You’reSupportPregnancyServicesnotalone!Helpisavailable. Supporting mothers throughout pregnancy and baby’s first year.

Infant mortality rates the United States are startlingly high. In Lorain County, 13 in 1,000 African American babies die within their first year or life. The mortality rate for white infants is Premature4.5.birth main causes of early infant death. Improving access to prenatal mothers causes of premature birth: high blood pressure diabetes.
avoid the most common
care will help
Improving Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes Pregnancy Support Services helps by: ► Breaking down barriers. ► Aiding in communication with doctors. ► Making referrals and coordinating services. ► Providing educational information. ► Teaching stress management skills. Services are individualized and adjusted for each woman.
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Who is Helped?
Pregnancy Support Services are available to any pregnant woman in Lorain County. While managed by Head Start, the program is open to everyone. There are no income qualifications. You can seek help at any stage in your pregnancy. You can seek help whether in your first pregnancy, your third or even your fifth. We know every pregnancy is different. Support is offered from the moment you call - as early as when you find out you’re pregnant - through the first year of your baby’s life.

How We Help Support can be offered through home visits, meetingsnumberNovirtualappointmentsphoneorplatforms.minimumofis Yourequired.choose the help you need. The Community Health Worker helps pregnant women navigate both the health system and the many other changes she faces as her pregnancy progresses. These supports include: ► Attending doctor’s appointments and interpreting information and test results. ► Guiding women on how to advocate for their own quality health care. ► Making referrals to social services and guiding women through applications for assistance. ► Providing education on health, nutrition and exercise. ► Childbirth education. ► Stress management techiniques. ► Post-partum support including screening for depression. ► Instruction on breastfeeding and parenting skills as needed or requested.

Pregnancy Support Services is designed to improve maternal and infant health Mostoutcomes.ofthe leading causes of infant mortality are preventable. Better information, empathetic support and access to quality health care make a difference. Critical Outcomes Pregnancy Support Services can help you: ► Find a healthcare provider you trust and with whom you are comfortable. ► Interpret test results to avoid high blood pressure and diabetes. ► Modify your diet and lifestyle to maximize your health during and after pregnancy. ► Empower you to get the answers you need.

Lorain County Community Action Agency 1949 Broadway Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44052 1-888-245-2009 Support is available at any stage of pregnancy regardless of your income or how many children you have. You are not alone! Learn more by contacting Community Health Worker Melissa Carroll at 440-457-0187 or In partnership with Lorain County Public Health