GrowingTogether FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013
REACHING HIGHER “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18)
“Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.”
The Journey to Easter
his is the season in our church family’s life when we focus in an especially intense way on Jesus’ journey to the cross and on his resurrection from the dead. It is the season of Lent, and we use this time to reflect on Christ’s sacrifice and power over sin and death, and their implications for our lives and for the world.
many to be the holiest Christian site in the world. It marks the traditional locations of where Jesus was crucified and the tomb where he rose. One of the most interesting things that visitors discover is the proximity of Golgotha (where the cross stood) to the place that marks the tomb. The current church (built by the Crusaders) encloses both sites under one roof.
Of course, any time is the right time to keep the “main thing” front and center, but this season is a traditional one in the Church for acknowledging the journey of faith as disciples. It is a journey of God’s grace that has come at a cost and that has freed us to be the people of faith, hope, and love that God created us to be.
We often suppose that Jesus’ body was carried some distance to the garden for burial in Joseph of Arimathea’s newly hewn tomb. There is no scriptural reason for this assumption, however. The place where the cross stood and the place where Jesus was laid when he was taken down could easily have been adjacent.
Last month, a group from the First UMC church family made a journey to the Holy Land. When we visited Jerusalem, we ventured into the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. This famous church is considered by
What is remarkable in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre experience is that the single church for both sites offers a potent reminder of the allsignificant connection between the two. Here is the very ground of our
Christian faith. As we express it often in our services of Holy Communion, “Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.” This is the “main thing.” Growing in our knowledge of the basis of our faith, in our understanding of its implications, and in our ability to apply what we learn to everyday life is at the heart of discipleship. Take time this season to study and to focus on living out what you learn in witness and in service. That is ultimately what the following pages are for: to equip and to encourage you in your journey. Please continue to let us know how we can help along the way. John Harman Adult Discipleship Pastor
Adult Discipleship Join the Journey Goes Easter
Join us on Resurrection Sunday for a Special Event
New to First UMC? Join the Journey! A Class where You Can Connect and Grow
f you are new to First United Methodist Church, you’ll Faith and Practice (Abingdon Press, 2010) as a supplement find the Join the Journey experience to be an opportunity for discussion. We hope that every person in the church to make a meaningful connection. It is especially designed to family has a regular place of connection where you can learn answer your questions about the Christian and grow in community. We believe that Join faith, the Methodist Church, and life in the the Journey will help you find a pathway to Every Sunday church family. As you explore some basic that connection that is right for you. topics in Christianity, Methodism, worship, 10:05 a.m. The class meets in rolling 10-week sessions, Bible study, and service and discipleship, you so it is an ongoing group that you can join Room C210 will get to connect with other newcomers and anytime in the cycle. You will find us every begin a journey of learning and spiritual Sunday at 10:05 a.m. in Room C210. Pick up growth together in this family of faith. a brochure in the main church lobby or visit The weekly sessions are designed to inform and equip you to to learn more. Connect with understand and respond to the biblical call to a life of us, and join the journey! Contact Rev. Liz Greenwell for discipleship. Sessions will also use United Methodist Bishop more information: William Willimon’s This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan
Here are the individual upcoming sessions and leaders . . . Feb 3
Who is God? Dr. Ron Bentley
March 24
Visitor Information Class (incl. Facilities Tour) Pastor Liz Greenwell
Feb 10
How is God at Work?
Feb 17
The Church Worships Pastor John Harman
April 7
Welcome to the Table! Pastors Liz Greenwell & John Harman
Feb 24
The Church Grows Pastor John Harman
April 14
You Are On the Journey Pastor Liz Greenwell
March 3
The Church Serves Pastor Janet Cavalier
April 21
What is United Methodism? Dr. Don Renshaw
March 10
Sunday School Roundup Class Representatives
April 28
Who is God ? Dr. Ron Bentley
March 17
Called to Grow: Intentional Discipleship May 5 Pastors Liz Greenwell & John Harman
How is God at Work? Pastor Chris Rickwartz
Discipleship at FUMC Your Next Step: Connect
Get an App to Help
YouVersion and the Bible Reading Plan
f you spend any time at all around First UMC, you quickly learn how important we believe it is to find a place of connection. Because the church is large, our connections to groups that study, fellowship, or serve together are our primary places of care, growth, and ministry. In short, you need to connect somewhere in order to participate fully in the life of a church family like this one. How do you get started? Starting is simple. Scan the QR code above or go directly to There you will find a few links that will guide you toward connection, beginning with Join the Journey (also see p. 3) and an introduction to serving at FUMC. In addition to worship, find a connection to learn, grow, serve, care, and be cared for. And let us help where and when you need.
