1 minute read


Touch d.own at one of the Aviation Dealer points and fi.ll up with fuels and oils that are famous throughout the flying world. shell-Met and B 'P ' Ltd' haue just prod,uced, a free map showing where pilots can get Shel] or BP products at airfi.elds all over the British Isles. r The long experience of shell-Mex and B.P. Ltd. stands read.y at the service of all privateairmen, all clubflyers' executive aircraft or helicopter pilots, aerial-spray contractors and air-taxi OperatOrS. Now fast cross-country travellin$ by air becornes a really practical proposition. I Make a note to get your map from your local Authorised shell and BP Aviation Dea}er. At most of these points you may use your Shell or BP Carnet to purchase your fuel and' oil requirements on credit'

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