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. Poptulor Ftying EDITORIAL
CONTENTS l Individual membership o.f the P,F.A. (lwo pounds per annum) entitles each member ,o PoPULAR -rlvrNc Jiee oJ'charge. Additional copies -may be obt ained fr om P, F, A, H eadquar I e r s at Lond o.n de r t y House, i9 Park Lane,
1. EnIrontl.L.
2. Mlvon oF SwANSEA'S 'Mnss.q,cn.
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10. Arn MrNtsrnv ScnorlnsHIPS.
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12. AIn-TEsr-THE AlncouPn.
15. Lrcnr Atncnln'r RouNo-UP.
P opular Flying, $eptember-Qctob er, 1961.
HIS issue will be on sale at Swansea during the Association's Rally and so Popular Flying takes the opportunity of welcoming the various contingents participating in the flying programme and also any new readers of the magazine. Perhaps P.F.A. members will be indulgent if we repeat, for the beneflt of these new readers, that full membership of the P.F.A. may be obtained for an annual subscription of f2 and for those not requiring the full facilities of membership but interested in the light at cr aft movement nevertheles s, the magazine subscripti on only is 201- for 12 issues.
As "Popular Flying" goes to press there appears to be the likelihood of a strong muster for the Rally and anything from 50-100 entries are expected. Following a visit from a P.F.A. representative to France at least four French crews will be present at Fairwood, including M. George Berraud, President of the Rdseau du Sport de L'Air, the French equivalent of the P.F.A. There is also the probability of some interesting new French designs being seen at the Rally. There has been an encouraging response from the Groups. The Hertfordshire Experimental Group is due to be represented by two aircraft, a Turbulent and an Aeronca Champion, and they will possibly have a static exhibit of their current work on view as well. M.P.M., Elstree, expect to be at Fairwood in strength and it is hoped that the Rutherglen Group from over the border will put in an appearance despite last year's vicissitudes. Locally, it is hoped that the Bristol Channel Group and the Swansea Flying Club will be taking part.
One interesting item in the flying programme is the possibility o.f a fly-off between the McAully and the Armstrong Whitworth groups for the Masefield Trophy. As the matter stands at the moment there is an insufficient margin for the Trophy to be awarded to either Group and it is likely that the winner will be decided as a result of a contest involving a fixed-distance flight to Fairwood, circuit procedures, spot landings, etc. All in all the Rally should be an outstanding success and should give a further boost to the light aircraft movement. THE EDITOR.