2 minute read
WOULD LIKE TO TRADE, 35 m.m. colour slides of present ;;; fl "-i" ".;;t iq ue- ai rcraft, for s m a r w ith anyone nterested' fr.'ri;d'i7;;;oi,lees N.4th Street, Columbus l, ohio'
NEED USED JAP. J99. engine' must have- los book an9
".""i"ffoi. --Patrick Packard", 3615 Brotherton Road' tlin;innarti. ohio, U.S"A.
SWALLOW GROUP have Vacancies for-new members
;;J h";" P.F.i. sec.- D. Bernard, 156 Eastcote Roaci' Pinner, Middx.
TAYLORCRAFT'D'. Cirrus Minor 1,619 hrs' (179 to
TN L recent issue P.F.A. Chairman, Mr' IDavid Armstrong, made a strong appeal for more individual members of the Association' oo Like the Lonrlon store that ( neYer knowingly undersold'r" hesaid, 66 we feel that we can claim to give the best services at lowest cost and my invitation to you to join us is coYered by our undertaking to maintain this claim in the future' The greater the membership, the greater service we can give-so join us now and have a voice in the future development of ultra light and light aviation."
F";'r i"i,r;*:d"- isez'd vEiitj :' blue and red. green interior
'"i',"i*" ii,ii. : ++-i gatts pr hr' ; l0 gallon tank i,i;;;i'V;;;;. - eabb'"i 6m.'' P. E. Brvth,-Yorks.hire t"r.'it"ii"i fir6f cioun, Stotte Mill, Maltbv, Nr' Rotherham
JAP 99 ENGINE/PROP. WANTED' J' Connor' 3 Hog Lane, Elstree, Herts.
;;; h;;;-p.;-ii t" ni stvtlt, stone Mill, Maltbv, Nr' Rotherham.
PUSS MOTH for sale. Full details, colou1ph,o-t9-graph. and
Have you enrolled a new member Yet ?
To PopuLAR FLYING AssocIATIoN Londonderry House, Park Lane, W'1'
Dear Sirs, a"-;;ii;;i"; t" "ppii*ii.n to Dr. G' w' Hall' Roberts tliiil'n."rr Militarv' C;ii;c; of Science' Shrivenham' Nr'
3*inaon-,'wittt AlI offers carefully considered'
TAYLORCRAFT for sale. Applv,G' R' Heneage' Humber
Fiiing Group, Royal Dock' GrimsbY'
Please enrol me as a member of P.F.A. and send me PoPULAR ELYING commenclng with the current issue to the address below. I enclo'se remittance for f2'
MILES MESSENGER. New three-vear C of A' Nil hour b#;Tt4;;* I 6;;i";. -Repainted-and re-carpeted.^ PYSI
Jo[#oi. Metal prop.-:aiu ieei. M'R'60 radio' M'R'70 D/F' b"1l&;'6;ffi;[. -i;;'t"i;Zh,tes. Best offer over f2'000'
27 Lennox Cardens, London, S.W.l'
AVIATORS in The North West fl.v with'The Southport.Aero Cf oU. M"a.tn aircraft, fully equipped for touring wlth trtlt] ounii. "o.rrtehensive radio. night flying eo-uipment' ^ l\o 5;i;;i.; ffi. nnnual sulscriptioh ontv f-t' operating from wi,,iJ"iri,-il"ui s"utiipo'i"';ni..o'i'e " at i5 per hour ;;;l ;;;;i";i'iiourtv raie for mid'week touring' Secretarvb.- \il: V;;;";- iI Nor*ood Avenue, southport' Lancs' Tel. 85080.
MESSENGER, Excellent condition'--Cirrus Maior engine' i;l i6i t,.i nvi;L ;;;;i';i;h rvi n. a-o iz: chan ner s) V'H' F' a nd i""i-n'.o.F' ."uiiio "o-pitt' bual -co-ntrol' can be inio?t"J'"t'stupGi"tA'aJt.aiorn"' -sz,ooo' J' Butterfield' fuii*inOt, Park Lane, Broxbourne, Herts'
FOR SALE two new seat-tvpe parachlltes;-u.npacked f,8 each' Box I13, P.F.A., l9 Park Lane' London' w'l'
McCOULLOUGH 4 Cylinder horizo-ntally. oooosed 2 stroke ;;;i.; 1";;l; ;ith ca;6;;eitir.-rotal-weiiht 70 lbs' develops ;ii;. b?s. - iii.'b.iiitii tqns or Braunston 376 or write J it'.'i.uurL..'- ciio noao,'Braunston, Rugbv'
BEGINNER'S GUIDE to wooden aircraft, construction ! B;"-kG; O-etaiiing step-by-51sp construction. ofl Luton Minor iiiJ."-it. -i"i.iri?v -lh,iJt.utJa -ind packed with hints and ".i.i"i"ti.ri ]i;;-;it"i't" ";v amateur constructor regardless ;i'iii;;.i;;i.' ai- p"ii r.e6. Arthur w' J' G' ord-l{ume' Rosem'ead-, Lake. lsle of Wight'
Cheques to be made Payable to POPULAR FLYING ASSOCIATION
AERONCA C.3 lor sale. In very good.conditio.n with major 3""..rr""i' r-ui."it - ib-pl"te' o nty req uirqs^ -1esin s -an d fi n a I X"-.'iii-. Sit. or. to owner's pirsting' f 150' G' H' Baker' i1m..i.' Mess. R.A.F., Vallev, Arrglesey' McCULLOCH 4138 AX engines. -Ne.w and^secondhand' E;;;;."7ii'p ui +too rpm.36 lbs basic wt' Also parts lor dviu*pt.i.. Hou'ell. Sg Albert Road, Horley, Surrey'
Popular Flying, September-Oc1s6s7, 196l'