Testament and have the opportunity to reflect on your reading throughout the week and with the other members of your group in the weekly class. This study follows the format of Disciple Bible Study, in which the combination of daily readings and the weekly group time are a great strength. Darren Cooper will lead this summer study on Tuesday evenings, beginning on June 4 for an orientation session and concluding on July 30. Visit, and click on Short-term studies for more information and to register. Make Bible study with the church family part of your summer as we all keep growing together!

Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? A Summer Study Based on Philip Yancey’s Prayer


illiam James wrote, “The reason why we pray is that we cannot help praying.” In this six-week group study, Philip Yancey probes the key questions that we ask about this sacred place where humans and God meet, including: What is prayer? How does it work? And does it make a real difference? If you have struggled with your understanding or your approach to prayer, or if you are new to the idea and want to explore some Christian foundations that will help shape your prayer life, join us this summer for six sessions dedicated to this central topic. The journey will touch on many points with fresh eyes. Have you ever wondered . . .  Is God listening?  Why should God care about me?  If God knows everything, what’s the point of prayer?  Why do answers to prayer seem so inconsistent?  Why does God sometimes seem close and sometimes seem far away?  How can I make prayer more satisfying?

Take a meaningful journey into prayer this summer with the church family. Crystal Hume will facilitate this study on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm for six weeks beginning June 9. Find out more and sign up online under Short-term studies at 5

Personal Bible Reading Reading the Bible for Growth and Strength in 2013


e began a 100-day reading journey at the beginning of Lent (February 13), specifically to re-focus on the big picture of the biblical story of God’s grace. The journey continues through April and concludes on Pentecost Sunday, May 19. We completed the 50 Old Testament readings, and we are now in the New Testament portion of the plan. Come along as we engage the broader story of our relationship with a loving and forgiving God who provides for us by grace what we cannot gain on our own. You can get a copy of this reading schedule printed on a bookmark in the main church lobby. Let’s read and grow together!

April 2013 1 Luke 1:1-80

14 John 11:1-57

27 Acts 15


2 Timothy 2

20 Esther 1

2 Luke 2:1-40

15 Luke 22:1-46

28 Acts 16–20


2 Timothy 3:10–4:8

21 Esther 2:1-14

3 Luke 3:1-20

16 John 18:1-40

29 Acts 25–28


1 Thess 4:13–5:11

22 Esther 2:15-23

4 Matt 3:13–4:17

17 John 19:1-42

30 Romans 8

10 1 Corinthians 13

23 Esther 3

5 Matthew 5:1–6:4

18 John 20:1–21:25

11 2 Cor 4:1–6:2

24 Esther 4

6 Matthew 6:5–7:29

19 Acts 1:1-11

12 1 Peter 1:1–2:12

25 Esther 5

13 James 1–2

26 Esther 6

May 2013

7 Matthew 13:1-58

20 Acts 2

8 Luke 10:25-37

21 Acts 3–4


Galations 5:16–6:10

14 1 John 3:11–4:21

27 Esther 7

9 Luke 15:1-32

22 Acts 6:8–8:8


Ephesians 6:10-20

15 Revelation 1

28 Esther 8

10 Luke 9:1-36

23 Acts 8:26-40


Philippians 4:2-9

16 Revelation 2–3

29 Esther 9:1-17

11 Matthew 14:22-36

24 Acts 10:1–11:18


Colossians 1:1-23

17 Revelation 4–7

30 Esther 9:18-32

12 John 9:1-41

25 Acts 9:1-31


1 Timothy 3

18 Revelation 19–20

31 Esther 10

13 Mark 5:1-20

26 Acts 13–14


1 Timothy 6:3-21

19 Revelation 21–22

“Nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39)

Welcome to GrowingTogether! GrowingTogether is the bimonthly newsletter of the Adult Discipleship Leadership Team (ADLT). Its purpose is to highlight upcoming opportunities to connect and grow in the First United Methodist Church family, and to encourage you on your journey of faith. We believe that a journey of faith is a journey of growth and that connecting with God through Bible study and with one another in Christian community are essential to our growth. If the ADLT can provide information or guidance for you along the discipleship pathway, please let us know: 6

This Calendar features the opportunities to connect and grow contained in this edition of GrowingTogether. For a comprehensive list of church-wide ministries and events, visit the calendar at

