Sharp Women Central Alberta | April 2021

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Photo Credit: Infinity Brand Photography Location: Cobb’s Block Central Make-up and Hair: Braydi Hoppus Make-up Artistry & SM Beauty by Sabrina McMurray


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RUBY COLE-ELLIS editor in chief

RACHELLE SCRASE director of photography

LUCI MORALES executive assistant

KELSEY EVANS administrative coordinator

RACHEL BRAUN assistant editor



KIRSTEN DUNCAN business column

JENNIFER SEHN finance column

AMBER HEINRICHS CARLA HOWATT health & wellness column personal growth column

LAUREL SHERRIFF leadership column

ELYSE BRAZEL spirituality column

KATHERINE LORANGER relationships column

JANICE HRUSHKA food column

KENDRA M. IRVINE livin’ your best life

KAREN BAKER professional development column

MONICA L. NIEDERLE great resources column


letter from the editor


It was at home that we were learning to isolate, to work and study remotely, to expand our use of digital tools, and to replace a sense of real community with a virtual one. Now, 12 months later, we are beginning to exhale, with vaccine rollouts and businesses, schools, and other institutions starting to reopen and the possibility of easing COVID-19 restrictions bringing a sense of hopeful relief. In addition, after a long and hard winter for most of the year, spring is around the corner. Spring and Easter signify renewal, new life, and hope for the future. As we watch the leaves budding, the flowers blossoming, the eggs hatching, and the baby bunnies hopping about, we can witness the wonders of creation firsthand, and are reminded that God makes all things new again. Inspired by the season, I have chosen “New Beginnings” as the overall theme of this edition. It’s the darkest days that make the light one shine bright - making sweet ones that much better. This spring feels different from any other. We’re more aware of the connectedness of things and of our shared experience. Like plants that depend on sunlight and water, food and soil, we too need our social garden to thrive. We are individuals, each one of us uniquely different, but requiring the same basic stuff - to be supported by our human family, by nature, or by choice. Our SHARP Woman feature, Braydi Hoppus, has used her social media influence to create a community around her art, being a positive role model for all her followers. In addition, our Young Entrepreneur Feature, Caryl Ann Pastor, is a true inspiration in how to run a family business and team cross-province borders overcoming all the adversities that have been thrown her way. Our stories this month reflect the beauty and bounty of this season. Kendra M. Irvine inspires us to make the most of our morning routine while Katherine Loranger encourages us to take a different approach on how we manage our relationships with others. So, I encourage you to grab this issue outside and savour each column. Throughout, there is a little something to give a quick reboot to all areas of your life. Be well my friends, and enjoy the read.

Ruby Cole-Ellis Editor-in-Chief Instagram: @rubycoleellis Photo by Infinity Brand Photography






from the CEO


THE SECRET FORMULA TO SUCCESS b y Ra n c h e l l e Va n B r yc e Most of my adult life, I have been chasing after the illusive “secret” to success. In fact, I spent seven figures and 12 years hunting for this elusive success. Courses, coaches, workshops, strategies and more. YET, the secret remained a secret. This journey was filled with frustration, anger, resentment, fear and finally, surrender. Want to know the crazy thing about this secret? Once I surrendered, I found it. It was right there in front of me! In ALL the books that I read: • Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich • Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich • Robert Collier, The Secret of the Ages • Joseph Murray, The Power of The Subconscious Mind • Raymond Holliwell, Working with the Law And of course, anything by Earl Nightingale. My coaches were sharing the same DAMN secret with me as well and YET, I could not see it. I was in my own way.

Turn the Boat Around

Perhaps you can relate? Do you have this feeling that your life is meant to be something MORE? That for some reason you are not living to your full potential? That’s how I felt too. That was my story. I felt like no matter what I did, I just could NOT get it together to live the life that I was supposed to live. It wasn’t just about ‘the money’, although that was how it showed up for me. It was like every day proved to me that I wasn’t enough. I was on this “trek”, a “journey”, and the joke was on me… that there was a destination, but no arrival.

One day, I was speaking to my mentor and he shared a vision with me. He said, “Ranchelle, you’re on a boat and you are using the oars, trying to go upstream to what you think is the destination. Turn the boat around, put up the sail and go WITH the flow. Why are you going against the flow?” I laughed out loud because that is exactly how I was feeling. Everything felt like a struggle. His next words were life changing: “What are you resisting? Why won’t you surrender?”. It was like I was hit over the head with a frying pan.



You see, to me, surrender meant giving up; quitting, you know - wave the white flag and surrender to the ‘enemy’. But then, exactly WHO was my enemy? I felt like my enemies were fear, frustration, confusion, limiting beliefs and that by surrendering I was accepting those to be my TRUTH and I so didn’t want that to be my TRUTH.

What We Resist, Persists Here is the funny thing about what we focus on and about what I was creating: What we resist, persists. Read that again, what we resist, persists. By focusing and resisting my fears, frustrations, anger, and confusion I was creating MORE of that. In order to create a different outcome, I had to first surrender to the idea that I was feeling that way. Then I had to ask myself, if I didn’t WANT that, what did I want (focus on the outcome, not the problem). I reframed surrender so that it means, for me: I surrender to my Higher Power, I surrender to my Faith, I surrender to peace, serenity, and love. Most importantly, for me, surrender means I surrender INTO something. Even deeper, I give up something of a lower vibration (anger, resentment, and fear) to something of a higher vibration (faith, love and peace). Once I reframed surrender, I was able to BEHAVE in a way that showed me the secret that I was chasing after: surrender.

What if... So, what IS the secret formula for success? First, I want to share with you that there is NO secret formula. Every book that I listed above gives the exact same formula for success and I will be happy to share it here with you. I can tell you though the KEY to success, for me, has been “application”. You see, I was reading the books, going to the seminars, taking the masterclasses, writing copious amounts of notes and YET, still success escaped me to that day of surrender.

This was when things started to change for me.

The Formula So, I said I would share the formula. Here it is. 1. Be clear and concise with your Desires. 2. Ensure that the Desire is coming from a place of abundance and prosperity vs. lack (for example: I NEED clients so I can pay my bills so my business is open for new clients). 3. Visualize AS IF you have exactly what you desire. Add some emotion to it. Use your imagination as the tool it was meant for. 4. Be grateful for what you have and spend time IN GRATITUDE. The words, I am so happy and grateful now that are essential here. 5. Only focus on what you want. Stop using words like, “I don’t have time”, “I can’t afford it”, “the economy is preventing me from…”, “the pandemic is…”, etc. 6. Have faith that what you desire is already here. 7. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Napoleon Hill talks about the mastermind. My coach says, find a coach that resonates with you and has what you want to create. 8. Don’t worry about ‘the how’ you will manifest the ‘thing’ you want. The how comes once you decide that you desire it. What I found is when I stopped trying to figure out the BEST strategy and I switched to focus on my mindset, things started to change for me.

Can you relate? I asked myself the following question. What IF the secret was applying the formula? What if it was about moving it from information, to knowledge, to how do I apply it? That day, I dove back into Working with the Law and every highlighted juicy part I asked myself, HOW can I apply this? HOW can I LIVE this? Who do I need to BE in order to live this? And finally, what do I need to do? What changes in behaviour must happen so that I live this way?


a date with danielle

AM I UNQUALIFIED? by Danielle Klooster When we see problems, we have the urge to fix them. But are we qualified? In recent days, I’ve been part of a few conversations about how one can be of help to marginalized or traumatized people. In one of the discussions, a group of good and sincere men were grappling with how they can make a difference in the issue of violence, domestic or otherwise, toward women. The other was related to our colonial approach and systems, the impact on Indigenous people, and how we non-Indigenous folks can and should show up for them.

There are Problems I’m told there are three kinds of problems: complex, complicated, and chaotic. These big social and societal issues are all three kinds. As such, there are no simple solutions. Although the scourge of violence against women has become much more spotlighted in recent years than ever before, it certainly doesn’t seem to be diminishing. Recent shootings in the US are a clear indicator that there are many men who blame women and feel victimized when they don’t receive the attention, submission and satisfaction to which they feel they’re entitled.

have made a commitment to do that and are posting their thoughts on social media, as well as learning more about the issue and fostering male discourse. This is good! They want to be allies. But – what else can they do? They feel a little helpless, a little at a loss. There are sensitivities. The men I spoke with are keenly aware that, As a sexual assault survivor, and a person who has as men, they may be perceived to be disqualified to have been trained in recognizing signs of domestic abuse, a voice or take action, simply on the basis of their gender. I was asked what insight I could offer as to what men could and should ‘do’ to impact the culture of silence Actually, the same goes for the Indigenous experience. and tolerance around men’s violence toward women. Of Though we feel that progress has been made, there is course, the obvious thing to do is speak out. Some men still a long list of many very real barriers. How can I, as



a non-Indigenous person, possibly have a perspective, a voice, or a right to help move the needle on racial and systemic discrimination? Does my Caucasian persuasion disqualify me?

