October 2022 Better Together Newsletter Update

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From the Desk oF the e xecutive Director

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We have wrapped up a successful September with our annual Workforce Development Symposium. Our keynote speaker Lisa Imhoff shared with our group how to make psychologically safe work environments where your teams can grow and thrive. The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) gave an update on current trends and the work that the WEDC is doing to support attraction and retention efforts across the State of Wisconsin, and we also learned more about refugee resettlement across the state and how we can be an inclusive community to welcome refugees in our communities. It was a wonderful morning of learning, connecting and growth across sectors and we are grateful for our strong partnerships and member support. October marks “Manufacturing Month” and we are excited to celebrate the successes and bring awareness to manufacturing and its economic impact on Sheboygan County and State of Wisconsin as a whole. We are pleased to offer manufacturing tours throughout the month of October and hope you will join us on this journey. More information about manufacturing tours can be found at Sheboygan.org

The Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce team is busy preparing and planning for 2023 programming and will be seeking your feedback over the next few months. It is important that the Chamber provide tools and resources that are relevant to the needs of our members. If you have suggestions or ideas, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to deidre@sheboygan.org or assist@sheboygan.org to share ideas and ask questions.

Lastly, the Chamber board of directors will have openings in the new year, and we would like to encourage Chamber members to be involved at all levels. If you are interested in learning more about our board of directors’ roles and expectations, please contact me directly at deidre@sheboygan.org

to Think BIG (betterment, improvement, growth), Influence Local! The Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce

committed to providing expertise

fostering dynamic organizations throughout Sheboygan County. We are truly Better

We want you
Together! uP comiNG e veN ts Deidre Martinez 10.13.22 @ Nourish Farms 10.7.22 @ Poly Vinyl Co. Plant 2 10.6.22 Four Seasons Comfort vibe@5
THIS ISSUE As we look forward to cooler months, our end of the year events are heating up! Check out the fun and exciting things in queue for the remainder of the year! ROUNDTABLE MEETINGS: 10.3.22 SALES & MARKETING PROFESSIONALS 10.5.22 NON-PROFIT 10.6.22 SAFETY ROUNDTABLE 10.11.22 HR MANAGERS ROUNDTABLE 10.17.22 Habitat for Humanity Lakeside vibe@5 10.20.22 Steve Harrison - Old Wisconsin 2022 10.25.22 @ Junior Achievement of Wisconsin

Ne Ws From the Director oF memBershiP & Work F orce DeveL oPmeN t

Welcome to October! It certainly has been a beautiful summer, but Fall is definitely here. Cooler temps at night make it great sleeping weather, but ugh...I miss the 70’s already…and not just the music!

For the month of September we welcome the following new members:

Bailey Kupfer – The Watershed

Located at 838 N 15th St Sheboygan, WI 53081

Kolton Fettig – Fei Software Vanguards

Located at 1511 Castle Ave Sheboygan, WI 53081

Ross Buhrdorf - ZenBusiness

Located at 5511 Parkcrest Drive Austin, TX 78731

Cody Simons – Scooters Coffee

Located at 2732 S Business Drive Sheboygan, WI 53081

Shirley Newcomb – Campus Life of Sheboygan County

Located at 6426 S Business Drive Sheboygan, WI 53081

STEMfest is right around the corner so don’t forget to volunteer and check out more information here on how you can participate. October 13th is the date, and I could use your help so please call me today! We’ll have 1,100 4th and 5th graders coming out to UW-GB, Sheboygan Campus, so don’t miss out on the fun and educational side of STEM!

Don’t forget, you can post events, introduce new employees, and many other topics via member news.

Member news is part of your membership, so at no additional cost you may post every day, every week, etc., whatever makes sense for your business and staff. Please reach out to me if you’ve never posted before and we can walk through this process, or you can send me what you’d like to post. It’s quick, easy and it’s a great way to let everyone in Sheboygan County know who you are, what your business does or if you’ve got an event coming up!

Some other things to think about as we move into October:

• Deep Dive opportunities are a great way to meet new Chamber members and their respective businesses and gain referrals in the process. Every member is from a different business sector, so no two members are alike in any one group! Who do you want to do business with? People you know and trust of course. Join a Deep Dive today! Check out a short video HERE to learn more about Deep Dives.

• Roundtables are a terrific way to meet others within your business sector. Whether it’s Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Not for Profit, and others, you’re sure to learn something from your peers. These peer-to-peer networking groups can help any one of your employees, or yourself, accelerate your learning curve, and minimize potential setbacks within your organization. Our own John Rogers does an outstanding job keeping each group on task, and always shares his own wealth of knowledge. Contact john@sheboygan.org and join a Roundtable today!

