2 minute read
groups : engineering executiYe's aehievements
EMBERS of the Popular Flying Association, meeting at Londonderry f{ouse, for the annual general meeting, heard a number of encouraging reports from the Chairman and executive members on the progress of the organisation. Mr. Roy Mills was able to report 69 very active groups out of the 80 groups affiliated to the Association, with more applications continually coming in, of the McAully group ieceiving the backing of the Iocal authority and news of loans from the S.B.A.C. Trust. Mr. W. H. Barber, of the engineering team, stated that plans of the Taylor rnonoplane were available, that during the year under review 65 Permits to Fly had been issued and that four prototypes were under construction by members. There were four additional prototypes in the early stages of construction and work was going on on three new engine designs. ffe commented that there was a lack of suitable power units.
In his annual report to the Association the Chairman, Mr. David Armstrong, commented on the tremendous enthusiasm with which the staff and the executive committee carried out their duties during the past year. " Their generosity to me, as their new Chairman, has been of great help in the difficult task of coping with these new duties."
" Cranfield in September, 1961, brings to mind the very successful Air Rally we held there and which was attended by 60 aircraft during the week-end it may be more than coincidence that in a year marked by fi.ercer competition from rival associations for the favours of aviation enthusiasts, that our Rally eclipsed all others held that year."
" Co-ownership Group activity has been well maintained during the fairly difficult year, with over 80 flying groups now affiliated. The lack of an alternative to the Kemsley Flying Trust was felt by many groups, and I feel that the recent announcement of the formation of the joint S.B.A.C./B.P. Trust will have deligl-rted all members, and we are very pleased to see that the administration is in the hands of Basil Meads, M.B.E. Initial discussion and correspondence have taken place and it has been agreed tl-rat the new Trust will act, as before, on the recommendations of this Association. It is too early to assess the full impact that this Trust wi[[ have on light aviation, but the composition of the Trust Governors may indicate that the granting of loans would be conditional on the strict maintenance of flnancial soundness as well as making out an attractive case in the first place.
"Adrian DeverelI has been corresponding with our members at home and abroad on all aspects concerned with the construction of ultralight aircraf,t and a marked increase has been recorded over the past three months. "
" Perhaps th.e Association's greatest activity has centred round the work being undertaken by the Engineering Executive under Eric King. . Technicat offices are now operational at Luton, Coventry and Belfast and negotiations for others at Bristot and Preston are under way.
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