Legacy Matters June Edition

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June 2018

Legacy Matters The summer is an ideal time to undertake some much needed housekeeping - metaphorically speaking. At Shawnigan Lake School the faculty and students have left for a well deserved break in order to prepare for another busy year ahead. The school is being cleaned, repaired and generally readied for the start of a new school year in two months' time. With my colleagues in the Advancement Office - we review the past year and plan for the year ahead. We clean up the ever present "to-do" list and find time for a little summer relaxation too. To that end - I wish to touch on something on my to-do list, which I am sure others also face - and that is to ensure my family's will is current and reflects the wishes of my wife and me. Naturally, when faced with anything complicated and daunting I turn to Google to help me find clarity - I am sure I am not alone. I came across a great article from Blumberg's (Authors Mark Blumberg and Lize-Mari Swanepoel), which I have provided a link below. Of particular interest was the following statement:

No Will = No Bequest There are so many reasons to have a will and it may be obvious, but if the person does not have a will, he or she cannot leave money to his or her favourite charity upon his or her death. People who die without a will or “intestate� have their assets divided under the Succession Law Reform Act (Ontario), which does not provide for charitable contributions. Lawyers and charities should encourage people to have a will, irrespective of whether they wish to leave a bequest to charity. Bequests are a wonderful way to benefit charities that clients may care about. When meeting with clients, lawyers should discuss whether a bequest may be appropriate in the client’s circumstances. I urge you to read the whole article by clicking here: Bequests - Avoiding problems with the ultimate planned gift. Although written for an Ontario audience in 2008 - I believe it still has merit.

As I read this article I realized the school needs to have available a current list of qualified advisors with knowledge in legal and investment matters, who serve the communities where our alumni and parents reside. Please contact me should you be someone who can advise or someone who seeks to make a Legacy Gift that will assist future students benefit from a Shawnigan Lake School experience.

Hilary S. Abbott Legacy Giving habbott@shawnigan.ca (250)743-6236 Hilary S. Abbott

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