Things I Can Do I can tell you that my heart is deeply moved on both of these issues, and my desire to make a difference is strong. I despise seeing people suffering at the hands Indigenous person, possibly have a perspective, a voice, or a right to help move the needle on racial and systemic discrimination? Does my Caucasian persuasion disqualify me? of others. I want it to stop. I want to help make change. And I fully believe that there are things I, and everyone, can do. I can: 1. Recognize my privilege. I know, I know – talking about privilege really sticks in the craw of some people, because they don’t feel particularly privileged. But the truth is, social and systemic constructs exist on both of these fronts that place some in a more advantageous position. Because of this, the last thing needed by those affected is for someone to gallop in to be a saviour, deciding they know what to do and how to help. It’s arrogant and condescending. It exaggerates and exacerbates the power differential and puts me above those having the experience. It is not allyship. 2. Look for connection instead of answers. It’s totally okay to not know what to do or how exactly to help. I can choose to listen and learn, recognizing that everyone is on their own journey and having their own experience. I can choose to come into conversations with a humble heart, seeking to connect as humans, understanding that this is help. It is the starting place of help, the foundation. Honour people. Validate their feelings and experiences. Cry with them. Love.

It’s the Women I was privileged, a few years ago, to go and listen to Dr. Murray Sinclair speak. He had been the Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and was touring the country to bring understanding of the resulting report. As he shared the deeply painful stories of those affected by systemic discrimination and the residential schools, I was profoundly moved. I knew I wanted to do something to bring healing, but I was keenly aware of my Caucasian-ness. I felt helpless and at a loss. Disqualified. So, during the Q & A, I went to the mic. I tearfully asked him to please help us to understand what we could do to make a difference. His answer stunned me. He said to the audience, “If you are a sister, please stand.” Several women stood. “And mothers,” he continued, “please stand.” More women stood. “Now, aunties and grandmas and daughters.” Now, every woman was standing. “It’s you,” he declared solemnly. “You will bring the healing.” There was silence. There was not a dry eye in the place. It was a moment I will never forget. Why women? He never did say. But, if I were guessing, I’d say it has something to do with the Universal Law of Gender. You see, we all have both masculine energy and feminine energy in us. Masculine energy is what we lean into when we are on ‘output’, ‘penetration’, ‘fixing’. Feminine energy is about receiving and openness. When it comes to those who have been traumatized and marginalized, feminine energy can foster and atmosphere of healing. And all people can show up in their feminine energy. All people can sow love and light in their corner of the world. All people are qualified to be agents of healing. If you are a person who has been traumatized or marginalized, I want to make a difference for you. Please show me the path. I’m open and ready to receive. I’m human. I’m qualified.

3. Offer. There are things I can do to help, to be an ally. While it’s true I shouldn’t decide what’s best for people affected by these issues, I can certainly offer them what is at my disposal that may make a difference. I open my hands and they get to decide. I must recognize that having my heart is in the right place and noble intentions doesn’t automatically mean my help will be appreciated or received, and that’s completely fair. I respect everyone’s right to be on their own journey, but I can offer what I have.


living your best life


Creating a healthy daily routine, or Dinacharya, as it’s known in Ayurveda —the world’s oldest wellness system— is as essential to radical change as vodka shooters are to a college dorm party.

minutes earlier. Too much? Start with 5, then 10. You will hardly notice 5 minutes and the impact will eventually be substantial. If you don’t have 5 minutes… time for a serious look at those priorities, woman!

The best way to get a head start is with a solid, timetested routine that begins in the morning. If you want to have the biggest impact with the smallest effort, go with what underwhelms you first. Get good at it, then level up. Take heed. Just because I said “underwhelm” doesn’t mean it won’t feel uncomfortable. And if it does, that’s a sure sign you need to do it. Am I right? Or am I right?

Step Two

Listed below in chronological order —adaptable to suit your morning needs— are 5 STEPS you can take to make your whole day kickass. Are you ready?

Step One Get up 15 minutes earlier. I learned this sleep habit from when I “Ferber-ized” my kids. If you are getting up 15 minutes earlier that means you need to go to bed 15



Write a gratitude list. Writing down what you are grateful for upgrades the thought into a thing. You are 30% more likely to manifest more of what you want if you ink it after you think it. Plus, when you are having a crappy day, you can always refer back! One of my clients wrote her gratitude on a piece of paper and put it in a jar in her kitchen. When she felt she needed a boost —don’t we all?— she dug into her gratitude jar. Better than cookies, I say!

Step Three Drink hot lemon or lime water. Your body collects toxins from all sorts of mediums throughout the day and it processes this sludge as you sleep. When you wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed or feeling like you’ve been hit by a bus (depending on your sleep), your wise

Final Tips for Implementation

You are 30% more likely to manifest more of what you want if you ink it after you think it.

Take care of your body first. Many of my clients say they usually neglect their bodies first when life gets busy. This is a mistake. A fundamental mistake that ultimately stifles progress and holds you back. Your body is your temple, not a frat house on a Friday night after finals are done. If it were me, I’d work on Step 1 for a week or two, then add in Step 2, and so on, and so forth. Or you can totally make over your morning routine in one fell swoop. But do so ONLY if you can honestly handle it. Small consistent steps taken daily will yield you big success in personal and business life!

body wants to get rid of that junk. Lemon water will help you to flush out those toxins and, consequently, become clear. The warmth of the drink will also help you poop. Hooray!

Step Four Move your body. This is another crucial step in detox. Your body needs to get that sludge into the digestive tract to be removed from the system and physical movement will help this process along. Consider making morning movement a “non-negotiable”. Take 5 minutes to do those exercises your physio told you to do (but you never did), or a few yoga poses, or straightup, old-fashioned stretching. Yes! Your body loves this. It will tell you. Trust me.

Step Five Sit on the toilet for at least 5 minutes. As mama nature would have it, our bodies have been designed to eliminate in the morning. That’s right- all that doesn’t belong shall be gone! If you aren’t able to go right away, that’s okay. DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCESS. Proper elimination is one of the three pillars of health in Ayurvedic Medicine. This very habit will help you to slow down overall. The result? Inner Peace. Yes, Queen! I invite you to really ask yourself your WHY. Why do you do what you do? At your core is your reason, your purpose. Now go live it every day, and you too, will do great work.

Kendra Irvine is the Founder and CEO of Living Light Ayurveda. She is Ayurvedic Health Counsellor, Professional Kinesiologist. She guides highperforming women to better energy, sleep, and eating for their unique body types. Kendra offers breakthrough body type nutrition and lifestyle programs, courses, and workshops to help women like you get the best health they’ve ever had.





by Laurel Sherriff

When I think about leadership, often what comes to mind is the image of “The Boss.” You probably know The Boss. I have had a few of them in my lifetime. The Boss is cool and detached when it comes to personal matters or employee needs, they are competitive and want their employees to be too, they demand respect and loyalty without earning it or returning it, and what they call “leading the workplace” looks a lot more like pulling their employees around on a short leash. As an employee, it is a struggle to work for The Boss. It often feels frustrating, belittling, and, in the worst scenarios, emotionally numbing. This is the crux of the issue. When your workplace leader doesn’t care about you or the work you do beyond what it means for them, it smothers inspiration, creativity, and the ability to care for one another. You see, caring is hard. It requires an emotional and mental investment in the thing you care about. Choosing to care about a person means that you place stock in that person’s wellbeing – their successes and failure, their opinion and happiness mean something to you and affect decisions that you make and actions that you take. Caring for even one person can be difficult, so how does one manage the difficulty of caring for a group of people, let alone an office of people? For some



leaders, it is easier to care about deadlines and deliverables than people. This is not the case for compassionate leaders, however, who lean into caring like their colleagues depend on it – and they do.

Compassionate leadership is the concept of being a leader who has positive intentions and real concern for those that they lead.

