January Head Start Family Newsletter

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Getting the Most From Virtual Learning Why is my preschoolers virtual learning so important?

The first five years of your child’s life are the most important. During this time, 90% of your child’s brain is developed. Keep this momentum going by adding the Head Start virtual learning services to your daily routine. Why is parent involvement important in virtual learning? Families and teachers both have information to exchange that will benefit their child’s learning. This is why ongoing communication with your child’s teacher is crucial. These check-ins (Zoom, phone calls, messages in ClassTag, video comments, etc.) allow teachers to monitor progress, collect required data and discuss any additional support that the family or child may need. We encourage families to comment on videos, post children’s work, and share what you are working on at home as we are still mandated to measure your child’s progress.

How will Head Start virtual services be delivered?

All families have access to ClassTag. This is I’m not a teacher, I’m a parent. What should I be the platform where teachers will post Heggerty doing with my child at home? phonological awareness videos, read-alouds, activities, You may not realize it, but parents are teachers too. and program enhancement links for music, tae kwon In fact, you are your child’s first and most important do, and Viva Spanish. These videos are accessible at teacher and have many materials at your disposal for any time to meet the needs of your family. learning at home. Some classrooms might do a small group Zoom class Remember, learning occurs throughout our everyday so students can still see and interact with their peers. routines. Talk about shapes or the different signs while Families also have access to Ready Rosie, which equips driving, count items, assign little chores to do around parents of children ages birth to 3rd grade with the the house, encourage your child to dress themselves tools they need to turn everyday activities into learning and brush teeth. All of these are things we do in school opportunities. as well.

Virtual Learning Tips for Parents

Set a consistent schedule that works for your family to work on skills, watch lessons presented by your child’s teacher on ClassTag, review Ready Rosie videos, read a story, etc.

child, as well as a music kit to technology, supplies, or materials? participate in activities. Please reach out to your child’s Keep in mind that it’s about the teacher or family service worker child, not the work. Children are so we can assist you.

just developing skills and it’s more PLAY at this age is considered about the learning process, not the children’s work. Hands-on learning Make sure you have any finished product. experiences, exploring objects, materials necessary to complete Identify the barriers that may and developing new skills through all assignments. Art supplies and hinder the learning experience. Is it daily routines are all important materials were sent home for each parts of daily learning.

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