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Aircraft complete, finished in colour of customer's choice, test flown and with 12 months valid permit to fly, f,l,000 ex works.

Easy to assemble kit containing fully fabricated components. Virtualiy no technical knowledge or experience necessary but a final coat of dope needed, f,858 7s. ex works.

Constructor's kit consisting of partially assembled components. This kit contains every item necessary to the complete elimination of the need for any jigs. A11 metal fittings, ribs, etc., are prefabricated but their assembly requires rather more skill than does the easy kit, f794 14s. 4d. ex works.

Amateur constructors who are able to make their own ribs, f,uselage sides, etc., but buy our ready fabricated spars, petrol tank, undercarriage fittings, metal fittings, wheels, instruments, engine and propeller, should be able to complete the aircraft for approximately f,650.

Prices of kits do not include packing or carriage.

Terms: Cash with order.

Delivery: Until we build up a stock there may be several weeks delay but we aim to be in a position to deliver ex stock within the next few months.

Continued from page 5 start but with one of the new flat four engines and a little treatment here and there would still look modern and original among other ultraJights.

The Turbulent programme instigated by one of our most go-ahead members, Norman Jones, continues to progress and as we go to press we learn of a training group buying a factory-built Turbulent from The Norman Jones and Rollason set-up at Croydon.

A. Winner of the French section of the Concours d'Elegance. M. and Mme. Barritault look reasonably pleased with life. The picture was taken of them in the winning aircraft.

B. Winner of the private section: Joan Short's Turbulent, Norman Jones up. Spectators, from left to right are Arthur Ord-Hume, Francis Couesnon, Maurice Imray and John Blake.

C. The Barton Tipsy, now converted to Belfair standards and resplendent in new blue and white paint, put in a very welcome appearance. As you see from the rudder, they were all prepared for the National Air Races.

D. E. Allchin's colourlul Argus was highly commended in the Concours d'Elegance, and quite rightly, too.

E. Georges Beraud about to take off on a joyride-one of very many that the French contingent gave, tirelessly and with the greatest good humour.

F. A general view of the assembly. A. J. Linnell's Gemini, in the foreground, is evidently beset by the current craze for displaying pennants on vehicles-but does he have to advertise Sywell this year?

All above photos by Tempest of Rhoose.

G. The Concours-winning Minicab, a beauti_ fully-made two-seater, with 65 h.p. Continental engine. The six pointed star just visible on the rudder indicates that the aircraft was built with the aid of a State grant.

H. The coup6 Swallow belonging to the Swallow Flying Group. This picture was taken last year at Sywell, in case anyone wonders where the Bonanza came from.

I. J. The Beraud brothers' barouches. The Jodel D119 of Marcel Beraud (F-PHZH) and the Dl2l of Georges. Several differences are noticeable, especially the rudimentary fin and additional cabin lights of the D119. F-pEVM is, we believe, a Dll2 Club re-engined with a 75 h.p. Continental.

K. The Group winner of the Concours, Barry Birch's Argus. This, again, is a picture taken at the second Rally.

L. This picture of a standard Tipsy Trainer has been included to show the modifications incorporated in G-AFJR, the conversion Belfair (see other page of pictures).

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