Compassionate leadership is the concept of being a leader who has positive intentions and real concern for those that they lead. It takes a huge amount of courage to be a compassionate leader. To be effective, it often requires pushing agendas, giving tough feedback, making hard decisions that disappoint people, and, in some cases, laying people off. Adding in the element of compassion makes these leadership duties more complicated. But it also pays off big time in the long run. Compassionate leadership is the acceptance that you will have to do hard things, things that not everyone will like, but choosing to do those hard things in a humane way because you view your colleagues as humans and you choose to honour your shared humanity with compassion.

environment has changed me for the better. Knowing that I am acknowledged and cared for in my job has a soothing effect on the soul. It becomes easy to care for others, to care for your work, and to create, innovate, and excel. More than this, though, compassionate leadership has shown me that being a leader is not about the role or title you hold, it is about how you interact with the people in your life, and how you show the world that strength and success are not lessened by compassionate concern for others.

This is the kind of leadership that the women leaders in my office demonstrate every day. The real care they show to their employees and colleagues has functioned to create strong authentic relationships in the office. Their acknowledgement of their staff’s needs is accompanied by action to meet those needs. When they disappoint, discipline, or make other hard decisions, those actions are softened with the knowing that they came from someone who is also human and has your interests in mind. Their strength and clarity of vision is unquestionable and inspires our office to be better, to do better, and to care more each day on the job.

By day Laurel is a post-secondary professional in teaching and learning at the University of Calgary. It’s an awesome day job. By night, Laurel is a passionate reader, DnD player, and dog mom to two beautiful mutts.

This style of leadership has been essential to me and my colleagues throughout this year of COVID-19 and has helped ease the uncertainty that has been a near-constant presence during this time. Seeing this kind of caring leadership modelled in my work





This year has been full of difficult changes for many people, including me. By April of last year I had just ended a doomed relationship. Funding cuts had ended my dream job doing interreligious community building on a university campus, a gig that had given me meaning and purpose for the last four years. My beloved community of amazing people from that job also vanished. Humanity had just gone into lockdown. Single. Unemployed. Quarantined. It was early on in the pandemic so the world was overwhelmed with grief and fear. I was struggling with my own loss. Without much hope for potential prospects on the horizon and too much time alone with myself, I started to slip into an identity crisis. Who was I? Current Failure; Future Cat Lady. Anxious and heartbroken by the state of the world, I may have uglycried in public while listening to self-help audio books on a park bench by the river. It wasn’t pretty. On the way home from a good cry, I stopped at the grocery store. I don’t remember if it was to stock up on TP or hand sanitizer, but something inside told me to grab a bouquet of light yellow tulips before I left. Yellow radiates joy and I needed to bring a little sunshine into my life on a gloomy day. I’ve always been the creative type so I think my little artist heart was crying out for some therapy. When I got home I popped those flowers in a vase and pulled out my paints.



For me, making art is both a therapeutic process and an embodied spiritual practice. This isn’t a new thing. Eastern Christians for centuries have seen Icons as windows to the Mysteries of God; making them is a process of praying with paint. Icons are generated from a place of devotion and a longing to be in conversation with God; my heart knows that longing. The divine is not a distant untouchable intellectual thing we only talk about. For me, the sacred is imminent in the world we feel and taste and smell and encounter around us, therefore, making art can be an act of witness to the divine beauty in the world. I decided a fitting project at this time would be to explore the concept of change. I documented the tulips’ transformation from fresh-to-faded-to-compost through a series of painted studies. I stayed curious, I watched and was amazed by the small new things I would notice while painting everyday. Like Tibetan Buddhist sand mandalas, painting is meditative for me. Throughout the process, I meditated on things that scared me: aging, decay, loneliness, neediness, sickness, human fragility, mortality. I slowed down, sat with the uncomfortable moments and breathed. After two weeks, I was overjoyed when the flower petals were beautifully, delicately wizened and the vase’s water was thick with green algae and decomposing plant matter- from death and decay comes new life.

In Judaism, Shabbat, the day of rest, was a gift from G-d to humanity, but you wouldn’t know it the way our culture worships productivity. Pre-pandemic, I threw around the word “busy” like a badge of honour. I was caught up in the speedy pace of the world, and in my mind my “busy-ness” was intrinsically linked to my value as a person. This year of rest might have been my divine gift; it forced me to slow down, to re-examine who I was at my core and who I fundamentally belonged to. It was an invitation to transformation; honouring who I am (both the parts I love and those I wrestle with), imagining the person I aspire to be, and listening to who the divine calls me to be. Loving and gracious. Patient and kind. Creative and courageous. A person who values living a beautiful, meaningful life over money/status/convenience. To change requires intentional habitual action; I have to repeatedly make my choices not based on fear or ego, but based on who I want to be. The world has changed and letting go of who you used to be is hard. Self-compassion has helped me be patient with myself and feel gratitude for both my joys and sorrows throughout this last year. The tulip paintings live on my wall in the background of my zoom meetings to remind me on dark days, that this too shall pass and to look to the growing edge to find hope. Now I’m beginning to say yes to things that bring me life and joy and help me grow into the type of person I want to be.

Elyse Brazel is a creative with a love for community building and a passion for cultivating a more just and inclusive world. She is a specialist in interreligious engagement and religious diversity & inclusion. Her other identifiers include painter, D&D nerd, green thumb, perogy enthusiast, and Aunt extraordinaire.

“Look well to the growing edge! All around us worlds are dying and new worlds are being born; all around us life is dying and life is being born. The fruit ripens on the tree, the roots are silently at work in the darkness of the earth against a time when there shall be new leaves, fresh blossoms, green fruit. Such is the growing edge!” -Howard Thurman

(Author, theologian,and civil rights leader)

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professional development

WORK CLOTHES THAT WORK FOR YOU: PROFESSIONAL DRESS FOR EVERY BODY by Rachel Braun Karen Baker is your new fashion guru. This month, Karen joined me virtually for a relaxed and joyful professional dress Q&A. SW: What comes to mind when you think of professional clothing? KB: For me personally, I think of words like “sharp” and “impactful” and consider “professional” a subjective term. What professional means in one context is completely different in another. Also, we all gravitate to different things we really like. If you are trying to figure out what your look is, search online and keep track of outfits you are drawn to. No matter what your budget, so long your clothes are clean and in good repair, your ensemble can speak louder than a designer suit. SW: How does one figure out their body type? KB: Honestly, there are so many definitions out there that talking about body types isn’t necessarily helpful. Instead, I like to take away from that “body type” language that everyone thinks they know and talk about body areas of opportunity; a “trouble spot” they don’t like. This is different for everyone, for example, someone might not like their tummy or their arms. If there’s an area they want to disguise, I will work with them to find a style that will make them feel put together and comfortable. SW: Once we find our trouble spot, how do we dress for it? KB: It’s very common for women to gravitate to baggier clothes, particularly as our bodies change over time, but that’s not necessarily the best solution. Here are a few tips and tricks for dressing trouble spots:



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Bring out our natural figure with a princess waistline. The princess waistline is the smallest part of your torso directly under your bust line. This will elongate your lower body and emphasize your waist. For arms, try an elbow-length or tulip-cut sleeve. You don’t want anything tight on the fullest part of the arm, either go above or below it. To minimize a bust line, keep to a scoop- or V-neck top. They are always more flattering than a crew neck. If you are in love with crew necks, put on a long necklace to create the illusion of a V. It will trick the eye to go to the smaller part of your waistline. If your lower body is your trouble spot, go for dark wash denim with the least amount of detailing possible. Also, ponte pants are probably the bestkept fashion secret. They’re a mix between a legging and a skinny jean with a two-way stretch to accentuate your natural body shape with style and comfort. No matter your trouble spot, try a dress. A dress hides a multitude of sins. I love a good maxi or midi, but all lengths are in fashion right now.

Even as I list these strategies, I feel it’s important to share that there are really no rules anymore. Figure out who you are and what makes you feel fabulous, and we can figure out how to rock that. It’s that easy! SW: What about shoes and accessories? KB: For the spring and summer, we want fewer accessories, but a little care and creativity with them can go a long way! Stack up the bracelets, wear a great pair of earrings (classic hoops, pearls, etc.), or layer necklaces. You can buy pre-layered necklaces, or you can wear three of your choice. Accessories don’t need to be expensive or high maintenance to have an impact. A clear coat of nail polish and a pretty ring can take you from the office to the patio in a sinch. A smart sneaker or sassy sandal can be great for getting to and from work. My top tip here is if you are doing open-toed, make sure your toes are painted and your feet are pretty. Unkempt feet can take away from the beautiful outfit you put together. SW: How has working in fashion changed you? KB: I am a God Girl and I know I was born to do this. When we take that time to get ready in the morning and put on a top that we love, or a classic suit that makes us feel powerful, suddenly, we have elevated our self-worth to ourselves before we even step out of the house. It’s fashion psychology. Our clothes introduce us before we even walk into the room. No matter where we are going, we are always drawn to the person who is

most comfortable in their outfit. If you feel good about what you are wearing, you will rock it, and that’s what matters. Dress to who you are, not who people want you to be. Do something that is just you, personally, my signature is wearing 13 gold bangles (a baker’s dozen). SW: How do you think your work changes your clients? KB: At Magpie Textile, we work hard to meet people where they are at. Women come in from all places in life. You don’t have to buy a thing. Come and just be. Right now, women really need a place where they can just be without any expectations of them, and what’s amazing is that they keep coming back. God is allowing us to do some really cool stuff right now. There are some amazing transformations happening, even in the small act of finding a new pair of jeans!