April FUMC Calendar Sunday




9:30 am

9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore

Disciple I & II 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

6:30 pm Evening Worship

Disciple I Jesus in the Gospels

Join the Journey












7:00 am

10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

Prayer Ministry

12:30 pm Disciple I

Beth Moore





Every Sunday Morning: 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:00 am Adult Sunday School Traditional Worship 10:05 am Adult Sunday School Join the Journey Wellspring Worship Traditional Worship 11:10 Adult Sunday School Wellspring Worship Traditional Worship



7:00 pm

7:00 pm Christian Believer


Small Group

10 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study

9:30 am Disciple I & II

11 10:00 am

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

10:05 am, Room C210

Prayer Ministry 12:30 pm Disciple I

7:00 pm Disciple I 4:00 pm

Jesus in the Gospels

7:00 pm

Disciple I & II

6:30 pm Evening Worship

Small Groups

Disciple III & IV

Join the Journey



7:00 pm

7:00 pm Christian Believer

Women’s Bible Study

Financial Peace

Small Group



18 7:00 am

9:30 am 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study

Disciple I & II

10:05 am, Room C210

Men’s Bible Study

9:30 am Footprints 10:00 am

Jesus in the Gospels

Small Groups

Disciple III & IV

Women’s Bible Study

Financial Peace

Join the Journey

Disciple I

7:00 pm

Disciple I & II


Prayer Ministry

6:30 pm Evening Worship

7:00 pm Small Group

7:00 pm Christian Believer


23 9:30 am

24 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study

Disciple I & II

10:05 am, Room C210

Women’s Bible Study

12:30 pm Disciple I

7:00 pm

4:00 pm

25 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study

Prayer Ministry 12:30 pm Disciple I 6:30 pm Evening Worship

4:00 pm 7:00 pm

Disciple I & II

7:00 pm

Disciple III & IV

Small Groups

Financial Peace

Women’s Bible Study

Join the Journey


7:00 pm Christian Believer

Disciple I


Jesus in the Gospels

9:30 am


Disciple I & II

10:05 am, Room C210

7:00 pm 4:00 pm

7:00 pm

Disciple I & II

Small Groups

Disciple III & IV

Women’s Bible Study

Disciple I Jesus in the Gospels

Financial Peace


This Calendar features the opportunities to connect and grow contained in this edition of Growing Together. For a comprehensive list of church-wide ministries and events, visit the calendar at

May FUMC Calendar Sunday




Every Sunday Morning: 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:00 am Adult Sunday School Traditional Worship 10:05 am Adult Sunday School Join the Journey Wellspring Worship Traditional Worship 11:10 Adult Sunday School Wellspring Worship Traditional Worship



9:30 am

Friday 2

Women’s Bible Study











7:00 am

10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

12:30 pm Disciple I


Men’s Bible Study

Prayer Ministry

6:30 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm Christian Believer

7:00 am Men’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Small Group


Join the Journey



9:30 am


7:00 am

9:30 am

Disciple I & II

10:00 am

Women’s Bible Study

10:05 am, Room C210

9 Men’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study Prayer Ministry

12:30 pm Disciple I

4:00 pm

6:30 pm

7:00 pm

7:00 pm

Evening Worship

Disciple I & II

Small Groups

Disciple I

Disciple III & IV

Women’s Bible Study

Jesus in the Gospels

7:00 pm Small Group

Financial Peace



Join the Journey

9:30 am



16 7:00 am

Disciple I & II

10:00 am

Men’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

12:30 pm Disciple I

10:05 am, Room C210 10:05 am, Room C210

Prayer Ministry

6:30 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm

4:00 pm

7:00 pm

Disciple II

Disciple I

Small Groups

Disciple IV

7:00 pm

Jesus in the Gospels

Women’s Bible Study

Join the Journey



Small Group

9:30 am




9:30 am

Disciple I & II

7:00 am

Women’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

10:05 am, Room C210

12:30 pm Disciple I

11:10 am Join the Church Sunday in the Chapel

Women’s Bible Study 6:30 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm

Prayer Ministry

7:00 pm

Small Groups

4:00 pm

10:00 am

Disciple I

Women’s Bible Study

Disciple II &IV Financial Peace

Join the the Journey Journey Join






9:30 am Women’s Bible Study

10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

10:05 am, Room C210

31 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study

Prayer Ministry





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