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Rent, Heat Assistance Remain Available
LCCAA continues to offer help with past due rent payments as well as keeping homes heated this winter.
Rent assistance is available and can be paid as far back as March 2020. Residents must live at or below 80% of the Area Median Income ($62,900 for a family of four).
LCCAA will also be working directly with eviction courts to serve high risk populations. New partnerships have been formed with Lorain County Urban League and El Centro des Services Sociales to better serve vulnerable communities.
Applications must be made online at www.lccaa.net/ programs/rent_assistance. No phone calls are being accepted.
Winter heating assistance is available from a variety of programs through LCCAA.
LCCAA’s Winter Crisis Program will help you if your primary heating source is disconnected, a disconnection notice has been received, or you have less than a 10-day supply of bulk fuel.
If you have heat but are struggling to pay your bill, you may qualify for HEAP or fuel funds from Columbia Gas.
You do not need an appointment to apply for the annual HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) benefit or to reverify your income for PIPP (Percentage of Income Payment Plan).
For more details on all these programs, please visit www.lccaa.net/programs/energyservices