What's Lying On The Inside

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What’s Lying On The Inside

Summer of 2013

Love and Sacrifices

The art of a relationship is to not make someone worried, but to be with them through the end. SACRIFICE is the key word! No matter what they’re going through just help them along the way. Be there for them and don’t lead them astray knowing that they truly love you and that ISN’T what a relationship is about or how it should be. If you truly love someone, don’t put them through emotional suffering; the grieving of true love isn’t and shouldn’t be where you put someone through the same pain and grief that you’re going through. Love and a relationship is where you go through and build each other up and not tear someone down, but to strive to make someone a lot better than what they’re going through right now. There isn’t any way that you can say that you’re in love with someone if you haven’t given them your all or at least try to. Love is something that people should cherish and work to make things better between the both of you. You can’t tell whether you’re in love with them if you haven’t given them your all and you really can’t tell anyone that you’re there for them when you haven’t tried to talk to them at all. Love is something serious, between friends, family, and the person that you’re with. It’s hard to divide that amongst everyone and I believe that there is love for everyone and anyone. Some people will disagree with me and some people would tell me that I’m ridiculous for even writing this, but I am writing this out of the experience I’ve been through in a relationship. Love isn’t about physically abusive relationship, nor is it about the emotional abuse done by that someone who says that they “love” you. Many people may say that they love you, but do they truly love you if you’re going to put someone through the pain and the agony of having someone other than yourself beside them? They may say, “you’re the only one for me” but they’re cheating on you behind your back. You’re supposed to trust someone with the problems of your relationship and then confront the person you’re with, to be able to make it and see if they’re going to change. If they don’t then you know that they’re going to do the same thing all over again and that they’re going to put you through the same misery, but if you truly love someone then you would help them through the change and be able to give them your undivided attention and be able to give what you can to help them out.

Your heart points where you want the relationship to end up. If it is telling you to leave the relationship because you think it’s not going to work out then leave the relationship to be with the right one. That person isn’t giving you the right chances and they right opportunity to make things better. You can’t help someone else out if you can’t help yourself out. In the end if you truly love someone then you would give it what you need to give to keep holding onto what you need to do for that relationship to make it grow. It doesn’t matter on what kind of relationship it is; your friends, family or with your significant other that you have the guts to call them your boyfriend/girlfriend. Just know that love is where YOU take the stand to confront them and tell them what is right and what is wrong. Love is where you recognize their mistakes and help them fix it. But not hinder them or make them feel like a complete idiot for their faults. You’re supposed to shower the love and affection on them to be able to help them be the better person and if that’s not the case then you should leave them. Let them be able to find someone who would help them out. Then you can be able to find someone who would do that for you and be willing to do the things that is supposed to happen in a relationship.

Relationships come in a variety of ways and forms and the best form is being happy and being able to make things last. To be able to make one another happy and be able to feel the love grow every day and feel it get stronger and to be able to close your relationship and put it with a seal and a vow saying that you’re with them forever and will keep one another happier than ever, that you’ll walk with them in the end of long weary road to be able to help them out and “catch them when they fall” sort of speak. This is what love truly is.

Perfect One When you feel that special Moment, And your heart beats faster than time. But you’ve fallen so hard and now you’re heart Breaks in two. you’ve met someone so Beautiful. Someone so sacred Someone that could be there for you When you got nowhere to go. And her beauty shines like diamonds, Voice crisp and clear. Like the sound of the raging waters. But as gentle as your guardian angel. Her eyes are bright and beautiful as the daytime sky And you begin to wonder why things fade so quickly There will be no one like her That captures your heart Like she did. Because she was the perfect one.

