New Year Edition
Magazine Faith & Business
The Coaches
Norma Mclauchlin Ministry
Jennifer Foxworthy
Brenda Byers
EDITOR NOTES A Year of Joy, Peace and Prosperity
Sharon Gulley
BRENDA BYERS Motivational Speaker · Personal Coach · Business Consultant
VERONICA M. GLOVER Sisterherman Foundation, Inc.
TAMMY SMITH Gospel Recording Artist Sister, Cousin, Friend
NORMA MCLAUCHLIN Multi - time Author
WOM ENTERPRISES Publishing, Business Coaching, Radio And More Teresa Hawley Howard
JENNIFER FOXWORTHY Public Speaker Ministry/Business Coach
Unstoppable You Ministries
THE COACHES The Couch The Conversation The Coaches
AUTHOR SPOTLIGHTS Multi-time Author Norma Mclauchlin
Sabrina S. Bordley
SPONSORS Thank you BE'OF Magazine
Editor Notes 2021 was an ever-changing year, to say the least. I cannot help but feel it called to us to explore our inner-most thoughts and feelings toward the future. It called upon us to make conscious decisions on where we wanted and longed to be in our careers or what we truly wanted to do in life that satisfied our soul. Seeking is a part of growth and growth is something we did in leaps and bounds in 2021. Many changes took place in our lives, careers, home, and families but as the champions, we are born to be, we stood the test and 2022 is here to bless all for doing the work, standing in faith, and doing what we were called to do. I have said it many times and I will say it again; 'There is something special to be said about moving in Faith that no dictionary can describe.' Faith is the powerful gift, given from God to each, and every one of us at birth. It is the gift of perpetuation in the storm. I am Excited for 2022. I stand with my arms open wide and eager for the future, and all it promises in ministry and in collaborations with all of my spiritual friends. I know God is the stronghold in all things; therefore I stand in Faith and eagerness for his promise to give life and give it more abundantly. Abundantly in All Things! I wish you a year of Joy, Peace, Prosperity, and Love. May all your dreams come true in 2022. What an Amazing job everyone!! My prayer in this New Year for you is that God continues to bless you abundantly for all of your faithfulness and hard work. Much Love & Light, My Beautiful Friends. Sharon Gulley
Spotlight On
Brenda Byers
Spotlight On Brenda Byers
Motivational Speaker · Personal Coach · Business Consultant
"The Coaches Coach"! Success /Business Coaching and Coach certification Sacramento, CA, Founder ProsperTV. Grow your income and impact & create a life you love. science-backed, and, biblically-based, results!. Includes ongoing mentoring and Leads. You were created to PROSPER in every area of your life! Prosper in All Things is the premier coaching and equipping company providing individual success and business coaching and resources. This page is dedicated to inspiring, equipping, and empowering you to prosper in every area of your life. (spiritually, physically, relationally, and financially)
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Prosper In All Things
It is easy to create a life you love, and it's easy not to! All the stories about what's wrong, what we lack, and why it won't work often keep us living lives of quiet desperation. The key is to know that it is a #choice and it begins with #awareness. Awareness is the first step to #transformation. So often we are not even aware of what we #desire - we are simply stuck in our repeated, habitual life. We wake up, check social media, work, come home, watch Netflix, etc. only to repeat again the next day. We are creatures of habit. It has been said we don't live 70,80 or 90 years, we live the same year 70,80,90 times! So back to awareness...First, become aware of your God-given desires. They are a key to your purpose. Ask yourself, "What do I desire?" "What else do I desire?" "What dreams has God put in your heart?" "What would you love?" 10 years ago, after the painful breakup of a marriage of nearly 30 years, I had to ask these questions. I then chose to take deliberate action and restructure my life. I desired to dance so I started dance lessons (which has changed my life in more ways than I can count). I desired to travel and have freedom so I structured my work to fit into 3 1/2 days/week freeing up the other days. I desired to share my 30 years of experience in personal growth and building successful companies to equip, empower women to grow their awareness, faith, income, and impact. Thus in 2012 Prosper in All Things was born. Why do I share these things? Every single one of them started with awareness and choice. Here we are and it's a New Year - what will be different for you?
Prosper in All Things
Brenda Byers Motivational Speaker · Personal Coach · Business Consultant
Awareness is the first step to transformation. This is because it opens us to choice and choice leads to inspired #action. So much of what we do and think on a daily basis is just a habit. God has so much for you and it starts with awareness, followed by choice and action. "Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it?" Isa 43:19 AMP
For years I have seen God use this to break chains, refresh and renew!