Sunday Morning Bible Study Worship and Grow with us on Sunday mornings
id you know that hundreds of adults participate in classes at First United Methodist Church every Sunday morning? Adult Sunday school is the largest discipleship ministry and has much to offer for study, growth, and fellowship. The 23 regular adult classes on Sunday mornings include large lecturestyle classes, mid-sized guided discussion Bible studies, and smaller groups that focus on biblical topics in more personal and informal settings. From inductive Bible studies to topical book discussions to marriage and family-focused fellowships, FUMC has a variety of opportunities on Sundays that is sure to include a match for your interests and style. And there is always room for you! Sunday school classes welcome guests and those who just want to “shop around.” The Adult Discipleship Leadership Team (ADLT) and the leaders of the Sunday classes encourage you to try the wonderful combination of worship and group discipleship growth as a regular part of your Sunday morning experience. At FUMC, we believe that a life of faith is a life of growth, and we invite you to grow with us on Sunday mornings. Browse the different classes at We welcome your presence and participation as we open our lives together to the transforming experience of Bible study in community. 4
f you are following our Bible reading plan during the 100 days between Sunday, February 10 and Pentecost Sunday, May 19 (see p. 6), consider the free YouVersion app to help you along. You can register for free at Then, browse the Bible reading plans under the “Partial Bible” category. The plan we are doing is called “The Essential 100.” If you use a smartphone or tablet, download the app so you can have each day’s reading ready and with you wherever you are. Note: We combined days 1 and 2 of the plan into the first day’s reading so that we begin and end on a Sunday. Read Genesis 1– 3 on day 1, and you’ll be on schedule. Explore the other features of YouVersion as well, and use it or your other favorite Bible reading app to stay on track. Make Scripture part of every day!
Men’s Bible Study Friday Mornings at 7:00
he Friday morning Men’s Bible Study welcomes all men to an hour of coffee, fellowship, and Bible study every week at 7:00 a.m. The group is currently studying through the Book of Acts and discussing how the challenges faced by the early church can help Christian men live faithfully through today’s challenges. This study meets in the Parlor (Room B115). Because of the early hour, please enter through the door on Benge St. near the northwest corner of the main church building. Contact if you have questions about the men’s Bible study, and we’ll be glad to assist!
Growing Together in Lent An Invitation to the Bible for You Invitation to the New Testament and Personal Bible Study Basics
hat is the “big picture” of the Bible? Where does it all point and how are we to respond? Join the short term Disciple Bible study experience Invitation to the New Testament this Lent season and explore the implications of the story of Jesus for our lives and our community of faith. Invitation to the New Testament uses Matthew’s Gospel as a starting point to show how the earliest Christian communities wrestled with these questions, and to invite you to hear and understand the call to discipleship in fresh ways. This nine-week study is an excellent opportunity to focus, study, and grow during this season of Lent and Easter. Though only nine weeks, the class enjoys the strengths of the Disciple Bible study format, with daily readings and reflection, and a weekly group meeting that includes a brief video segment by biblical scholars and group discussion of the week’s readings. This class is tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in Room B200 beginning February 26. Register at
o you want to read and study the Bible on your own but have trouble with where and how to get started? Is there a better way than just beginning in Genesis and trying to read through the Bible all the way to Revelation? Or are you looking for some ways to “freshen up” you personal study? Personal Bible Study Basics is a 4-week introduction to some strategies, tools, resources, and methods for studying Scripture regularly on your own. In addition to the Bible study groups at church where we study, discuss, and grow in community, the regular learning and nourishment from studying on our own are an important part of our growth as disciples. Sometimes a few tips, some helpful tools, and a good plan are what we need. Adult Discipleship Pastor John Harman will lead this basic class of four 90-minute sessions at 7:00 pm on Wednesday evenings, February 27, March 6, 20, and 27. See for more details about Personal Bible Study Basics and to sign up. There is no cost to participate.
Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University InformaƟon and OrientaƟon on February 17
ave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is returning! FPU is a nine-week life-changing program that empowers and teaches you how to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals in the context of God’s plans for your life.
