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arriving, including the Aircoupe demonstrator and tl-re Beagle Auster Terrier. G-APFA. the Association's Turbi, which after a long spe'll on the ground did its stint with the grourp and helped to swell the nurnber of r-rltra-lights in attendance.
Again we are able to announce that three new groups have been accepted and we take this opportunity of extending a warm welcome to Nos. 193, L94 and 82 groups.
No. 193 Group is the Maghaberry flying group operating from Maghaberry Aerodrome.
No. 194 Group is the Hertfordshire Experimental Group. This is a constructional group and it is understood from their secretary that several of the machines at present being built are nearing completion, including his own Benson gyrocopter and two Turbulents by Messrs. Rogers and Conner.
The Third New Group is 82 which has regrouped after several years of disbandment' Now known as the Kingfisher Flying Group the members not only have their old number back but also their Auster 4 G-ANHL which was sold by the group when it disbanded but is now being purchased from S.B.A.C. Trust.
Lincoln Group held their first Ra1ly on June lTlh at Skellingthorpe Aerodrome' Overcast and fresh winds did not deter 14 akctaft from 4
100 Squadron Group have been making the most of the long sumnrer days and recently set up what they believe to be a record for one Cay's flying. Starting with a first take-off at 3.30 a.m. (on Monday, 24th June) they proceeded to flog their faithful Tiger until l0 p.rn. that evening. Twenty-seven people took part including John Miles, the group's C.F.l. Arthr-rr Crisp tells me that crew changes took 30 secs. and refuelling two minutes. witli the exception of the flrst and last refuellings which took three minutes. Arthur also tells me that their barbecue was also very successful and that most of Biggin Hill turned up to see a couple of Maggie vrings burn.
McAully Group held their atrnual general meeting recently. Various reports showed everything to be highly satisflactory. The group has also held a successful yor-rth weekend in conjunction with tlie Norfolk County Council' Despite the unsettled weather the week-end went smoothly and everyone enjoyed themse'lves and the day's flying. The course was entitled "An introduction to flying" and was designed to encourage a limited number of trainees to take further flying training with the group. All expenses for the course are borne by the Norlolk Education Committee. G-ANFO is now back on the group's strer-rgth after its C' of A. together with a Turbulent on loan from the Tiger Club. The Gror-rp's aircraft flew to the U.S.A'F' base at Weathersfield where tl,ey took part irl the Armed Forces DaY DisPlaY.