Karen Baker has been playing dress-up her entire life! Having a diverse career in all aspects of business leadership Karen is now the owner of Magpie Textile Co in Red Deer, Alberta. You can visit Magpie Textile Co. at G8, 5550-45 street, Red Deer, AB; online at or follow her on social media.

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Relationships are such a fundamental part of our experience in this life journey. At their best, they can be uplifting, inspiring, deeply supportive, and provide a safe space for us to show up as we fully are; perfectly imperfect as we navigate this life journey as spiritual beings having a human experience. It’s in a relationship where we can choose to excavate the deepest recesses of our internal limiting belief systems and core wounds. These things show up differently when we’re doing the work on our own as opposed to when we’re in the thick of it in a relationship. It’s in a relationship that even deeper levels of healing and growth are available to us, as we are fully seen and accepted for who we are, warts and all. And it’s in a relationship where we can learn that the world is a safe place, responsive to our wants and needs. Or not. At the worst of it, we can buy into our self-limiting belief systems and subconsciously choose relationships that erode our sense of self or reaffirm the worst that we think of ourselves; that we are unworthy, unlovable, damaged, or otherwise flawed or not deserving of basic human respect or all that we truly desire. We can find ourselves putting up with things because we think we somehow deserve them but that we would never wish on another person.

I can remember a time when I didn’t realize that my subconscious limiting beliefs about how I deserved to be treated were driving the bus. I thought that once I was in a relationship, I needed to make the best of it. To be honest, for a long time I didn’t even really know what I wanted, so of course, it was pretty much impossible to find or create it. It wasn’t until I started taking a good look at my relationship results and tuning into what was important to me, that I started to understand what I wanted.

Shift Your Results, Manifest Your Beloved Today, I want to offer you some concrete tools and strategies you can use right away to start to shift your relationship results. I often use these with my clients. These steps are the same for any kind of relationship, personal, professional, business so you can go through them from an inclusive perspective or focus on one area of your life.

1. Get honest with yourself This can be an uncomfortable process as it’s asking us to shine a light on the truth of our experiences and on what’s showing up in our life. The important thing here is to be fully honest with yourself as no one

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else needs to see or know about this. We can’t change anything or move in the direction of what we’d prefer unless we know where we’re starting. And remember, your past does not dictate your future!

so it is natural to be seeking expansion in all areas of your life, even in areas that are already amazing!

I’d invite you to think about all the relationships in your life (whether they currently exist or if it’s a relationship that you are yearning for). These include spouse, partner, significant other, children, parents, siblings, family, in-laws, outlaws, ex’s, friends, neighbors, co-workers, clients, suppliers, customers, employees, business partners, employers, self, or others.

What if there were no barriers, time was no object, your age, your appearance, your education, etc., was no object? What if you could truly have what was important to you and what your deepest heart’s desire was in the relationships in your life? What would it look like? Use as many details as possible and paint a crystal clear picture with your words.

Now make a list of each of these and rate each one on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the low end of the scale, and 10 being the most satisfied you can imagine. You wouldn’t change a thing. Just go with your gut here – don’t overthink it.

Next month, I’ll share how I manifested my beloved (together 15 years and married 7) using this process and share the next steps for you to take!

2. Reflect on your notes

5. Write it out

If you have any questions about this process I’d love to hear from you!

Take a good look and just notice, without judgment, what comes up for you as you take an honest look at the relationships, or absence of them in your life. Are there feelings? Thoughts? Physical sensations? What are you noticing? Is there discontentment? Is there longing? Are there areas where your satisfaction tank isn’t 100 percent full? Are you longing for a significant other, a beloved, children? A closer relationship with your family of origin? A respectful relationship with your ex? Deeper intimacy or more fun with your partner? Do you long to be seen as you fully are? Are you longing for more fun, adventure or excitement? More respect, help, support? Are you longing for employees you fully trust? Clients who deeply value what you have to offer?

3. Breathe Now take a deep breath and shake off whatever you noticed, if you’re sitting, wiggle around a bit, shake your hands, shimmy, and prepare to enter the realm of possibility.

4. Ask yourself this powerful question: “What would I love?” What would I love with my spouse, partner, significant other, children, parents, siblings, family, in-laws, outlaws, ex’s, friends, neighbors, co-workers, clients, suppliers, customers, employees, business partners, employers, self, or others. It’s very common to think that asking this question means you’re not grateful for what you already have but that is not the case at all! Life is ever seeking fuller, freer, more expanded expression of itself through you



For the past 25 years, Katherine has been researching, studying, and implementing transformational success principles. This has given her the insight and ability to achieve many of her dreams, both personally and professionally while helping others do the same. In addition to an M.Ed. in Counselling, Katherine is a certified transformational life coach and NLP practitioner, has experience in the business, education, and not-for-profit sectors, has served in a wide variety of leadership roles, and is the Chair of her local Women in Business group.

personal growth


If you do one thing for yourself this year, create a being statement. Yeah, yeah, I know. What the heck is a being statement and why do I need one? But first, a little background. When I first decided to bring Sharp Women to the Heartland area, I was pretty sure I had my head on straight and a clear vision of where I was going. And I did. Sort of. As part of my training to begin the second chapter of Sharp Women in Alberta, I went into a coaching class with one of its founders, Danielle Klooster. I’ve been through coaching before and found it very useful, so I was excited to get started. One of the things that Danielle had us do was to write our being statement. I’m a bit of a keener so I got right to it. I explained what my skills were, what I wanted to do with them and what I felt I was put here to do. Heavy on the ‘do.’ Danielle soon set me straight. We were to create a being statement, not a doing statement. If I was the only one left alive in the world, who would I be? I have to confess I was a bit stumped. It was then that I started realizing how much I define myself in relation to other people. But if no one else was involved, who was I?



It took a while to work through it and wrap my brain around the idea. Even now, I’m not 100 percent sure I have it all figured out. But even if it isn’t written in stone just yet, it has already come in handy. To show you how, I need to share with you my being statement. My driving force is to leave this world a better place. I do this by creatively expressing myself from a place of peace and joy, and a belief in abundance. So how has having this statement helped me? The first time was when I found myself in a situation where I had committed to a task that I was soon regretting. I was uncomfortable but I wasn’t sure why. I thought about it and realized that although I had the time to do it, I just found it agitated me in a negative way. I took a look at my being statement and thought about why I had included the word peace. The word peace is one of the important words in my being statement because it is important to me. The work I had committed to wasn’t peaceful. It was clear that I wasn’t doing what I was meant to do at a very basic level. There was no humming and hawing and wondering if I should just get over it and move forward. Nope, no way. I was clear about what I wanted in my life and just as importantly, what I didn’t want.

My being statement has helped me articulate what is most important to me. When situations arise where I think I should be okay doing something, I can look at that statement and realize it just isn’t a good fit. It might be just fine for someone else, but not me.

These are just two examples of how my being statement has made a difference in a very short period of time. I’m excited for the future to see how many other insights I have as I continue to learn about myself and who I am.

Another situation was when I was feeling guilty about money. Like many people, I have issues of shame around money. Where does my shame come from? I started out by asking myself some questions about the stories I have been telling myself. What story am I telling myself? I am not good with money. Is it true? What proof do you have? I don’t have enough money to retire and I should at this point in my life. It was now time to hold up my being statement as a yardstick. What did it say about me? Does the money I spend or have spent on things reflect the values that are in that statement? Well, let’s see. I have spent money on many trips (Thailand, Cambodia, Kenya, Greece, Egypt etc.) during which I helped people by building medical clinics, helping children in Cambodia, etc. I think that speaks to the first part of my being statement where it says I want to leave the world a better place. Anyone who knows me will tell you my house is my place of peace and I have done a lot of work and maintenance to the home I have owned for the past 20 years. I did all the landscaping, re-built two decks, replaced a water heater and all the flooring. I also completed the basement. I tend to make decisions on my career based on whether I think the work is meaningful (i.e., leaving the world a better place) and in the past that has meant taking a lower salary. I am also generous with monetary donation and investing in people, which speaks to my belief in abundance.