This experience will help you learn about cash flow planning, debt reduction and elimination, wise investing, and giving. Biblical principles for achieving and maintaining financial peace are central to this practical program. It takes knowledge from God and turns it into action in our lives through a stepby-step process taught by best-selling author and financial counselor Dave Ramsey. FPU is for everyone—from the financially secure to the financially distressed. Visit for more information and some helpful links. An Information and Orientation Session will be held at 4:00 pm in Room A200 on Sunday, February 17, and the weekly class will begin at the same time and place on Sunday, March 3. Find out more about FPU at the information session with no obligation to join the class. You will receive instructions there on registration, how to procure the materials for the course, and how to be prepared for the first session if you choose to participate. 5
Personal Bible Reading Reading the Bible for Growth and Strength in 2013
he season of Lent begins on February 13, and what a great time to re-focus on the big picture of the biblical story of God’s grace! After a brief period of meditating on the Scriptures in the Psalms, we begin a 100-day journey through the Old and New Testaments. We’ll engage the broader story of our relationship with a loving and forgiving God who provides for us by grace what we cannot gain on our own. Using 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages, this reading plan will carry us from Sunday, February 10 through Pentecost Sunday, May 19. You can get a copy of this reading schedule printed on a bookmark in the main church lobby. Let’s read and grow together!
February 2013 1 Psalm 119:1-16
14 Genesis 12
27 Exodus 12:1-42
Judges 4–5
20 2 Kings 25
2 Psalm 119:17-40
15 Genesis 15
28 Exodus 13:17–14:31
Judges 6–7
21 Psalm 23
3 Psalm 119:41-64
16 Genesis 21:1–22:19
Judges 13–16
22 Psalm 51
4 Psalm 119:65-80
17 Genesis 27:1–28:22
10 Ruth 1–4
23 Psalm 103
5 Psalm 119:81-104
18 Genesis 32–33
11 1 Samuel 1–3
24 Proverbs 1–4
6 Psalm 119:105-120
19 Genesis 37
12 1 Samuel 8–10
25 Proverbs 16–18
March 2013
7 Psalm 119:121-144
20 Genesis 39–41
13 1 Samuel 16:1–18:16 26 Isaiah 51–53
8 Psalm 119:145-160
21 Genesis 42:1-38
Exodus 19:1–20:21
14 1 Samuel 23:7–24:22 27 Jeremiah 1:1–3:5
9 Psalm 119:161-176
22 Genesis 43–44
Exodus 32–34
15 2 Samuel 5–7
10 Genesis 1–3
23 Genesis 45:1–46:7
Joshua 1:1-18
16 2 Samuel 11:1–12:25 29 Jonah 1–4
11 Genesis 6:5–7:24
24 Exodus 1–2
Joshua 3–4
17 1 Kings 2–3
30 Malachi 1–4
12 Genesis 8:1–9:17
25 Exodus 3:1–4:17
Joshua 5–6
18 1 Kings 8:1–9:9
31 John 1:1-18
13 Genesis 11:1-9
26 Exodus 6:28–11:10
Judges 2:6–3:6
19 1 Kings 16:29–19:18
28 Daniel 6
“Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end.” (Psalm 119:111-12)
Welcome to GrowingTogether! GrowingTogether is the bimonthly newsletter of the Adult Discipleship Leadership Team (ADLT). Its purpose is to highlight upcoming opportunities to connect and grow in the First United Methodist Church family, and to encourage you on your journey of faith. We believe that a journey of faith is a journey of growth and that connecting with God through Bible study and with one another in Christian community are essential to our growth. If the ADLT can provide information or guidance for you along the discipleship pathway, please let us know: 6
This Calendar features the opportunities to connect and grow contained in this edition of GrowingTogether. For a comprehensive list of church-wide ministries and events, visit the calendar at
February FUMC Calendar Sunday
Every Sunday Morning: 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:00 am Adult Sunday School Traditional Worship 10:05 am Adult Sunday School Join the Journey Wellspring Worship Traditional Worship 11:10 Adult Sunday School Wellspring Worship Traditional Worship
Saturday 1
7:00 am Men’s Bible Study
Join the Journey
6 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore
9:30 am Disciple I & !!