Prosper TV
Attention Christian Coaches, Consultants, and womenpreneurs. Gain more visibility and scale your business faster than ever before! Join us on ProsperTV Learn more Here’s how you can effectively get your God-given message out to the market…Be seen as an authority and “go-to” expert in your industry… And build MILLION-dollar connections with highly successful womenpreneurs. ProsperTV is so much more than a TV show it is an experience! It's a sisterhood, an opportunity for personal and professional growth, networking, and collaboration. It is truly a God experience! Listen to others share their experience
Spotlight On
Norma McLauchlin
Dr. Norma Mclauchlin
Dr, Norma McLauchlin is the Founder and CEO of Chosen Pen Publications, an International Bestselling Author, and Publisher. She is a Certified Master Life Coach who inspires women to embrace spiritual change and live more fulfilling lives. Speaking from the heart of her own experiences as an author, coach, mentor, professor, and administrator; she has a unique ability to connect to women from all walks of life. Dr. McLauchlin has accepted the call to help women develop their self-esteem and self-worth. Her humility for God’s Word and His people is beyond reproach. As she organizes, guides, coordinates, and executes behind the scenes; one could categorize her as a profound minister, teacher, visionary, exhorter, and leader. Her spirit embraces the experiences, gifts, and talents in her local church as well as surrounding communities that leave a breathtaking message of faithfulness, dedication and commitment to the Kingdom of God.
Inspired Publications Include
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Norma Mclaunchlin's New Release
You can find Norma's New release and all of her publications
Spotlight On
Jennifer Foxworthy
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Covet is a transitive verb and means to, 1. To wish for earnestly 2. To desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably. Many times we make the sinful mistake to covet what is not meant for us, such as significant others, jobs, money, material possessions, gifts, talents...etc. This lust, greed, pride, and envy ultimately leads to disappointment and the destruction of self and others. We compare what we have to what someone else has. Unsatisfied, we think the grass is always greener on the other side. Therefore, we scheme to take what is not meant for us. We fail to realize the journey it took for that person to arrive at the point they have something good. And/or we don't realize that what we think is natural green grass is really artificial turf. On the outside, it's made to deceive the eyes to think everything is beautiful and wonderful but within, it's fake. I have been on the giving and receiving end of coveting and it didn't end well. Let us be mindful to be content with what we have by taking the time to cultivate and nurture our own "grass".
✔7 Disciplines of Intentional Living As we march towards the end of the year it's important to evaluate what goals you met and those that still need work. In order to get to the next level and have the success we desire, having a Focused, Intentional, and Thriving Mindset is essential to starting and maintaining balance. Ensure you are setting goals in the below seven disciplines. 🎯 Financial/Occupational 🎯 Emotional 🎯 Physical 🎯 Intellectual 🎯 Spiritual 🎯 Social/Cultural 🎯 Environmental 📢 Repeat after me. I deserve to have a Get F.I.T. Mindset. Because when I am focused, I have the clarity to see past any obstacles and barriers. I deserve to have a Get F.I.T. Mindset. Because when I am intentional, I can strategically align with people, places, and things that foster my growth. I deserve to have a Get F.I.T. Mindset. Because when I am thriving, every relationship I have will benefit. 👏Let’s chat and discover how my workshops and/or keynotes can help you, your team and your organization! I want you to be focused, intentional, and thriving regarding your mission and vision! Visit: #motivationtochange #7DisciplinesofIntentionalLiving #goals2022 #focused #intentional #thriving #GetFIT #mindset
Jennifer C. Foxworthy, LMSW, MSM, DTM
Ret. Navy Veteran | Keynote Speaker | Author | Corporate Trainer | Thriver of Domestic Violence & Victim's Advocate | Event Host | TV Show Host Talks about #leadership, #keynotespeaker, #personaldevelopment, #professionaldevelopment, and #domesticviolenceawareness
About Jennifer Foxworthy Jennifer C. Foxworthy was born and raised in York, Pennsylvania. Once she graduated high school from William Penn Senior High in 1991, she embarked on a journey that would lead her into an illustrious career serving in the United States Navy. Jennifer served her country proudly for 21 years (September 23, 1991, to April 30, 2013) retiring as a Chief Petty Officer (E-7). Jennifer is pursuing her second career as the Founder and CEO of Inspirationally Speaking, LLC, and the Founder and CEO of Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc. Jennifer continues to be of service to others through her purpose and passion as an award winning motivational speaker, international published author of “Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come: Memoirs of Women Who Survived Domestic Violence,” television show host of Living Unshackled ON Purpose, host of Unstoppable You Conference, corporate trainer, as well as prolific blogger of “G.U.M.B.O.” As an inspirational influencer, Jennifer travels the country as a powerful motivational speaker to help women find their personal peace, purpose, and power by transparently using her life experiences on topics of self-esteem, domestic violence awareness, overcoming adversity, self-care, and much more. Jennifer states, “Essentially, I use my voice to help others find theirs.”
