Foundations of Design : Representation, SEM1, 2017 M3 JOURNAL - PATTERN vs SURFACE Summer Harrison 915209 Naomi Ng Studio 2, 15
WEEK 6 READING: SURFACES THAT CAN BE BUILT FROM PAPER IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces? Provide a brief description. There are three different types of developable surfaces, these are cylinders, cones and tangent surfaces. Cylinders are more of the basic types, which is formed by a family of parallel lines. Tangent surfaces are constructed by polygons, which are more complicated than cylinders. All these surfaces have common properties of having a rules surface, as a tangent plane is always tangent to the surface along the entire ruling, not just in a single point
Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry? Choose one precedent from Research/Precedents tab on LMS as an example for your discussion. The understanding developable surfaces are critical in the understanding of architectural geometry and the capabilities of creating accurate shapes that can be then produced into constructible models. If this notion is ignored, the panels will not be able to be unrolled. This problem was presented in module 3, as it was crucial that each individual module could be unrolled with no faults or overlapping. The modules within the panels do not need to be complex, but can reflect Huyghe and Le Corbusier Puppet theatre, which highlights how the composition of the theatre is constructed through complex modules but can be unrolled; thus resulting in a developable design.
2d Panelling, Pattern: Triangular
3D Panelling
3D Panelling
Design 1- No attractor points
Design 2- Attractor points sense of movement is exposed
Design 3- Curve attractor used
Design 4- Curve attractor used in the opposite direction
Design 5- Curve attractor and Attractor point has been used
Design 6- incorperating design 5 as well as exploding all modules to individual change height and angles
Trial Nets of strip 1, 2 and 5
Construction of modules to see if they successfully and accurately join In which they did pass both objectives
WEEK 7 READING: DIGITAL FABRICATION Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation? Digital fabrication is the pinnacle of of modern technology in creating innovatively designed buildings. It is essentially a three-dimensional modeling and virtualization, generative form finding and scripted modulation system, structural and thermal analysis, project management and coordination, and the file to file factory production. The use of digital fabrication for construction has replaced/upgraded from drawing with a parallel ruler and lead pencil, but it still keeps and maintains the buildings shape. It simply has changed the form of two dimensional representations with the innovative three dimensional computer modeling and fabrication, which now allows architects to expand form and the potential capabilities of design and sculptural form
Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design? When transforming two dimensional patterns into three dimensional structures through folding, these patterns create rigidity and stiffness to the structure Folding also allows character to be added to the structure as it naturally diorients the flat surface. Folding is also materially economical and visually appealing
My final design, incorperates differnt forms of triangular modules, which have been individually edited using Rhino ‘explode’ tool in order to do this. I chose to manually change each one in order to create more motion than what the software provided. I wanted to create a gradual transition between the high and low points by altering height and angles to sucessfully do this
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Unrolled strips of my final model, in total there are 25 strips containing between two and six individual modules- depending on the complexity in design of each module I exported them from Rhino, to illustrator, to then transfer them on A3 to ivory In total the strips fit on two and a half ivory card
PANELISED LANDSCAPE Photographs of my panel
Photographs of my final model produced shown on a black background to expose constast between tones, as well as allowing a clear model shown to the viewers; It also provokes emphasis on the movement within the composition of the panel
CLose up photographs of my modules aligned together
Birds eye view of my panel
I also placed my panel against a white background to highlight the motion and transitiioning as well as interactionof each module.
The white background emphasises continuity and flow of motion
Testing out panels and designs in Rhino Transferring A3 unrolled surfaces to Ivory Card Gluing the modules and strips together with PVA and bulldog clips for support
Referencing Rhino to connect all the modules together to create largew panel
Double sided tape on the nets to join together