10:05 am, Room C210
7 10:00 am
7:00 am Men’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study Prayer Ministry
12:30 pm Disciple I
6:00 pm Beth Moore 4:00 pm Disciple I & II Disciple III & !V
Join the Journey
6:30 pm Evening Worship
7:00 pm
7:00 pm Small Groups
Disciple I
Women’s Bible Study
Jesus in the Gospels
7:00 pm
7:00 pm Christian Believer
Small Group
14 7:00 am
9:30 am 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore
Disciple I & II
10:05 am, Room C210
Men’s Bible Study
10:00 am Women’s Bible Study Prayer Ministry
6:00 pm Beth Moore
4:00 pm Disciple I & II Disciple III & IV
Join the Journey
7:00 pm
7:00 pm Small Groups
Disciple I
Women’s Bible Study
Jesus in the Gospels
19 9:30 am
7:00 pm
Disciple I & II
Women’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study
6:30 pm Evening Worship
7:00 pm
Disciple III & IV
Small Groups
Financial Peace Info Mtg
Women’s Bible Study
7:00 am
10:00 am
12:30 pm Disciple I
Beth Moore
4:00 pm
Prayer Ministry
Lenten Luncheon
7:00 pm Christian Believer
Disciple I
Jesus in the Gospels
9:30 am
Disciple I & II 12:30 pm Lenten Luncheon
10:05 am, Room C210
6:00 pm Beth Moore 7:00 pm
4:00 pm
Small Group
12:30 pm 6:00 pm
Join the Journey
7:00 pm
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore
Disciple I & II
10:05 am, Room C210
12:00 pm Worship 12:30 pm Disciple I 6:30 pm Worship Service 7:00 pm Christian Believer
7:00 pm
Disciple I
Disciple I & II
Small Groups
Jesus in the Gospels
Disciple III & IV
Women’s Bible Study
Inv. to New Testament
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore 12:30 pm Disciple I
28 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study Prayer Ministry
6:30 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm Christian Believer Personal Bible Study Basics
This Calendar features the opportunities to connect and grow contained in this edition of GrowingTogether. For a comprehensive list of church-wide ministries and events, visit the calendar at
March FUMC Calendar Sunday
Join the Journey
9:30 am
Wednesday 5
Disciple I & II
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore
Friday 7
12:30 pm Disciple I
Lenten Luncheon
Saturday 1
7:00 am
10:00 am Women’s Bible Study
12:30 pm
10:05 am, Room C210
Men’s Bible Study
Prayer Ministry
6:00 pm 6:30 pm Evening Worship
Beth Moore 7:00 pm
4:00 pm Disciple I & II
7:00 pm
Disciple III & IV
Jesus in the Gospels
Small Groups
Financial Peace
Join the Journey
Women’s Bible Study
Inv. to New Testament
9:30 am
7:00 am 10:00 am
Men’s Bible Study
Prayer Ministry
Disciple I
Beth Moore 6:30 pm
7:00 pm
Evening Worship
Small Groups
Disciple I
Women’s Bible Study
Jesus in the Gospels
Financial Peace
Inv. to New Testament
Join the Journey
14 Women’s Bible Study
12:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Disciple III & IV
7:00 pm
9:30 am Beth Moore
Lenten Luncheon
Disciple I & II
Men’s Bible Study
Personal Bible Study Basics
Women’s Bible Study
Disciple I & II
Daylight Savings Time Begins
7:00 am
Small Group
12:30 pm
10:05 am, Room C210
4:00 pm
7:00 pm Christian Believer
Disciple I
9:30 am
Disciple I & II 12:30 pm
10:05 am, Room C210
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Christian Believer
Small Group
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore
7:00 am 10:00 am
Men’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study
12:30 pm Disciple I
Lenten Luncheon
Prayer Ministry
6:00 pm 6:30 pm Evening Worship
Beth Moore 4:00 pm
7:00 pm 7:00 pm
Disciple I & II
7:00 pm Christian Believer
Disciple I
Disciple III & IV
Small Groups
Jesus in the Gospels
Financial Peace
Women’s Bible Study
Inv. to New Testament
Join the Journey
9:30 am
Disciple I & II
10:05 am Visitor Information Class
Personal Bible Study Basics
7:00 pm
Disciple I & II Disciple III & IV
Disciple I
Financial Peace
Jesus in the Gospels Inv. to New Testament
28 7:00 am
10:00 am Women’s Bible Study
6:00 pm 4:00 pm
Small Group
9:30 am Women’s Bible Study Beth Moore 12:30 pm Disciple I
Beth Moore
7:00 pm
6:30 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm Christian Believer Personal Bible Study Basics
Men’s Bible Study
Prayer Ministry 7:00 pm 7:00 pm
Worship Service
Worship Service
31 7:00 am Sunrise Service 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:05 am Traditional Worship Wellspring Worship 11:10 am Traditional Worship Wellspring Worship