• Our Young Professionals networking goal is to attract, engage and retain young, diverse talent to Sheboygan County by providing opportunities for young professionals to design their social culture, serve as civic innovators and community stewards, and develop into the next generation of leaders for Sheboygan County. If you are interested in joining the YP network, please contact Kierra Brooks at kierra@sheboygan.org

Check out the Chamber calendar at sheboygan.org and make sure you mark the 2022 Fall events, it is sure to be an exciting and rewarding finish!

Scott Kuehn

k ierra Brooks - sPeciaL eveN ts coorDiN ator

Hello Everyone,

Fall is finally here! I don’t know about you, but this is by far my favorite season of them all. It’s so colorful and full of exciting things. Speaking of exciting things, I want to remind you of our upcoming fundraising event for the Coastal Young Professionals, OktoberFeast. It’ll be just that, a FEAST! We’ll have a mixture of vendors from all over Sheboygan County bringing in their best dishes to showcase their wonderful restaurants & taverns. We invite you to come out and enjoy a taste of Sheboygan, while mixing and mingling with other young professionals from all over Sheboygan County. All roles in a company are welcome, whether you work as a CEO or intern. Remember, it’s not always what you know but who you know. So come out and make some connections with other young professionals! This is a great way for companies to come out and attract new talent for their organization. At OktoberFeast there will be many unlimited opportunities!

Come have a good time with us through live music, great food, good company, and new connections! Learn about Coastal Young Professionals and how to become one!

Companies are encouraged to buy bulk tickets for their employees. We are offering a deal for bundles of 10’s; if interested please contact kierra@sheboygan.org and I will be sure to get those orders in for you. Feel free to browse Sheboygan.org for more upcoming and exciting events!

Well, that is all I have for you today. Remember to stay connected, until next time Sheboygan!

christy jacoB s - Director oF eveN ts

A new season is among us. The time for change is here. What is the best thing to do when there is a period of change? Try something new, adventure out, meet new people and experience new events. You will have opportunity aplenty to do just that in the next few months with the Chamber. October is full of different events, and I am sure that one or maybe two will work for you. There is a chance to network with others at our signature VIBE@5’s being held at Four Seasons Comfort and Habitat for Humanity or take in a ribbon cutting with Junior Achievement of Wisconsin at their new location. How about sampling some of the finest food and drink that Sheboygan County has to offer at our annual OktoberFeast event held this year at Nourish Farms, a Chamber event that everyone looks forward to every year, never knowing what culinary surprises await those attending. Are you looking for an inspiring event to help you in your growth of professional knowledge? Try the Executive Series at Pine Hills with guest speaker Steve Harrison from Old Wisconsin as he discusses company culture. And to think this is just October.

Don’t forget that ATHENA nominations are now open. Let’s honor those individuals who have achieved the highest level of professional excellence, contribute time and energy to improving the quality of life for others in the community, and actively assist others, particularly women, in realizing their full leadership potential. We all know someone that fits that description. We walk among them every day. To nominate someone, please click HERE

I am looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming event!


Are you looking for an opportunity to connect with Sheboygan County area youth?

The Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce, UW Green Bay - Sheboygan Campus, Lakeland University, and Lakeshore Technical College (LTC) are hosting the 2022 STEMFEST on October 13, 2022 at the UW Green Bay - Sheboygan Campus!

More than 1,300 4th and 5th grade students from schools across Sheboygan County are invited to participate. This is a great opportunity to highlight the wonderful things you are doing. Share the science and engineering that are essential to the work you do! Help kids to see how what they learn in school is used in their own community.

Chamber members are invited to participate by setting up a table with a STEM-related demo or hands-on activities. This gives you an opportunity to highlight STEM content related to your industry and/or your STEM careers working for your organization. If your team is interested but not sure where to go with your activity, we have teams from the Einstein Project, Elementastics, and Millipore Sigma’s Curiosity Cube willing to help plan activities.

Please register HERE

Thank you in advance and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce

INSPIRE Sheboygan County scott@sheboygan.org cboutelle@inspiresheboygancounty.org

5. seP temBer iN revie W vibe@5 - RCS Empowers, Inc. September 13 Chamber of Commerce Month September Around The Town Unity Spiritual Center September 9 Around The Town Arrosto September 16 Member Orientation September 9 Around the Town Envoy Mortgage - Sheboygan, WI September 2 Ribbon Cutting/Open House Envoy Mortgage September 22 Leadership Sheboygan County September 15 Chamber Travel Group September 5
6. Sheboygan County Chamber Newsletter sponsorship opportunities now available! Please contact Scott Kuehn at 920-918-1315 or scott@sheboygan.org for more information.

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