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By Michael Whalen August-October 2012

Take back the GOP from radicalism! Written by Michael Whalen

In recent years, especially after Barak Obama was elected as President of the United States, there has been much dissidence and clamor from members of the GOP, (especially the Tea Party) to “take back” our country; specifically from the supposed liberal and “socialistic” policies of the Obama Administration. The radicals who spew this (often on cable networks such as Fox News) claim that unless we change the direction that this country goes in, that we will be doomed; economically and socially. This is, in current terms, what we would call Republican obstructionism. Perhaps the most obvious piece of evidence of GOP (Republican Party) premeditated malice is the 2010 quote from Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell:

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

This single-handedly quotes what exactly is on the GOP agenda; which is to continue to crash the economy all the way through November during the elections so the POTUS will be thrown out from public dissent. The Republicans will then implement a puppet president who can instill conservative and political ideologies that fit the political agenda of the GOP; which is to cut taxes for the rich and implement Draconian social program cuts for the poor. This all together has resulted in a Congress that has done the littlest in terms of effective legislation since Harry Truman. President Obama has, over and over again, tried to introduce jobs bills that, if enacted by Congress, would most certainly help stimulate and rev up the American economy. All of them have been shot down in blind dogmatism by the GOP. As this legislation has failed to pass, the economy has continued to falter and produce sluggish growth. Since it is an electionyear where the stakes are high and the economy is lethargic, the incumbent president is being blamed. This is typical of many incumbent presidencies in the past and is only worse with the hyper-polarization of politics in Congress (lack of compromise and bipartisanship).

In order for the GOP to remain alive and kicking for the next fifty years, the party and its leaders (including the heads of the RNC, aka Republican National Committee) need to realize that trickle-down economics is a fallacy and stop trying to sell it to the American public. This economic principle in itself has led to the increasing concentration of wealth in our nation during the last thirty years and will only lead to more public unrest as average Americans see their standard of living turn stagnant and decline. The Republican Party needs to bring itself to today by implementing policies that benefit the needs of many, and not the wants of the few. Although Obama has indeed driven up our national debt over five trillion dollars in the past four years, we have to remember that he inherited an economy that was in shambles due to poor economic policies, two unfunded wars and a series of tax cuts. It will take much more time for the economy to recover if we do not work out compromise and moderation that benefits our nation as a whole, and not bits and pieces.

Wake up GOP. You need to change or the rest of America will slowly but surely leave you behind. Change now, while there is still time. Enact jobs bills. Rebuild our infrastructure. Get our economy working. Standing with your party instead of your country will not only break yourselves; it will break America. It will break me.

In the Valley of the Shadow of Death It was cloudy that faithful day. Autumn had just kicked in and there was a faint, crisp chill in the air outside the presidential gardens of the White House. Leaves rustled down by the ground near a lone man, quiet and thoughtful. Tensed and focused. Would he give the order? “Mr. President!” The man turned to see one of his aids rushing to him, a thicket of important and mind-inducing papers clutched tightly in his drenched hand. From the look of the younger mans’ face, the President could tell that the time to make a decision had come. Despite this, he still replied as if there was some kind of choice. “Yes, Mark? Has there been any improvement with our Secretary of States’ efforts? Is Iran willing to concede from its nuclear program?” “No. Hillary has tried everything. But Defense Minister Ehud Barak has given the order for a first barrage of missiles to be launched from some of their submarine units in the Mediterranean. They’ll be hitting the Iranian homeland in about twenty minutes, replied Mark, the excitement and horror both evident on his young face. Damn it! I told that man to wait! This won’t end well. America can’t stomach another war. The man looked out down for a minute, contemplating heavily; his brow furrowed. Why did it have to end like this? The sanctions would’ve worked if I had just been given more time! “And now he wants to know that he has the full might of the United States military with him?” The look on Marks’ face couldn’t have been more obvious. War was imminent and Israel was going, whether or not America liked it. “Coordinate our heads of Defense with Israel’s’. Schedule a televised press conference and have a authorization of war sent to Congress, Though I doubt there will be much dissent. Not with both houses controlled by the GOP. “ “Yes sir.” A flurry of suit whipping out of sight. The president was left with his thoughts. Blood would be spilled. Somewhere on the other side of the planet, a missile touched Iranian earth. The first of many more to come. The first of many deaths. God help us all.

Just Like My Smartphone

I am like my smart phone, Slow and clunky. My processor is outdated, My ideas old-fashioned. The contours of my phone Are big and round Like my belly. It computes slowly But surely, with a steadiness That is like meStubborn and willful

The Human Factor Time has passed, Discoveries have been made, Advancements have become done. Humanity has discovered power A thousand sleeper ships A hundred new worlds Limitless opportunities! But remember a certain thingGreed and corruption. What we find is ours Invade and conquer Descend into the sky Burn and inflame Down with the natives! So much profit and proliferation, Blind dogmatism, Corporations grinning, Politicians ignoring, Hippies screaming.

It’s the damn money! Blood for oil As always, Human weaknessAn addiction. A billion wells dug Spurting money and pain. We won the wars And lost our interstellar innocence. Watch as we become What we always have beenCommand and conquer. Pain for profit, A hundred trillion bucks Without batting an eye. This is what we call The Human Factor.

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