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going they will be needing replacement motots again in about two years' time-which says something for their utilisation and budgetting.
George Stuart of the Biggin Flill Flying Club lells me that things are on the up and up and that they are looking for a Linnet.
The Association's newest Group is the Corvex Group, PFA No. 195 and like the Hertfordshire Experimental Group, is a constructional group. The Group secretary is Mr. Shand and their present base is at Potters Bar. I understand from Mr. Shand that work on their own design ultra light aircraft is now well in hand, but they do not anticipate becoming operational for about 18 months.
The Hertfordshire Experimental Group whom we had the pleasure in welcoming in our last edition, inform us that the first of the Group's projects, a Turbulent, has made its first flights at Panshanger, and is now completing its test flying prior to getting its full permit. Performance is claimed to be excellent, and it is hoped that it will be able to get to the Rally. The Group arc at present investigating a side-byside two seater, with a view to construction.
Silence from Biggin Hill must indicate that all is going fairly smoothly for the Groups in that part of the world. News from 600 Sqn. Flying Group is that they have purchased two new motors for their Prentice and Tiger Moth. Arthur Crisp tells me that the way things are
The Falcon Air Touring Group have now become fully operational with the purchase of a Piper Tripacer. We can expect to see the word "limited" behind their Group's title in the near future, and we look forward to hearing of their progress.
To those groups who have been patiently waiting for the Turbi G-APFA, the following news will be of interest:
Lincoln Flying Group had the machine first this year, and despite the fact that there was still some work left to complete the aircraft and several snags found during operation, they managed to put in20 hours flying, and according to Tom Hayes, the Group's secretary, they thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, and are now looking forward to the day when they can have a second turn with the machine.
The second Group to have the machine was the Bustard Group at Boscombe Down, who logged 15.05 hours in its brief stay-by any standard good going and is exactly what the Turbi was meant for. We can only wonder who were the Turbi's hanger mates at Boscombe-and whether the group had time to evaluate G-APFA's critical Mach number ! At present the machine is with the Southport Group, who are no doubt comparing it with the Aircoupe.
Frorn Doc Roche at Rutherglen comes news of the formation of a group enterprise to help other constructors. The Group are prepared to give advice and to manufacture (at prices with which because of the lack cf overheads, the industry could not compete.) Honduras Mahogany propellors, with ARB approval. The flrst prop is on test at Stapleford with the Group's Turbi, and is 5ft. 9ins. by 2ft 8ins. pitch.
The Group are also open to make any part of an ultra light aircraft to order, and will carry out these services under the name of Roche Aircraft, Airscrew Division. While this has been going on the Group has also found time to design a side-by-side variant of the Turbi, and give their club house and hanger a bit of care and maintenance. But they say that they have very little to show for the flrst part of the year in view of the fact that their arccraft was unserviceable for most of the time.
The Rutherglen Group are also going to purchase a Tiger Moth and have Peter Gibbs away at Plymouth doing his assistant instructor's rating. The boys from Crosby on Eden near Carlisle are now using Yuille fleld, and are cooperating with the Rutherglen Group.
D. W. Yernon of the Southport Group has become our area representative, to help us in our expansion. His main task will be to assist new groups to get on their feet and to collect news from the area for the magazine. He will also be able to give us the latest news from other areas. Finally it is pleasing to hear of the West Lancs Group (which has been non-operational for some time) getting their feet off the ground with the help of the Blackpool & Fylde Group.