Chapter lead for SHARP Women Heartland, Carla Howatt is a communications professional with more than 20 years experience. Currently she owns a publishing company and she is also an author and a recovering politician.

SO. Am I a failure with money because I have spent according to what is important to me, and in alignment with my values? Or am I a failure because I haven’t handled my money in a way that everyone else says is the ‘best,’ and ‘smartest’ way? Is saving for retirement and putting money away the only yardstick to use? I would like to make the radical suggestion that it isn’t.

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health & wellness

THE BENEFITS OF A GOOD SLEEP : From a Pediatric Sleep Consultant by Amber Heinrichs



Every new parent expects to lose a few hours of sleep when they have a baby. Every mom, grandma, friend, and stranger likes to warn you, “Get ready to never sleep again!”. While this advice settles into our brains, we begin to think that it’s normal to be sleep deprived as parents, and it is just another rite of passage into this world of having children. But the truth is, all babies are born with the innate ability to sleep and it is up to us as parents to guide them and give them a chance to learn how to sleep. The benefits of good sleep for children and parents is a game changer.

The Impact of a Lack of Sleep on Our Brains We all know we feel better with a good night’s sleep, but what impact does sleep really have on our brains? Lack of sleep has actually been shown to be similar to alcohol impairment upon the ability to focus and remember. Proper sleep increases focus, creativity and the ability to learn, remember, and problem solve. Not only that, but people are also in a better mood when they get enough sleep and have much more patience, which is necessary when parenting and helpful in cultivating healthy relationships with a spouse or partner. Babies and children experience this increase in cognitive function too! A well-rested baby will feed better, take in better quality feeds and parents often report that there is less whining and crankiness! During sleep is also the time when babies process all that they have learned while awake. This creates increased memory and the ability to learn.

Strategies for Better Sleep So, what can you do when your baby won’t sleep, and you are exhausted? First, make sure that your baby is getting enough daytime sleep. Overtired babies do not sleep well at night! Additionally, practice putting your baby down awake when it is time for sleep. This will get easier as your little one grows but starting early can lessen the need for any intensive sleep training later on. Try not to rush in to feed your baby as soon as you hear them make a noise. Give them a couple of minutes to see if they are even awake and hungry. Swaddling (up to 3 months) and sleep sacks are great to keep babies comfortable and white noise is a wonderful way to drown out those outside noises that can keep children awake. One of the most important things you can do is be consistent. That goes for babies, toddlers, and small children across the board. Consistent routines and consistent techniques are key to allow your child to know when it is time to settle down and get some sleep. Finally, if you and your family are struggling to get sleep, do not be afraid to reach out for some help. It can really make a world of difference in your journey through parenthood!

A lack of sleep in new mothers is also one of the major contributors to postpartum depression and anxiety. Some level of sleeplessness is normal for the first couple of months due to night feedings. However, as your baby grows and can take in more calories during the day, nighttime feeds naturally decrease if babies are given the chance to learn to sleep. This is when moms can start to get more sleep themselves and see a huge change in their mental health. Physically, better sleep can promote healthy body weight and boost heart health. Research has shown that there is a decrease in the release of a hormone called leptin, which helps to decrease hunger and fat storage. In turn, a hormone called ghrelin is increased which makes us feel hungrier and therefore eat more than necessary. Studies have also shown that when the brain is constantly overstimulated by lack of sleep, the fight or flight response is triggered during sleep hundreds of times a night. This can cause vascular damage due to increased circulation of the stress hormone.

Amber Heinrichs is a mom of two small children who lives in Red Deer, AB. Amber has a diploma in Massage Therapy and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the U of S. She is also a certified Yoga Instructor. After having her second child, Amber decided to do a mentorship program to become a Certified Sleep Consultant. It is a business she has enjoyed building, and she loves that she can help other parents like herself while staying home with her kids. Find out more at

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Running a small business is not for the faint of heart! Between marketing, sales, strategic planning, filing taxes, managing employees, managing client relations, and productivity (just to name a few!), it’s enough to drive even the SHARPEST female entrepreneur a little crazy! Fortunately, there are plenty of smart ways to run your small business more effectively. Making some simple changes can save you time, effort, money and help you to find the work-life balance you deserve.

1. Embrace Outsourcing There are only a finite number of hours in a day. Regardless of your intellectual capacity, time management skills and work ethic, there will always be something that you want to be working on or developing for your business. Most small business owners struggle relying on others because they are habitual doers and know that if the job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well and they are the best person to get it done. Even when you do outsource tasks, I bet you find yourself micromanaging them and defeating the purpose of outsourcing altogether. To run your business more efficiently, embrace outsourcing.



Outsourcing will free up time and resources, allowing you to dedicate that time to other priorities within your business. Instead of hiring staff for short-term business needs (which can be expensive and time-consuming to train them quickly). Consider outsourcing administration tasks to a virtual assistant, a book-keeper to manage corporate taxes and an expert to develop policies and procedures. You may also be supporting your SHARP Women community, since many small businesses are those that others outsource to, and are frequently run by women. It doesn’t always have to land on your shoulders.

2. Embrace Technology The tools are out there to help you manage your time more efficiently – and it really isn’t that scary! There are simple changes you can make today that will improve your productivity. Consider creating a digital calendar to set automatic reminders on your phone or use the ‘dictation’ function to help speed up writing emails. Technology can be used in dozens of ways from virtual meetings (how we love those!) to client online booking systems. Don’t forget to update your technology. Is it too old or slow? Set a budget for tech each year. What are your

competitors doing to stay ahead of the game? If you do not invest in the right technology, you could risk losing clients or failing to attract new ones. Remember to also check what your team needs are. What technology will make them work smarter and more efficiently? A digital filing system may not sound the sexiest thing to many of us SHARP women, but I promise you that using some tech-friendly alternatives to organize your desktop and files or using the “cloud” to set up collaborative folders can make it a whole lot easier to share, sort, save, and find documents more quickly. Digital forms or checklists will reduce printing paper copies (and your carbon footprint), allow you to retain documents digitally and can be a whole lot easier to access from your phone or tablet when out of the office.

3. Embrace a workspace just for you! Optimizing your workspace has a huge influence on your productivity. Getting it right will help minimize distractions, make you physically more comfortable and possibly prevent ergonomic injuries. Get your chair, desk and computer set up correctly (and get your staff to do the same). It can help ensure your body is positioned in the most ergonomically friendly way; far better for yours (and your teams) long-term well-being. Cleaning and organizing your workspace at the end of each day removes unnecessary distractions and clutter, so you can find all desktop items and stationery you need quickly and easily, saving you time. Creating a “todo” list at the end of the day so you can hit the ground running first thing the next morning always helps focus the mind. Remember that all the above points should be applied to your whole team and not just yourself. Your business success relies on the success of everyone. As you can see, some of these simple changes do not take much time or budget to implement and are a huge benefit to help you achieve your business productivity goals. For more insights on making your business run more efficiently – contact Kirsten at pendragonsolutions. com today.

Kirsten Duncan is a Director / Owner of Pendragon Solutions Ltd., which she runs with her husband Phil. Kirsten moved to Alberta in 2014 from the UK and in her spare time enjoys Yoga and cooking vegan meals to support her plant-based lifestyle!



great resources


It never fails at a social gathering that when people find out I’m a lawyer, they start to pitch their business ideas to me. Within the first 30 seconds, they ask me to “make them a company”. To them that part sounds simple enough, but I still have to give them a lot more to think about!

Do pick a name that conveys meaning related to your business and isn’t limiting to the type of business you plan to run, or the location of your customer base. Don’t pick a name that is hard to spell —as customers will then struggle to find your business online— or a name that is confusingly similar to a business already registered.

To Incorporate or Not to Incorporate; To Share Equally or Not? that is the Question Every new corporation needs shareholders right from I know it sounds obvious, but clean like you have never Sole proprietor, partnership, incorporation… there are options when starting a new business venture, and incorporating a company may not necessarily be the best avenue. Do incorporate if your focus is on limiting liability, raising capital and succession planning. Incorporating also allows you to optimize your income and taxes if you’re flexible with how much money you need to pay yourself. Don’t incorporate if your projected annual profits don’t justify the additional accounting fees, filing fees and increased paperwork associated with a corporation.