I am a USN retired combat veteran, Distinguished Toastmaster, a multidimensional inspirational influencer, published author, as well as domestic violence advocate. After serving our country proudly for 21.7 years, I pursued a second career as an entrepreneur and in 2013 started my first business, Inspirationally Speaking, LLC where I inspire, motivate and empower thousands of people around the country to walk boldly in their purpose. My passion and knowledge of leadership, work-life balance, team building, and diversity in corporate America has motivated and transcended the internal and external business practices of several local, state, and federal government agencies as a corporate trainer through my seminars. I also aim to encourage individuals to Get F.I.T( Focused Intentional & Thriving) so they can find their personal peace, purpose, and power. It's through my various platforms to include my self-published book titled Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come: Memoirs of Women Who Survived Domestic Violence as well as my prolific blog G.U.M.B.O. (Greatness Unbounded Moving Beyond Ordinary) that men and women are empowered. I am also the Founder and CEO of Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc. which is a nonprofit 501c3 organization that provides supportive resources to people affected by domestic violence, human trafficking, and homelessness.
Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc. is a nonprofit 501c3 faith-based social enterprise whose mission is to inspire and empower men and women to have whole and healthy lives, through education and training. Our organization provides resources and services to domestic violence, human trafficking, and homeless populations. She is the Founder of the Unstoppable You Conference Event. The purpose of this event is to empower ALL men, women, and teenagers to take personal responsibility in aligning their minds, body, and soul. This event will also provide an opportunity to unite, network, and uplift one another personally and professionally. Jennifer Foxworthy is also an award-winning motivational speaker, author, corporate trainer, blogger, and television show host. Jennifer's passion is to inspire, motivate, and empower people to live whole and healthy lives. Contact info: Inspirationally Speaking, LLC, - 1 (410) 449-2173 Unstoppable You Ministries, Inc. - 1 (833) 330-7867
Spotlight On - The Coaches
The Coaches
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'The Coaches' is a gathering of women from all walks of life. We are bloggers that have tough conversations seating on the couch in an informal setting. Let's talk about it!
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Join us Monday Feb 7, 2022 @ 9:15p
Faith in Business “What does it mean to be a faith-based business?” Perhaps your career aspirations involve working in a faith-based hospital, school, or not-for-profit organization. Or, maybe you’re a Christian entrepreneur ready to carve your own path and inspire others to help bring your's or their vision to life. Because Christians try to follow Jesus’ teaching in everything they do 'personally, professionally, and privately,' integrating your faith into your business practices means holding yourself to a high standard of ethical and moral behavior. In carrying your personal code of integrity into every professional action and decision you make, whether that’s in marketing, finances, management, or human resources, etc... You’ll effectively incorporate the deepest parts of your faith into a Christ-based business plan that serves and blesses everyone involved. Those who are affiliated with you will know without a doubt that you put the good of the group before self-interest. With a focus on serving, supporting, and building up others rather than pulling rank or holding office over others, your contribution is characterized by a deep sense of ethics and your vision of a higher purpose. Choosing what is right over what is convenient or easy. You consistently demonstrate a clear vision, perceptive foresight, and balanced wisdom when making decisions that involve other people or your company’s future. Others are happy to be led by you because they sense and trust your personal integrity, which comes from Jesus’ teachings. Teambuilding plays in - 'effective leadership and how to create a culture of compassion and mutual support in your company.' 1 Peter 4:10 NIV: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Everyone should play an important role according to their gifts and talents. Putting Biblical principles before profits and always doing the right thing lets everyone who associates with you trust your stewardship and sincerely desire to be affiliated with you. “When a business places serving others above all else, an environment that facilitates growth and understanding immediately surfaces,” adds Integrity Support in, what does it mean to be a faith-based business. Sharon Gulley Founder of BE'OF
Cervical Cancer Awareness Month Join the American Cancer Society in celebrating January as Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society, there have been an estimated 13,800 new cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in 2020 alone. The American Cancer Society is committed to helping prevent cervical cancer, developing guidelines that help find cervical cancer, and providing support and information about treatment options and coping with physical and emotional side effects. The American Cancer Society also funds research that leads to finding better ways to prevent, detect, and treat cervical cancer. This January, the American Cancer Society will continue working to prevent and treat cervical cancer through its programs, research, and support. Ways to get involved: Read this compelling story on a cervical cancer survivor. Donate to the American Cancer Society. Stay up to date on the latest cervical cancer news. Explore recent findings in cervical cancer research.
Be a Light into the Hearts of Others
Celebrating Veronica Meyers Glover & Sisterherman Foundation, Inc. Thank You For All The Love & Support Given!!
From All of Us here at BE'OF Magazine We Love & Appreciate You!!
Gospel Recording Artist Tammy Smith
Teresa Hawley Howard
GreenilyGulley Photography
Poetry Corner Good Morning Lord, Thank you for this beautiful day, You are my goodness in every way. Good Morning Lord, How beautiful your planet The warmth of your love shows how everything has had your hand in it. Good Morning Lord.
Sharon Gulley
Author Spotlights
Norma Mclauchlin
You Can Find Norma Mclauchlin at
love, peace, and joy FROM
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