2 minute read
T:ro$ton e RIBBED TY}IES
FOR operators of light aircraft Firestone Ribbed tyres mean real economies. Firestone Ribbed have a deeper tread of specially compounded rubberto give more landings per tyre. Safety-tensioned Gum-dipped fabric cords strengthen the tyre carcass which means longer wear and many more remoulds. These are improvements based on experience- Firestone's long experience and study of the needs of the aircra{t industry where, more than anywhere else, experience counts.
Jircstonc ryRES - corsistently good
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Nlcrrrhcr'.t ol the Populur Flying Assrt< itttitttt rtrury ltrn,e lha t.tsc ol thi,s t r,!ttrnn lor advcrtisinq articles ttiotlted, cxchangcd or di.snosal .lbr ONE INS{:RTION up !o 24 h,ords FREE. I.l more th.an ottc insertion it must ltt ltairl ta.yh in aCvance at the rate oJ'4d. per word (min. 12 words). Bo.r No. l::.6d. e.rtra. Non-Members chargeahle at the rate oJ'6d. per tvrtrcl Qtrin. 12 words). Box No. l,s. 6d. extra. Alt:qttes and Poslal Orders shotrld bc t'rossed andsent to P.F.A,
PERCIVAL PRENTICE. 4 seats, fitted 10 channel STRgX' recent respray, 3 years C. ol A., half run and ready for immediate delivery. Oft'ers considered around t1.650 Box. I l2 P.F.A.. 19 Park Lane, W.l.
WOULD LIKE TO TRADE, 35 nr.m. colour slides of present dav flying, antique aircraft, for similar with anyone interested. R. Bud Janreson, 1665 N. 4th Street, Columbus 1, Ohio.
NEED USBD .IAP. J99. engine, must have log book and propellor. Patrick Packard, 3615 Brotherton Road, Cincinr.ratti, Ohio, U.S,A.
SWALLOW GROUP have Vacancies for new menrbers nrust have P.P.L. Sec. D. Bernard, 156 Eastcote tLoao, Pinner, Middx.
TAYLORCRAFT 'D'. Cirrus Minor 1,619 hrs. (179 to go) ; two seats : 4+-5 galls per hr. ; 10 gallon tank C. of A., March, 1962 (3 years) ; blue and red, green interior lying at Yeadon. f600 or offer. P. E. Blyth, Yorkshire Territorial Flying Group, Stone Mill, Maltby, Nr. Rotherham
JAP 99 ENGINE/PROP. WANTED. J. Connor, 3 Hog Lane, Elstree, Herts.
LUTON MINOR OR SIMTLAR ULTRA LIGHT WANTED must have permit to fly Blyth, Stone Mill, Maltby, Nr. Rotherharn.
PUSS MOTH lor sale. Full details, colour photograph and demonstration on application to Dr. G. W. Ha!1, Roberts Hall, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Nr. SwinCon, Wilts. All offers carefully considered.
TAYLORCRAFT for sale. Apply C. R. Heneage, Humber Flying Grcup, Royal Dock, Grinrsby.
MILES MESSENGER. New three year: C of A. Ni[ hour Cipsy Major 1 D engine. Repainted and re-carpetecl. Dual control, Metal prop. Jaru legs. M.R.60 radio. M.R.70 D/F. Glider tow hook. Two parachutes. Best offer over f2,000. 27 Lennox Gardens, London, S.W.l.
AVIATORS in The North West fly with The Southport Aero Club, Modern aircraft, fully equipped for touring with. full panel, comprehensive radio, night flying equipment. No entrance fee. Annual subscription only f,1. Operating from Woodvale, near Southport. "Aircoupe " at f,5 per hour dual or solo or hourly rate for rnid-week touring. Secretary- D. W. Vernon, 23 Norwoocl Avenue, Southport, Lancs. Tet.85080.
MESSENGER, Excellent condition. Cirrus Major engine. Full blind flying panel with M.R.80 (23 charrnels) V.H. F. ancl Lear A.D.F. radio compass. Dual control. Can be inspected at Stapleford Aerodrome. f2,000. J. Butterfield, -Fairwincls, Park Lane, Broxbourne, Herts.
FOR SALE two new serit-type parachutes; unpackecl f.8 eaclr, Ilor ll3, P.F.A., 19 Park Lane, London, W.l.
McCOULLOUGH 4 Cylinder horizontally opposed 2 stroke engirre fbr sale with carburetter. Total weight 70 lbs. develops 12 h.p. f,75. Tel. Coventry 74979 or Braunston 376 or write 'The Pebbles,' Olcl Road, Braunston, Rugby.
BEGINNER'S GUIDE to wooclen aircralt construction ! Booklet detailing step-by-step construction ol Luton Minor aircraft. Profusely illustrated and packed with lrints and construction tips vital to any amateur constructor regardless of his project. 8/- post free. Arthur W. J. G. Ord-Ilr,rme, Rosemead, Lake, lsle of Wight.