What’s in a Name? The name game is an important one when it comes to naming your new corporation. While the wrong name can fail to connect your business with customers, it can also lead to overwhelming business and legal hurdles.



the onset who invest in the corporation by buying shares. One shareholder is enough, but two or more are common choices for new entrepreneurs, especially if they want to make their supportive spouse feel part of their new business venture. I always smile when I’m incorporating a new company for a male client and he tells me to make him and his spouse 50/50 shareholders since marriage is 50/50. While I want to applaud his way of thinking, I put my lawyer hat back on and explain to him why 50/50 may not be the best option if his spouse will not be involved in the corporation at all. If the corporation doesn’t succeed, shareholders only lose what they invested.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions Besides shareholders, I always ask my clients to choose directors and officers prior to incorporating. Do pick directors who will be the actual decision makers.

Don’t pick directors who will not be available to assist with decisions. While incorporating offers limited liability for shareholders, directors are held to a higher standard since they are the decision makers behind the corporation and thus can be personally liable for making decisions in a reckless or negligent manner. To my clients who thoughtfully want to include their spouse 50/50 in the new corporation, I encourage them not to appoint their spouse as a director, assuming they themselves will be one, in order to keep their personal assets from complete exposure if the directors of the corporation are sued down the road. Officers are the individuals who run the day-to-day operations and can also be a shareholder, director or simply an employee of the corporation. If a spouse will be involved with the new corporation, appointing the spouse as an officer will allow him or her to have more power and authority over day-to-day operations, but no exposure to personal liability.

Monica is a corporate commercial lawyer at Warren Sinclair LLP with over 16 years of experience working with entrepreneurs, start-ups, and established businesses, whose practice also includes residential & commercial real estate, and wills & estates planning. She is a busy hockey Mom and loves spending time with her husband, two kiddos, and fur baby watching family movies, travelling, or being at the lake.

A Reflection of You If you do incorporate, your new corporation will house your business ideas, visions and dreams - so take the time to get the incorporation right, right from the start! Legal Disclaimer: The content of this article is only meant to provide general information and is not legal advice.

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Janice Hrushka

Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • •


1/2-pound trimmed asparagus, chopped 3 radishes, trimmed and chopped 1/8 cup red onion ¼ cup cherry tomatoes 1 carrot, peeled and chopped ½ coloured bell pepper ¼ cup sliced black olives 1 cucumber, chopped 1/8 cup olive oil 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar Himalayan salt and pepper to taste

Janice Hrushka is Certified in Holistic Nutrition and Blood Microscopy. She is passionate about helping her clients reach their individual health and wellness goals. Visit

Whether your family’s tired of takeout, you don’t know what to make for dinner, or you have decision fatigue, a meal plan membership can help. Save time, money, cut food waste, and provide delicious healthy dinners for your family by joining my Balanced Meal Plan Membership.



Add all the vegetables to a large mixing bowl. Toss with enough dressing to thoroughly moisten, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Let the salad chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour, or until ready to serve.

• • •

• •


This salad is naturally gluten free and vegetarian. Include some chickpeas, quinoa, or chicken for added protein.


Four weekly meal plans with Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks Recipes for each meal/snack Shopping lists to save you money Prep guides to save you time

Sign up today for $25/month to see just how easy mealtime can be!



The New Age of Marketing: Are You Showing Up There?

As a business woman or entrepreneur, having an online presence is a must in this digital age. If there is anything that we have learned from 2020, it’s that we can do and need to do business online. The impact of social media marketing on business is significant. Social media marketing involves the use of platforms that are meant to be social. People want to do business with people, so it’s the perfect place to create connections and grow relationships. What’s more, sharing authentically builds that like, know, and trust factor that your audience seeks and that shapes their purchasing decisions. In order to succeed online you also need to be consistent in your social media marketing. In doing so, you stay top of mind so that when your audience is ready to purchase or do business, they will think of you. Are you and your business showing up online? With brand photography for your business you have professional, authentic imagery to create connection and a vault of custom content to be consistent. 57% of social browsers use social media to research products and services before they buy SOURCE: Sprout Social

73% of marketers believe their efforts through social media marketing have been “somewhat” effective” or “very effective” for their business SOURCE: Buffet, 2019


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As I sit down to write this article, I found it very fitting that it will be in the April edition with the theme “New Beginnings”, as today marked the 2nd anniversary of when I quit my job and started my bookkeeping business. This was my own new beginning. I can say that on every level, I can relate to my clients about the challenges of being a business owner.

Your New Beginning Businesses begin as someone’s dream, investment, life change or maybe retirement plan. For myself, Sehn Bookkeeping Services Ltd. was started from a desire to create a balance between family and career that allowed me to be more available for my family. Therefore, I believe there is always more to being in business than the numbers, and it’s important to stay focused on that. People start businesses because they have special skills and services to offer, want to have independence over their schedule, spend more time with family, whatever it may be. I understand handing over your books to someone is a difficult task. It makes people feel vulnerable, judged, and sometimes shame and guilt. So many business owners have a preconceived notion that they should be able to do their own books and should be good at it. But lack of knowledge and time are the enemy, and the bookkeeping can end up behind. While no one is happy about being there, it can quickly become the reality. For most of the businesses I help, this isn’t because owners are bad money managers or business owners, it’s simply a lack of knowledge and/or time to get everything done.


In my practice, there is no judgement, ever. It just is what it is, and we plan to move forward. In my opinion, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to helping businesses. Each business is unique, as is every business owner. What makes my practice unique is that I believe it’s my place as the professional to figure out how to work with my clients with as little disruption to their day-to-day operation as possible. It’s a big enough change hiring a bookkeeper without that bookkeeper forcing a lot of new changes. I’m often asked when the best time to hire a bookkeeper is. Ideally, I believe a bookkeeper should be involved as soon as a business gets started. You may not need a lot of help in the beginning, maybe just some consultation and guidance, but you’ll be put on the right path, right from the start. If this isn’t or wasn’t possible, as soon as you realize you’re in the weeds or have reached a roadblock would be the next best time.

First Steps The following are steps I recommend when you start working with a bookkeeper. Whether you are a new business just starting out, you’re an existing business needing help catching up, or perhaps you feel the need to change bookkeepers. Step 1: Reach out to a bookkeeper and have a conversation. If you do not feel a connection or ‘click’, find someone else to talk to. You’ll work closely with this person and it’s important to have a good relationship with them.

Step 2: Once you decide on someone you think you’d like to work with, you need to be completely open about the scope of work you need done. You want to ensure the bookkeeper knows exactly the work they are considering taking on. At this point, either one of you could change your mind about working together. If this bookkeeper wasn’t recommended to you, this is a great time to ask for references and discuss their qualifications. Ask if they have an accountant that can provide a reference – they’re a good source to know if you’re working with a reputable bookkeeper. Step 3: Discuss the work to be completed and agree on a plan of action. This is where businesses can differ, depending on their most urgent need. It won’t be the same plan for everyone. Step 4: If both you and the bookkeeper agree to the work, engage the bookkeeper and work can begin. The steps are easy, it’s the getting started that can be hard. My goal as a bookkeeper is to help make this process easy and bring peace of mind to my clients. There is no better feeling than watching that weight lifted from my client’s shoulders. It is truly a privilege to watch my clients succeed at their dreams and it brings endless gratification to support their businesses.

Jennifer Sehn is owner of Sehn Bookkeeping Services Ltd. a local small business based in Lacombe. Sehn Bookkeeping Services was established from a desire to seek more life balance between career and family. Jennifer offers her clients 28 years’ experience in the accounting and finance industry to help them also find balance between running their businesses and finding the time for what’s most important to them. Learn more at:

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young entrepreneur

CARYL ANN PASTOR: Breaking Glass Ceilings by Ruby Cole-Ellis



Is it still a struggle for a woman to succeed in the world of business, an environment that many still consider to be male-dominated? As is often the case with big questions, the answer is complicated. We’ve made positive progress in recent times when it comes to equality in the workplace. Still, the adversaries and struggles a woman has to contend with, particularly while growing a startup, cannot be underestimated. Having said that, I’m a firm believer in the adage that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. An entrepreneur of any gender needs a determined belief in what they’re doing and a cast-iron resolve to get things done if they’re to succeed in a highly competitive marketplace. Unfortunately, the evidence still seems to indicate that if you’re a female, you need that little ‘extra’ something to break through the proverbial glass ceiling. Caryl Ann Pastor is the epitome of a “glass ceiling smasher” and she definitely has all the “extras” in her arsenal.

Moving to Canada Caryl Ann was born in the Philippines. At only three years old, her family immigrated to Canada. Her parents settled in Red Deer, as Caryl Ann’s aunt was already living in Central Alberta at the time. She attended all her school years in Red Deer and remembers her childhood memories with fondness; “It was a great childhood there at that time. The City (of Red Deer) wasn’t as big as it is now, so I remember I would just roam on my mountain bike with my neighbors, always being outdoors. Just a very fun and safe place to be and grow up”, she adds.

