2 minute read
How to Preserve Your Child's Mental Health
People are like batteries. Sometimes we just need a good charge to help us continue through the day! That “charge” helps us all bounce back from stress.
To help kids be resilient, think about the word PARKING.
P – Play + Laughter + Smiles + Eye Contact = CONNECTION!
• Short term side effects of connection = Brain shuts down stress.
• Long term side effect of connections= Bond builds and increases cooperation!
A - Ask about your child’s interests.
• Balance doing things they think are fun and interesting to spark the JOY!
R - Relax.
• Teach, model and practice breathing skills for calming down.
K - Kids are kids.
• Let them feel and share their feelings.
• Labeling the feelings you see. “I see you’re sad, you don’t have a smile on your face.”
• Problem solving can occur later.
I - Include them, so they feel needed and wanted.
N - Notice your child’s emotions.
• Notice the good things your child is doing. It make them experience positivity, pride and want to continue that feeling.
G - Go Play together!!
• A 2 minute dance party or game of Freeze can change the brain state and positively impacts a child and adults mental health.
• Uninterrupted play can disrupt stress, and add joyful, playful moments to the day.
This PARKING starts with play and ends with play. It only takes minutes to recharge and provide that extra juice can help adults and kids bounce back stronger.
If you are ever concerned about your child’s mental health, please reach out to LCCAA Head Start’s Mental Health Consultant Donna Jezewski at Donna. Jezewski@ohioguidestone.org for ideas, tips and strategies.