1 minute read
$hropshire Flying Group
Many years ago in an age when mythology was being born, a young man named, Icarus stiapped a pair of wings to his shoulders and made *un,, first attempt to emulate the example of the birds by flying. Regrettably, his efforts were doomed to failure. He crashed !
But man being an adventurous type, pressed on' slowly but surely, until eventually two Americans, Orville and Wilbur Wright peifected a heavier than air machine, which they success_ fully flew. Here at last was the opportunity for rnan to break away from his natural environ_ lent and to experience the joys of flying. Over fifty years have passed since the Wright Brothers m-ade the first practical step towards the goal, 'flying for everyone '.
Populu Flying, tulylAugust, 195g
The opportunity of learning to fly came slowly to the men and women of Shropshire, bui eventually, late in the year 1954, a young man, enthusiastic and ambitious to see a flying club established in Shropshire, invited a numLer of people to join him in his endeavours. And so, ' The Shropshire Flying Group ,was born.
A general meeting was called during February, 1955, which was attended by some twenty_flve interested people- After considerable discussion, together with helpful advice from members of an already established Flying Group at Welshpool, the first aim appeared to be the acquisitio., lf un aerodrome within a reasonable distance of Shrewsbury. This was a particularly difficult problem that sent members dashing to all parts
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Aircraft: Con.