Chasing the Dream After middle school, Caryl Ann was trying to find her place in the world. As a typical teenager, she swung back and forth between her options. “The first thing I wanted to be was an FBI agent. I quickly found out you can only be an FBI agent if you’re in America... So that was quickly out the door! (Laughs) I then explored doing something like CSI —crime science investigation— and eventually stumbled into special effects makeup. I became obsessed with everything related to that artistry. That was why I moved out to Vancouver when I was 19”, she shares. Caryl Ann attended the Vancouver Film School for a year in their makeup special effects program. “It was definitely a crazy experience being alone for the first time in the big city, but I’m glad I went through it. I

matured and learnt a lot in a short period of time. I worked on special effects and props for two years and had the opportunity to work as part of some shows including Supernatural and The Fringe which was a great experience. However, the industry is very volatile and after a short time I knew I wanted to try something new”, Caryl Ann explains. She later attended the Vancouver Community College and took their Administrative Assistant Certificate at the same time she got her Real Estate Licence and her Legal Assistant Certificate. Shortly after, through an acquaintance, she had the opportunity to work at Aquilini Development (company owners of the Vancouver Canucks and top Real Estate Developers in Canada). “The original opening was for more of an accounting position, but he encouraged me to take it and also do real estate at the same time. He offered to teach me how to do land development coordination, so I thought it would be a great learning opportunity so I took it” Caryl Ann explains. “It was a rude awakening for me to start in a new company cold like that! But, I stuck it through and six months later the company’s president’s assistant quit and they offered me the position of executive assistant. I was like the worst assistant for like a year (laughs) but it worked out and then eventually they promoted me to

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accounting and then full-time development. It was a great place to grow and make mistakes.” “After being there for six years, the President of the Development division moved on to MST Development Corporation and offered me to come along with him in 2016. At the same time also founded Attollo Management Inc. We started the company from the ground up and just like that I went from being in a company with over 200 employees to being only 3! But it was an amazing experience to start this new venture from scratch. I had to be payroll, HR, office manager… you name it.” she shares. Caryl Ann is still currently involved full time with MST Development Corporation, and is the Director of Operations of Attollo Management Inc., a development management company.

Becoming a Mother In 2017 Caryl Ann and her partner welcomed her son Matteo, which would change her world forever. Truly committed to her career, after maternity leave, she decided she wanted to come back to her career, but she quickly realized that it would not be the same. “I had to quickly make adjustments. You have to learn to compartmentalize. One moment you are in ‘mom mode’ the next you are in ‘work mode’. It sometimes can be hard. True work-life balance is like a unicorn!” Caryl Ann explains. “Do I suffer from ‘mom-guilt’? Oh… all the time. I have had people —even family members— concerned that I am not spending enough time with Matteo. But, all I can say is that I try the best that I can to be the best both professionally and at having undivided attention when I am at home”.

Finding a Creative Outlet When you are trying to juggle a professional career and a family life, it can be hard to have time for yourself and do things that you truly enjoy. “In 2018 I was in the search of a creative outlet for myself. I missed being a special effects artist and doing something with my hands but did not want to go that route again. I thought working with flowers would be fun. At the same time, my mom in Red Deer was interested in floral design herself. I quickly realized there were not a lot of true bespoke floral shops available in Central Alberta. Just like that the idea came to me… let’s start a floral design studio!”, she explains. After doing research and development for just over six months, House of Fiori Inc. was born and launched in April of that year. The studio was founded by Caryl Ann, her mother Vangie and cousin Jay with the desire to create one-of-a-kind floral designs. “Fiori” the Italian



word for flowers, embodied true elegance and luxury which is what would set the studio apart. In 2019, Caryl Ann and her dear friend Eliza, owner of Fleurs D’epargne, decided to join forces and change the floral supply game and opened a supply store named Fleur Fiore Supply in Vancouver. This wholesale store offers an array of contemporary floral and craft supplies to satisfy any florists or innovator’s needs across Canada. Simultaneously, the idea of opening a second House of Fiori Inc. studio in Vancouver came to fruition. “Being as hands-on as I am, I always knew I wanted to open a Vancouver studio. After COVID hit, a lot of retail spaces were coming up. I found the perfect Warehouse for Fleur Fiore Supply and thought it would be perfect to do supplies and flowers at the same time. That is how this space came about. Looking back, I’m glad that I went through the Red Deer process first because going through the process in Vancouver was a lot easier. It still was a lot of very hard work as the Vancouver space is double the size! In Red Deer, I got a general contractor to do all the renovations, but in Vancouver I was crazy enough to do all the renovation management... but we managed to get it done in like a month and a half!”, Caryl Ann shares.

The Balancing Act Caryl Ann has been extremely successful at managing the operations of 4 companies and their teams. However, she shares it has not come with its set of challenges. On her real estate career, she reflects on her 15 years in the industry “I’ll be honest with you, it is super tough to be a female in the real estate development industry. You have to have thick skin. It is still a very strictly male dominated industry. I’ve had guys threaten physical violence on me, I have been the victim of verbal abuse, I have even been in positions of having a wage cap or paid less just because I am a woman. Of the women that started in the industry with me in 2012 probably only like maybe ten percent are still in the industry.” In addition, the balancing act of managing multiple moving pieces also had a toll on Caryl Ann’s health. “I had to take part of March off because in February I felt like I couldn’t keep up. I ended up in the hospital. We had Valentine’s Day coming up —the biggest flower sale of the year for both studios and the supply shop—, so I couldn’t take a day off for 14 days in a row. Then, unfortunately my parents got COVID —which brought me lots of angst being at a distance—, plus I was managing all the other projects in the other companies, plus being a partner and mom… It was just like my body mentally and physically was saying ‘I’ve had enough’”, she shares.

That episode ended up being a blessing in disguise, and a valuable lesson for her. “I reached out to my family doctor and attended therapy to fully understand what had happened. I learned coping mechanisms, for the mind, the body and the soul. You have to learn to listen to yourself. Listen to your body. Listen to yourself mentally. It is okay to take a day off. Go for a walk, a run or go punch bag. You have to be able to keep a balance and release the stress if your body is telling you to do so”, Caryl Ann shares.

The Bright Future Ahead Caryl Ann’s empire expansion is multiplying by leaps and bounds and has no intentions of stepping down any time soon. Alongside with potentially growing her family, she foresees growth in all her businesses across Alberta and British Columbia. You can follow all her adventures on Instagram at @cc_ca

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Influencer. Teacher. Artist. Role model. Braydi Hoppus is all these things and so much more. As this month’s Sharp Women Feature, Braydi stands out for her courage, strength, and jaw-dropping makeup artistry. Bradyi has used social media to create a community of over 7.8k confident and inspired women around the globe, and she’s only getting started.

Country Girl Turned City Mom Braydi was raised near Bluffton, a small-town northwest of Rimbey, Alberta. “It was such a small town!” Braydi recalls, “There were approximately 15 kids in my class from kindergarten to grade 9. After that, we had to finish high school in Rimbey”. After graduation, Braydi moved to Red Deer, where she continues to live with her family. “I love the country parts of me, but I knew it was time for me to go to a city after high school. I needed to find opportunities to try new things”, Braydi reflects. At this stage in life, she felt simultaneously lost and hopeful. “I applied for all sorts of jobs, but because I grew up in a small town, I didn’t feel that I could try different things to learn my calling”. With time, Braydi landed her first retail customer service job. One summer, she worked in road construction, where she met her husband, Tanner. “It was the best summer of my life!” Braydi reminisces. At 19, Braydi gave birth to their first son, Nikolai (8), and the rest of their young family followed: Everett (6), and two French bulldogs (ages 4 and 2). “I joke that we have an 8-, 6-, 4-, and 2-year-old! There’s perfect a two-year gap between all of them”, Braydi laughs.

Becoming a mom in the city made Braydi want to try new things and to find something that she could have for her own outside of motherhood, while still being close to her family. This search covered a multitude of roles, from teaching baby sign language to coordinating “Mom and Baby” groups. Within a few years, she found direct sales with Younique Cosmetics, where she continues to work as one of the top-ranked makeup talents and sales associates in Canada. With time, this role transformed the social media presence she is now known for.

