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COMMOAI, SWAAISE/ Venue of 196 I P.F.A. Rally

ITAIRWOOD Common Aerodrome, Swansea's I Civic Airport, is situated in farming country four miles from the town in the centre of the Gower Peninula.

The peninsula measures approximately sixteen miles long by eight miles wide at its widest point and is fast becoming famous as a holiday area because of its excellent beaches and pleasant countryside.

The four most popular bays, Langland, Caswell, Oxwich and Rhossilli are within easy reach and provide perfectly safe bathing and surfing. Of these Rhossilli is the largest, having nearly three miles of firm clean sand and making an ideal emergency landing strip at the western extremity of Gower.

An aerodrome could hardly be better located from an approach point of view, there being no obstructions of any kind for miles around. The countryside falls gradually away to the sea on three sides and the nearest hill, Cefn Bryn, rises to a height of only 560ft. A.S.L. some five miles south-west of the field.

Fairwood was built as a flghter station at the beginning of the war to protect the ports and industries of South Wales. Its construction was afeat of engineering as the land on which it now stands was once a marsh, thousands of tons of rubble being tipped into it before a start could be made on the runways.

The station became operational in June, 1941, with the "Hurricanes" of 79 Squadron and during its career was the base of several famous units, including one of the two "Whirlwind" squadrons,

263, and also Czech, Dutch, French, Norwegian, Polish and Commonwealth squadrons.


September 9th arud 10th

A PPLfCATION forms for the 1961 'L I International P.F.A. Rally are now in the hands of members. After two years' absence the Rally has returned to the coast and those who like to combine good flying with excellent bathing and first-class accommodation will find themselves well catered for at Swansea.

A block booking has been made at Swansea's brand new Trust House, The Dragon Hotel. The hotel is air-conditioned and there is a bathroom to every room. Although the cost is a little above normalf,5 per person-this sum includes lunch on Saturday and Sunday, free transport between hotel and the station and beaches, aircraft parking fees, the banquet and overnight accommodation on the Saturday at the Dragon. By present-day standards the cost is reasonable enough.

Early booking is essential as the accommodation is strictly limited.

NOTE: See page S-Fairwood Aeroilrome Runway Lengths.

Additional reservation forms can be obtained from the P.F.A., Londonderry House, 19 Park Lane, London, W.1. p opular Flying, truly-August, 196 | "

Several famous R.A.F. personalities commanded the station, including the Atcherley brothers, one of whom, now Sir Richard, was a member of the Schneider Trophy team and King's Cup winner in 1929.

After the war the aerodrome fell derelict until acquired by Swansea Corporation, rebuilt and finally opened as a civil airport by Douglas Bader on June lst, 1957.

The Swansea Flying School and Club had, however, been in occupation since negotiations with the Air Ministry in 1950 and have been there ever since. They operate an "Autocrat" and a "Tiger Moth" and flying instruction is in the capable hands of Mrs. Suzanne Ashton, C.F.I.

The newly formed Gliding Club is also in residence at the field and will doubtless be in action durring the Rally week-end, so keep a sharp look-out for low-cables. In addition, there are a lew private and charter aircraft at the airport.

The Manager, Mr. Cooper, will be pleased to welcome you and together with local P.F.A. and Flying Club members will be keen to make yollr visit a pleasant one. Visitors with radio may contact the Control Tower on 122.1 mcls. A limited amount of hanger space is available as an alternative to picketing, otherwise please bring your own cables, just in case.

So with fingers crossed for fine weather, come along and visit the "Welsh Riviera" on September 9th and 1Oth !

Here's wishing you all a most enjoyable Rally. P.D.R"

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