Yesterday Yesterday, it felt like you were there In the bed that we shared, Knowing that we would always care And now that you're gone to a better place For something that probably no one would do. You'd gone through a lot at the age of thirteen And what I've seen from you was the only thing that was true What the future holds for me And the future that we've seen Is no different and I just want to thank you. Thank you for being true, For being someone who was not only there for me But for the ones who cared for you immensely. Thank you for being you, For being true, For being the one who cared. Though it seems like it was yesterday, I know that you're still there And it's time to let the grief go Time to let things fly and grow The way we've both seen us to grow. You've shown me courage to grow Now I am sitting here with tears of joy Because I know who I truly am, Knowing that it wasn't my fault Knowing that the guilt will subside Because it wasn't what you wanted. And yesterday, it felt like you were there In the bed that we shared, Knowing that we cared And now that you're gone to a better place. For something that probably no one would do, You'd gone through a lot at the age of thirteen And what I've seen from you was the only thing that was true.

Betrayal There will be people who betray you, Who slander your name, Something a kid will do, but knowing that it’s lame Trying to figure out what life’s all about Trying to figure everything out . And I’m running through my mind Without a doubt I don’t care. And speak my mind without Knowing how blunt I can be And you will see another part of me.

To The Ungratefuls To those who were ungrateful, The ones who were so hateful Killing the innocents and tearing apart the ones who were close. For those who loved her, For those who cared Which didn't strike us Till the dawn broke. To those that were close, Let there be some type of closure, Or a type of ceremonial For it's been so long since we’ve seen her face, With that beautiful, lacy smile. Also, to those who knew who she truly was, And the kindness of her heart, While her death has torn us apart. Now, we have to start from where we left off. To those who murdered the innocence of the lost ones. Let them know that you're not going through without a fight. Whether they will risk their lives or mine To stand up for what's right.

Love is Like Boxing

In the end, love begins with all sorrow Sorrow begins with love Unspoken That came from a broken heart, Something that’s been torn apart numerous of times.

There were things left unspoken, Things that were never awoken Love’s just like boxing where you have to take the hits Left out, but these things lie at rest. To become stronger. I wish you the best, You gotta take theand hits andhope blows the rest Of isthestill admirable. Toyou prove to worldgoing on what you’ve been through Coming fromyou a broken I am still here for noworld matter what, That was so torn Despite the things that past by And a world that has been turned upside down. Despite the tears that I cry But is it really now time to say good bye? As I watch youlike walk by… But, know the stances a boxeron knows his And know where the line ends and don’t cross that Knowing that you’re not ready, Knowing that you’re not in that steady state of mind. Just know that love is like boxing where you gotta take the blows.

Never Thought I never thought that time would pass. Something that didn't last. My childhood didn't move far from my memories. But it moved fast in time. Childhood was a time to see more, to grow, to learn not to mourn of the past but hope for things that would last a life time. Some stuff I miss, some things that I would kiss. But other things that I would want to leave behind and keep just between me and this world, I am here to shine. Yes, there are some things that I wish I could revive, but there are those things I can't change. Or can I? Death has prolonged me and the thoughts just come to mind and I can't help myself in these thoughts. I just don't know who I am. I tried everything, but wish that there would be more to life than there is now. But why can't I control my emotions? Why can't I get the person that I have these strong feelings for? Guess you can say that these feelings make me feel that I'm not good enough.

Can’t stop Don’t know what to say or do. I can’t stop thinking about you. Is there anything I can do, To make you feel safe and sound? The breaking noise coming from the ground, I just want to be there with you.

I can’t stand to see you in pain — The feelings and the memories gained. I just want to be there with you.

To take away all the feelings That caused you all the pain That over-fills your emotions to the ceiling. I just want to be with you.

Beautiful Nightmare She maybe the ghost of my dreams And what seems to be a beautiful nightmare, But no dream could scare off what this heart wants. And she came by and swept it away, The words that I thought I never say. But she is my beautiful nightmare. I know it’s soon, but what is there to lose I’m falling for you, such a beautiful nightmare. The sound of an aching heart, You’re my beautiful nightmare. You’re such a beautiful nightmare Such a, such a beautiful nightmare.

I Know I hate myself for causing you pain I know that it isn’t something you want to gain Now I’m going insane, to the pain That I’ve caused. I know I’ve hurt you I know I killed you on the inside I can’t hide my pain anymore. I can’t let you go, My heart won’t do so. But I gotta and have to So, please understand me That this has to be And it tears me apart I can’t love anyone but you My heart won’t distribute To any other girls, But you.

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