Showing Up on Social Media Braydi’s Instagram (@braydihoppus) is dedicated to teaching makeup basics, inspiring confidence, and entertaining viewers with her makeup and body paint talents. Throughout her posts, teaching makeup basics and inspiring confidence often overlap in form and content. Learning new makeup skills is about feeling comfortable both in applying the products you just bought and in wearing them. As Braydi describes, “I never want to share the message that makeup is supposed to hide something or someone… I always try to teach women how to wear the products and how

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to feel comfortable in the products they are in. That is something I think makes me stand out”. To embody what she teaches, Braydi seeks to show up on social media as the woman she needed when she first began her career. “When I started, I was the woman who had no confidence. I had no makeup experience and lacked a sense of confidence and community… I soon learned the importance of inner beauty and confidence in every day and in every stage of life”, Braydi says. Today, showing up means sharing her creativity and vulnerabilities as authentically as possible. “I struggle with acne and I am very open about it. I still have bad days where I don’t want to look in the mirror, but the bad days are allowed… self-love is such a long journey and a long process, [what’s most important is to] be kind to yourself”, Braydi shares.

Inspiring Others Throughout the ups and downs of social media, Braydi is strengthened by the kindness of others, and passes on this strength to her followers. Braydi continues, “[To get though the bad days,] you need a bigger reason for why you are doing what you are doing and why you are trying to make a difference. Any time someone messages me and tells me I have

positively impacted them because I have shown up so authentically, that’s the biggest win – knowing I am making another stay-at-home mom smile or making a 30-something feel confident in her own skin as she struggles with acne, too”. While not easy, navigating the ups-and-downs of social media has been worth it for Braydi, as she sees the positive impacts of her confidence posts despite social media’s penchant for ugliness and negativity. “The hardest thing about running a business full-time on social media is that people assume you are always open to criticism, and they will share it to you, whether it’s kind or mean-spirited... The challenge is dealing with the unkind people and still showing up for those who support you. They make me thrive. I am open about [these challenges] and stand my ground loudly” Braydi finds sources of confidence through personal development materials, such as books and podcasts. “I am still on my journey and learning so much”, Braydi says, “and I think it’s always going to be a journey. As our bodies change, our minds will change too. I will often hear from women that confidence comes and goes in life. Just as one woman will say she’s finding her confidence, another will share she’s looking for it again”.

“Let Me Entertain You”



The creative side of makeup is a recent passion of Braydi’s. “As a child, I was a dancer and wanted to

be a Broadway performer. When I was on the stage dancing, what made it all worth it for me was seeing someone smiling. I am still living my dream of wanting to entertain people, I am just doing it through makeup… I realized this is what I am supposed to do”, Braydi reflects. Every Halloween, Braydi does 31 days of Halloween looks, complete with face and body makeup, playing character, and sporting one of her 30 (and counting!) wigs. Last year, Braydi showcased her makeup skills through Disney-themed looks and mini performances.

Living Life on Point Braydi knows that in 10 years, her impact will only be bigger, and be felt most strongly in her family. “I work as hard as I do not just because I love my job, but because I love my family. My husband works away, and I would love the income I bring in to allow us to live the life of our dreams and have family time more often”, Braydi shares. That said, Braydi recognizes the importance of the present: “So often, we are focused on what’s next. I’ve learned that it’s important to enjoy not just where we are in life, but how we are. I know I am worthy of what I have. I am also worthy of more. I am happy knowing both these things are true”.

Braydi is a work from home mom who runs an online makeup business. She provides makeup artistry services local to Red Deer and has recently started a clothing boutique with her sister, Altiera (@evynclothingco). Her mission is to inspire confidence in other women and does this through her social media presence.

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HOUSEKEEPING AND CLEANING SERVICES Country Sunshine Cleaning Brandie Bowman (403) 396-3211 FIND US FACEBOOK

Ruby Cole-Ellis

PAYMENT SERVICES Lucid Payments Michael Nelson (403) 396-6941 FINANCIAL ADVISOR IG Wealth Management Jillian Vukovich (403) 872-5545 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

HEALTH & WELLNESS Balanced Terrain Analysis Janice Hrushka (403) 952-1920

MINDSET COACHING Myla Trenchuk Coaching Myla Trenchuk (403) 877-5233

BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Sehn Bookkeeping Services Ltd. Jennifer Sehn (403) 877-0962

RURAL REAL ESTATE AGENT Real Estate with Deanna Bailey Deanna Bailey (403) 805-4359 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Gabby Girl Digital Emma Neufeld (403) 704-0699

HOME SECURITY & AUTOMATION Central Alberta Security & Automation Sara Barnes (403) 820-0448

CRITICAL ILLNESS & LIFE INSURANCE & GROUP BENEFITS Rohrer Insurance & Fin. Serv. Ltd. Serena Rohrer (403) 872-4396

MEDISPA: COSMETIC & MEDICAL BOTOX AND DERMAL FILLERS Hebe Beauty Bar Ltd. Kendra Numan (403) 915-2391

ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE Cover Your Income (Agent for Combined Insurance) Tanya Kitchen-Johnson (403) 396-5152

NAIL ARTIST Just Imagine Nail Design Tanya Warner (780) 864-8457




Central Alberta Security & Automation

FAMILY & WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER Amy Cheng Photography Amy Cheng (403) 807-0614

BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY Infinity Brand Photography Rachelle Scrase (403) 352-8471

SUCCESS COACHING & TRAINING On Point with Danielle Danielle Klooster (403) 391-8443 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

HOTEL + CATERING Baymont by Wyndham Red Deer Corey King (403) 357-6331

ENTREPRENEUR SUCCESS COACH Ignite Your Success Coaching and Consulting Ranchelle Van Bryce (780) 679-7275

VIRTUAL ASSISTANT Kelsey Lynn Consulting Kelsey Evans (403) 318-2190

MORTGAGE BROKER Simply Mortgages - DLC Maximal Tanya Rogalczyk (403) 506-3106

EVENT DESIGN AND RENTALS The Maby Studio Ruby Cole-Ellis (403) 708-9880

RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE AGENT Lindsey Forget Real Estate Lindsey Forget (403) 318-9363

WELLNESS PRACTITIONER FOR PEOPLE & ANIMALS Energy Effects Robin Mckay (403) 346-6695

HOME, AUTO & COMMERCIAL INSURANCE Swift Insurance & Financial Solutions Inc., a division of the Co-operators Christine Swift (403) 340-4495 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

BOUDOIR & FINE ART PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY EFP Studios Inc. Empowerment Specialists Erika Fetterly (403) 597-5215

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Power Up Electrical Services Ltd. Kim Slezinsky (403) 357-9175 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

CHIROPRACTOR Jones Family Chiropractic Dr. Amanda Klimec D.C. (403) 347-0707

BUSINESS LOANS Community Futures Kelly Kierluk (403) 342-2055

TRAVEL DESIGNER The Wandering Foodie Travel Ltd. Heather Epp (403) 888-0238

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VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS Mannatech - Independent Associate Tanya Mullakady 403-350-6276

SKIN CARE & MAKE-UP SOLUTIONS Mary Kay Independent Sales Director Lauretta Gorman (403) 304-4593

BODY ENERGETICS WELLNESS: ACCESS BARS & MORE Elevated Views - Body + Beyond Donna Mills - Body Prof 403-596-1638

GIFT BASKETS Gift Smack Gift Company Nadine Waterfield (403) 782-0250

HEALTH STORE Natural Health Solutions Dawn Wickberg (403) 887-5655

WOMEN’S FASHION Side Street Fashion & Accessories Elsie Anctil (403) 341-4343

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Pendragon Solutions Ltd. Kirsten Duncan (403) 392-0576

BUSINESS LAWYER Warren Sinclair LLP Monica L Niederle - Barrister & Solicitor (403) 343-3320

HOME WATCH & CONCIERGE SERVICES Urban Errands Inc. Sheri MacLeod (403) 891-4939

CAR REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE Calridge Automotive Repair Karla Field (587) 802-5512 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

BUSINESS SUPPORT Business Link Maureen Easton 1-800-272-9675

LEADERSHIP COACHING Be the Anchor Ltd. Kari Lotzien (403) 506-9636

SIGNAGE & DIGITAL PRINTING Quest Signs & Decals Inc. Ranjit or Tanya Mullakady 403-346-1011

MASTER LASH TECHNICIAN Solorzano Spa Cafe & Wine Bar Ana Solorzano (403) 596-9492

MAKE-UP ARTISTRY Bombshell Beauty Dymond Dei (587) 877-1915 FIND US ON FACEBOOK

PSYCHOLOGY & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY FOR CHILDREN & TEENS To the Stars Occupational Therapy and Wellness Centre Kari Lotzien 403) 786-0006




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