1 minute read
Glues for wood
Specified exclusively by the R.A.F. during the last twenty years for repairs to wooden aircraft.
A E R O Ll T E 3 0 0 a bquidresin,usedwith one of the GB hardeners, as a gap-filling assembly glue. (Jnaffected by heat, damp or climatic conditions, and not attacked by mouldsrfungi or micro-organisms.
A E R O L, T E 3 0 6 The powder Jorm oJ' Aerotite 300, having the same per-formance r.oith a longer shelf life. Recommended far alt zuood-to-wocd repairs. Az;ailable in 6l- packs including hardener through ironmongers, also in 2 lb, 4 lb anC 7 lb tins.
Literature, including copies of CIBA TechnicaI Notes, will gladly be sent on request.
Aerolite is a registered trade name.
Duxford, Cambridge. Telephone: Sawston 2t2t